TII2 Bfcfi: UMAHA, TUESDAY, luAiiCH 29, 1921. Classified Advertising Rates lta pr line (count sti wort to iln 1 sv io per tin per day, 1 consecuttv day lio pr lln ir dy. t conseutlv day 14 pr lln per day, ID conaccutlv da No ad takes fur lea than a total of lie' The rate apply either to the Dally or Sunday Be. All advertisement ap pear la both morninc and vnlng dally paper for th on chart. CONTRACT HATES ON x APPLICATION. Want ad aoccyud at to following of fices: . MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam 8!a. South 8ide Philip Department Ster t'nunrll Bluff 14 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY rHO.VS AT TYLER 1000. THE 8KB will not b responsible tot nor than on Incorrect Inaartlon of Nin iJvsrtUtment ordered tor man than on urn. ci.osi.vo nouns for want ads. Evening Edition 11:41 A. M. Horning Edition :00 P. M. Sunday Edition :00 P. -M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. LANG Mr. Marv Marmi-er Unreh ? aged 85 years. Funeral services from th residence. S077 S. 16th St.. Tuesday I at I p. ni. Interment at Elk t'lly, ':. J Deceased la survived by two daug hters, (Copyl llrt Gertrude Zimmerman and Mia pj, Mararet Lang of Omaha: one brother, . f William Scott, Sperry,. okl.. and one Ctai.J ulater. Jan Scott, Elk City. Neb. Otltr : -. thi"'j FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER ;,, ' umaha a best I :' imerch a fttfrnr Avpp scnvirri III RROAi,li-VJl-Alll,lli HARNEY Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M Hjuth Jflth 8t. - ' DounUa 1826. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Knibalniera. Plion H. !65. Office 1611 Farnam. 'OR AMBULANCE call Mouth 0. Knrlako Funeral Home. 23d and O St. FLORISTS. I PR T T iPMflM Fonunetle Floriala 1114 PoukIh SI. Douglaa 844. I., tleiiileraon, ir. l'i l'urnam. Uouala 1J 4 . IOH HA ThTI 8it4 i'arnamr 5T liOS, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ! Itirtli. ! Ray nnd lAilh Bent ley, 3008 South I Sve:itt'Pnlh. hoy. ' I John and Mary Maguire, 2l'2i Maple, hoy. John and Alice I'avanaugh. hospilRl, girl. John and Aljm Dwyar. Omaha, Neb., Tin. Wade and Tleulah Croddook, 21 li North l'w ent y-Beventh. lo . n i Clark and Ruth Curtis. 2221 North j Fory -first, hoy. I Charles and Margaret Appleton, 3620 , Inton. girl. I.ewla and Lizzie Scott, ("enter, boy. i William and Orph Newton, hospital, boy. John and HedgwU'k I Bolaa, hospital. I girl. Death. Morna l'ulk. 64, 211 S Hamilton. l.ella T. Don, 01, ijjj ortn iniriicm. . John II. I.. Williams. 73, 3024 Stato. . llonovlee Hans. IS, 2563 Dodge. i Helena Sorenacn, 76, 2016 Dorcas. Mary Taullue 'BruKinan. 4, hospital. ...nm.r. fT-Mci j MAKMrlUIi r 1 "Va'ltTr MBurge, 21. Omaha, and Katherlne Vogel. Is. Omaha. Carl J. Camen-ilnd, 22, Henson, Neb., and -Mary B. Hadnn, 23, Irvington, Neb. Ralph Karstens-25, Omaha, and Agnea Connor, 22, Fremont, Neb. Clarence K Swain. 27, Omaha, and Eleanor Lottie Edason, lis, Omaha. LOST."fOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LObT on street car. tele phon Tyler 800. W are analoua i to re- tore lost articles to rightful OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COM lAi 1 . LOST Pocket book V.-D J20. L F. bridge pas, engineers card with name Con,r,17'? . Kurt, reward if relumed. Addreaa -4lo s., 20th. St. Tyl-r 4117 LOST Large, Irregular shaped pearl, set flat.- Gold mounting. Reward. -Mrs. Catherine T. Dutclicr. 21 Dresden Apartments. Tyler 5435. WILL the party on California St. who called up about lost key ting pleas call aaain. Harney 1507. Reward. e-WiLI, the lady who called Pouglaa 861S Friday J bout lost peatla call agala and ask for Mrs. Tongue. N F6U.NO At Fort Crook, gentleman' '. ivistrlb Clerk, peraonnel ction, Adju ' -tant'a office. LOST Hallmark wrist watcU on 10th or Pacific St. Reward. Alice Shcahan. Web. 454 ST. BERNARD pup. female; reward. Har ney tSyPl. LOST Key ring; REWARD. Harney ti(0" SPECIAL NOTICES. TRUSTEE SALE General merchandise stock and fix ture to be sold at auction March SO at David City, Neb. A good, clean line of grooertes and drv goods. Stock about. 110.000, ralf gro ceries, half dry goods. Bids of lump sum on entire stock or percentage wholesale price on date of sale will be accepted. Best location In town, building ran be rented. Write V. E. Dulpher, David Cltv, Neb., for particulars. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induatrial horn solicit your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect. W distribute Phon Doug 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1113-1114 Podg St. PAUL McDERMOTT Communicate with family, Rochester, Minn. I'eam in lainur. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE , Dnuzlna 1107 Suit 808'. Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. EXPT MASSEUSE 209 So. 20th. D687T RENT, vacuum cleaner, il up. Wal. 1947. WEAVING Old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. ELECTRO MESSAGE, 317 Neville Block. MASSAGE. CALL DOUGLAS N6549. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht 9t. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, !d.. knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all else and tylea: hemstitching. plcJt edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Dougla 193S. Neb. Pleating & Button Co.. 18tM Farnam St- 2d floor. Douglas 6670. ' Contractors. I DO all kinds remodeling and repair ing. See my book of plana of bunga lows and garages. Alviu Dickson, So. 2794. 1 WILL furnish1 material and build good, strong 10x16 garage, two coat of paint, for $12i. Stevens, 4409 S. 22d, South 0527. . Bl'ILOING, remodeling and cement work. Newman Weaver, architects and con ' tractors. South 1761 or Web. 1011. BRICK, plaster and cement work. Wal nut 4367. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stage and Ballroom ' Dancing Taught. . T.esson bv Appointment. v EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler t64. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KEEPS teach you lo dance. Sp cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. SeSl. Detectives. . RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Rallwav r.a. xiag. uoug. ivod. .-.mi. JAMES ALLAN. S13 Nevltle Blk. Evidence cured In ill case. Tyler 1136. Osteopaths. . DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. 1106 First National BtiK oiog. Painting and Paper Hanging. KOPUN A LUTES Painting, paperh.in ing. Interior decorating; quick erv;ce, Webster 1415. FIRST-CLASS painting and paperbanglng. Harry A. Clapp. Pougla 4909. PAULINO, paperhanglng and -wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau. Walnut 45S7. PAINT waahing, window shades and paper cleaning. Colfax 2268. Patent Attorneys. J PATENT ATTORNEYS. X Wr MARTIN. ptnt atty- 1716 Podg. Stnrges A Sturveas, registered patent at torneys, 43S rtr Trust Bldg., Omaha. BRINGING UP DIDN'T I TELL tOU NOT TO LEAVE "TOOR PrirtM ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. biAMONDSprrc.h rnvv to buy back at email profit. GROSS J13WKLRY CO.. 403 N. 16th 8t. "lou la 604. PAXTON-M1TCI1BI.L CO.. I7th and Martha Sta.. Omaha, Neb. Hraa, bronze, aluminum anJ machine Cray Iron raatlngr. SAFETY ra20r bladea aliarpencd, new ra ssora, razor bladea ald. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co., 1553 'i Dodge, lul N. It. PAX TON HOT ELTURK1SII 3ATH. Massage, hot .facka. CONCA !NON HROW.. TYLER J731. SUITS SAVE 1.0 PERCENT. D. 11. OISOHS. 402 N 16TH ST. )xn.'GI.A3 5019. WE do all kinds remodeling, .:palrlne See our book of plana on tungal 'Vvs. g ranges. Alvnn l.Hckson. S,, 27!4. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at lrtalto Drug Store, loth and Duugla Sts , Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for price. The Ensign Co.. SO' Howard St. Registered physician, strictly confidential, consultation free, appointment only, Har ney Dvi32. Hiift.1X(l, iiovlng, all kinds. $2 hour; orders taken for black dirt, fertilizer, Wal. 135S. Auterlcan State Rank, ISth and Farnam. 4 Int. compounded fiuateafy on savlnga. N KW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. I.eBron Electric, 31 8 S. 12th St.. Omaha. Fl'LL dress suits and tuxedo for rent, 10P N. ISth St. .lonn Feldinan. D. .128. A. OI.SEN', auto express, furniture moving and hauling. Tyler 5656. TTol Pino School for Dancing. 2424 IVCJ-l 1IIC Par nam. Doug. 750. Omaha Toicel Supply.' 307 8. Tlth. D. 052 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE and piano for sale, 211. st. . o.VK dining table. ColfaV 0629. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGE A SMITH Dealer In d'uois, xylophones, etc.. Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St.. for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. A. H0SPE CO. art ad mur. Pianos for rent. BIOGEST phonograph bargains in Omaha. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. WANTED A piano to use for storage; best of care: no children. lg. 7395. PIANO for storage and repair charge. Douglas 3066. PIANO for storage and repair charges. Douglas "066. Clothing. SUITS SAVE 50 PER CENT. D. B. GROSS. 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUOLA3 6049. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS , ADDlKG MACHINES. - All MAKES, bought, aold. rented and repaired. Solo agents for the CORONA. Gt our prices be&ire yoi buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1913 Farnam. PRCWKCTOGRAPHS. K & E.'a: bargains. i.19 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbank No. 4 standard acale. 3ttx3V foot platform, also 28-tnch Buffalo Forg Co. eihaust faji. lnqtrir at Omaba fie office, 17th and Farnam St. Phon Tyler 1000. FRIESLAND FARM DAIRY. STRICTLY SANITARY. Special Baby Milk Bupplled from the Holetein herd formerly owned by Dr. B. B. Davis Frlesland Farm Milk (Milk and Cream) Friesland Farm Special Baby Milk. Call Walnut 3557. SEWING MACHINES We rnt. repair, nredlrs sod part. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglas 19VJ. PROGRESSIVE overbearing strawberry plants, $1 for 100. Col. 1227. J. Salis bury, 1916 Ames. FRESH milk delivered wholesale, twice dally. Any place In Omaha. Ralston' ti-j. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, tc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. 8. W. Tor. 11th and Douglaa. D. 2724. NEW and used lumber. Kindling deliv ered. L. Mlckllf & Son, 1828 North 2lst St. Webster 0459. JACK FINE AND EVERGREEN. 5,000 trees. 