Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    mJ, biu: u;.iAliA, iiiUujiJAY, LiAKuii 21, 1921.
Sunday Blue Law
Is Substituted
For Senate Bill
Committee Plays Joke on
Upper House Continue
Fight on Regulatory-Measures.
; Lincoln, March 25. (Special Tcle
' gram.) The senate committee on
" miscellaneous subjects played a little
! joke on the tipper branch today by
, .stripping S. F. 264, a bill to abolish
four code tecretaries, of everything
but the number and atttaching a Sun
" day blue law bill to the number. The
substitute mil prohibits the playing
,oi uase oau m any precinct or town
, snip that votes against it.
- In committee of the whole th
senate again went on record against
regulatory bills and all but killed
S. F. 345, legalizing the state bureau
ot animal health. The bill was saved
by Chairman Good of the agricul
tiiral committee, but 'not until i
'clause was stricken out which pe
-naiizca miraction ot any rule or
regulation of the state yepartment
f agriculture," leaving the penalty
-on violation of provisions of thi
I The same objections, too much
regulation, were raised against S. F.
311, to regulate employment agen
cics and prevent them from send
ing men out "on wild goose chases"
for work. It was advanced to third
reading, with 20 votes in its fa
vor, x
I Senator Anderson called up H. R.
4I1, the Lincoln annexation bill, and
it was advanced to third reading
without discussion. This bill permits
individual suburbs to vote on
iwimiiK wiin Lincum on a ycuiiuu
of 20 per cent of their citizens.
- The senate set as a special order
for Thursday, H. R. 440, tin state
hail insurance law. These additional
bills were advanced by the commit
tee of the whole to thjrd reading:
- S. F. 142 Limiting county taxes
o 50 cents on the $100 actoal value,
instead of $1.50 on the $100 assessed
value, now one-fifth of the actual
i Correct Salary BilL
S. F. 326; Authorizing secretary
'of. state instead ot secrel&ry of
finance to publish session laws.
S. F. 251 A bill to increase the
falary of the next cou.vty treasurer
ot Douglas county from $4,000 to
$5,000, was about to be advanced
when somebody discovered that in
amending the bill all salary provi
sions had been stricken out. It was
left on the general file for later cor
lection. ! The senate killed S. F. 179. a bill
to , mcrcase the salaries ot district
clerks in smaller counties up to $1,
Your Face and What It Tells
Why Johnnie Leaves the Farm and Why Modern
Scientific Farming Offers Great Opportunities
To Persons of Right Type.
Annexation Of
Sarpy County
Grows In Favor
TT7HY Johnnie left the farm."
yy has been the topic of many
a fireside talk bv the home
folks, of many a learned book by
proiessors.of economics, of many
musical comedy on Broadway. But
few have discussed the matter scien
tjfically and basically from the
standpoint of Johnnie himself.
The truth is that Johnnie orob
ably didn't have a long enough back
ncau showing that lus love of na
ture wasn t sufticiently strong to
make him overlook the unpleasant
ness of 4 o clock milking times. Hi
head probably wasn't square enough
that is, lie didn t show sufficien
conservatism in his nature to get
along without variety of activity
His fingers most probably were too
short to show a capacity for ,dc
tail, a characteristic essential for
success m farm work.
Too Fine Textured?
Again, he might, have been too
fine textured to get pleasure out
of the rigors of farm life. His na
ture interpreted as hafdships. those
things a successful farmer retards
as minor in comparison to the de
lights of the open air life he loves,
iou an know that ot later vcars
there has been a distinct back to
the farm" movement. In the exodus
have gone colonies from university
towns and cities of the east, middle
and western parts of our country.
Six of these colonies have come
under mv Personal observation
and all are successtul. How is it
that university people, many of
them city born and bred, and rrent
ly nurtured, can be happy on the
larm, oven out on the unbroken
plains of Arizona?
Why They Succeed.
It is simply this. Even if they
were brain workers beiore hand.
they were people of quick percep
tion, an essential to happiness on
the farm. They were mediiim or
coarse textured and they were of
the type who would not interpret,
regular routine as monotony.
In fairness, of course, to the
Johnnie who left the farm in days
gone by, we must admit that con
ditions have changed radically
since his day of departure. These
university colonics, for instance, are j
building their farm homes in vil
lages, as the Mormons build theirs
in Utah, with their farms running
out from the circle of homes. So
they have "all the advantages of
farm life with all the happiness ot
social group companionship.
