Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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    GEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MaRCH iy. 1921.
Avoid High Heels
and Feet at 45
Degree Angle
II isn't being done. Standing with
the feet at an angle of 45 degrees it
;k longer considered desirable, ao
cording to Eitie Steen Kittleson. -who
gave the opening lecture of a new
ycle at her studio in the Baird build
ns Wednesday noon. The advisab
lily of such a position for the feet
s a theory exploded during the late Flat feet and some of the other
ioot ills come from that position,
"Avoid high heels if youj have a
weak hack," was another bit of ad
vice Riven Mrs. Kittleson's pupils.
I hey throw the body out of plumb,"
"It is harder to sit well than to
.uiud well," said the .peaker.
demonstrating the right and wrong
way of doing each.
"We arc natural up to the age of
. psychologists tell us," Mrs. Kittle
son informed. "After that we be
come, self-conscious."
"The body, voice and wind are the
only means of expression we have,"
she said. "We should work for poise
in each of these." 1'oise, grace and
endurance were named as the three
things for which we should strive.
Romance in Origin
Of Superstitions
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations of a Wife
Spots in Finger Nails.
Sometimes upoiv examining jour
finger nails you will see a little white
snot which, as the nail grows, move
slowly towatd the finger's end. The
superstitious will" tell you that the
little, white spot means money coin
ing: to you, due to arrive when the
uliile spot reaches the end of tlia
nail a very common superstition.
Sir Thomas Browne (1 605-1682),
mentions it as being very ancient in
his day and ascribes its origin to
the tendency which people have to
consider any bodily sympton which
tney do not understand as a4
prophecy. 1 he "British Apollo" in
1708 published a learned article
scoffing at the superstition and ex
plaining that the white spots in the
nails were "glittering particles,"
generally mixed with the red particle
of the blood, but which bad hap
pened to get loose. Medical science
was evidently badly equipped to bat
tle with superstition in thse days.
But the superstition in question
dates away back into the primitive
ages when man's hair and nails, liv
ing and growing parts of 'himself
were held to be peculiarly con
nected with his destiny. A white
spot slowly advancing up the naif
must mean something; as the spot
vvas white the "something'' was
probably good. As time passed and
man began to use currency the good
was conjectured to be money. A
regular cult grew up of divination by
the finger nails under the name of
onychomancy and as we know from
Flautus, the educated Roman of 2,000
years aso watched the spots on his
nails, with the same interest as the
most' superstitious Yankee of today.
(Copyright, 1JJ1. by Tha MoClur News
paper Syndicate. )
Where It Started
May Day.
The celebration of May Day has
its origin in a bad Roman harvest.
In the year 238 li. C. the crops failed
in Italy, and as a propitiatory offer
ing to the gods, the feast of Floralia,'
lasting from April 28. to May 3, was
instituted. That year the crops were
successful, and the feast was kept up
each year. ,
(Copyright, 1921. liy The Vhelr Syndi
cate; ln.)
The reason you get better
shoes for your boy here than
trnn An elsewhere, it that we
: have had over 30 years of ex
i perience in selling boys' shoes
and know that they must oe
made of the very best mate
rials or they will not stand
the wear that most boys give
xare the best shoes made for
boys, and you will find that
one pair of these shoes will
outwear two pairs of ordinary
boys' shoes.
Sises 10 te 13J
. 1419 FANAM ST.
What Happened When Bride and
Groom Rtached Home. ,
There they are! I can see Uncle
Alfred pointing out the place to the
tuxi nun."
Marion's sharp eyes discovered the
returning travelers first, and her
clear voice heralded their coining.
The next minute the taxi turned into
the Durkce driveway, and I heard
Marion's urgent whisper to her
"Mother, what shall I call Uncle
Alfred's wife? I've always called
her Miss Leila before, but she's a
Mrs. now,"
"Why not tall her Aunt Leila?"
Lillian suggested.
"Oh, I'd love to I But, you see, I
don't know her so well as I do
L'nele Alfred, and I was afraid she
wouldn't like me to."
"I'm quite sure she'U like it," Lil
Imn assured her, and the taxi drew
up to the veranda steps, and Alfred
springing out, caught his waiting lit
tle mother In a bear hug, while the
bride, with Dicky's quickly proffered
assistance, alighted almost as swiftly
and rushed into her sister's arms.
