Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1921. Society For Bridal Couple. Miss 'Eluibfth Robertson ester la.r.rd at dinner at the Athletic cfio Wednesday evrcrg for Uls Mil i'ti Rhodes and her nance. Ware Pmlc -and lavendar sweet peas termed the centerpiece and covers e:e placed for the Mises KHndrs, 'Jorothy Balbach Connne Elliott. Adelvn Wond. Esther Smith and Messrs. Hill. Carl lau'son. Drexei vhSersen. ''yde Parsley. Richard la!lory and Roland t'f-upcl. Affair for Visitor, Mr. 1. H. FinciSey of York. Pa.. - spending seicra! days at the H. H. i'aldrige hotae en rout to York rem Honolulu, where she spent the ijr.ter, Mrs. Walter Head eriter ained at luncheon Monday for this a isrtor and Mr. and Mrs. Baldrige Save an Orpheom party followed by -uppT at the Athletic club, Monday evening, it their guest On Tuesday .!r. Nellie Kitchen entertained at luchen complimentary to Mrs. Findley. M-. and M'. J. E. David-on en u named at dinner at the Athletic club, Wednesday evening, for the visitor. Cover wrre placed for nnc. Mr?. Fiud'ey leases Omaha Thursday. For Miss Dunn. Miss Cleo Bess Thornton enter tamed the S. club at dinner Wed nesday evening in honor of Miss Eetty Lucille Dunn, wvo is leaving to make her home in Lincoln. Change of Meeting. The Jewish Women's Welfare Fed eration will hold its April meeting on Monday at Z:M p. m. instead of Tuesday, next week, in the Lyric building. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. League of Women Voters. There will be a special tneetir.g oi the League of Women Voters Friday at 2 p. the. council chamber, city hall, preceding the meeting of the citirer.ship school. French Club. Members of the French club will meet at the Child Saving institute Thursday at 10 a. m. for an all-day sewing session. For Bride-to-Be. Miss Louise Clarke will entertain at luncheon at her home Monday n honor of Mildred Rhodes, a bride-to-be. For Mrs. Lathrop. Mrs. Carl Lamb entertained at a luncheon Thursday, followed by :n Orpheum party given by Mrs. E. O. Tulley for Mrs. Amos Lathrop of St- Paul. Minn. Mrs. Lathrop "has been the guest cf her aunt, Mrs. C. J. Burrows. Mrs. Lathrop has gone to New York, where she will join Mr. Lathrop and spend a month in the east before returning to her home in St. Fan!. For Miss Wheelwright. Miss Louise Clarke entertained at dinner at the Athletic club Wednesday evening, ia honor of Miss Alice Wheelwright of Minne apolis who is standing a few days included Mr. and Mr. Charles Bur cess. Misses Claire Daugherty and Dorothy Belt; Harkness Konntze, Tames 'Moody. Edward Daugherty and Wallace Shepard. ; Entertained for Guest. Ed Moore entertained at an Or pheum party, followed by supper at the Athletic cltro Monday evening in honor of David Eccles of Fortla-.d. Ore., who was his guest Mr. Eccles left Omaha Tuesday evening. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. W. J., Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kinslcr. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davidson and Mrs. Blanche Paterson. . For Miss Offurt Miss Emily Keller entertained 12 guests at a "bridge luncheon Wed nesday at her home in honor of Miss Virginia Offutt. whose mar riage to Milo Gates will take place Saturday. A bowl of pink roses formed the table centerpiece. Birthday Dinner. Mrs. B. Donnelly entertained Monday evening at a birthday din ner for Joseph F. Stark. Covers aere laid for Misses Patricia Mc Evoy, Marguerite Donnelly, Helen McEvoy and Mary Donnellv: Messrs. Joseph F. Stark. Hugh E. McEvoy, Harold W. Haggerty and Laurence F. Kelly. For Miss HalL Mrs. Lee Keunard and Mrs. E. A. Eaird entertained 40 guests at a bridge luncheon Wednesday at the F. E. Ker.nard home in honor of Miss Mary Hall of