Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 50 NO. 216.
fntar.d tmat-Clm Mtttw Ma !. IW. at
Omaha P 0. Uadsr Act ! March 3. IKS.
" Mill (ItvRtr). Inildt 4th Zona, Only d Sunday. J': Dally Only. 19: durOay, J4
Cutilda 4th Za II yaar). Daily and buaday, lit; Dally Only. 112; SundayTaly, I)
Flags Wave
During Hot
House Fight
Wied During
Debate on Raudall-JIascall
Anti-Picketing Bill Rc-
gunie Argument Today.
Women Will Entertain
Lincoln, Neb., March 30. Special
Telegram.) The' Randall-l lascall
anti-picketing bill consumed the en
tire afternoon in the lower house.
" American flags were waved by
those supporting the bill. They
claimed picketing was un-American.
The same flag was hoisted above
the heads of other speakers, antag
onistic to the bill. Friends of the
bill claimed Abraham Lincoln would
support it. If he occupied a seat in
the Nebraska lower house. Others
claimed thai "Honest Abe" would
be against it.
Another speaker rjuoted Black
stone, the eminent English law writ
er, to show that he would be for
picketing.. Another. .,. felt . sure
Blarkslone believed picketing was
unlawful. Hascall of Omaha declared
that organized labor represented only
IS per cent cf the laboring people
jSf Nebraska. -.
a(Tt . Duty to Majority.
Ai'It is our duty to represent the
Soutririty and not the minority and
cretlyt laws- which will permit them
cordmg'k when and where they please
secret st interference," he said.
Work 'sentative Snow dectared cn
is that o.if the bill during recon
shows. Caroeriod by the republican
$10 notei ii do mote arm than
notes of $1 de. '
cases acid has Lie passage of. this bill
lettering orrthe f.ublican party," Re
nomination and tee shouted. "I bc
graved on them. ft and if doing what
Sensation party, let's kill
Bits of sensational , ,
lowed the appearance5 protecting the
tigators in the case. It want to work,
that the American e same right to
tion had assigned t- 'want' to work:
tigate the shipmenouglas said,
and from the wS-Rank and Beans,
men of Singer, Sellers,, delivered their
they were closet? of the session in
marshal for nearii bill. '
fa've their namearned the Chamber of
. O. Beeser, nd Board of Trade want-
assisted in U agin it, Beans shouted.
Wall streer.viewed increases in wages
Later .?rr working conditions of la
o? thflg men-in the last, quarter, cen
his fy and gave credit to labor unions
anor the improvements.
' Representative Wallace, "a famer,
took an American flae froh 'his
pocket and waved it over nis -head
amid cheers, while he declared that'
"interfering with the right of one
man to work when and where he
pleased is un-American and "now, as
in other days, the republican, party
must protect and fight for American
Guests at Banquet.
So the debate continued. Every
one seepied to want to speakAt 6
an adjournment motion carriel ana
members rushed to their safety ra
zors in preparation, for the banquet
of the women's legislative league,
which was -to start 4 half an hour
latter. ,
The fight will continue tomorrow.
The Epperson industrial court bill,
another labor-capital .measure, is
next on the house calendar.
Amendments introduced early in
the afternoo'n, which -would virliin'
ly kill the bill, were voted down al
most two to one. -
German Government ,
Protests to League
Against Occupation
Geneva,' March,.. (By The As
sociated Press.) The league of iia
tions has received a second protest
from Germany, calling attention to
the cominued occupancy by allied
troops on German territory." The note
expresses the hope mat articles
Snr! 17 of the neace pact will be ap
plied, according to the preceding
note of March 10.
The new note is .dated March 22
and is signed by foreign Secretary
Simons. It says:
Short Term of Court Held
By Furnas County Judge
Beaver City, N'eb., March 30.
Special.) The spring term of dis
trict court for Furnas county was
adjourned here afttr having been in
session only two days. So many
cases had been settled out of court i
and dismissed that the docket was
disposed of without calling the jury.
