Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    'life lifcliu: O:iAiIA, TliLK&DAV, iiAUCif Si, lt21.
m n 1
I ram trasncs
Into Autoinohile:
Two )Vomeii Hurl
I ;ir t anl DtMiutli-luMi' at j
$0th Street (!ro!fiiif: In
fant in Driver's Arms
i t wotiM ii and ,t M.all baby tiar
i..w!y sv iiju 1 t jtli yesterday after
i "ii at .'.HI ui'cit the automobile
i" which thrv wrir 1 ititilK Oil the
V'ttU Side. Mr-. Delia I uniting- .j
i in Nor.h Twenty-eighth
. t. and Mis. U. K. Kvaus. -713 j
M.'.ii-l'T-t'ii Mrcct, were driving in i
' t 'uiiiiingham coupe to Fort Onui-
.wins carried her baby
iniK-ll, 3 mouths, in her
i li- v were .doing to the garrison
i" .tttcrul a weekly social.
Mrs. Cunningham wa- driving
'.i.'!"th on Thirtieth street.
Train Hits Auto.
A the car ran un on the Missour
Pac.iUe tracks at Koyd .street a wet
iijinnl freight train loomed and
CK.shed into the machine.
Mrs. Cunningham snatched the
hahv from Mrs. Y. alls' arms as both
vw'tiicn were hurled from ihrir sf1 f.
The scar was knocked 10 feet
rovss the street, turned turtle and
.Mrs. I',;n$ lanilcd in the ditch
beside the road a-ul Mis. Cunning
Ii3'i fell ne tr I er.
'I lie i',i;v, nestled close in Mi s.
Cuii!iinh;!in's arm-, escaped wi'lii
o it a scialeh.
Women Injured.
Mis. ( mmitigftani suifcred bruises
,.!! ,ut the iiodv and lacerations of
U e se.i.hi and face. :
Mrs. I'.vans suiiered i)iui-cs ab'.ut !
il,e bodv and, .
Police surgeon., were summoned
and took the trio to the l.vans
home, v. heic both women now
in a
ol nervous eviaustion.
'.vans may be suffering
tcriiai injuries, the surgeons saw.
She could not discuss the wreck
ii'id .Mrs. Cuniiinghr.m talked brok
enly of the accident.
Didn't See Train.
"1 did not sec the train. nor liJ
i hear any signal, neither bell uji
whistle." said Mrs. Cunningham.
"VA'hcir I saw that engine loom
up before us and felt (he crash as it
struck our car, niv mind went
Mrs, F vans "as knocked semi
conscious, in which condition .she is
reported to be still lying.
The crew of the train included 11.
Keid. engineer;' !'. Hador. fireman;
I. A. P.all. conductor; II. A. Jeffries
ami Rex F.riepr. brakemcn.
None of them was injured'.
Soys Rang Bell.
Fnemeer Keid claims he rang th
hcH on the locomotive for the cross-
, "'There's a steep grade there, said
he, 'aitd 1 had to put on a little more'11 than usual to make the grade.
"I sounded theFcli for the cross
ing." 1 lie train v as on the coupe betore
1-e tould throw on the brakes, Uit
'engineer said, and the crash crr.c
New Ordinance
HnniP I .lPm KntPSi
A 'i-rfnt cut in electric Fght rates
tor residences is proposed by an
mdmance to be submitted by Com
missioner L re and W. C. Lambert,
city corporation council. The cut is
tiom 6 to 5'j cents per kilowatt
The ne rate will reduce the cost
to residence users by $103,000. but
this sum w ill be distributed in boosts
to wholesale consumers, the new
1 lan contemplates. The return to the
power company will be the same. .
