Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Sunshine Comes
To Starving Tots
x lit uuii u. j riiii
Girl Writes of Health and
Happiness Where Misery
, Existed More Help
Needed. -
A graphic picture of the sunshine
brought to the little children of the
Near East by American response
to the cry of the stricken is con
tained in a letter sent here from
Sidon, Syria, by Miss Josephine Muse
a Nebraska university girl, who is
in charge of an orphanage in Sidon,
to Mrs. Guy Kiddoo, a personal
Kxtracts from the letter follow:
"We have just been notified that
the Near East Relief is making an
Kaster drive for funds so I am writ
ing directly to you because there is
jut time to have this reach you by
Easter. ' -
Listless and Emaciated.
"Children who came to us listless
and apathetic, Jlieir skins yellow and
.parched from malaria, their bodies
emaciated; children who lay in their
hospital beds day after day motion
less, who showed no sign of anima
tion nor any desire to walk, though
they had ,been pronounced cured by
the doctor these children are now
playing merrily and noisly, are run
ning to school when the bell rings,
and are begging to be permitted to sit
up and study.
"If we can continue to care for
these children until they are
old enough to care for themselves
decently, can train a few of the
brightest to be teachers, and the oth
ers to be dressmakers, cooks, shoe
makers and mechanics, we shall have
been able to do a wonderful tiling for
the county which has suffered so ter
ribly from the war. Should our as-
., .1, n. I, I, .. i
1 . . - T.
Get Acquainted j
sistance cease, I cannot let myself
think of their future.
Fat of Girls.
"The girls would suffer more than
the boys. The older ones would go
as servants, wherever they could
find work, they would be little drud
ges at best, working long hours for
food and lodging and perhaps a mize
dia (about 50 cents) a month. All
of course would not find jvork. They
would beg, as would tne younger
ones, and many would ultimately
drift into prostitution.
"This work must go on. We have
saved thousand of children. Now
death by disease and starvation. Now
let us continue to help them until
they are trained to go out into the
world and earn a good living for
themselves. x
Miss Huse included several histo
ries of some of the children who
have come under the care of the Si
don orphanage. A typical case fol
lows: Beheeya Assad, age 7, lost fa
ther, mother, two brothers and sis
ter from typhus during the war. For
a year Beheeya wandered from vil
lage to village begging from door to
door for a crust of bread, and eat
ing grass from the fields.
Brief City News
nUt. (.rrcr hails from Miiwouri.
1 He possesses in the nth de
gree tlint far fumed Miniourlitii
trait of desir
ing to know
the why anl
wherefore of
(hints In rn
ernl and pnr
tliiilnr. -
If jou hap
pen to men.
tlon In caamil
o o n venation
with liiin that
Washington Is
the rapKal of
the United
States, tun
roar baby's
tnl is
tieopholm. or any little thing like
that, he'a Instantly alert and sus
picious, demanding the proof n.l
the "uow-do-j-ou-know,"
Verlmps that's what make him
su.-ccs.-ful Mid reliable editorial
writer. Never seems to accept
anything as a fart until heV con.
dinted his own private probe Into
' Its Innermost detail. It's always
a safe bet that what he pause out
J, to Bee reader naa
and thoughtfully mulled.
Y ' Greer gave hi service to th.
X Kansas City Star for seven year J.
and also "did a stretch" of news- y
paper publishing beforo coining to Y
X The Bee. 4
J. Y
Miss White to AVed A license
was Issued Thursday ejfternoon to
Miss Louise White and John S. Hal
bert of Salt Lake City. Miss White
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor White and is the girl who
christened the scout cculsor "Oma
ha" last December.
Receiver Paroled Carl Rose,
charged with receiving cigarettes
said to have been stolen by Roy J
Slack and Fred Siedgre from Pere
gov & Moore, 1408 Howard street,
February 2, pleaded guilty In Dis
trict Judge Troup's court yesterday
and was paroled to Probation Offi
cer Moses P. O'Brien for Ave years.
Bags Burn-After fireman fought a
small blaze in a pile of rubbish In
the Resnich Bag and Burlap com
pany building, 937 North Twenty
fourth street, Thursday night, . an
other fire.- of unknown origin rav
aged the interior of the building at
7 Friday morning, doing a damage,
estimated at $10,000. Firemen de
clared they had found evidence of
spontaneous combustion in 125,000
burlap bags stored In the place.
" Dirlgiblo for Sale A large dirigi
ble, 200 feet long, and capable of
carrying six men is for sale at Fort
Omaha, officers there declare. The
balloon is too long for any of the
Ualloon sheds and it is so large the
expense of filling It with gas is too
great. Only ono officer at the fort,
Lieutenant Corbett, is capablo of fly
ing the balloon and he isn't anx
ious to take tho elephant up in the
Those Who Are Thin and
Pale Should Take Father
John's Medicine Now.
agree that
this is the
best season
of the year
to, build, tip
the strength
and weight
that has been
lost during
the winter.
