Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1921, Page 10, Image 10
'1 10 lflE BEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1921. J i Minified Advertising Rites 111 pr Uo (count six word to Hn) day t9 pr tit per day, conttcuttv d 19 rr Una pr dy. 1 eonecuttv days t pr Una per day, to conacutlv day No d taken for ia tbaa tool f le. I-hea rate epaly either lo th Daily r Sunday Bm. All advartlssment ap mr Id both morning and avealBi daily papart (or th ana cbsrg. CONTRACT KATK8 ON APPLICATION. Waal a da accepted at th following el flces: MAIN OFFICE "th and Parnam Sts. keotta Side Philip Department Star I'ouiictl Bluff It 8eott . WANT APS RECEIVED BY PHONB AT TYLER 1000.N THE SEB "Vlll not ta reapooslble far mora than on Incorrect InssrUon of an dvertlMineot ordrd for mora tbaa an time. -' closing hocks iron want ads. livening Edition 11:4 A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P. M. Sunday Edition t.00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. VHANAHAN Dennis, axed 9 yearn, March 19, 1911. Resident of Omaha for the past 47 years. Deceased li survived by v.ldow and daughter, Mr. W. P. OKeef, both of Omaha. Funeral Thiiraiiay, :4S a m.. (mm family residence, 240J South Elevsnt!) mre, to St. Pstrirks church it m. Interment St. Marys cemetery. VAN GORIHDr. A. L.. March 29, 1931. age SO year. Funeral Thursday at t p. in. from Johnson & Swansun chapel. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. VAN SANT Adam Clarke, aged 88 years. Funeral from his late residence. 290 Dewey Ave., at 2 o'clock Thursday aft ernoon. Burial private. Friends plea&e omit flowers. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST PIERCE HTPTTT AXWV BERV1CB JBROV"""'-'''-' HARNEY 64 Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 791 South 16th St. DougUs 1288. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Prion H. 265. Office 3611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 880. Knrlako Funeral Hume. 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 'Si 1M4 Douglas St. Douglas 6244. I.. Henderson, 1M9 Farnant. Douglas 1 lid JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. D. 1906. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Otho and Sarah Walker, Twenty-fourth and Polk streets, girl. Luther nd Carrie Stafford, HID South 'Thirty-eighth street, girl. Gilbert and Ruth Alton, 1201 Polk atreet, bJoseph and Nellie Patane. 1937 South Eleventh atreet, girt. , Joe and Mary Svebla. 4219 South Thtr teenth etreet, girl. George and Maud Altkenhead, 61 Dor cas atreet, boy. . . . , Maurice and Loretta Peters, 1664 Plerca treit, grll. R. S. and Anna Washburn, ST48 Crowa Point avenue, boy. Leonard and Lilly Phillips, 1616 South Tenfh atreet, boy. i Gulseppe and firazla Gaallolo, 1i0 South Seventh street, boy. Alflo and Salvatrlce Dlglorgi, 621 Wil liams street, boy. Enoch and Nellie Olson, 5866 Davenport street, boy, Aajonio and Carmela Domano, 3003 Val ley street, boy, James and Serina, Ojlllns, 31 J Pine street, girl. Raymond and Nellie Denton, 1613 North Thlrty-flrat street, girl. Jay and Stella Ooeset, 1806 Chicago st reft. boj ..John and Alma Swanson, 3333 South Twentieth street, boy, James and Bl-mrhe Trunecek, 6228 South Twenty. first street, girl. James and Mane Hubanks, 3616 Web ster street, boy, Fred and Grace Peterson, S222 Fowler avenue, boy. Walter and Marie Carr, 206 Dresden apartment, boy. Deaths. Marybell Rawllnga, S9, 1426 South Thirteenth atreet. Albert Stone. 60, hospital. Jane Elinor Swan, 8. K647 Pacific street. Oscar Elmon Jackson, 42, 1606 Bur detto street. Baby Rertdick, infant, hospital &tra. C Gossard, 32, hospital. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persona were issued per mits to wed: .. Sam Human. 26. Omaha, and Mary Pavlawlck, 33, Omaha. Thomas W. Taylor, !4, Omaha, and Junta L. Seckman, 22, Omaha. Jagnew Richardson, over 21, Kansas City, Mo., and Lillian M. Woodrow, over II. Omaha, AVllliam J. Nemec. over 21, Dodge, Neb' and Marie Faltin, over 18. Dodge, Neb. Guy F. Pierce, 21, Thurman, la., and Beatrice Davison, 18, Percival, Ia Harold V. Kalsay, 21, Thurmam la., and Bernlce Davison. 18, Percival, la. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. Wa are aniloua to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T. RY. COMPANT. IRISH , water . apanlel dog, rough brown coat, weight so lbs., strap on neck. An swers to name of Dan. Liberal Re ward. Har. 4321. LOST Brown pocket book containing watch, key, papers, name on vlsitlnj cards. Return contents, keep money. Col. 404. LADIES wrist watch. between Union depot, 26th Davenport, or Harney car. Reward. Douglas-4908. LOST Eversharp silver engraved pencil. Initialed E. C B. Finder call Colfax 2606. Reward. LOST Hallmark wrist watcfc on 10th or Pacific St Reward. AUca Sheahan. Web. 4647. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, ma guinea, We collect. Wa distribute Phone Doug 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. 1 t . V. IV. A ...... ...-. maxle by my wife, Anna Sallsburg, here afler. 2th day of March. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debt contracted by anyone unless approved by me In my own handwriting. Louie Salisbury, 601 William. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVK AGENCY, Inorporatsd. Douglas 1107. Suite 308. Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. SAY IT WITH FL0WER8 FROM HESS A 8WOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. EXPT MASSEUSE 20 So. 29th. D. 6877. WEAVING Old ruga remade. Ty. 1433. ELECTRO MESSAGE, 817 Neville Block. MASSAGE. CALL DOUGLAS 954. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeen! St ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburst. box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button an Pleating Co.. 301 Brown Blk. Douglaa 13. Neb. Pleating Button Co.. 1806 Farnam St.. 2d floor. Douglaa 6670. Contractors. I. DO all kinds remodeling, repairing. 8ee my book of plans of bungalowa aud garages. Alvtn Dickson. So. 2794. t WILL furnish1 material and build good, strong 10x16 garage, two coats of paint, for $126. Stevens, 440 S. 224. South 0637, BUILDING, remodeling and cement work. Newman Weaver, architects and con tractors. South 1761 or Web. 1811. BRICK, plaster and cement work. Wal nut 4667. rv Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway . Ex. Bldg. Doug. 1066. Night Col. 1811. JAMES ALLAN. (12 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all eases, -lyier ii. Dancing Academiea. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stag and Ballroom Dancing Taught , Lesson by Appointment. Impress rustic garden. F.irmreaa Theater. Tyler 1141. k-KFP'S-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach yon t dance. Spe cial attention to caiiaren. humu easured. Dg. 26SL Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WES80N. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, not First Kapioaal Bask Sid BRINGING UP WELL. -Or COURSE F VOO CAN'T CO TO THE "SRHY, FOR.. OlNtSER TONICHT I'LL HAVE TO PHONE! THtM ft. 1 . 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Painting and Paper Hanging. KUPLIN & LUTES Painting, paperhana- Ing, Interior decorating; quick service. Webster 1425, PAINTING and wall paper cleaning; work right, prices reasonable. Doug, bill, PAINTING, paperhanging and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau, walnut 4iv. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W, MARTIN, patent atty.. 1714 Dodge. Stiirgess A Sturcess, registered patent at- tomes s. 433 peters Trust Kid :.. cimana. Miscellaneous Announcements. FRIEMl.AND FARM DAIRY. STRICTLY SANITARY. Special Baby Milk supplied from the Holstein herd formerly owned by Dr. B. B. Davis Friesland Farm Milk (Milk and Cream) Friesland Farm Special Baby Milk. Call Walnut 3567. DIAMONDSpch Tr.v.&e to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 403 N. 16th St -Douglas 6046. ' PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sis.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETY' razor bladea sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold, umana Razor Sharpening Co.. 1622 4 Dodge. 10 N. 16. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot .jacks. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 6731. QTTTTG save 60 percent. OUUD D. B. GROSS. 403 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 16tb and Douglas Sts., Omsha. Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. write ror prices, rne ensign co oui Howsrd St. HAULING, moving, all kinds, 63 hour; orders taken for black dirt, fertilizer, Web. 6602. Registered physician, strictly confidential, consultation free, appointment only. Har. ney r333.. American State Bank, 18th and Farnam. 4 Int. compounded quaterly on savlnga. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 S. 13th St., Omaha, FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent. 103 N. lth St. John Feldman. D. .128. A. OLSEN, auto express, furniture moving ana naunng. Tyler test. Tnl Pina School for Dancing, 2424 XVei-Xilie Farnam. vDoug. 7866 OMkt Towel Supply. 207 allth. D. 0628. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION., $30,000.00 WORTH 6f RUGS, LINOLEUM, LINOLEUM RUGS AND FURNITURE will be aold without reserve or limit to the highest bidder at our warehouse, 1108-10-12 Nicholas St., Thursday. March 31, 1921, at 1:30 p. m. This includes five carloads rugs and linoleums and felt base coverings; 60 Smith Wilton rugs, 20 Axmlnster ruga, 67 velvet and Brussels rugs, 100 grass and fiber rugs, 60 matting rugs; lot chiffoniers, dressers, ranges, porch fur niture, brass and iron beds, springs and mattresses, couch pads, flifs lot big overstuffed leather and oak and , mahogany rockers, baby walkers, wal ' nut and mahogany bedroom suites in Queen Ann and Adam, period styles, children's cribs, all styles library tables, chlffrobe desks, dining room furniture, mirrors and every Item used In fur niture. Nebraska Warehouse Company, 1108 Nicholas Street Sale Starts Thursday, March 31, at 1:30 p. m. RAILROAD salvage and new bankrupt stock recently purchased consisting of furniture, glassware, hardware, granite ware, etc " EMANUEL 'AKS 2610 N St., So. Omaha South 2S70. BEAUTIFUL period dining room set for sale. Apartment for rent it desired. Tyler 6038. SEWING machine, very reasonable. South 3604. OAK dining table. Colfax 0629. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGE A SMITH Dealer- In drums, xylophones, etc., Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St., for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent Everything In art and music BIGGEST phonograph bargains In Omaha. 8blaea Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. WANTED A piano ta us for storage; best of care; no children. Dg. 7396. Clothing.- STTTTC! save io per cent. OUAAO D. B. GROSS. 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. Typewriters and Supplies.- PROTECTOQRAPria. S.; bargain,. y Farnam Side. FATHER I MVE AN IMPORTANT OKCCTORi. IBLC FOR ME To FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND , ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bouitht, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the COBONA. Get our prices before you buy. JIvery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1812 Farnam Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fatrbanka No. standard scale, SttiStt foot platform, also f 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Be office, nth and Farnam 81a. Phone Tylsr 1000. FOR SALE. ONE 1600 NATIONAL CASH REGIS TER. 1116 MEAT SLICER. 8175 TOLEDO rCALE. . $145 TOLEDO SCALE. AT A BARGAIN. ..' INQUIRE TABLE SUPPLY CO., 17th and Douglas. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parte. MICKEL'S, I5th and Harney. D.uflss 1873. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show. cases, etc. umana Fixture & supply Co. a W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. NEW and used lumber. Kindling deliv ered, i Mlcklln & Son, 1828 North 21st St. Webster 0469. FRESH milk delivered wholesale, twfee dally. Any place In Oinaba. Ralston 61-J. S A e?T?Q BARGAINS. 12th A Farnam. OJr JLO j. j. Darlght Safe Co. Wanted to buy DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6148. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and 'Grniture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett 706 N. 18 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. TRUCK helper day or night porter, col ored man. Tyler 0498. HOUSECLEANING Wanted. Call Harney 7092. Female. . HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Tb Bee. Lota of good places ar always advertised. Don't miss them. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY and day work. Web. 0203. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED YOUNG MAN For Advertising Department of , large corporation, outside solicit ing. Experience unnecessary. State age, education, etc. Position pays 76 per month to start, . Box R-5, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. Automobile Painter. First-class workman with ex perience, who can do real work, to take charge of reflnlshlng de partment of well established bus iness on a percentage basis. Must furnish satlsfactdry references. This Is a big paying proposition for the right man. Render Cadillac Co., , Fort Dodge Iowa. WANTED In small town, A-1, ambitious mechanic in an authorized Ford garage, must have all small tools, understand rebcring and rebabbiting blocks; per manent position to right party; pre fer married man; must have references. Bee, Box O-100. STEADY position for first-class linotype machinist-operator In Job office. Open show Wire McMath Printing nd Lith- ographlng company, El Paso, Texas. TWO granite cutters, 1 letterer, 1 polish er; steady work, good wages, good cli mate. Sunset Monument Co., 2727 First Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Three good shoe repair men; steady Job; write of call in person. Hen ry Salzman, 202 S. 12th, Lincoln, Neb. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 110 So. i4th. Write for catalog. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 121 N. 16th St. Phone Douglas 1112. FIRST-CLASS Linotype machinist. Fore man Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL . HIGH GRADE ADVERTISED LINE OF UTENSILS IN WYOMING AND WESTERN NEBRASKA. SALARY AND BONUS. SEB MR. PARKS, FONTENELLE HOTEL, WEDNES DAY OR THURSDAY. DO NOT AP PLY UNLESS YOU ARE A REAL SALESMAN. f SALESMAN WANTED AN OPPORTUNITY- OF PERMA NENCE FOR MEN OF EXPERIENCE IN SELLING TO FARMERS. CALL ON OR WRITE. AMERICAN LIVE 8TOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. 1817 DOUGLAS ST. OMAHA, NEB. WANTED tSalesmai, who has .ctua' road experience selling paper, stationery, school supplies, holiday goods and drug sundries for Nebraska territory, by an old established Missouri river house. Boy Y-1469, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED fitter for ladles' altering department; good wages; permanent po sition. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co.. 1417 Douglaa. See Mr. Sperry THREE good salesmen, one aa erew man ager for household specialty. C. F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 16th St. WANTED Cigar salesman for Omaha and vicinity. Apply the J. F. Cherry Co., Newark, O. 7 Miscellaneous. MEN wanted to set pins at Farnsm Bowl ing Alley, l&dl Faraara. Regis tared U. 8. Patent Offic. Y ( THANK ;OODNEVtvr) juv, iCT OUT OF THA.T- I tl IrlEM SOCIETY" 0 B I V I . DINNER - ALl THEV " Q ? KNIVES AN'1 -- ) FORK AN' NO HELP WANTED FEMALE. - Stores and Offices. LADIES wanted to devote part or all of time to clean, profitable work. 309 Ne ville. 16th and Harney. Professions and Trades. WANTED COMPETENT TELEPHONE OPERATOR. BOX K-2, OMAHA BEE. PRACTICAL nurse, ' wishing to nurse in privato home In Council Bluffs or Oma ha. Call Black 1168. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADY Two first-rlass exp. sales ladies for suit and coat department; good wages and bonus. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co. See Mr. SpeTry. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads, Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. R. Sherman, 132 Jsr. 38th Ave. Phone Harney 0971. COMPETENT girl for general housewo'k; no launary; goon wajtes. ssss I ass tit. Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESS wanted; also bead waitress; ism farnam. or 3 GIRL waitresses. Tyler 3063 HELP WANTED. .Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Tri-CIty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. "Teb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. Business Opportunities Hardware store In small town 13 miles from Omaha. Stock and fixtures will invoice about $8,000. . Will take in exchange good Oma ha residence property or acreage near Omaha or will sell on terms of part cash. Building can be leased at $30 per month. This Is a bargain. See or write H. H. Harper & Co., 1713 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb. ST. LOUIS manufacturer of Electric Farm Light Plants desires State Distributor for Nebraska to open office; manage county agents. Exclusive rights; fac tory furnishes equipment and allows state manager profits on all plants; washing machines, water systems, etc., sold by county agent. Big legitimate proposition for hustjer with $2,000 cash capital. Hetherlngton Mrg. Corporation, 2017 Lucas Avenue. St. Louis. WANTED LARGE TIRE DEALER. To handle retail business of city of Omaha for manufacturer, Standard brand of nationally advertised tires and tubes. Must be able to qualify for-credit and handle business in a big way. Exceptional proposition for a real deal er. Box 0-3, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Water .power. 300 to 400 horse, wltit auxiliary steam plant, ana heavily .constructed brick building ad joining. . Located eastern Nebraska; railroad facilities best. Address Box No. 34, Lincoln, Neb. , COUNCIL BLUFFS drug store for sale juaae 16. uou in 2u. Tice, biock ana fixtures about $3,000. Box R-8 Bee. TO GET in or out of business, se LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCague Bldg FOB-RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you plannedon making a cha'nge, which will be .rhore convenient for youT If so, then call fbe Bee iVant Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and we will j.oi only furnish you with a complete -oom list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our ''Want tosRent" list for further refer ence in case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely fre of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. SOME very desirable light hkpg. rms.; newly decorated; within walking ilis tance. 