Changes in farm methods, too.
differentiate this new era from the
old farm life, where men plowed and
sowed and plowed and sowed again,
year in and year out, as their fathers
had before them, with never a
Science Enters Farming.
Now the farmer must have tech
nical training or at leist apprentice
ship to some scientific farmer. Soil
rejuvenation, scientific animal hus
bandry, plant and tree culture, all
these require a scholar's brain with
the worker's brawn. Today, on the
farm, with' its distances wiped out
by Jlie automobile, its old horse
barn replaced by a tractor shed, its
drudgery eliminated bv mechanical
conveniences, scientific farming is a
vocation offering interesting futures
to persons fitted by nature to under
take it.
Intensive -vmethods are reolacine
the wastefully extensive methods of
the past, and this gives a solendid
chance for women. Avoung woman
who came into my office the other
day. as a result of reading these ar
ticles in The Bee. confessed that
she had sometimes wished she could
operated garden farm, bee farm, and
pleasure resort in the vicinity of
Omaha. She got my 100 oer cent
approval, and probably will be cater
ing to your palates one of these fine
Need of Fort Crook Paving
Starts Talk of Reconsider
ing Measure Recently
Voted Down.
Answers lo Questlona,
Mr. B. H.: Yes. indeed, your letter sent
to The Bie has been referred to nie. but
since the publication of the article on ilia
vital type, so many people have written
and phoned for further Information that
have had to take them In turn for re
ply. along with the multitude of other
questions. I am Vrlting you a three-pase
letter on diet and exercise and other ro
duclnsr factors, so be patient.
-Miss j.: it la itnDossible to tell inn
anything about yourself from the hand.
writing; akme. Character analysis covers
field or which the handwriting Is m.iv
one related phase. Tour bodily structure
your, head shape, features and many other
things must be considered before I can toll
you to what type you belong. Hence the
necessity 01 a personal interview.
Editor's Note While these urtleles
re being published Mabel Warner
Rugg will undertake to answer all
questions from lire readers on charac
ter analysis and vocational choice.
Send the letters rare of The Bee.
Fourteen Bills
Are Killed By
Senate Rules
Bill Authorizing
State Purchase of
Road Material Saved
Lincoln, March 23. (Special Tele
'mm l i v nnnrii irr h i in v
bill centering purchases of bridge
and highway construction materials
in the state department of public
works, the lower house reconsidered
Its action and put the bill back on
general file. Representative Uster
man led the fight to give members
a second opportunity to vote on. the
bill. Representative jspperson oi
Clay fought the Osterman motion
and reiterated charges of the im
mense power centralization of these
purchases would place m one -depart'
rhent. N
; The bill. H. R. No. 554, directs
that on March 1 each year county
commissioners shall prepare and
submit to the state department a
list of road and bridge . materials
necessary to carry Tut their bridge
and road program tor tne ensuing
year. It provides specifications for
these materials shall be prepared by
the state department and bids re
ceived by the state department of fi
nance. "Materials; not in excess of
$200 may be purchased by the coun
ty commissioners. .
George M. John'son, secretary of
the department of public works, was
conspicuous in the lobby when the
Osterman reconsideration motion
was under discussion.
Rost Problems H)nly to
, Be Heard by Committee
'Lincoln.- March 25. (Special.)
Before going to Omaha tomorrow
special rent investigation com-
ttee issued a notice that it would
consider nothing at its two-day hear
ings there excepting testimony perti
tent to rent profiteering or loss on in
vestment on apartment houses. The
committee will hold its first meet
ing in the city hall at Omaha at 10
"tomorrow. All members of the pub
lic are invited.
"They WORK
while you sleep"
I Thirteen Measures Go on Gen
eral File and Five
Are Indefinitely
. . i
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
Fourteen senate bills, not reported
out of committees, automatically
diecL under., the rule adopted last
week by the upper branch.
One of the bills brought out from
the committee at the last minute for
the general file was S. F.' 264, by
Kickard, whirh abolishes the office
of four code secretaries and places
their work uuder four elective offi
ciahs. Under this bill, Lieutenant
Governor Barrows would become
head of the department of public
works at a salary of S5.000 a year,
Thirteen bills were reported out
tor the general hie and hve for in
definite postponement.
The bijls which died in committee
hands are as follows
S. P. 315 Warner's co-operatlvo asso
elation law.
