Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 13

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3 r
Leader of Music Department
NOTHING could be more potent
as an aid to organization work
in Omaha than a woman's
building. It has long been the dream
of many a visioned woman in the
city. A coinmUtee which has al
ready held three meetings to discuss
the subject includes Mrs. Ward Bur
gess and Mrs. Louis Nash from the
Omaha Society of Fine Arts; Mrs.
K. M. Svfert, Drama league; Mrs. R.
A. Finlc'y, D. A. R.; Mrs. J. G. Hart,
Mrs. J. M. Jones. Omaha Woman's
club, railway mail service; Mrs. C.
1'.. Johannes. Mrs, C. L. Hemnel.
Mrs. C. W. Hayes, Mrs. Allen Koch,
Omaha Woman cluu; Mrs. A. V
Kinslcr, Mrs. C. W. Axtcll, Tuesday
.Musical clun; iwrs. im. K. syne, Dun
dec Woman s dub; Mrs. C. J. Hub-
bard, League of Women Voters; Miss
Mary Murgcon, business Women!
club: Miss Belle Dewcv. Omaha Wo
man's !Yc?s club; Mesdames Halleck
Kose, William A. Smith and Edgar
Dundee Woman's Club.
The Dundee Woman's club will
meet Wednesday, 2 p. m., at the
home of Mrs. W. II. Hancock, 4802
tapitoi avenue.
Mrs. C. J.. Hubbard, assisted by
Mrs. J. F. Ferguson, will review
"The Government Goat," by Susan
Violin solos, "The Herd Girl's
Dream" and "Sing Me to Sleep,"
will be given by Miss llelle Howe
Arey, accompanied by Miss Beth
Current topics, "English Labor
Problem," will be led by Mrs. E.
A. Benson.
is the
South Omaha Woman's Club.
The home economics department
of the South Omaha Woman's club
will meet Tuesday afternoon, 2:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Bruce
.McCulloch, 4225 South Twenty
second street.
A demonstration on can goods
will he given by a representative of
the Libby-McNeill company.
Bishop Stuntz to Speak.
"Mineral Resources of India and
China" is the subect of the address
to be given before the Omaha busi
ness Woman's club Tuesday even
ing, March 29, by Bishop Homer C.
Miss Donna Matthews
leader for the evening.
The club members will meet for
(liiuicras usual at the Y. W. C. A.
at 6:13. reservation for which must
ba made by Monday evening.
Alexander Lecture Postponed.
Dr. II. B. Alexander of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, who is giving
a scries of lectures tinder the aus
pices of the Omaha School Forum,
will give his next talk Monday,
April 11.
The subject of his talk will be
"Ideal Interest'." Duplicate Kcturcs
will be given in the council chamber,
city hall, at 4 p. m. and at the Cham
ber of Commerce at 8 p. m.
Major Isaac Sadler, D. A. R.
Major Isaac Sadler chapter of the
Daughter's of the American Revo
lution will meet Saturday, 2:30 p. m.
with Mrs. R. E. Pratt, 4811 Far
num street.
Delegates will report on the
state conference held at Columbus
two weeks ago.
The program will include "Origin
al Stories," by Grace Sorcnson, a
paper on "American Composers,-'
and musical numbers. Mrs. William
Archibald Smith, regent will preside.
Big Sisters Hold Social Meeting.
The Big Sisters' association will
hold a social meeting Tuesday eve
ning. 8 o'clock, in the parlors of the
El Beudor apartments. Eighteenth
and Dodge streets, announces the
president, Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes.
An invitation is extended to any
one interested in the organization.
The Big Sisters is an association of
business women, whose purpose is to
promote the welfare and happiness
of any girl or woman needing a big
Tennyson Chautauqua Circle.
Tennyson Chautauqua circle will
meet Monday afternoon, April 4, at
the home of Mrs. H. F. Curtis, 5123
Underwood avenue. The lesson will
be to complete "Highways and by
ways of Spain." Social hour will be
held following the lesson.
Lecture on Robert Browning.