50c to S3. Evergreen cemetery. Walnut 1398. S A PF.Q BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. HlO J. J. II. right Safe Co. SOFT maple trees. 3947 ' W. So. 1435. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1507 Farnam. D. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 706 N. 16. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. TRUCK helper day or night porter, col ored man. Tyler 0496. HOUSECLEANING Wanted. 7093. Call Harney Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good placea are always advertised. Don't mis them. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. AUTOMOBILE painter wanted, must qual ify to do factory, work. Steady work to right man. In answering state wages wanted. L. Moldovan, 109 West 6th St., Storm Lake, Iowa. SHEET METAL workers wanted. Open shop, 80 cent per hour. Steady work first-class men. Write or report to Citi zens Alliance. 140 East 60th St., St. Paul. Minn. FIREMEN, brakemen. beginners. 1150 9200. later 8300. Write Railway, Box Y-U49. Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 110 8o. '4th. Write for catalog. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAL. 121 N. 15th St. Phone .Douglas 1112. FIRST-CLASS Linotype machinist. Fore man Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Get busy. The best dog gone money-maker you ever saw. If $75 to 8200 a week appeals to you see Mr. Kuster. 402 Faiton Hotlr. from 10 to 3, Tuesday and Wednesday, Ex arvlc men preferred. WB can use two first-class salesmen. Permanent places for right men. Grand ynlon Tea Co.. Omaha. Neb. THREE good salesmen, one as crew inn -x ager for household specialty. C, T. Adams Co., 933 S. 16th" SL FATHER i know but maie: - HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED YOUNG MAN For Advertising Dept. of Large Corporation, Outside Soliciting. - Experience Unnecessary. State Age, Education and Salary Expected. Box R-5, Omaha Bee. J.IVE wire salesman wanted to cover states of Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri to carry stronir line of silk waists. Com mission basis. For such a man we have a wonderful opportunity. State par- ticulars and rerorenccs. i-toyat waist Co.. 46 East 20th St. Now York. SALESMAN Experienced to represent New York manufacturer of bailies Coats and Suit. If you delivered 75, 000, or over, answer. Sol. l.evlne & Co., 12 West 27th St., New York City. AN EASTERN rubber company wants ex perienced tire salesman. Must be fa miliar with Nebraska accounts. Call at room 410 Fontmelle hotel, from 4 to 6. SALESMAN wanted four counties, travel in company with another, any line, car provided. Write Odd Fellow, Broken Row, Neb. v, WANTED Chrc salcstmui for Omaha and vicinity. ApplyNthe J. F. Cherry Co Newark. O. Miscellaneous. MEN wanted to set p(is at Farnam Bowl, ing Alley. 1S07 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies who desire to prepare for office position to enroll in our day or evening classes in shorthand, typewriting or bookkeeping. Individual Instructions, tuition payable monthly. Call and stte us or telephone Douglas DWoVrtAK SCHOOL OF ACCOCNTIXG. 2d floor Wead Building. 18th and FarnRm. LADIES wanted to devotje part -or all of time to clean, profitable worl '303 Ne ville. 16th and Harney. ' Professions and Trades. WANTED " COMPETENT TELEPHONE OPERATOR. BOX K-2, OMAHA, BEE. EXPERIENCED fitter for ladies' altering department; gbod wages; permanent po sition. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co., 1417 Douglas. See Mr. perry. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADY Two first-class exp. jales'- ladies for suit and coat department; ood wages and bonus. Apply .at once. Beddeo Clothing Co. See-Mr. Sperry. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid rnd homelike places always advertised WANTED Competent white woman to do general housework, small family, no laundry, good wages, 3828 Cass, Apt. No. 1, Walnut 0924. WANTED AT ONCE Girl for genfral housework, no washing, small family, best wages. 3311 Woolworth. WANTED Girl to assist with ho'ue- work; good home; private family. 4S08 Izard St. Tel. Walnut 3826. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. R. Sherman, 132 X. 38th Ave. Phone Harney 0971. COMPETENT girl for general housMvo k; no laundry; good wages. 3868 Caas St. Hotels end Restaurants. 2 or 3 GIRL waitresses.' Tyler 3063. Miscellaneous. $3.50 PER day paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for Econo my Non-Alcoholic flavoring. Permanent position. F, K. Barr Co., Chicago, HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED -Mtn, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodga St Trl-Clty Barhr College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL NIGHT Complete courses in accountancy, ma. chine bookkeeping, comptometry, shoit hand and typewriting, railroad and wlr 'less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for larg; Illustrated catalog. Address BOYI.ES COLLBGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, "'eb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening School. 