It was the shortest term held here
in years.
Hope for Recovery of Army
, Aviator is Given Up
Natcher, Miss., March 30. At 2
o'clock early today physicians at
tending Lieut. W. D. Coney, who
felt near Crowvlle, La., on a return
flight from Florida and California
last Friday, said he could not live
iore than 12 hours.
Widow Arrested for Death of
Child Due to Poisoning It
Fleming. Ky., March 30. Mrs.
Palmyra Mullins. a widow, has been
lodged in jail at Whitesburg, charged
with murder in connection with
poisoning of her three children, one
of whom has died. The poison, it
is charged, was administered in food.
? yfr Ttpcio-na
loom, ai - D
moio&j, iuarcn ou. utto
New Yorlc "mwluut setona
March iT"'" kcnckii, uas rc-
't'ady toil announced today and
rMi0"1" !: Post-
ivry qui; ai nays -said that
lor nc ri-av-j car- ijpe iur
war qij
Questionnaire on Coal
Supplies is Sent Out
Washington, D. C, March 30. To
determine whether coa consumers
are unwisely burning their reserve
supplies, the geological survey sent
out a questionnaire inquiring about
slocks of coal, April 1.
The purpose", it was explained by
Director Smith, is to find out how
much coal is being carried over from
the past coal year,' in order that con
sumers and producers may plan for
next year. Bituminous production the
third week in March was down to
6,468,000 tons, the lowest except dur
ing the 19H coal strike, since the
business depression of 1914, Director
Smith said. The weekly average for
1920 was 10,700,000 tons.
Army of Mourners
Files Past Bier
Of Late Cardinal
Mighty and Lowly, United in
Sorrow, Get Last Glimpse
Of Body of Catholic
Baltimore, Md., March 30.' The
mighty and the lowly united in sor
row tonight, trdd softly past the bier
of Jarries Cardinal Gibbons to gaze
for the last 'time on the face of the
prelate. .
For tomorrow, with all pomp and
ceremony, and . the ' shifting of a
Gregorian chant, the church ' will
bury its dead. The apostolic dele
gate at Washington, two fellow
members in the cojlfge of cardinals,
archbishops and bishops, archabbots
and abbots, cular clergy and cler
gy belonging to the orders, all will
be massed in the cathedral of the
assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary for the final mass.
Diplomatic representatives of the
Catholic countries of the world and
officials of nation, state and city
also will attend the service. ,
The public ceremony ended, the
body later will be oarried to the ca
thedral crypt, unopened since the
burial of Archbishop Spalding in
1872. There the body will be laid
to rest in the white marble tomb,
with the simplest of ceremonies -and
in the presence of 'only closets rela
tives and friends.
For three days the body of Car
dinal Gibbons has rested in state
under the great gold dome of the
cathedral in which, for so many
years, ahe ministered -to" mankind.
Daily an army of mourners. 30,000
strong, has. filed: in and out of the
edifice, but today from morning un-i
til, nearly midnight, a great double
column, blocks long, sought en
trance. r . "y
In other parts of the city, thcr?
vas the usual noise and vbustle of
an American community, but around
lhearathedral all was quiet. The shuf
fle df feet was almost the only sound
as the mourners pressed slowly for
ward. Tomorrow this silence will spread
all over the city, when in response
to ploclamations by governor and
mayor, all traffic and every activity
will be stopped for one minute when
the mass begins at 10 o'clock.
U. S. Shipping Board
Plans Big Reduction
In Overhead Expenses
tilrftfo Tribune-Omaha Be leased Wire.
Washington, D. C, March 30. The
United States shipping board is en
gaged in cutting expenses to the
lowest possible basis, Admiral Beri-;
son, chairman of the board, said to-4
day., A reduction of from $8,000,
000 to $10,000,000 annually in over
head expenses in the division of op
erations has fceen effected under the
admiral's administration, it .was said,
bringing the annual overhead down
from about . $26,000,000 annually to
from $16,000,000 to $18,000,000.
