Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
I Rum Runners
Of Omaha Sent
To Pen in Canada
"Ted" Olson and Robert Hurv
-ley Get 1 tp 2-Year Sen!
tentes First of Band to
Be Found Guilty.
Minot. X. D., March 19 (Special.)
--The first two convictions in the
iiotorimu Canadian whisky-running
affair exposed last winter, were ob
tained in Estcvan, Sask., yesterday,
w hen Tlieodore "Ted" Olson lind
Ivobert Unrlcv Zi Omaha were sen
tenced to ,one and two years in the
penitentiary at Rtgina. These names
ate thought to le fictitious. .
A quartet, jnchidiiig Bart Wil
liams, alias "Ked the Rough;"
Wiley Compton, Jack Howard, alias
J. B. Shelton, and Axel Pearson, are
now held lv Uniana tcucrai auinor
Daugherty Feels Human
Interest in Case bf Debs
Attorney General to Review All Evidence
Against Socialist Leader, Now Serving Term in
Federal Prison Interested As Citizen More
Than As Head of Department of Justice.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Hre LcaMtd Wirt.
Washington, March 19. Here is
a curious thing, because it show!
that when you are trailing political
notables you never can tell how it
is going to come out.
Now I suppose thaT if you had
all the names in the United States
to draw from, the last name you
would link, in sympathetic interest
with Harry Daughcrty's name is
the name of Eugene Debs, who is
Harry Daughcrty's prisoner in the
gray stone prison on the hills above
And yet Sunday morning after
breakfast, Harry Daughcrtv, holder
' one I expected to encounter or the
i ""
unc i uiu ClllUUIIlCl i
I don't know.
Next, "Was he play-acting before
that roomlul:
I think he was not.
In the first place he should worry
bbout play-acting now a man upon
whom the chief of state has con
ferred vast power. The need for play
acting ifc over.
On the other matters concerning
which the roomful questioned him, he
had stalled laboriously. It was late
in the day and he seemed tired and
the answers, coming in a disinterest
ed monotone, were mostly "not a
thing," "the matter's under consid
of the patronage strings for War- j cration,
ities for robbery and passing worth-Jren Harding; Harry Daugherty, th j suppose
less checks in the same case.
Daring Holdup.
The conviction of Olso and Hur
ley came out of the daring holdup
of the Robert Andrisf home near
Wood River, Sask., staged in tradi
tional western style. Two automo
biles with seven armed men relieved
.Andrist of 16 cases of whisky, then
slugged him for Jlot having more on
l and." '
While fleeing to the American side
one car broke down and was hauled
to Noonan, ,T. D., for repairs. Ol
son and, Hurley remained while the
cither five went on. The. two were
identified next day by Noonan men
who were visiting Andrist at the
time of the holchip.
Information ot "double-crossing"
by ' men higher up in the whisky
stealing business was given Cana
dian, authorities bv Olson and Httr
lev.X Find Cold Tea.
While Canadian liquor dealers
claimedthey were victimized out of
$250,000 worth of whisky by checks
drawn o-."Jictttiotis banks, federal
agents who raided, a place near
Greene, N. D.. for contraband whisky
purchased with the bogus checks
found, the "whisky" bottles contained
cold tea.
Canadian dealers assert that very
few cases wfrc "doctored."
The fate "of the Omaha quartet,
whose, extradition is sought by irate
Canadian liquor dealers, srtll hang
in the balance despite two hearings,
the nroviric-ial police being unable to
positively identify the men.
Eugene O'Sullivan. their attorney,
threatens the Canadian liquor deal
ers with arrest for conspiracy to ship
in liquor if extradition proceedings
arc successful.
"it's been
that's so,'
discussed," "I
Mother of 11 Kiddies
Killed by Street Car
( lilomo Trlbiinr-Onwhe, Bee lasted Wire.
Chicago. March 19. "Be good
kiddies, while I am gone and I'll
be right back," said Mrs. Eteika
Zvra, mother of H children, as she
started for the market with a basket
on each arm to buy food for her
numerous brood.
But she did not come back. Hur
rying across a street, she stepped
away from one street car, directly
in front of another and was terribly
rushed. She died as the vtotorman
ind conductor lifted her from the
tracks. i
The body was. taken to a nearby
Morgue and her husband, a factory
worker, was notified. He collapsed
H'hen he saw the mangled body of
his wife.
