Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1921, Page 15, Image 15

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No Foundation
For Gloom Of
Business Men
Such ia Declaration of Mer
chant Introducer of Amer
ican Department Stores '
In England.
Harry Gordon Selfridge, who mas
tered the fcience and philosophy of
successful department store nian
tgement in two of the great depart
ment stores in Chicago and who
afterwards taught London that
department store directed upon th-.1
American plan could succeed as well
n Great Britain as in the United
States, has been for a short time in
.his country now expecting speedily
!o return to London. He has had
many informal conversations with
business men, especially those en
gaged in international trade. Every
thing that he has learned has forti
fied his opinion that in some respects
business men are viewing trade con
ditions with too much apprehension.
He believes in looking upon the
bright side, being careful, however,
'o temper opinions with sound judg
ment. Faith in Britain.
This view he put before the Amer
ican Manufacturers' Export associa
tion, of which hewas the' guest at a
luncheon, a few days ago. He urged
that unreasonable apprehension be
avoided and that business should
take a less serious view, meaning by
that a less apprehensive view, of the
situation than some business lead
ers have been accustomed to do.
"" Mr. Selfridge is not alone in his
opinion that British conservatism
and tenacity will bring that country
to a normal condition more quickly
than some of the other European
nations will find themselves in a
stabilized condition. But Mr. Self
ridge is apparently of the opinion
that all of the nations will, if there
be patience and the granting of
reasonable aid find themselves in a
tiormal condition sooner than many
nave predicted would be possiW.
He did not spread abroad (iermnn pro
paganda when hp SHld that Germany will
soon be competing with other nations In
the markets of the world. Tor ho spoke
as an Individual who had formed his
own opinion. Thin Is as It should be.
In his view, because In that way alone
-an liermany meet with full rayments
tneNreparntlon which Is demanded of her.
Voices Hlmilar Thought.
The opinions thus oprnfed by this
merchants, now one of the greatest of
world merchant. Is In complete sympathy
with opinions which are held hv many
of, our Industrial leaders and also some
of the financial leaders. Charles M.
Schwab within an hour or two after his
return from Europe voiced a similar
thought. Judge tSary just before he start
ed upon his vacation spoke in encourag
ing words to his friends. President Hard
ing received information of this kind a
few days ago from business leaders. They
are, however, anxious that the Interna
tional political difficulties be untangled,
believing also that if from no loftter mo
tive certainly self-interest will compel an
adjustment of International politics even
though these now appear to have created
something like a deadlock.
The Allies' Debt.
One of the first of the methods which
miixt be taken to restore International
politics to a healthful condition Is the
permanent handling of the debt of the
allies to the United States. Intimations
come .from. Washington that the secretary
of the treasury, Mr. Mellon, backed by
the-authority given to him by congress, I
will before the summer endsjiave com
pleted negotiations with representatives of
the allies, which will result in the elim
inating of this debt which ia now In
the air so to speak, from any unfavor
able Influence upon international finance.
Mr. Selfridge stated emphatically that
not In all reat Britain Is there an in
telligent person so far a he knew who
advocated the cancellation by the United
States of Great Britain's debt to this
To Whom the World Looks.
Sir Philip Olbbs, who was the guest on
the eve of his departure for Europe of
the Allied Loyalty league, said to the 1.000
nun and women who were his hosts that
the world look to the United States for
the formation of a program for establish
ing a permanent world peace. He might
have added that even now the world Is
not looking In vain. For the United
States Is In many ways aiding the world
In its industries. Its agriculture and Its
commerce. If there could be grouped a
statement of all tha,t the United States Is
doing and la about to do In this way a
long.chapter would be needed to print It.
Much of It la silent or at least unpub
lished aid. - It la In progress all the time.
A goodv illustration of this will be fm'
nished by the meeting which Is to take
place at Cleveland In the first week of
May of the foreign trade council. At
least an entire day and perhaps a longer
tlijre will be devoted exclusively to a dis
cussion of financing foreign trade. Much
financing of this kind Is now In pro
gress, although the story of it Is not pub
licly told and much more Is needed.
The Farm Loan Act.