220 Omaba National Bank Bldg. Dougla 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. Bankrupt Stock and Rail road Salvage , SALE The bankrupt stock of hard ware, glassware, furniture, mattresses, etc., recently purchased, still in prog ress. ALL NEW COTTON 46-lb. MAT TRESSES. $6. A fine outfit of soda par lor fixtures, slightly used, including mirrors, wire chairs: wire tables, etc., used sewing machines. I EM ANNUEL VAKS, . ' 2610 N. Street. Between 26th' and 27th Sts., South Omaha, One-half block east of U. V. Ttailroad. Tracks. Phone South 2370. Open week days from 8 till 7. Satur day from 7 till 8. ST. LOUIS manufacturer of Electric Farm Light Plants desires State Plstrlbutor for Nebraska Its open office; manage county agents. Exclusive rights; fac tory furnishes equipment and allows state manager profits on all plants: washing machines, water systems, "tc, sold by county agent. Big legitimate proposition for hbstler with $2,000 cash capital. Hetjieiiugton Mrg. Corporation, 2117. Lucas Avenue, St. Louis. 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS drug store for sale Mail '16.000 ill 1920. Price, slock ami fixture about $3,000. Kux R-S Bee. i i r ri n h v i VTTT Registered V. S. Patent Office. DON'T TALK IbACK TO ME 0 RKHT 6AC TO 'YOUR J Koon- BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS ft Co.. 411 Mccague Bldg FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARi: YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee .Vant Ad Dipt.. Tyler 1000, and we will ..01 only furnish you with a complete -oom list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Want to Rent" list foe further refer ence In case you wanted to make .in other change. Thefe lists are Rbsolutely frem. of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Hce and publishea solel" for their convenience and benef't. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. FOR RENT 4-room apartment; u-room accommodation to party buing furniture preferred; immediate possession. Tyjcr 2663. 1, SOME very desirable light likpg. run.; newly decorated; wlthlu walking ins tance. 2218 Douglas St. Tyler 584. FURNISHED Rooms, g?Titlcman preferred, references exchanged. Harney 4903, 7')S .V. 27 Xve. FURNISHED mis.; all modern; reason able. Web. 2415. M. N. Huemer, J SI 3 X. 17th. SLEEPING rooms. newly furnished, 1U07 X. 29th Sr. Harney 7135. SLEEPING rooms, walking distance. 1709 s. 16th St. . SLEEPING rooms close In Doug. 7458. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST -F HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE 11AVR THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1(1)00. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. VANT ft A D. Ril E connecting iarlor rms.. 1st fl.. sink in kitchen, heat, light, phoncj fur nished. Couple only. 203 Fopjjletyn. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely cleaned, 2018 N. 18th St. .Web. 0S0X . SUIT of rooms, gus stove, running water and steam heat. 62:'. South 16th. 3-ROOM nicely furnlshec modern apart ment. 108 North 22d. (M LIGHT housekeeping room, close I Tyler '4338. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU HO NOT FIND WHAT YOI1 WANrn IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. MOO AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETES LIST OF ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING- rooms nicely cleaned, 2012 X. 18th St. Web. 0S02. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished, A COUPLE without children want to rent a three, four or five-room house. Will pay rent six months in advance. Phone Colfrir 5I4S. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. WE have a 3-rm. and hath, completely furnished, apsrtmeiTt. 25th and Hartley, to rent for $93. This is worth the mumj. Bedford-Johnston Co., Douglas 1734. Unfurnished. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. Xo. 1. Bbsworth. 2 rooms, furn.. .$ 60 No. 8, Montlcello. 5 rooms 105 No. 7. Ardinore Terrace, 5 rooms.. 125 Xo. 19. Mount Vernon. 6 rooms.. 140 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." Farnam 'at 17th. Tyler0614. THE El. BKIIIUII, v Dodge, at 18th Street, N Tyler 4200. Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservation Filed for Future Occupancy. FIVE rooms In attractive new building. .Well arranged, well located. See it for yourself at 524 South 31st Street, in the Mount Vernon. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." , Farnam at 17th, Tylet 0144 Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FOR RENT Five-room flat with sleep ing porch. Call TVler 210S. WANTED TO RENT. Office and Desk Room. ONE or two offices to rent. 601 World Herald Bldg. Douglas 2298. FOR RENT Business Property. 1,000 SQUARE feet of space suitable for light manufacturing. Well lighted space on third floor Bromley building, at 208 South 13th Street. FETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." Farnam at 17th. Tyler 0544. FOR RENT Over 8,000 square ft.. Includ ing nice quarters for office: heat and elevator service; In heart of the Job bing dlstrlcf; rent reasonable to right parties. Phone Dg. 69S2. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put in a full day's wont that you can rent a one-ton Ford ttucK and Drive It Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or . moving. Handle your own stuff ' and cut your cost half in two.?' We nevei close. ' - vr Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. x P-niKiaJ ?h2LV FIDELITY STORAGE CO A Nr. VAN STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE, v COMPLETE 1. 1ST OF x- HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 Howard St. Douglas 2 MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked roVns for household goods and pianos, moving, pscklng and shipping. ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. SO South lth. Doug. 416,1 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Boweii Co. Tyler V00 UNION TRANSFER CO, Let us estimate your moving, p. rWiig and storage. 1605 Daveroort. Doug. 290. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell -hem direct to the farmers. You get th best that ran be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman s profit, and then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction In prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness f.om $40 to $100 per set. Our goods are guaranteed. The store is 62 years d and the oldest saddelery store in th west. Alfred Cornish A Co.. Successors to Collins & Morrison. 1210 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. POULTRY AND PETTOCK. WINTROUB'S Poultry Fred' lYjY per 1 no" l.'llvreii I.. Winlroub & Son, Doug i las OusO SEE J I CCS AND MAGGIE IN PACE OF COLORS MM THE SUNDAY I TOLO YOO. I WOULD NOT LISTEN TO TOO t0 TOU JU'bT 0 BACK A3 I TOLD TOU POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. 11.75 per 100 lbs. Del. A. W. Wagiiei1. 01N. 16. .P. 1143. hTtCHING eggs. Reds, stock heavy layers, good lookers. Colfax 3245. THOROUGHBRED bulldog for sale. Zall Doug. 52S9 after 5 p. in. REUS, thoroughbred, egg Colfax 3245. 81.25 setting YOUNG laying hens for salo Wal. U38. While Wyandotte hatching tggs. Col. 0389. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SOME bargains in used ''ord cars. Mc Caffrey , Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service station, 15th and Jackson. Douglas 3500. OAKLAND Sensible Six. . MARSH-OAKLAND CO. , 20th and Harney Sts. - USED CARS, bought, sold and exchanged. Trauver Auto Co., 2210 Farnam. FARM LANDS. Canadian Lands. CANADIAN FARM FOR SALE 319 acres. 100 deep soil under cult. 50 summer fallow ready for drill, good wheat land, average 50 bu. 1920, oals 90 bu. 3 nil. of where world's prize oals grown. School, church adjoin land. $35 per acre. Apply owner. Win. Ruth erford, Lloydniinster. Sask., Canada. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and ;tock. 8S.000. Biuity Land Exchange, Si. Paul. Minn. Pennsylvania Lands. LOW priced farms for sale In good dairy country. $2fl to $76 tier acre. The E. IT. Shreve Real Estate Co.. Union City, Pa. Wisconsin Lands. ANDOLOGY special number Just out, containing 1921 facts of clor land Is Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for s home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number cf Laudolngy It la -free on request. Address Skid-more-Rlehle Land Co.. 433 Skldmore Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wl. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL. We are In a position to furnish ad ditional capital lii snv amount needed to establish businesses, large or small, i also - manufacturers. Only legitimate concerns need apply. Abbotf Investment Co., WE have cash on -hand to loan on Omaba retiaences. E. H. LOUGEE. 1NC 638 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMd O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Oin. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2715. FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson. Brandels Theater Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wgad Bldg.. 310 8. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120: City Nat.'Bk. Bid. Douglas H2. LIST homes nti-l income property with GRUENIGf REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. bk. Doug. 19C"i. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge 8t! Douglas 1346 E. G. SOLOMON f$: VESTMENTS. 617 h'achach Blk. D. 6262. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. , C. B. STUHT CO., CttyWat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. HAVE inquiries for homes do jou want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Grlnimel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. BIRKETTf- geHsf Rem,' 350 Peters Trust rtldk. I)e : S TAT E: Insures Doug. 0633 P J Tic R RTfKT.Q real estatb Ins. and Rentals COS Omaha Nat'l UK. B'dg. Douglas 2182 W. G. SHRIVER ,iErsaT.rE 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636 LISTINGS WANTED Western Real Estate Co.. 4.1J Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. JlUO'CASH BENSON ACRES. 1 3-3 acres; lays fine; land all hrok m for fine truck garden; bal. $3,50 n.r wk. Benjamin & Frankenberg. D. 0722. RILSlrXTEWEStMENfS. DUPLEX press brick flat, walking dls tance, oak finish, income .$1,200; price, $9,500. Call days, Douglas 1734, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. LEAL KSTATE t'rr Sale or Exchange Have 800 acres li: a body, central Iowa, cliy business property. Hansen, Boo three sets improvements. Want good Iowa Building, Des Moines, Iowa. TO exchange 6 to 20.000 worth Lincoln Traction Preferred slock for land. F. M. Woods. Lincoln. Neb. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee- FULL TWO-STORY house, seven large rooms, and a modern appointed bath, t excellent furnace, newly papered, wood work and flours refinlshed, and beauti ful lawn surrounds the house. If you an Interested In the northwest corner, 49th and Izard, call Colfax-1126 Sunday. otner nays, call I'otimas L'?ss. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban proo'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED 1 West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT six-room bunpalow, practical ly now ; good stucco construc tion and pry attractive ar range -n em. pivlmr two' bedroom and sunroom besides living room, all on one floor, with floored attic: oak and white enamel finish. Price f 7tR00 ; terms, $1,500 Bsh, ?ti0 monthly GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Doug, 250. 918-20 City National. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 48SO. , North. Choice Bungalow One of thi large five-room ntueco bungalows, fireplace, book cases, hufftt, white enamel bert rooniH, bath and kitchen, oak in balanco of lions': pTll basement; cumIcg south fruit lol : now va cant: owner left city; , about J2.U0O cash will handle. ' Osborne Realty Co., MO Peters Trust Bldg. Douglf.s 222. 3.1"6 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms.. mod. cx hi.; 2 'ots. rlir-ken home, fruit trees. $700 cuh, bal. iuo. Uiiitfli, !, Lett. D. 02.UO. v 1 TOU - rft 'II FULL BEE Hlt ROOM lt I , FiR,E ' 1921 Y INT rv.... f Your Face and What It Tells Success in 'Railroading Is Primarily for Motive , Type Individuals, Says Character Analyst ( Discusses Three Routes to High Executive Jobs. By MABEL WARNER RUGG. THIS ..discussion concerns the "driving", type of men, adding another vocation to the list in which they will shine. You may accuse me of giving too much at tention to the motive type, slightingj thenientalj and vital. 1 will call your attention to a fact you will no tice in your study of people. You will find business people swing more toward the motive end of the j scale and you will find more voca-1 tions calling for workers of the mo tive type, with plenty of physical an( that means a good hard job. endurance, as well as good gray With his eye on the next step up, matter. , j,e t00j. teiCgraphv and became' an I he transportation business is one operator and agent himself. Then of thev biggest factors in trade today confidential clerk for the genera! and it is outstandingly a vocation j western agent, because he had pic for the strongly motive type. pared himself for that step'up7and . u u,r uiiKiu, inumc me who stands at the foot of the "trans portalion mountain"' looking up at the peaks where loom the James J. Hills, the Carl Grays, the Jeffers REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NEAR MONT CLAIR $1,000 DOWN Five-room strictly modern bun galow, "all on one fioor; oak floors inrougliout and oak finish in liv mg room anil dining room: built in bookcases; built-in fmttures in kitchen; full cemented basement; dandy south front lot on paved street, paving: nearly paid, front pore I: all screened; close to Har ney car line. Thin is a nearly new house,, just the thing- for a rail road man who don't have to change cars from, work to his horn. Price $(J,000. Owner leav ing city 1: s mad ft rea sonabl terms and price to move quickly. Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. siEiVF.v.rnftm modern house, southeast cor ner 65th and Grant Sts.. $4,000; $2,000 eh. halanee on time to suit, at 6 per . Ti .. iyA anA Cnmiutr .StS. MINNE LUSA home and lota offer th best opportunity to inveat your mosey Phone Tyler 17. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and tnvesi ment. 642 Peters Trust. Doug. ':'7 HOUSE8 for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2320 Grant St. Webster 2420. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and t-ell homes. South. HANSCOM PARK Price Reduced $500 This splendid 6-room modem home offered at a very low price wui c cmiiionallv a-ood terms. Located on east front lot,"eftr Windsor school. Has large living room across front, dining room and kitchen down a,nd thre good -bedrooms and bath and large closets up; full cement basement; garane. downstairs all oak; maple flogr. and birch, finish" in bedrooms. GLOVER & MORELL 718-20 Kecllne Bldg. Tyler 3(123. SOUTH SIDE. Mnilarn G.rnnni cOttnrP. Close tO CST, IZMO. Easy terms. Alfred Thomas 4 Son. 604 1st Nat. Bk Miscellaneous. NEAR 36 FONTENF.LLE BLVD. trn.n, tion.oe: coal house: , let ISvlill- nrii-e 91.700: $700 down. A number of reasonably priced houses in this neighborhood. One of the best locations In Benso-i: a good R-room home: oak floors and finish downstairs; butler's pantry and refrigerator room, and bath ; modern basement; garage, and let priced $0,000 and terms. ' Near 33d and Wright: beautiful C-room hou?e with sunroom. enclosed sleeping porch; oak floors throughout; Price $9,000. Call Doug. 0563, Har.iey rsss.' GRAHAM PETERS) KKAL'll ui. ' Nol Good 8-room house In Hanjcom park district: bargain at $6. 