"How can I explain to the kids,"
he moaned, "how can I make it
clear to them that their mother, who
loved them so, will never come
back?" ,
Attorney General to
"Look Over" Judges
Washington. March 19. Attorney
General Daugherty is going to "look
over personally all possible apooin
tees as federal judges or district at
torneys before selections are made.
In making known his intention, Mr.
Daugherty "said he intended to call
to Washington each man " up for
serious consideration in the districts
snd see them himself before-making
any appointments.
Another policy for the Depart
ment of Justice was announced by
Mr. Daugherty, who said that he
did not intend to institute any suits
unless his assistants agreed that pro
secution should be brought. AH the
cases now pending Detore tne de
partment, he said, are being investi
gated to determine whether any
should be dropped.
Court Unable to Restrain
"Rent Hog" Signs of Tenants
Chicago, March 19. Petition for
temporary injunction restraining
tenants from displaying placards in
their windows denouncing their
landlords as "rent hpgs and profi
teers, was withdrawn in the supe
rior court, after Judge roell had
ruled that the law did not empower
him to restrain , free speech. Ibe
.tudge told the tenants that they were
morally in the wrong, but that he
had no power to restrain them
Soviets Refuse Admission
To Men Deported From U. S.
New York. March 19. An un
signed cable message frsm Moscow,
stating thatMhe soviet government
had refused admittance to six men
deported from this port, February
m, was made public oy isaac snorr.
who acted as their attorney, lhe
message added that the deportees
were " at sea' at present, bound no
The six were among 87 persons
ordered deported to Russia on the
steamship, .eeland. j
Professor of Hebrew at
Bethel Seminary Dies
t. raul, March IV. t-mmanuei
king-maker, who three years ago ' thing of that in the newspapers," "I
briran mi inc wires tn and Warren idont know anytning aDc
Harding where is is today, is going
to spread the paper in the Debs
case out before him and tackle tbem
with eyes that are all dilated and
swimming, with that stuff the oculist
drops in then when he fits you to
a new pair fl glasses.
And he is going to do this, not
because there is any application for
Deb's pardon or for commutation of
sentence before him there is not.
But because be feels a human be
ing's and technicians's interest in
the case of Eugene Debs.
He said, and. said with the first
display of animation or interest he'd
shown in three-quarters of an hour:
Interested As Citizen.
"The Debs case stands alone.
I'm interested in it as a citizen. I
don't know that you can say it's
urgent, except on board humanitar
ian grounds. Palmer left me a rec
ommendation that Debs' sentence be
commuted. But 1 believe there j
no application for his pardon efor
the department now. However, I
want to get to the case. The presi
dent and I talked it over the other
day because it is interesting and he
wants information on it, too."
He pasned, a little look of worry
crossed his face and lie said;
".Since I ceased practicing for my
myself and began practicing for the
government 'I've overstrained my
eyes." Here he placed his right hand
for a moment over the throbbing
blue-gray optics "but I do want to
get at this case Sunday after break
fast. They are getting the papers
together fofc me now."
"So1," said' one. of the reporters,"
you have no bias in the matter?"
No bias," responded the attorney
"You Never Can Tell."
As I was telling you. you never
can tell how your political notables
are going to pan out. This ouq
panned altogether different to what
I 'expected, and much more human
than I dreamed he would. I had my
little stage all set to bring on for
your attention kind or otherwise
an kisirutable sort of man's .figure
perhaps almost sinister and I was go
ing to try to annalyze for you a
mtnd skillful and may be devious.
And now it turns out to be just
a plain, straightaway report by, a
plain reporter.
The question it leaves open:
"Is the real Harry Daugherty the
don t know anvthing about it
might be and it might not be."
Playing safe, thought I. and
not like it. '
Aroused by Questions. '
JJut the question about Debs bless
the reporter who asked it got a rise
out of him, literally, for he rose and
began to pace the room, talking the
while eagerly and thrusting his hands
deep into his trousers pockets. His
voice became firm and -confident and
the tone deepened as did, his color.
But I cannot speculate more for
there must be crowded into this piece
a bit about his aspect.