Now that by the decision of the su
preme court that the farm loan act stands
the test of constitutional scrutiny and
that the securities issued by the Institu
tions which the act authorizes are not
subject to the tax collector either federal
or state, M e are likely to see very Im
portant agricultural developments In this
ountry. For the act will make It pos
sible for persons who are owners, or de
sire t become owners of farm lands to
borrow money conveniently and at reason
able rates on the security of farm mort
gages. This ta regarded as a long step
in the direction of co-operative agricul
tural7 banking. Confidence ta expressed
that It will- meet with like success in the
United States, which co-opeTatlve agri
cultural banking and agricultural co-operation
have nipt with in Europe.
Nothing Alarming.
Many persons have looked with some
apprehension upon the decline now re
ported In the volume of bank clearing
throughout the country. They have pre
sumed that this Indicate a heavy falling
off In business. Yet this is a view not to
be justified. In fact the statistics are not
so unfavorable as a rapid reading of
them would suggest Excellent authority
in New York said this morning that the
volume of bank clearings properly Inter
preted, Indicates that the physical total
of business transactions has held up re
markably well in view of the decline In
the general wholesale price level of
nearly So per cent from a year ago.
Marine Engineers Call -Off
Strike Started Thursday
New York, March 25. The coast
wise strike of marine enginccrs'and
officers on ocean tugs, begun yes
terday in protest against wage reduc
tions, was called off today by union
officials, after ,the receipt f a tele
gram from the Department of Labor
offering conciliation .
Don's Trade Review.
New York. March !5. Dun's tomorrow
will eeyi
"After practically a year of liquidation
and deflation, new forces are now making
gradual business recuperation. Recovery
has not yet extended to all lines, but en.
couraging Indications are increasing In
number. Although some of the hopeful
signs partly result from- the Influence of
special demands, such as the Easter requirements,-
the favorable features are also
beginning to assume characteristics ol per
manenoy. The rapid crop advancement,
the relaxation from monentary tension, and
the greater stability of financial markets
promote a better feeling, while the trend
toward resumption of building activity ts
a significant development Reflecting the
latter movement, buying of steel has
gained a little and the lumber Industry, es
pecially In the Pacific northwest, is ex
periencing some revival."
Weekly bank clearings 15,7MB6,T4r.
Nov York Produce.
New Tork. March IS. Butter Steady;
creamery, higher than extras. 46H$4c;
creamery extras. 47c; firsts, 419460.
Eggs Unsettled: fresh gathered extra
firsts. Zto6!7c; firsts. 24ft 26c.
Cheese Steady; state whole' milk flats
fresh, specials. 2Sc; others, unchanged.
Live Poultry Easier: broilers, 65c;
fewls. 40c; dressed, steady; western cblck
va. boxes, 3Hf65&
ACCfifctnOtf TO OCI
1 R J T l
Market News of the Day
Live Stock ,
Omaha. March
Receipts were:
Cattle Hogs Sheep
Official Monday ...
Official Tuesday ...
4.H72 7,5:.H
4,4311 9.410
S.944 13,98!)
6,933 (.923
1,000 6,000
22.785 42,848
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday..
4. 753
Kstimate Friday....
rive days this wit,
game day lut wk..
30.053 47,773
Same, day 2 wk ago
37,268 68, Kit
2S.606 60.537
30.147 Sl.801
.Same day 3 v.k ago
Same day year ago.
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the I'nion Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb.,
for 24 hours ending at S o'clock p. in.,
March 25, 19ft
"V Hornes
'., M. ft St. P 3 3
Missouri Pacific .... 3 3
Vnlon Pacific 20 20 24
C. & N. W., east.... t
C. & N. AY., west 13 27 2
C St. P., M. & O... 13 9
C, B. & Q.. east 2 5 . . 1
C, B. & Q., west.... 9 7 2
l, R. I. & P., east.. 4
C. R. I. ft P., west.. .. 1
Illinois Central 1
Chi. at. West 1
Total receipts .... 70 82 28 1
103 1,104 456
194 "1,017 1,503
49 1.205 1,406
"148 - 1,160 1.958
... . . 9
. .. . . 605
107 625
Morris Co
Swift & Co
Cudaliy Packing Co..
Armour & Co
Omaha Packing . .
J. W. Murphy
Hold Pkg. Co
Lincoln Packing Co..-
So. Omaha Pkg. Co..
Ogden Packing Co.. .
Hlggins Packing Co..
