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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1921)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 50 NO. 240. tutwta 8wm4-CIh M it tor Mir M. IN, il Oaahi P. 0. Uer Atl at Marti) S, 117. OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921. r Mill (I r). Inline 4th !. Dally n u, l; Dally Only. IS: aoadaj. 14 0tiltf4tk tMt (I nr).- Dally Saatfay. t: daily Oaly. Ill; Saaday Oaly, 14 THREE CENTS Trade With Russia May Be Resumed Lenine Sends Message Appeal ing for Conference With Representatives of U. S. Government. Officials Noncommital ny The Aaaoclatrd Praia. Washington, March 23. Consider ation by the United States of the question of resuming trade relations with the Russian soviet government appeared a possibility today, when the State department announced re- ceipis or a message irom ienine, Russian leader, appealing for a con ference and announcing that he stood ready to send an official dele gation to negotiate an agreement to that end. Government officials were care ful not to commit themselves as to the course that may be taken, but there were indications that the clos est' scrutiny had been given the British-Russian trade agreement and that a somewhat broader interpretation had been given regulations that de fined the Wilson administration's policy il dealing with the bolshcviki. 1 lie Kussian appeal, wnicn in pro- osing me opening oi iraoe relations said, for that purpose the relations between the two republics have to be on the whole, regularized, was issued without comment. It was ad dressed to congress and President J larding and contained an arraign ment of president Wilson for his Russian policy. The hope was ex pressed that the United States would not continue to follow "obdurately," the course taken by President Wil son, who, jthe note declared, "with out cause and without any declara tion of war" attacked Russia and "showedVa growing hostility toward the Russian republic." Note Includes Promise With the proposal to send an of ficial delegation, the note contained what was construed as a promise to exclude the United States from, its field of revolutionary propaganda. "The soviet republic, absorbed in the work of internal reconstruction and building up its economic life," the note said, "has not the intention of intervening in the inte-rnal affairs of America and. tjie all-Russian cen tral executive committee makes here with a categorical declaration to this cfted." " Confirmation , of Lenine's declara tion of his renunciation of many basic principles of bolshevism, received by the State department, has been given careful study by the government ex perts, and, while it -was realized his pparent about tace may nave uccu othina more than a move caused uy . he exigencies ot the situation, tncre was mamiesi ticic a. uivj.... ' f 1. . Ate rtrscf Irtfl tft give it greater credence. Gold on Way to U. S. Without formal announcement having-been made, the attitude of the (Turn to Faa-e Two, Column Tour.) Ability to Keep Mouth Shut Saves Diamonds When Train is Robbed Muskogee,' Okl., March 23. Of ficials okthe Missouri, Kansas and Texas Riilwav company, here ex pressed the belief that the two bandits who held up and roboed Pullman passengers on the Texas Special last night had made good their escape. . . ' The two robbers first fortified themselves with whisky, according to J. R. Hill, a Fort Worth merchant.- , ... A. . Mr. Hill told deputy sheriffs that the two men rode for five miles m ;he smoker ahead of the diner,-ialk-ing casually and occasionally drink ing from a bottle. ' H. H. Ogdcn, president of the First National bank of .Muskogee.-said he thought a joke was being playell un til someone slapped him on the head and ordered him out of his berth. He he obeyed and that it cost him rir irnmin ttirpw her nockctbook under a seat and slipped two diamond rngs into her mouth and said after wards that she "kept her mouth shut for once" and the robbers got noth ing from her, although they robbed her husband. Reduction in Railroad Working Force Postponed Houston. VT'X'. March 23. The Southern Pacific line's notice of a reduction in working force effective today has been recalled - and - the present force of 24,000 men will con tinue at work, it has been officially announced. "We took into consideration reve nues and the probability that a cut ting of the working forces would disrupt the organization and found that we could continue operations with the normal force,". G. S. Ward, general manager, said. Norris Will Frame Bill To Govern Future Trading Washington, March 23. Senator Korris of Nebraska, who is to be chairman of the senate agricultural committee, said today he planned to introduce at the special session