Th'e board contemplates substan
tial reductions in the number of op
erating agents. There were approxi
mately 180 of these when Admiral
Benson became ,- chairman of the
board in 1920 and the number has
been reduced to date to about 97.
A number of ships have been with
drawn from the coastwise trade be.
cause of lack of cargoes.
Wabash Conscience Fund
Enriched by Receipt of $10
Danville, 111., March 30 The lo
cal agent of the Wabash railway to
day received a letter, from a St.
Louis man signing himself "Yours
Truly, Christ," inclosing $10.
The letter states the writer in
1889 "stole a ride" from Danville to
St. "Louis and return and gave the
conductor $5. He thought the $10
would make up the rest of the fare.
"I am for Christ and His glory
now," he writes in explaining his
contribution fo the Wabash con
science fund."
Nebraska City Laundry Co.
Safe Bobbed by Burglars
Xebraska City, Neb., March 30.
(Special.) The Xebraska City
Laundry company safe was robbed
o( between $50 and $00, taken from
the cash draweV which was pried
loose from the interior of the safe.
Entrance to the building was gained
through a rear window and when the
robbers left they passed out the
front door. Valuable papers in the
safe were also taken.
Letter Is Delivered
12 Miles 4 hi Years
After Being Mailed
Shreveport, La., March 30. After
a lapse of four years and six months,
consumed in traveling 12 miles, a
letter mailed at Blanchard, La., in
October, 1916, was delivered to
Harry S. Weston at the Shreveport
postoffice today. The epistle con
tained a -remittance for lodge dues.
Interest has not beet computet
Yeggs Kill
Marshal, 7(1
Bandits, Surprised in Robbery
Of Bank at Sluart, la.,
Open Fire and Kill
Escape to Des Moines
Five bandits, surprised in the act
of robbing a bank at Stuart, la.,
early yesterday morning, mortally
wounded the town marshal during a
gun battle at t close range, and es
caped in a sedan automobile with
little loot.
Omaha police were notified of the
robbery and four autoriiobile loads
of detectives armed with sawed-off
shotguns were assigned to the chase.
J: W. Foster, president of the
First National bank, and Ed L.
Nalte, cashier of the Exchange State
bank, at Stuart, however, informed
The Bee by long distance telephone
the bandits had rled to Des Moines.
In Dad of Night.
In the dead of night, while making
his regular rounds of the town as
night watchman, J. K. Myers, 7Q,
strolled down the alley behind the
First National bank in Stuart.
It was 4:15 a. m. and all his senses
were alert. '
He seemed to sense danger, and
as he turned the corner of the bank
from the alley into the side street,
,he saw an automobile and two men
standing across the street.
Straight toward them he went, and
when . about TO feet from them, he
challenged the two lookouts. .
They ansewered with shot from
their revolvers.
Returns Fire.
Myers returned their fire, and the
sound of the battle called the three
other bandits from inside.the bank to
the aid of their lookouts or flight.
The quintet chose flight, and con
tinuing ;o empty their revolvers at
the aged night watchman, they
leaped into their car and sped away.
But one of the bandits had fallen,
as if wounded, and had to be lifted
into the car by his pals.
Myers, too, had fallen, wounded
four times bv the robber bullets.
Sound of the gun fire reached the
ears of the night telephone operator,
Nellie Russell, and she set off the
fire alarm which would rouse the
Taken to Hospital.
From their beds leaped the
citizenry, expecting to find flames to
be battled, but as they raced to the
business heart' of the little town,
they found their 'night watchman
lying in the street mortally wounded.
He was taken to the hospital
where he died at 8, after telling
President Fostar of the bank about
the attempted robbery.
"I emptied my gun at them," said
he to 1-oster. "Arid I must have
got one of them. He fell about the
same-time I did. They lifted him
into the car. I must have got him,
for I wasn't more than 10 feet away,
and that's pretty Close range for re
volvers." .y
And he closed his eyes and with
a gasp, died.