Ind. Pkg., fit. Louis
Olussberg 15
Wilson & Co 21
P. P. Lewis 20
Huntslnger & Oliver 14
J. li. Root A Co.. 86
J. H. Bulla 13
R. M. Burruss & Co. 10
Rosenstock Bros.... 18
Ellis & Co 40
Sullivan Bros S
Mo.-Kan? C. & C. Co.. 13
K. O. Christie 11
John Harvey 147
Jenaenr & Lundsrren 1
Dennis & Francis.... 19
Cheek & Krebs 34
Midwest Packing Co 11
Smiley 11
Other Buyers , 745
Total 2.571 T.610 5,449
Cattle Extreme dullness was the out
standing feature in the cattle trade Fri
day, prices were weak to a quarter lower
than Thursday ana anywnere irom uutBiouo
lower than a week ago. Receipts were
comparatively light, about 1,600 head, and
receipts for the week fully 8,000 lighter
than a week ago or a year ago. But
there was no urgency to the demand from
any quarter and ail classes of buyers were
extremely bearish In their views owlnif
to the bad reports from eastern beef
markets. Best of the beet steers sold
around 18.75 S 9.00, and tone to the market
was very weak throughout. Stockers ami
feeders which have held steady practically
all week showed uneven declines today and
business was extremely dreggy.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves. $8.85&9.25: fair to good beeves,
f.00(a8.76; common to fair beeves, 17.60
iffiH.00; good to choice yearlings. iH.iO'rp
9.25; fair to good yearlings, $7.758.60;
common to fair yearlings. $6.757.75:
choice to prime heifers, t7.758.35; good
to choice heifers, S6.607.50; choice to
prime cows, 17.00 7.40; good to choice
cows, J6.0O6.75; fair to good cows, $5.25
6. 00: common to fair cows, $3.00 4.75 ;
good to choice feeders, 8. 25(3:8. 80; fair
to good feeders, 7.60S.25; common to
fair feeders, $7.007.60; good to choice
stockers, $8.008.75; fair to good stock
ers, $7.408.00; common to fair stockers;
$6.60!7.25; stock heifers, $5.006.50;
stock cows, $4.606.50; stock calves, $6.00
$07.75; veal calves, $8.00l950; bulls,
stags, etc., $4.257.00.
No. Wt. Pr. No. Wt. Pr.
42 1001 I I 00 13 1116 $ 825
34 1210 8 35 12 982 8 65
21 1097 8 75 8- 1062 8 80
15 744 8 00 17 888 8 25
17 886 8 40 14 685 8 51
U 1044 8 76 13 1063 8 80
7 657 8 00 10 665' 8 10
18 680 8 35.
17 1995 10 16...;.. 1297 6 40
14. ...1175 6 60 ,, 10 923 6 75
15..N..1260 7 00 16 1012 7 05
13 642 6 25 19...... S 7 S3
8...... 865 7, 60 13 786 7 75
8 857 8 25
11...... 591 7 00 15 1318 7 85
6... .,1055 8 15 26.. 977 8 25
13 1283 9 00
1 1610 4 75
4...... S52 6 60 6 230 7 00
5 35i 1 2 3 304 7 60
HI I 5 3 653 8 25
; 225 8 75 4 225 9 00
i Hogs About 6,000 hogs were received
today and trade was dull and draggy In
Pit . of the small receipts. Shippers
picked out a few bacon hog early at
quotabbr steady prices, but packers re
mained idle and trend to the market was
downward. Prices finally settled at levels
anywhere from steady to 16 25c lawer
Best hogs sold at $10.25. the day's top. and
bulk of the receipts movd at 19.25 10.00.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr
63. .283, 140 $.9 00 60. .339 28119 10
61. .29 ... 9 40 69. .247 70 9 50
71.. 256 ... 9 65 46.. 248 ... 76
Shep Something like 0,900 riieep and
lambs were here today and offerings sold
$2,300 7 Security $16,000
Here i one secured by combi
nation ranch property of 1,120
acres, conserratirely valued at
a I mo at SEVEN TIMES the
amount of the loan. Good set of
improvement! easily worth
$2,600.00. REMEMBER 7 for
your money and a NEBRASKA
Kloke Investment Company
Phono Doug. 1150 Omaha
New Developments (in
Middle States Oil
If interested in something
worthwhile, write for
"Stock Market
and special letter OB-25
198 Broad waiiNewm
&OTTOM of the qjat
on a slow market at steady to easier
prices. Best fat lambs ruled steady, with
others slow to about a quarter lower. Fat
sheep were mostly steady. Good lambs
moved around su.itutriu.uu anu uesiruuie
shorn lambs at $8.50. A few ewes
brought $6.85. Country demand was rela
tively small, although a few shearing
lambs went out at $8.25.
