Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Children Cry
Tn Court While
Parents Annie
Two Little Girls Relinquished
By Mother Committed to
Care of Father Who
Didn't Want Them.
"Xobobdy's children." Dorothy
and Thelma Hansen, 8 and 9, were
committed yesterday to th care of
their father, Louis Hansen, e:-.-.oldier,
who didn't want them, by
order of Police Judge Dunn.
"It is a lather's duty to take care
of his children," the court an
nounced. Their mother, notf Mrs. Lena
I angpanl. "04 South Thirteenth,
who said she too, could not care
for them, signed papers relinquishing
their custody to the father.
"My husband, a painter, does not
earn enough to support them and
' am too sick to work," she ex
plained. A Bee reporter found her in tears
late yesterday afternoon, just after
she bade bood-bye to her children.
Their fatlier took them to the
home of his sister, Mrs. Ove Olson,
on a farm near Neola, la.
"She'll be good to them, and I
can see them once in awhile; that's
the only comfort I have," wept the
mother. , .
Hansen told the judge he was
tinahle to earn enough to support
his children because of a wound in
the shoulder, received in the Ar
gonne. i
"1 only make ?o0 a monpi," he
said. v
His father, Lars Hansen, 31
South Seventeenth street, refused to
take the children and Mrs. Lanp,
paul's mother, a widow, said she
could not undertake their support.
The unfortunate little girls cried
throughout the hearing yesterday,
- while their parents argued over their
Fred Hamilton Made
Merchants Bank Head
Fred 1 Hamilton was elected
president of the Merchants National
tfink by the bank's board of di
rectors, , rneVting yesterday. Mr.
Hamilton had been vice president of
flip haul- for fit vears. '
He is 43 years old, was born in
Omaha, and has been in the service
of the bank since 1897. He comes
from a family of bankers. His father,
C. V. Hamilton, was president of the
United States National bank at the
time of his death, and his uncle,
Frank Murphy, Was president of the
Merchants National bank when he
died. "
B. H. Meile, first vice president of
the Merchants National, was elected
a member of the board of directors,
to fill the place left vacant by the
death of Mr. Drake.
Women Meet Success in
Visiting Nurses' Drive
Mrs. H. M. Rogers, one of the
majors who are leading the hosts
of volunteers in a membership drive
for the Visiting Nurses association
of Omaha, reported ' - yesterday'
that she and Mrs.' Robert Leavens
obtained 21 memberships in one
block in Dundee. One of the sub
scribers gave $10 instead of the usual
membership fee of $1.
Another report to headquarters
yesterday stated that 32 member
ships were obtained in the Black
stone hotel.
Jewel, Flower, Color
Symbols for Today
Today, according to the ancients,
is subject to the influence of strong
psychic powers; therefore it is in
teresting to note thVt the talismanic
Stone for today is the emerald, which
endows its wearers with the power to
foresee coming events and thus to
avoid unpleasantness. " Keen visiol
and good judgment characterize
those who wear the emerald at this
The agate is today's natal stone,
and is potent in bringing good luck,
wealth and health to those who were
born on an anniversary of this day.
It is especially lucky for women.
Brown is today's lucky color; if
embroidered in orange, it is -potent
in attracting to its wearers the
psychic forces which make for ma
terial success.
Today's flower is the water lily,
symbolic of harmony and content
Vment. Copyrisht, Wheeler Syndicate, Ine.)
The wives of three of President
Harding's cabinet members, are college-bred.
Get Acquainted I
'HEBEYER spiek and span new
model (listen and stint in
salesroom along the stretches of
Omaha' "Aota Sow" they know
La r j."
Suave sales
men and high
peed execu
tive alike.
-fire nim
credit" for W
knowing hi
ware and
e 1 1 1 ng re
sults. Ob The Bett
payroll the
name appear
as 8. P. La
Pne. He i
In charge et
automobile adTertiaing and publi
city. To hi effort I do in large
part the commanding poalttoajf
The Bee a an auto advertising
medium tn the Omaha field.
LaDae ha followed closely for
10 year the kaleidoscopic abjft
lngs in the manufacture and sale
et motor car. He I thoroughly
familiar with the standing m!
manufacturing organization and
.!tt Jsettloe in the sale field
la Omaha territory. He
l' 4ffl0s"" overusing su J
... study at market condl- T
New Vor .
eady to,, W0B hime
pally foieree dnrtag hi six T
iverv ou'r' w
a m-V . ?