Father John's
Medicine is best for this purpose
because it is made of pure and
wholesome food elements which
strengthen and build up tJiose who
are weak and run down and are
easily taken into the system. No
alcohol or dangerous drugs.
Smart Footwear
Graceful designs that re
flect the trend of the sea
son's fashions. All the new
est effects in novelty foot
wear are to be found here.
As usual, Fry's lead in the
new ideas at exceedingly
moderate prices never fail
ing to include a high stand-.,
ard of quality.
Your Inspection Invited
16th and Douglas
E. D. Patton MUSIC Company
Specials for Saturday
,'In Band and Orchestra Instruments
Trumpets-Silver plated,
complete m case. .
Cornets Silver! plated,
complete-in case.,.. .
- Upright Eb. Alto Silver
Bb. Baritone Silver -plated
Trombone . Plated, in
Bb.. Soprano Saxophone
Silver plated, com
plete in case ........
C-Melody Saxophone Silver plated, d1 C A ' A A
gold bell, complete in case .. . . piJVUU
Ukuleles, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, Etc.
Parts and Repairs for All Instruments.
E. D. Patton MUSIC Company
16th and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 47 1 9
A now shipment of Worn
en's SILK HOSE just ar
med for Saturday. $1.45
per pair.
A large assortment of
Easter flowers and potted
plants. Moderately priced.
"Home Special" for Saturday
' "Nimko" Brand of Canned
Peaches Apricots Black Raspberries
23c Can 4 for 90c
v This week our special needs no introduction, for all home
users are familiar with the Nimko brand. Large size can,
peaches, apricots, black raspberries, 23c can, 4 for 90c, case
of 24 for $5.40. y
We reserve the right to limit quantities.
Downstair Store
ing Must be Done Saturday
Just Arrived for 8ur Downstairs Store a Large Shipment of
New Apparel for Easter
a .a.
A Ph Easter Sale of
New Hats
XA Price That Will Please
Transparent hats, hair braid hats, Lore hats, in poke
bonnet shapes, large, droopy shapes, Gainsborough effects,
small shapes, hats trimmed with glycenned ostrich, flowers and
fancy Tibbons. Colors are black, brown and navy. You must
see them to appreciate the wonderful values.
Second Fleer
Anticipating the need of a large assortment of spring
apparel for this week, we had a large shipment on order which
has arrived at the last minute, but in ample time for your
Easter selection, included are the newest styles in the market of
Coats Suits Dresses, Etc.
Easter Dresses
$16.50 to $29.50
in the Downstairs Store
Smart silk frocks in taffeta satin, Mignonette, Georgette
and crepes trimmed in braids, embroidery, lace and wide
ashes of contrasting colors are sure-to please those in search
of stylish and practical dresses. There are styles for all occa
sions and surety one could easily, cnoosev
from straightline, basque effect, tunic and v
the many other styles in blue, tan, brown,
etc. Sizes 14 to 20 for misses, sizes 36 to
46 for women.
DewaiUir Stars
Dainty Frocks for the Miss of 6 to 14
We hesitate to even attempt to describe the lovely frocks which are
now on display in our junior section. There are dainty . Swiss organdies
in all white and pastel shades. Ruffles, tucks, lace and many times a touch
of hand embroidery and too, the most important sash, and they are reason
ably priced, from a)3.95 up.
Taffeta Dresses $i O50
Just 30 of them, all taken from our regular
stock and priced as an Easter special.
Junior dresses will be shown on
living models from 2 to 5 daily.
Second Floor
A Special Offering of
Women's Hand-Made
at $5.00
Just arrived from New York and at
present are still in their tissue
wrappings. There are alj white and white
with tiny touches of blue and pink.
Made of sheer batiste. A limited quanti
ty only. On sale Saturday at $5.00.
Second Fleer
NEW BELTS for Women Are in Vogue
Every shade and a variety of styles, plain and fancy in
black, white, gray, brown, blue, henna and two-tone combi
nations. All sizes and widths. Priced at 25c to $1.75.
Main Floor Leath.r Coeds Department
Are You Sure Your Corset
Is the Right Model for You?
You May Bo Wearing- the Wrong Corcot Without Knowing It
Perhaps it is the model your grand
mother could wear with comfort, but
to you it may give an old-fashioned,
matronly figure. Youth and grace
and buoyancy may be secured by
wearing a corset, especially designed
along the new and straight lines.
Let us fielp. you
solve your corset prob
lem by selecting the
correct model for your
individual figure. From
the standpoint of com
fort, wearing service
and price, our GQS
attractive. '
Priced $3.25 to $25.00
Second Fleer
tferjj Home Should Have
Music Easter Morning
Her i a Wonderful List of SntrW
Victor Records
Yeu Will Surely Find Several
Among Them You Should
Have. 1
Open the Gates of the Temple.
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth.
The Palms.
Festival Te Deum. Parts 1 and 2.
Hosanna. -Face
to Face.
Rock of Ages.