S. F. 287-Johnson's bill to repeal co.
wpenuvo HPCTCiRuon law or Jl.
S. F. 130-t-Maklnir oountv treasurers In
eieaa or county cierKs custodians of hunt
ing itctnse tunas.
8. F. 335 Congressional redisricting
S. F. 103 Soldier bonus bill
S F. 237 Corrects section numbers in
worKmen s compensation law. -
S. F. S24 Make disease compensable In
workman's compensation law.
S. F. 166 Gives three days of araoa to
oaiiKs wnose oralis are Meld up for ma
Uclous purposes.
s. F. 164 Sanctions 10-cent exchange
S. F. 263 Co-operative bank hill
8. F. 21 To codify leeal raten for
ik' f " 25- r,"eclB statute defining eon
a. i isew paternity bill.
Committee rnnrt.t ..,...- Km. '
. - -. ...Lav WIII9 iJf HI
definite postponement;
b. r 167 rwo justices of peace nnd
a vtl,slraies ror umana,
1 .10 Vliy councils mv 1-nrr.i.t
assessment errors.
8. F. 117 Reduces ner i-snit.
county agricultural societies.
"i1,9 fp"owlng bills were passed on third
,h.'.iiil...!!7"'Blllto prevent "ambulance
.iiuoiiig , rdMpa 2a io 6.
- Auinoruing Incorporation of
letter societies.
Child Welfare
Bills Killed
By House Rule
Ten out of 29 Measures Have
p Chance of Passage Movie
Censorship is Not
- a j .1 I
achy, tun ot com, unstrung. Your
meals don't fit breath is bad, skin
sallow. Take one or two Cascarets
tonight for your liver and bowels
and wake up clear rosy and cheer
ful. No griping no inconvenience.
Children love Cascarets too. 10
50 cents -
American Legion,' state lodges and Oreek
j-assea 3 to 1.
Omaha Legislator's Desk
Decorated for Marriage
1-111COI1J. Aiarcn ' At. Snerial
Aiciuoers or ine lower linns
the desk of John O. Yeiser, jr., of
" American nags in honor
of the young Omaha attorney's mar-
obc in council Blurts yesterday.
nic session two years ago
George B. Dvball of Omaha
was hit by one of cupid's darts. Dy-
ucirame ill aurino-'the
and a nurse was necessary. After
Dyball recovered his health he de
cided she was still
- - x-t! j aim
nicy were married during the ses
. . ' t,,c icujainaer ot tne ses-
iun Mrs. ijypall remained in Lin
MunicipafTicket Named
At Caucus in Sidney
Aiarcii .(Special
Jgn )-A citizen?' cau's with
-.v. uuu present nominated the fol
i "-n.iprti ucKet tor spring
election; Isaac Grabil, mayor; Frank
rnrnerier t...,..... t-
M-M, w Sr. rrea -tevens,
clerk; Martin Dimery and A S
Hardy, members board of educa
tion. There will be -no opposition
Branch House Established
By Omaha Hardware Firm
Sidney, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) The Henry and Robinson
Hardware company of Omaha have
established a large branch distribut
ing house here Thev have renter!
a big warehouse and will cany com-
ijil-ic siock lor tneir trade m Ne
braska. Wyoming, Colorado. Utah
and Montana.
Lincoln, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Ten of the 29 child
welfare bills introduced in the lower
house may live. The others died in
committe today under the house rule
imposing the death sentence on all
house bills not out of house com
mittees by noon today. Four have
passed the house and are before the
senate. Those upon which the wel
fare workers are centering their
fight for passage in the house are:
H. R. 84 Establishing a bureau
of juvenile research, under board
of control.
H. R. 90 Amending mothers' pen
sion law.
H. R.' 100-101-102 Amending com
pulsory school attendance law and
other educational statutes.
' H. R. Ill Authorizing appoint
ments of county superintendents of
child welfare and outlining duties of
proposed new officers. ,
The four in the: senate are:
H. Rf 85 Allowing board of con
trol to transfer inmates of other in
stitutions to Beatrice institute for
II. R 89 Care and maintenance
of dependent children and unfortu
nate women outside of ooorhouses.
H. R. 98 Allowing state home for
dependent children to -remove ju
veniles found in houses jf ill-fame.
H. R. 99 Repealing guardianship
provisions for private societies that
have charge of children to be placed
in homes.
The movie censorship bill is not
included ill the list of "saved bills."
