Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: ' Q71AHA, SUNDAY. MARCH 57, 1921. .tA j
Hoover To Name
Body to Work Out
Building Code
Leading Architects Will Be!
Asked to Serve on Commit
tee to Probe Housing
. t. .... -i
' Chirac Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaaed Wire.
Washington. March 26. Secretary
cf Commerce Hoover made known
today his intention to appoint a
committee to work out a plan lor a
building code and - otherwise con
sider the housing situation. Leading
architects and others having an in
terest in the matter will be asked to
serve on the committee.
Mr. Hoover said he is in sympa
thy with the general program of the
("aider committee on reconstruction
of the senate or governmental study
of the housing situation. He said
he thought this could be done, by
cne of the present bureaus of 'the
government, rather than by a new
The secretary is making progress
with the plan for the appointment
of advisory committees by various
trades and industries to co-operate
in foreign trade promotion work
Arrangements have been made for
conferences with committees of the
American Ship Owners' association,
the National Automobile Chamber
of Commerce and other similar
organizations, next week.
The committee appointed by Sec
retary Hoover to investigate the
situation with respect to the com
pilation of export and import figures
held a meeting in New York and has
reported to him that some recom
mendations have been made with a
view to insuring that future statis
tics are correct. Involved in the
proposition is the question of con- j
solidating bureaus of the treasury j
and commerce departments, which j
at present handle various parts of
the work.
'Empty Grave' Case Is
Brought to Close as
Man Is Found Guilty
Aspermont. Tex., March 26. Byrd
Jackson Cochraine, co-defendant in
the empty grave case, charged with
defrauding a Dallas life insurance
company of $5,000. was found guilty
by a jury late last night and sen
tenced to two years in the peniten
tiary. The case is one of the most famous
in the history of Texas. Cochraine,
a prosperous farmer and the father
of five children, was supposed to
have died at his home here on March
10, 1919. The body of the sup
posedly dead man was laid out at his
home and covered with a sheet. Re
ligious rites were performed, a cof
fin carried out of the home and
buried in a local cemetery.
Three insurance companies sub
sequently paid on policies tQ Mrs.
Cochrane. She died in May cf the
fo'lowing year.
Shortly afterward Cochraine was
arrested on a goat ranch near Ster
ling City. His grave had been opened
and found to contain an empty box.
Man Loses His Gold Nugget
Stickpin at 16th and Harney
V. C. Anderson, 1004 South
1 flirty-seventh street, reported to
police he lost a gold nugget stirk pin
at Sixteenth and Harney streets Frit-ay
night. Passkey burglars r.-.ided
the home of Edward Minikus, 1556
South Twenty-seventh street, and
got $S5. a watch, bracck-t and ring.
Heir to Fortune Plans Home
For Broken Down Laborers
Thermopolis, W'yo., March 26. A
home for broken down laborers and
a park to help make home life at
t --active for children are planned by
I.. C. Lesher, garage man, with
Si.000,000 from the estate of his
father, to which he says he has fallen
ill . - , . ir
Two Held for Robbery
Ed Silder and William Hicks, ne
proe, were found guilty of highway
robbery by a jury in District Judge
Trout's court yesterday. Thev held
tin Sam Learner, 2912 Caldwell
street, the night of January S. and
Mole $100 from him. The penalty is
three to IS years jn the penitentiary.
O. A. C. Directors Call
Youthful Members
in Fight on Carpet
Jack Beacom and Keith Cavers, the
two youthful battlers who engaged
in bloody fisticuffs at the Omaha Ath
letic club last week following an
after-theater dinner, are to appear be
fore the board of directors of the
club at the next meeting, April 7, and
be given an opportunity to explain
their precipitous actions, it was an
nounced at the club yesterday.
Get Acquainted
IITHKN the nlfht-prowUBf crime 2
TV hounds hit a frceh ecnt of f
"ey wonts" mud t!r Into beetw
activity la Omaha, Charlie Charrat
baa to "set
bmj," too.