The Delphian society will present
M.s. Ida Krusc McFarlane of the
University of Denver in a lecture
"Robert Browning and His Works"
Saturday afternoorf, 3 o'clock, in
Hie Sunday school auditorium of the
First Presbyterian church, Thirty
fourth and Farnum streets
P. E. O. Notes.
Chapter B. P. bf the P. E. O. sis
terhood will hold an all-day meeting
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. C.
Patton, 320 South Fifty-second ave
nue. The day will be spent in sew
ing for the Child Saving institute.
Tuberculosis Association.
The Nebraska Tuberculosis asso
ciation will hold its annual meeting
and election of directors at a dinner
to be given at the University club on
rriday, April 1, at 6 p. m. Mrs. K.
R. J. Edholm is in charge of the affair.
Business Woman's League.
Col. T. W. McCullough will ad
dress the Omaha Business and Pro
fessional Woman's league at its bi
monthly dinner Wednesday, April 6.
at Hotel Loyal.
Miss Grace Johnson will preside.
Prof. Krueger to Speak.
Prof. Frederick K". Krueger of the
University of Omaha will speak be
fore the literature department of the
Omaha Woman's club Tuesday after
noon. 2:30 o'clock, at the Y. W. C.
A. His subject will be "Making the
World Safe for Democracy."
Mothers Club.
The Mothers' club will meet
Wednesday. 2 p. m., with Mrs. Royal
Miller, 4904 Chicago street. The
program will be in the form of a
memorial to the late Mrs. R. W.
To Speak on Psychology.
Mrs. May Broer of Chicago, who
is conducting a lecture tour through
out the country for the purpose of
establishing schools for practical
psychology, will speak before a
group of women Tuesday afternoon
;it . the home of Mrs. Amos
Thomas. "
Council of Jewish Women.
An important business meet:ng of
the Council of Jewish Women will
be held Mondav, at 2:30 p. m., in
the vestry of Temple Israel, Mrs.
1 ! I II II llll- I. .1
Exhibit of Old
Antiques and
Chapter M of the F. E. O. Sister
hood will hold a benefit tea and ex
hibit of old curios and antiques,
Tuesday afternoon arid evening, at
the home of Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204
South 1 wenty-sccond street 1 he
proaecds will be added to the P. E.
O. education! fund.
The exhibit will include textiles,
woven more than 200 years ago,
dagucrrotypes, books, costumes. Pic
tures, china, jewelry, a granfather's
clock and a number of other inter
esting articles.
The committee in charge of the af
fair are: Mrs. John R. Hughes,
chairman; Mesdames W. W. Fisher,
R. L. Laverty and Miss Cclia M.
The hostesses, Mesdames W. W.
Fisher, F. A. Broadwell, A. S. Stryk
er, Anna Bratton, Frank Mockler,
William Berrv and Miss Louise Mat- i
thews, will be attired in old time
The exhibit is open to the public.
Weekly Club Calendar
Omaha Woman's
Red Cross Canteen Co. A. Monday, 10
a. m., conint hotel.
Council of Jewish Women Monday, 1:!0
p. m., lempio Israel vestry rooms.
Whop Vincent Chautauqua Circle
Monduy, T:l& p. m., hlrd floor, court
Royal O. B. C. Club Monday avenlnr.
Social Settlement house, supper and gym
Canteen Company B Monday afternoon
with Airs. O. l. Rcdlck. 104 South Thlrty-
nmiu sircec.
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle Monriav,
7:30 p. ni., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4:01
south Twenty-second street.
Allee R. Howard Chautauqua Circle
Monuay, 7:nu p. ni with llrs. XV. H
Howard. 4722 Capitol avenue. Miss AbiRall
Manning, leader. Mrs. Howard will Hive
mo study or the "Hose of the Alhambra.
Minne Lusts Chnulauquii Circle Mon
day, j p. ni., with Mrs. H. A. w aueh
-S77 Newport avenue. Lesson, closing
enapiers or "Spanish Hlenwaya and Hy
ways." Social hour will tollow the
Omaha Woman's Club Monday, 2:30
P. m., open day meeting, Y. W. C. A.
ouditorlum. Parliamentary law depart
ment. Mrs. A. L. Fernald. leader, will
present a one act play, "Suffragette Town
Meeting." at 3:30 p. m. lUrectory meet
ing, 1:30 p. ni.