A posse was quickly formed, at
(Turn to 1'age Two, Column 'Two.)
Ouster Suit Against v
Oklahoma Governor
Urged by House Body
Oklahoma City, Mrch 30. Im
peachment of Governor J. B. A. Rob
ertson was recommended in a report
filed in the Oklahoma house todayby
an investigation committee. The re
pot charges gross negligence Jtud
corruption in office. , ' '
The report charges the gov
ernor also with "unwarranted use of
his executive power, in regard to re
prievesr' pardons and paroles," de
claring the administration has ex
tended clemency to l.yuu persons.
The charge also is made that the
governor evaded payment of his in
come tax last year.
The appointment of a committee
of three to i draft impeachment
charges immediately is recommend
ed in the report.
The report further charges there
"were rumors" and some evidence,
that the governor's methods in
clemency resulted in the efforts by
certain attorneys to receive good fees
pressing cases for clemency.
Mexicans Destroy U. S. Flag;
Government to Investigate
Tampa, Fla!, March 30. Charges
that Mexican 'seamen at. Alvarado
near Vera Cruz, tore an American
flag to shreds and threatened to kill
members of the crew of the American
schooner Telegram, will be investi
gated by the Mexican government,
Rafael Ruesga. Mexican consul here,
said today. The1 consul has forward
ed ' to the Mexican ambassador at
Washington a report of the incident
received here last night from Capt.
H. F. -Jackson, master tif thq
Turks Protest to AllicjT -Against
Greek Offe lsive
Constantinople, March 30. The
Turkish government today made
public a note to the allies protest
ing formally against the Greek of
fensive in Asia Minor. The govern
ment declares the offensive consti
tutes an unjustified aggression
against Turkey at the moment when
the allies are seeking to solve peace
fully the, near eastern problem.
Lindsey Contempt Case
Set For Next Saturday
Denver, March 30. Judge Ben B.
Lindsey of the juvenile court must
appear in criminal court Saturday tp
hear the order for execution of seri
tence as the result of his conviction
for contempt of court. A fine of
$500 and costs ,with'a year in jail
as an alternative faces the judg
Three Iowa Children
Ki!t4 in Auto Wreck
ex.. March 30. A
llas-McKiucy intcrur-
Irashed into an automobile
and instantly killed three chil-
anU .Mrs. orensen ot
and probably fatally in-
Sorensen's brother, Clar
ence, who was driving.
The Sorensen family was driving
overland from San Benito, Tex. Par
ents of the dead children were rid
ing in another automobile.
New York Central
Asks Permission
To Reduce Waes
Appeals to Labor Board for
Order to Cut Scale of Un
skilled Labor, Effective
Chicago, March oft Provisional
reduction of the wages of unskilled
labor on the New York Central rail
way, to be effective April 1, was ask
ed of the railroad labor board today.
Immediate relief from the present
rates was sough-trending a hearing
on permanent reduction later and
announcement was made that confer
ences with other classes of labor
were in. session this week and that
reductions in every class of railway
employes were being considered.
The case is the firt one brought
by a carrier and is considered in rail
road circles as the first move by
trunk lines to cut their pay rolls.
The railroad appeared prepared to
submit extensive data on wages in
other similar -industries and oil the
cost of living. After considerable
discussion, the board decided to con
fine the present case to-present re
Decision This Week.
Railroad representatives presented
a mass of statistics showingi rates
paid for similar labor in other in
dustries and the case was concluded
with a .decision expected this week.
During the testimony of J. A.
Aronson, counsel for the New York
Central, A. O. "Wharton, labor mem
ber of the board, inquired into the
proposed reduction and inquired
how the unskilled labor class was se
lected for a cut.
"Other classes of employes who
rtfeeived increases under the wage
award last year are being called in
to confer regarding wage reduc
tions," Mr. Aronson said. "We are
holding conferences this week with
clerical, mechanical and signal em
ployes and are considering reduc
tions for yard service men."