of congress a bill to regulate future trading on grain exchanges. He is gathering information on the subject and said that while he had not defi nitely decided on the details of the proposed measure, it probably would provide for regulation through taxa tion. French Artist Dies Paris. March 23. Jean Paul Laurens, famous French artist, died here today. He was born March 29, 1838, and had painted many notable pictures, among them "The Sur render of Yorktown" for th; court bouse in Baltimore, Md. L Tons of Russian Gold Are Sent to Sweden Stockholm, March 23. (By The Associated Press.) Tons of gold are coming here from Russia by way of Reval. In Stockholm the gold is melted, given the Swedish mint stamp and thrown on the market. The understanding here is that the American State department ias elim inated the necesty of a certificate showing the origin of the gold, which makes possible admission of Russian shipments of the metal into the United States, as American con suls in Sweden, it is stated, may ap prove gold shipments without tracing them further back than their Swed ish origin. Russian and American firms in Stockholm already are hopeful many American deals held up by the ban on Russian gold, can now be negotiated. Technicalities Halt Passage of School Bond Bill Conference Committee On Omaha Measure med in Order to Permit $5,000, 000 Issue. Lincoln, March 23. (Specials Technicalities kept the house from accepting amendments to H. R. 164. This bill originally raised the inter est on the $5,000,000 Omaha High School of Commerce bond from 5 to '6 per cent and providtd that "baby bonds" could be issued for purchase by the Omaha public. When the bill went to the senate an amendment was tacked on pro viding that the' Omaha board of education "could not issue bonds in excess xf $5,000,000 every two years without submitting the , issue to a vote of the people." ' Hou$e Refuses to Concur When the bill was returned to the senate the house refused to concur, I'lainiinflr that it was r' ngerous to givi the board ot education power to issue1 $5,000,000 in bonds every two years without submitting it to a vote of the people. The bill was held up for further consideration. The Omaha board of education, through its judiciary committee, bus ied itself and explained to members that in order to reissue . the bonds without undue expense the objec tionable clause must be injected in ft bill .... That w as explained Dy memoers of the Douglas county . delegation a resolution bv the board of education passed Monday at Omaha was read, pledging that it would not ft. aHirantore of this extraordinary power and after the- present $5,000, 000 issue was disposed of this y"ar that it would take proper steps to repeXl the biffin 1923. . . A number ot memucrs umiiv such unprecedented power Ktven to an educational board, no matter what the circumstances might be, was dangerous. But the uougias coumy legislators, after much talking in la- cor oi concurrence, goi oi mi a motion to concur. Speaker Finds Error. It looked" like the trouble was all over. But this afternoon Speaker Walter L. Anderson read ruics oi procedure showing tnat w.s oi, which has an emergency clause .at tached, needed two-thirds vote of the house for passage ana inai a concurrence motion on an emergency. clause bill also needed a iwo-imrus vote, which is 0 voies in uic nuust. So, in an ettort to arrange ttrs satistactoruy, ine spc" ay- pointed a conference committee com posed of Mellor, Dysart and Rodman to meet a senate conference commit tee composed of Hastings. KODDins and Harriss. This -committee was directed to endeavor to revamp the bill in a proper legal manner so the house and senate can concur on it and get. the necessary twa-thirds vote to put the emergency clause through. The emergency clause pro vides the bill can become operative immediately after its signature Dy the governor. Burglars Enter Six Stores at Burchard Pawnee, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Six stores at Bur chard were broken into last night. Two general merchandise stores, two hardware stores, lumber yard and drug store were entered. Twenty five dollars was taken from the lum ber yard. The safes in four places were put out of commission. The burglars tried to - open tfcem by knorkinor off the combination. An acetylene welding machine was taken from Inglish and Son, rawnee iity. to aid in opening the safes, but without success. No clues have been obtained and the robbers arc believed to be local parties. Co-Operative Market Plan Approved by Utah Wool Men Salt Lake City. March 23. The principle of co-operative marketing and selling wool was approved by the directors of the Utah. Wool Growers association as a possible solution to the difficulties faced by the industry. The directors named a committee to make study of the details of pooling, which will be sub mitted to the general meeting with the wool marketing committee of the Utah state tarm Bureau Saturday night. i AGAIN! 