Chicago, who is visiting at the O D. Sturtevant home. Mrs. J. T. Kelley entertained for Miss Hall at a bridge party Monday afternoon at her home. Personals Mrs. V. P. Unitt is at the Tray more hotel in Atlantic City. A son w-as born Jiarch 2S at the Swedish Mission hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Peterson. j Miss Hazel Connelly of Xeligh, j -Neb- is spending several cays ia Omaha visiting relatives. " Mrs. H. H. Wheeler of Lincol.t will be the guest oi Mrs. Lloyd Wil son this comirg week-end. Mr. ar.d Mrs. T. H. Ma-nser an the birth ot a daughter. Mary Frances Wednesday. March o9. Miss Kan Rose of Henrietta, Tex., is the' guest ' cf Mrs. Forrest N. Crotson .at .the JBlackstoce hotel. Mrs. Frank W. Robinson ard daughter. Miss Margaret, are leaving Thursday for Washington and Phila delphia. ..... Dr. J. A. Henske left Sunday for Boston, where he will take post graduate studies at Harvard for two rscnths. Mrs. E. S. Rocd. who has been traveling ki the Hawaiian islands a-.d California, returns to Omaha Tfcursdav. J. p. Wheelwright and daagh- terfk, tirAuce. who are at the w Thursday. March J, . . . . aar t!aT- nousoion 15 expeciea ally fw. day after an absence of Job's Daughters New Masonic Society Job's Daughters, a rational Ma some society for young girls between te ages of 1j to 18 rears, has just been organised with headquarters in O-raha. The idea originated with MrsW. H. Mick, Mrthy matron f Ak-Sar-Brn chapter. Order of East ern Star. Le Roy T. Wilcox, an au thority on Masonic law. composed the riTnai and framed the bylaws. The r!tr.! is based on the tory of Job. Fifty girls are enrolled in Omaha I'.ethe! No. I. which w-,1! be formally instituted about the middle ot April. t'ection cf officers will provide lor a queen, senior princess, jumor prn- j cess, treasurer, secretary, guide, chap- j lain, marshal, organist, inner guard, four maids to the queen, and a sen-' tin rl. i Fcrsons t'.gible to membership in: Job's Daughters are the daughters, 1 cousins, niece, sisters and grand-i daughters cf Masons. Membership is 1 also extended to persons bearing re- i litionship through law. as step-1 daughter and similar family j tiTS. , The r.ew organization aims to do for girls what tie Society of De ' Molay does for yonng men from It! :: 21 years of age. Twenty eligible ; PTi are r.eccssarv to lorm a "bethel." The executive bard includes Mrs. W. H. Mick, guardian; LeRoy Wil cox, associate guardian: Miss Rose M. Ownes, secretary, and Mrs, Edr.a Crawford and Dr. Zora D. Clark. There will be a supreme guardisn council, corcposcd of seven women ai:d three men. As the work de velops in other states a representa tive from each state will be added to this council. There will also be cn executive guardian council, compris ing seven 'omen and three men. For Ruth Anderson. Miss Helen Wahl entertair.ed in formally at a tea at her home Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Miss Ruth Anderson, whose engagement to Dr. E, D. Johnson was announced Tuesday. Miss Alice Mary Turner will en tertain at luncheon at her home Sat urday for Miss Anderson. For Mrs. Hynds, Mrs. E. S. Westbrook entertained ;t a luncheon at her home Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Harry Hynds cf Cheyenne, Wyo.. who is spending several days at the Fontenelle. Cov ers were placed for eight. Club Calendar W. 1. U 1 dob Tburadar. c in., p :r.s r.d dramatic rl. Soc:! Sevtie ir.nt boue. Omaha Wmmi'i Club. Art Tx-rartmrnl Tba-Mif, Mi J.. T. W. C. X. Elec tion ft cffirrm- Minn l.ii Hmmu'i wetT Tiar !r. J:SI r. n.. irixh Mr. T. K.- Allen, it:s Rftficlc avenue. La.venorth Hirbt f hMUiioa Cirrte T?ur"Jiy. ; p. m.. wni Sirs. E. r Majtvrry afeaue. Omaha ttmu'i Clab. Eceaofn ir nrpartmMit Thurflir. 