Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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American Legion Boxing Bill Still in Hands of Senate Committee
j Must Speed Up
Report if Sport
Is Legalized
' l'Nrn Memlicrs of Committee
' Give No Reason Why Ac
lion Hasn't Been Taken
On Bill.
Lincoln, Neb., March .(). (Spe
cial Telegram.) Sentiment for the
American Legion boxing bill will put
it through if the senate committee on
tees am) salaries ever takes action
on the measure and will put it on
the senate calendar before it is too f
late for passage.
The bill, which has passed the
bouse, has been in the hands of the
ices and salaries committee since
March 7, records show. immedi
r.lrly after it passed the house the
bill was placed in the hands of that
committee at the request of Ameri
can Legion lobbyists, who desired
amendment inserted by the house
limiting admission to boxing matches
to $1 .be stricken out.
American Legion, men stated to
day t'e $1 provision will be taken
cuit. However, no one seemed, to
know why the bill has not been
reported out of committee.
. Lven numbers of the committee
interviewed today could give no rea
son. Senator lialdcrman. chairman
of i'-.c committee, could not be lo
c;iK'i!. Lincoln Completes
1921 .Grid Program
Next Fall's Schedule Will Con
sist of Seven Gaines Two
' Home Contests.
r Lincoln, Neb., March JO, (Special
Telegram.) Coach Mead of Lincoln
High school has announced the foot
ball schedule for 1921, which will con
sift of seven games. Two dates re
main open, which will be'filled with,
home games if possible..
The schedule consists of two home
' games, and five grid battles on for
eign soil. Omaha Central, which has
always been the big game on the Red
and Black schedule, will not appear
this year, because of the inability to
arrange a date that was open to
both schools.
The only home games will In:
Grand Island and Cambridge. The
Lincoln grid team will journey
across the state on Turkey day to
battle with the strong North Platic
team. This is considered an impor-,
tant game, for eastern and western
Nebraska grid teams seldom meet.
Beatrice and South Omaha are
considered big games by the Lin
colnites. Following is the schedule
to date:
September l!ft. open.
, October 7, York nt York.
--fi4r iiiuJj .Oiiwi ha at Omaha.
Oeti.iw 'ill, Ui-Hnil lslaml at Lincoln,
ciotobrf 59. Superior at Superior.
November 4. open, i
November II, t'nrnliiiOgs at l.lnoolu.
November IK, Tleafrice at Beatrice.
November 24, North Tlatte at North
Cochran and Schaefer
Give Good Exhibitions
Of Billiard Game
Welkcr Cochran and Jake Schaef
er, 18.2 balkliiie billiard plajvrs,
were the big attraction at the "Under
the Sun" parlor yesterday afternoon
and evening. Their two 300-point ex
hibitions were both paragon shows
of the emerald table game. Cochran
and Schaefer tyft tonight for San
Francisco, where they will meet
F.duard llorenians, in ,i series of
three-man games to determine which
of them will meet Willie' lloppe in
another scries of matches to de
termine tjie world's 1S.2 balkliiie bil
liard champ.
Welker Cochran lost the afternoon
exhibition to jakc Schaefer by his
inability to nvikc easy draw shot'5.
Schaefer had everything his own
way, his high runs of 120 and 111 be
ing the features of the game. Coch
ran's high run was 43. Schaefer's
average for the five innings was f0.
The traveling mates - practically
changed shoes in the night exhibition.
Cochran made runs of 46, 75, 47' and
,94, and averaged 37.5 in the eight
frames. Schaefer ran 102 consecutive
shots in the fourth frame, but ave
raged only 24 for the game. The
final score was 300 to 167,' in favor
f Cochran.
; ' Albert Calm referced.
15 Michigan Men to Make
Trip to Meet. California
Ann Arbor, Mich., March 30.
Coach Farrell of the University of
Michigan track team plans to take
15 men on the trip to California two
weeks hence for the meet with the
University of California. The team
will include Several men now in
their first year of 'varsity competi
tion, Farrell has indicated, as a re
sult of their showing in the Cornell
game last Saturday. .
