Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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4 ; ;
Proof Of Rent- 4
Combine Asked
1 By Lfegislatois
V, Probing Committee Sitting
Here Also Asks Evidence
Of Tenant Blacklist; Rent
ers Testify at Hearing.
Your Face and What It Tells
Young Women, Don't "Drift" Into Vocations for
Which You Are Not Fitted, Analyst Pleads
Story of the Two Little Clerks.
"We are interested in -oblaininp
my information which might tend
o show that tiicre is a combine in
x Dinaha to fix rentsi or whether there
s a blacklist of tenants, maintained
y owners or agents," said Reprc
autative Charles S. Reed of the
i fecial legislative committee, sitting
a the council chamber to investi-
;iite rents inOmaha.
This statement was; made in conr
" iretion with the testimony of U.
, U. pessauer. 3506 North 1 wenty
; ourth street, yesterday afternoon.
, 1 he witness testified that he rents
i six-room, house owned by Airs. E.
Kuhlman, whose son, Fred Lauer,
',' icts as agent. ,
", "Fred Laurer said his mother told
Him that my brother and myself
l.U W it 1 ' I II V V vil U 1' HIV Hi '.Jl r.
enants," said Mr. Dessaucr to tliejf
" ;ommittee. JLauer told me that his
nother had conferred 3-ith realtors
ibout the matter. Healso told me
hat landlords were profited ing and
that he and his mother also would
Drofiteer." , f
Rent Raised.
n- Mr. Dessaucr- asserted 'that ; he
paid $25 a month three years afeo
md that his rent was increased to
.'550. but that he went into court and
obtained an arrangement whereby
... . i n, tin
N-a month.
Mrs. Clara Fenyiick, 308 NortU
Vwenty-fou'rth street, also a tenant
of Mrs. Kuhlman, corroborated the
testimony of Mr. Dessauer, adding
.that she Nwas told by Mr. Laura that
the rent would be $50 on June 1 and
that members of the Tenants
league would be evicted from the
houses owned by himself and moth
ei. Mrs. Fenjwick also stated ' that
she tried to obtain a flat last year
and each agent to whom she ap
plied asked her whether she was a
member of the Tenants' league be
fore he would discuss the mattcrof
renting a flat - v
Mary J. Aberley, candidate for city
commissioner, complained of the
rent she is paying for si. rooms on
the second floor of 4833 South Twenty-fourth
street, which she told the
Wommittee was controlled by Jo
; ' pb Koutsky.
s Will Subpoena Landlords.
.,,"Ve niOyedjnto this place three
year ago at a rental of $2o
a month,"' she testified., "The rent
.has been' raised gradually until .'it
Vis' now $7S and we have been told
that it will be $85 this spring. The
place is dilapidated and unsanitary.
. The buildinar is 30 ears old and
"has never been painted during that j
'time.'. "" " " -
; Committee members ' announced!
'they would subpoena Mr. Koutsky
snd any others wno are mieresicu
n this proper. , - ;
Mrs. II.-B. Fitzgerald,H408, North
Twentv-scventh avenue, injected
Vnusual spirit Into her. testimony.
She invited the legislators tfe visit
her home and -view the wail paper
and the smoky walls. She testified
that she moved into bcr present
abode last February and that the
property is owned by P. J. Rinn,
member of the police departmeif . ,
'-."I had to pay $4 for bedbug medi
cine when I moved in." she asserted.
"I also had to pay for havutg the
furnace repaired. I am paying $47.50
a month now- and have received no
tice of an increase of $12.$0 a month,
beginning April 1. The owner told
me the increase was because'of high
er taxes and I went to the "court
house and learned that he is paying
"only $17.30 a year more for, taxesj-
v Joseph P. Hanley, T83Z North
, Eighteenth street, complainedpf the
N-ent he paid vy hile a tenant at 624
North Eighteenth street. '
Jury Awards Pension
,'ea girls have drifted from
school into schoolteaching by
thousands, not because
they felt any particular call or inter
est in the profession, not because
they were particularly fitted for it,
but because it appeared the only
respectable thing they could do for
a living untjl they got a husband.
In later years a large part of this
non-resistant mass of femininity has
been caught into the current of busi
ness life and has drifted- into the
BJk waters of stenography.