4 gain The Bee this morning car ried exclusively the announcement of the conviction and subsequent sen tencing of Carl Kent and Fred Zlm mer, attached to the American army of occupation In Germany, by a Ger man tribunal for the attempted kid naping of G rover BergdoU, notorious slacker. This Is but another bit of proof that If you want to; read the news when it is news you should read Tho Bee. Stillman, In Court, Sa Wife Definite macy 6, m. ChilnMe by Backer At Hearing. Indian Guide Accused Dy Tha Associated Preai. WJiite Plains. N. Y.. March 23. Legitimacy of Guy Stillman, 8 months old, was attacked and de fended in supreme court here today in the first real skirmish of the di vorce suit brought by James A. Still man, president of the National City bank of New York, against the for mer "Fifi" Potter. Arguing on motions for $10,000 a month alimony and $2,500 counsel fees, Delahcey Nicoll, counsel for the bank president, openly charged that the society woman had taken "as her lover an Indian guide, by whom she had an infant son." Counsel for Mrs. Stillman replied that when the case was tried, "she will prove her denial of all the al legations of infidelity made by Mr. Stillman." Addressing Judge Morschaujser, who presided at the hearing on'ali .mony and cousel fees, Delancey Nicoll, chief counsel ror.Mr. StilJ-J llldll, saiu; "Evidence already before you shows that Mrs. Stillman took as her lover an Indian guide by whom she had an infant son whom Mr. Still man must either acknowledge as a member of his family or repudiate as illegitimate. ''This criminal intimacy began in 1916 and continued through 1919. Mr. Stillman feels it his duty to his father's memory, to his family and to his children to press this matter to a conclusion. Disliked Court Action. pv Had it been possible to do this otherwise than in -eourt proceedings, he would have done it. But there was no other way than to make the mother and child co-defendants in a suit." Mr. Nicoll said he could not un derstand the feelings of a father "whose wife yielded to the embraces of an Indian guide," but that he could understand why he would hesi tate to take court action under such .circumstances. The hearing lasted only about half an hour. When it wa adjourned at 10:35 Justice Morchauser leserved decision on the matter before him for alimony of $10,000 a month and coun- sel iees of $,00Q for Mrs. btillman. Curt Room Packed. When court'bpened today so manyr spectators crowded into the room that dlputy sheriffs had to be sta tioned at the doors to prevent en trance of any more. Many persons stood on the window sills. - The lawyers plunged into the ques- (Turn to Tugt Two, Column On.) Harding To Preside At Unveiling of New Stptue in New York New Y'ork, March 23. President Harding will head a parade of Latin-American diplomats and other notables up Fifth avenucv the after noon of April 19 in connection with the unveiling, in Central Park, of an equestrian statue of Simon Bolivar, famous South American soldier' and statesman, presented to the city by Venezuela. On that day official ceremonies will be conducted in Caracas, Vene zuela, in which two parks will be christened Washington and Clay parks, in honor of George Washing ton and Henry Clay, and a stretet named Washington avenue. The parade here will go to Bolivar Hill within the park where the exer cises will -take place at 4 o'clock. It is 'expected President Harding will make an address outlining the administration's attitude toward Latin-American nations. Plans for the unveiling were an nounced by John Barrett, former dir rector general of the Pan-American Union, who is representing the Ven ezuelan government, and Dr. S. J. Dominico, Venezuelan minister. New York Millionaire Fined $500 Under Dry Act Miami, Fla., March, 23. Harry St. Francis Black, New York millionaire, arrested a week ago on a charge of violating the prohibition laws, was fined $500 today in the court of Hugh Matheson, mayor of Cocoanut Grove, where Black's private car was raided last week and 60 cases of liquor seized. Black did not con test. Action Started to Obtain ' Liquor Seized in Raids Chicago,' March 23. Frank D. Richardson, supervising prohibition agent' for the central district, was made defendant 'in two. petitions for writs of mandamus to compel mm, to return liquor seized in raids on the complainants, Charles Gorman and William Feldman, a druggist - Street Sales of Ford's Paper Barred by Toledo Police Toledo, O., March 23. Following a disturbance in which a newsboy was set upon by