1" V. IV. C A- Mrs. K. I rrBtt leader. 1. T. W. Oah Ttiurd!. 1 o'f'ocit revered dieh luncheon at ncTTie f Mrs. Earl Shtrmin, ill South Fifty-aeeood tueet. Lertr Coorae fw Boilnew tfmiwi Tri'iredB. IT : t S p. m., in eTTidto of Mrs. Ff?; Sieen Klttelyon. JP Btrd bulidis. &Tenteenta and Iwiiilaa street. Mhr' Cat Id tor Hoaaeim Baft Thuniday, t- m- irterotvera wi'l aew dar ing th a.ftemrwn at Father Flanagan i Bpv- home. r?S South. Tairlaaoth attt. AnVTRTTSTMr.-VT. i HOW WOMEN BROKE I Twenty Million Women Last j Year "Diamond-Dyed' Some I I Old Garment New t Any woman can follow the sim ple directions ia package and diamond-dye old, shabby skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, everything into new. Don't risk your material in a poor dye that streaks or spots. Buy "Diamond Dyes" No other kind. Tell druggist whether your material is wool or silk, cr if it is cotton, lmen, or a mixture. 16 rich, fadeless colors. The Value of Milk as a Food The Food Value of an article of food is de termined by the amount of actual nutriment it contains after everything which the body cannot use is eliminated. In a pound of beefsteak, for instance, there is only a little over five ounces of real food which your body can use as nourishment In a quart of ALAMITO MILK there are four ounces of solid matter, consisting of the fat of butter, the casein of cheese, milk sugar and some calcium or lime. And this solid matter is all pure nutriment Every particle can be used by the body. So that the actual food value of a quart of our milk is as great as the food value of f i lb. of beefsteak. And it costs about half as much. Alamito "Milk White" Dairy Leavenworth at 26th Street Douglas 0409 Phones Co. B., Red 2874 Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX lio to the librarj. Pais: 1 wender sometimes that so few people seem to know wht a splendid library we have in Otat fca. There is a reference jct!'n on the frt floor there where almost every kind of information i ob tlrible. Vou do rot have to have a library card In order to tak advan tage ef thi department. An ob'.if Ine librarian is in chart". f,n in a.nd tell her what It is ;ou wh to lofii op. Presto! In what will seem he the twinkl!n,of an eve. he will have placed befbie you tare cf Information on just the v erj' thing you want. Amonf ether books available in tliis reference section are votumt-s on entertainments for a:i oerssions. IC 3 mi "w ish to look up iram'S for parties, you will find ouantines of useful, halpful rjrreations Tu say you r high school a-raduatff. If jan. tea will knw hw t.i t-e the hoV.a quirk !y and to adviintape Ton will flntl more information at the library than I could write out for you. and can pmbabty make a e lection more :.atisfa-tory to your selves than mire would be. Why not take a rhaf-eron. per haps the mother of one of you. :f you eo to Fremont with your boy friends. Msjc and sanes are favorite evening pastimes. Hrw lonp should you ro with a hy before kissing him? What you should ak U. "How well should I like a boy before kissing him?" A kiss may be a eiiap admission of a common mind, or it may be a beau tiful expression of a pure- and hols reeard. When it is truly and sin cerely tne .atter, there should be zo objection to it.. Subscriber: Send m a s?.r-ad-drereed envelope and I will send yoa some names from w-hieh you can choose. Congratulate I. M. A. Bear Miss Fairfax: I am a boy of l. I read the letter written by I. M. A- and thought that it con tained more common snse than any I have read for sometime but we are not ail alike, I. M. A. For myself I am deeply in love with one of these pood, old-fashioned rh-ls, but figure myself out of Healthy liver Healthy life Your liver healthy or