Tlx poMie,
racer nix biz
pltfltee pab
lielty M the
wont eonT.
waiti i
new of tha
eoeceaees and
fall htm of tha
daawerooa. hot
ofttiraea prof
Itabl Tcntorea
af andenrorM
It'a ap to CharTat to set that
ewe for Boa reader. He i nUIit
police reporter, no "natch" at Cen
tral polite atatioa from p. a, to t
a. m. Thoa are the hoar d arias T
which the greater perreataf af op- ..
eratloB af tb criminal elemrnt -5
tak place.
Unarm knowe Omaha and U laet -j
gatheriac a therengh knowledge of
Ita aaderwarid and underworld per-
aonarL He la aa Omaha "boy" aaj fr
a graduate of Crelcbtoa. T
Monday Specials In
Fabrics You Want at Wanted Prices!
40-inch Plain White Voile; extra soft
and clingy, with tape edge, OQ
per yard, a&I7C
36-inch Beach Suiting in all the wanted
plain shades, also white, a wonderful
fabric for wash suits, separate OQ
skirts and middies; per yard, OJ7C
500 Yard Assorted Wash Good; this
lot includes novelty silk mixed voiles;
36-inch suitings, fancy printed voiles
and blue bird batiste. The values range
from 39c to 69c. In one huge OP
lot, per yard, eGOC
38 and 40-inch Fancy Printed Dre
VoiU in a wonderful collection of new
printings and color combina- ylQ
tions; very special, per yard, "OC
Whit India Linen, sheer and crisp for
waists, aprons and so forth; OOl.
attfa- 2 v
special, per yard,
Drei Linen; the genuine Non-Krush;
made of genuine Irish flax in a splendid
range of plain shades. 36 inches wide;
positively worth 1.50; 1 f(
per yard, vvl
45-inch Mercerized White Batistes a
beautiful combed yarn fabric with a
rich lustrous mercerized finish for un
derwear, lingerie, infants' garments. A
wonderful value, QQ
per yard, ai7C
Novelty Checked White VoiU in assort
ed patterns for waists, dresses, blouses
and many others; 36 and 40 OSS,
inches wide; per yard, aSOC
36-inch Curtain Voile and marquisette
with reversible border; some are hem
stitched; suitable for dining room or
bed room curtains; 2 to 10-yard lengths;
regularly 39c; ' J 7"gX
Basement Center
and Domestics
Genuine York and Everett classic dress
gingham in plaids and checks; two-well
known standard makes; 1 fii-r
per yard, 1 O 2
Apron Gingham; full standard quality
in all the wanted blue checks and bro
ken styles; guaranteed fast 1 ol
colors. Per yard, LtJs C
Drew Percale; 36 inches wide in assort
ed colors; in long mill lengths ; while
2,500 yards last, -f Ol-
per yard, Lt2l
Basement North
382 -inch Unbleached Muslin; extra fine
quality for making sheets and cases. 5
to 15 yard lengths; ' I Ol
per yard, ladSSC
36-inch Black Sateen, highly yam mer
cerized for linings, underskirts und gym
nasium suits; well worth 45c. OQ.
Monday, per yard, w 27 C
White Shaker Flannel; good heavy qual
ity; full bleached. Limit 15 yards to a
customer; per 1 AX.
A a 12 K
To Claim One's Interest
New Dress Goods
AU-Wool Dress Goods; in the season's
most wanted style shades and .weaves,
such as French serges, taffetas, Otto
man, all wool plaids, poplins, and so
forth. 38 to 42 inches wide; 1 OQ
priced for Monday, yard, OU
Ail-Wool Silverton; 54 inches wide in
all wanted street shades; most favored
snrine fabric for the new style wraps;
priced for Monday, O Ac
per yard,
All-Wool Plaid; 48 and 54 inches wide,
in the season's most wanted colorings;
on Monday, per 1 QC
yard, 1 27iJ
All-Wool Tricotine; 54 inches wide; in
the popular shades of navy; the most
favored spring fabric for tailored suits
and coats in the fine and medium Iwilk ;
on Monday, per yard, 3.95, C CA
4.95, up to O.DV
Main Floor West
Great After-Easter Sale of
Beautiful Silks
Silk Poplins
36-inch silk poplins; extra good weight; rich soft finish, in all the -J IP
new sport and street shades; per yard, i 1 J
Crepe de Chine
40-inch crepe de chine and georgette crepes in all the new high 1 rrj
colors, a rare bargain, per yard 0J
Satin Striped Poplins
We have just received the new satin stripe poplins for skirts in O OP
all the new street and sport shades; 40 inches wide, per yard, aS60
Imported Silk Pongee
33-inch all-silk imported Chinese Pongee, a fabric suitable for hang
ings, blouses, children's and ladies' dresses. In fact, can be used
for any garment that needs hard wear and washing; special,
per yard,
Short Lengths, Odd Pieces
After strenuous pre-Easter silk selling we find wc have hundreds of
short lengths and odd pieces that we are unable to put in our regular
stock. The newest weaves and colorings of the season are here in lengths
from 1 to 6 yards. We offer this lot to you at a great saving. We quote
some of the pretty silks you will find in this great sale.