Quotations on sheepi Best fat lamhn,
$10.00 j10.25, medium to plain lambs.
$9.0009.76; plain and heavy lambs. $7.60
8 75. shorn lambs, $8.008.75; yearlings.
$7.6088.60; aged wethers, $6.006.75;
good to choice ewes, $5.766.25: fair to
good ewes. $5.25 5.75; cull and canner
ewes, $3.00 if 3. 25; shearing lambs. $s.00
No. Av. t'r.
29 fed 7
no f.rt 74
$ 8 00
N io '0
440 fed 91 8 75
46 fed 8 - jf
626 fed 84 9 6J
107 fed 130 6 00
234 Wyo 105 5 .!
Chicago Live Stork.
Chicago, March 25. Cattle Receipts,
4.000 head; trade, uneven; beef steers,
butcher site-stock, stockers and teedfts
weak to 25c lower; top beef eteers, $9.65;
one load held over on $10.00 bid; bulk.
$8.50(&9.60; fat cows and heifers larguly,
$6,506)7.75; canners and cuttere mostly
$3.O04.6O; bulk stockers and feeder,
$7.268.26; calves and bulls steady; bulk
vealers to packers, $9.009.50; bulla largu
ly $5.256.25.
Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market,
very uneven; mostly steady; lights closing
strong, others weak to 15c lower than yes
terday's average: top, $11.10; bulk 200
pounds down, $10.6011.00; bulk, 20
pounds up, J3. 25 10.25; pigs, strong.
Sheep Receipts, 7,000 head: steady to 25c
higher; heavieM up most; wooled lnmb top,
$10.75; bulk, $9.7510.50; shorn top, $9 50;
bulk, $1.35 Jf 9.35; 101 pounds shorn lambs,
$7.50; fat ewe top. $6.50; bulk, 5.00ij6.26.
Kansas City Lire Stock.
Kansas City, March 25. (U. S. Bureau
of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 1.100 head;
very little doing In all classes; trade dull;
beef steers steady to lower, some left un
sold; sales, $7.009.00; mixed steers and
heifers, $8.509.30; few sales, other classes
weak; good heifers, $7.66 7.90: best cows,
$7.00; vealers. $9.60; few above $8.60.
Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head; clpslng ac
tive, uneven, mostly strong to 10o higher;
heavyweight advancing most; top, $10.40;
bulk of sales. $9.4010.25.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head;
lambs, strong to 25c higher; 84-pound
lambs, $10.05.
Sioux City Live Mock.
Siouv Cltv. Ia.. March 25. Cattle Re-
celuts. 1.000 head: market, steady: fed
steers and yearlings. $ii.609.6O; fat cows
and heifers, , $5. 00 8. 26; canners. $2.25
4.00;. veals, $6.00 10.00; feeders, ?6.00i?9
8.25: calves, t5-00$'S.00; fedlng cows and
heifers, $4.0Uff 6.60 : stocKers,: ij.unsto.ow.
Hogs Receipts, 6,otio neaar maricet, io
ffi!25o lower: llarht. $9.60(5 10.15: mixed.
$9.26(3)9.60; heavy, $8.009.25; bulk, $8.75
Sheep Receipts, 300 head; market,
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph, March 25. Cattle Receipts,
300 head; market steady to weak; steers,
$7.009.76; cows and heifers, $3.009.25;
calves, $5.00(5 7.60.
Hogs Receipts. 1,500 heed: market was
steady to 16c higher; top, $10.35; bulk of
sales. $9.4010.35.
Sheep Receipts, 2,600 head; market
steady; lambs, $9.009.73; ewes, $5.00
Omaha Hay Market. .
Receipts of prslrle hay heavy and de
mand only fair, which has caused prices
to decline.