2218 Douglas St. Tyler 6846. FURNISHED Rooms, gentleman preferrea, references exchanged. Harney 4963, 708 N. 27 Ave. 3 SLEEPING rooms. newly furnished, 1007 N. 29th St. Harney 7135. FURN. light housek ing rms. Har. 1141. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST -F MOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. 2-ROOM nicely furnished modern apart ment. 408 North 22d. LIGHT housekeeping room, close In. Tyler 4328. TWO large rms., prl. home. Har. 5063. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTT WAN" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. "500 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETX LIST OF ROOM8. Miscellaneous. BASEMENT room. 30x15 ft., in large garage, suitable for tire or radiator re pair shop. Tyler 3683. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. t rms.. on 1 floor; mod. but heat. 3705 Q St. $26. Doug. 3656. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. WE have a 3-rm. and bath, completely furnished, apartment. !5th and Harney, to rent for $95. Thla la worth the money, Bedford-Johnston Co.. Douglas 1734. . SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN PACE OF COLORS IN. THE SUNDAY HELLO - MR.CREV.: ORRV WE COOLDN'T CET TO VOUR DINNER rw5T-f lavt tsiht: FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. THE EL BEUDOI1. Dodge, at Dith Street. Tyler 4200. Omaba'fi Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment .Hotel. Reservation Filed for Future Occupancy. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. No. 7, Ardinore Terrace, "5 rooms, 2125 no. in. Mount vernon, b rooms I10. No. 2, Oroi,, 4 rooms. 660. PETERS TRL'ST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Renti." 17tlt and Farnam Sts. Tyler 0644 Peters Trust Company, Specialists In aprtrlmout triHiiBafeniGnt, WANTED TO RENT. Office and Desk Room. ONE or two offices to rent. Herald KUlg. Douslas 229: 601 World FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 8. 18TH 8T. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT- YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who. have to put In a full .day's work that 3ou can r,nt a one-ton Ford ttuck and Drive It Yourself night, or day and do all yoifr truckine or moving. Handle your own Muff and cut your cost half In two. We nevei close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Douglas 3S22. FIDELITY fNPnBVAN CO STORAGE, MOVING. PACKINO HOUSRHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF 1 HOUSESAND APARTMENTS. HAi-u Howard St. Douglss 2. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, -moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyte 3400 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1G06 Daveroort. Doug. 290s. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WINTROUB S Poultry Feed, $2.75 per 100, delivered. L. Wlntrouh fc Son, Doug laa 0080. WHEAT screenings, $1.76 per 109'-lbs. ' Del. A W. Wagner, 801 N. 16. D. 1142. THOROUGHBRED baby chicks, nice qual lty, lowest price, 15 var. 718 N. 16th. REDS, thouroughbreds, eggs $1.25 setting Colfax 3246. White Wyandotte hatching egirs. Col. 0389. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We mako them ourselves and sell '.hem direct to the farmers.- You get th best that can be made at first coat - you don't have to pay any middleman's profit, and then get poor harness. We ars making a big reduction In prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness fi-oro $40 to $100 per- set. Our goods ars guaranteed. The store Is 62 years d and the oldest saddeley store In the west Alfred Cornish & Co,, Successors to Collins & Morrison, 1210 Farnam 8t. Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SOME bargains In used Kurd cars. Mc- caxrrey Motor o. ne fuJ Service Station, 16th and -Jackson, Douglas 3500. SEDAN BARGAIN. 1920 Ford Sedan, mechanically per fect, all new tires, spare tire, started - many other accessories. Douglas 5227. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. t BEST looking and running Overland-90 in irie ciiy. ivir. nuiw, n.iucj vww. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. IMPROVED 160 Iowa farm cheap. J. Helphand, 314 N. 16th St. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock. $8,000. Equity Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Nebraska Lands. 635 acres Cherry county, Nebraska, farm; will trade for small place In the eastern part of Nebraska. Box 73, Emerson, Neb. Pennsylvania Lands. LOW priced farms for sale In good dairy . -An mite nM... 17 U country. m io I'er a-tv. ,hc Shreve Real Estate Co.. Union City, Pa. Texas Lands. 5C AN ACRE CASH Texas school lands for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 5c per acre cash, balance In 40 years. 