The team began outdoor practice
this week.
Organize Ball Cluh at
Bennington Wrant Games
Penington, Neb.. March 30. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The local base ball
. fans have organized a club for this
season and aHc anxious to schedule
lvalues beginning April 17. For con
tests with the Bennington team writ;
manager of the local club.
- aew managerial combination ha
, been formed between none other than
' Dick Curley. vrootr t Eaat Chicago,
and Joo Fhenuati, Juatly celebrated llgnt
arelsht of aeverala ago. The pair have
H(rb(nrbts in 'heir menu. Clonl
Talto, Canadian, ' and Jimmy Haulon of
Pet Herman, former bantamweight
champion, la going to be a busy kid for
tha next few weeKa. on pru in
Brnoklvn ha meata Johnny Holdburg
and AprU 14 t,boea Toting Montreal at
Voatoa. - - u
! Class G Champions of State
.Left to right Standing Hinrichs, P. Orr, H. Green, L. Leuck, coach, M. Collins and H. Swanson
ting E. Linden, H. Henry, V. Fisher, captain.
Selimader In
Win Over Burke;
N Sudenberg Loses
Five Good Bouts
Large Crowd Witnessed
Battlers Swat Each
Other at Auditorium.
Results of Bouts.
Andy Schmader knocked out Jack
Burke in second round.
Navy Rostan won 10-round deci
sion over Johnny Sudenberg.
"Kid" Schlaifer knocked out AI
Arney in third round.
Young Roscoe won over George
Schmader in second round.
Harry Kinnear won six-round de
cision over Yankee Sullivan.
Andy Schmader, Louisville (Nsb.)
heavyweight mitt slinger, scored a
technical knockout over Sergeant
Jack Burke of Chicago in the second
round of their scheduled 10-framc
setto at the Municipal Auditorium
Tuesday night before the . largest
crowd of fistic fans that has ever
packed the old structure to witness
a pair of warriors work in the roped
The mill was carded as the main
event of an all-star athletic carnival
staged by the local lodge of Elks.
Five bouts were dished out to he
fans and the show as a whole was
one of the best ever staged in
Outweighed by 12 pounds, the
hard-slugging Louisville battler wad
ed into his husky opponent from ihe
start of the initial round until he
was proclaimed the. victor, after Si?
Hart, manager of Burke, heaved
the towel into the ring just before
the second round ended.
Schmader Cuts Loose.
Schmader did not unleash his full
fury until the second round. The
Nebraska!! worked coolly with a left
jab and left hook, as Burke rushed
m to slug. Schmader started the
round by tapping the Chicagoan on
the jaw and followed this blow by
pounding his opponent about' the
stomach. Coming out of close quar
ters. Schmader planted an ttppercut
on Burke's jaw and soon repeated
with a 'hard left jab to the face. Sig
Hart's protege measured his length
on the canvas for a count of seven,
then regained his feet with a drawing
down of a corner of the mouth until
most of his teeth were revealed.'
Burke attempted to connect with
Schmader's jaw, but the latter feint
ed and during the mixup the Louis
ville boy again sent the visitor to the
floor, while Referee Mike Gibbons
tolled off nine seconds. Burke again
regained his pins, but the battering
attack of Schmader for the .third
time caused the Windy City scrapper
to flop to the canvass.
Burke lay on the canvas looking
at his manager while Referee Gib
bons neared the court of seven Hart
then threw the towel into the ring,
acknowledging defeat
Rostan Beats Sudenberg.
The Johnny Sudenberg-Navy Ros
tan bout was the best contest of
the evening, although scheduled as
the semi-windup. It was a battle be
tween a boxer and a fighter and in
fighting played an important part.
Rostan excelled at long distance,
having the reach on his opponent,
but the infighting of Sudenberg was
superior to that of the winner. It
Was a .good scrap, in spite of the
fact that Referee Fitzgerald was
forced to "break" the men frequent
ly. ,
During the second round, Rostan
opened an old cut over Sudenberg's
glimmer, which seemed to bother the
local boy in the early part of the
bout. Sudenberg's best rounds were
the fifth and sixth, when he jabbed
his opponent with snappy lefts and
succeeded in' landing good blows to
Navy's mid-section.
