Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1921, Image 1

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Daily Bee
rnlart Saeeaa'-Claii Maitai May It, ISM, at
Oman P. 0. Ilamr Act ol Mirth J. U7S.
ny Hall (I yaarl. I Hilda 4th Dally and Sunday. S: Oally Only. $S: Sunday. $4
Ovtaloa 4th Zoaa (I )lirl, Daily ana Sunday, til; Daily Oaly. $12: Sunday Only, II
y - .
f .
s on
,d IS
oiamed r or
Operation for Crime
On Boy is Declared
Big Success, But!
Houston, Tew, March 31. Sur
gery lost a point in its fight against i
President' ar'es ure Named
inuian commissioner,
Confers On
April Fool?
Washington, March 31. The an-
poiiu: of Charles H. Burke of
J) . a business man and I
t OAcir Acr i rtiitnr tn if c titrnr nBfimtt i
JT 1 T crime. County officials lost another iT A'X jv ltan of the house Indian
f I VI O II r 1 A to P01,lt " tIlcir pff-,rt to apply theory! - n l I o O V-' V u a announced by;
ftl I 1S11 A10LS to practice v JA J I I Cl& I-arrdi,"ff t0,?- " 4Vm" '
'.JJI Six weeks ago an operation was1 , jVToncr ot Indian affair?. ;
1 1 L ' ' ordered for a 14-year-old delinquent j .,tV .V'l nc president aiso appointed i
II thi.. tVA'.! Ceoree IT ("art . if t rtii'-i 1 I
r.f -orl of Commission of Com- cry. Officials desired to try the ex-1 Reduction in -i
na .i
. ;
'uittee of 100 Places Moral
Responsibility on Crown
Ajmbassy Issues Reply
rtv Tha Aaaoclattd rrraa. !
j4'asliiii)ton, March 31. Moral r- ,
wcreJfi4MMy lor the prcsiiit disor-;
Tofs'iu Ireland is placed upon the j
erediitifh government by the commis- j
'roniWi of the committee of 100 in- i
H 'iiatiiiir the Irish ouestion. in a !
i'r.f 0-word report made public to-;
B itid covering; the examination i
f'wE. tnesscs at public hearings held I
Lik ' 'lie coniiuiss ion in Washington!
A.-. 1 l u. ...! i,.,.. t
i heartily concurred in the plan.
The operation was attended by a j
! .score of important doctors, and was
declared a success. Only
i The lad was in jail again today ,
' with a watch which he hud neither '
I purchased nor received as a gift. j
Freight Rates Among Ques
tions Discussed at Wash
ington Conference.
Men Convicted
In Bersdoll Case
son ot Maryland, commissioner of'
I patents.
Cardinal Gibbons
Roads Face Bankruptcy! Buried With Full j
Honors of Church!
'elarinc; that the commission was
;r the disadvantage of lacking
-f facial British side of the case"
it as it was gathered from doe-
,( Trlbunr-Omalia Ik's l.rasrd Wire.
Washington, March 3 1. As his,
; lii. st n-.oe to alleviate the critical ; Hundreds
. -. financial condition of the railroads,!
Al'P i 'J,'es'c'c,lt Harding conferred today I
ill i l.tCiLttoUl for more than two hours with;
! Chairman Clark of the interstate:
ronunerce commission and Chairman '
Barton of the railway labor board.
The discussion revolved around I
the cried of the business depression
VI (uimiiv. vi li uii?vi ten ivt'i t'pv.iai- j , , . ,
tng expenses of the carriers, feasible I ',. i Vu",l'c,J
rpf ..- iiu'ivii ui nic iumdu .ctinutic iiuutu.
Sentences Imposed Upon Neuf
and Zimmer Remitted
'Pending Good Behavior,"
Is Report.