6c per cent Interest. Send 6c postage for further informa tion. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 25, San Antonio, Tex. Washington Lands. WASHINGTON state needs settlers; cheap land, excellent soil, ideal climate; raise berries, fruits, vegetables, grain; best markets, goodHoads; rail and water transportation. Write J. Grant Hinkle, Sec. of State, Dept. F.. Olympla, Wash. Wisconsin Lands. IAN DO LOGY special number Just oni. containing 1921 facts of clover land Is Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying K03d farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology It la tree on request. Address Skid. more-Rlehle Land Co., 433 Skldmore- ' Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash oa hand to loan on Omaha residences. , E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 538 Kecline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FAR Mi O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. BJjJg. Doue. 271S. FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul 1'eterson. lirandeis Theater Bldg. 100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 8. 18th St FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson, Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. F.tiT homfs r tnrnm8 property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 198i. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. MTJAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge -St Douglas 1148. E. G. SOLOMON tate ?& VESTMENTS. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 6263. PTPi7'prTirn REAL ESTATE: XJXXvXVXU X 1 gens. Rents. Insure 360 Peters Trust Hldg. Doug. 0633 D T firriD T?MC! REAL estate Ins. and Rentals 60S Omaha; Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 2183 "I: LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estat Co., 413 Karbach B, FULL BEE Drawn VANOW VOU WOULO HAVE ENJOYED T- 1921 r (NT L REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate se FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1428. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Douglss 876T HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property 1 List tt with C. A. Grlmmel. Omsha Nat'l Bk. Bid. W. G. SHRI VER,KB1;.Tlfi 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636 RURAL Acres, improved; can make small payment; describe fully. Address Box 0-5, Bee. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. BARGAINS IN SOME LOTS. 6494 on northwest corner 81st and Hamilton, $90(1.00. 62x150 south front on Cass St. near 24th. $760.00. 120x1 27 on Decalur St. between 31th and 26th, $750.00. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1294 Acreage. ACREAGE. One-Half Acre, 5-Room House $4,500. Beautiful one-half acre In ken son, improved with a good 6 room cottage In fine repair; good barn and chicken house; fruit and . grapes including apples, cherries, strawberries, nice lawn and hedge. Everything In the highest state of cultivation. Located at 2606 North 6fith avenue. Call ow-ner, Walnut 4886. r J. L-HIATT COMPANY, Better Values. Tyler 0063. Hiatt Building. 1914-16 Douglas $100 CASH BENSON ACRES. 1 3-5 acres; lays fine; land all broken - tor fine truck garden: bal. $3.60 per wk. Benjamin & FranKenberg. U. 0722. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS DUPLEX press brick flat, walking dls ranee, oaK rinisn, income si,-uu; price $9,600. Call days, Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE for Sal or Exchan HaveS00 acres In a body, central Iowa, city business property. Hansen, 600 three sets 4tnprovements. Want gootl Iowa Building, Des Moines, Iowa. TO exchange 5 to 2A.O0O worth Lincoln, Traction Preferred stock for land. F. if Woods. Lincoln. Neb. Opportunity is knocking Read Bee Want Ads. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BEN Sp N 5 Rooms Strictly Mod. Living room. dining room, kitchen, two nice light bedrooms and bath, good lot: price, $3,250; $1,000 cask,; located at 6319 Evans St, Payne & Carnaby Co., 616 Om. Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 1078.1 Dundee REAL DUNDEE BUNGALOW. Stucco, classy exterior, unusual ly well bu'.lt, well arranged and . finely finished. Five fine rooms on one floor. Large floored at-v-tic, full deep basement. Excel lent location; 4i block to car; paved street. This Is one of the most attractive bungalows In Dundee and a real snap at $7,600. Shown by appointment. Call for Grant Benson. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block, Tyler 3540. Evenings and Sundays Walnut 1680. Florence. VOTE for Nethaway, taxp'y'rs candi. Read my municipal farm piank before voting. NETHAWAY. Suburban nrnn'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. OWNER LEAVING CITY, MUST SELL Price reduced from $7,600 io $6,500; 7 rooms, strictly modern 2-story ffSme house; excellent location; fine lot; con venient to Dundee car Une. See this one if you contemplate a real purchase, ere tt is too late. Requires $2,509 cash. Call D. 1588. BROWN REALTY COMPANY. 211 Kennedy Bldg. S. 19th St. $l; 1,950. Owner has actually moved from the city on the strength of our selling this four-room house which we believe we can do without much effort. Partly modern, block and half off the car line. Inquire early. Very easy terms, AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. Doug. 8380. 330-2-4 Bran. The. Bldg. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. North. Miller Park Bungalow $1,500 Down Five-room strictly modern bun galow with oak floors throughout: oak finish in living room and dining room; 2 bedrooms, one be ing a combination bedroom, sun room and sleeping porch; kitchen on tha first floor; floored attic on the second; full cement base ment, everything complete; dandy south front corner lot: close to Miller Park and school. Price $6,000, a real snap. ' Payne Investment Co., 637 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg., D. 1781. Dandy Bargain, $4,250. Near 24th and Spaulding. 6 , rooms and bath, hot water heat, all modern, garage, fine lot, fruit and shade, paving all paid. See ua at once. P.J. Tebbens Co., 605 Om. Nat'l Bk. Phone Dg. 2182. SEVEN-room modern house, southeast cor ner 66th and Grant Sts.. $4,000; $2,009 cash, balance on time to suit, at 6 per cent. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. 3306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms., mod. ex ht; 2 lots, chicken house, fruit trees. $700 cash. bal. mo. Creigh, 608 Bee. D. 0200. MINNE LUSA homes and lota offer th beat opportunity to Invest your ruonty. Phone- Ty!r 117. for The Bte by McManus Copyright, . iVSl International News SerTlce At VE HAD CORNED BEEF- AND CARCASE. LOTb OF IT- FtATURg SlRVICI IMC 31 REAL ESTATES-IMPROVED North. Minne Lusa Bungalow Five-room etrlVtly modern bun galow, all on one floor; large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room with built-in window seat, bed rooms with 4 windows each; kitchen with built-in breakfast room; oak floors and oak finish; full cemented basement, furnace heat; nice floored attic; nice gar age and drive: on nlc lot; kella sione, nearly new. We have three or four of these extra larg spe cial built bungalows locates in Mlnne Lusa and south of Miller Park, all priced about the same; terms. If lonwlnk for something good, up-to-the-minute, see us at once. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. Special Price.. Attractive Terms. This house faces Miller Park has 6 rooms Is modern. For a home at present price and on the attractive terms that ran be made its a real buy. Call office for appointment to see home. Another bungalow bargain on Military avenue: Five rooms, all modern $1,000 will handle the deal. For price and location call ' Creigh, Sons & Co., 608 Bee Bldg. Douglas 0200. 2856 Larimore, $4,000. $500 Cash. Four rooms with five-room accommodations; Just completed and ready for occupancy. This fine little home is of the new hydrostone construction; hot water heat and up-to-the-mlnut In every respect. Here Is the home for you st a pries that Is right and on terms that make it more thaa easy to handle. ' C. T. SPIER BC0. realtors 304" Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 4857, PRAIRIE PARK; $6,700 A real bargain in a two-story home, 7 rooms with 4 bedrooms, oak finish and oak floors; a good home district; full south front lot $1,600 cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Doug. 869. 918-20 City National. $2,200. Four-room cottage and three big lots. Pretty good shape, well worth the price asked, and will hardle on $200 or $100 down, easy monthly terms. ' AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. Doug. S380. 330-2-4 Brandels Thea. Bldg. KOUNTZe PLACE HOME. Owner Is moving on his farm and will give Immediate possession of bis fine 6-r. home, oak ' finished, ' strictly modern; 3 large bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cemented basement, furnace heat. Lot 74x16 (corner), paving all paid; garage; 1 block lo park. Price, $7,260, $2,000 cash. Call Mr. Rlcs for aooolntnlent. RASP BROS.. 212 Keetine Bldg., Ty. 0721, FOR SALE 6-room strictly modern oak rioors, launary in oasement. small pay ment down, balance lik rent. Call Webster 0606. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2530 Grant Bt. Webster 2420. J. a ROBINSON, real estate and Invert meat 643 Peters Trust Doug. sn7. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. South. 