In the final frame the Illinois box
er opened by hooking a right to Su
denberg's body, followed by landing
two lefts to the head. The Omahan,
however, weathered the storm and in
good fashion.
"Kid" Schlaifer put the skids un
der AI Amey of St. Paul in the third
round of their scheduled six-round
engagement by cracking the visitor
on the jaw a half a dozen times.
Harry Kinnear won the decision
ever Yankee Sullivan after six
rounds of boxing. This was another
. . . ... i . I
good SCra, luriOUS all Wg kcy-J
vvaKcneia, ien.. .uarcn jo. iriic
cial.) The local high school basket
ball team, winners of the Class G
division at the state tournament,
completed a successful season when
the curtain was rung down on the
annual tourney at LincoJn.
During the season Wakefield won
from YValthill, Lyons,,
YVausa, Randolph and Wayne. The
locals entered the Wayne Normal
cage tournament and were defeated
by Norfolk.
ing up and pleasing the crowd. Sul
livan fought a game battle front
start to finish. Kinnear was able to
connect with Sullivan, but his blows
lacked the steam behind them to
score a knockout.
George Schmader, brother of
Andy, fought his first "pro" hout
last night. It was a short affair.
"Kid" Roscoe of South Omaha was
the winner. Schmader's seconds
threw the towel in the ring during
the second round. '
Benson Cagers Lose
To Lincoln Champs
Winners of Church League
Outplayed by Visitors,
20 to 14 Game.
Johnny Calvert and his Benson M.
E. cage shooters. 1921 amateur cham
pions of the local Church league, lost
the inter-city championship series to
the Trinity Methodist All-Stars,
champions of the Lincoln Church
league, by the score of 20 to 14,
Tuesday night at the "Y. The Thor
pian Athletic club, 1921 champs of
the Commercial league, scored a 20
to 16 victory over the Pearl M. E.,
runner-ups for the championship in
the Church league.
Following are the games in detail:
Firat Game.
Thorplan A. C. CO) Pearl M. E. (16)
Frteberg r. f Kaber
Corenman l.f Colnr
Cheano c Brueihert
Wentroub r. g Orr
Konecky l.g Rokusek
Substitutes Mnor for Conn, Cohn for
Bruenhert, lvlnson for Krlebe.rg. Meld
goals Raber 3. Cohn, Bruechsrt, Sloare.
Oorneman 6, Cheeno 3, Koneuky I. Ftee
throwa Orr A. Foula cotnmltteed Conn,
Raber. Eokueett. Konecky. Levtnaon 3.
Officials Referee: Carl Weigel : scorer
and timekeeper. Gereliclt. Time of
halves, 15 minutea.
Second (iame.
Tlenson M. E. (14) Trinity Math. (20)
Hitch r. f Norton
J. Calvert I. f Collins
Butler c Phillips
Olson r. K Davis
Rodda 1. e Dobbins
Substitutes Heokindorf for Hitch, Aus
tin for Oavts. Field froals Hitch. Cl
vqrt Butler, Olson, Norton 4. Collins
4. Phillips 2. Free throws Calvert 5.
Fouls committed Hitch. Collins 2, Davis
4. Dobbins. Officials Referee. AW JIunn;
Umpire, Carl Weigel: Timekeeper. Blos-
zies; Scorer, Gerelick. Time of halves, li
minutes, 10 minutes intermission.
Final Dates for Denipsey
Fight to Be Announced Apr. 9
Xew York, March 30. The place,
date and all details of the Dcmpsey-
Carpentter heavyweight champion
ship fight will be announced in this
city Saturday, April 9. This state
ment was made by Promoter Tex
Rickard today.
Rickard. said that while" hi was-not
prepared to designate the site at this
time, he had decided to hold the
match in the United States and that
all offers from points outsjde had
been rejected.