dogged, active or slufigisb maJtes all the diSereoce between a rigorous, a cheerful life and low S . CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS w cess, tndigestkm. headache and the braes there is nothing on earth so good asCartsrslJabUnrrak, ixreh vegetable. .SBaJJ rm Sun VmtSmtn Prtee Tui Vacuum Sweeper Demonstration and Sale Starts Saturday Union Outfitting Co. A "Trior" Vacuum Get the Dirt, Not the Carpet, and Lasts for Years. You can clean house every day in the year without any effort if you have a Thor "Electric" Vacuum Sweeper to assist you with your daily sweeping, for a Thor gts every thread every speck of ,dust and dirt. D-jring: the Demonstration and Sale which begins next Saturday you have the advantage of the new "rock bottom' price in tddi tion to special, easy-to-pay terms. A Thor will be given away at end of demonstration. Advertisement spit its and fail- f ure. To subdue I 1. 1 i a eiBDDorn j r liTer. orer-yj f come coTsu- patkm, diisi-) 1 1 eees, bilious- 1 iHelen Parish Will ! Wed F. M . : Russell Anne ur.ceme tit was made Wed nesday of the engagement of Mis Helen Parish, daughter ot Mrs John W. Farish. to F. M Ruse'.l of Lincoln at a tra given a: t'.'e Punh home. Spnrg f"oer were used through the rooms. A.iti;ig virre M's. Leslie Putt. Dorothy Cavaraagh. Win-fred B'andt. Nrcy Hulst. Dorothy loilier atj Margaret Parish. 5 e entv t". wc g jests at tended. No Cate has been set for the ed-( ding but it. will probably he in j evert ot fall. Miss Psrjih attended f'entral j H'gh ,c Ivt-I here and Mortice !lo . seminary 'i Godfrey, III. .v!:t is popular in the younger set Mr. Rusell is the son oi Mr. A. Russell cf Anns. I a. He wi gradu ated from Iowa State college and is; a member of Phi Delta Theta fra- ; teraity. Mr. Russeli resided tn Omaha for a tune but ro'A, makes , his home in Lincoln. ' Informal Dinner. Mr and Mrs. W. J. tunes erter-ti.-r.ed informally at dinner at tht:r home Tuesday evening. luck, because I don't think that she returns my love. I would gladly give n.y ;fe for this frtrl if need be, I wouldn't make her unhappy by furcirg 'my presence upon her. Weil, I ai-n getting into history now o w-ni close I just wanied to congratulate I. M. A. and tell her to keep It up. Thank you fr your jume. E. E. E. Margaret Brown. ManiilJe. Ia. : i The letter which 1 maiied to you ;n i response to your inquiries ha? ben returned to me unclaimed. If ycj wish to hear frnm me personally, ' j write, repeating your ci'ieistin and -! enclosing a stamped, self-ad dressed ! envelope for reply. Gigantic Manufacturer's Purchase Sale! Involriae more than 9,8"8 New Spriag Garments. Bought from three of New York's Foremost Maker. Radical Saving's for Discriminating Women. Entire Millinery Stock at prices that have been smashed slashed and cast to the four ivinds! We urge that you be in attendance or the Opening Day, Thursday, 9 a. m. BlllaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaWW-rV ) w r i Larf a 111 South Sixteenth St. COURTNEY BUILDING Exceptional Specials for Thursday California Orange Marmalade 15c Pea, Corn and Tomatoes 6 cans o9c Jimce .ieat, id Ripe Olives, qt jar 30C Campbell Soup, 2 for 2oC ! Chtim Salmon, tall cans. . .He We Deliver $5.00 Orders Bags and at the New a-i ia m err . mmm Fiber Suit Case much apperance that are strong and itgiJ- I good looking, very VrtE:", h j xney are consider- vv vt ! ably cheaper than . Nj-. jij leather ones. We tntf II ! are showing them 1 at $2, $3, $3.75, $4 and $5 I j! FRELING & STEINLE I I 18Q3 Farnam Street j ; HERE 15 YEARS ' jjjj On Walking Westward lc set the fullest smile of nature, T gl-mpe the landscape's deep est natures. To see the pureit browns ard greets of Lowland, field and forest i walkirg westward in the morr.