Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Autos Kacins
Rabbit, Crash; 2
Facing Blindness
u Motorists Returning From
California Narrowly Escape
way Near Grand Islaud.
Grand Island. Neb.. March 23.
(Special.) "Eight motorists, driving
cast from California, nawrowly es
caped death and. two of them face
possible total blindness as the result
. of a crash between their two auto
mobiles diirnifr a race, after a per
sistent jackrabbit on "tlpc Lincoln
i i i....
The car were driven by Fred
Jityan. 25, 131ue Island. III., and F.
C. Caldwell, 38, Milwaukee, Wis.,
iuhose eyes were pierced by glass
jtlyinjf from the broken windshields
i their cars.
J In the Ryan machine rode Mrs.
Ryan and Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Farns
;vorth of Utica, 111. 1
In the Caldwell machine rode Mrs.
.Caldwell and two sons, Fred and
; Both" parties were tourists return
Mug from California.
Four utiles west of here a jack
babbit hit the trail, in the center of
4he road ahead of the machines.
I," Br'er Rabbit persisted in leading
the machines, and the autoists took
' lip the chase in an ellort to run down
'the cottontail
,1 While the cars were running side
ly side, they collided.
Both windshields were shattered
tjind portions of the glass pierced
tlie eyeballs of both drivers. -.
" Other occupants'' of the cars es
caped serious injury and the ma-
i in wr r a licit hadltf iia iTia I7tf
Led to Train. .
" Hut the seriousness of the eye 'inT
Juries prompted Dr. Farnsworth to
iplace'all the jurists aboard a train
for Chicago, except the two Cald
well boys, and rush the drivers of
lie machines to surgical attention.
Neither Ryan nor-4he elder Cald
Itvell wete suffering great pain, but
they were led to the train with their
.ryes bandaged. '
," Dr. Farnsworth said they may
lose their eyesight.
The Caldwell boys continued their
journey by automobile.
"The rabbit scampered , acrpss a
field when the cars collided.
Strike Called in
Kansas Coal Mine
; lo'watt Says Walkout Ordered
Because Company Laid Men
Off as Retaliation. :
Pittsburgh, -Kan..' Mach i3. A.
M. llowat. president of the Kan
sas Mine Worker' union, announced
a strike of. 450 men which went
into efft at che mines of the Pat
ton Coal and Mining company here
vtsterday, had been called by ..him. at
lie instance ot tlie union s executive
Action by Howat and tlie board n
tailing a strike several weeks ago
ir. - liir arriet on charsres- of
violating an injunction vfdrbiddinfc
the sailing by-them of strikes and
the arrest of Howat and August
Dorchy, . union vice president, . on
charges of violating the criminal
provisions of the state industrial
court laws. . y. ;
Today's strike, according to Ho
wat. resulted in the alleged laying of
of a group of men. in retaliation,- he
said, for iipion demands that a mine
foreman be discharged., The opera
tors on the other hasd, asserted
that the men were laid off to meet a
varying demand for coal.
Appeal for Irish Relief
' ' iilcdo by Omaha Committee
An appeal to the business men of
Omaha to contribute-to- the. afflicted
people in devastated Ireland has
been issued by the Nebraska division
of the American committee for relief
in Ireland. The appeal is signed by
John Rush, chairman; Arthur F.
Mullen, Frank J. Burkley, Dr. TT J.
Dwyer and O. T. Eastman, treasurer.
.The American committee proposes,
according to the appeal, to supply
relief to the women and children of
Ireland, without regard to political
or religious distinction, through
trained" relief workers, and by dis
tributing 'food stuffs, clothing, buildi
mg material and memcal stores
Eastman at the Merchants .National
bank in Omaha.
!lo Fearlltiw
: of Indigestion
A Host of People Seem to Tfcrire on
What Used to Provoke Indige
7 tion Before Thej) Learned of
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets.
i When the stomach became' soiir with
Csrsinns and heartburn due to indiges
tion or dyspepsia relief may be had by
one or two Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Simply chew them, no hot water nor any
other fillers for astomnch perhapi . al
ready too much overcrowded.
