Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1921, Image 1

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    The GmahA; Sunday Bee
VOL. L NO. 41.
Calm ai Stcoiitf-Cliu Mtlttr May 28, 1 90S. at
Ooh P. 0. Ondtr Act of March S. 1179.
By Mail (I r). Inildt4th lon. Daily and Sunday. 19; Dally Only, IS: Sunday, M
OuUlda 4th Zona (I yaar). Dally and Sunday, lt; Dally Only. 112; Sunday Only. tl
What Fill
Ampii Tin
Is Question
Filings in Cily Race Indicate
That Fair Sex Interested,
Hut Not Anxious to
Hold Office.
Campaign On In Earnest
What are the women going to do
in this city campaign, the first in
which they will have participated as
This is a question which is fre
quently heard by the political eaves
dropper, as he flits hither and thither
in quest of public sentiment.
Only two women have filed for
nominations on April 5, which some
observers believe is conclusive evi
dence that the rank and file of
. women are not eager to hold public
office, but are intensely interested
in the kind of men who shall be en
trusted with the responsibility of
directing the municipal affairs for the
next three years.
"We Jiave the women to reckon
with this time, and we will have to
watch our steps," asserted a mere
male candidate, who has been
through several campaigns and who
feels quite at home when addressing
a company of men.
Women Take Interest.
Anywav, the women are beginning
to look up the "Who's Who," of the
landidates whose names will appear
.n the primary ballots a week from
next Tuesday.
Last week marked the real open
ing of the campaign. United States
Marshal J. C. Dahlman made his
formal entry with a public state
ment, in which he stated that he
yielded to the expressions of con
fidence and would endeavor, if
elected, to give Omaha "the kind of
government which a great majority
of our people demand."
"Jim" Dahlman won his, spurs in
previous campaigns as an indomit
able fighter in a political contest
and he was elected four successive
terms as mayor, being retired three
years ago, when the present mayor
was successful.
Open Opposition Seen.
Mr. Dahlman asseverates that he
expects his candidacy will be con
tested, and he even understands that
there is an organized effort to nomi
nate and elect a group of candidates
who are not in sympathy with his
views of city government. In fact,
the Committee of 5,000 make no
secret that Dahlman is their particu
lar quarry at this time and thus one
of the outstanding features of the pri
mary campaign is brought out in
bold relief. .
This Committees of 5,000 held seve
ral meeting last week. At the Thurs
day night meeting ; Mayor Ed P.
Smith announced that he would be
(Turn to rage' Two, Column Five.)
Harding Names Iowan
New Director General
Of Railroad Lines
Washington, March 26. James C.
Davis of Iowa, former general
counsel of the Chicago, Northwest
ern railway, was appointed director
general of the railroad administration
by President Harding today, to suc
ceed John Barton Payne, who has
held the post during the last year,
in addition to his duties as secretary
of the 'interior.
ilr. Davis, who now' is serving as
the railroad administration's general
counsel, will assume charge as di
rector Monday. He also will sue
ceed Mr. Payne as agent of the presi
dent in legal suits growing out of
government operation of the rail
ways. The White House made public a
letter written by President Harding
to the retiring railroad director, and
secretary of the interior, expressing
appreciation for the latter's services.
"I cannot allow this action to
pass," wrote Mr. Harding, "without
conveying to you my gratitude for
the signal service you have rendered
the country. I am quite sure the
country shares gratitude which I so
willingly express."
Confirmation of D. & R. G.
Railway Sale Postponed
Denver. March 26. Formal con
firmation of the sale of the Denver
& Rio Grande railroad to the West
em Pacific company for $5,000,000
to satisfy a judgement of the Equi
table Trust company of New York,
was delayed until 10 a. m. Monday.
-Postponement of confirmation fol
lowed preliminary conferences in
which Federal Judge R. E. Lewis
denied an application by the stock'
holders for an order permitting them
to file $100,000 in bonds in place of
cash, as evidence of their intention
to bid $10,000,000 for the property.
New York Central Announces
Round Trip Rate Reduction
J.r York. March 26 The New
York Central railroad announced a
10 per cent reduction for round trip
tickets, with time limit, effective be
tween May Is and June 1, up to
September 33, to al. points in its
territory. - ;
Restoration of the 'home-seekers
rates for colonists bOuiid west of
CHcago also was announced. These
ra-cs were abolished durinij the
wtr. ' ' .
