V THE lu B1SE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 29. 1921. SLEEPY-TIME TALES THE TALE OF OMMY FOX ARTHUR 5C0TT BAILEY CHAPTER VIM. $onethine . Mikes Tommy Very Proud mmy Fox could think of noth- . ... 1 T I hut Mr wooncnucK. ue liftirtinrht there could be no use in bo n? back to 'the hole beneath the big Jiak in the pasture until the next daV, r because Mr. Woodchuck would ptchably bfc afraid that Tommy was waiting tVf !'n, to come out. Yes Tommy decided Swt Mr. Wood chuck would stay invj house down among the roots of thetig tree and not show himself again ufril he felt quite sure, that his eiienfy had urnwn tired of fratchins and' tad i I I 4 n. usxts. h given up the idea of catching him. But Tommy guessed that ny an other day ota Mr. Woodchuck wonlH be so htmerv that ho would have to go out of doors again to get something to eat. And Tommy Fox could hardly wait for the night to jjass. But another day came at last; and it found Tommy up and hurry ing to Farmer Green's back-pature, where Mr. Woodchuck lived. It was just growing light; and there , was a heavy dew upon the grass which Tommy didn't like at all, be cause he just hated to get his fsei wet. "' Tommy did not o near Mr. Woodchuck's hole. Although he was just a young fox, he was too wise to do that. He knew that if he went nosing around Mr. Wood chuck's dooryard the old gjwtleman would smell his tracks as soon as he poked his head out. So Tommy Tommg Fox haj-dlg breathed was careful to keep away from the hole where he had dug so hard the day before. He sneaked around un til he had passed Mr. Woodchuck's house; and then he crept up behind the big oak close by. nd there he waited. Tommy kept smiling. He was so pleased, because his plan was work ing out very well. The wind blew towards him, and Tommy saw that Mr. Woodchuck wouldn't be able to smell him when the old fellow came up into the open air. For a long time Tommy waited there. He kept very still. And he . stayed hidden behind the tree, with only one eye peeping round the tree rrunkj"S5-4hat he could watch for Mr, Woodchuck. Jle was very ptifnt--ws Tommy. You have to bejjatient, yoa know, when you are hunting. He ' crouched behind the; tree for at least an hour, and never once took his eye off that hole. And at last he saw Mr. Woodchuck's nose come popping out If Tommy hadn't been watching very closely he wouldn't have seen it at all; for Mr. Woodchuck just stuck his head up for a. second, took one quick look all around, and jumped back again. He hadn't seen anything td frighten him. But he thought it best to be very, careful. Tommy waited. And pretty soon that small nose came sticking out again. This time it stayed longer. And -to Tommy's great delight, in another minute he saw Mr. Vood chuck climb up and take a good lotk all about. Tommy Fox hardly breathed. He didn't see how the old gentleman could help spying him. But he started off across the pasture, to find something for breakfast. He was very hungry, for he hadn't had any supper the night before. Tommy Fox waited until Mr. Woodchuck" had gone just a tew steps away from his doorway. And then Tomm,y stole after him. This time Tommy was between Mr. Woodchuck and his house. And Mr. Woodchuck couldn't escape. It was all over in a second. And Tommy Fox felt very proud of him self when he reached home and showed his mother what he had brought., "I can hunt can't' I, mother?" he said. "Tomorrow I'm going up on the mountain and catch a bear." "Don't be silly," Mrs. Fox said. "You know you couldn't catch a bear.". But she was much pleased, in spite of what sjie said. For she saw that Tommy was really begin ning to learn something. Jewel, Hower. Color Symbols for Today a ' r ' ' The ruby is today's talismanic stone and also the natal gem of those born on an anniversary of this date. This is a very fortunate com bination and the one whQ wears a ruby is assured of good fortune and the power to attain success in any chosen line. The ruby is symbolic of great bodily and mental strength, and to one who is fortunate enough to receivtf' it as a gift, it brings the ab:lity.,.to overcome obstacles and . avc.J accidents, v I Philippe de Velois believed it to s be the most valuable of gems. How ever, it loses its value as a tailsman unless it is "worn on the left hand or arm. While is today's color, and is sym bolic of purity and clear thought. . The . lily-of-the-valey bringr con tentment and good fortune to those who wear it today. jCopyrlfht. 