"his is not in any way a reflec
tion on stenography as a vocation,
for it is one of the most direct steps
to business success. By the "bark
waters of stenography" I mean :hat
part of the profession'which holds
the misfits, the "key-pounders'" who
are the bane of every business man's
life? the familiar faces in every em
ployment office; those who will be
earning 10 years from now very
much the same mediocre salary they
earned when they began. ,
Stenography Fundamentals. - ,
Before you1 attempt stenography
at all, find out whether you have
the following fundamentals, neces
sary to efficiency. Do you' have a
capacity for detail? Are you de
pendable not, in matters of honor
alone, hut more in matters of mem
ory. Will you keep appointments,
and remember other persons' ap-
intments? Have you a keen sense
time? Do you gain quick and
accurate impressions?. Is .your
hearing good? Are .you naturally
observant Is your reactioa ' time
fast on perception? flave you suf
ficient Vocabulary? Is your knowl
edge of English structure good
enough to supplement your employ
er's possible lacks in that direction?
! If you are not qualified, do not
waste time in" learning to pound
keys; foiythat is all you will ever
do. Antf forever banish the in'sane
idea that there is no place for. you
in the business world not already
filled to overflowing. Listen, for
a moment to me story of oopme
Delevan. president of tW National
Woman's Association of Commerce
inVChicago. Six years agoshe started
out with an Idea and $65,'Sroday
she is worth $650,00(fc Her idea?
Mariufacturine doll wigs, afflf dis
tributing them all over the, .Amer
ican continent. ' ' "i
The Two Little Clerks,
Two little clerks, turned off by th-f
Union Pacific lately, came into my
office the other day, "tired to death
of shuffling tickets. They weren't
fitted for clerical work. I told them
the story I have told you of Sophie
Delavan, and her planning and
working on her own business, nurs
ing it from a baby attempt to a
flourishing industry.
We planned together and those
two bright-eyed girls are forming a
partnership to make and market an
original little household de'licacy. If
they grow in ability and vision as
they have the capacity in them to
grow, this little project will develop
into a flourishing catering business.
These girls were noUthe type of
"would-be" business woman who
comes to work rouged and enameled.
They ' did not wear cerise, low
necked, geqrgetti blouses, nor bead
ed, black satin gowns,, fit for even
ing dress. , Neither was their hear
ing impeded by huge lumps of hair
over the cars. They were dressed
as a business woman should dress,
conservatively, with grace and
modesty;' their throats wece decently
covered; their skirts were decently
long. ,
If you go into the business world,
try to approximate such a rtiethod
of dressing yourself. If you are not
fitted for 'stenography, 'use your
imagination foK another business.
Jf you are fitted for stenography,
then find, out what type of business
you are best fitted for and use your
stenograpny to get into a stenog
rapher's position in that business.
Then work, work, work, using yodr
stenography as a means to an end,
for more success.
, Editor's Not. While time nVtlrlra
re brinir publlnlird Mitbrl Wairnrr
-Buff will undrrUk to answer all
; tniMtlons from Re rnra ah rharar. ,
Y ter analysis aol versftinnal choice.
Kend the letters car of The Bee. 4,
I, Thief Takes Entire-
Blame for Robbery
ireman s
A decision in District JudgA Les
lie's court yesterday means a pensiorj
r of $50 a month, to be paid by the
city of Omaha to 1 Mrs. Nellie
Elliott, widow of H. B.. Elliott, a
former ' city fireman who died
November 12, 1918, of pneumonia. -
The city council held that Elliott's
yan utrn iroiu natural causes.
ftrs. Elliott broucht medical test t-
. mony thats her husband had con
tracted the fatal ' disease from un
usual .exposure ir fighting a fire. .
Mrs. Elliott, then filed suit. The
, decision of the jury carried with it
.-. i .i . i . .
paymciK vi mi re mumns pension
which was due when she. started the
': suit. , Ihe city attorney announced
, the case would be appealed.
Get Acquainted
V. X
ERE la Horace Harris, aUae
X' He Is on the copy desk en the
aj starr or The jBee.
HtN yea
Canary KM"
stories on the
sport paces
reading those
J author. 1
f started t
1 KM" a
of The Soa
day Beef
Harris la the
wild career
several years
lis while
aritinf sports
staff for Colv
rade papers.
newspaper ac
tivities and
the career of -"Canary" were In-,
leranpted hy the, world war. Hnr
rM), after vteisaltadeo similar U
those neeantered by many other
numbsrh of the A. E. T.. haded
la beHh. is raria. There he re
newed aeejnalntnnea with the type.'-,
writer as a member at the staff of .
'Stars and ' Mrlpes."
Inststa he's lte per rent Amerl.
J ran, baft' hasn't been able yet to '
toreet tboee chic and petite dam. .
sola of the Paris boalerards. 8 '
JL.$. ao' rtBl etawiev . , '.