Two other reductions are con
sidered, one of initial commercial
lighting rates for the first block of
150 kilowatt hours, and. second, for
patrons of c!ail power, alternating
current. -
A service charge for patrons of
particular service also is contem-1
Home Superintendent May
Be Made Juvenile Officer
Mrs. Margaret Sexton, superin
tendent of Jtiverview home, who will
be displaced by Mr. and Mrs. George
Cott in the position April 1, said yes
terday she hopes to continue in work
with delinquent and neglected chil-
nrp-l n MTnrt rrmcr man r
lllld.! I If I il lfl 1,1 Til UUHl H ,11 111-'
ticers in the juvenile court and she
may be employed there.
Strong efforts were made to kerp
Mrs. Sexton in her position. ""She is
the widow of John L. , Sexton, the
superintendent, who ; died from
wounds he received when he was
snrt one night last spring at Eighth
and Bancroft streets when he sought
tr- interfere with a man who was an
r.oyiiig a girl.
Grain Broker Who Killed
Self Leaves All to Wife ;
1 he will of Rothschild.
wealthy Omana gram broker, who
tommittcd suicide in his home in
Dundee March 3, was admitted to
pre-bate in oimty court yesterday.
The will leaves the entire estate to
his wife.
The will of the late Frank T. Ran
s itu, attorney, was also admitted to
probate yesterday by County Judge
Omaha Kemiel Club Enters
iredale Pup 111 Bench bhow,
Ii. Harrison, secretary of the
" ha Rennet club, has been suc-cr-
;e(l bv W. W Rradlev. who -.viil
ina luiu the office of the new organ- j
t--:r:en ill the city hall.
C'r. J. L. Warta, vice president, j
i -.i ;or Llncago last night, taking
with him a prize Airedale pup which
he will enter in the Chicago
V'abaret Owner Pleads Not
t.-r r.. s of Selj. LJ
rtiiTM Tlrm. - . .. . . -
'"iwlOfti r e' yj ttf j 1 -
: "tN and R. A.' Coyle,
vvt VYstuden- were among
pur fo auegca violations ot
mti (1 not PlllllV
for 'card in ,hc April
to for.
Coupe Wrecked By Train
MM m M fX? wff' . W V .W ' v. .v.Vftf. . "WSSSSJBS-. "muW.V S . .-. ''V ..... n I
.xr kAl 1 VI
Here's a cicture of the remains
' wrecked by a westbound train on the
a scratch. This picture was made at
af the time of the crash.
Nearly Half of
TBudsct Raised
Pledges Already Reported
Amount to $23,400 Six
On Honor Roll.
T0 7,ul1jrcd enthusiastic catit-
paifcu workers met at the ' Y" for
!ulltleoll vestcrdav and reported
'f ,u rt,.5t, fnr !, v"
annual current ex net
:nse buaeet ot
4; ,UUi i,;.-i, Jm. ,-,UeA lhw
in-rtr c,;ii, o -h.iW.
man. w ho presided, injected pep into
all the men present by his remarks.
G. W. Noble, president of the as
sociation, also spoke and George
Campbell led the singing of cam
paign "pep" soncs.
C C. Edgerlv's team won the'
pennant lor bringing in the most
inorty in Division 'A, with 5480: II.
N. Nelson's team won the "rag" in
Division V, with $54t; E. R. Burke
carried away the honors in Division
C. villi $9.31; the team captained
by Charles Sykes won the banner
in Div ision D, with $415.
Division A reported 1.220; Divi
sion F.. S1.071; Division C, ?!.S:2,
and Division D, The total ot"
the day's reporls was $5.01.5. mak
ing the total amount of pledges in
up to date. 4X), slightly less than
half the whole sum.
The honor roil of men who have
secured pledges totaling ?2S0 or
more contains the. names of six
men. They are, Dr. A. F. Tyler. By
ron R. Hastings. X. H. Nelson, J.
A Lindorholni, E. A. Springer and
Dr. J. M. Patten.
H. M. Rogerson Asked to
om Mantell lroupeici.ed i fajc(f Garup-
" I So srnnorlipe 111110
11 M. Rogerson, former British
school plays in Omaha last vear,
was invited bv Robert Mantell to
j play Shakespearean roles in his com
pany, during the eminent actors vis
it in Omaha recentlv.