1K1. Whwler Syndicate. Inc.) Rail Employe Retires McCook, Neb., March 28. (Spe-eiaL)-Agent. Tbonias Campbell of Marion; this' county, has resigned aad Wt retire from the Burlington service in which he has been em ployedIor the last 20 years. He will liv in Lincoln. - ' THE GUMPS I TTTT 1 I I t AN CrT sur vuirn-i I (r-D F-t I If i wti Munv yJ i I i i the poocsrt ? t R likc 7 1 tW- ; 1 A QUARTER y II I OH BoV- VtHV ' V S I I , PtN I I More Truth. By JAMES I. Xn honorable A Roman oli'rmmin fvor th dismissal of ill coUeie professors who us profane language on the coif ooursc. I do not hold with him whose objurgations Are loosed whenever little troubles fret; I've never found that oaths or imprecations Can soothe one's feelings when he gets' upset. .And I agree, that quite unfit for teachers Who shape our little children's minds for us, Are those abandoned temperamental creatures Who cuss. Who cuss, that is, for any trivial reason, With oaths devoid of wit, and lacking Who use strong language in and out of season Because they seem to think it rather smart, Yet there are cases when hard words are nearly, If not exactly, fully justified, And rules against them may -be too severely ' Applied- For instance, I should favor toleration When staid professors vent a bit of spleen As they, to gain a little relaxation, Pursue the dimpled sphere from green to green. Should they use certain words (I shall not name them) When vainly they essay to biff the ball. And merely swat the sward, I shouldn't blame them At all. Not even ministers are always careful, While golfing, with no congregation 'round, I've heard them-using words whose sense wa's prayerful ' But which possessed a wholly different sound. For golf's a game of hazards and of chances, In which our educators take delight, And. cussing is in certain circumstances All right. NEEDED REFORM. If ve knew Will Hays a little better we'd ask him to forbid letters i with isinglass fronts from going through" the mails. j BEYOND HIS JURISDICTION. The court decision that a man is the head of the household will not be valid till it is appealed to the lady of the house. ' BORN TOO EARLY. If Ananias were alive today he would do a rushing business as an advisor to income tax payers. Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. IRVING KING. Dogs See Spirits. That the old superstition that dogs can "see spirits'' is by no means ex tinct, even among people whose cul ture one would have su0posed to have long outgrown it, is evidenced by the fact that at one of Eusapia Pallidino's "seances." Hereward Car rington, a sceptical researcher- in psychological field, brought a dog into the room on the chance that it might see, and give evidence of see ing by its actions, the disembodied spirits, if any which Eusapia claimed to be able to summon about her. Among the uneducated the supersti tion is a common one in all parts of the country. This is evidently a survival from classic times; a reminiscence of the fable myth of the double headed (sometimes tripple-headed) "dog Cerberus whose business it was Are You Going to Move Then Think of . The Metropolitan Van & Storage Co. Owned and Operated by II. R. Bowen Company The experience our men have in moving and deliver ing furniture has trained them to do your moving just as you would like it done. You will appreciate their thoughtfulness in ' seeing that everything is wrapped and protected just right. " They see to it that noth ing is, left behind which would mean a loss or an added expense. When they move j'ou, just notice how different the service we give you is than the service you have experienced be fore. Arrangements can be made by phone. Tyler 3400. Than Poetry MONTAGUE. exception... to guard the entrance to "the