- The s'--r' glow speeding on befor? Vfi;; Yi i'i ' v'-t the face and every otrt- !'-.e i 'f e erv tree and rock and grass- T- 1 yt rue 1 1 lock in silence V,'; viik.r.g westward in the --.-rt.-rg C. S. Monitor. AIERT1SCMET. I QUICK! STOP ! I INDIGESTION I I Pain m Stomach, Sourness, I Gases and Acidity relieved i I with rape s Diapepsm i Vcur upset stomach will feel fine' No w ainng! When your meal don't ::t aad y.u feel uncomfort able; when you belch gases, acics or rai'e sour und.gested food. When you reel lumps of indigestion pain, heartburn or headache from acidity, just eat a tablet ot harmless and rt liable Pape's Diapepsin and the stomach distress is gone. Millions of people know the magic ci Tape's Diapepsin as an antacid. They know that most indigestion and disordered stomach are from acidity. The relief comes quickly. i.o reappointment, and the cost is so little too. Pape's Diapepsin he'ps regulate your stomach so you can eat favorte foods without fear. a.'swa avw m j M - . J W J -TJ DOUGLAS 3940 Apricots, 2Vi-Ib. Tins in Syrup 25c Strictly Fresh Eg-g-s 23C Hacb'arrr. lb 15t? Sausag-e, lb. 15c 12Hc 5c Larnt' twP?. JS- Lamb Stew, lb. . to Any Part of the City Suit Cases Price Level You can buy a real leather bag, made over a good, durable frame, with snap catches, good lock, leather lining and sewed on cor ners as low as $12?.? i jet lA Embroidered Taffeta Nothing is prettier than embroid-j takr r.- time at sll"ard lerds. f red tatfeta for the little C;rV frock, a charm drs-crers charge high : This is an inexpensive trimming and ipricts tor when used in their shops.! mot eflertne. The advent of wool, j embro'dery surely made wonderful , Prmcess Mary, the on'y daughter; possibilities to be gra'ped bv the of Kir: George ard Queen Mary ci , woman who has a little ingenuity, B0WEX& Remarkable Big Values in Less Than Vz of From One to A Real Opportunity at These Prices 114. CO Mahogany. Wm. ard Mary, blue leather s?at 12.50 Walnut, Queen Acre, blue leather seat 15.00 Mahogany, Tudor r-rriod. leather sear 18.00 Walnut, Hepplewhite period 21.00 Mahogany, blue leather fet 10.00 Solid Oak, box seat 11.00 Fumed Oak. high back 11.00 Jacobean, Wm. and Msry Forty iyles and patterns aad finishes to choose priced beiow factory cost. It waa Cane, Mahogany Living Room !S: Chair, Kocker, Davenport 3-Piece Suite for $195.00 Fuil tprm coEstrucUon, Telotir, has four extra pillows Select Your Buffet Now and Save . Dollars 1113.00 Mahog'y Buffet. $75.C0 lXOO Walnut Buffet... 76.50 11750 Walnut Buffet... 67.50 67.50 Fumed oak Buffet 45.00 45.00 Wax Oak Buffet.. 27.50 43.00 Golden oak Buffet 27.50 52.50 Fumed oak Buffet 33.50 95.00 Jacobean Buffet. 65.00 Give Baby a PS Dinins: Tables in Mahogany Oak 137.50 Fumed Oak Table. $22.50 35.00 Waxed Oak Table. 19,50 55.00 45-in. Exten. Table 33.50 G5.00 Jacobean Table... 38.00 115.00 Genuine Maioeany Tble 87.50 110.00 54-in. Wa!. Table. 79.50 12O.C0 Oblors waL Table 87.50 1 sv jit Make Your Silk Lamp Shade Now Or Hare Us Make It for Yoa. If you are ia need cf a Floor cr Table Lamp Shade, or if your old shade needs recovering or is getting somewhat cut cf date, don't let this opportunity slip by. Fins quality pisia Silks, S6 irches wide, in many shades Special, at, per yard QoC Very fine changeable soft silk Taffeta, 36 inches wide, in many shades. Special, at, 7 i ffi jga5reNr ' Heavy quality figured Japanese SaUs, in ftlAm OH SpeciaL KU MeaTT SILK S Inches Cords, Tassels, Braids, and Solid Oak Foot Stools It fir n I I !, I OMAHAS VALUDkJiVING STOPE" 'A sin-pie three-leaf clover pattern! l or .i i-ni cr 'eavert A v rone in hrgiani rev e r ;ses pertume. Dining Chairs the Former Price Four of a Kind - $5.65 4.75 6.25 8.45 9.00 -- 3.95 4.65 6.00 from all $375 loose cushion", and bolster roll. covered m rich New Carriage We Have the Lloyd Lwin Woven Carriages ; Attractively Finished in Ivory, Frosted Brown. Brtrwn or Gray. Upholstered in Artistic Corduroy. Lloyd's Promenade Cab.J14.50 Lloyd's Spacious Gondola 29.00 Lloyd's Pullman Sleeper. 