street merchants, necessitating calling the police, H. J. Herbert, chief ot police, ordered Henry Ford's weekly, newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, barred from the streets of Toledo. Three Arizona Banks Close Phoenix, Ariz., March 23. Three Arizona banks today voluntarily closed their doors and a fourth be gan demanding 60 days' notice of in tention withdraw savings deposits i except in emergency cases, YS t -THe-iti. Old Cardinal Gibbons ; Reported Near Death Baltimore, March 23. The death of Cardinal Gibbons was momenta rily expected tonight, and his physi cians believed that he would not have the strength to live through another lay, it was announced at the arch episcopal residence this evening. Throught the day the cardinal's condition was precarious. He lapsed into unconsciousness several times, each time the physicians believing the end had come. A constant watch was kept at the aged prelate's bedside by physicians and every effort was made to ward off the hour of his death. In all the Catholic churches here prayers were offered for his recovery or nappy death. Labor Measure Is Reported Out In Lower House Sifting Committee Votes Out Bill Expected to Create Furore When Called To Vote. Lincoln... March 23. (Special.) Creation of an industrial court to settle labor disputes, make an of fense of strikes ini necessary indus tries and forbid picketing was check ed up to the lower house of the Ne braska legislature today by the sift ing committee when it put House Roll 6hJ, the Randall-Hascall anti picketing bill, and House Roll 517, the Epperson industrial court bill, on general file. This action by the sifting com mittee means a bitter fight with the Nonpartisan league, union labor ancf capital arrayed on the other side. The league has its members in the legislature. The unions have a lobby and capital has a lobby. Corporations, whose profiteering plans will be nipped under the Ep person bill, are reported to be align ed against the measure and ready and willing to go the limit n killing it. The Nonpartisan league and union labor already are arrayed against both bills. Representative Epperson copied the strike and lockout clauses of the bill from the Allen industrial court bill passed in Kansas a year ago at a special session when coal miners stopped work in the middle of winter and threatened to force higher wages through suffering of the public for want of fuel At the same time Epperson injected a few ideas of his own concerning profit eering which, in short, gives the pro posed, industrial commission of three membefs power to fix prices of nec essaries of life when profiteering is proved. A few days ago the sifting com-' mittee voted down ' an attempt to throw the Randall-Hascall anti-pick-eting bill Out on general file. Since that time the members have heard charges lodged against them that the labor unions and Nonpartisan leagu ers had them "scared out." Today, according to reports of members, the two bills were reported out on gen eral file without a dissenting vote. University Regents Au.J .J c j.. For Increasing Fees Lincoln, March 23. (Special.) The senate had its fur up when a resolution introduced by Senator A. F. Strum mildly -criticising the Uni versity of Nebraska board of regents was called up" for action immediately by its sponsor.- The resolution dealt with registration charges for stu- cents at tne state university. i ne senate men wiea senator Hoagland's bill, S. F. 325, over the head of the committe, 'which had re ported it for indefinite postponement to the general file. The Hoagland bill abolishes all incidental fees and charges, but was amended by its sponsor to apply only to resident students. The motion not to concur in the committee report carried by a vote of 18 to 14. The Sturm resolution went over a day under the rules, when Hoagland objected to its im mediate consideration. In doubling the incidental fees from $10 to $20 a year the regents increased the income from this source by $28,000 a year, Hoagland charged during the debate. Of this, he said, $10,000 went to-laboratory assistants and $1,500 to the dean of women for work outside of the in structional line. Hoagland contend ed the regents could meet these ex penses from appropriated funds. Sturm, replying to Hoagland, said that the university needed such a fund. Senators Harriss and Miller also spoke against .Hoagland's bill. Gardner, Fired by Wilson, Reappointed by Harding Washington, March 23. Obidiah Gardner of Maine, who . resigned from the international joint commis sion in the closing days of the last administration at the request of Pres ident Wilson, was offered a reap pointment to the commission today by 'President Harding. He will ac cept and the appointment probably