Snow in South Dakota
Pierre, S. D., March 26. A morn
ing rain that turned to snow with a
.Tnilo tinrthwMt o-ale todav re
sulted m ft rapidly tailing tempera
ture. The storm was general over
the state, diminishing westward. The
government forecaster predicted
snow tonight and colder, the temper
ature to drop to 20 above. The pre
diction for tomorrow is clear and
Pioneer Nebraskan
Was "Pal" of Indians
John H. L. Williams.
Noted Buffalo
Hunter Dies At
Home Near Here
John H. L. Williams, Railroad
Construction Contractor,
Came to State in Year
Nebraska and Douglas county lost
one of their earliest pioneers with
the death yesterday morning of
John H. L. Williams, 73, resident of
the state since 1854, railroad con
struction contractor and noted for
his prowess as a Buffalo hunter.
Death occurred at his farm four
miles west of Florence.
Mr. Williams . came to Nebraska
in 1854 with his father, Enos Wil
liams, and settled -at what is now
known as Plattsmouth, his father
establishing the first grist and saw
mill in that part of the state. Ma
chinery for the mill was brought up
the Missouri river by boat. Ihe
lather also conducted a general
store. '
Upon reaching manhood, Mr.
Williams took up railroad construc
tion work, helping to build lines
throughout Nebraska and in Okla
homa. Indian Territory, Wyoming
and Montana.
He crossed the state twice by ox
team en route to. Denver. He was
famed as a marksman and was one of
a favored few who were allowed to
take part in the great Buffalo hunts
of the Pawnee Indians, aniony whom
he was received as a brother. He
was perhaps the last Douglas county
resident who had gone with the In
dians on their fall hunts.
Williams has a name among the1
Red Men, which, translated into
5resent-day slang, would be "Little
ohn Full-of Pep."
He is survived by his widow; two
sons, J...W. and J. E. Williams; five
daughters, Mrs. Lilly Kimberly. Mrs.
Olive Hender, Mrs. Stella Kendrick,
Miss Edith Williams of Douglas
county and Mrs. Smith, living in
Montana; a brother, Wesley Wil
liams, and 33 grandchildren and 16
great grandchildren, all living in
Douglas county.
Funeral services will be held at the
residence Monday afternoon at 2.
Burial will be in Forest Lawn ceme
tery. Bodies of Nine Men
Found on Plantation
Of Southern Farmer
Atlanta, Ga., March 26. Bodies of
six negroes were disinterred today
on the Jasper county plantation of
John Williams by Department of
ustice agents, led by Clyde Man
ning, a negro who was employed by
Williams and who, according to the
authorities, has confessed he aided
Williams in the killing of the ne
groes. The bodies found brought the total
dead in connection with the peonage
investigation in Jasper, county up to
nine. The Department of- Justice
Agents announced that they would
continue the search for two more
bodies sajd by Manning to have been
thrown into' the Alcovy river.
One of the bodies found was taken
from the Alcovy river. It had been
weighted down and chained. The
other five were , dug from shallow
Williams, owner of the plantation
on which the bodies were found, is
in jail on a state warrant charging
murder and his three sons were ar
rested today.
Two Prisoners Escape
From Platte County Jail
Columbus,. Neb., March 26. (Spe
cial.) William Tagwerker, under
sentence of 40 days for stealing
chickens, and Ed Hagerman, serving
a 60-day sentence, chopped a hole
in the county jail ceiling and es
caped. The hole was dug up through
the ceiling with a few primitive tools
and provided an egress' to the hall
way immediately above the -jail.
James Hitkam, waiting trial in the
district court, gave the alarm. They
have not been captured.
Four Delaware Convicts
Punished at Whipping Post
Wilmington, Del., March 26. At
New Castle county workhouse here
today four negroes felt the sting of
the Delaware whipping post law.
Those whipped were: Warner Lew
is, convicted of larceny and sentenced
to one year in prison and 20 lashes;
Leonard Barrett, highway robbery,
10 years and 40 lashes, and John
Richardson and Horace Archie, high
way robbers, 10 years and 40 lashes
each. i
Observe Grand Army Day
Central City, Neb.,- Match 26.