44.00 Lloyd's "Aristocrat- 54.00 Genuine Walnut per yard S3.S5 5 i per rard- . ; caeciiie mare, a laches teey, j;: r ia rose, blue or gold shades, former prices were and t:.50 per yard Special, at, per yard $1.49 All silk shade fringe in many plain coolrs. i!eec. at. r-er vard Si .4.Q 4 inches deep, at, per ysrd $1.19 Heavy moss braid in many colors, from 65 per yard up. Galloors, at Reduced Prices. SoUd Oak Foot Stocb H A Was $2.25 r Bo wen's- f Tim This Electric Cleaner ha a pcrially designed Electrit' Motor piaran- tccd for bard service. CLEANS RUGS, CAE PETS, MATTRESSES, PORTIERES, ETC. Let this dlcancr help you clean house. Vc put one in your home for $1 Per Week A $55.00 Cleaner for $39.75 Howard Street Between 15th and 1Wh Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug CctirarSoaFb&tfaaritt ADVERT! SEHFXT. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS Est less meat if you feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. M??.t torrj-.s uric acid, which ex chfs a-d overwork, the kidneyf in their eriorts to filler it from the ys ter.i. Rre-jiar enters of meat inert flush the kidneys occasionally. Yoa must relieve them hice you relieve your boiveii; removir.g all the acids, waste and poison, else yoa ieel a dull misery in the kidney regficn, sharp pains in the back or sick head ache, diizintss, your stomach sours, torgrue coated nd when the weather is bad you have jeamrf-t--icges. The urif is cloudy, full ot sediment: the channels often get i'.rntated, obltpnff you to gtt op two or three darir.jf the right. v ' To r.entraliie these irrrtating; acids ar.d flush off the body urinous waste get about iour ounces oi Jad Sato's from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water t before breakfast for a few days and your Vidreys will then act tee and . Madder disorders disappear. This iatr.ous salts is njade from the actd of grapes and lernca juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stonufete sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and makes a delightful ei iervesceut lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. MErIEN IF ma ara ann, ilanpaialiiiit. a . fob darB. tsiLaiaa excaia ar aiaar caaaaa, a vast aa mail yva vcr aactwajca taUa abaot SEXTOSIOCE. a tuauaatli raaaaty that wa coat yaa BMfema- if fm ara aaa carad r baDefitKk E7 eaaa eaadaar aiauc a owmb9 paraooal vflaksaia, aaai, aaaaal pet tt traa banc at ansa. CUKBESULKD CHD0CAL COKPAXT 440 Berry Slock. NaabviHa, Tatm. Constipation is the fore runner ot GbVc ot an i hitman il! It hrrnff f ryn mart Ktiprintr' more sleeplessness. more 21-ternper than. any other single cause. Bet YOU CAN GET RID cf constioatioa; Nor do you have to take 2; any nauseating, grrpmg a medicines to do it. Take RICH-LAX RICH-LAX ia a new treaftsent. It deans the ayttem. reraoet the pocsoc froa the body, tad puts you tn thape to accornpUsh thicga And KiCH LAX does rhawitboot leaving you weak and hai!ck. at yoa al ays led after taking ordinary laxatreea. CaaiaiwaaJ at Oar Star. Wa an ao mm tkae Bca-Las aiM picaaa yaw that wa vast yoa ta ramt a our aort and art a battla an4 try a aa-' t-.relT at ear lu H it aoeaat auat yea. U laat tftc bat kaxanv owcttw yoa aar Mwi aaaaW teil at aa Wui prisgu lataad lb tm puixhaac pnea. Saaraua A McConarB S Drof Skwaa. ssciiorx of if Bee re rrv I WW iHowardSt, Between 1 5th and 1 6th -tt oaia - aae was cii.ea to Vf? Iy t-e ceaia ot a sister, tor t i