Alfalfa receipts light and demand good
on better grades; market steady. Lower
grades of prairie hay and alfalfa, slow
Oat and wheat straw, steady.
Upland Prairie No. 1, $11.00012.00; No.
2. $9.0OV0.OO; No. 3, 7.008.60.
Midland No. 1, $10.00 11.00; No. 2,
Lowland No. 1, $8.0009.00; No. 2, $7.00
Alfalfa Choice, $20.00(gi21.00; No. I,
$17.00(8(19.00; standard. $12.OO16.0O; No.
2, $8.5011.00; No. 3, $7.0008.00.
Straw Oat, $8.069.00; wheat, $7,500
8.00. -
Chicago Produce.
Chicago, March, 25. Buttei- Lower;
creamery extras,- 44c; standard. 41c.
Eggs Lower; receipts. 2O.40D-- rases;
firsts. 22Vi2.1c: ordinary firsts. 19 20c:
at mark, cases included, 2122c.
Fouitry Alive, lower; lowis, 30c;
springs, 34c. x
Minneapolis Grain.
Minneapolis, Minn., March 25. Flour
Unchanged to 30c higher. In carload lots,
family patents quoted at $8.65 9.15 per
bbl. In 98.1b. cotton sacks.
Bran $ i
Bar Sliver.
New Tork, March 26. Bar Silver Do
memtlc, 994c; foreign. 67',ic.
Mexican Dollars 44c.
m the Careful Handling of All Orders
for Grain and Provisions for Future
Delivery in All the Important Markets
Wt Operate Offices at
Wvt Connection
to AR Offices '
Except Kansas City
" Consignments of All Kinds of Grain
Every Car Receive Careful Personal Attention
The Updike Grain Company
I Vrs Kit e aw CNr r- 11
II O rLt JV O 1 1V.C
Chicago Grain
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago, March 25. All grain markets
the world over were closed today in ob
servance of Good Friday. American mar
kets will bo open tomorrow, but foreign
markets will be closed until next Tuesday.
There has been an active evening up
of trade In all grains, and as a result
of the recent decline, futures have been
well liquidated and traders with largo
profits have. In most instances, - taken
them. While the speculative situation la
weak as reflected by the declines of 25c
In wheat futures the last 2 weeks, there
Is a feeling among many operators that
there has been enough decline. For a
few days at least, there Is nothing In
sfght on which to base large operations
for a decided upturn, although a fair
rally Is due.
It Is the belief of the trade that should
serious damage come to the winter wheat
crop it would change the market's position
and create more confident buying. At
present buyers lack pronounced confidence
while short sellers are atrresslve on bulges.
The disposition Is to go alow In selling
for a few days which mlgjit bring a rally.
Boston Wool.
Boston, March 25. The Commercial
Bulletine tomorrow will gay:
"The demand for wool has Increased
during the week, manufacturers appar
ently being convinced that the emergency
tariff will be packed in the not distant
future and deeming it wise to cover some
of theit needs now.
-"Prices do not appear to have ad
vanced particularly, although the mar
ket is steadier.
"The foreign markets have receded
everywhere, wijji American buying very
limited in the foreign primary markets,
although buj'ing of wool tops continues in
England at lower prices. The mill situa
tion is steadier and some business Is being
dono more or less regularly. There Is
little new reported from the west. Mo
hair la dull and" unchanged."
Scoured basis:
Texas Fine 12 months, 70ff75c; fine,
eight months, 5065c.
California Northern, 72 iff 77c; middle
country 6870c; southern, 606Sc.
Oregon Eastern, No. 1 staple, 80?5c;
eastern clothing, 65 70c; valley No. 1,
65 70c.
Territory Fine staple, choice, 8590c;
li-blood combing, 7076c; j-blood comb
ing, 6355c; '4-hlood combing, 42S45ci
fine and fine medium clothing, 6570c.
Pulled basls:-
Delalne, 9095c; AA., 80S5c; A. su
pers. 6070c. ,
Mohairs Best combing, 2890c; best
carding, 22 25c. ,
. v.hI.11 TCTflutnirA Rates.
Following are today's rates of exc
as compared with the par valuation,
nlshed by the Petere National bank
i rer v ai
Austria 30
Belgium 195
Czecho-SlovaKla f
Denmark -'J
England !