36-inch foulard . 36-inch
40-inch crepe de chine 36-inch
40-inch putty willow taffeta - 33-inch
40-inch printed radium 40-inch
40-inch novelty sport ailk 40-inch
40-inch crepe meteor 36-inch
36-inch Satin de Los 36-inch
36-inch tricolette 36-inch
40-inch crepe satin
printed lining silks
brocaded satin
imported p'ongee
georgette crepe
chiffon taffeta '
shirting tilks
ilk poplins
Main Floor Center
The Language of Lpve
An Easter Thought
HF flowers are really "the language of love," then
the prairies and the valleya and the hills of
America are ringing with praise on thla
glad Easter Day. Henrji Ward Beecber said that
flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and
forgot to put a soul Into. But we doubt they are
soulless when we remember how fully they meet
certain necessities of men. There are some things
too deep for words; some things too sacred for
speech; and so where great griefs are volcelesa
we use flowers to give expression to our thoughts;
and just as a note of music serves to stir the souls
of men, so the perfume of the flower finds the per
fume of the human heart coming to meet it more
than half the way.
Men are only boys grown tall, for hearta don't
change much, after all; and even the grown folks
take kindly to the legends of the flower garden
When we look at the modest Violet with lta heaven
ly blue, we are prepared to accept the children's
story that when God cut the holes in the heavens
to let the stars shine through and the scraps fell
down to earth, men picked them up and called them
Violets. We cannot be real skeptics when we are
told that the Father of us all thought purity for
every creature, and the unspotted Rose of White
blossomed at the feet of men; that He thought of
mothers, and the royal-hearted Rose of Red sprang
into being; that He thought of patience, and the
humble Pansy, purple with Love's wound, turned
its gentle face to the smiles of little children; that
He thought of mercy, the quality that falleth like
the gentle rain from heaven, and the Verbena,
flower of pity and consecration, hunted out the
waysides of the world to cheer the hopeless hearts
of men; that He thought of never-failing Love Di
, vine, and the sweet Forget-me-not, humblest and
most faithful of all the buds that bloom, knelt at
His feet and gave to men the song that rang round
all the world
Th tar shin over the earth, th stars shin
over tii sea;
Th star look up to th mighty God: th stars
look down to me.
Th stars shall live for a million year, for a
million years and a day;
But God and I will live and lov when th star
have passed awav.
Demonstration Rogers 1817 Silver
Miss Ethel Wilkinson will demonstrate the Rogers 1847 silver in
the jewelry department, beginning Monday. Patterns shown in
Ambassador, 70-year guarantee, Louvain, Queen Anne and Old
Colony. This will be an interesting event and 'there will be a
display of great variety showing different stages in manufacture
and plating. Every woman interested in the nice things for the
adornment of the table should attend.
Main Floor East
Drapery and Curtain Specials
Quaker Lace Curtain Nets
Our regular 75c and 1.00
quality; special, CQ
per yard, OJ7C
50 Pieces Fine Curtain Nets
In lengUis from 5 to 15
yards; worth 2.50, 3.00 and
3.50 per yard; on 1 7tZ
sale at, per yard.