These tablets tupply to the atomach
the alkaline effect which it what relieve
he BOUT' aeid eonditinn- Th, ilu .on.
tain panereatin to help digest the atarchy
food, anen. a potatoes, nee, oatmeal,
whit flour, etc.
. Get-a 60 cent, box of Stuart'a Dys-
repiia Tablets, have them on hand at all
imea and thus have no fear of Indiges
tion or dyspepsia.
The fact that these tablets are on sale
everywhere In the II. S. and Canada shows
)iow jenerally recoftniied they arc as an
efficient aid when the dyspeptic stomach
Betda littl help.
teaming Still Found
In Sub-Basement of
House; Owne; Jailed
Fremont, Neb-, March 23. (Spe
cial.) Folicedjscovered a still in
full operation at the home of Fred
Pennington, 26, who is "baching" near
the city limits with his father and
Acting on atip, the officers ap
peared in 'the wee hours of the morn
ing with a search warrant. Penning
totuwas not in bed at the 'time and
he smilingly invited the officers toJ
do their best. The trained nostrils
finally led the police to the cellar
of the home, wsere a trapdoor, clever
ly hidden with dirt, was uncovered.
The opening led into a secret sub
cellar of substantial size.
Theresteamed up and working r
arstill was dropping real "corn" into
containers. Coils, jugs, charcoal,
mash and the usual paraphernalia
made up Pennington's distillery. Sev
en gallons of the finished .product
were neatly bottled and ready for
market. v
Pennington pleaded guilty and was
given 60 days in the county jail to
meditate on the Volstead act. Fed
eral authorities will await Penning
ton,upon his release from the county
clutches. V -
Iowan Is Sought
For the Murder of
Following . Shooting Alleged
' Slayer Returns Home and
Advises Family of Crime
and Then Leaves.
Manchester, . Ia.. March 23. A
country Wide search is being made
for Lloyd Schuler, 21 years old, vf ho
on Sunday nighrfifis charged, shot
and killed William Matusch 30 years
old, his brother-in-law, on the lat
ter's farm near here. Officials were
not advised of the slaying until to
day when the widow told the sheriff.
After the shooting Schuler is al
leged to have returned to the house
and told his wife and daughter that
he had killed William. He then is
said to have ordered them to pre
pare to leave the house and all of
them drove in an automobile to
Edgwood where the Schuler family
left the car. '" .
A quarrel between the brothers-in-law
was said to have preceded
the shooting. Schuler hd-aken a
shot gun from the house saying he
intended to kill a weazel. The body
of Matusch was found in a corn crib.
Woman Is Victim of
Modern Sir Walter
Police are looking for a modern
Sir Walter Raleigh who turned thief.
When Mrs. Alice Dillon of Salix,
la., returning to her homefrom a
visit out west, reached Omaha yes
terday! she boarded a street car at
the Union station.
A gentlemanly gentleman who )saw
her difficulties -with a 2-months-old
baby in 1 arms - stepped, up to Assist
her aboard the car and lifted her
grip to the platform, climbing aboard
When the car rftrched Fifteenth
and Farnam streets the man left the
car and so did the grip.
In the crio. 'Mrs. Dillon told the
police, was a small amount of money,
her ticket tor fcahx ana tooa tor xnc
baby. She appealed to detectives to
aid her in recovering the gtip.
Martin Beck Sails to Seek. "
New Orlieum Acts inJlurope
Martin Ijcck,- managing directoV
of the Orpheum circuit, accompanied
bv his'wife, and Earl P. Saunders of
the Orpheum general booking offices,
sailed for London yesterday, accord
ing to word received in Omaha, for
an extended tour of the European
continent, including Paris and Rome,
in search ot novelties to be booked
on the circuit in America.
When in Omaha last fall, Mr.
Beck predicted this 'move as well as
the erection of a new Orpheum
theater in Omaha. Definite announce
ment of the new theater for Omaha
will probably be made by him upon
his return from this trip, Billy
Byrne, manager' of the Omaba Orph
eum indicated. ' ' .