Unahle to Enter
Cathedral, Crowd Street in
Rain While Requiem
Mass is Sung. j
Baltimore, March 31.--Jamcs Car
dinal Gibbons, archbishop of L!al-
econoinics and the proposed reduc
tion of wapca and of freight rates,
Into the Cathedral of the Assunip-
ts presented to it, the report ! Washington. March .il.- lhe War
irps that "the miDcnal Lritisn i j, ..,, f .,t,,.
in Ireland lias been gin ty c'arl Neuf and -Franz Zimmer, the i
fft exresses. not mcomparai ic- ji UyQ Americans imprisoned in der
lainnan Liar!,
i president that any turther increase of
i rates would onlv stifle commerce
,1 nun oi uif i.iesseu lrgin luary
auor.i which tne cardinal s me re-
i. i ..111,1 t
ec ana kuiu iuac ,,vSv.
the Bryce report on Belgium
icities, to have been committed
the imoerial Germnn army."
; Conclusion Summarized.
!f 'miming, up its conclusions after all the testimony, the com
mission finds "that the Irish people
tire . deprived of the protection of
British law, to which they would
be i ntitled as subjects of the British
king. They are likewise deprived
ui the moral protection granted by
international law. to which they
V WOUICI PC enuueu as uriinnu,,"
VThey are at the mercy of imperial
"Sish forces, which, acting con-
; 10 an law mu w fi"
in conduct, have instituted in
,nd 'a terror,' the evidence re-
nr which seems to prove mat.
The imperial British govern
bas c eatcd and introduced into
!d, a force of at least 8.000
nnnv of them youthful and in-
rieneed and some of them con-
and has incited that force to
idled violence.
Innocent Persons Killed.
The imperial British forces in
nd have indiscriminately killed
ent men, women and children;
tortured and shot prisoners
in custody, adopting the suti-
.. f ;...,! Unt' anA 'at.
srs of 'refusal to halt' and 'at
ting, to escape : and nave attri-
to alleged mn fein extre
the assassination of promient
House burninz and wanton
action of villages and cities by
rin! British forces has been
tenanced, and ordered by of tt-
of the British govermcnt, and
prate provision by gasonne
s and bombs has been made
number of instances for syste
incendiarjsm as part of a plan
A campaign for the destruction
ic means ot existence oi mc
people has been conducted by
urning of factories, creameries,
and farm implements and the
Ung ot tarm animais. i ms
'gn is carried on regardless ot
otitical views of their owners,
eults in widespread and acute
ing among women and chil-
Hostages Carried.
cting under a series of procla-
jssucd bv the competent
authorities of the imoerial
orces, hostages are carried
exposed to the fire of the
rmv: lines are levied up-
d villages as punishment
offenses of individuals;
ierty is destroyed in ' re
ts with which the own-
iO connection, and the
ilation is subjected to
n upon the theory that
e in possession of infor-
able to the mihtarv
reat Britain. These acts
rial British forces are
the laws of the peace or
modern civilized nations.
'terror' has failed to re-
merial British civil gov-
ireiand. 1 hroughout the
rat Two, Column One.)
'nese Troops Mohilized
Combat Mongolia Bandits
-ing, March 31. (By The As
ited Press.) Two divisions of
Jhtiese troops have been ordered
t rga, the most important city in
i.t icrn Mongolia, by the govern
m for the purpose "of combatting
ta. uts and restorinsr the military
brestige of China in that district, a
st?tement isseJ at the foreign office
aiu. Jt is explained that China will
t attempt to resume jurisdiction
er Mongolia, which was estab-
ihed io -1918.
age Coutny Farmers to
Gife Corn in Relief Drive
Beatrice, Neb., March 31. (Spe
ll) At a meeting of the farm
feau t. t. Lrocker was named
act as director of gifts of corn
uagc county farmers for , the
rrins people in Eurooe. The arrain
in oe mooiiized at the e etators
ver the county, and will then be
shipped to Omaha, from which olace
"it will go to an eastern port to be
overseas. The elevator men
S in handling all grain left with
) for shipment
L -j tt j- : t- i i
On His First Salary Check
Washington. Marrh PrcirTn urdinanly the monthly check '
went to the president by the Treas- !
vrv department is made out for $o,
250, bnt Mr. Harding was "docked"
tor-three and one-half days that
Woodrow Wilson served as presi
dent this nontk -
many lor an attempt to Ktunap
tirover C. Bergdoll, American draft
6eerter, were released at noon to
t'.ay. The release was ordered by the
Berlin foreign office, Urig. Gen.