Tha Right Note.
I think both Lillian and I, specta
tors of this reunion, were psychically
aware of a certain tension in the
mental atmosphere. Not on the part
of the bride and groom, one could
see their bubbling happiness with
half an eye. But that there was
both renunciation and jealous fear
for a loved one's supremacy in the
minds of both Leila's sister and Al
fred's mother was easily discern
ible. I was conscious of a certain ten
s'on in my own mind, predicated up
on my knowledge of the uncertainty
of Mrs. Durkee's moods. How would
she greet her new daughter-in-law?
The manner of that greeting and
welcome would sound the keynote of
their future relations and I hoped
intensely that my ear would catch a
full, true pitch.
Even as the thought came to my
mind Her Fluffiness disengaged her
self from her ion's arms,
"But where's my new daughter?"
said in her most charming way, with
her most delightful smile, one which
Dicky declares would "charm the
most Bolshevistically-inclined bird
from its wild freedom."
"Right here, mother, dear,"' Leila
carolled, leaving Edith's arms, and
rushing up to her mother-in-taw.
Her taller figure stooped to the tiny
one, and the two women were locked
in a close, emotional embrace, while
Alfred stood by beaming fatuously.
Edith drew a long breath, whether
of approval or some less pleasurable
emotion I could not tell, while Lil
lian and I involuntarily glanced at
each other and I fancied I read the
same relief in her eyes which I knew
was mirrored in my own.
It was Dieky, of course, who
turned the tensenese of the moment
into laughter. I used to think that he
acted the part of the clown from
wanton high spirits. I am beginning
to see he often saves the deteriora
tion of a moment from sentiment to
pathos by his antics.
A Situation Saved.
"Alf, old dear," he said sorrow
fully. "Hain't there nobody goin' to
weep over me. I rolled in only a
few minutes before you. Did I get
any tears or kisses or embraces? I'll
tell the world, all I had handed to
me were shrieks of 'Don't rumple
my gown I"
The falsetto with which he had
mimicked Mrs. Durkee changed to
a deeper tone as he added:
"If it hadn't been for my little
sweetheart here I'd have gone forth
into the croo-el world to die alone."
I knew that he had caught sight of
the child's expressive, humiliated
face when he said that nobody had
kissed him, and had hastened to make
amends. Her face changed its ex
pression so suddenly that she gave
the effect of laughing and crying at
once, but little Mrs. Durkee's laugh
ing voice fortunately took our at
tention from her.
"You may kiss me now if you
like. Dicky-bird," she said, with her
pretty lips adorably pouted toward
him. i m so nappy now ; aont care
it my complexion does come off."
Dicky looked at her doubtfully,
then gravely drew a handkerchief
from his pocket, pretended to dust
her face, then looked at it, and bent
toward her.
"I guess it s safe," he . said
With "a swift, laughing movement
Her Fluffiness ducked the kiss, ad
ministered a sound box on his ear,
and retreated toward the stairway.
"Pick up some of those bags and
make yourself useful," she ordered,
"instead of trying to do some poor
screen comedian out of his job,
Vou'd make a much better porter
than you would a movie comic.
Come on, Leila, dear. I want to
show you your rooms."
Dicky and Alfred bept obediently
to the bags, and we all trooped up
the stairs after Leila and her mother-in-law.
Indeed, we could not have
stayed behind if we had wished, for
the imperative voice of our hostess
commanded our attendance. And
as I had hoped a few minutes be
fore that Mrs. Durkee would sound
the right note of welcome, so now
I earnestly wished that Leila would
be sincerely pleated and show her
pleasure at the surprise her hus
band's mother had planned for her.
(Continued Monday.)
Jewel, Flower. Color
Symbols for Today
The ct's-eye, today's talismanic
stone, i symbolic of treachery. On
this day, however, it warns its wear
ers of the approach of deceit, and
protects them from false friends and
plots of all kinds.
Today's natal gem is the ruby,
which stands for courage and great
bodily strength. To those born on
an anniversary of this day, it brings
great joy through personal attain
ment, the bravery to vanquish all
mental difficulties, and the ability
to overcome despair and disappoint
ment. Crimson is today's color; the an
cients believed that it protected its
wearers from contagious diseases,
and endowed them with great
strength and courage.