will be announced formally in a few days. Two Soviet States and Army Members Said to Be in Revolt London. March 23. Newspapers reports from Riga state that the Fifteenth and Sixteenth soviet armies, stationed in the vicinity of Pskov, ar in open disorder and deserting in crowds, says an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen today. The soviet government is reported to have declared martial law in 16 provinces, the reports add. ' Doane Powell to Speak. Doane Powell will speak on "Art and Cartooning" before the Omaha school forum at its regular meeting in the Central High school audi torium Thursday afternoon at 4:15. T"-""""" "J53"S7""Z"J3"r" " """""" " """"" "H5JSrm7mmmmmmmmmmmm'mmm .a jmusswar v 14 tmmmm i raw m mmm uiri r.asr mi r mmmrm vimai m Strawberry Men Granted Permit For Making Wine Action Taken Under Provision For Manufacture of Non beverage Products ; for Sacramental Purposes. ' - "77" I-' '";Y.- Washitjjgton, March 23. A permit to manuiacture wine-out ot straw' berries for honbeverage purposes was issued tonight to the Straw berry Growers association of Louis iana by the bureau ot internal rev enue. Provision is made that no sugar shall be added to increase the alcoholic content. Bureau officials said that the straw berry growers had appealed to pro hibition authorities for permission to set upa winery to care for their surplus crop, estimated to be worth about $5,000,000. Under the Vol stead act, it was explained, it is legal to establish wineries for the manufacture of nonbeverag products for sacramental or medicinal pur poses. The association, it was1 said, plans to erect in Louisiana, a large wine manufacturing plant. Whether the principle on which the permit was issued, would apply in other cases, officials could not say, but it was suggested that should a surplus of berries occur in other states, the producers would be en titled to an opportunity to show whether there was danger of heavy loss unless the establishment of a winery was resorted to. Such procedure, officials intimated, would not be confined to strawberry producers, but would include pro ducers of other juicy berries and might, in the cas of necessity, cover vegetables such as beets and pos sibly dandefions and elderberries: Striking Printers Claim Newspapers Are Hampered ' Binghamton, N. Y., ,March 23. Union printers on strike in this city to enforce wage and hour demands declared in a statement today that they were satisfied with the situation and advanced the claim that local newspapers were obliged to limit ad vertising because of inability to ob tain strike-breakers. Publishers declared in answer that additions to their forces were being received dailv. the size of the papers and the amount of advertising have increased and that there have been practically no circulation losses as a result of the strike. Illinois Lumbermen Deny Prices High Above 1914 Chicago, March 23. Lumber deal ers have issued a challenge to he Illinois society,, of architects to prove charges made" in the society bulletin that lumber prices are 150 per cent higher than in 1914. An offer to pay $1,000 to charity if the charge is proved has been made, and E. E. Davison, president of the architects' society, declared today he would accept the challenge. The lumber men assert prices are only 60 peicent above the 1914 level and that one-third of that is due to high cost of transportaton. j Nicaragua Negotiating to Resign League Membership San Salvador, Republie of Salva dor, March 23. Nicaragua has begun negotiations to secure permission to resign its membership in the league of nations because the expense at tached to the membership .is con sidered excessive, says a dispatch from Managua. It costs Nicaragua $4,000 per month, and the govern ment now owes the league $48,000, j having been a member for a year. Persuasion Feeling Is Bitter Against Soviets Commercial Delegates at Rome Are Subjected to Insults. . . Rome, March 23. Feeling against the Russian commercial delegation at present in this city is running high at the hotel where members of the party are staying. At dinner last night, a French engineer, for many years a resident of Russia, asked M. Vorovsky, head of the delegation in a loud voice how the Russians got the treasures found by customs au thorities in their baggage when they arrived. These treasures have been turned over to the director of cus tom s M. Vorovsky did not answer, and the Frenchman continued by saying the bolsheviki had demanded that his sister: surrender her gold wrist watch. He declared that when she refused to obey they had beaten her unconscious and then taken the watch. , Virtually all the guests at the ho tel have signed a demand that the .Russians must leave, or. that' the guests will not be answerable for any unpleasant consequencef. Poison Gven as Cause Of Death of Prominent Indianapolis Women IndianannliV " Matvli 7? fV cumstances surrounding the deaths toaay or Airs. . A. Hetcher and Mrs. Kva Hpnlpv wif and M-if V.