Round head, baldish; big cars,
amall gray-blue or blue-gray eyes;
plump cheeks; a mouth to eat with
and a hand to get on in the world
with quick moving and higorous, I
mean. On the whole, at tolerant,
shrewd, good-natured face. He does
not look his 61 years by 10 good
A double watch chain crossed his
bay window.
' I have linked him, up with Gene
Debs. Here is another whimscy
The day he took, before Mr. Justice
Day, his solemn oath of office an
oath that perhaps lays upon him a
heavier burden of responsibility as
a man of honor and a patriotic man
than the oath of office lays upon any
other official in the , land Lillian
Russell marched ,up and kissed him
on the cheek. (
But, at that, I don't think there is
going to me much emotionalism in
the attorney general's administration,
for he said, "I am not going to
bring any suits from now on which
my cabinet as I call mv assistants
"don't agree should be broueht."
Two Prisoners
From Omaha Are
Granted Paroles
Abbie Hailey and Fred
tenson Given Freedom
Nine Others Who Apply
Are Denied.''."
Lincoln, March 19. (Special.)
Eight paroles out of 37 "applications
were granted today by the State
Board of Pardons ' and Paroles fol
lowing the second hearing ofjapplica-
Real "Snake Juice"
Puts Pep in Pepless,
- Chicago Dealers Say
! ii r itr i V 1 1 i i i .ii ; 'TYLER
3000 iiiiiiiii 1 1 1 1 im. i hi i ' 1 1 ii ii in
Chirms Trlbunr-OmalNi Bee Irnnd Wlrr.
Chicago, March 19. Charles Giiitl
volas, an amateur' manufacturerof
hootch, does not believe in substi
tute?. His idea of hard liquor was
something containing real, poison, a
subtle kicK and something that the
drinker covldr visualize Therefore hi
evolved what he called "snake juice"
and that was exactly what Jt was.
In the bottom of his jugs ana jars,
he. placed a dead snake.
Dry agents raided his distillery last
night and iound thrce-fejot snakes
coilcdf in the bottom of the recepti
cles." Gindvolas was! much hurt by
i the ram and expostulated with the
i olTiccts-. ' ,
Why that snal'p whisky, is What
, ,- ,-, , r iniakes the world -go round," he de-
Out of 13 applications hied fordaR,d ; ;m ircd -toBe.That
Dyuglas" county prisoners two pa-1 booze make-; a man q.60 feel and
loles were granted, nine were denied I act like a k?o in short pants. It puts
and action on two was deferred. N i I'P i" prplfss; I "gave 'a shot
, 6t it to a pot rabbrt, and it went out
nuulc ninvy. civn,K unc u ,. ... , ;,h kU,W
years for grand larceny, and Fred
Mortcnson, serving one to seven
years tor embezzlement, were tne
two Douglas county prisoners grant
ed paroles. ' ; "
Action was deferred o the appli
cation of Geofgc Ilaller, serving one
to seven years for grand larceny, and
Earl Clapper, serving one to five
years for passing no fund checks.
Douglas county .applications de
nied follow: .
James Sinclairv&iand larceny, oive
to seven; Peter ,lorningriam, grand
larceny, one. to seven John Smith.,
grand larceny, one to'seven; Grady
Hord, forgery, one to 0t Karl Kline,
receiving stolen automobile, rone to
10; Harry Saunders, breaking and
entering, one to 10; George Walsh,
grand larceny, one tox 10; 'Qrville
Malone, automobile stealing, one to
seven, and Edward J. Ryan, automo
bile stealing,,oue to 10.
Orchard & Wil helm Co.
- Fine Dining Furniture
At the Lowest Price for Many Seasons ,
Daniels Looking For
-Journalisnl Pointers
Washington, March 9. Josephus
Daniels, editor of the Raleigh (N.
C.) News and Observer, a democrat
ic daily newspaper, arrived in Wash
ington today on an assignment, from
lyls own newspaper. Mr. Daniels,
who has been out 6f practice in news
paper article writing for eight years,"
says he is going to go around with
some of the old Washington sorro
sondents to see how thci boys get
t!ic stuff to write about.