St tit nt l H'H ! iV. r 'i"r-
" ' ' . - : .'...' a r.
Fred Sledge was. found guilty by
a jtiry inDistrict JTidge; VTroup's
court yesterday afternoon of the,4ar
ceny of $1,048 wortn of cigarets
from the Pereeov &- Moore store.
14)8 Tloward street,, the evening of ;
February 2. ,
' RoyX Slack, convicted in he case
fast eefc, and awaiting sentence to
the -.penitentiary, testified for Sledge,
declaring he "implicated him in his
confession only because of a grudge.
Slack was defended by County
Defender. Baldwin. Sledge demand
ed to be defended by a private law
yer, but had rfc money to 'hire one.
Public Defender Baldwin thereupon
hired a lawyer for him and ptid the
lawyer's .fee, $100 himself. f
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Beware!. Unless you see the namci
"Bayer on package, of onitablcts
you are not getting genuine Aspirin.
prescribed byyphysictaits lor twenty
one. years and proved Safe by mil
lions. Take Aspirin' only as told in
the Bayer package for Colds, Head
ache,. Neuralgia, Rheumatism,- Ear
ache, Toothace, Lumbago, and for
Pain.. Handy tin" boxes of twelve
Bayer Tablets of Aspirin ' cost few
cents. Druggists also sell" larger
packages. Aspirin is the trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Mojioaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
. 'Bdwen's
Eredge "'Two. Spool
Rotary Sewing Machine '
H- "The Machine of Merit"
Tbe Eldred Two-Spool Sew
: tag Machine eliminates bofc
' bins and saves the ttae con-'
sunied tn winding and remov
ing and replacing them. In
particular, this feature will be
appreciated by dressmakers .
and busy housewives, to
whom tbe time saving effect-.
ed is 'of vital consideration.
. Come is and see these
Machines Demonstrated
Your old seying machine
taken as part "payment on any
new machine.
: :
tye Have Needles
.ffor'Any Make of '
dewing Machine
Select Yours Now
$1.00 per WeeK ,
Puts One in Tour 'Home
Howard St., Between 15th and 16th
Dcsters Reccmmsnd
Ccn-0pta fcr ths Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre-
oriKa Rnn.f)nta sa a aafa hnina rmls
fa the treatment of eye troubles and to
strengthen eyesight Sold under money
refund guarantee by all druggists.
A kew Narrow
Thousands of t
Bundles oiV
Spring Cleaning
Worlc Are bue.
to Arrive at'
This Plant About
Now .r-V'i"
And do you realize how
you could help relieve
this congestion by send
ing in your cleaning work
a little before you ac
tually need it? . ' (
Even a few days, a day,
or even a few fours' lee
way help greratly when
the annual spring; rush
is on. e
Phone .Tyler 0345, or
"South-0050" if you are
a South Sider. . t.
.CleanersDxtrs -V
221 M 7 Farnun St
Brief, City News
Renew ConcessionsContracts for
concessions in city, parks wilt be
given to those who held them last
summer, Park' Commissioner Fal
coner announced. Because there was
no concession at the municipal beach
last summer on account of high
water, the- Park department wilt
dvertlce for bids for , tfie coming
Alpha Banquet Tonight Nebras
ka A'plia chapter of th Alpha
Omega, .Alpha fraternity will give its
annual dinner, honoring new mem
bers, tonisrht at the University club.
'Huiicry HeartV "Hungry
I Hearts," based on the book of the
rams' name by Anita Yetirska, will
bp the subject of Rabbi Frederick
Cqhn's sermon tonight at S at the
Temple Israel. t
Picks Woman's Clothing
Woman's clothing exclusively was
stolen from the home of Mrs. T. M.
Carlyle, Ills Park avenue, Wednes
day night, according to police.
Burglar Makes Big Haul The
home of M. S. Miller. 115 North
Fiftieth street, was ransacked and
robbed of $6,000 worth or diamonds
Wednesday night, while the family
was away, according to a police re
port, i
Esthonian railroads have met with
success in experiments .with both
shale and peat for locomotive fuel.
s ' ' -''"! " '
Friday in the Downstairs Store
Specials in
v , Camisoles
Dainty camisoles made of
heavy wash satin, combined with
laces and insertions. On special
sale Friday. Sizes 34 to 44
Envelope Chemise
. Innumerable styles in satin or
crepe de chine, combined with
dainty laces, ribbons and chif
fon. Sizes 34 to 44 at $1.95 each.
Beautiful silk gowns of heavy,
crepe de chirje, made in the per-
fectly plain tailored style; others
lace trimmed. Sizes 15 to 17.