Exhibition Games
At Oklahoma City:
Cincinnati Nationals U 17 4
Oklahoma City Western 9 : :
Batteries: Brenton, Napier and Har
trrave; Mitchell, Allen, Salisbury and
Parker, Hasley, Lone.
At New Orleans:
P.. II. R.
St. Louis Americans i HI
Brooklyn Nationals 9 1
Batteries: Davis, Burwell and Severed;
Ruether, Cadora and Krueger.
At San Francisco:$
R. II. E.
Chics fro Nationals 4 fi !
San Francisco Coast 3 9 4
(Ten Innings.)
Batteries: Vaughn and Daley; Lewis and
At Lake Charles:
Tt. H. B.
Phlla. Americans 2 3 0
Houston Texas League 12
Batteries: Naylor, Perry and. Perkins;
Nichols and Wright. Gllham.
At Memphis, Tenn.
R. II. E.
Boston Americans 'I 3 2
Memphis Southern Asn 6 6 2
Batteries: Fullerton. Beet and Chaplain,
Ruel; Chambers, Wolfe. Fowlkvs and
At Shreveport, La.
K. H. E.
3 11 3
New Tork Americans
Shreveport Texas
(13 Innings.)
.oaiiBries: ferry, omns. terauson una
Hoffman; Bennett, Verbout and Wallace.
Omaha Alleys Roll
Into First Place
Local Bowling Team Scores
Total of 2,709 Pins at
State Tourney.
Lincoln, March JO. (Special Tele
gram.) Two Omaha teams, the
Omaha Alleys No. 2 and Nfcholas
Oil company quintets, rolled iito
first and second places, respectively,
in the third day of the slate tourna
ment here Tuesday. The Omaha Al
leys learn piled up 2.700 pins, while
the Nicolas Oil company made
2,083. A picked-up team represent
ing the. Magee Clothing, wjnt into
seventh place, with 2,515 piniS.
Zimmerman and Zarp went into
a tie in third place of the doubles
with a score of 1.066. Lauck of
Omaha made second in the singles
with a score of 593.
Leaders in the tournament follow:
Men Team.
Omaha Alleys No. 2 J.I19
Nicholas Oil Co., Omaha 2,6'J
Omaha National Bank, Omaha ...S.62S
McCaffrey Motors, Omaha 2,619
Omaha Alleys No. 1 2,600
Woodwrd Candle. 2.67T
Magee Clothiers, Lincoln 2,615
! ' Donhlea.
Neale-Kennedy, Omaha 1,188
Landgrcn-Learn, Omaha 1.071
Wllls-Blakeney, . Omaha 1.06
Eimmerman-Zarp, Omaha 1.06.
Barkhard-Mathlesen, Lincoln 1.0R5
Loonev. Fitzgerald, Omaha 1.045
FiU-MeCabe. Omaha 1,044
Zadlnu-Lauck, Omaha 1,027
a. Miner, Lincoln- .....594
.T. Klauck. Omaha 693
I'. Hudaun. Lincoln SSS
O. Kennedy, Omaha 570
B. Younger, Omaha ..669
H. Thorson, Lincoln 551
T. Noalo, Omaha CS2
A. Kinir, Omaha (48
A. Finley, Lincoln 647
J. Blaklney, Omaha 647
W; Learn. Omaha 543
C. Zarp, Omaha .....639
Adam Krieger Beats
Detroit Welterweight
Norfolk, Neb., March 30. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Adam Krieger, of
Lincoln wiped away the final ob
struction to a chance at the welter
weight wrestling championship of
the world Jiere Tuesday night, when
he eliminated John Androff, of De
troit, Mich., in two straight falls, the
first in 27 minutes with a body
jcissors and arm lock and the sec
ond in 8 minutes with a head scissors
and an arm lock.
Soldier Bartfield and
Phil Blo'om Box to Draw
New York, March 30 Soldier
Bartfield and Phil Bloom, both of
Brooklyn, foiiKht 15 rounds to a
draw in Brooklyn last night. Bart
field weighed 148 1-2 pounds and
Bloom 149.