List night Editor anildfe said that
ho thought the navy ought to be in- ;
teresting to write abnut for his paper
and -this morning he '"horned" in
with the jiewspapcr boys when they
went-to Secretary Donby's confer- j
ence. '
Our entire stock of dining furniture has
ben radically reduced inprice to. meet
lower costs.- If you need dining fur-y
niture, now is certainly the time to chooge,
for instance v, n v
"v . , -
Massive j72-inch Old English Oak Buffet with poly
chrome decoration, as illustrated, . . .$165.00
or a similar type at. . .' . . , 8148.00
45x56 Oblong Extension Table to match, $98.00
Tapestry Slip Seat Chairs to match, each, $19,50
See' Our Waxed Oak Buffets at $29.50 to $33.00
Baby Carriages
New Models on Display.
Heat of Red Pcj
Breaks Chest Colds
-v . A large variety of styles, sizes and finishes afford
r i ample selection for those who have fine babies needing
2 , fine carriages. There is no better time than "now" to
! make a choice. Prices from .
! 35.00 to 68.00
Ease your tight, aching chest.
Stop the pain. Break up the i.ongcs
tion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in
just a short time.
"Red .Pepper Rub" is the cold
remedy that brings the quickest re
lief.t cannot hurt you and it cer
tainty seems to end the tightness and
drive the congestion and soreness
right put. . V
Whenjrcat penetrates rigfit dowrc
into colds, congestion, aching mus
cles and sore, stiff joints, relief comes
Charge ac
counts riith
patrons solicited
1417 Douglas Street
at once. Nothing has 'such concen
trated penetrating heat as red pep
pers. The moment you apply Red
Pepper Rub for colds, backache, sore
muscles. Stiff neck, lumbago, or the
pains of rheumatism or neuritis, you
feel the tingling, heat.
In three minutes the . congested
spot ij warmed through and through.
When you are suffering so you can
hardly get about, jtrst get a jar of
Rowles Red Pepper Rub. made frorn
red peppers, at any drug store. Yo
will have the quickest relief known,
counts Tvith
. out-oj-ioxan
patrons solicited
Oriole Go-Baskets
In grey furiied and natural finish. Most compact car
riage for little folks made. Prices
aoi nn eoi en o" aa anA ?A Ail
?ms.jjy ipx,uv) p4.vrv pvw
Get a McDougal Cabinet
Schmidt, 35, professor of Hebrew a
Rethel thcolocical seminary here.
.ied at a local hospital after a brief hjar.
..lness today.
From 19(iS to 1918 he wa pres -aent
of Adelphia college, S?atth'.
Wash. He held an honorary prize
holrn for his translation into Swedish'! it means ev
Say "Good Bye" to Winter!
Duds and the Disease
Germs They Have
Gathered Up.
"Well, how do you like your first
sniff of Spring?
It's in the air. It's obstructed
and delayed once in a while ny a
colder or wetter day but just
the same the season for light
clothes and balmy skies is knocking
for admittance.
That's the signal for you. Get
your spring clothes in shape.- Get .
your spring hats in shape. Let j
Dresher Brothers, the immense
Dry Cleaners and Dyers, at 2217
Farnam St., clean, press, remodel
and repair all of the clothes of all
the Men, Women and Children in
your household. Let Dreshers clean
and block the Straw and Panama
hats you are going to wear.
And, last but not least, let
Dreshers immediately clean your
Rugs, your Lace Curtains, your Pil
lows. Blankets, Comforters and
Portieres. This is more important
than you would imagine. Home j
furnishings of this sprt invite dis
ease germs during the winter when
the air is stuffy inside-- of one's
home. Better have Dreshers go
through all of these items card-
fully. Know that your home fur
nishings are clean. Oh, they'll be j
so Wonderfully clean when you get
them back home. Have all the fur- j
nishings cleaned so that they will
be ready for use just as you com
plete your Spring Housecleaning.
It will prove the best health insur
ance you ve ever provided.
And Dreshers bave certainly
made (matters handy for you. You
can sit right down in your home
and phone Tyler 0345 (or phone
South 0050 if you live on the.1
South Side), and a Dresher man
will speed to your door for the
goods you want cleaned.' Or, if
you like you may talk to the "per
son at the desk" at the Dresher
Plant, 2211-2217 Farnam -St. at
Dresher, The Tailom 1515 Farnam
St., or at one of the Dresher
Branches in the Burgess-Nash or
Brandeis Stores, and at the Dresher
South Side Branch, 2th and L' Sts.
Oh, yes. Your Automobile too.