1 vt!
Your Face and
Specialists of Varied Types Required in Manifold
Branches of Electrical Industry-Big Oppor
tunities Ahead for Right Persons.
THE flcctrical industry is so
manifold that we can but touch
generally upon its main branches,
giving some idea of its -wide range
oh interests and splendid opportuni
ties. There is the technical service
branch, the manufacturing phase
and the selling angle. Each of these
correlates closely with the other,
and each in turn is sub-divided into
markedly different phases, requiring
varied types of workers.
Omaha is the jobbing center of
the central states for many branches
of the industry but has little of the
manufacturing. That is carried on in
Chicago and cities farther east.
Specialists Required.
In Otnalia, as in other large job
bing centers of the electrical indus
try, the men who head the business
is as sal( managers or general man
agers, should- be, and generally are,
men with a technical college educa
tion in electrical engineering. How
ever, if the beginner Is willing to
go into a great manufacturing plant
and serve a four-year apprenticeship,
Does a House Have Chimney Pots?
The tall chimneys which are char
acteristic of factories, power plants.
and other places where heat is used
for the generation of energy, and the
chimney pots to be seen on top of
dwellings, have much in common, for
'he two work along the same prin
( iple that a constant supply of oxy
gen is essential to the burning of a
bright, well-heating fire. In fact,
,the rate at which a draught of air
travels throught the burning coals is
directly responsible lor the raoiditv
at which the fire burns, and it is for
this reason that the opening of
draughts above and below a furnace
will cause a rapid rise in temoerature.
while cutting off the supply of air
keeps the flame at a low ebb.
The rate at which this draught of
sir travels through the burning sub-
siancc, ciepenas. in large part, upon
the height of the flue above the fire,
and when a grate or furnace doe3
not draw well, the diffieiiltv ran
often be overcome by the addition of
an extension known as a "chimney
vy i" me iop or ine ennnney.
This lias the effect of increasing the
draught and operates along the same
lines as the towfring chimneys nec
essary to cause a sufficient volume
of air to pass through the factory
(Copyright, 1921, by rte Wheeler ,
f Syndicate, Inc.)
Common Sense
By J- J- MTJNDY. i
The Next Step.
Many wise heads are nodding and
saying the next four year are go
ing to mean' a return to a higher
plane of Jhinking and being than
the immediate present in business
and society would indicate.
Don't you want to be in line?
Call it the style or what you will,
but a iew order of things is com
ing just around the corner, and you
known yourself you are getting
pretty tired of so much that is sordid
and loose in present-day customs.
Nothing short of high ideals and
courage to carry .these ideals into
every phase of every-day life will
ward off destruction at the hands of
those who cater to the baser in
stincts. It is time we all began to pull to
gether for a mutual benefit.
The world has not seen real law
and order for many a day.
Why don't you help to set the
style instead of Ming forced event
ually to keep within bounds.
It is a lot easier to do things from
conviction than because one is
forced to sound the depths as you go
along and find out what decent
persons are talking about and get
in line so quickly that it will look
as if you, the offender, were demand
ing clean living and clean amuse
ment. " U
Copyright, 1921. International Feature
Service, Inc.)
Where It Started
Solitaire. v
The original solitaire was not
played with cards, but with a cir
cular board ""having 37 depressions,
in which were 37 glass balls. The
player took up one ball, then jump
ed, as in checkers, taking up the ball
jumped." If he managed to get alt
the balls off the board in this man
ner, he won. The game was invent
ed by a prisoner in the Bastile in
the 1th century.
(Copyright, 1921, by the Wheeler Syndic
cate, Ind.J
"California Syrup of "Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only ldbk for the name California
on the package,, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its fruity taste. Full directions
om leach bottle. You must say "California."
What It Tells
he 'Can get the equivalent of a
technical college training and be paid
a wage while Teaming.
The electrical field, above all oth
ers, -requires specialists. The sell
ing end is as manifold as the other
phases of the industry, so the men
entering these various parts of the
business must be of the right type,
for success.
There is the wire specialist, who
handles hundreds of kinds of wire
a science in itself "to know and
sell. The salesman who takes up
wiring is interested in nothing else,
excepting telephone apparatus,
closclv allied oroduct.