II. T. Allen, commanding at Cob
lenz. reported. The German com
missioner at Coblcnz, after a tele
phone conversation with Berlin,
t otified General Allen at noon today
that the, sentences had -been re
mitted "pending good behavior" and
that the men would probably reach.
Coblenz tomorrow. '
Action Defended.
It was not stated at t.'ie War de
tainment whether any further ac
tion would be taken against Zimmer,
who is a sergeant m the army and
therefore amenable to im'lftary jus
tice because of his participation in attempt to kidnap Bergdoll.
Ncuff is understood to pe an aye at
of the Department of j Justice as
signed to military intelligence duties
and it also was not stated at the War
department whether he was consid
ered as within the legal jurisdiction
of the military authorities. A high
War department oflicia) in comment
ing on the release of the men, char
acterized their act in attempting to
forcibly compel Bergdoll to return
with them to Coblenz lis "imprudent
but right-minded."
Sentences Remitted.
Mosbach, German. March 31.
(By the Associate Press. 1Cari
Xcuf and Franz Zivnmer were re
leased from imprisonment here to
t'ay. The sentences ;"of Neuf and
Zimmer. both aftaclied to the
American army of occupation and
under confinement here for their at
tempt to arrest Grover C' Bergdoll,
the American draft evader, - have
been remitted by the Baden govern
ment. The German authorities stated that
the release was . affected at the re
quest of the German federal govern
ment and that it was dependent upon
the good behavior of the two Ameri
cans. As both the Americans are
expected to reach Coblenz tomorrow
or Saturday, neither the Baden nor
the federal governments will have
any authority over them, the sus
pensions of the sentences are regard
ed virtually as pardons.
Much Interest Aroused.
The release of Neuf and Zimmer
has aroused great interest in Ger
man circles and already it is said a
member of the nationalist party will
make, if the basis of interpellations
when the Reichstag- convenes after
the Easter recess.
The action of the Baden govern
ment in releasing the men was due
to representations made by Brig.
Gen. H. T. Allen, commander of
the Americon occupational forces,
made to the German government
through a member of the American
general staff, who went to Berlin
last week' and conferred with the
German government authorities.
Teachers' Convention
without producing additional revenue
and that a reduction of rates is out
of the question until operating ex
penses are curtailed.
A high official of the administration
declared that in the event business
did not improve generally within
the next six months, a great many
railroads would be in the hainds of
receivers by July 1, which would le
equivalent to government operation.
v No Action Taken.
The conference closed without
plans for other meetings of the same
character and nothing in the way of
joint action by the interstate com
merce commission and the railroad
labor board to meet the existing sit
nation is ontcmnlated.
President Harding, it was learned,
regarded the conference as the most
Uireci mernou oi lmoruinis lummu
on one of the most important do
mestic questions before the country
today. It was also stated that it is
farthest from the president's inten
tions to take any step that might ap
pear to be going over the hcads of
the interstate commerce commission
or the railroad labor board.
The information obtained by the
president may be utilized by him in
his message to congress at the be
ginning of the extra session, which
he has called for April 11. It has
not been definitely settled, however,
that the railroad problem will be
one of the matters to which the
president will direct the attention of
congress. If it should be determin
ed that additional legislation is nec
essary to provide the necessary re
lief. the railroad situation av)!1 be
dealt with directly and recommen
dations will be submitted to con
gress. Congressional leader', how
ever, appear to entertain decided im
pressions that additional legislation
is not necessarv, chiefly because it
would not constitute the cure of the
evils involved.
Prompt Decisions Urged.
Prompt action bv the railroad la
bor board on the cases now pending
before it and in which the railroads
are seeking permission to effect econ
omies in expenditures for wages, it
is believed, would go far toward per-
(Turn tin rage Tw. Column Ont.)
Move for Injunction
Against "Unfair" Rent
Signs Denied by Judge
Chicago, 111., March 31. "Unfair";
signs may stay in the windows of
Chicago tenants for at least another
week, in consequence of a finding
handed down in superior court today,
judge Denis E. Sullivan denied a
landlord's petition for a temporary
injunction against the signs, holding
that such a writ would have the ef
fect of a mandatory order and would
be inequitable in the present case.
- The case was set April 7 for hear
ing on its merits. The litigation
may bring out a permanent injunc
tion at that time.