Brighten the Corner Where You
Jesus Lover of My Soul.
I Love to Tell the Story.
Sweeter as the Years Go By.
The Lord is My Light. s
God Be With You Till We Meet
If Your Heart Keeps Right.
Silent Night, Holy Night. y
I Need Thee Every Hour.
Ninety and Nine.
He Leadeth Me.
Jesus Savior Pilot Me.
Prayer Perfect
Billy Sunday Hymns. s
Sun of My Lord.
Joy to the World.
Saw Ye My Savior.
Shepherd Show Me How to Go.
Adesto Fideles.
In the Sweet Bye and Bye.
My Jesus as Thou Wilt.
Onward Chirstian Soldiers.
Tell Mother I'll Be There.
Where Is My Boy Tonight.
Jesus My Savior.
Heaven is Mine.
Make Somebody Happy Today.
My Faith Looks Up to Thee.
My Mother's Prayer.
The Homeland.
Shall We Meet Beyond the River.
Sail On.
Oh Morning Land.
There is a Fountain Filled With
Sleep Noble Hearts,
i How Firm a Foundation.
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
Holy Art Thou.
Flee as a Bird.
Angels Ever Bright and Fair.
Eye Hath Not Seen.
Nazareth. i
O' Song Divine.
Lord Have Mercy.
Prase Ye the Father.
Sancta Maris.
Sanctus From Messe Solennelle.
Savior When Night , Involves the
Sky. , - .
Fourth Floor
Just in
Spring Coats
$12.50 to $29.50
Smart styles in wrappy coats, Dolmans, capes or tailored models
fashioned of wool velours, Bolivia, polo and homespun are here in a
variety of popular colors, including tans, blues, gray, etc.
Downstair Store
Easter Perfurpes
,Toilet Articles
Fleur de Amour perfume,
original bottle, $7.25.
Coeur de Jeanette toilet
water, $4.98.
Amber Royale perfume, origi
, nal bottle, $2.75.
Fleur de Amour toilet water,
Ideal toilet water, $6.25.
Xa Boheme, (Rose, Le Poppy,
Leta sachet in original bottles,
$1.50. '
Azure a or Floramye Vegetal
toilet water, $1.09.
' Quelques Fleur toilet water,
Semprr Giovine, 44c.
Sanitol Void cream, 27c.
Pond cold or vanishing cream,
Beecham's toilet waters, 79c.
Elizabeth Ellen If ilet water,
Elizabeth Ellen compact! pow
der, 29e. '
Dorin's compact powder, 42c.
, Main Floor
Sale of
Bottles '
Vacuum bottles keep
contents hot or cold. They
are complete with handled
cup. On sale Saturday.
Very special at $1.69.
Main Floor
New Gloves for Easter
A necessary accessory that must hot be forgotten
Saturday. Here are a feiv special items:
-French Kid Gloves
$8.50 to $10.00,
"Chateau" French suede and kid gloves in 12 and
16-button, mousquetaire styles with two-toned French
knot and Paris point embroidered backs in all the smart
shades, including gray, brown, beaver willow, tan, black
and white.
Kid Gloves at $4.75
"Chateau" French kid gloves two-clasp, new -two-toned
crocheted embroidered back7 pique sewn in gray,
brown, tan, pongee, navy black and white. Per pair,
$4.75. "
Silk Gloves
$2.50 and $3.25
Milanese silk gloves, 12
and 16-button lengths, Paris
point backs in mode, navy,
black and white.
Silk Gloves
Long sjlk gloves, ' 16-button
length, Paris point backs
in gray and navy.
Silk Gauntlets, $2.50
Silk gauntlets of heavy Milanese silk, contrasting em
broidered backs and in a beautiful shade of beaver. Per
pair, $2.50.
Main Floor
Children's Gingham Dresses
$1.39 to $3.49
in the Dorvmlayrs-Store
Pretty gingham dresses in plaids, checks and
plain materials, trimmed in collars, belts and pockets
of contrasting materials, are here in a variety of
styles. Sizes 8 to 14.
Downstair Store
New Clothes for the Boys
Of course, the boys must be dressed up for Easter and then, too,
as spring is here, they must have new apparel for school. Here are '
some suggestions you will appreciate:
Boys' Easter Suits; $8.95, $10, $13.95
When purchasing a boy's suit you should get one
that is practical at all times, not only for one occasion.
Nothing is nicer than serge suits, and we have a large
stock of guaranteed all-wool and fast colors from $8.95
up. Sizes 5 to 18 years.
Fourth Floor "
Fancy Mixed Suits
$8.95, $15.00 and $20.00
Practical and good-looking suits for all times. Good
quality material in brown, blue and heather mixtures.
Sizes 6 to 18.
200 Boys Raincoats
Genuine gum rubber raincoats that are well
made and of good quality. $7 OfY
Guaranteed rainproof. P oUU
Fourth Floor
We Have Just Received a Complete
Stock of "Boy Scout" Uniforms
Fourth Floor