- in-law respectively, of S. A. Fletcher, millionaire sportsman and banker, Will, be invpStiffatprl at an innnttt probably Friday or Saturday, Dr. jt. r..R.oDinson, coroner, announced tonight. Dr. ' Robinson . said the women committed suicide by drink ing poison. Mrs. Fletcher's body was found today by her mother, according to Russell Stahl, butler. Stahl said he was summoned by Mrs. Henley and ordered to bring a stimulant. When he returned Mrs. Henley had dis appeared, Stahl said. According to Dr. Robinsin, Mrs. Henley was found later in her room in a dying condition.. The coroner said he found a glass containing poison in Mrs. Fletcher's room. He also declared Mrs. Fletcher had been dead six or seven hours.' ' Mrs. Fletcher has been ill fnr enmp time, her friends say. Mrs. Henley was 63 vears old and her dauchtcr. 40. . " ' Legion Expels Member Who Spoke at Protest Meeting New York, March 24. Alexander E. Anderson, former commander of the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth in fantry, was notified today by the New York county executive committee of the American Legion that he had been expelled from the veterans' or ganization because of his utterances at the recent "horror on the Rhine" meeting here. This meeting was called as a protest against the alleged use by the French of negro troops in the occupied zone from Germany and later was condemned by lcgion aires as propaganda to destroy the cordial relations existing between the United Mates and her war allies. Prominent Educator Dies Denver, March 23. Rev. Dr. Am- mi Bradford Hyde, eminent writer and educator of the University of Denver, who reached his Voth birth- day a week ago, a senior alumnus of Wesleyan university and the sec ond, oldest person mentioned in Who's Who in America, died at his home here today. JereJ City Buildings In Hamburg Taken By Communists Red Flag Hoisted Over Ship yards- Bomb Outrages Reported in Other German Cities. - By The Ansoclatfd Prei. Berlin, . March 23. Communist workers seized the city administra tion buildings - in, Hamburg today, then occupied the BJoom and Voss shipyards, and hoisted the red flag, says a dispatch from Hamburg. Workers in other shipyards quit work and began organizing mass demonstrations, according to the dispatch. In Rodewisch the city hall was virtually destroyed by a bomb which had been concealed in the basement. The use of dynamite against the co administration . buildings in Auer bach, Freiberg and Dresden resulted in heavy property loss and the wounding of at least three persons. Others were slightly injured. A 21-year-old man was arrested in Auerbach with a sack of dynamite. A companion, w1h -fired at a police man, escaped. The man arrested said he was from Danzig. The outrages are believed to be connected with the attempt of the communists to force a general strike. In Leipsac, Dreden, RodewiscIV and other cities in central Germany the communists directed tleir ef forts against, court houses, city halls, public banks and police headquar ters. A bomb exploded in the Leip sic. court house and blew off . the roof, broke all the windows and wrecked the lobby. . Ambushed Policemen in Dublin Kill 8 Assailants Dublin. March 23. A police in spector and eight- men were am bushed near Dingle vesterday and the fight that ensued, lasting three hours, ended disastrously for the at tacking party, eight of whom were killed and 20 wounded according to an announcement here today. Three of the police were slightly wounded, it was added. Bodies of Boys Drowned on Fishing Trip Still Missing Trinidad, Colo., March 23. Model reservoir four miles north of Poehne, one of the largest bodies f irrigation storage water in Colorado had not, late last night yielded up the bodies of four boys who are 'be lieved to have drowned after the capsizing of a boat some time Sat urday night or Sunday. Mother of Rear Admiral Knapp Dies in Hartford Hartford, Conn., March 23. Mrs. Mary Eunice Knapp, mother of Rear Admiral Harry S. Knapp, U. S. N.. died at her home here today. She leaves her husband, Frederick Knapp, whom she married 73 years ago. The Weather Forecast Thursday, fair and colder. Hourly Temperature!. 