The spring's most fragrant flower,
the hyacinth, brings courage, hope,
and health to the home where it
appears at this time, according to
an old legend.
(Copvrtght, 1111, by th Whler Syndi
cate, Inc.)
Parents' Problems
Can a child bcy taught to "get
along" well with people?
Yes. Teach him the Golden Rule,
and cultivate his sense of humor.
Unselfishness and good-natured
laughter ire the secrets of getting
along well with people.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Clothing Needed.
Dear Beatrice Fairfax: While
reading your column, 'Troblenta of
the Perplexed," yesterday. I noticed
a rtquest for clothing for a needy
girl. 1 think it very kind of you
to handle such mutter in your
column and am going to make an
other. My request for clothing, coats,
suits, dresses, of any material which
can lie remodeled or dyed, hats
which can be retrimmea or the ma
terial made Into another hat; under
clothing, or any articles which will
help in piecing out a wardrobe, ia
ror two very needy anu aeaerving
high school rlrls In this town.
These girls are making a brave
try at getting an oducatlon under
very trying circumstances as their
mother ia an invalid and tneir ratner
not in good health, and they have
Me fi
eri UJ0
Dandruff Remover
Should b( used ?sulrly in
very homt by women and on
children. Will absolutely dis
solve Dandruff, .clean the
scalp, end leave the hair
bright, fluffy and beauti
ful as Nature intended it
should be.
At AH Drunahtf
Our Sunday Special Pineapple
One ef Dellcia's favorite specials, made of
selected Hawaiian pineapples crushed into
rick vanilla cream.
The FairmontCreamery Co.
Prime Beef
Rib Roast,
No Bones,
No Waste
Trl sl
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
High Quality Meats Lowest Prices Quick Service
212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 So. 24th St.
Loins, .
J or whole,
Special at
Sugar Cured
or whole,
Special at
Sugar Cured
or whole
Choice Veal Shoulder
Roast 12c
Choice Veal Stew. . . 12ic;
Choice Veal Chops. . . .20c
Choice Veal Legs,
or whole 20c
Cudahy's Puritan
Regular Hams .30c
Cudahy's Puritan
Skinned Hams 32c
Cudahy's Puritan
Breakfast Bacon. 44c
Swift's Premium Breakfast
Bacon, or whole sides.44c
Swift's Empire Skinned
Hams, $ or whole 24c
Fancy Strip Bacon 16c
Fancy Brisket Bacon . . 16
Sugar Cured Picnic
Hams .....14c
Choice Corned Beef. . . 14c
Choice Pickled Pig Feet,
3 lbs. 25c
New Sauer Kraut, 2
lbs. 10c
Large Dill Pickles, doz.30c
Choice Frankfurts 18c
Choice Wienies 18c
Choice Bologna 16c
Fresh Liver Sausage. . . 16c
Choice Summer
Sausage 22c
Fresh Breakfast
Sausage 20c
Choice Leaf Lard. .... 12c
Choice Fresh Spare
Ribs ..13c
Chpice Fresh Neck Ribs,
5 lbs 25c
Small Lean Pork Chops. 25c
Fresh Pig Ears, 5 lbs. . . 25c
Fresh Pig Hearts, 4 lbs.25c
Fresh Pig Snouts, 4 lbs.25c
Fresh Pig Feet, 5 lbs.. .25c
Fresh Pig Tails 14c
Choice Salt Pork. . . . .20c
Choice Pork Tender
loins 40c
Cudahy's Puritan Lard
5-lb. pails, net weight. .88c
10-lb. pails, net wt. . .$1.70
Pure Lard, per lb 17c
Compound Lard, per lb. 14c
2408 Cuming St. 4903 South 24th St.
Fancy Sweet Corn,
3 cans 30c
Early June Peas,
3 cans 30c
Evaporated Milk,
tall cans, 6 for. . 70c
Casper's Big Five
Coffee 35c
Fancy Apricots, No. 3
cans, 22c; 5 for $1.00
Fancy Black Cherries, No.