(Special.) The G. A. R. and W. R.
C. will observe Grand Army Day
here April 12.
In Mexico
Secretary of State Hughes
Preparing Reports. Looking
To Recognition hy U. S.
Fall Recommends Terms
f lili'Kgo Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Washington, March 26. The Har
ding administration, it developed to
day, has begun a survey of the Mex
ican situation, with a view to formu
lating the terms on which recogni
tion will be accorded to the Obregon
government. Secretary of State
Hughes is preparing a number of
special reports on conditions in Mex
ico, and the attitude of President
Obregon in regard to co-operation
with the United States, settlement
of American claims and guaranty
of American property right, and is
expected to lay his conclusions be
fore the president at an early date.
Secretary of the Interior Fall and
under Secretary of State Fletcher are
authorities on Mexican relations and
will exert a marked influence on the
development of the American policy.
Mr. Fall is insistent that there shall
be no recognition of the Obregon
government until it has entered into
a written agreement covering the
settlement of claims, protection of
American citizens, and guaranty of
proper-tyi rights.
Terms Urged by Fall.
The secretary of the interior is of
the opinion that the administration
should take as the basis of a settle
ment with Mexico, the terms pro
posed by the senate investigating
committee of which he was chair
man. These terms are:
1. That' an agreement should be
reached for the "appointment of a
commission to ascertain the damage,
if any, .done to Americans or to
American property in Mexico, and
reciprocally, the damages, if any, to
Mexicans or Mexican property in the
United States.
2. The appointment of ' another
or the same commission to settle
any disputes as to boundary and
matters of like character between
the two countries, and with parti
cular reference to the "chamizal
zone" at El Paso, Tex., and the Colo
rado river irrigation system, etc.
Protection for Americans.
3. That article 27, or any 'de
cree or law issued or enacted there
under, .should not .apply, to deprive
American citizens," of their property
rights theretofoie legally acquired;
that clause with reference to the
teaching of schools by ministers of
the gospel, to the preaching of Chris
tianity by Americans, and like clauses
should not be enforced against
American citizens.
4. Agreements for the protec
tion of American citizens and their
pYoperty rights in Mexico in the
future. ' . '
5. That the agreement so arrived
at shall be written down in the
form of a protocol or preliminary
agreement, with the express declara
tion that same shall be embodied in
a formal treaty between the two
countries so soon as a Mexican gov
ernment is recognized.
Eastern Boy Taking
Wanderlust Cure in
Riverview Home Here
Clifford Henry, 16, of Rochester,
N. Y., is taking the wanderlust cure
at Riverview home. He will be held
there until word comes from his par
tus, by order of Judge Sears of the
juvenile court.
Clifford "went on the road" last
September. He traveled as' far as
Los Angeles, Cal., but didn't like
the coast, so he "beat" his way back
to Omaha, he told the judge yester
day. He arrived last Sunday, exceeding
ly hungry. He broke into a cigar
store to get money with which to
buy food, according to his story.
juvenile Officer , YTosburgh wired
Clifford's parents early in the week,
but had no response. .
New Airplane Speed Record
Made by Eddie Rickenhacher
Los Angeles, March 26. Eddie
Rickenbacher, American ace in the
world war, made a new record today
when he flew from Oakland to Los
Angeles, 385 miles, in two hours and
32 minutes. Ihe previous record
was three hours and one minute. His
average flying time was 151.8 miles
per hour.
The Big Features of
, The Sunday Bee
The Dreamy Poppy and It's Vic
tims in Omaha's Dopeland Page 4,
Page 1.
"He Is Risen" Rotogravure Sec
tion, Page I.
Cartoon, "Events of The Week in
Omaba" Part 1, Page 6.
Letters From A Home-Made Fa
ther to His Son Part 4, Page 3.
Children's Page Part 2, Page 6.
Married Life of Helen and War
renPart 2, Page 8.
Editorial Page Part 4, Page 2.
Omaha . Bell Hops Wail as Tips
Diminish Part 2, Page 8.
Music Notes Part 4, Page 6.
Gibson Cartoon Part 2, Page 8.
"A Musical Show," by Montague
Part 4, Page 8. -
Sports news and features Part 3,
Pages 1 and 2.
Heart Secrets of A Fortune Tel-ler-Part
3, Page 3.