Another line. very, different, is the
selling of huge power plant equip
ment. I he man who sells thts-linc
will not, be interested at all in ar
tistic lighting fixtures. Conversely,
the man whp works successfully in
the special , lines o lighting for
homes, offices, and stores will not
know, nor care, about - great tur
bines and boners of the power plant.
Types for Varied Branches.
Tf you have been applying the
rules of character analysis here, you
will realize what different types of
men These salesmen must be. I he
men who sell the big turbines and
boilers must be of the purely en
gineering, decided motive type
medium to coarse in' texture
v The men specializing on lighting
fixtures must show the artistic na
Hire, with their motive structure
they must be more mental motive,
finc'.tcxturei and refined.
The wire specialist can succeed
with less book education and less
technical training than the other
types, and he can get his training as
a helper in almost any retail electric
wiring shop in this city.
The public in genecal has but- lit
tie conception of how highly spe
cialized the electrical game is and
does not know what splendid possi
bilities it has to offer in comparison
with any field of endeavor today.
The field of work with electricity is
ever widening.
Opportunities Ahead.
Youne men eoinsr into the indus
pry now will have the opportunity to
figure with little towns from one end
of the state to the other, showing
them how much cheaper rates can
be when the cost of generating
power is reduced by centralization.
And let us add in closing that
women arc just awaking to the fact
that electricity can lessen their labor
Scientists arc' prophesying that the
next new- industry - will be house
hold engineering and this will mean
that much of the work now being
done by hand labor will be taken
over by an electrical plant in the
home, at a moderate expensf. Inci
dentally, there is no reason why
women should not fit in ideally at
this stage of the game.
Answers to Question.
E. H 2330 Charlotte street, Kanns
City. Mo.: You are right In leaving the
teaching profession If you feel thai way
about it. A "natural-born teacher loves
her work, and no one else should try to
follow the vocation. I could not 111 you,
however, what you are best fitted to do
without seeing you. If it is Impossible
for you to coma to Omaha for analysis,
I could analyze o from front and side
views or your neaa. ana iront aiwi oacit
views of your hand, from negative be
fore they have been retouched. I shall
be happy to help you in any way I can.
Yes, I do all in my power to place the
people' in positions suited to them when
they have been analyzed.
V. B.: I am Klad you like the steno
grapher article. I shall be glad to meet
you when you coin into Omaha. Re
member there is little barrier left against
aspiring, adaptable . women with, brain
in the present world of business.
M. M. South Omaha: Kindly send a
stamped, self-addressed envelope for the
list of representative works on character
analysis. It would take up too rrvmh
space to print in the paper. I will tell
you which ones are wortftsbuylng. The
library works here on the subject are
being kept very busy lately.
Editor's Note While these article
are being published Mabel Warner
Rgg will undertake to answer all
questions from Bee readers on charac
ter analysts and rocatlonal choicer
Send the letters care of The Bee,
Special Release
New Victor
Dance Hits
Whiteman's Orchestra
Now On Sale at
v Each 85 Cents
I Never Knew.
Do You Ever Think of Me?
Bright Eyes Love Bird
My Mammy Humming
, You Will Find
All the Hits All the Time
at the
Ed. Patton Music Company
16th and Farnam D. 4779
All Work Guaranteed M
1518 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 1S8
666 is a prescription' for
Colds, Fever and LaGrippe.
It's the most speedy remedy
we know.
More Truth
ft &r V tfc,
jliiil iiiaaAJaa"'
: -
Perhaps, as young John D. has just suggested,
A hash was made of Mr. Samson's life,
And he of hair and strength was quite divested
J Because he picked a looker for a wife. (
Delilah, says young John, had too much beauty
To cook and sweep and work around tha house;
She hated every sort of wifely duty
And so she played the traitor to her spouse.
It may be true that happiness conjugal
In life is far more easy to attain
When wives have no desire but'to be frugal,
And most of such, unluckily, "are plain.
It may be true that husbands lose their buttons.
Grow old before their time, and bowed with care
When wives forgef to sweep, neglect their muttons
And spend their time in doing up their hair.