Governor Slapped By
House Bill Cutting
Pay When Out of State
Lincoln. March 23. (Special.)
raced with a justifiable demand for
an apropriation of $300,000 to hard
surface a road in Sarpy county lead
ing to Fort Crook, members of the
lower house see more justice in the
Sarpy-Douglas county annexation
plan than they did at the first of
the session. -
With annexation realized there is
little doubt of county commissioners
in. the enlarged Douglas county or
de'ring the paving of this roaJ at
county expense and thus save the
people of the state of Nebraska, the
cost of the improvement.
Admit Paving Need.
No one argues that the road
doesn't need paving. There is no
fiucstion that the importance of Fort
Lrook as a military center depends
uponi the state meeting the govern
ment' half way in imnrovine trans
portation facilities to the army post.
Representative Frezier of Sarpy
county at a recent banquet given "to
legislators byMhc Omaha Chamber
of Comcrce in; Lincoln, said:
"We must either navo tlmt rnal
flose the fort."
Members of the legislature living
south of Sarpy and Douglas conn
tie's have substantiated stories of the
terrible condition of Sarpy county
roads and that part of the Fort Crook
:oad in Sarpy county.
Refuse to Fix Roads.
These same members have l:arnpH
that efforts to get Sarpy county to
spend money in building modern
roads have failed. All of these things,
coupled with the fact that if they re
fuse annexation and also the $300,
000 appropriation they will be the
object of censure and in all prob
ability will be held responsible for
Missouri or Minnesota with more
generous purses to eet the head
quarters of the Seventh Army corps,
..uwmig iiiLui iu luuii wuii iavor
on the annexation plan.
They realize annexation won't
cost them anything and Douglas
county is willing to annex and pave
the road at its own expense if the
law will permit. Annexation of
Sarpy county will make paving of
the road by Douglas county lawful.
Although the Druesedow annexa
tion bill has been killed it can be
resurrected by a two-thirds vote of
tne lower house, Druesedow stated
today. Then, there is another w.iv
pointed out by tacking an amend
ment to an Osterman bill which pro
vides for settlement ' of 'jountv
boundary disputes. An amendment
could be placed in this bill, accord
ing to members, which would make
annexation possible in the event a
majority vote of the two counties
favored the annexation plan.
Congressman Reavis
Says Tax Free Bonds
Made House Shortage
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
Self-reliance of the American people
is in jeopardy by too much govern
mental interference, Congressman C.
F. Reavis of Falls City, declared
today before a joint session of the
senate and house.
"I don't believe you can legislate
a, cure for all evils," he said, "and
let's endeavor not to rob the people
of America of -their self-reliance,
which has pulled them through and
put them on top every time."
The large number of tax free
bonds in the country is a growing
evil, he declared, and is responsible
for housing shortages in Lincoln,
Omaha and other cities as well as
lack of- industrial expansion in other
enterprises. 1
"The taxes, surtaxes and other
taxes yi government hav forced in
vestors from the expansion market
and'driven them to hide their money
behind tax exemption securities," he
House Balks on Senate
Increasing Salaries
Lincoln. March 23. (Special.)
Salaries voted to counly judges by I
the lower house didn t satisfy the
state senate and that body raised
their salaries from $100 to $300 when
the house bill came up for consideration.
When the house bill came back to
the house from the senate the house
refused to concur in the senates sal
ary increase amendments.
,A motion by Representative Has
call of Omaha to appoint a confer
ence committee of three to confer
with a conference committee from
the senate on the bill was carried.
Speaker W. L. Anderson withheld
naming the- conferees until he
learned how members stood on the
salary increase proposition.
"A majority of the house voted
against the senate increase," the
speaker said, "and I want to see a
conference committee with a major
ity in it against the increases."
Bill Increasing Salaries
Of Deputy Sheriffs Favored
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
The. lower house today recommended
for passage Senate File 102. which
provides the following salaries of
deputies and others employed in, the
office of the Douglas county sheriff:
Chief deputy, $2,800; bookkeeper,
$2,000; head jailer, $2,000; other
deputies, $1,750.
Bill for Municipal
Light Plant in Omaha
Is Revived in Senate
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
Senate File No. 249, a duplicate of
the late House Roll No. 1, was
lifted out of the committee on, mu
nicipal affairs in the state senate this
morning and placed on general file
by a vote of 23 to 8.