abode of shades." The supposition is ren dered more probable from the fact that in one form of the superstition, apparently the older form, it is only dogs with double dew-claws who are possessed of the supernatural quality of "spirit-seeing." But the superstition is older than the myth qf Cerberus, undoubtedly having its origin with primitive man whose dog, as he walked with him in the forest, exhibited the traits which have descended to the modern poin ter and setter and apparently saw things the savage could not see. Our intellectual world is but a shal low one; close to its surface lies the caveman's mind overlaid by a few centuries of dubious civilization. (Copyright, 1921, by Tho McClure Xows- paper Syndicate.) "Omaha' Pioneer Victor Store" 1 o J If You Don't Find It at Hospe's You Need Not Look Elsewhere Doesn't it stand to reason that the first store to realize the value of Victor products should today be the best able to satisfy your wants? Try us first when you want a Victrola or a record, for if it isn't at Hospe's there's no use looking elsewhere. NEW DANCE HITS s By WhitemaiTs Orchestra 18734 I Never Knew Fox Trot 85c. Do You Ever Think of Me Fox Trot 18735 Bright Eyes Medley, Fox Trot 85c Love Bird ; Medley, Fox Trot 18737 My Mammy Medley, Fox Trot 85c Humming Medley, Fox Trot 35704 Caresses . . . . Medley, Fox Trot $1.35 Just Snap Your Fingers, at Care . .. .Medley, Fox Trot. Everything in Art and Music 1513 Douglas Street 'TWAS IN THE SPRINGTIME OF HIS -LIFE S N Do You Know the Bible? (Cover up the answers, read the ques tions and see it you can answer them. Then look at the answers to see If you are right.) , Follow these questions and answers as arranged by By J. WILSON ROY. 1. Why is our Saviour represented as seated when delivering His sermon on the mount? 2. Why docs our aviour promise a reward to ilie giver of a cup of cold water, given to a disciple in His name? 3. - Why did oud Savioifr speak so frequently in parables? 4. Why was new wine not put in old bottles? 5. Why was our Saviour called the j "Son of -Man,'' ; 6. Why were 70 disciplc3 chosen i by our Saviour? ! Answers. i 1. Because sitting was the proper posture of the masters and teachers. 2. Because by that figure He in tended to convey the regard He had for all acts of charity performed with a proper motive, and for the honor of God. 3. Because it was conformable to the customs of the east to do so, and was popular mode of conveying truths with the Jews. 4. Because the eastern bottle is made of the raw hide of the animal, consequently when any fermenting liquor is put into it. the skin, being gree, distends. Should the bottle have stretched by this process, then it would burst if put to a second trial, because it could not yield to the new pressure of fermentation. 5. Because he had a design to es tablish' His human nature against those who might be disposed to re gard Him as a mere spirit or angel. See also Daniel vii: 13-14. 6. Probably, in deference to his torical associations amonj? the He brews. Jacob went into Egypt with 70 souls. The number of elders ap uointed by Moses was 70. Seventy composed the Sanhedrin, the national' ADVERTISEMENT. ASPIRIN Name :,Bayer" on Genuine Take Aspirin only as told in each package of genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will be fol owing the directions and dosage worked-out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances with substitutes. If you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu matism, Earache, Toothache, Lum bago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Morroaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. "Everything in Victor Good." OU- THOSE NNERE THE 6eOE DAYS- VHQJ SoO C0Ut WALK imto A Nice Cool br on HOT AFTERNOON rKlt VAX IT , GIMME A TElN OF PARK AS TWLN OVftR TO THE Ott UlrtCH CCX)MTER- 6LT A COUPLE Of PIECE'S OF RVE BREM? AKt A. NICE BK B01.06NK J OR .4 council of the Jews. According to the notions of the Hebrews of that day, the earth was nude up of 70 nations. - (Copyright, J921. By The Wheeler Syndicate, Int.) Parents' Problems Should boys be given