The petitioning landlord, C. Frank
Taylor, contended that the signs are
.loine lum inestimable harm, tie set
volvcd -poured prelates of equal
rank, diplomats and statesmen from
Washington, high state and federal
officials and members of his own
flock. Outside in the rain were
massed hundreds who, unable to en
ter the church, stood reverently for
three hours while the pontifical re
quiem mass was being sung.
During the long pictureful service
Archbishop John J. Glctmon ot M. ,
Louis eulogized the late cardinal as
the sreat -leader and soldier, the
great legislator, the far-visioncd edu
cator, the great patriot, the kindly,
gentle old man."
The service ended shortly after 1
o'clock, after the cardinal had been
absolved of all sin, and the long re
cessional streamed out.
With the fall of evening, tender
hands lifted the frail body of the
churchman from the great' purple ca
tafalque on which it had rested in
state for four days and placed it in
a simple coffin of cardinal purple.
Then the casket was borne to the
white marble crypt under the sanc
tury, in which six other archbishops
are scaled. A simple ceremony, wit
nessed only bv the closest and
then the door of the vault closed.
Crowd Comes Early.
In this manner James Cardinal
Gibbons was laid to rest beneath the
cathedral in which he had been bap
tized, in which he had been conse
crated to the service of God, in
which he had been named the young
est bishop of his time and in which
he had been elevated to archbishop
and 'cardinal.
The cathedral was half filled when
the head of the processional entered
shortly beforc10 o'clock. The laity
were seated from the rear of the
church forward to the foot of the
candle-lighted bier. The forward
part of the cathedral was reserved
for the clergy.
The organ pealed. Into the church
filed a double column of seminary
choristers. Behind them came
priests. There were the white-sur-
pliced, secular clergy and then mem
bers of various religious orders.
Rain caused a slight change in
the plans for the procession. Instead
of inarching into the cathedral from
Calvert hall. college ith the priests;
of lesser rank, as hi keen intended,
the abbots and arcfiahbots. bishops
; and archbishops, Cardinals O'Con-
ncll and .Begin, and Archbishop John
Bonzano, apostolic delegate, filed in
from behind the altar.
Into the cathedral there filed also
members of the faculty of the cathe
dral university in Washington, wear
(Turn to Page Two, Column Two.) I
iMvii i r " f m
House Act
To Prevent
Retraction of
Girl Affirmed
Waitress Declares Her Assault
Charge Sending Man to
Prison is False.
Alleged Draft
Obstructor To
Serve Sentence
Draw h In Ml Visitor forth that they statecl ,hat the ten
Kearney, Neb., March 31. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Over 6,000 visitors
crowded Kearney today for the
Fourth District Teachers associa
tion meeting and the appearance of
Cho Cho, the health clown. The lat
ter entertained over 3,500 kiddies at
his two performances, both the big
normal school auditorium and opera
house being crowded to capacity.
Nearly 1,000 teachers had regis
tered by evening and it is believed
several hundred more will arrive
Fridav morning. Nearly all seats for
the Marie Nappold concert Friday
evening have been sold.
ants would not move May 1, as they
had been ordered; that any one at
tempting to dispossess them was
only buying a lawsuit, and that the
landlord was unfair, a profiteer and
a rent hog.
Smith Bread Bill
Signed by uovernor
Scottsbluff, Neb.. March 31. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Statements, in an
affidavit she sicned in Denver last '
Saturday, that her testimony which
corvi.-i?d Jack Gtryt-i for assanltj '
was taJ.-e were athrmed by Mane
Dawkins, waitress, before. District
Judge Ilobart here.
Cross-examination by attorneys
who pt'osecutcd Guyton did . not
want an innocent man to oe neia in
the penitentiary.
The -affidavit was ifiade out' when
Guyton's attorney located Miss Daw
kins in Denver.
In the trial at Scottsbluff the girl
testified that on January 15 Guyton
had enticed her to a room in a hotel,
held her a prisoner and twice as
saulted her".
lu the affidavit she completely re
pudiates her testimony, stating that
she went to the room of her own
free will. She asserts that during
the trial she was imprisoned in her
home and forced to testify to Guy
ton's alleged guilt.