501. Xo. 2 New 7-room house; bath upstairs and down; catnearai oisinci, price S,O'i0. No. S 8-room house: good neighbor hood; double garage; clear and cheap: (price $8,000; some trade. .No. 4 One of the most beautiful 7-room homes lnr' Dundee; owner leaving cHv; priced cheap for quick sale. " E. E. BUTLER. S40H Railway Exchange Bldg., loth and Harney. Plnn Douglas 8538 or Colfax: 3580. $500 Hone and two lots; easy paj -n-.t ntfl. REALTORS. AMOS GRANT. CO., Doug. 8380. 330-34 Brandels Theater. 6-ROO.M house with 4 lots all planted In potatoes, onions, and lettuce. Owner must sacrifice as he Is leaving city. Will sell for $4,000, can be handled for $1,000 cash ana :' per momn. R. Ft CLARY & CO. Realtors. 24th and Ames Ae. Colfax 017. IF YOU HAVE A lot. a car or a little ensh you would like to use as down payment on a new 5-room all-modern bungalow that is well located, call Mr. Co!. Doug. 7412. Relief FroriT Detail That's what you get when you have us act as your agents in SELLING RENTING BUYING OF REAL ESTATE Our fee for "handling your real estate is small. Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 186S. Doug. 0200 608 Bee Bldg. Drawn for The Bte by McMernn Copyright. ;:l International New Scrvic 'THAT'S) VJHAT WATS TED TO ON TELL tOU- L FATUM StRVICk. INC. 3'29 and the Kale lloklcns, there are three main travelled r6ads upwards from the bottom; the operating way, the traffic way, and the engineering way. When you study the rise of these big nion, you find that most of them came up the way Cnrl Gra' did. through the operating way. A brief sketch of his route will show just the way any lad with the ener gy, ambition and brains cm go. Rise of Carl Gray. He started as assistant to a sta tion agent in a tiny Kansas town. next general agent himselt. Then district freight agent, and division reight agent and division superin tendent ot transportation, then gen cral manager of the road he began on. rroni there into a vice presi dency and later senior vice presi dency and general manager com bined. Next he became president for one of the Hill railroads, and gradually president of several extra ones, adding one at a time, the Union Pacific being his latest. The traffic route offers a foot hold, in the way of a secretaryship, or a clerkship in the offices of the general freight agent, but the hoy who begins here will have to step lively to get ahead of the young lads, who have served their practical a prcnieeship in the stations over the tcrrit'.-v. . ; The Engineering Route. When coming up through tfte tn-j gincci ing route, a young man is naturally handicapped, somewhat bv the fact that engineering work does not bring hiin into close contact with the public, as docs the operating work. He begins as a chainman on J a surveying gang, probably, and works into the headship of his gang, rising through the pV-dtions of di vision engineer and chief engineer. He must bra strongly all-around ex ecutive, or he will probably sta in the position of chief engineer, at a haximnni salary of something around $15,000 a year. However, ability is recognized wherever it is found. l'r?s- ident Ben Ifoldcn ,of tffc Burlington road was a legal light of that railroad before he took the post of leader. Hk nearest aide, however. IT. A. Safford, is a practical operative man, who came up ' from the station agent school. ' This is the school where you cither -deliver or don't deliver. If you de liver, there is another step just above you, where they put the man who can produce results, and the rise is sure. Accounting Department. I One word to the active hoy who malces the mistake of goinft into the accounting department, thinking he can get up"in the game that way. A motive type man suffers agony in a mental type job. and besides the close confinemeint, there is another very real hanificap. You get no chance to learn railroading or show your motive ability and you cannot hope to outshine a mental worker in his own line. Better be a section hand than a clerk, if you have your eye on Carl Gray's job -10 years from now. Editor's Note While thee Hrticte ere being published Mabel Warner Rugg will nnilertul.e In answer all questions from Bee readers on rlmrac ter analysis and vocational choice. Send the letters rare of The Bee. Real Estate Transfers Josephine H. Weidenfeller to 210 Charles W. Martin. 2rl St., feet N. of Florence Blvd., W., Side, 45 x25it' Blanche H. Smith and husband to Annie Frlsch, X. E. corner 42d and Taciflc St.. 47x130 Fred M. Nelson et a I. to Alice F. Nelson, S. W. corner llelievue Blvd. and Mason St.. KfixSS . . . . Sarah Vengrovltch and husband to Abe Romberg, 17th St., 152 feet N. of California St., E. Side, Ir regular tract v Idella E. Thomas to William M. Burton. S. E. corner 33d and Davenport St.,. "liki'ilS t,."0 7.000 '.uoo Eskil 11. Anderson et al. to Al bert W". Person aid wife. 4;,th Ave-., S50 feet S. of Miami St.. E. side, 50x100 12.000 Raffale Paul and wife to Itn. I lies is. Pierce St.. 14ltj feet W. of 20th St.. ?. Side. 2Si.1v. Edwin D. Ferri'll and wife to Louis B. Horky. 21st St., t f s . 