The O. A. C. sharks showing; soma
speed In preparation for the big splash
April 21.
Pr. W. ir. Pruner has a nifty , crawl
stroke. Since Mrs. Pruner began to de
velop into a classy swimmer and yourig
W. H. P., jr. sliding up and down the
tank, -ne see the doctor putting in somo
extra practice swims,'
Wally jrcOllllvray going out for the
SOO-yard breast strolie championship.
Has a powerful kick and as buoyant as
a cork.
A wild witter polo frame laat Friday
right. One look st this uamo convinces
fife spectator it has football backed off
the boards.
K. R, Hoses Is one O. A. C. whale who
says he refuses to work while In tha
tank. We can't blame him as he floats
around like a sunflsh.
Do they like the O. A. C. tank? Ask
W. J. Burns. See him In the tnk both
st noon and b o'clock moat liny day.
Twice a day is Ills speed.
Jack Garvey back into the tank and
working; off the hifrh board In prepa-.-a-tlc.r.
for the open diving championships,
thowlnn excellent form.
Duana Anderson and Ila-nM Ttuc-s'll
getting out for polo practice regularly
and playing nice team work. Those two
young swimmers showing speed.
Pr. Edwin O. Davis fallej to report
this week. Something wrong.
T. I.. Pimond swimming i mil5 three
times a week. This young merman Is there
when it comes to distance.
"Big Swede" Anderson bu-k in the
Hnk and working hard for the tem-mile
swim, which will be held at Kiverton,
N. J. In July. .
Jr2& 1 ev ffre vtNOtq
Morris Jacobs diving off the luw tna.'d
and swimming the length, after his first
v.eek'a swlmminf
Lelivelt Gets
Home Run and
Buffaloes Win
Manager of Local Club Scores
Ijong Drive in Fifth and
Omaha Trims Little
Rock, 3 to 1.
Little Rock, Ark., March .ill.
(Special Telegram.) Jack Lelivelt'j
home-run samash to right in the tifth
inning with Claire'on bast, fiiabled
Harry Baiimgartncr to defeat Ihe
Little Rock team, champions of the
Southern association, here Tuesday,
o to 1, in the last of the series.
Baumgartner's pitching was of
midseason variety in spite of the
cold that continued here today. The
youngster struck out eight nun and
otherwise impressed the Little Kock
fans as being a genuine piicher.
Both clubs look bad in the held,
errors being numerous, probably
due to the chilly atmosphere, which
seemed to slow up the athletes.
Lelivelt's wallop followed Claire's
bunt. The Buffaloes made their oilier
run without a hit in the eighth,
Claire walking and scoring while the
traveler inficldersvwerc throwing the
ball around. i
j Johnson's triple and Luad's long
fly scored Lktle Rock's only run.
The box score;
Utile liiMk.
' All. II. H. I'O. A. E.
nailer, ss 4 tt 1
Moore, lb 3 0 12
Harper, rf 3 0 1 2
I'rown, cf 4 0 0 0
H'ano, lb 4 0 U 16
Johnson; 2b 4 111
zneuer. ir z u :i
l.rml, c 1 0 0 1
l'oolaw, p 1 0 1 0
Robinson, p 1 0 0 0
Miner, c 2 0 0 1
Kohlbecker 1 0 0 0
.30 1 i 27 13 6
AD. R. U. VO.
Oisiason, 2b
Clair", e
Griffin, cf
Lelivelt, lb
Platte, rf . .
Lee. If
Clayton, 3b
I.lngle, c ..
Stapleston, c
33 3 5
27 8
Omaha 11110 nrn "I""
Little Kock 00 010 000-1
Summary: Two-base- hit: Poolaw;
Three-base lilts: Lingle. Johnson. Home
run: Lelivelt, Sacrifice hits: Land, Le
livelt Stolen naee: niriicr.
pitched by F.obinson : Five, -with! fiva
hits mid two runs, wtruex oui; y dhuim-
gartner, eight; by Poolaw. one. Bases on
balls: off Baumgartner, 3: off Poolaw,
one. Hit by pitched ball: By Unumpnrt
Mnnr. Time nf irame: One hour
and' 35 minutes. Umpirts: JtcAdams an!