The girl is staying at the home
of the jailer until it is decided wheth
er or not a complaint will be filed
against her.
Wealthy Malvern Man Will Be
Taken to Leavenworth To
day to Begin Three-Year
Prison Term.
Barred in Russia
Will Be Admitted When More
Sympathy Is Shown
By Country.
Reval, Esthonia, .March 31. (By
The Associated Press.) Maxim
Litvhioff, chief of the Russian soviet
, . , 4 legations abroad, in reply to an ia
ieonuru v. JJoeiuie:-, wcanny cit
izen of Malvern, la., who was cott
victe,d during the war of obstruct-
n .1 C' l rr:ii
ueuvcr ami oiuucy nm i
Meet in Shooting Tourney
Sidney. Neb., March 31. (Spe
cial.) The Sidney Country club will
meet the Denver Gun club at Fort
Morgan, Colo., April 10 to settle the
championship of the Rocky Moun
tain region. Sidney and Denver each
have won 10 matches in the tourna
ment and will meet on neutral
Lincoln, Neb., March 31. (Spe
cial.) The Smith bread bill was
signed today by Governor McKelvie
in spite of the ft that a dozen Ne
braska bakers pleaded with him for
three hours vesterdav to veto (he
News that the governor had
signed drew applause from members
of the lower house, wio escorted
Represcntatie Ed Smith of Omaha,
author of the bill, to the front of
the house and called for a speech.
The Smith bread bill was the hard
est fought bill this session. It pro
vides that 90 days hence Nebraska
bakers must bake bread loaf to
weigh one-half pound, one pound,
one and one-half pound or any half
1 pound multiple, and label the exact
weight ot the Ioat thereon. A tol
erance of two ounces is permitted.
around to shoot off the tie. D.' R.
No Improvement in Smallpox j Stanbury of Sidney has the highest
a-. T 1 individual record of the touramcnt
Situation in Beatrice m kin tot , f -41 t f 550
Beatrice. .cb.. .Marcii oi. vspe-
Anarchist Paper Blamed
For Milan Bomb Explosion
Milan. March 31. The police have
gathered sufficient evidence to cause
them to charge that the recent ex
plosion of a bomb in the Eiana the
ater here, causing the loss of more
than 30 lives, was plotted in the of
fices of the anarchist newspaper,
Umanitanova. In consequence all the
printing machinery, furniture and pa
pers belonging to the newspaper has
been sequestered.
ciaI.)-The smallpox situation here i Beatrice Butcher Hurt
remains pracucauy uuuwuscu. un. . 1 i
of Police Dillow says that as fsst as - Wlieu Auto Hits bicycle . HUSOand Talked iu Sleep;
quarantine caros are xaNcnoowu.Kv. ; Beatrice, Acb., .March Ji.-tspe-; w:, . r.A n: : takes the position in lulv. succeed
" 1 "V It' f 1 ' 1 V- . aim. ii v. , 9ur"vi in it. ii u in i
Man Found Dead in
Room Poor Financier
Chicago. March 31. Whether
Bernard E. Shubert decided to end
his life or whether he was acciden
ly overcome by gas while asleep is
developed after his death was 'dis
covered today that he was an ex
tremely poor financier.
His father, in Richmond, Mo., had
sent him a check for $10, and Shu
bert could not find any way to cash
it in Chicago. He had been here six
years and had a bank balance of $3
in the First Trust and Savings bank.
His body was found in the basement
of a vacant building by company
employes who went to repair a leak.
The following letter explains his
financial stringency: 1
"My dear brother: I am writing
and enclosing the $10, Both your
letters have distressed your dad al
most to insanity. Because you have
allowed yourself , to drift to an ex
tremity where you have been six
years in a place, and yet can't cash
a check. As most all business is
done on the check system, that is
why wc sent you one."
Peru Normal Head Named
Scottsbluff Superintendent
Scottsbluff.' Neb., March 31.
(Special Telegram.) Supt. E. L.