The Omaha Woman's club chorus,
organized four years ago by Mrs.
Ward E. Shafer, will give its third
annual concert Thursday evening,
April 7, at the V. W. C. A. auditor
ium, assisted by Louise Jansen
Wylie, soprano; Mrs. Arthur Gut7-
mer, contralto, and the West Sisters'
String quartet. The proceeds of the
concert will be added to the club
building fund.
Henry G. Cox has directed the
chorus for the past three years.
Much of the success of the chorus,
which has grown from a member
ship of 20 to 90, is due to the untiring
efforts of Mrs. Shafer, who has
served as leader of the music de
partment for the past three years and
also assumed the responsibility of
chorus chairman the year it was or
ganized. Tickets for the concert may be ob
tained from chorus members, at I'at-
ton s music store, or the Y. W. C. A. i
Home Economics Department
The home economics department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
meet Thursday, 10 a. ni., at the Y.
W. C. A.
A talk on "Food Seasonings" will
be given by Mrs. E. F. Stearns. Fol
lowing the program luncheon will be
served. .
The department will elect officers
April 14.
Public Speaking Department.
The public speaking department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
hold its regular meeting Tuesday, 10
a. m at the Y. W. C. A. Prof. Ed
win Tills will have charge of the
A program of readings and stories
will be given by Mesdames Anson
Bigelow, F. H. Sprawl, John Mullen,
H. C. Parker, M. A. Vapor, J. H.
Holmes, Otlio Johnson and Ray
mond Nugent. Mrs. O. Y. Kring,
Frederick Colin, the president, an
nounces. In the program following, Mrs.
Isidor Zeigler will read a paper on
"Judaism and Our Youth." Miss
Annette Fanger will give a reading
and Miss Mildred Miller, piano se
lections. Central High Parent-Teachers.
There will be a committee meeting
of the Centra! High Parent-Teachers
association Sunday afternoon, 4
o'clock at the Fontenelle hotel.
The committee includes E. S.
Rood, chairman, Mrs. W. F. Baxter.
Mrs. Ada Atkinson, A. H. Fetters
and Joseph Marrow.
Omaska Council.
Omaska Council, S. B. A., will
give a dance, Tuesday evening at
the Swedish auditorium.
B. T. Club.
Members of B. T. club and their
families will be entertained at the
home of Mrs. H. E. Philpot. 5624
North Twenty-fourth street, Mon
day evening. March 28.
U. S. Grant W. R. C.
L. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps
will meet for 1 o'clock lunchecon
and kensington Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. J. M. Lowe, 2752 Dodge
. Art Department.
The art department of the Omaha
Woman's club will hold its annual
election of officers Thursday 2:15
p. m., at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Avery
Lancaster, leader.
Miriam Guild.
A dance will be given Wednesday
evening at the Ben Hur academy
by Miriam Guild of Our Lady of
Lourdcs parish.
Federated Club Notes.
A council meeting of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs will
be held in Salt Lake City, June 12-18.
Music Department.
The music department of the
Omaha Woman's club, Henry G.
Cox, director, will meet for chorus
rehearsal Wednesday, 2 p. m. at the
Y. W. C. A.
Officers for the ensuing year will
be elected following the rehearsal.
Mrs. Ward E. Shafer, who or
ganized the chorus and who has
served as leader of the department
for the past three years will not be
a candidate for re-election.
Movie at Yates School.
A motion picture, "Wrhat's Yo;ir
Hurry?" starring Wallace Reid, will
be shown in the auditorium of
Henry r. Yates school Friday, 7:o0
p. m., under the auspices of the Parent-Teachers
An educational film, "The Manu
facture of Sporting Goods," will also
be show n.
Knights'of Pythias.
St. Albain's lodge, Knights of Py
thias, will give a hard-time social at
the Knights of Pythias hall, 400 West
Broadway, Council Bluffs, on Mon
day evening, the 28th, at 8 p. m.