' More honorable mention pictures
from amateur photographers' con
testRotogravure Section, Page 3.
Man Falls to Death
First Day on Job He
Got After Nine Weeks
Chicago, March 26. Thomas
Whal, 35, lost his position as book
keeper here in January. Yesterday,
tollowing a nine-week jolf hunt, he
became window washer in a ' loop
He started bravely to his first
task, a window on the eleventh
floor. The safety rope which he
failed properly to attach, gave way
and he plunged to his death.
Poor Disciplie
Big Hindrance
To Soviet Navy
Details of Revolt in Kronstadt
Against Bolshevik Admin
istration Learned by
By The Associated Press.
x Stockholm, March 26. Details of
the beginning of the revolt in Kron
stadt against the bolshevik adminis
tration and circumstances forming
a background against which this
episode can be seen and judged have
been learned by the correspondent
from well-informed sources.
Since the bolshevik revolution,
Kronstadt had a tendency to develop
into a dependent soviet republic.
Under szarism, navy discipline was
stricter than in the army, but since
the revolution, lack of discipline
among the sailors has been hard to
check. In Kronstadt the sailors
lived in officers' private vilas and
idled in officers' clubs, avoiding all
drills and enjoying a paradise as
long as they were supplied with food
and clothes from Petrograd.
General Denikine, Admiral Kol
chak, General Yudenitch and General
Wrangle, anto-bolshevik leaders, had
to be fought on land and it was nec
essary to establish a bolshevik army
but not a navy. But Trotzky only
awaited the proper opportunity to
make the Russian navy as satisfac
tory as the army.
Navy Useless.
The soviet government had a pro
gram that the Baltic sea must be
come and remain a Russian lake and
declared that the Aland island ques
tion proved this. It has been re
peatedly contended from the Russian
side that any international agreement
regarding the Alands would be in
valid unless signed by Russii.
During the Yudinitch offensive
against Petrograd in 1919, the Kron
stadt navy was useless owing to the
absence of discipline. Trotzky start
ed its reorganization when the
Yudenitch adventure was ended. Ha
declared that the red flag should fly
from.., warships along the .Baltij. It.
was from these djys the conflict be
tween Trotzky and the sailors dated.
The sailors hated discipline. '
Finally, Trotzky reduced the food
supplies. The sailors had recourse
to requisitioning foodstuffs outside
Petrograd, which caused disturb
ances which were given the color of
a counter revolution. The sailors
are declared to have only wanted
to be masters on their island.
Sailors Retaliate.
The tension became more severe,
when Trotzky, late in February, cut
food supplies to a minimum. The
sailors retaliated by destroying the
railroad leading from Petrograd to
Moscow and marching over the ice
toward Oranienbaum. This moment
was seized on by anti-bolshevik ele
ments and serious uprisings were ar
ranged in Petrograd. Simultaneously
rations were reduced to the minimum
in Petrograd and elsewhere.
The so-called "intelligent" element
adopted a waiting attitude.
The peasants are mainly against
the soviet administration, but are
suspicious of any new movement
which ''they are not sure will pro
tect their interests.
Under such circumstances it was
easy for Trotzky to crush the ris
ings. He had, however, first to crush
Kronstadt, for which the third army
and not the seventh, was sent against
the fortress. . Trotzky's. first atack
was a failure, but he adopted other
methods. By sham attacks he al
lowed part of his troops to run over
to the enemy and at night launched
his main attack, during which the
defenders were attacked from behind
by the sham deserters.
Three Narrowly Escape
Death in Beatrice Wreck
Beartice, Neb., March 26. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer West and
their son-in-law, G. A. Kite, all of
Liberty, had a narrow escape front
death when a Rock Island ireight
train switching in the yards backed
into their automobile. The car was
carried down the track -several rods
and. completely smashed.
The men escaped by jumping, but
Mrs. West remained in the car and
came out of the wreckage unhurt.
The driver of the machine mistook
the brakenian's signal for the train
and thought it was for him.
Farm Implements Are Given
Rates by Chinese Government
Peking, March 26. Authorization
of half rates on the government rail
ways for the transportation of im
plements and supplies necessary for
agricultural production in the famine
districts has been made by the min
istry of communications. These rates
were made effective for six months
from February 1.