Rouse of Peru Normal school has
been elected superintendent of
schools of Scottsbluff for three
jvcars. His salary will, be S5.000 the
' first year and will be increased $230
each succeeding year. Mr. Rouse
ones are,putup to replace xncui. , cl J clcgraph.) irank cowman, i
No deaths have so lar occurred trom butcher of tins city, sustained a
the disease, which in most cases is j broken hip and severe cuts about the
in a mild form. i body when he was struck by an auto
1 "4 . tr.tick driven by E. W. Starlin of Fil-
Huntsmen PoSloffice and 1 ley. Bowman was riding a bicycle
c r " . j i ir: ' according to Mr. Starlin, both
More Destroyed ny fire ai01, bccarae confused when they at
Sidncy, Neb., March 31. (Spe- ;( mpted to pass each other. Bowman
cial.) Fire destroyed the general was taken to a hospital. Doctors fear
store and uostoffice at Hunstman. J he received internal injuries.
Neb., six miles north of Sidney. The 1
fire was not discovered until ii had Fijrht Blaze Among Clouds
made such headway that the lo-s was : Xcw Vork March .FireuieI1
.iota i viiii very mitu insurant:.
i M -?i tiX it
iuicago. Aiarcn .enic, , ,. ,j .
of a day, heard the name.Nelhe, sev-
I fought among the clouds for more
eral times, she told Judge Sabatii
today. I later found Nellie was his
wife," she said, "and he had married
me nine days before obtaining a di
vorce." Judge Sabath signed a de
cree for Mrs. Kuepler.
New Chief Named in Central
Dry Enforcement District
H ashmgtoti, March !. Kalph
Wood Authorized to Accept
Invitation to Visit Japan
Washington, March 31. Maj. Gen.
Leonard Wood was authorized to
day to accept the invitation extend
ed him bv the Japanese government
to visit that country after his visit i addressed studcts of the state uni-
:ng the draft in violation of the cs
pionage act and was sentenced to
three years at Fort Leavenworth
federal prison, must serve his sen
tence and Will be taken to the peni-
Itentiary today by a deputy United
States marshal.
District Attorney F.. G. Moon re
ceived final advice from the office
of the attorney general at Washing
ton, D. C, yesterday that the gov
Vrnment will not interfere with the
execution of the sentence. The mit
timus of commitment reached the
office of the United States district
court clerk in Council Bluffs yester
day. Boehner was instructed by tele
phone to report to the deputy United
States marshal in the Bluffs last
night and be prepared to leave this
morning for Leavenworth. He said
he would arrive according to the
schedule. This is the conclusion of
one of the bitterest fights in the an
nals of the local United States court.
An appeal was carried to the L'nited
States circuit court of appeals which
sustained the sentence.
Under the decision of the high
court, Boehner was to have been
committed to prison February 28.
but he later was granted, a stay of
30 days to enable him to arrange
his business affairs at Malvern. Many
influential friends attempted to in-
tcrvene for Boehner and hone was
quiry today s to the adinisiion of
American newspaper correspondents
to Russia, said:
"American press representatives
will be admitted to Russia when the
United States shows' more interest
and sympathy than that revealed by
Secretary Hughes' statement, and on
the basis of reciprocity." ,
(It was M. Litvinoff who sent the
recent note to Secretary of State
Hughes, asking for a resumption .of
trade relations between the United
States and soviet Russia. Secretary
Hughes directed that a copy of his
statement -ejecting the soviet pro
posal should be handed to M. Litvinoff.)
Land Owners Protest
Consolidated School
Aurora. Neb., March 31. (Spe
cial.) Deputy State Superintendent
Speedie presided at a hearing in the
office of County Superintendent
Arthur S. Nelson, and listened to ob
jections made by land holders against
having their land placed i:i the
Phillips consolidated district. The
principal argument urged against
the proposed consolidation was that
the taxes in the Phillips district are
much greater than in outside 'dis
tricts. The protesting land owners
are closer to the Phillips school than
to the proposed site of the. consoli
dated school in the Murnhv distrirt.
crtcrtaincd that a pardon might be I The orotestine land owners want to
obtained from the president. . ! get into the Murphy district which
has not voted for consolidation. The
Beatrice Creamery Man i Phillips school is one of the most
. , successiui ot its kind.m tne state.