3 feet S. of Oak St.. W. Side. 33x109 May Theodore and huseand to Jacob Zeidenherg et ai., 2f,th St., SO feet S. of I St., E. Side, 4x150 :.ooo ,;oo 4,oo Alamlta Dairy Co. in L. B. John son. S. K. corner 30th and Ellison Avd. 117x147.3 t.t',1 Mary E. Dance to Max I. Walker and .wife, ( amdon Ave., 100 feet W. of 2,'.th Ave.. 50x120 S.ilOO Guy H. Tuttle and wife to Claud Stnckham and wife. .9lh St., 10 fet N. of Wirt St., W. side. 40x145 0.7 50 Byron G. Burbank anil vire to ( hester M. Kepltnger. S-ward St.. 120 meet F. of 2,sth Ave., S. Side, 30x127.5 i 3.O01 Jennie E. Impey to Osvar .t stein- ert. 3oth Ave.. 227 feet s. of PaoHIc St., E. Side, 41x111 Alex Scott et a"l. to GcorRe W. Scott. 30th St.. lir, feet s. of Pa cific S'.. B. Side. S.'-xl 35 . 1.130 Anna Counsman to Ma Kklierg. N W. corner ISth and Maple Ms . S3"xl1S Pauline L. Dlmirk and husband to George A. Sargent, Ma St , 91... feet W. ofS-ith A.. N. Side. 54x114 1. IV) W. O. N'elaon and wife to Joaoh F. Binder. Pine St.. It. feet W. of Mh St.. S. Side. 5..X130 5... CO The Lest salesmen KN: Want Ads. Fanners Asked To Give Corn for European RelieJ Quota for. Ncliraekii 100 (!ar loads Eiht (larloads Al rcaily Reeehnl al M ill In Omaha. Nebraska fanners are aVcd to do nate corn for starving children tf Kin'opc. The appeal, coming liuiii the American farm Huicau federation, specifics 100 carloads for Nebraska. Douglas county's quota is one car load or 1,500 bushels. The corn will go to the Nt.ir l.ast Relief, Central Kurope and l'n!ih re fief committee-. The drie end April 9. C orn i gifts may be drlneicd t any local elevator, except l-'lnrenee, sr. id I-!. G. Maxwell. Douglas eoimtv agricultural agent. C A I red of Florence is chairman of tin . minty committee. Eight carloads li.ive nlre.'uU e."- A in to the Miller Cereal mill. v. li . it is being, determinated, sterib.' kiln-dried : and convened into on fflour and hominy grit. I 1'laits for forwarding ihe grain I shipments were completed at a meet ' Jiwr In 1 ini-nln iirtl-.ic ,,t cmlnlv agents, at which Carl Vroouiau, for nier assistant secretary of" agriAi! lure, and U. Burr Jones, state ilirl e lor for Near East Relief, spoke. ' The fact that corn is o cheat, and plentiful in this country that it should be shared with staru::g Ku rope was urged at this meeting. Symphony Orchestra Gives First Twilight Concert This Evening Omaha's lirt twilight conceit wi'l be given this evening at 5 by the Omaha Symphony orchestra under the direction ot Henry Cox, wth Erne t N'ordin as concert master, in the iirandeis theater. This twilight concert is t,:krn as an indication of the growth of inter- i ot in Omaha in musical progran and iuumc studv. It is' Me out growth of the organization of a sym phony orchestra by Henry Cox when lieNirst came to Omaha years ago. i Free programs given by the City Concert club in the Municipal audi torium during the past year, aug mented .by the increased activity ;:niong Omaha- church choirs and choristers, have biiilt up a desire-for a symphony orchestra in Omaha which is to be satisfied bvjhc Omaha y in p h o jiy o r c h e s t ra . The twilight concert is to be the first of a number of concerts, it is un derstood. The members of the or chestra hav been practicing two months for this concert. WHY . Does a "Mackerel Sky' Presage Rain? Though they were not as well advanced in many other ways a waj are today, those who lived in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies were possessed cf a wealth of weather wisdom, which has conic down to us in the form of couplets, the truth of whiclvhas been dem onstrated by scientific observation of ! the weather, coupled with the' use ' of all manner of delicate instruments, I some of which have been invented i within the past few years. One of i these couplets savs that: "Mackerel scales and mares' tails Make loftv :hips carry low sails." or, translated into simple prose, that a mackerel ' sky presages rain and stormy weather. ' ' The reason for this is I hat the small, flaky clouds wh'eh go to make up the "mackerel sky'' clouds w hich are known as "cirro-cumulas" con tain a high percentage. of moisture, I and it is a matter of only a few hours before they will join togetlver m a true "rain-cloud." J'be appearance of a "mackerel sky." therefore, may be taken as an almost infallible in dication of rain or sionnv weather within 12 lo 16 hours, no matter how bright the sun may be shining at the time and, as a Monn usually brings clear weather in its train, a sky of this kind may also be taken as a sign of a forthcoming drop in temperature. (Copyright, 1921. by th" Wheeler Syndi-. cate, Inc.) n u:n d c I , uxjt i jiii UIU51UI11 By George Bingham Dining the recent heavy .snow tin Depily Constable observed a k""' many human tracks going (hither and yonder, and upon tracing them U their hor he toiiini tliat most ot them led to or from a heating stove and chair. Tobe Mosley finds the world has changed a heap in the past few jears. He recalls when the old fashioned thief used to steal a per son's silver watch unci go 011 home perfectly satisfied with his day'., work. ' Cricket Hicks is rapidly beconm S one of our most noted singers, .is he has ju.st bent a dime away for an other book of one hundred d the most popular songs. (Copyright, 1921. George Mattae" Adam) . 6