It may be true that fhefe i small enjoyment,
And very little comfort in repose
When wedded to a wife whose chief employment
Consists of dabbing powder on her nose. ,
Though beauty in a ball room is alluring,
And charming in a' garden's leafy shade,
' It often is a trifle past enduring
To have to sit around and see it made.
And yet at that, we tell young John D. plainly,
That he may talk, and write and scheme and plan.
And even lecture Sunday pupils vainly,
He'll never dim the lure of looks for man.
For youth will come and sit and look and listen
And doubtess they will fervently aree
And then with beating hearts and eyes that glisten
They'll pick the niftiest looker that they see.
VAX 3X1"
We read that profiteers are going
ot our acquaintance still own Kolls
Meals are so much reduced in
per cent tip,
The allies got money out of us
they don t have better luck with Germany.
tCopjrljht, 1321. by the
If the Price u Pay
for the pleasure ofyoxa usual
table drink is sleeplessness,
it's time to try
Instant Postum
a wholesome and sat- .
isfying cereal beverage
of rich coffee-like flavor
but free from any harm
ful effects.
"Jhere's a Reason
Phone Douglas 2793
Osama amu fMMN
loosc itAr oeviccs
"A Solution of the
Labor Problem."
MESSENGER will be ready for mailing this week. It
contains an article entitled "A Solution of the Labor
Problem." We believe that the idea advanced in this
article will meet with your approval.
If you desire the current copy of the INVESTMENT
MESSENGER, mail or bring te attached coupon to our
office. Your name will be put on the mailing list for
following issues, which wrill be riiailed gratis.
Dapt. B, ,
Home Builder, Inc.,
, Dodge and 18th, Omaha, Neb.
Please send me the current issue of the INVESTMENT
MESSENGER and put my name on the mailing list for following
issues. I understand that the INVESTMENT MESSENGER will
be sent gratis and that. I will be placed under no obligation.
Than Poetry
tliiiS -SiT;i'-ir,"a
busted right alonir. but all profiteers
Koyce cars.
price that the waiter demands a 20
so easily that we are surprised that
Bell Syndicate, Inc.) '
' awiij.i,MjniBJap.njLicwn"'
I NC-WClll
Clin mm j ni iptiv mm mm t
3 IH .
Brief City News
Faints la t'onrt Viola Schmidt
kept. hr promise to faint when
Judge iHinn yosterday ordered hor
held to $1,000 bail for passing bogus
checks. She Is In county jail, un
able to furnish the bond.
Would Ih-iaIi Vagrants Judge
Dunn advocates a whipping post, for
Kennelh McCoy, IS. whosn mother,
Mrs. Lula McCoy, 240S Davenport
street, says he will not work. The
post will do for othor vagrants, too,
said the Judge.
1'ays Fine for Axsault P. J. Nor
ton paid a $100 fine yesterday for
assauu ana Dattery upon kox King,
an inmate of Father Flanagan's
home for boys. A charge of assault
to do great bodilv harm wa.s ehiineerl
to the lesser charge when Norton
agreed to plead guilty.
Finger Prints Cause Arrest i
Of 'Man -on Murder Charge
Finger prints induce the police to
hold John Latier, negro, living at
1808 North Twenty-fourth .street, for
the murder of C. Ruben, 623 North
Seventeenth Street, aged grocer
found Saturday night with his neck
severed from ear to ear.
Latier formerly lived next door to
Rubens. His finger prints tally with
those on a razor,) police say. Hit
prints have been sent to Fort
Leavenworth for further compari
son sv
Latiersays he can clear himself.
Clothing Sjtore Raided.
One hundred pairs of shoes and
two overcoats worth $.100 were
stolen from the clothing storq of A.
Hot water
Sure Relief
Declares She Would Like
To Put a Bottle of Tan
las In the Hands of
Every Sick Man, Woman
and Child In This Coun
try Never Saw Its
. (
"I am sixty-seven years of age.
but in all my experience I have
never known a medicine like Tanlac.
Think of it! Af my age to gain
twenty-five pounds, in weight, but
that is just what I have done," saiiF
Mrs. Emma Reifenstein. of No. 337
Webster avenue, Syracuse, N. .Y.
"If I had it in my power," she
continued, "1 would put a bottle of
Tanlac in the home of every skk
man, woman and child io this coun
try, for I know what this -wonderful
medicine would do for them. For
almost two years I was almost a
nervous wreck. I did ..not dare to
leave the house or even go up town
unless my husband went with me.