Armour i
$5,000,000 School Bond
Quits to Join
Beatrice, Neb., March 31. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Bert Johnson, rice
president and general manager of the
Beatrice. Creamery company at Chi
cago, has submitted his resignation
to become effective June 1 and at
time will take charge of the produ:e
department of Armour fc Co., at
Chicago, according to word received
here by his father. He began work
ing for the Beatrice company lure
27 years ago at $30 a month and -is
now drawing a salary of $30,000.
Sidney Commercial Club
Bill Signed by McKelvie
Lincoln, Neb., March 31. (Spe
cialsHouse Roll 164, providing for
the reissuSnce of $5,00,000 bonds
for the erection of the Omaha High
School of Commerce was signed to
day by Governor McKelvie. The bill
carries with it an emergency clause
which means that it goes into effect
immediately. The Omaha school
board can issue the bonds at once.
Bonds as low as $100 may be sold.
according to the provisions,
ournose is to nermit waee earners
Makes Plans for County Fair I of Omaha to invest in- Omaha sc-
HMn VM, MorrU tl fo. CUHtlCS. llllCTeSt IS llOt tO CXCCCU
cial.') Fifty members attended the 6 Per cent, the bill provides.
neeklv luncheon "of the Sidney ' c r t r t "-
Chamber of Commerce. Plans were 'State Bank of Janscn IS
Theatrical and Bitter 10-Hour
Debate Proceeds Action on
Kills Industrial Court
Lincoln, March 31. (Special.) -The
lower house recommended to.
day the Randall-Hascall nnti-pickef.
ing bill for passage by a vote of 54
to 44, following a ten-hour . debate
as bitter and theatrical as any wit
nessed at this session. A half hour
later the Epperson industrial court
commission bill was killed.
Representative George Snow of
Chadron led the opposition. Snow
charged that picketing was one of
the few avenues open to the laboring
man to state his side of the cas.e.
"Few (if the newspapers will print
it taniv,' fcnow shouted. I will
say that seven out of ten of the
newspapers of this state and every
state in the union are controlled by
corporate interests.
Attacks Big Interests.
"Associated chambers of com
merce in Nebraska form the power
behind this bill, also associated man
ufacturers. The bill isn't for unor
ganized labor. It is looked upon
by these organizations as an enter-,
ing wedge to obtaining an injunction
against picketing in the courts."
Snow's remarks drew cheers from
a large labor union lobby which
gathered in the lower house during
the day. Applause as loud from mem
bers favoring the bill followed a
speech by Speaker Walter L. Ander
son in behalf of the bill.
"If organized labor only knew it,
the enforcement of this law, if passed,
will save it," Anderson said. "No one
denies labor's right to strike, which
means to quit work.
Right to Work.
"But when a strike deteriorates
. , i .i ...i...
into us present uay gam, uie rignc
to insult, beat, curse, hound 'and
drive men who want to work away
from their jobs and thus deny them
sustenance for the lives of their
disgusted. '
which forms 90 per cent of the
pie. e are Mow to rise in
tory win merely oe repeat
when, if abuse ot this
corrected either by us
ufitns who apparently
templatcd, and did not
union man nasn t tne ngi-,
that he cannot pers'st in
lv' int -flrcai lknA mm.
aivai, iii.iiiiiviA vj vi j ui iivujc ai'.j
one. , ' , ,
Charge ."Grandstanding."
Representative Reed, who presid
ed, was accused by Rcpresentativ;
Foster with attempting to "grand-
(Tiirn to Taee Ttinf. Column Tour.)
Former Nebraskan -To
Be Suggested for
Governor of Alaska
Washington, March 31. (Special
Telegram.) National Committee
man McGuire of Alaska, accotn-.
panied b)" a representative body of
citizens of that territory, are in
Washington to present the name of
George Hazlctt, formerly of O'Neill,
Neb., as governor of the territory.
For nearly a quarter of a century
George Hazlett has been one of the
active builders in the great north
Wcst possession. Today he is inter
ested in developing the oil and coal
fields ol the territory and is looked
upon as one of the biggest men of
the territory.
"Uncle Mose" Kincaid, who is ir,
terested in his candidacy, knew Haz
lett when he was active in politics
in Holt county years ago. 'Mr. Haz
lctt is represented by the republican
national committeeman and his asso
ciates from Alaska as being best
equipped for the part of any of those
named and his suppotters insist that
a citizen of the territory should bf
selected rather than a "carpet-bagger."