Rogerson has not yet decided to
T have my home here but if 1
sell it. I may accept Mr. Mantell's
offer,"' he said.
Rogerson attracted public atten
tion when he resigned as coach for
the 1920 senior play rather than ex
purgate portions of Goldsmith's
classic "The Vicar of Wakefield,"
as he was requester! to do by Miss
Jessie Towne. dean of girls at Cen
tral High school.
St. Paul Bandits Get $51,000, j
51,000 ot Winch Is in Lash;
St. Paul. March 30. Fiftv-one
thousand dollars, including $21,000
in ca"sh, was the loot" obtained by
five bandits who held up the City
bank of St. Paul Tuesday afternoon.
bank officials announced today after
checking uptheir accounts.
The loot included $30,000 in un
registered Liberty bonds.
Police today had not found any
clew to the robbers except the num
ber of the automobile used.
The loss is covered by insurance
bank officials declared.
Man Is Hit by Auto as He
Steps Into Safety Zone
While stepping from the curbing
at Sixteenth and Harney streets into
the safety zone to board a street
car Tuesday evening, J. N. Ham
mond, real estate and insurance man.
2616 Ames avenue, was struck by an
automobile driven by Clark Swear
ingen, 1335 South Ninth street.
Hammond suffered a lacerated left
eye and bruises about the. head and
!od - v - He ,vas take" hme- Swea
ingen ,w as arrested for reckless driv
ing. Man 011 Way to Undertaker
Is Arrested for Speeding
Speeding" east on - Dodge street
near Forty-fifth street. Adolph Liet
cntci't, farmer living west of Omaha,
was arrested by police Sergeant
My little baby died this morning
;aud I. was on my way to an under-
discharged him.
"If he had told me I would not
have arrested him," said Emery.
Judge Is Informed by
Jurors TJiat They Know
More of Law Than He
Chicago, March 30. Despite al
most specific instructions of Judge
Joseph David, a jury in his court
found Ben Smith, coiored, guilty of
a serious offense against a 16-year-tdd
white boy. The judge set the
verdict aside as he had told the
jurors he would do so, if a verdict
of guilty was found, declaring the
evidence insufficient.
"You evidently think you know.
more aoout the law than the court,
the judge said,to the jury.
"We do, the foreman said.
.s .
' i-iyiyyffrnrimnlAiiVi
of the coupe in which two women
north side of the city yesterday
the scene ot the wreck by The Bee
Legion to Exhibit
Implements of War
At Building Show
A complete array of the small im
plements of warfare will be exhibi
ted by the Douglas County post of
the American Legion at the Com
plete Building show to be held st
the Auditorium April 18-23. Robert
C. Mitchell and Charles A. Fra:ike,
promoters of the show, gave the
space to the Legion men gratis.
H. C. Hough, adjutant of the post,
said vesterday that all members of
the " Legion who had relics of the L'
war would be requested to lend t.ieni
for the exhibit. Ex-service men will
be solicited to join the local organ
ization and data relative to the war
risk insurance bureau, vocational
training and public health service
will be given out.
Warhoochee Must
v Pay Back $250, Fee
Varhoochcc Areyano Indian
princess, soothsaver and herb healer,
is out $250.
In fact, she's really out?500.
So decreed Municipal Judge Bald
win yesterday afternoon.
Thomas Garup, 6805 South Thir
teenth street, sued Warhoochee for
$250 which he said he paid as half
of a fee of $500 for the princess to
cure his wife of attacks of epilepsy.
Garup charged Warhoochee did
not effect a cure and sought to re
trieve his $250 through the courts.
Judge Baldwin heard the case last
Friday afternoon, at which time the
Indian princess waxed saucy on the
witness stand.
Then the judge took the case un
der advisement and yesterday dc-
So Warhoochee must pav bacw
t-iat $250 to Garup and lose the other
$250 she had figured on adding to
her bank account which helps keep
her trio of automobiles running.