The bill provides for placing in the
hands of the Metropolitan Water
board of Omaha the power of es
tablishing a municipal electric light
and power plant in Omaha.
Senate File No. 249 was killed in
Senator Beebee of Holt charged
the committee em municipal atfairs
with not acting iu good faith because
yesterday at noon Senator Robbing
notified the Nebraska Fowcr com
pany, opponents of the bill, that a
hearing on the measure would be
held last night. '
Senator Beebee charged there was
no prior notice for this hearing and
the Nebraska Tower company could
not get their representatives to Lin-
cold in time to appear at the hearing)
Senator Robbms moved that tin
senate make an exception in this ras
to the ruling recently adopted thai
all senate bills not out of the conn
mittee by-today noon be killed and
provide a special hearing for senaU
file 249 next Friday afternoon.
This motion was voted down, how
ever, and the bill was brought out ol
the committee and placed on genera'
The annual cost of road rriamtem
ance in New York state, which iui
eludes merely the lighter repairs, ag'
gregates about $3,500,000.
Two Hearings to Be Held
On Omaha Charter Bill
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
Two hearings on the Omaha charter
bill will be was announced
today by Representative Druesedow,
chairman of the committee on cities
and totvns in the lower house. The
first meeting will 'be held tomorrow
afternoon and the next TuesdayJ
"Representative Foster goes ' to
Omaha tomorrow on the rent in
vestigation committee and I want
him present at some of the meet
ings," Druesedow said. "He is an
Omaha member of the committee on
cities and towns."
SiSsggaaaEg fig?
A Duty or a Pleasure?
There's real jpy in the mornkig mealand genuine
preparation for the work hours that follow, when
the menu includes .
The full nutriment of wheat and
malted barley in this unique food .
provides unusual nourishment with
out burdening the stomach.
Ready to serve from the package with cream or
good milk. Sweet with the natural sugar of the
grains, self-developed in the making.
If your breakfast isrit a pleasure.try GiapeNuts
"There's a Reason"
Made by fbstum Cereal Co.,Inc,Bat"He Creek, Midi.
Ill IIIIIMMIirriMIIllllllIIIMriMlllTiniMIIIUIIMIMlMlirilMltllMIIIIMMIIllllllMMTIIIIIllMMIIIIIfMlltlllllllllMIIIMIIIlim H !! 1 U 1 1! Ill 1 Ml M 1 1 1 1 1 Tl 1 1 III 1 1 1 J U U N 1
-The Healthy
Shaving Soap
Cutlercr Boip iiiTi without mnf . TvarywhmZc.
Lincoln. March -23, (Special.)
A slap at Governor McKelvie for his
numerous trips out of thexstate was
administered bv the lower bouse.
when it recommended House Roll
227 . for passage. This bill pro
vides that when the governor is in
capacitated or out of the state that
the -acting governor shall receive the
governor s pay.
Ihe bill followed a tilt between
Go vernor McKelvie and Lieut. Gov.
A. harrows. The lieutenant gov
ernor wanted straight gubernatorial
rates for acting as governor. The
governor refused to comply with the
lieutenant governor s, request.
Introduction of the hill fnllnwprf
A committee amendment tacked on
pnovided an acting governor should
receive any extra expense his duties
involved,, The amendment . was
voted down and the bill proper went
That means that if the present
governor repeats his actions of the
last two years in the next two years,
the lieutenant governor will be
drawing his salarv about half th
time," "Alfalfa John" Franklin saioVI
.Representative Bvrum snoke in
behalf of the bill, declaring that
while under the constitution the act
ing governor was really entitled to
the governor's salary that sub-officials
with an eve tn ctnhprtistnriil
favor would refuse to sanction war
rants sent in by an acting governor
if a dispute similar to theMcKelvie
Darrows clash were under way.
Insurance comnanies m Ww Vrt,
in the future will nav reu-arrfc nnl
for the arrest and conviction of
thieves of automobiles, instrart nt of
fering rewards for the return of stol-
n cars, y '
IF yon sra turroas, despondent, wwk,
ran down, through excess or other cause,
we wsnt to mail yon oar book which tells
boat S2XTONIQUE, restorative remedy
that will cost yon nothing if yoo are not
eared or benefited. Every tnan needing; a
tonic to overcome personal weakness, ate,,
should get this free book at once.
440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tenn.
Take a glass of Salts if your
.Back hurts or Bladder
- troubles you.