Reduced In Price Jp
Columbia M
Type E-2 as Illustrated
yTr- Formerly Priced $125
A. New Records
VVlgggri . i f0'3?6h CRAZY BLUES
f T" A -3360 f WHY WORRY
X A ' 10-inch-; JUST SNAP YOUR FIN-
f I J) K e . ( I GERS AT CARE
f IM IH llfl IH 10-inch I'M GONNA QUIT
' l Stf SATURDAy i
Exclusive Cloumbia Shop
415-17 South 16th Street Come Tomorrow
Loomla Chautauqua Circle Tuesday, 2
p. m V. AV. C. A.
Omaha llnnlnpNf Women's Club Tues
day, 6:15 p. in., V. W, C. A.
Alpha Sigma Phi Tuesday, 12 to 1 p.
m., luncheon. University club.
If. K. I,. P. Cluti Tuesday evening, So
cial Settlement house, supper 'an J, dra
matic. Oniuha Spanish Club Tuesday. 8 p. m.,
210 Patterson block. Seventeenth and Far
nam streets.
American Literature Chautauiinn Circle
Tuesday, 1:30 p. in., with -Mrs. Fred
LUiot, Jr., 6107 Webster street.
Bis; Hlntera Association Tuesday. 8 p.
m., HI Beudor apartment, Klghtcenth ond
Dodge streets. Social meeting.
Omaha Woman's Club, Literature De
partment Tuesday, 2:30 p. m., T. W.
C. A. Mrs. Edward Johnson, leader.
P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter It. P.
Tuesday, all day sewing session at home
of Mrs. F. C. Patton, 320 South. Fifty
second avenue.
George A. Custer W. R. C Tuesday
afternoon, sunshine party at the home of
Mrs. Florence Slone, 1H0 South Twenty
fifth avenue.
Dundee Morning Clinulauqiin Circle
Tuesday, t.ifi a. m. Willi Mrs. It K.
Wlnkelinan. 103 South Forty-fust street.
Omnha Truth Center Tuesday. 8 p. in.,
802 Patterson Mock, Seventeenth and
Farnam streets. Francis J. Gable of Lin.
coin will speak.
Omnha Woman's Cluh. Publle Sprnklng
Deportment Tuesday. 10 a. in., V. W.
i'. A., Prof. Ktlwln Puis, Instructor; Mrs.
O. V. Kring, leader.
I'. S. (.rant Woman's Hellef Corps
Tuesday, 1 o'clock luncheon followed
by kensington, at tho homo of .Mrs. .1. ,M.
Lowe, 2"i2 Dodge street.
South Omaha Woman' Club, Home
Keonomlcs Department Tuesday, C:;;o i.
m., with Mrs. liruco McCulloch, 42:15
South Twenty-second street.
Ta Salle Cluh Wednesday, 7:30 p. in.,
Chamber of Commerce, Parlor A.
The Mothers" Cluh Wednesday S p.
m., with Airs. Royal Miller, 4904 Chicago
S. X. A. P. P. Y. Club Wednesday
evening, , sewing class. Social Settlement
Alpha Tau Omega Wednesday. 12 to
1:30 p. in., lunchoon, Chamber of Com
merce. Dundee Woman's Cluh Wednesday, 2
p. m.. with .Mrs. W. 11. Hancock. 4S0:!
Capitol avenue.
Omaha Woman's Club. MukIc netiart-
ment Wednesday, 2 p. in., V. W. C. A.
auditorium. Chorus rehearsal.
Mu Sigma Wednesday. 9:30 a. iu., with
C. W. Axtell. 119 Norlu 'llilrtv-
avenue. Mrs. P. M. Conklin,
Fffm siren Kiltelson. S0 H,ilid building.
Seventeenth and Douglas streets.
W. I. I.. I.. Club Thursday, 7:30 p. ni.,
sewing and dramatic art. Social Settle
ment house.
Omaha Woman's Club, Art Department
Thursday, 2:14 p. m., V. W. C. A. Elec
tion of officers.
Mlnne I.usa Woman's Society Thurs
day. 2:30 p, m.. wirh Mrs. T. ft. Allen.
2728 Hetlick avenue.
Leavenworth Height! Chautauqua Circle
Thursday. 8 p. m., with Mrs. E. K.
Koddlng, 4415 Mayberry avenue
Omaha Woman's Club, Home Econom
ics Department Thursday, 10 a. in., Y.