Thayer County Couple
Celebrate . Golden Wedding
Dcshler, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) The golden weeding of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Mueller of Kiowa
precinct was celebrated at their
home. Mr. and Mrs. Mueller were
married in Cole Camp, Mo., from
which city they moved to their pres
ent home ,17 years ago.
1 Get Acquainted
? fyHE Bee hardly would be The Bee j
X 1 without him. X
? This Is Theodore W.'Mct'nlloush, A
chief editorial writer. He'a been
.y " with The Uee X
In various ra- V
parlies for so T
ions; "meriury, .
vi u run
neth not trt
the contrary."
Started aa a
printer bach
In o m p t -ump.
were the
happy days,"
he's often
heard to rem
inisce.' He
Isn't sure yet
whether he's
risen or "blaekslld" in the Intervening-
years. Still holds union
card and Just to ahow 'em he
remembers the tricks of the trade
he rmmbtea Into the composing'
room every bow and then and
"makes up" Ms awn editorial
Pe V, A
We asked hint how " many edi. 4
torlals he had "turned out" hi ?
38 years of more or less strenuous X
wlrldinc of the editorial pen. lie' f
estimated the number at some- X
thing over 10,000. , You probably $
have read m lot of them and 4
X. liked them. They're always clear X
4 rat end forceful and distinguished
Y by aflne choice of words.
3 Brothers in
Fremont Guilty
Of Swindle Game
Jury Convicts Men Who Jot
Goods From Merchants to
Sell Under Market Prices
Youngest Paroled.
Fremcmt, Neb.. March 23. (Spe
cial.) Victor, Theodore and Gil
bert 'Peterson, brothers, implicated
in a swindle game in Fremont last
October, were found guilty by a
jury here today. Sentences are to
be imposed on the latter two at a
later date but Victor is to be paroled
to the control of his mother in Val
ley, whose sympathies during her
sons' ' troubles were only for the
younger. She blames the elder sons
for his participation in the affair.
The defendants went "on theNitand
in their own behalf and admitted that
jt was their plan to contract for the
merchandise received from the Fre
mont' merchants and then sell it for
less money in order to acquire funds
they declared they needed in a hurry.
kThe brothers stated that they in
tended to pay tneir accounts within
30 days, when they rxpected returns
from a land deal. But the evidence
failed to show that, they were en
gaged in that business and that any
such deal was in the making.
Victor has been under bond fur
nished by his family since his arrest.
The older .brothers, however, have
been in the county jail' awaiting trial.
Holdrege Farmer
Tells of Swindle
Says Los 'Angeles "Bunko
King" Took $20,000 in
' Fake Stock Deal.
Los Angeles, March 23. (Special
Telegram.) John Swanson, wealthy
farmer of Holdrege, Neb., told the
court today how Eyerett A. Hutch
ings, alleged king of bunko men,
swindled, him out of $20,000 in a
fake stock deal. . Hutchings is sus
pected of being the Ijead of the gang
which has swindled tourists out of
more than $1,000,000 in a little more
than a year.
Swanson said he rrfet a man giving
the name of Hartman in a prom
ient downtown locality. Hartman
introducedhim to Hutchings whose
name he gave as Rogers and who
he said controlled " the board of
trade. Rogers advised Swanson to
gamble . in . mining stocks. Later
Rogers declared he had won $l(i2,000
for Hartman and himself, b,ut could
not pay it at the . moment because
he had been given personal checks.
Swanson desiring some of the
easy money, went Jo Nebraska
mortgaged, his farm and returned
with $20,000 in cashiers' .checks
which he cashed in San( Diego to
establish his credit. Hatman,
through a "mistake" lie said, subse
quently lost the money for him in
a stock deal. This deal never took
place, he afterward learned. Swan
son identified Hutchings as Rogers.
A former police chief and several"
police detectives, have .been named
as accomplices in the; swindling
transactions. '
Hutchings was- found . guilty by
the jury of having defreauded f. B.
Norris of Decatur, 111., out of $51,000
in a fake stock deal.
Pender Women Fail to Name
Candidate for. Flection
. Pender, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial,) At the Citizens' party caucus
here , the following" .candidates were
named: Board of trustees, G. G.