Up to this time, unskilled labor
wage disputes are the . only ones
brought before the board--
Present , Scale Not - Unjust.
B. M. Jewell, speaking forN the
employes, made a brief answer to the
railroad's request, declaring it would
be without pecedent for the. board
to acquiesce in the. New York Cen
trals request.
"The employes waited 18 months
lor relief under rapidly increasing
cost of living," he said.
"We do not think the present
rates are unjust or unreasonable. It
would take five years to properly
reimburse the employes for the
lcsses sustained during the time they
waiting for increases. v "
"The burden of decreased busi
ness should not be placed on the
lowest paid employe the common
"In our opinion, this business de
pression is only temporary. If the
railroads are granted any relief they
should pass the benefit to those who
pay the bill."
Mr. Aronsonreplied that the cost
of living had showed a steady down
ward trend for nearly a year and
that a .regular downward trend in
wages of other industries was also
noticeable. :
Marine Airplanes Are ;
Safe at Richmondy Va.
Washington, March 30. The two
marnie corps airplanes enroute to
the Virgin Islands landed at Rich
mond, Va., yesterday,' afternoon and
expected to proceed today to Fay
eteville, N. C. the navy department
was advised this morning. No pre
vious word of the whereabouts of
the planes had been received since
they left here yesterday afternoon.
The message, dated Richmond. and
filed yesterday afternoon reached
the department today. It was signed
by Major Thomas C. Turner 'com
manding the expedition aiud said the
machines and their crews were all
right and would proceed today.
Secretary of Missionary
Society Speaks in Minden
Mindcn, Neb.,, March 30 (Spe
cial.) Rev. Bert Wilson, secretary
of the United Christian Missionary
society of St. Louis, delivered an
interesting address here, under the
auspices . of the Community Com
merce club of Kearney county. His
subject was "My Trip- Around the
World," giving his experienced m
his recent tour of the globe.
Through the efforts of the club
nearly $500 was subscribed for for
eign relief. '
11-Year-Old Boy Punisbed
For Stealing, Kills Self
Redding, Cal., March 30. Clair
Knight, an ll-ycar-old boy found dead
in a room at his home last night is
believed by the police today to have
shot himself. A small revolver was
found at his side. The boy had been
punished for taking money Camille
Silver, a carpenter, said belonged
to him.
Sioux City Builders Not
To Join Arbitration Meet
Sioux City, la., March 30. The
Master Builders' association has- de
clined the invitation of Mayor Wal
lace M. Short to sit in a conference
with representatives of the building
trades council to discuss the wage
scale differences between the two or
ganization! v .
Fornfer Emperor
To Seek Refuge
In Neutral Zone
Ex-Ruler of Hungary Now
Virtually Prisoner in Castle
Near Border Spain Of
. r f ers Hospitality.
T By The Associated Press.
"Budapest, March 30. Count Ste
fan Bethlen, empowered to act for
the safety of the state as the pleni
potentiary of Regent Horthy, has
been sent to Steinamager, near the
Austrian border, where former Em
peror Charles has taken refuge after
his attempt to regain the throne. The
count, who was adviser to the former
premier. Archduke Joseph, has - a
strong force of rtoops at his dispo
sal. Premier Ieleky and Julius An-
drassy, former foreign minister and
friend of Charles, accompanied the
count to endeavor to persuade
Charles to leave Hungary. (
Charles is under military super
vision, tie has been acsertea oy nis
staunchest supporters and is not per
mitted to leave his room in Steina
mager castle. He informed the gov
ernment today that he was preparing
for removal immediately to a neutral
country, probably Spain. The Span
ish representative told Regent .Hor
thy today Charles was under Span
ish protection and that-the Spanish
government was ottering its hospi
tality to him.