Thorpeian Cage Team
To Play Weinberg
TVio Thnrnien athletic club bask' t
ball team, championship title hold
ers of the Y. M. C. A. Commercial
league, wil meet the. Weinberg quin
tet ot rrement tonigiu at uie iuuu
The Proizresse club squatl will
clash with the Y. K. Z. in a prelimi
nary affair1.
Up to the Minute
New Arrivals, In endless
assortments just the sort
of clothes knowing men
most appreciate.
It's the hard-to-fit men
delight in
With every Boys' Suit
sold we will give away
absolutely Free a Boys'
Play Suit.
S its
9H to
and to
that's the
1 -
Paddock Ties Mark
In 100-Yard Dash
University of Southern Cali
fornia Sprinter Covers Dis
tance in 9 3-3 Seconds.
Stanford University, Cat,, Match
M Charles Paddock, University of
Southern California, sprinter, tied
the world's record of 9 3-5 seconds
in the 100-yard dash for the second
time within a week in a track meet
between his college and Stanford
university. .
i'addock ran the 220-yard dash in
21 seconds flat, breaking the world's
record for the event by one-fitth oi
a second. Last Saturday at Berke
ley he ran the distance in 204-5
seconds in a meet with the Univer-
city of California. If Saturday's rec
ord is allowed by the A. A. U said
Dr. l-rank Angell, head timer, to
day s should be, as there was no
wind. Three watches caught Pad
dock today at 2 seconds and two
at JO 3-.t seconds.
Stanford University, March 29.-
The former record for the 220-yard
dash, 21 1-5 seconds, was first made
by Ucrnard T. YA'ofers at New York
in 1896, but since has been 'equaled
by several professional and ania-
! teur runner.
Stanford university defeated the
University of Southern California
in the meet, 75 to 50
Reynolds Training
Hard for Match With
1 T 1 T .1
Lincoln wrestler
Chicago. III.. March .10. (Special.)
When Aram Krieger climbs
through the ropes to meet Jack Rey
nolds m their welterweight match,
April 4, at Lincoln, Adam had bet
ter look to his tootsies if he doesn't
want them hurt.
Jack Reynolds is known as one
ot the most expert toe hold artists in
the wrestling game, lie has de
veloped the hold to a high degree o
nerfertion and his nmisiiallv lonir
arms give him a tremendous lever
age. Reynolds has been working
out for the Krieger match here in
Chicago and left last night to put
on the finishing touches in the Ne
braska city. He has been working
with Charlie Cutler and Yusiff Mah-
Jack Leahy and Keed
Fight 10-Round Draw
O'Neill, Neb.. March M (Spe
cial Telegram.) Tack Leahy of
Omaha and Harrv" Reed of Liu-
coin fought 10 rounds to a draw be
fore the American Legion here to
night. Keed showed slightly more
class hut lacked steam. Leahy
snowed lack ot condition.
Cambridge Beat Oxford.
Loudon, March -.H.-f-fBy The As-,
sociated Press.) Cambridge won
the annual boat race with Oxford to-
rlay over the tour-muc course on the
Ihames from Putney to Mortlake.
that we take a keen
Charge Accounts With
out-of-town customers
Young Men's
Extra Trousers
, Snappy new Spring
creations in a wide
variety of pleasing pat
terns every suit with
two pairs of trousers
complete for $35.
PRICE guaranteeII
Snappy Suits for
$ 2 050
to stand a lot of hard service
retain their good appearance
make-up of every Beddco Boys'
Brennan and Roper
TT SBig, ers
iodox iom uiDDons
( hlrago Trlbune-Oiiialia Bc leaned Mire,
Chicago, March 3C Bill Uren
ran, considered the next best to
lack Denipsey in the heavyweight
division, has turned down an offer
of $10,000 to ake on Tommy liib-
bons at Cleveland in a 10 round no
decision contest. Captain Boh Koper
was offered $7,500 from Promoter
Charles Doesserick of Brooklyn to
meet Tommy in a 15-round decision
matcK. The St. l'aul boxer, who t'
under contract for two more fights
at the New York Pioneer club, prob
ably will face Larry Williams and
Hartley .Madden.