' e Downstairs Store
Coats for Eas ter
Are Here in Great Variety
$12.50 to $29.50
- -- ,
Coats for dress, street or sport wear long,
vvrappy models, cape effects, Dolmans .and
" tailored models offer a diversity of styles. Some
. have the loose back, while others are belted.
The trimmings The Colors
Embroidery, Tassels, Tan, . ? Deer,
Stitching, ! Buttons. - Copen, Pekin.
Vomen's and Misses' Skirts
In the Seasons Newest Styles
Smart skirts ; for street, sport,
and work are made of plaids,
checks, stripes and navy blues,
in all the wanted modes including
knife, box and combination
pleats. Sizes 25 to SO waist..
: '. , J. .
- '
s ! ' ill "
Remnants of ,
Table Damask
In lengths of from 1 to 3
yards; these are qualities
, that will give splendid ser
vicealln handsome de
signs, ntayT of them are
soiled and mussed; marked
much below regular price
'for a quick; clearance.
f . ,
: 4
Women's New
Special $1.4&
Sheer voile blouses with Khe
popular Peter Pan collar, bath
practical and attractive for their
new suit or with separate skirts,
- Downstairs Stois
The Wearing Qualities and Splendid Fit of These
low Anrons
Excellent Values in Women's
Beautiful t 4
Silk Dresses
Dresses fashioned of taffeta, Mignonette and in
satin. Long tunic effects, ripples, basque and fitted '
V - modes are here for your selection. All the popular
: V colors of the season are represented and trimmings
of embroidery, beads and laces arc used very ef
. fectively. Sizes for misses 14 to 20; for "women
10 40. ' .......
will ma"ke it well worth, your while toNtfexhere for an.
early selection. They are made of standard percale'
in plain colors' of light blue and lavender, medium col- ,
ors in checks and plaid and dark, serviceable striped
eftects. .
Foot weanfor Easter
See Special Window Display of the Seasons Newest
Creations inSpring Footwear .-
Military heel oxfords with straight tips, also Brogue ox
fords in brown calf, black and brown kid, for street vear
and the more dressy style for -dress
are shown in gray, brown, and black
suede, brown arid black kid and
1 parents, " fancy and one and two
strap effects are exceptionally good
All sizes"and widths in stock now.
Let us fit you with a pair of these
. newest style oxfords or pumps at .
the new low prices;
. 1 For
Shirting and
Kimono Crepe
For the School Boys
. , T '
Made of all wool fabrics in the latest designs
coa has the new graceful skjrt effect, 2 slanting
pockets, breast and inside pockets Pants cut
full and roomy, reinforced seams,fully lined,
'double seat and knee, exceptionally well made
throughout and guaranteed o give excellent ser
vice. Friday, $9.95. Ages 8 to 17.
For Boys and Cirls
cLevi Strauss koveratlsV'hieh neck, lone
sleeves mjyue ancr khaki, trimmed with red.
Sizes 1 to 4, $1.00 suit 5 to 8, $1.25 suit.
1 )
A Special Qfferi ng "of jthe Famous.
Corset at $1.50
These latest mode corsets are in
low,. medium and elastic top models
of pink coutil or broche. Women will 1
find them An excellent fitting- corset
and at' this pricerepre,sent an ex
treme value. Size 20 to 30.
H. & W. Gossard, and
- ;- Burges's-Nash
Brassiere and Bandeaux
Shirt Sale
From 9 to 12
.50 dozen of. men's fine Bhirts,
samples, slightly soiled, excel
lent quality madras ' and per
cale, coat style, double French
cuffjs, $1.00 each." Limit of
three; to a customer.
. s ' ' '
Men's Uniform
j $1.49 each
100 dozen street railway
men's uniform blouses, made of
the finest quality blue cham-bray,-ll
sizes, specially priced
for Friday, $1.49 eadi. .
Wash Goods
One large counter of odd
lots ; of wash goods and
linings in rempants from 1
to 5 yards in a piece. On sale
Friday at 10 yard.
Downstairs' Stors
You may have your choice of front, or bac
fastening. Made of pink broche, treco or batiste.
Friday they artf very special at .
Dawastalra Stor. v ,
. ''. I '' i
Boys' Ribbed Hpse
s 35j: 3 for $1.00
Heavy ribbed black hose, re
inforced heel and toe. Made to
withstand the hard wear which
a regular boy gives his hose.'
Sizes 8 to 11.
Dowastairs Stor. x
Fine quality and in neat
0 stripes' and floral effects.