W. C, A. Mrs. K. 1,. Frants, lender.
Mothers' Guild for Homeless Hoys
Thursday, 2 p. m., members will sew dur
ing tho afternoon at Father Flanagan's
Hoys' home, 4206 South Thirteenth atreet.
Lecture Course Wednesdav. 12 n'eloelc
noon. 309 Haird building. Seventeenth and
Douglas streets. Mrs. F.ffle Stecn Klttle
son will repeat the second of a series of
talks on "Psychology of F.xpresslun and
th Correlation of the Arts."
Ileneflt Art F.hlblt of Old Curi... ,.,!
Antiques Tuesday afternoon and mw.
nlng at the home of Mrs. F. A. Cressey.
4204 South Twenty-second slreet, under
the auspices of Chanter M of the P. R o.
sisterhood. Tea will be served. The ex
hibit is open to the public.
J. F. W. Club Thursday. 1 o'clock
covered dish luncheon at homo of Mrs.
J-.arl Sherman, 318 South Fifty-second
l.eeeture Course for Business Women-
Thursday, 12:15 p. ni.. In studio of Mrs.
Federal Art Club Friday, t p. m., Y.
W. C. A.
Phi Knppa Psl Friday noon, luncheon,
University club.
Hound Table Chautauqua Circle Friday.
7:la p. in., V. W. C. A.
Longfellow ChuiituiMiiia Circle Friday,
7:30 p. in., court house, Klla Conneil,
Mehraska Tuberculosis Association Fri
day, 6 p. rn., I'uhevsily club. Dinner fol
lowed by annual meeting and election of
Kulsion Woman's i tub Friday. 2 .to p.
m.. with Mrs. John II. I'openhaver. Mis.
Charles I. Vollmer, leader.
Cltlrrnshlp School Friday. 8 p m.,
council chamber, city hull. Mrs. II. II,
Wheeler of Lincoln, speaker.
Major I Mine Sadler ( linpler, D. A. Tl
Saturday. 2.:i0 p. in . mi .Mis. It. K.
Pratt, 4stl Farnam aireet.
Knppa Nlgina Club of Omaha anil Conn
eil Itlllffs Saturday, 12:30 to 1 p. in,,
luncheon and meeting, I'nlverslty club.
P. K. O. Sisterhood. 4 hunter M Satur
day. 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. William
Hartley, VI 12 F slreet. Airs. Km ma. Jack
son, assisting.
P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter II, X.-l
Saturday. 12 :io o'clock luncheon, at the
Athletic club, followed by inahnea parly
at Kraudels theater.
Omnha Walking Cluh Saturday, 8 y.
m, end of Albright car Hue. over Walk
ing club trail to cabin at Wiley Point,
Leader, tirrine Armstrong.
Delnhlnn Socletv Salurdav 8 n m .
Klrt Presbyterian Sunday school audi
torium. Thirty-fourth and Farnam street.
Mrs. Ida Kruse McFarlane will speak on
"Hubert llrownlng and His Work."
Your Devotion
Your devotion to the mem
ory of the departed onet is
here regarded with the ut
most respect. Homelike
surroundings and a hopeful
religious atmosphere, atten
tion to details and absence
of officiousness character
iie our ser ices.
'Residential Funera'Parert
2616 Farnam St.
Phone Harney 0454
Choice of the IKlowse
Three Gigantic Lots
Any Suit in the
house that sold
up to
Any Suit in the
house that sold
up to
Any Suit in the
house that sold
up to
The Greatest Price Crash in. this phenomenal
Slaughter of Merchandise has arrived in this
Gigantic Close Out of Tailored Suits. 1
Tricolines Joirel Twills Metis Wear Serges
Piqueiines . Chccl( Velours
You cannot begin to realize the magnitude
of these wonderful values until you see the
beauty of the suits involved. Never again
will Omaha women buy such suits at such un
believably low prices.
Monday, entire day devoted
to Close-Out of these Suits
The Building Wreckers -will he hero Friday. Our pntirc
stock must he disposed of hy that time. Not a moment
is to he lost. Come early Monday morning and get a
beautiful suit at almost give-away prices.