36-in.x6-0, Water Color Shade,
Printed Voile With col
ored borders and allover
marquisettes ; worth OQ
75c; per yard, OJ7C
Imported Cretonnes Regu
lar 1.25 grade; large as
sortment patterns; CQ
per yard,
36-in.x6-0, Oil Opaque Shade,
36-in.x7-0, Oil Opaque Shade,
Fourth Floor East
For Monday Many Thousand Yards oj
Laces, Embroideries
Representing Thousands of Dollars
50c to
1.25 Yard
These laces were bought from a New York
importer at less than 50c on the dollar, and
will be sold at half former prices. They
were imported from St XJaul, France and
England, and consist of Venice and Carick
Macross. There are bands, edges and inser
tions from 2 to 12 inches wide. Many of
the pieces are worth from 50c to 1.25 per
yard. The lot also includes some very fine
and well made embroideries in medium and
wide widths of nainsook and cambric.
All will be sold at one price, per yd., 25c
Main Floor West
For the April Bride
New Linens
Damask The mercerized
quality, made in Belfast,
wears and launders like
linen, extra width, in a
range of very attractive pat
terns. Monday, 1 (f
per yard,
Beautiful L a c Trimmed
Scarf Very handsome and
pretty patterns, 18x50-inch
sires, Monday, J QQ
Tea Cloth Full bleached,
mercerized damask tea
cloths, in the 36-inch size;
very attractive designs;
launders like linen;
Monday, each,
Spreads Superior satin fin
ished; very fine combed
yarn, large size, scalloped
and cut corners, "f QQ
for Monday, 70
Main Floor South
Spring Sale Room Size
30 to
Monday jnorning at 9 A. M. we place on sale 987 room size rugs.
all desirable patterns, carefully selected in Royal Wilton weave?,
seamless Wilton Velvets, high pile Axminsters and wool and
fibre rugs. These rugs go on sale at prices from 30 to 40 lower
than former prices.
Axminsters 1 OZf
Seamless rugs of fine weaves that sold formerly at 75.00. The lot of
fers an excellent selection of desirable patterns in the newest colorings,
special, 39.50
9x12 .
A closely woven rug
in one piece for living
or dining room; Ori
ental and convention
al designs in new
color effects, special
at 49.50
9x12 .
The peer of all floor
coverings; high-class
designs and colorings
to suit modern deco
rative schemes; sold
now at 89.50
Wool and
Fibres "
A seamless reversible
rug for bedroom use ;
excellent wearing
qualities; plain and
figured styles, special
at 19.50
11-3x12 Extra Large Axminster Rugs $75 .
Serviceable Axminster Rugs for extra large rooms; Oriental, allover
and floral designs harmoniously colored, specially priced for this Spring
Sale of Rugs at 75.00
9x12 Rugs
Wilton Velvets 59.00 to 69.00
49.50 to 65.00 and 75.00
Royal Wiltons.. 89.50 to 97.50
6x9 Rugs
2A.5A. and 49.50
Body Brussels 45.00
Wilton Velvets 35.00
Royal Wiltons
69.50 and 57.50
Fourth Floor-
7-6x9 Rugs
Axminsters, 39.50 and 49.50
8-3x10-6 Rugs
Wilton Velvet.. ...... 47.50
Wilton Velvet.. ...... ....65.00
Wilton Velvet. ...... . -79.00
37.50, 49.50 and 59.50
Royal Wilton
65.00, 85.00 and 95.00
Fine Dinnerware
Domestic and
We have waited for
a year on some of
these patterns, and
it will be many
months before we
receive any more
shipments. Included
in this shipment are
patterns from
ENGLISH Johnson Bros., Booth & Co., Meakin & Co.
DOMESTIC Homer Laughlin, Ed. M. Knowles, Syracuse
Your pattern Is surely among them and we advise early purchases as there Is
not an extra large amount of any One pattern. If contemplating buying fill-in
items or of starting a new set you will make no mistake in visiting our Fifth
Floor, China Department, on Monday.
Monday Specials in Housewares
Coffe Pots
Two-quart size of white enamel
some in colored enamel.
Tri-Angle Oil Mops
A dustless mop that gets into
the corners, regular 1.00 value,
for Monday
mZZIMi Dish
1 't Pans
Ll 89c
Heavy white enamel, rolled
Cereal Cooker
Two-quart size of
white enamel;
splendid for oatmeal.
Onion Sets, quart 5d
Flower and Garden Seeds,
per package . -5d
Splint Clothes
Basket, 9Sc
Strongly made ; family size.
Fifth Floor West