Griffin, W.' A. Racely, William
Clover. All but Mf Clover are now
servhrjTon the board. Board pf edu
cation: H. G. Heynoand W. C. Mur
ray were nominated to succeed
fhemselves. Many women were in
attendance, but failed in an effort to
nominate a woman candidate.
Omaians Recall Horrors
On Easter Sunday in 1913
EightJar ago yesterday Omaha
was struck by the tornado jvhich
laid waste a path running through the
city from southwest to northeast,
killed about 150 people, injured about
500 and either demolished or dam
aged approximately. 2,500 houses.
Many persons today recalled the
scenes of thafxgaster Sunday, March
2.1. 1913, or "3-23-13" as the super
stitious put it. -.
North Dakota Youth Taken
As Bank Robbery Suspect
Tokio, North Dakota, March 22.
Lorain Nolan, 18, was arrested at
his horde here last night, charged
with the robbery of the Tokio State
bank Tuesday. William Halvorson,
the cashier of 'the bank, and his wife,
whom the . robber covered with a
revplver and forced into the vault
before he gathered ip $250 in cur
rency, are said to have identified
the youth -
Waterloo Creamery Co. to
Reopen Faribault Factory
Faribault, Minn., March .-'-(Special.)
Because of a return to the
normal demand for evaporated milk
with a stronff market, the Faribault
factory of the Waterloo Creamery
company of Omaha will reopen here
Saturday, according to an announce
ment made today by Leroy Corliss
of Omaha, president of the company,
who is spending the week here.
PolTer Game and Moonshine
. Lands Indian in Hospital
Pender. Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial) William Mitchcell is in jail
here charged with stabbing Wallace
Tyndall, an Omaha Indian. Tyndall
is in the hospital at Walthill. His
condition is not regarded as serious.
The stabbing is alleged to have fol
lowed a poker game and was accen
tuated by moonshine whisky.
Farmer Pleads Guilty to
Charge of Making "Hootch"
Beatrice. Nell.,. March 23. (Spe
cial.) William Bristor, Dillcr farm
er, who was arrested at his home by
State Agent Fulton, who siezed a
still and six jtallons of mash, en
tered a plea of guilty before Judge
Ellis, to the charge of manufacturing
"hootch" and was fined $100 and
'Madonna and Child"'
Panel Stolen in 1919
Eoundjn N. Y.-Cafe
.. .' '
New York, March 23. The re
ported recovery in an obscure East
Side caa of one of he most cele
brated "Madonna -and Child" pan
els from the Drush of Francisci
Raibolini, known, io art fame as 11
Francia, which was .stolen in 1919
from the famous gallery in Bologna
Italy, has been 'brought to the at
tention of Signor Rolando Ricci,
Italian ambassador to Washington
it was learned today.
Although the identity of the paint
ing has not been conclusively estab
lished as the stolen "old master"
several experts arc said to have prf
uounced it the long lost treasure
sought throughout the world.,
Loot in Stolen
Mail Pouch May
Amount to $92,000
. f
Postal Of ficials Reticent About
Theft of Bag at Ceuterville,
, la-. Containing Cash,
Securities and Jewels.
' Centerville, la., March 23. Post
office officials here were reticent to
day on the loss of a registered mail
pouch late Saturday night, but it
was reported that aproximately $92,1
000 in .securities, cash and jewelry
kas in the missing mail.
It is not known, here what post
office officials are working on the
case, but two representatives of the
Chicago, ' Rock Island and Pacific
railroad and local authorities have
been searching for information.
The amount of the loss was
checked by reports from persons who
said, they had - mailed registered se
curities and cash to Chicago Satur
day and which mail it is said is in
the pouch.
George Richmond, the driver of
the mail truck, says he placed the
mail against the door of the ticket
agent's room -in 'the dcoot' as usual
dbout 9;15 p. m. Saturday.
' Adam Leishmau was on duty as
agent for the first time at that hour,
and it is said had not been instructed
that the agent usually took the reg
istered pouches into the agent's
room. He says he left about 9:30 and
noticed only one locked bag in-the.
pue ot man sacKs, out aid not take it
in. -Daniel O'Hare came on ciuty at
10 and rioticingbut one sack of reg
istered mail notified Richmond, he
The missing sack disappeared some
time between 9:15 and 10. The mail
had been left at the station without
guard from 9:30 to 10, it is said.