, Bishop Count Mikes, who with
many representatives of the Hungar
ian aristocracy, was at steinama
ger with the former emperor, has
been arrested, charged with being
the head of the movement to restore
Charles to the throne.
General Lehar, in command at
Steinamager, who was suspected of
backing the former monarch with
the west Hungarian army, asserted
ho was lovally supporting Regent
General Bclitska, the war minister.
"The former king is not supported
by the troops. The army is standing
behind Regent Horthy, Charles is a
Amid stormy scenes today, a mass
meeting called by the farmers' party,
adopted a resolution asserting that
"Charles and all the Hapslmrgs have
definitely been dethroned." The
farmers demanded enactment of a
dethronement act and also that those
guilty of aiding Charles be punished.
Newspapers have not been permit
ted to publish news of the attempted
coup, but it is being gradually
learned by the populace.
Men Arrested as. Suspects
In New York Bomb Plot Freed
New Orleans, March 30. The
five seamen brought here from Rio
de Janeiro recently, charged with
mutiny on the shipping board vessel
City of Alton, and suspected of pos
sible connection with the Wall street
bomb explosion, were discharged
from custody today by United States
Commissioner Browne. The men
were examined by Department of
Justice officials, but no evidence was
found which would warrant their
being held, it was said.
British Labor Party Votes
To Join With Socialists
Soulhport, England, March 30.
(By the Associated Press.) The
majority section of the independent
labor party today decided to affili
ate with the international socialists
workers union, recently , formed in
Vienna, on the understanding that
the party retained freedom to pur
sue its own national policy as laid
down in the conference, her
"Vatch Your Schte'
,(Cop'tltit. UIl, by Tba Chicago Trlbuiia.)
Ulan Loses $110 in Game
of Poker, He Complains
and Is Fined $50 More
Milwaukee, Wis
, March 30. Max
$110 in a poker
Woodward lost
eame with Sam Kovonic. He com
plained to the police that his companion-had
dealt off the bottom of
the deck. Judge Page in district
court today ruled that game
would cost each ' participant $50.
Kovonic is still $60 to the good,
and Wood ward's loss has been in
creased from $110 to $160 by action
of the law. ' y
"To" he wltp hath " muttered
Woodward as the door of the court
chamber closed.
Four Indicted
In Murder Case
Mrs. Lydia Decker and Three
Sons Held for Death of .
Indiana Youth.
Warsaw, Ind., March 30. Indict
ments were returned today agains
Mrs. Lydia Decker and her three
sons, James Virgil Decker, Fred
Decker and Cal Decker charging
them with first degree murder for
the killing of Leroy Lovctt of Elk
hart. Lovett was found near the rail
way tracks on which a buggy had
been hit by a train. His skull had
been fractured, but it was clear the
train had. not touehed him. He was
taken to a hospital at Bourbon, Ind.,
and died there March 13, the day
following the night when he was
Mrs. Pecker and other members
of her family identified the body
as that of James Virgil Decker, who
had gone for an automobile ride
with Lovett. The bo'dy had on a
suit belonging to James V. Decker,
who then was missing.
Signs of a struggle and other evi
dence in a cabin near Carl DecJer's
farm indicated that a man had been
attacked there. Later Samuel Lov
ctt identified the body as that of
his son, Leroy, and James V. Dcck
gr was found and atrested as'the
slayer of young Lovett.
In seeking a motive, it was found
that James 'W, Decker carried life
and accident insurance, payable' to
his brother, Fred. The policies
would pay about $14,000 for natural
and : nearly $30,0p0 for accidental
death. This put 'the whole Decker
family under inquiry.
Big Farm House Burns
To Ground Near Creston
Crcston, la., March 30. (Spe
cial.) Fire destrdyed the big eight
room farm house located on the
F. Kelly farm, 'about four, miles
south or Creston. The house was oc
cupied by Ray Cunningham and
family and their household goods
were a total loss. The family was
not at home at the time.