Man Held Up and Robbed as
He Starts to Enter His Home
While attempting to unlock the door
of his home at 9 Tuesday night, Ed
ward Muenz. foreman at the Loose
Wiles Biscuit company, 2003 Nicho
las street, was held tap and-robbed
of $25 by two men who pounced
upon him from the storm doorway.
Muenz struck one of the highway
men on the jaw, he told the police,
but the other draw a long knife and
threatened to cut .his throat with it.
1 Both highwaymtn escarped.
Former Owner of Empress
Theater in Omaha Dies
Paul Le Marquand, formerly one
of the business partners of the Em
press theater here, died Tuesday
,in Minneapolis. , Mr. Le Marquand
was well known in theatrical circles
throughout the middle west. He
left Omaha a year ago. Funeral
services will be held in Minneapolis.
Screams of Doctor's Wife
Frighten Away Bwglar
When the wife of Dr. H. A. Wag
goner, 3519 Jackson street, returned
to her home Tuesday evening she
caught sight of a man trying to break
into her apartment at 9. Her screams
frishtened him away and she called
the police.
Dope Is Seized
Denver. March 30. In a raid here
last night federal officers arrested
three Chinese and seized $4,000
worth of narcotics and several Chi
nese lottery and gaming outfits. Two
gallons of whisky was found in one
of the places raided.
Tourist Park Planned
Madison. Neb.. March 30. (Spe
cial) As a result ot tne joint cnons
of the community club and the city
council. Madison w ill have a tourist
park equipped to take care .of the
needs of the traveling tourists.
Deaths and Funerals
The bodv ot Ktmr Wyatt will b In
terred in lh potler' flpld unlfM claimed
by rHatlves. Wyatt died en T'ieaday at
the county hospital, following an attack
of diphtheria. He taken to the hos
pital last Sunday by police. The only in
formation obtainable at the hospital -.s
that Wj-att wa ' yeara old, born In
Missouri, and a a laborer. -
Divorce Court.
DlTore Petition. -
" Samuel Levy against Isabella Levy,
Edna Thur against Clifford Thar.
Clifford Harrow agalns Haiel Harrow,
Stanley Stelmach against ifrancea Stel
mach. cruelty,
crdelty. -cruelty.
, ,
Sophia Precht against Frederick rrevht,
CrAd'dTi Mittelmejer against Louis Mlttet
meyer, cruelty.
Frank larno against Roale Tamo, cruel
ty. , IHtotts Decrees.
Alva Quinlan' from Daniel Qulnlan,
Loretta Thompson from Robert Thomp
son, cruelty.
Louis Kruse from William H. Kruse,
Clara Eby from Frank Eby. cruelty.
Matilda Acnes Larson from David E.
, Larson, cruelty.
i fnalt Clark from Lillian Clark, cruelty.
and a baby were riding when it was
afternoon. The baby escaped without
stalf photographer wttntn iv minutes
28 Graduated at
Commerce High
March Class Which A Ended
Four-Year Course Smallest
In Several Years.
The March graduating class of the
High School of Commerce ended
its four-year course last night at
the Central High auditorium, where
special commencement exercises
were held.
Dr. Charles Perkins of Council
Bluffs, gave the main address. J.
H. Beveridge. superintendent of
Omaha schools, presided. The di
plomas were presented to the class
of 28, the smallest body of grad-
Liia'es from Commerce in several
years, by v. E. Reed of-the board
of education.
Two commissioned officers. Neville
Ogden, first lieutenant of Company
A, and Clarence Spearman, second
lieutenant, unassigncd, were given
military certificates, although drill
has been suspended at Commerce
until the new buildings are occu
pied, when a junior unit of the na
tional R. O. T. C. will be organized
by the War department.