Germany . ,238
Greece .195
Italy 195
Norway 27
Sweden 27
Switzerland .195
New York Money.
New Tork, March 25. Prime Mercan
tile Paper 7 ij 7 per cent.
Exchange Nominal.
Sterling Demand, $3.91 .; cables.
Francs Demand. 6. 9H4c; cables. 6.92c.
Belgian Francs Demand, 7.23V4c; cables,
Guilders Demand. 34.40c; cables, 34.50c.
Lire Demand, 3.97c.' cables, 3.97jc.
Marks Demand, 1.66Hc; cables, 1.67c
Greece Demand, 7.66c.
Argentine Demand, 34C.
Montreal 11 , per cent discount.
New York Dry Goods.
New York, March 25. Print cloths were
quieter today, some quotations being ho
lower tlinn those of vesterdav. Quota
tions at 6c were madefor 64x60a and
7 'Ao for 68x72s.
Small sales of sheetings were made for
shipmeift to the Levant and standard
drills for India. Silks sold moderately,
rrenes. foulards and taffetas leading.
Wool markets were dull and weak. The
burlap market was quiet.
Chicago Potatoes.
Chicago. March 25. Potatoes Weak:
receipts, 55 cars: Minnesota, Michigan and
Wisconsin, sacked, round white, 96cq?$l,UI
cwt. : bulk, round wnite, cwt.
Minnesota sacked early Ohios mostly $1.25
Kansas City Produce.
Kansas City, March 25. Eggs lc lower;
nrsis, zuc; seconds, itc.
Butter Unhcanged.
Hens, 2c lower, 26c; springs, broilers
ana roosters, unchanged.
Omaha, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Hastings, Nebraska ,
Chicago, Illinois -Sioux
City low 1
Holdrege, Nebraska
Genera, Nebraska
Des Moines, Iowa
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hamburg, Iowa
Kansas City, Missouri
I alii
Xv H i
pwr Your, father, tell
r"v-iitr psw ou PRtfcfcEP
1 l0 v
Your Face and What It Tells
. r
What Types Should Enter Professions of Medi
cine, Law, Engineering and Journalism. High
Mentality Often Needs Re-enforcement.
THE professional field in Oma
ha is most attractive in its re
wards for the person who is pre
dominantly mental in structure, yet
correctly balanced. Purely mental
people are handicapped from some
professions by the fact their physical
endurance does not correspond to
the demands of their ambition and
energy, nor to the demands of the
professions where there are occa
sions of stress -and strain.
A doctor, when his practice is
heavy, or when he ha to fight epi
demics, must forget ihere are such
things as fatigue barriers to dull
his ability. He must stay awake
days at a stretch, and draw heavily
on his reserves of energy. The
purely mental type does not have
this necessary amount of potential
physical energy, as have the more
vital or motive structures.
Mental Type Needs Rest
I analyzed a young man just en
tering college the first of this year.
He was desirous of entering medi
cine, but I advised dentistry instead.
There he would have the same in
terest in alleviating and correcting
human ills, yet the regular hours
would give opportunity for recupera
tion needed by his purely mental
type of structure.
The ideal physician type is ihe
good-sized, square-headed man with
Illinois Solons Will
Pfrbe "Building Trust"
Chicago, March 25. An investiga
tion of the housing situation in Chi
cago with the view of ascertaining
if a "building trust" 'had restricted
activities was started here todajr
when the members of the Illinois
legislative commission went into ex
ecutive session.
"We expect to go into every phase
of alleged combinations among
building material manufacturers and
labor leaders and make this investi
gation as thorough as possible," said
Senator John Dailey, chairman. "We
expect to obtain- results."
A number of labor representatives
are expected to be heard during the
inquiry. ,
The commission has been given al
most unlimited powers.
Have a
Easter Greetings
How Memorable the Day
Will Be if on This Easter
You Have Placed
a Columbia Grafonola
in Your Home .
In our Columbia Record De
partment you will find all
the latest Easter selections.
Wt ask
you to use
the service
of our
credit dept.
Phone Douglas 2793 ,
W . C0MI1ANY T55
lyClS- Beufuts sMsfusi fMHM MS J- '
Comhkciai Priors-Lithographers srai Oit CMWJmw
coosc.uAroc vices
OSl J ...w K.H , - A r IV- AfSAUICN II I
f t I NO I -NLl C wrr-1 V int tK VVX 1 1 I
a splendid predominance of mental
structure; or the mental structure
with a strong admixture of the vital
(There are exceptions, of course.