The owner of the house. F. Kelly,
said that h'ft had some insurance, bu.t
not enough to cover the loss, "which
would amount to several thousand
Iowa Movie Censorship
Measure Passed by House
Des Moines. Ia., March 30. The
movie censorship bill, providing for.
the' creation of a state hoard of mo
tion picture censors, was passed by
the house of the state legislature to
day. Debate on the measure occupied
nearly the entire day's session. It
was saved from probably indefinite
postponement when Representative
Kimc withdrew the $5,000 appropria
tion provision and thwarted a move
ment to have the measure referreJ
to the committee on appropriations.
German Revolts
Continue to Takp
Heavy Death Toll
District Between Leipsic and
Halle Now Appears to Be
... Chief Zone of Activities
Of Communists.
Berlin. March 30. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The communist up
rising which had appeared to be at
the point of collapse has flickered up
again in various sections of Ger
many, and reports today indicate that
more than 60 persons had been killed
in the renewed fighting.
The district between Leipsic and
Halle now appears to be the chief
zone of the communist operations
and train service between these two
cities has been suspended.
The communists who were defeated
recently in the Mansfeld district have
regrouped their forces near Grobers
(Grobzig?) where they are said to
be in possession of a strong position.
They are well equipped, especially
with machine guns, and in an effort
to dislodge them the security -police
lost 12 killed.
The largest , number of casualties
reported was from Gevelsberg. West
phalia, messages stating that 50 per
sons were killed in yesterday's clash
es when the police recaptured the
tQwukrom the communists, who had
been ni possession for several hours.
Holdup Who Killed Two Is
Sentenced to Die April 22
Chicago, March 30. Harry H.
Ward, 23, who last surnmer shot and
killed two men, wouirued a third and
hit a policeman with a hammer, all
as the outcome of an attempt to hold
up a hat store, today was sentenced
to he htfltgcd.
Ward was asked whether he would
prefer to be hanged on April 15 or
April 22, both dates having been set
aside for execution at the jail.
"It makes no difference to me,"
he said.
On the suggestion of his attorncy
the latter dafewas selected.
Bandits Take Meat Route
And Collect Over $1,000
Chicago, March 30. Three armed
nien'took over the meat delivery
route of David O'Ifalloran, driver
for a packing company, made all the
deliveries, collected $1,000 and
escaped. O'Halloran was kept a
prisoner in the tnrck, and after com
pleting the collections, the bandits
left their prisoner jjound and gagged
in his truck.
Lutheran Minister at
Nebraska City Kesigus
Nebraska City, Neb., March 30.
(Special.) Rev. W L. Bright, pas
tor of the First Lutheran church of
this city, has tendered his resigna
tio to take effect April 4. He has
been called to Orrville, O. During
Mr. Bright's pastorate the church
membership has grown steadily. He
will preach his farewell sermon next
The Weather
Forecast. '
Thursday, fair; not much change
in temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
S . m. . .
A a. m.. .
1 a. in.. .
ft a. m.. .
9 a. ni., ,
1(1 n. m.. .
II a. m...
13 nunn . .
. 41
. ,4S
. .41
1 p. m. . .
2 p. m. . .
.1 p. in.. .
4 p. in, . ,
5 p. ni...
l. m. . .
7 p. m. . .
8 p. m. .
. ..,3J' nutlrtin.
Prnlci'l hMimui'Ms dunnif the nrit -'1 to
HI hours from lunperatures mi follow;
North and eaxt, !S di-Kreea: south SO tic
green; wejt, 20 drgrcc
In America
"To Listen"
Viviani in Wahhiugtou as
Envoy of French Govern
ment to Sound out Senti
ment on League.
Calls Upon
hi en jo Tribune-Omaha IW leased Wlrr.
Washington, March 30. Former
Premier Viviani of France, who is
here to sound the attitude of the
United States on international ques
tions and promote a closer accord
between the two nations,1 was re-
reived by President Harding at the
White House this afternoon.