5 a. m ti 1 p. m 4l a. m 4? t p. m 47 1 a. m 43 S p. m 47 H a. m 44 4 p. m 47 a. m 44 S p. m 47 1 a. m 44 p. m 4M II a. m 4ft 7 p. in 47 IS noon 441.1 .S p, Khlpptrs Hulk-tin. Protect ahlpmmtn nunnir the tieit !4 to 3k hour from tfmpim lures a follow: North and west. 31 decree. Hhlnmrnt.; ait ana outh can be mail aafely. AGREEMENT REACHED IN PACKER ROW Men Consent to Wage Reduc " tion and Firms Continue 8-Hour Day and War Time Plan. Alschuler to Retain Post Dy lite ABiiurlfttfd lr. Washington, March 23. Workers in the packing industry, numbering more than 11X1,000, accept the recent wage reductions of approximately 12 1-2 and 15 per cent under an agreement signed late today by their Lspokcsmen, with representatives of tne hvc leading packers. The agreement as signed, also pro vides for the basic eight-hour day and for extension for six months ot to September 15, of the wartime Al schuler agreement for arbitration-ol differences. The wage scale as agreed to, cor responds with that put into clfect March 7 by the packers and reduces the wage rate of all hourly paid em ployes 8 cents an hour and amounts to a reduction in piece work rates of 12 1-2 per cent. Judge Alschuler, who acted as arbiter in differences arising between the packers and their employes, con tinues his services in that respect tmder the agreement, which was reached through the mediation, Text of Agreement. - Provisions of the agreement as signed by J. G. Condon and Carl Meyer, representing the packers, and by Dennis Lane and R. S. Brennan for the Amalgamated Order of Meat Cutters and Butchers' Workers of North America, follow: "First The wage cut of 8 tents an hour for hourly workers and 12 1-2 per cent for all" piece workers shall remain in effect as of the dates an nouced by the packers and shall not Le subject to further arbitrat-.on. If any further reductions are desired, they shall be submitted to the ad ministrator. "Second The basic eight-hour day and overtime rates as announced in the latest rulings of Judge Alschuler shall be restored, subject, however, to the right of the employers or em ployes to submit to the administra tor, if they desire, any question as to changes. "Third The agreement of Decem ber 25, 1917, and extensions-ttteieof and all decisions thereunder (except as herein modified) shall remain in effect until September 15, when the agreement and all awards hereunder i;rid supplements and ren.'wa3 there of and understandings connected therewith shall terminate. Alschuler to Retain Post. "Fourth Judge Samuel Alschu ler or his successor, as administra tor, shall until said -date, retain and exercise all jurisdiction and author ity heretofore existing and the em ployers and the employe's , shall abide by his decisions in- all matte rs of jurisdiction and power under t'ic aduunistratioh and all subjects , of . (Turn to Pas Two. Column Thrt) Move Made to Protect Southern Railroad Tied Up By Walkout Harrison, Ark., March 23. Pa trolling of the railroad tracks and other property, of the Missouri and North Arkansas railroad in Carroll, Boone arid Searcy counties, was be gun today in accordance with a de cision reached at a mass meeting yesterday to furnish protection 'de clared by railroad officials to be necessary to operation' of traffic. General Manager C. A. Phelan announced that operation of traffic would be resumed, probably tomor row or t riday, but late today it was stated heavy rainfall was retardin repair work on bridges burned an that resumption of traffic might be delayed. , I he Boone county grand lurv re turned 13 indictments against strike leaders, including several from na tional headquarters of the unions whose men are on strike. The indictments, it is said, charge the union men with persuading ma terial witnesses in a felony case to leave the county. The felony case referred to, it is said, was one in which, a strikebreaker employed in the shops here, was assaulted. Big Damage Suit Against Kansas City Star Dismissed Jefferson Citv. Mo.. March 23. The supreme court upheld the action of the circuit court of Jackson coun ty and dismissed the suit of Dr. B. Clark Hyde against the Kansas Citv Star, for $2,500,000 damages. The suit was dismissed on the ground that the action was abated by the death of W. B. Nelson, owner of the Star, that no suit was brought against tne administrator of the Nel son estate, and that the action was barred by the statute of limitations. Czecho-Slovakia and Italy Sign Commercial Treaty Rome, March 23. The commercial treaty between Italy and Czecho slovakia was signed today. The convention is advantageous to Italy, since it opens the road for the transportation of coal from Up per Silesia through Bohemia, while Czecho-Slovakia is favored by traffic privileges through the port oi Trieste to the Mediterranean district. Explosion and Fjre Wrecks Plant of Indiana Oil Firm Chicago, Marh 23. The plain of the Moorhead Oil company at Ham mond, Ind., was in ruins toffay as the result of the explosion of. live oil tan ks. The loss is estimated at $200,000. Three firemen and sev-ra' spectators were severely burucd 1 - . u i