Arthur Woods Beats
"Slim' Harris in
Mid-West Tourney
Arthur Woods, Minneapolis cue
player, brat "Slim" Otto Harris of
Kansas City in 2 innings, by a
score of 125 to 72, yesterday in the
.Mid-West pool meet. Woods
high run of 42 was the feature of
the game.
Ihe evening game went to Ein-
mct Hlankenship former nation;'!
titleholdcr, after 15 frames with Billy
Owens, Omaha cue artist. Blauk-
enship's scientifio high run of .46 in
the latter part of the game left the
local player in the lurch, 125 to 86.
Only 1 Day More to
Save on Furniture in
'Price Revision 'Sale
Wonderful Values on Guar
anteed Furniture, Stoves,
Rugs and Draperies.
. It is distinctly to the advantage
of homemakers to select new fur
liture during the closing day of
the "Price Revision" Sale at the
Union Outfitting company for the
saving on a single piece can be
counted in dollars.
Go where you will inspect
Compare values and quality, you
will not find prices on genuinely
GOOD Furniture as low priced as
you will find it during this sale.
And, as always, you make your
own terms.
To the Voters of
""Vi! jf
I am seeking the nomination for City Commissioner
at the coming primaries, April 5. I realize it is impossible
to meet any considerable number of the voters before that
date. Accordingly, I am endeavoring to come to your no
tice through the daily papers of the city, and by this means
to call to your attention some qualifications wliich I be
lieve I possess, and which result from considerable ex
perience and a large interest in the welfare of the city.
I favor a clean, active and economical business admin
istration of the affairs of the city. My experience has
been such as to enable me to help to give such an admin
istration. My interest in Ihe general welfare of the city
and my business and property interests therein are such
as to assure active and persistent efforts along such lines,
should I be selected as a Commissioner of this city. For
the last thirty years I have been in the retail businessin
the South Side, and have been always taking an active
part in the civic and municipal affairs of my city before
its annexation with Omaha; and since its annexation, I
have been no less an active booster for the Greater Omaha.
I have hopes and an ambition to help to make Omaha one
of the best cities in this country, and a place where gather
ings of large proportions and conventions will certainly
come. Not only this, but a city where people will be both
glad and proud to live. I feel that, such things in behalf
of the city may be brought about by the right sort of offi
cials, whose interest in the general welfare of the city is
greater than merely holding an office.
I realize that it is not possible to call your attention to
any considerable number of desirable improvements which,
in my judgment, may be easily accomplished and brought
about if the right kind of officials are selected to adminis
ter the affairs of the city. I sum up my promises in the
slogan "Onward Omaha," and I assure you full apprecia
tion of your co-operation.
Joseph Koutsky
Candidate for
City Commissioner
Belgian Billiard CUamp
Shatters 2 World Record.
New York, March M l.duard
lloremans, Belgian billiardist has
shattered two worlds records at 18.1
balk line, in a match game with
Albert Cutler, the eastern champion,
A new high run record in a single
block of 150 was set by the Belgian,
whose leeord breaking high average
was 57 1-7. Hie previous record for
high run in competition at IS 1 balk
line, 140, was established in 1897 by
Frank Ives. In the same match
played with the elder Jake Schaefer,
Ives established the previous high
average at M 1-4.
-Bowen 's-
Eldrege Two Spool
Rotary Sewing Machine
Step Winding Bobbins! With
the ordinary machine, It Is neces
sary to spend a large part of each
day's work In winding and chang
ing bobbins. The average bobbin
hold3 less than 50 yards of thread.
The average spool holds 200
yards. Think of the time you
save and the labor
Come in and Find Out All About
This Wonderful Machines.
So Easy to Operate '
So Easy to Own
,$1.00 Per Week
Puts On In Your Home.
own ii niw m
Howard St between 15th and 18th