3026 South S2d Street. New 6-room, two-story house. Fas living room, dining room, kitchen, built-in buffet and cup board; oak finish. Three large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Corner lot facing east and south. Paved street; one block from car; garage.' C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. Douglas 0583. 313 Brandels The. Bldg. $5,700. South it Hanscom Park, eight strictly modern in every way; t rooms, ery way; two loti on the corner, AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. Doug. 8380. 330-3-4 BrandeiS Thea. Bldg, in' i Houses Should Pay 13.2 Per Cent in order to net 6 per cent i Consult Realtor Total Renters : You can save at least 3 or 4 per cent of the 13.2 per cent if you buy a home by reducing the charges - of maintenance, vacancies. and depreciation, OMAHA REAL Profit-Sharing Plan Announced "By Steel Comply Employes of United Statci Corporation to Share in Earnings of Over $100,000,000. Chirac Trlhuaia-Omaha Bm Leased Wfr Sharon, Pa., March 30. Announce ment of a profit-sharing plan to em ployes of United States Steel Cor poration plants here' has been made?. The lasis of the bonus to be given the men is sls follows: On profits from $100,000,000 to $150,000,000, a bonus of 2 per cent will be paid; to $200,000,000, 2i per cent and in excess of this amount 24 per cent will be distributed. Instead of limiting the distribution of a percentage of earnings over certain sum to "men who occupy official and semi-official positions and who are engaged in directing and managing the affairs of the corpora tion and its several subsidiary com panies," as formerly, the new plan provides that "any employe of the corporation or of its subsidiaries and any person actively engaged in th: conduct of its or their business, who shall have been in the regular and continuous employment of the Cor poration or of its subsidiaries, or who has been actually engaged in the conduct of its or their business of the term 'of one year or more and who, by Ins ability, industry and loyalty has, in the judgment of the committee appointed, rendered serv ices which have contributed in an unusual degree to the success of the corporation, shatl be entitled to share in the distribution of the fund." The election of a committee of three, stockholders at the annual meeting of the corporation is pro vided for, and this committee, be sides being charged with the deter mining of the distribution of the fund, is also empowered to distribute it wholly in cash or partly in United States steel stock. Despite its arctic climate Iceland has several constantly flowing hot springs which are used for washing clothes. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. $4,800 South Omaha North side, g-Aed- location. House If the new style; six rooms and sleeping porch; bath upstairs; all modern; larg outh front lot. AMOS GRANT CO.. REALTORS. Doug. IWfiO. S30-2-4 Brandels Thea. "Bldg, SOUTH SIDE. Modern (-room cottage, close ta car, $3,650. Easy terms. Alfred Thorns A Son. 804 1st Nat. Bk. M scellaneous. A Fine Investment Owner has business Interest in TrV omtng and must sell; strictly mod., I room home, located on S. S9th 8t near Leavenworth; this Is an Ideal place for roomers; near three car lines; welLcon structed home; oak floors and finish down: 6 dandy bedrooms and bath up; fine east front lot; rsn b bought rea sonable. Price and terms, call D. 1696, Brown Realty Co., 211 Kennedy Bldg. So. 19th St. $1,500 House and two lots; ay pay ments. AMOS GRANT CO., . RBALTORS. Deug. 8380. 830-24 Braadsls Theater. IF TOU" WANT A brand new up-to-date hungalow .and can make good monthly payments, I can arrange cash payment to suit yon. Three blocks west of Miller Park. . House has never been occupied. Call Mr. Grant. Wal. 6373 ' IF YOU HAVE A lot, a car, a little cash yon would Uke to use as down payment on a new 6-room. all-modern bungalow that ia well lOTted, call Mr. Cole. Doug. T412. WANT TO BUILD? If you have your lot and a little cash and want to build a nice little home call Carse at Douglas 7413 days, and I will help you, Speaking of Expert Service Whan you air sick you call a doctor. Whan you want Uga! adrica you call a lawyer. When you -want to sell your homo, uta the same judgment. Call A. P. TUKEY & SON Realtors 35 Year Experience 620 1st Nat'l Douglat 4223 This is statement made by Henry R. Brighsm of the U. S. Housing corporation in the March issue of the Atlantic Monthly. Mr. Brigham gives this table: Per Ctrl Taxes, assessments 1.5 Insurance 2 Maintenance .............. 1.5 Depreciation 3.0 Vacancies, etc 1.0 Interest 6.0 .13.2 through personal c ESTATE BOARD. V t1 r i A iK.. ""I ,! ' "t it " i .