Bitter Fight Predicted
By Druesedow and Randall
Lincoln, Neb.. March 31. (Special
Telegram.). A bitter tight between
Bob Druesedow and Will Randall at
the primary election two years hence
was forecast tonight by members
of the Omaha delegation. Under the
present redisricting plan, which will -divide
Douglas county into a series
of legislative districts, Druesedow
and Randall will be in the Field club
district. Both, it is understood, con-.
template running again. Druescdc-..
! voted against the bill and Randall
made for the county fair to be held ' Returned tO Old Owner ,or Oecrge Dybail and t.d Fsl-
this fall and a committee was ap- j , , , , c inter also are in flic same district,
pointed to work with the coun v l ir
fair association. J. 1. Ilalligan of f It "e"r-v Hcil.Rer. president o : rc.election are dnbtoo.
North Platte was present and gave i ,he Sta? nk .of( Ja"sc.n' w !
a talk to . he members. j m Zut. 1 300 Men to Return to Work
Governor Allen Says
Leajnie Failure in Kansas
Brookings. S. D., March 31. (Spe
cialsBelief that the Nonpartisan
league will not succeed in securing
enough men in Kansas to "seriously
Effect anvthing" was expressed hv
Gov. Henry J. Allen of Kansas, who
Heiliger purchased it a little more
than a rear ago. The change became
effective at once.
On Burlington at Wvmore
Wvmore. Neb.. March 31. Soc
io the Philippines.
Plau Revival Meeting
tTa I C TV'
rapcr iuanuiaeturer uies ;ng a blaze on the 3Ut floor of the
Punta Gorda, Fla., March 31. 'Equitable building in the heart of
Charles A. Dean. 7o. millionaire pa- : the downtown skyscrapers district.
per manufacturer of Boston, died It was one of the highest fires thi
suddenly last night aboard his yicht lfirem fw been
at Captiv fight,
than hour early today before subdu- YV. Stone, federal prohibition direc-! Wymorc, Neb.. March 31. (Spe-
callcd on to
tor for Illinois, today was appointed
acting federal supervising prohibi
tion agent for the central depart
ment, continuing alo as state di
rector.- He succeed I'rank li.
Richardson, re3igncc
riiil.) A revival tmecting lasting
three weeks, will 'start at the M.
K. church, Rev. Harper pastor, next
Sunday. Rev. M. H. Runyon, of
Wichita,- Kan., will be in charge.
4 assisted by E, E, Tolle, singetf
versify here.
The Weather
Friday Fair and warmer.
Hourly Temperatures.
cial.) Of the 1,500 men who will be
I put back to work in the maintenance
I department of the Burlington on
'April. 1, 300 have been assigned to
tne a ytuorc ulvisivn ...v..-..,
800 mi'les of road. This addition lo
the present force will be sufficient to
l-rt-n rnaifbed niul .bridges UP l
Clean-Lp in Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., March 31. (Spe
cial.) Mayor C. C. Farlow issued
a proclamation designating the week
of April 4 as "cleanup week," when
citizens will be requested to remove
tin cans, rubbish, etc.. from their
i a. m ".n 1 p. m. . . .
a. m VJ7 I 1 i. m
a. in ! 7 Is it, m. . , .
a. in 31 '4 p. m. ...
I a. in u4 I V p. in ... .
IK a. in 3il I p. in
II a. m . . . . , I T p. m. . . .
I :! noon 39 I S p. m . . .
Milifer- llnllrtin.
l'rottM-t ulilpmrnta il'irlnir tha euit t
to 55 bouia frnm tftmptrnturefi fM
low: North anil tft, to rtfraii. Btilp
mrnts and aou'.rt can to in1 af'Jiy,
j( their riWnt high standard
'ackiiur Men Strike
.44 !
.10 I
i i ClY.jiff.v March 31. Several h
I r,.,.l.'.v-t .t t!i William Daiis
4t ! coniiipy. sim.ll packer, went on
' htrif.c today, m fin attempt to lone
their employers to sign the ua;!i
inrftou agreement between the Big
Fijt-e rarkcrs ind their veor;fr.