There were two pouches of regis
tered mail. One for a westbound
train was not disturbed. The missing
mail was addressed? to Chicago.
Kearney Man Arrested S
uii uuarge oi Digamy
Frank Taylor, former Kearney,
Neb., man, is in the county jail
at Council Bwffs awaiting a hearing
on the charge of bigamy. He was
arrested at the request of Mrs. Mary
LaCornu of Kearney, who says he
is the husband of her daughter, El
sie G. Taylor, of that place.
She says he left home last winter
and was traced to St. Joseph, Mo.,
where he was living with another
wife. The record shows that he mar
ried Miss Ella Shipman at Council
Bluffs January 10, this year.
Deputy Shetiff Gillaspy' brought
Taylor from tlw -Missouri town Tues
day night. .
Pool Halls Will Be Issue
, -""At Holdrege Election
Holdrege, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) The biggest city caucus ever
held in Holdrege, with over 500 men
and women attending, nominated the
following ticket: C. S.N Nelson,
mayor; William Lindstrom, clerk;
William Eberspacher, treasurer; C.
N. Miller, engineer; L. B. Titus and
E. E. Nelson, board of education;
William Bergman and C. O. Olson,
'Tfie-pool hall question Will come
up as a separate issue at this election.
Mass Meeting Nominates
Ticket for Friend Election
Friend, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) At a mass-m'ejsting here the
following candidates were nominated
for the city election: Mayor, C. E.
Bowlby; clerk, W. C. Hagelin; treas
urer, H. E. Nunemakcr; couucilmen,
J. E. Ncwcomb, F. X. Hackei ; board
of education, Dr. Frank Hamilton
and C. E. Bowlby. All these nomi
nated are now in office except H. E.
Nunemaker and F. X. Hacker.
New Blue Sl(y Measure
Passed by Iowa House
Des Moines, March 23. The
Weaver blue" sky bill, to control
stock promotion business and sale of
corporate securities passed the
house of the Iowa legislatufe today.
It would make salesmen misrepre
senting in any way the securties they
sell guiMy of a felony.
having trouble
Yvithyour skin?
'if you are Buffering from eczema,
ringworm, or" some similar itching;
burning eruption, try Resinol Soap
and Ointment. ee how quickly this
gentle treatment stops the itching
and cools the inflamed irritated sur
face. Don't hesitate there Is nothing in tha
Isinot prodiirts to Injur the tendcrst
skin, as hundreds of letters from satis
fied users testify. At all druggists.
Burlington Road
To Add 1,500 Men
To Force April 1
Maintenance of Way Forces to
Be Increased for Summer,
General ''Manager '
N Says.
W. T. Thichoff, general manager
of the Burlington railroad, announced
yesterday the number of mainten
ance employes on lines west of Oma
ha would' be increased by approxi
mately 1,500 on April 1.
"We wish to get our maintenance
work under way for spring and sum-
Lujcr business, said Mr. 1 hienott.
"Had we succeeded in reaching an
agreement with representatives of
labor during our conference in Chi
cago yesterday we would have taken
on about 3,000 men. v
Mr. Thiehoff attended the Chicago
conference Tuesday. It was impos
sible to reach an agreement on pro
posed wage reductions April 1 on
the Burlington, and the. matter will
be referred shortly to the labor board,
he said.: Reference of the matter to
the board, which is in session at Chi
cagd, is made possible under the
transportation act. v
An cent an hour, or approxi
mately. an 18 per cent wage cut, was
proposed by tlie railroad, which
planned to make the reduction ef
fective April 1. Failure to obtain the
agreement oflAbor representatives
will delay the" wage reduction and
make it impossible to take on the
usual number ot maintenance eni
ploycs for the summer -work,
lhichoff said. -
Farmer Burns His"
House, Kills Self
Holdrege Man," Brooding Over
Wife's Illness Home and
Barns Fired.