music ltssons? If their parents can afford Tt, boys should be given music lessons just as are girls. They are, proportionately, just as responsive to such lessons. And what a pleasure to himself as well as to other persons is a boy or young man, or older man, who can play the violin or piano! AM f S E ME NTS. I, 3 TODAY and Wed. 11 to 5 7 to 11 ONLY 2 MORE DAYS The Motion Picture Classic "BLACK BEAUTY" Without a doubt, the greatest achieve ment in motion picture history. Tickets ZSc, 50c Reserved Seat 75c flTHURS. I"sd.aty a? Saturday Matinee OTI9 Q Am " " rr r4i t AT THE VILLA ROSE BY &8WM&san- Nights 50c to $3; Mat. 50c to $2.30 Schumann-Heink (Contralto) and Geo. Morgan x (Baritone) AUDITORIUM Wed. Eve., March 30 Seat, on .ale at box office $3, $2 and $1. No tax. Mat. Daily, 2:15" Every Night, Ssl5 LEW DOCKSTADERs PAUL MORTON and NAOMI GLASS; DE WOLF GIRLS; MURRAY KISSEN; Healy and Croat; Foley and Leture; Curzon Sitters; Val entine and Bell; Kinograms; Topics of the Day. Matinees, 15c to 50c; tone 75c and $!. Sat. and Sun. Nights, 15c to $15. EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE JACK LEVY A GIRLS, "A Symphony of Music and Songs;" KELLY A MACKY, "Laughs and Songs;" SMITH INMAN. "Sally's Visit" WORDEN BROTHERS, Double Foot Jugglers. Photoplay Attraction "BARE KNUCKLES" Featuring Wra. Russell "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" idntAOTltit Daiy Mats., 13 to 75c TffA-AffS2f Nites, 25c to $15 Jean Bedlnl't Ultra-Smart Harlequinade The Super- fil 'PEEK-A-BOO!" Burlesk With CLARK ft McCUlLOUGH and : all the favoritea. Playing to absolute capacity twice dally. Better than any $2 mtulcaJ enow you have aeen. Utterly delicious entertainment. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Saturday, .Matinee and Wek Joe Hurtig's "Gtrls From Happyland" NORTH STAR LODGE DANCING PARTY TONIGHT Also Usual Public Dancing Bock Travel Agency STEAMSHIP TICKETS Via All Lines FOREIGN TOURS Trips arranged to all parti of the world. . Prompt and reliable service on reservations. W. E. BOCK, Agent 407 S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. s fm TT-fwr tjrrr nr.AV j' AWf -HN Ovtt TO HvtVV UtXVtl OU CHEEtE: ON a ( ASD TUM YlAlViOVT OF THE PLACE DoWM M i MUNLlMO TK'O HrHWUtUUV OF K'ICE C(?lrY POP-CORN- TNE W01E NVORLt V0JLP LOOK LlE THE PIECE OF TO M)U- SAUSAGE - "VE LWtt NCE Bank Given Authority to Increase Capital Stock McCook. Xcb., March 2S. The First National bank here has re ceived authority to increase its cap ital stock from $50,000 to $75,000. This will give this institution the largest capital stock of any bank in this section of the state. rHOTOPl.AYS. Ends Wednesday Night ETHEL CLAYTON in "The Price of Possession" Beauty, Love, Luxury and Adventure, with a trail of Romance blazing half way 'round the world. Pathc News Comedy SILVERMAN'S AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA THURSDAY, for 10 DAYS POLA NEGRI and cast of 5,000 in "PASSION" A mighty epic of the screen. Thrilling beyond words. Beautiful beyond descrip tion. Two years to make. $1,000,000.00 to produce. "The Faith Healer" U Here Till ' Wednesday Night THE RIALTO ORCHESTRA Harry Brader, Conductor Presenting a special Easter week program. ' Julius K. Johnson at the organ. Hippodrome" 25th and ming Local Cast of Omaha in "A RACE FOR A MILLION" Also "Daughter of the People" Kill That I CASCARA W QUININE FOR Colds, Coughs Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedV nandy for U first aneese, Bieaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves Grippe in 3 days- Excellent tot Headache. Qnlni'ne In this form does not affect the head Cascara la best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Fife Fistula A mild STStetn of A eur miftrantferi in tverv ran accented for tared. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, 1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium. Peters Trust Bid. (Bee Bid.) Omaha, Nasi; Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. i Copyright. 