Eagle Boat in Distress
Los Angeles, March 26. An Eagle
boat with a crew of 20 men broke
her tow from the supply ship Glacier
off Point Arguello, Cal., and was
reported in distress by a radio mes
sage received at San Pedro. The
Eagle boat was reported helpless be
cause of a broken rudder. '
Circulate Petitions
Lodgcpole, Neb., March 26.
(Special.) Petitions are being circu
lated for Mayor C. D. Morehend and
Councilman K.'A. Peterson lor re-
Tornadic Winds
Destroy Barns
. Near Hastings
Warning Issued of Storm
Danger Hail Does Dam
age at Kencsaw-Light
Rains Are General.
... Hastings,' Neb., Marc'h 2o. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Tornadic wind3
caused extensive damage at Hansen
and between Hansen and Trumbull, a
few miles northeast of Hastings,
about 3 Saturday morning. In Han
sen the lumber yard and home cf
F. E. Fuller were unroofed, be
sides minor damage to smaller build
ings. Some live stock was killed.
Southeast of Hansen windmills
were blown down and chimneys
wrecked. Barns on the Eli Harmon
and Truman Barrows farms were
wrecked. Near Trumbull barns be
longing to John Bierman, John Wis
ner and Paris Ditlemore were de
stroyed. Forty telephone poles were
blown down between Hastings and
Hansen, cutting off communication.
Rain followed the twisters.
At 3 this afternoon Local Weather
Forecaster Kent warned the locality
of possible danger due to a condi
tion of temperature and barometric
pressure similar to that which pre
ceded the Omaha Easter storm
The wind gained velocity all day, but
at 4 conditions became more sta
tionary and it was believed all dan
ger was past.
Reports that Edgar had been wiped
out were groundless, but inquiry re
vealed that, sand ' which had been
used on the streets there was so
thick in tiie air that people could not
see 25 feet. Hail caused some dam
age at Kenesaw. A light rain was
general in this section.
Harding Expresses
Sympathy for Irish
Washington, March 26. In re
sponse to a request by a group of
Irish leaders in this country, Presi
dent Harding sent to New York to
night a message of sympathy for the
I Irish relief movement, to be read at
a meeting there April 3.
municationsaid: "I wish "you the fullest measure
of succiss, not only in the great ben
efit performance at the Metropoli
tan Opera house on April 3, but in
every worthy effort to make a be
coming contribution on the part of
our people to relieve distress among
the women and children in Ireland.
The people of America never will be
deaf to the call for relief in behalf
of suffering humanity and the knowl
edge o distress in Ireland makes a
deep appeal to the more fortunate
of our own land whire so many of
our citizens trace-kinship to the
Emerald Isle."
War Veteran 103 Years Old
Falls in Well and Drowns
Newport News, Va., March 26.
John Thomas, 103, lightly touched
by Father Time, and hale and hearty
despite four years of hunger and
hardships with the Confederate
forces, fell in a well near his home
this week and was drowned. He
made his home with Mrs. Mary E.
Texas Bank Robbed
Ercckenridge, Tex., March 26.
The Guaranty State Bank of Brcck
enridge closed its doors at 12:30
o'clock this afternoon. It was stated
unofficially that the bank held large
amounts in notes, paying power of
which had been curtailed by recent
reductions in the price of crude oils.
The Easter Bonnet
$1,000,000 Issue
In M.E. Smith Co.
Stock Announced
Increase in Capital Stock
Taken by Owners of Com
mon Stock And Louis
C. Nash.
An increas of $1,000,000 -in the
capital stock of M. E. Smith & Co.
has been announced with plans for
immediate increasing the business.
This new' issue of stock is being
taken by the Present owners of the
common stock and by Lcuis C.
Nash. . , .
Under the new arrangements, A.
C. Smith becomes chairman of the
board of directors, Ward M. Bur
gess succeeds him as president, while
Mr. Nash succeeds Mr. Burgess as
first vice president. The other of
ficers of the company will remain
as at present. Mr. Nash 'will con
tinue to hold the position of presi
dent of the Burgess-Nash company.
"We have increased our capital
stock merely to be in position to take
advantage of the opportunities ahead
of all wide-awake institutions," said
Mr. Smith in commenting on the
change in capitalization and officers
of the company.