Many too purely mental structured
men go into medicine, and they make
good, too. But they do so at a ter
rible cost to themselves in nervous
wastage and premature death. Ask
doctors themselves hCw thousands
of fine-grained, high-idealcd men sub
stitute stimulants for real energy.
. Other Professions.
. For the law, the person of this
type must absolutely have keen per
ceptive powers; he must have a good
development of reasoning powers;
and he must be naturally cambative
and aggressive.
Engineering offers its best oppor
tunities to the" more purely motive
type, showing more mechanical char
acteristics than the 4ther professions
When the mental motive type, with
especially quick perceptive develop-
jnent, is combined with easy natural
expression, then you have the ideal
journalistic type. All the aggressive
ness of the lawyer, all the nervous
energy of the doctor; all the reason
ing power of a jurist, all possible
mental and structural qualities tend
ing to a 100 per cent alertness are
desirable for an ideal journalist.
Answer to tjueetlons.
A. R. C: Send us a self-addressed,
stamped envelope and we will forward the
address of a reliable art school, from
which you can get the course you speak
of, by extension. Many so-called corre
spondence courses are not commends ble.
but this one has the ticking of the artists
in the commercial and newspaper field in
Omaha. Tea. commercial designing as
a vocation will pay you well If you are
successful in it. I should see you in per.
son to decide that question.
P. D.: We will discuss the lumber
business In an article in a very few days,
and will give the Information you, ask
for therein. Watch for It. .
K. V.: Tes, character analysis is used
In many large Industries in the east. Every
employe's characteristics are charted.
Mr. Steffen: The best way to break
into the newspaper game Is to serve a
practical apprenticeship as a "cub" re
porter on a dally in the town or city
where you live. There are- courres In
Journalism In Omaha, and one or two
extension courses that are reliable; but,
after all, they are only theory, and each
newspaper has. a different ' policy. The
best way to be a newspaper man Is to
"be one.
Editor's Note Wnlle thee articles
are being published Mabel Warner
Rugg will undertake to answer all
questions from Bee readers on charac
ter analysis and vocational choice.
Send tbe letters care of The Bee.
A National
Can Only
Be Built on
Select any
you make
your own
A W V A 1 P
Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith.
(Copyright, I92t. by Chicago Tribune Oo.)
South Side
Officer Cleaning Revolver
Accidentally Shoots Woman
While cleaning his revolver yes
terday Patrolman Wesley White
shot Mrs. Myrtle Laird, 21, 2507 E
street, the bullet striking her in the
back, taking an upward course and
emerging from the right shoulder.
White had failed to extract all the
cartridges from the revolver and
discharged the cartridge when he
snapped the trigger. Attending
physicians say "Mrs. "Laird is ejot
in a critical condition.
Judge Questions Man and
Then Hands Him Fine of $50
Peddling rings and other jewelry
at Twenty-sixth and Q streets. Wal
ter Peleckea, 1011 Farnam street,
was arrested 'for investigation.
Search of his rooms failed to reveal
any damaging evidence, so he was
charged with vagrancy when ar
raigned in South Side police court.
Failure to give satisfactory answers
to the judge's questions regarding
his source of revenue brought him
a $50 fine.
South Side Brevities
. -
Illinois coal, $10 per ton. Plvonlta Coal
& Feed Co., Bo. 061G.
A. P. Conawsy. painting and paper
hanging. Phone Tylur 3581. 2J!J Vinton
street. Adv.
The Omaha Bee South Side office Is riow
located In Philip's department store at
24th and O ctreets.
The meeting of Adnh chapter, O. E. S..
ueeq ssn' 'DuiU3A9 j(up.mis -oj peinpeqo
postponed until next month.
Outfit for ice cream, soft drink and
restaurant for sale. This Includes 60
Iron-wire ohalrs and 12 Iron-wire tables,
one National cash register, several mir
rors and other supplies. Very reasonable.
SSIO N Street, South' Omaha,
Between , Twenty-sixth and Twenty
seventh streets, one-hnlf block east of Union
Pacific railroad tracks. Phone Couth 2370.