The seniors realized $350 from
their three one-act palys given Mon
day and Tuesday nights at the Cen
tral High auditorium. This money
will be used to pay the expenses of
getting out an illustrated 32-page
quarterly, which will be issued to
the students and faculty of the
school today.
Mistaken by Husband for
Her Daughter, Wife Explains
I Anders P. Larsen couldn't tell his
wife, Emma, 38, from her daughter.
At least, so Emma asserted in
Judge Wakeley's court yesterday
when her husband accused her of
going riding with another man on
a motorcycle. He stood two blocks
away. -
"It wasn't me; it was my daughter.
We look alike," Mrs. Larsen ex
plained. She is seeking a divorce.
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, in
stantly that corn stops hurting, then
shortly you lift it right off with
fingers. Truly!
Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle
of "Freezone" for a few cents, suf
ficient to remove every hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and the calluses, withcjitoreness or
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
If your skin is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a Dad taste in your mouth
a lazy, no-good feeling you should
take Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study.
vegetablecompound mixed withoUveoil.
You will know them by their olive color.
TohaveacleX, pinkskin, brighteyes.
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on
the Bver and bowels like calomel yet
have no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. Take one or two nightly and
note the pleasing results. Millions of
boies arc sold annually at L5c and 30c
Postal Agents
Fail to Capture
Mail Robbers
Recal Loss of Pouch at
Stuart, Neb., January 29
Loss is Estimated at
Over $10,000.
O'Xeiil, Neb.. March 30. (Special
' Telegram.) Four hundred dollars in
incomplete national 'bank currency,
consigned'to the First National bank
of Stuart, Neb., and many valuable
papers, estimated at $10,000, were
secured by mail pouch bandits in
a robbery at Stuart, Neb., January
2, according to information just
; made public. Postal inspectors and
1 secret service men still are at work
ground Stuart to .apprehend the
bandit or bandits.
j The pouch of first-class mail,
j known as a catch pouch, was drop
' ped ofT Northwestern passenger
, train No. 5 at the Stuart station
' after midnight and was stolen be
fore the railway agent had time to
pijk ii up. Its loss was discovered
wjfen abstracts, mortgages and
oincr instruments involved in March
settlements consigned from O'Neill,
failed to reach their destination and
when currency consigned to the
Stuart bank from the Treasury de
partment failed to arrive.
Tostal inspectors discovered the
pouch later a short distance from
Stuart and the mail left in it was
sent on to the addresses.
A $10 bill, soiled and mutilated
' so that the bank signature, if any,
wouia pc inegioie, was casnea at
the Stuart First National bank and
was discovered to - be one of the
missing bills several 'days later.
None since have been discovered.
Banks have been notified to look
out for the missing currency, de
scribed as follows: Eight full sheets
of bills, three 10s and one 20 on
each sheet, numbered from 2,550 to
2,557 inclusive. The 10s have a pic
ture of i McKinley and 20s of Hugh
An Italian hydroelectric plant 13
manufacturing more than a ton of
ammonia daily from' air and water
as the onlv raw materials.
Bayer on Genuine
Warning ! Unless you see the
'Bayer" on package or on
ycu ar not getting genuine
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for years and proved safe by
millions. Take Aspirin only as told
in the Bayer package for Colds,
Important Announcement!
ing garments. We turn the keys over to the
Blank Enterprises Saturday night. Our efforts
to effect an absolute clean-up by April 1st did not
materialize. Hundreds of garments remain on the
racks, and for Thursday, Friday and Saturday we
have used the price slashing knife in the most
daring manner ever attempted by any store any
where at any time. Come now. Excuse the
torn up appearance of the store. The mighty
Indians Appeal to
i President to Name
NSloane Commissioner
Washington. March ' 30. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Evans of
Nebraska accompanied by Secretary
Rishop of the Society of American
Indians of which Thomas L. Slcane
of Tender, Neb., is president, ;.nd
several Indian members of the so
ciety, today saw1 President Harding
in the interest of Mr. Sloane, who
i a candidate for commissioner of
Indian affairs. The president listened
with close attention as Judge Evans
outlined the claims Mr, Sloane had
for the place, which were accentu
ated by Mr. Bishop.