Evidence of Big Price
Fixing Ring is Found
In Building Probe
Chicago, March 26. The legisla
inint rnmmissioii. here to ex
pose alleged building price combina
tions among material men ana al
leged graft in the building trades
limine annniinfPn it had obtained
the names of members of an "educa
tional committee composed ot tour
men who. according to the commis
sion's information, "split the graft
money four ways, between three
business agents and- one material
The informant is said to have been
at one time a business agent of one
of the building trades unions here.
Senator John Dailey, chairman of
the commission, told newspaper men
that "more rapidly than we ha4 ex
pected . the secret operations of a
fearful agency of graft are unfolding
before us." He said this alone was
responsible for the building stagna
tion in, Chicago giving no ear to the
arguments of high-priced materials
and labor.'
Red Cross Worker Sentenced
To 20 Years by Moscow Court
Washington. D.' G, ' March 26.
Capt. Emmet Kilpatrick of Alabama,
Red Cross worker in South Russia,
captured by the Bolshevik forces
last fall, is reported to have been
sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment
at hard labor after trial by a soviet
tribunal in Moscow, and Red' Cross
headquarters here has ordered an
investigation. The report was
brought out of Russia by a Hungar
ian ' refugee ,who. reached Budapest.
Cabled instructions to follow it up
have been sent to various European
headquarters. -
Gothenberg Fire Department
Holds Sixth Annual Banquet
Gothenburg, Neb., March 26.
(Special.) The - sixth annual ; ban
quet of the Gothenburg volunteer
fire department was held here. , The
principal speakers were:. G ,'R.
Frasicr, president of the State Fire
men's association, and- Harry Haus
er, deputy state fire marshal.
Former School
Head Denies He
Is Free Lover
Judge Scores Wife of Retired
Hastings College President
And Denies Her Petition
For Divorce.
Iowa 'City, la., March 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Severely scoring
Mrs. Lillian H. Crone, wife of the
former president of Hastings col
lege, Hastings, Neb., District Judge
C. A. Dewey denied her application
for a divorce.
"In my 20 yeai experience in
the court room I hffve never seen
a case where a woman has come into
court and attempted to besmirch
her husband's reputation and belit
tle his children as has been done in
this case,"i said Judy Dewey.
Mrs. Crone charged Jhat she suf
fered cruel and inhuman treatment
from her husband. The specific act
charged was that the. former college
president was a follower of the doc
trine of free love. In her' petition
she alleged that after her marriage
her husband had preached to her
that a man had a right to cohabit
with other women.
Following the announcement of
the verdict Dr. Crone hurried across
the room and kissed his wife. She
did not turn from him.
The couple have been married 25
years. On the witness stand Dr.
Crone expressed nothing but admira
tion for his wife. Twice during his
examination he broke down under
the emotional strain.
The testimony of Mrs. Crone was
not corroborated.- The judge ruled
there was not the slightest evidence
of improper conduct on the part of
the former school head. .
Harding Sees Visitors
Three Days Each Week
Washington, March 26. President
Harding has made his first capitula
tion. He surrendered to Father Time,
convinced that it is no longer possi
ble to discharge the important duties
of president of the United States and
attempt to see every one w'lio seeks
to confer with him.
The president sajd he had' been
using much time every , day
sine his inauguration for appoint
ments, but that he had now discov
ered this was an impossible program
if he were to discharge his full duties
as chief executive. Some time, he
said, must necessarily be devoted to
hard work, no matter how happy it
would make him to see those who
wish' to see him.
As a consequence ,.he president will
make appointments only on Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays in
stead of every day, .as has been the
rule since March 4.
Wilson Still Weak
Washington, March 26. Former
President Wilson v. as described today
by his physician, Rear Admiral Cary
T. Grayson, as a little weak as a re
sult of an acute attack of indigestion
yesterday, but otherwise apparently
recovered from the attack.
The Weather
' Forecast.
Sunday probably rain turning
snow; much colder. -
Hourly Temprraturea.
5 . m,' 501 1 r. m
6 n. m Mi 8 p. m
7 "a. m ft? I 3 p. m
R M." in. - . .!SI 4 p. m
A a. ni. A p. m
10 a. m -. iVV 6 p. ni
11 a .m '.MO 7 p. m
13 noun Ml 8 p. ni
In Stillman
Suit Charge
Indian Guide Named in
Div orce Proceedings Denies
Charges Made Against
Hint in Case.