Holdredge, Neb., March 23.
(Special.) Brooding over his wife's
ill health, is believed toMiave been
the cause of Carl Halin, 59, wealthy
farmet" living nine miles northwest
of her, setting fire to his large barn,
cattle sheds, outbuildings and home,
and then stretching himself on his
bed and firing a bullet through his
Neighbors for miles around were
attracted to the -place by the flames
which lighted the sky. The farmer's
charred body was found shortly aft
er 10 last night when the walls of
the' home'eaved in, .
Loss from the flames totals thous
ands, . the Halin bant being noted
as the largest in the community, fil
led with hundreds of tons of hay and
the granaries filled with last year's
crops. Pure . bred stock was cre
mated in the sheds. v
Cpunty officials said an investi
gation . w;ill be" made. Two sons
and the widow survive. ' Mrs. Halin
was to lave been taken home from
a Kearney hospital this week.
Cabinet Reorganized
Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia, Mavch 23.
The cabinet headed by Premier
Pachitch, was reorganized today.-'
? "
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
''Freezone" on an acjting corn, in
stantly that corn stops hurting, then
shortly you lift it right off with fin
gers. Truly! '
Your druggist sells a tiny bpttle
of "Freezone" for. a few cents, suf
licient t remove every hard com,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and the calluses, without soreness
or irritation.
$1 Is At! You Need
to Join the Hoosier
Cabinet Club at the
Union Outfitting Co.
A Beautiful Hoosier Kitch.
en Cabinet Given Away
Next Friday Evening. .
On one point all women agTec
that kitchen work causes more
fatigue in mind and body than
any other part of housekeeping.
With the idea of bringing "hap
piness to the kitchen" the Union
Outfitting-Company is forming a
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Club.
All this week special induce
ments are beinjr made. The pay
ment of ONE DOLLAR delivers
r labor-saving: "Hoosier" to your
home. Then a few easy pay
ments of a DOLLAR a week and
the Cabinet is -yours.-
Speakers Named for
' Teachers' Meet Here
Speakers at the district convention,
Nebraska State' Teachers' asocia
t'on, to be held in Omaha March 31
Anril 2, were made known yesterday.
They are L. D. Coffman, president
of the University of Minnesota; Dr.
W.'A. E'ans, sanitary science expert
of Chicago; Chancellor E. H Liud
ley, Kansas; William McA.sdrews,
associate superintendent. New York
City, rtnd Hugh S. Magill, Washing
ton, D- C, held secretary for the na
tional association. Dr. Lida B. Ear
hart and J. E. Le Rossignol of the
State university will also speak.
)ine hundred out-of-town tcacheiS
ard expected to attenjd. ' These, with
Omaha's 1.200, will swell the attend
ance to 2,000.
It is to be the fust sectional meet
ing held in Omaha since the state or
ganization split last fall. Sessions
will be held in the Audi.orium,
Crcighton gymnasium, Labor temple,
Fontenelle hotel, Y. W. C. A. and
Central High auditoriums, and Tirst
Methodist church.
Omaha "Y" to Hold Annual
Fund Drive March 28-April 4
Annual finance canvass for the
Omaha Y. M. C. A. will be held from
March 28 to April 4, the board of
directors announced yesterday. The
Omaha Y, M. C. A. is asking for
$50,000 this year, of which $28,000
will go for current 1921 expenses,
$5,000 for state work and $17,000 to
cover a deficit on operating expenses
which have been carried over from
previous years.
Gerdon W". Noble, president of the
Omaha Y. M. C. A., has sent out in
vitations to a dinner next Monday at
6:30 in the Y. M. C. A. on the second
floor, at which Walter W. Head,
president of . the Omaha National
bank, and Dr. Frank G. Smith, pastor
"California Syrup of Figs'f
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
mosj; harhiless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. ' Children
love its fruity taste. Full directions
on each bottle. You must say 'Cali
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A Dimolv face will not embarrass vou
much longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. The skhK
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel; there's -no
sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No, one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with a "dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
clisposition or pimplj face. '
Olive Tablets are1 a purely vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil ; you will
know them by their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with fiver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result. Take one or
two nightly for a week. See how much
better you feel and look. 15c nd 30c
Milwaukee Railroad Man Says
Tanlac Restored Him to
Perfect Health Gains
18 Pounds.
, 1 ;
"Tanlac has put an end to troubles
from which I suffered for nine years
and has actually built ' rue up 18
pounds in weight," said Edward J.