Don't miss this Kaster sale of new 11,000
stock. This includes 1,000 pieces of new
granlteware, glassware, silverware, hard
ware and many other kinds of merchan
dise too numerous to mention, priced from
6c up. Sewing machine slightly used,
bicycle, garden tools, all kinds of new
household furniture. New. ALL cotton 45
pound mattresses, t; Wilton rogS worth
tlOO, IBS.60; Axmlnster rugs worth $56,
$40. Also Wilton, Axmlnster and Brus
sels rugs. 0x12, 8-5x10-6, 6x9. Other rugs
of different grades and makes priced $3.2&
and up.
Between 26th and 27th St.. South Oma
ha, 4 block east of U. P. railroad tracks.
Phone South 2370. Open week days from
S till 7; Saturday from 7 till . Adv.
Your Easter Hat!
is now, raady for you at the Philip's Store. Come ia and make
your selection now.
Everything has been considered for
your satisfaction in these new Spring
Hats style, quality, appearance and,
above all, your money's worth.
Our assortment of New Spring Hats is
complete to the detail, ,all the latest
models, shades and sizes. Surely,
you'll find YOUR hat in this remark
able showing.
' Regular $6.50 Values on Sale at
Two Feet Wear ia Every Pair
Elastic Looped Toe
' (6 pairs in a box)
We guarantee that these six pairs of DARN
PROOF socks will not require darning within
six months from date of purchase if worn al
ternately by one person. If they fail to do
so we agree to replace them with new ones.
6 Pair in a Box On Sale, Special, at
V 1 sssswssssss
Men's Dress Shirts
Men's fine quality tailored Dress Shirts in all the latest colors
and patterns. Regular $2.60 values, on sale at
We Giro Green
un l in
Show Sharp Decline
Washington, March 25. The
markid decline in wholesale pro
duce prices was illustrated by the
Department of Agriculture bureau
of markets, in a statement of com
parisons based on reports from 1()
leading cities.
Potatoes, a year ago soiling
wholesale at $5.75 a hundred pounds,
now are $1.35; onions which were
$6.25 a hundred pounds a year ago
now are quoted at 70 cent?; new
cabbago, which was $6.25 a barrel a
year ago, now is $3,50, and best
cold storage apples of standard va
rieties, quoted at $8.75 a barrel last
March, now sell for $5.50,
Authority to Issue Bonds
Granted Erie Railroad
Washington, March 25, Author
ity was granted by the Interstate
Commerce commission to the Erie
Railroad company to assume ,obli
ontlnn fnr $4 370.(100 of eniiiivment
trust certificates to be isstifd under
an agreement between the road ana
tin. United States Mortgage and
Trust company. The funds arc to
be used toward purchase ot equip-
. . . a i- nt J iVtLi
ment to cost o,oi.,tuo. - y
Confirmed Superiority
There is not a merchant living In
America that has been lowering prices
more constantly than we have here at
Flynn's. ""
The minute a price is reported down
at the factory, down It goes here.
At tbls time, there are fake brands
out to meet the call for cheaper goods.
We are sticking to dependable goods
nd we know we are offorine our trade
the best values possible when we snow
Hart Schsffner A Marx Clothins, Muns
Ing Duafold arid Rocking Chair Un
derwear, Stetson and Tiger Hats, Lion
Shirts and Collars, Interwoven RUck.
Cat and Everwear Hosiery, R. A G.
Corsets, Red Seal Overalls and Work
Clothes, Nunn-Bush Shoes and Hanson
R. R. Cloves.
Ws know these lines and many others
that we carry through and .hrotish.
We have compared and tested them
gainst all the good lines ot the coun
try (or over 30 years. Always con
firming thoir superiority. So our, bid
fer your business is the best merchan
dise at the best price you can find
In America.
24th and N Streets
Philip's Special
St Denis White China
Cup H Saucer!
3x3 'i, a regular 35c article,
ot sale Saturday only, vnue
they last, ai ;
Cup and
Fancy Sweet Idaho Prunes,
l?bi!T.?.e:. $1.00
Easter Neckwear
Men's Quality Neckwear in all
the latest patterns and colors.
Talk about better styles at the
new low prices, you'll be
amazed at our vast neckwear
stock. Your choice at
Trading Stamps
Department Store