Victim of Conspiracy
I nlvcrmil Strvlre Stuff Corrnpondent.
(Copyright, 1031, by Slur Company.)
Montreal, Quebec, March 26. A
conspiracy to link his name witii
that of Mrs. "FilV Potter Stillman,
blackmail threats and telegrams aU
leged to have been altered -and
forged by an interested party, were
among the amazing charges made
by Fred A. Beauvais here today.
Declaring that he had formed hij
"standards of life" when a boy of
16, Beauvais added:
"Despite all this malicious gossip,
I have been clean and have adhered
to the standards set by me when I
was a lad in the woods, have nothing
to fear and can protect mystlf."
Beauvais admitted that he has in
hjs possession a letter insinuating
that the writer knew "certain things"
that would embarrass Mrs. Stillman
and Beauvais if brought to court.
Letters Weae Held Up.
A demand for money on a con
tract on one of the buildings at the
Stillman estate near Grand Anse on
the St. Maurice river, Beauvais said,
and which had been held up by Mrs.
Stillman was at the basis of the
sending of the letter and also the
cause of telegrams having beeo
altered and routed through the Na
tional City bank, so that they would
come to the attention of Mr. Still
man and arouse his suspicions of
Mrs. Stillman and her conduct 'with
Beauvais pronounced a picture
published in papers recently as false
and also repudiated an interview
published as coining from him by a
news service a week ago.
Beauvais made the startling as
sertion that he knew Mrs. Leeds .
personally and had been in her
apartment when in New York. He
added: "For a time when I was in
New York I obtained Mrs. Leeds',
telephone number and talked with
her over the telephone." :
Knows Mrs. Leeds.
Declaring that Mrs. Leeds never
had been in Canada to his knowl-
heard much concerning Mr. Still
man when he was employed at the
St. Maurice club. Wealthy Ameri
can club members, according to
Eeauvais, gossiped a great deal con
cernhifr the affair of New York .fi
nanciers arid' Stillman's name was
used frequently. He then added:
"I knew-of the Leeds matter
months before Mrs. tillman learned
(Turn to Tnge Two, Column Tiro.)
Campaign Committee 1
Of Major General Wood
Sued by Chicago Hotel
Chicago, March 26.. The cami
paign committee for Maj. Gen.
Leonard Wood was sued for $12,
465 for rent and other expenses by
the Congress hotel today.
Members of the committee named
in the suit include William Cooper
Procter, A. A. ' Sprague, J. J. Mc
Graw and Fred Stanley.
Items named in the hotel's sworn
bill of expenses include $10,000 for
parlors where headquarters were
maintained. Among the- items in
tided in the charges were $1,365
for meeals. Other iteems covered
broken chairs,' laundry bills, shoe
shines and room rent.
Lodge to Be Floor Leader i
Of New Congress Session
Washington, March 26. Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts is to be
chairman of the republican steering
committee as well as senate floor
leader for the majority according to
plans made by the republican organ
ization. He will succeed Senator
McCumber of North Dakota, who
was a "mild reservationist" in the
treaty controversy and not in har
mony with a majority of the repub
licans in that contest ' He has been
given a place on the committee 'of
committees, which makes republican
Chicago Man is Arrested
For Selling Guns to Negroes
Chicago, March 26. More than
1,000 negroes have armed themselves
recently with, revolvers .and ammuni
tion it was learned today through the
arrest of Fred Biffer, owner of a
gun shop, and Virgil -Meyers, a
young negro. Young negroes on the
south and west side have been mak
ing secret purchases of weapons for
some time, and the police have been
searching for the place where they
were sold.
Former Dry Agent Arrested
On Charge of Taking Bribe
Los Angeles, March 26. Leo
Gregg, formerly prohibition enforce
ment officer of Rochester, N. was
arrested by federal officers today at
Kedondo Beach, near here, on a
charge of having solicited and ac
cepted a bribe of $200 from W. J.
Lawson of Rochester.
Heavy Rain in Gage County '
Improves Crop Conditions
Beatrice, Neb., March 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Heavy rains visited
this section last night and today,
thoroughly soaking the ground and
improving crop conditions. Rain
fall is estimated at nearly two inches.