1921. hv ChicmTo Tribune On. Te oxwro CARPEN 0 tTEW 0V WFVL- THCOU6H TWE BtT riioTori.us. Coming "LYING LIPS" Now Playing LAST TIMES ELSIE FERGUSON TOMORROW "The Restless Sex" A Paramount Picture i . EATTY'S Co-Operative Cafeterias We Appreciate oar Patronase. Cold With AND La Gripps - Pay When Csnred treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and elhet Now Pl-yirf , H JaTlP '111 J MZMOVA Ur ( METRO I - J ' Something dif- lhadhM t5s f erent, Nazim- ' W j ova with I I laugh. I You'll like this h 7 noyelty photo- 8 play- j pi I Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a severs sursteai or" pmtinn. No Chloroform. Kther or other senerat aneithetie vaed. treatment, and no money is to he paid UBtU with names and testimonials of mors taaa AUVKRTIStr.Mr.NT. TAKES PAIN OUT OF RHEUMATISM Krcp Slimn'n linnily for Ihh-Uiu-Ih ctruiim and sprains, too SLOAN'S Liniment hnslipcn sold (or 3! yenra. Today, tt is mor popular than ever. Thrro can bo hut one answer Sloan's prinluoea results. Applied without rubbing, It peno tpuos to tho aHlti'leil purl, bringing: Velief from rheiiniutic twlnses, oci atlea; sore, stiff, strained lnuseles; backaches, spralnf, and other extern al palnp, often the result of expos ure. It leaves no nuiftsincRs, skin stain or elogired pores. Get a lurfte bottlo for Rrcntor econ omy. Kn-p It. linnily for "s when needed. Your dniKfflst has it. Three air.es SSc, 70s, $1.40. Liniment Money bark without audition It HUNT'S Sfllva fall! In the trant. mrnt ot ITCH. ECZEMA. RING WORM. TETTER er other Itchln, akin distant. Try a ?o-cfnt box at our rlik. Sherman McConnell Dins to. Constipation is the fore runner of 85 of all hiirnanills.lt brings on more sunenncr; more sleeolessness. more ill-temrjer than any other single cause. But YOU CAN GET RID of constipation. I il Nrr An vnn havp tn talff W any nauseating, griping 1 1A 1 " 4 A J ' 1 1 a meaicinesioQoii. aKa RICH-LAX RICH-LAX is a new treatment It deans the system, removes the poisons from the bndy, and puts you in shape to accomplish things. And RICH-LAX does this without leaving you weak and hall-sick, as you al ays (eel after taking ordinary laxatives. Guaranteed at Our Store. We are so sure thaf: Rich'Lax will please you that we want you to come to our store and g't a bottle and try it en tirely st our risk. If it doesn't suit you. if it isn't the best lsxative medicine you ever uaed. eimpiT tell ua so snd w( fftll promptly (eluud lis lull purchase price Sherman & McConnell S Drug Stores. AI) KIITIKEMKXT. Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use Musterole once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from tie Dearest drug store. It is a dean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on ! Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millionsof jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains andachesof the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). - 23c and 6oc jars; hospital size $3.00 ADVERTISEMENT. 666 is a prescription for Colclss Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. Affords protection against in fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves 'if this dependable germicide. AT BftUa SfORES EVERYWHERE ADVERTISEMENT. Brownatone Ends Gray, Streaky Hair Lad.es, in society, n more tolerate gray, streaky hair than they do unbecoming gowns. Neither can ihf business girl or' person in any walk of life who would kep up to date. The proven, tested and absolutely harm less way to tint srmy, faied r'rcikrd bleached hntr w with "Brownatone Una one boitle. easy to srply tint, (fives di- ffhaHea frnm lichtpst ffjlden to the tinrt deepest brown or Mac): Urow r.ator.p lints mstanMy and will make nipht you look ten' yeara younger over No nrns'y, dirty paste to bother with All druitdists recommend "Hrownatone" on a money-nark guarantee -fur, ana ti.ou. Two colors shading from "Golden to Me dium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black." Special Free Trial Offer For a free trial, bottle with easy, com plete directions, rend 11 cents to pay . : .) ... . tl . IMiainKC, f.rtviviiJB ong , ue Kenton Pharmacol Co., 601 Coppin Bids., Covincton, Ky. ft aT r TT ee s Tat aa J A 3E yencrm 7WI U he .A" V; I y