Special at 39c yard. , "
Printed Voiles
, and Flaxon "'
. In, handsome light or dark
colors; these are of splendid
quality much ' underpriced,
1 24c yard.
Shirting Percale
' 25c, V
Beautiful shirting percale;
these are of excellent quality
in handsome striped and neat
figures, absolutely fast colors,
25c yard. y .
Muslin Sheeting
12ic .
Half bleached muslin sheet
ing, ,a fine quality that will
give good service, 3H inches
wide. Not more .than 11 yards
to a customer, quantity lim
. ited. 12c yard.
Curtain Materials
Window curtain materials,
including filet nets, marqui
, settes, Swisses and scrims, all
are of excellent quality and
i much underpriced for Friday,
35c yard.
i v '
.Curtain Rods
Double brass curtan rods
. withr beautiful finish, extends
to 48 inches. Complete with
fixtures, 49c each.
Huck Towels
22c '
Fine buck towels, size 18x
36 inches. A very Absorbing
quality in the all white; these
are neatly hemmed, 22c each.
There Was Nothing So Good
for Congestion and Colds
as Mustard.
Hut the old-fashioned tnoatecf
blaster burned and blistered while it
sftcted. Get the relief and help that
mustard plasters gave, witnout tns
plaster and without the blister;
Musterole does it It is dean,
white ointment, made with OS of mus
tard. It is scientifically prepared, so
that it works wonders, and yet doe
not blister the tenderest skin.
Gently massage Musterole in with the
finfer-tips. See bow quickly it brings re
liefhow speedily the pain disappears,
Use Musterole for tore throat, bron
chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck,
asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges
tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago,
pains and aches of the back or Joints,
sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil
blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest
jt often prevents pneumonia).
35c and 65c jars; hospital size $3.00
Hairs Will Vanish
After This Treatment
(Toilet Helps) ,
You can keep your arms, neck or
face free from hair or fuzz by the oc
casional use of plain delatone and in '
using it you need fear of
marring or injuring tne skin. A tiucK
paste $ made by mixing some of the
powdered delatone with water. Then
spread on the hairs and after 2 or 3 l
minutes rub off, .wash, the skin and
all traces of hair have vanished. Be
careful, however, to get real delatone.
Cuticura Insures
Thick GIossv Hair!
Shampoos with Cuticura Soap pre- X
ceded by light applications of Cuti- '
much to cleanse the scalp of dan- ?'
drun ana promote tne nearcsy
condition necessary to producing
luxuriant hair.
vtwra. SospXe. OintmsDtSSBdait. T
sWCatssara Soap SB
To Europe
Make Reservations now for tha
,St. Lawrencs Season -:
IVjfontreal and Quebec to
Liverpool, Glasgow, '
Havre, Antwerp.
Along; the hmutiful1 fit. Lawrence Jliver
and Gulf. Short Ocean Passage. Fail-
ings levery- few days.
Apply Local S. S. or Railway Agents or
. 40 North Dearborn Street
( CltcafO, III.
, - The Canadian Pacific
Ocean Services, Limited
Affords protection, against In
fectious diseases. All prudent
persons should avail themselves
of this dependable germicide;
I was badly ruptured -while llfttns a
trunk several years afo. Doctors jsid my
only hope of cure was an operation. -Trusses
did me no good. Finally I sot
hold of something that quickly and com-'
pletely cured me. Years have pasted and
the rupture has never returned,' although
I am doing hard work as a carpenter.'
There w no operation,, no lost time, no
trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will .
give full information -alwnt how you tnay
find a complete cure without operation, if ,
you write to m Eugene M. Pullen.. Car
penter. 714 G Marcellus Avenue. Manas .
quan, N. J.' Better cut out thia notica
and show jt to any others who ara rup
tured you may save a life jT at least
stop the misery of rupture and the worry
and danger of an operation.
Oh! That Back of Da!
It is many a woman's complaint tot
it seems as though It would break,
feet swell too
somottnww n&
bead tfui sew. Of
ten there Is paia
in back or Umba. -This
is often do
to the uric add '
vbich . accUBtor
lates In tbe ayv -tem.
As a remedy for those eajsUy rec
ognised symptoms of lnfaXmaatloa
caused by uric acid as scaldtog
urine, backache and frequent urina
tion, as well aa sediment in the arise,
or if uric acid In the blood baa caused
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, goat,
it Is simply wonderful howaicklr
Dr. Pierce's An-uric acts. "Annrlc
(anti-uric actd) Is more potent tha
m - 4MSi42i2a .