I was afraid to even cross the street
and had afeeling of dread all of the
"Mv stomach was weak and
easilv uosct. For davs at a time I
would go without solid food. I could
not rest at night to do any good
and felt tired and worn out all of
the time. Some days I could hardly
drae myself across the room and
was so weak and miserable I was
ready to give up.
"My health is fine now and I eat
anything I want and never have a
touch of indigestion. I have never
slept better than I do now. My re
covery is the talk of our neighbor
hood, as it was generally believed I
could not last but a few weeks
linger. This grand medicine has
brought me health and happiness
NrindplitilU.S.S,B. linerr, 535t lonil 21,000 ton J ,
S. S. Wenatchee, April 9
S. S. Wenatchee, June 18
Ftru, rsrvetioiu, tc, tppl any railroad or tourist agent, or
E. G. McMlCKEM, P.T.M..LC Smith Bid., Seattl. .
TV A mild system ot
Rectal Diaeaset in
eration. Ko Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetic sued.
A cure guaranteed in every case accepted (or treatment, and no money is to be paid until
rared. Writ for book on Keetal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more teas
t,00 prominent people who have beea permanently eured.
PR. i. H TARRY Sanatorium, Peters Trust Bids;. (Bee Bids.) Omaha, Nek
Kill That
1 v
Colds, Coughs
Neglected Colds
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy bandy for tbe brat aneese.
Breaks up a cold tn 24 hours - Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent lor Headache
Quinine in this form does not aSect the bead Cascara (a best Tonie
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
E. Royce, 5125 South Twenty-sixth
street, Tuesday night by burglarj
who etlected an entrance by batter
inn down the rear door, according
to police reports.
"They WORK
while you sleep'
Don't stay bilious or constipated,
with, your hc'ad dull, your stomach
sour, gassy, upset. Take one or two
CascarMs tonight sore for your
liver and bowels and wake up clear
and ' fit. Children love Cascarets,
too. No griping no inconvenience.
10, 25, 50 cents.
337 We6ter Ave., Syracuie, N. Y.
and I just can't say enough in jts
praise." K
Mr. J. Reifenstein, in commenting
ou his wife's statement, said: "Yes,
her recovery has been a happy sur
prise to us all. A few weeks ago I
had no idea she would be able to
pull through, but now she is in
better health than I have ever seen
her and the credit is due to Tanlac.
We have been married fifty-two
years today and I don't believe I
have ever seen her looking any
Tanlac is sold by the leading
treatment that cures Pilea, Fiotola and otht
a ahort time, without a lever aurcieal op
Cold With
La Grippt
are Danzerims
Company .
Collars, vestees, ' jruimpes.
collar and cuff sets, made of
dainty organdie, lace, , net
and other sheer materials,
are a decided asset to the
spring dress or suit. Of
course you'll he interested in
such a beautiful array as we
have here and will want sev
eral different styles when you
see them. Priced very low.
Main Floor
You'll Want New
Of course you must have
a new pair of jgJoves to com
plete the Spring wardrobe.
There are lambskin, French
kid, chamoisette and silk
gloves. Some plain, others
with elaborate embroidered
backs, and contrastftog colored '
buttons. White, black, beaver,
pongee, navy, and many other
popular shades. Priced from
79c up.
Main Floor
For Windy Days,
New Veils
Spring time means frisky
winds which play havoc with
Jfilady's appearance if she
isn't careful to protect that
trim, clean cut, tailored look
with a veil. Veils are very
popular this season and as our
assortments are " carefully
chosen you will have no diffi
culty in selecting one to match
your new hat, from 50c up.
Main Floor ,
For Spring, New
One's hosiery must be more
carefully selected this season
than ever before, partly due
to the vogue of short skirts
and partly due to the beauti
ful new shades- which must
match the new slippers.
Our collections are un
usually complete and we are '
certain that we have just the
kind of hose that you want
at the price you want to pay.
Main Floor
Strap Slippers or
.It makes little difference
which you choose; as far as
style is concerned it is sim.
ply a matter of taste. There
are one and two strap slip
pers and there are the smart
oxfords in various models.
Grey, brown and black are
popular and are found here in
numerous newehapes. Select
a pair for spring now.
Second Floor
were t