Paul of 66 Twenty-ninth street, Mil
waukee, tinsmith for the -Milwaukee
railroad. , ,
"Yes, I'm feeling like a brand new
man now, but before I got Tanlac I
had the worst kind of a case of stom
ach trouble that cramped and hurt
me terribly. I bloated until I had
pains in my chest, my heart palpi
tated frightfully and it was all I
could do to get my breath. I l;ad to
livs on milk toast, cereals and the
lightest kind of a diet. My liver was
out of orjler, I was bothered a lot
with constipation, and I had a bad
taste in my mouth nearly all the time.
I had awful spells of headache and
dizziness,' and my back hurt me until
1 could nardly stand it. 1 was so
restless I couldn't sleep to amount
to anything, and I had to lay off
from my work from time to time.
"My father used Tanlac. with such
great success that he gqi me to try
'it, and seven bottles have done awy
with my troubles and put me in the
best of health. I can cat just any
thing set before mc now. and-1 never
have an ache or pain. I d have Tan
lac in my house at any price, and all
'njv friends know what a great medi
clie Tanlac is to have fixed me up
Ao fine."
Tanlac is sold by the leading
druggists, '
of the First Central Congregational
church, will speak, and plans for the
canvass will be laid.
Cold WaveWiU Follow
Predicted Rain in Omaha
Vt'lUvi nouni " "
today, according to M. V. Robins,
tenerai meteorologist. ,
"A cold wave will follow probable
showers tonight," Mr. Robins said.
But it ought not worry -he early po-
There is a subtle satisfaction in the
wearing of Collegian Clottos that well
dressed men who know style and know
quality, fully appreciate.
For, after all, it is from the sense of
being correctly clad that men derive the
fullest measure of self-satisfaction.
N. E. Corner 17th and Harney Sts.
Some of the greatest
contained on the following ten Victor records. Make this
a memorable Eastertide in your home by getting these
wonderful selections. .
VLes Rameaux" (The Palms)
"Open the Gates of the Temple'
"Festival Te Deum" Part I
Festival Te Deum" Part II .
VChrist Arose"
. ''Beautiful Isle of Somewhere"
!'Lord Dismiss Us with Thy
fComingdf the Year"
VAngels Evsji1 Rriaht nd Fir"
VUnfold Ye Portal"
''Jesus Christ is Risen Today"'
t'Blest Be the Tie That Binds"
VThe Palms" '
J'The Holy City"
f'The Lost Chord",
!!The Palms"
Enjoy Easter ftlusic With a
,- Vietrola frorrr
"The House of PleaWt
15th and Harney Douglas 1973
The scientific blending of
of benefit to persons who
Brain Fag
Slow Recovery from Influenza and Kindred Ailments
r y run down? Ars you irrilsbUT Art you overwork td?
Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial in
gredients. In original le-ozy bottles only.
Solo Manufacturers For Ssle br ' Kantss City. Mo.
No. 1809 So. 16th Strwt.
Ho. 2 2002 Farnam Street
and leading Nebraska druggiats.
tato planter for we'll have no freez
ing weather."
Gage County Plans to
Improve Goldenrod Hi-way
Beatrice, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) Members of the board of su
pervisors and Highway Commis
sioner Free made a trip over the
Goldcnrod Ili-way east of the city
and maths plans to improve tlie road
between lu-re and Filley.
Easter music ever written ia
Trinity Choir
Trinity Choir
Hay den Quartet
1 rinity Chimes
Church Bells
. Marsh 1
s Trinity Choir J
Hsvden Quartet 6178
1 riiuL v.l..,ir ,
Macdonough .
i .L 1
reliable vegetable remedies
suffer from
Sleeplessness -Loss
of Appetite
Digestive Troubles
J -