M. Jules Jiisscrand. the French
ambassador, presented M. Viviani
to the president and acted as inter
preter. After the official call the
White House issued this statement: v.-
"M. Viviani called to pay the com
pliments and utter the good wishes
of the president of France to the
president. He was accompanied by,
the French ambassador, M. Viviani
emphasized the desire of France to
continue the friendship between the
two republics and expressed erati-
Wiide to America for the great things
done since the previous visit
"The president is giving a dinner
in M. Viviaui's honor on the eve
ning of April 5."
Presented to Kuglies, .
At noon the French ambassador
presented M. Viviani to . Secretary
of State Hughes and there follow
ed an hour's conversation in which
Under Secretary of States Fletcher
also participated. The discussion is.
said to have revolved around the
post-war situation in Europe, with
particular reference to enforcement
of the terms of peace with Germany.
The meeting of the French envoy
with the president did not progress
appreciably beyond the formalities
of the occasion, but M.viviani will
have an opportunity.... for informal
discussion with Mr." Harding at the
White House dinner. He will meet .
V,ice President Coolidge and S.ia
!or Lodge at a dinner at the French
embassy tomorrow night and more
senators at a dinner to be given by
Senator McCormick of Illinois next
Comes "To Listen."
As the result of this contact with
the principal figures in the Harding
administration, M.' Viviani will be
able to . carry back to France an
authoritative report on the intentions
ru tne American goverrrmevjrs?'
further participation in the affairs of
Europe. He insists that he has come
"to listen" and report, but not to
make any proposals to the United
States on bchalf7f France. In this .
connection it was noted that if he
had come a.s an envoy plenipoten
tiary he would have been oresented .
i to the president by the secretary of
siaie. -
Among the questions whiqh M.
Viviani hopes, to be able to.auswer
(Turn to Vagt, Tarol Column plTe.l
Organization Formed s
To Fight 44-Hour Week
Demands of Printers 1
Cincinnati, March 30. One hun
dred and seventy delegates repre
senting 5,034 book and job printing
shops, today organized the 48-lioui
league of America, a national organ
ization of employing printers, oper
ating both closed and open shops.
Resolutions were passed pledging
that all shops represented by the as-,
sociation absolutely refuse to Recede",.,
to any demand from any labor union '
at any time, to operate their shops
on the basis of a work week of less
than 48 hours.
The action of tle allied printing
trades crafts in demanding a 44-hour
week, to be initiated May 1, was
condemned in resolutions as tending
to increase the cost of printing t"
a prohibitive point
Sinn Fein Leader Refused .
Right to Land at Victoria '
Victoria, B. C, March 30. When
the Australian litter Makura docked
here today. Osmond T. Graman
Esmonde, alleged Sinn Fein CJivoy
to Australia, who was refused per
mission to land in that country, was
detained on board any! later pro
ceeded to Vancouver with the vessel.
Immigration officials said they had
orders to prevent Esmond from
coming ashore.
Esmonde told newspapermen here
he was not a Sinn Feiner and had
va sympathy for the Irish cause. He
said a "mere technicality" kept him
aboard a ship for two months hi
Australia and later caused his de
portation to the Fiji islands.
Prohibition Movement
Gaining in South America
Chicago, March 30. Prohibition in
South America is gaining, according
to a report to the committee on con
servatima and' advance of the Meth
odist Episcopal church by Rev. 3tto
Liebner, treasurer of the Chile con
ference of the church. Mr. Liebner'
has just arrived . in "'New York, his
preliminary report having been for
warded to- the committee here, it
was stated. ,
Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are
'he most fertile ficlds1n the fight
against liquor, the report said. En
actment ofthe Volstead act in this
country is said to have aided the
prohibition forces in South America.
Greeks Continue Fight.
Constantinople, March 30. Greek
forces on the northern front in Asia
Minor are engaged in rear guard
skirmishes with the Turks,. it is said '
in advices received here.) The
tirecks marched iutq. the city of
Eski-Shchr en Monday nig!)V