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally,
says a well-known authority. Meat
forms uric acid which excites the
kidneys, they become overworked
from the strain, get sluggish and fail
to filter the waste and poisons trom
the blood, then we get sick. Nearly
all rheumatism, headaches, liver
trouble, nervousness, dizziness,
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
'The moment you feel a dull ache
in the kidneys or your back hurts
or if the urine is cloudy, offensive,
full of sediment, irregular of passage
or attended by a sensation of scald
ing, stop eating meat and get about
four ounces of Jad Salts from any
pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a
class of water before breakfast and
in a few days your kidneys will act
fine. This "famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
ajid stimulate the kidneys, also to
neutralize the' acids in urine so it
no longer causes irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful ef
fervescent lithia-water drink which
everyone should Jake now and then
to keep the kidneys clean and active
and the bjood pure thereby avoiding
serious kidney complications.
Keep Sloan's Liniment Handy to
Put the "Feel Good" Back
Into tho System.
ALL it needs is just one trial a
little applied without rubbing,
for it penetrates to convinoo
you of Its merit In relieving sciatica,
lumbago, neuralsria. lame mnsclps.
stiffness, bruises, pains, backaches,
strains and the after-effects of ex
posure. The congestion is scattered.
promptly, cleanly, without effort,
economically. You become a regular
user of Sloan's Liniment, adding
your enthusiasm to that of its many
thousands of other friends the world
over, who keep it handy in case of
need. Three sizes at all druggists
35c. 70e, $1.40.
Money bsck without sueitlon It
HUNT'S salve fsiu in tns treat
WORM. TETTER or other llehln,
kin diseases. Try a 75-cent box
at our risk.
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co,
Kill That Cold With
Colds. Coughs
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard famed bandy foi the Brat aneese.
Breaks op a cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache '
Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara la best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ;
All Work Guaranteed
1518 Douglas St. Tel. Doug
and Bowels
You can relish your meals without fear
oi upsetting your lirer
or stomach if you will
put your faith rsSSfisiax
Foul accumu- A f !7AH
lations thsti IIJLCtL
poison the 4 1 1 PILLS
blood are ex- r ' s
pelled from the bowels and headache,
dizziness and sallow skin are relieved.
Small Pill Soul) Da .-Smalt Price
Save Dollars on
Bed Room Furniture
Next Saturday at the
union Outfitting Co.
Complete Suites, Odd
Dressers, Chiffoniers, Beds
and Chairs Included.
If vou have hppnwanrinor to
make- vour Bedroom mor cm.v
and livable you can do it at very
little cost in the biir sale of t?uar-
anteed, dependable furniture
which takes place at the Union
Outfittinir ComDanv next Satur
There are handsoma smite, in
white ivory, oak, mahogany and
mapie, as well as single pieces,
such as Beds, Chiffoniers, Dress
ers. Dressin? Tables. Vnnitw
Dressers, Bedroom Chairs, Chif
forobes, etc. And, as always, you
make your own terms.
Most Men Have
I Why Shouldn't
I Women, too?
have labor and time saving
devices? It means a lot
' of extra hard work to be with
out An Electric
Don't wear your life away
sweeping with an old broom
when Bowen will put the Elec
tric Cleaner in your home for
$1 Per Week
A $55.00 Cleaner for $39.75
Howard Street, )
j. Between 15th and 16th
Money left
alone at 7
interest will
double itself
ten years.
(Soodl Friday
Trinity Cathedral
Cantata by Stalner
Sunt by full vested .choir, 60 voices
Noon Til! 3. 3-HOUR SERVICE
A MAN OF THIRTY who wants an
lncome.of $2400 a year at 60 (years
of age can easily attain it
OUR book entitled "BUILDING AN IN
COME FUND" shows how the person of
average earnings can obtain such an income,
under a plan that necessitates saving and invest
ing only $500 a year. The following table illus
trate this case. It is fully explained in our book:.
v Approximate monthly income at 60 $ 200.00
Total necessary to yield income. . 40,763.36
Annuaf income from sum specified " 2.445.80
Total amount invested (excluding
reinvestment of interest) 15,000.00
Total earning of the original
amount invested 25,763.36
In this book there are SO income fund
plans designed for individuals from 25
to 50 years of age. Every man's problem
ts different, but every man will find his i
problem solved, whether he can save only
$100 every six months or an amount'
many times that great. Telephone, write
or call at our office for ybur copy.
U bConpany CJ UI