While no promises were given it
is known that the differences in the
Oklahoma delegation over the place
make it almost a certainty tha no
candidate from that state, and there
are several, will land the job. While
Mr. Sloane has strong endorsements,
it is believed that ex-congressman
Charles H. Burke of South Dakota,
who has the united support of his
delegation, will larfd the position.
The Nebraska delegation is divided
between Mr. Sloane and Mr. Dor
rington, brother-in-law of Congress
man Reavis.
Loup County Farmers Plan
To Keen on Raisin? Cattle:
it t r r, . !
s i. m, . uurnuns 01 mirwcii w as
a visitor at me siock varas ioos 1
ing for a bunch of stockers for his
Loup county ranch. He says many of
the farmers in his section arar look
ing forward to the raising of cattle
this summer.
"Although many of the farmers i t
my neighborhood were hard hit by
the fall in prices of live stock," said
Mr. Goemans, "they are still stick
ing to the game. The banks at Bur
well stood by the cattlemen, carry
ing them over the rdugh places and
are still doing their best to aid thnt.
"Farming is under way in west
central Nebraska. This year tfle oa!.s
crop will be heavy and more corn
will be planted for home consump
tion." ,
White Elephant Sale
Beatrice, Neb., March 30. (Spe
cial.) A white -elephant sale, for the
benefit of the Red Cross, opened here
for a three davs' run, and is being
well patronized.
Aspirin say "Baye
Headache. Neuralgia,, j
Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, arid i
for Pain. All druggists sell Bayer j
Tablets of A pirin in handvtin borres
of 12. and in bottles of 24 and 103. I
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer j
Manufacture of Monoaceticacides'. ?r j
of Salicylicacid. I
While the movers
and wreckers
the basement and upper floors
building we shall continue to make
a gigantic last effort to
values overcome a
inebnvenience you
in making selections.
Parisian Cloak Co.
Beatrice ChriMiau Church
Seeue of Two Receptious
Beatrice, Neb., March 30. (Spe
cial.) A farewell reception was held
tor Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Burks in
the Christian church here at the same
time Mr. 4ih1 Mrs. J. L. Rhodes,
pioneers of Gage county, obsetved
their golden wedding anniversary.
More than 100 were present. Rev.
Mr. Burk and wife left for Twin
Falls, Idaho. Mr. Burks has been
pastor of the Christian church here
for two years, and recently resigned
to become pastty at Twin Falls.
Anderson Absentee Bill
Passes ou Third Readiug
Lincoln, March 30. ( Special.)
Speaker Anderson's bill, putting nu
merous checks on absentee voters,
in au effort to minimize fraudulent
voting, passed the lower house on
third reading. x
Only Honesty Endures
in Clothes as in all lines of endeavor.
Honesty iji Quality-Tailoring
and Honesty in Pricing.
Strict adherence to this policy
HONESTY has won for us a
persistent "patronage, which- is
steadily increasing.
The Home of COLLEGIAN Clothe.
N. E. Corner 17th and Harney St.
are clearing out
dispose of all remain
thousand times
might encounter
Douglas St.
Payment of Award to
Madeline Nugent Fought
An effort to avoid payment of
$25,000 damages from the estate of
the late Robinson C. Martin to
Madeline E. Nugent, 2033 North
Twentieth street, was made in a
technical objection filed in county
court today by Joseph E. Martin,
administrator of the estate.
Martin was killed and Miss Nu
gent was so badly injured that she
has not yet recovered when an auto
inohile driven by Martin collider
head-on w ith a street car at, Twenty
sixth and Leavenworth streets, Juin
20, 1920.
The technical objection ,to tht
damage claim of Miss Nugent hold
that no claim for damages can hole
against a man who is deceased,
Martin's estate is said to be wortl