Dreshers Van clean its upholsterjf
wonderfully. Just drive it to the
plant and leave it for a day. . Note
how beautiful and crisp the up
holstery will look when you get the
Open Until 7
O'Clock Satur
day Evenings
Open Until 7
Ojloclt Satur
day Evenings
, TBBfSl' VIM"
n ' yip
- f Hl iPT
, -
Arc a thousand steps an hour extra in the
kitchen and that tired feeling worth the
few cents a day you "save" by doing with
out? a McDougall?
Into McDougall Cabinets are built all of
the really useful, convenient features of the
day. They are cabinets made to serve you
steadfastly to save you toil and hours.
Prices: 46l00, 58.00
68.00 -and up v
Terms on Kitchen Cabinets, $5.00 Cash
and $5.00 Per Month '
Porcelain Top Kitchen
Table, extra value,"
if- .
A Comprehensive Showing of
Panel Lace
Panel Lace is not only suitable for the treatment of
the formal wjndows of , your home, but figured against
good curtains or, curtain materials,-it is not expensive.
Questions a to its use will be gladly answered by any
of our experienced drapery folk, who will give you a
sketch book showing panel lace adapted to a number of
t windows. . '
It is obviously .a great advantage to have the curtains
of a room hang with equal fullness, regardless of the size
" or shape of the windows. This can positively be ac
complished with panel lace, because you cut same, using
the number of panels sufficient for each window.
Weaves shown Monday will include Filet, Voile,
Fancy Net, Madras, and Duchess in many mos,t excel
lent designs. Prices range from $1.00 to $6.00 per
strip. ' '
ILxcelleht Values in Lace Nets
Many new and interesting effecte, such as Sampler Patterns, Case
. ment Nets and New "Stripes in Ameraux and Filet Weaves from rer
Sard, SI .00 to $3.75. '
i . --'-,-. : ' . -, -
Just Arrived and on Sale Monday
Gigantic Special Purchase
of New Easter Hats
; $S.9S-$6.95
Models the Equal of $7.50 to $12 J 5 Values Elsewhere
Hundreds and hundreds of Hats! Table after table
possible to imagine and at prices far below your greatest
Dreshers pay parcel post or ex
press charges one way on all out of
town shipments on everything ex
cept rug. ' i
Remember the name Dresher
everything when it comes
of the smartest hats it is
atest expectation ! A gi
gantic special purchase combined with hundreds of hats from our regular stock
in this great Monday eventv s
Hats for the Miss and the Matron smart models oi! nialine, hair braid, fine
Milan hemp, glossy Jisere, novelty braids, in black, brown, navy, pearl, henna,
tangerine and all wanted combinations. Mitzi" sailors, draped effects, Colonial
poke shapes, drooping brims, off-the-face models and chinchins with exception
ally smart triinming touches of ribbon, flowers, feathers and ornaments.
Popular Axminster Rugs
At Prices That, Will Please Those
Who Search for Real Values
xii ions boic wooien pue or tnese rugg in
sures wear, a rich texture and a hospitable
kindly tread for the feet. Colors are warm and
- harmonious. x
A mi. . .... . ' . -"
S tWQfejT 7 H v Jne large-range ot patterns and sizes en-
yA VM fc' atHes you 10 Iina Just l"e rug for your room.
f . ' iTi Bought at the lowest mill' cost in lanre oun- y
lV UU 1 HHp Wo nr shlo tn ffa hm -
U Vi r ' 1 1 - . that will satisfy the most ex-
V -H41' 1 1 f i JHLii'iJ J jfi acting. ,
, o;reaeh"r:.::::s .
rar, 3-3x10-6. each.... SO
xti:, each S59.75
Inlaid Linoleum
k carload of Linoleum has just been received containing ' a rr
a number of new patterns that are exceedingly good, indeed, K Q
patterns that make one wish to use Linoleum in ether room I Ik),. ..-;. J
than bath and kitchen; some are especially good for bedrooms I ' "1 IT 1 I
and hall use; a few are suitable for dining and living rooms in I lllvi
. . conjunction with rugs. Carpet, tile and parquet effects are a. J -
priced at, per square yard ' -
Longfellow's ."Hjawi
atha," Io cleaning,
r in i i i 1 1 i ,i 1 1, i m i 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1:, OKCH AKD &. .WILHELM - CO.i. i.u ,i i i. 1 1 ;M i, t ,L ,,
i j