3 cans, 4 for., ....... $1.00
Fancy Peaches, No. 3
cans, 4 cans. ...... .$1.00
Crystal White Soap, 10
bars ,65c
Choice Rib Boiling Beef . 7c
Choice Beef Pot Roast. 11c
Prime Rib Roast Beef . 17c
Choice Round Steak. . .22c
Choice Sirloin Steak. . . 22c
Choice Beef Chuck
Roast 12c
Fresh Beef Hearts. : . . .9c
Fresh Cut Hamburger . 15c
Fresh Ox Tails 8c
Fresh Beef Tongues. . .20c
Fancy Cream Cheese . . 32c
Fancy Brick Cheese . . . 28c
Genuine Hindquarter. 20c
Spring Lamb Fore
quarter 12c
Spring Lamb Chops . . . 20c
Special prices on all Swift f
Butterines. Try their Gem
Nut, especially priced at
this sale.
Best Creamery Butter. 45c
Fresh Country Eggs . . . 29c
Stores Open Until 8 P. M.
younger brothers who are also in
They are anxious to finish high
school so that they nuy help their
family, but at present the older one
talks of giving up tha hope of fin
ishing .her last year In school be
cause ot lack of funds at home, and
for the necessary articles of clothing
to wear to school.
I realise there are many such
(.uses as this In every town, but I
also know that there are women In
nearly every town with a eloset full
of dresses and suits which are out
of style, which would help many
a needy girl, and I ask that some
of these women be so good as to
send these girls the clothing or send
it to me as X ean remodel the dress
es or suits to fit, or dye them it
necessary, and shall be only too glad
to do it to help the girls, as their
mother Is unable to Uo It for them.
The elder of these girls is 5 feat.
S inches tall, and in slender, hnr
bust measure being about 14, and
her waist measure perhaps !4 Inches.
The younger girl Is more robust and
would take about a S bust and per
haps It waist measure, but Is about
the same height. J. I
MUs Fairfax will be glad to hear
from anyone who can Help these
girls remain in sohool.
In Lovo With Two.
Dear Miss Kalrfas: While aver
aeas, 1 met a beautiful girl, who be
came deeply Infatuated with me,
and now we correspond regularly.
Things looked quite serious, but after
returning to the good old U. 8. A.
I made the acquaintance of a aweaV
little Kirl and I like her very rouch.N
and l'know the feeling ia recipro
cated. What shall I doT
I Hope you will Met roe know one
way or another, as you will surely
take a load oft my heart.
B man enough to flee facta and
make ait honest decision. Find
which Is the girl you love and go
ahead and marry her, Don't try to
put the burden of Indecision ait the
shoulders of a third person.
A disinfectant is a strong solution
of a germ-killing compound; an an
tiseptic is a weaker solution, which
retards but does not prevent the de
velopment of tlie germ,
if 1
rink Coffee at t
soda fountain
While waiting on a corner for the car
when your work takes you out-o'-doors
on the way home from the movies drop
in a convenient soda fountain and get a
good hot cup of coffee.
Particularly on cold or rainy days there
is nothing quite so sustaining and re
freshing as a good hot cup of coffee. It
puts warmth and cheer in chilled bodies.
Today at the soda fountain COFFEE
74 Wsll Street, New Yark
TV fifn f The
Ct Ctvb. leak Ut it in
littltt Windows. It wilt
kelp rev ini fees' eefee.
.. fir k fP
-4 IB R
the univeml
drink '
TMf aeVertiMSieirt is tosrt ef am ioc
titaal e.iBtw'f ceatfueieeT Br tin Uiit
COrrtB nttthtau el tst Vaifi States
ia ee-eperefoa wit tha ptanura ai tha
Stata at Sao Paulo. Mtaail, which pro Jure.
mat than hall at all tha COTtEt vaai
ia tha United Statts el America.
Specials foi" Saturday
Check them over, you will find many items you need.
40c and 50c Tooth Brushes,
- special 23d
river's Face Powder, La
Trefle or Azurea. . .98t
30c DeMar'a Corn Remedy,
at :.- 194
50c Brilliantine, Beaton's,
t 39
Marshall's Catarrh Snuff, 234
60o Beaton's Mouth Wash,
at 394
$1.00 Popham's Asthma Rem
edy for 894
60c Nature's Remedy. . . .364
30c Colorite 224
$1.25 Listerine 794
35c Eagle Brind Milk... 254
35c Steam's 1 iectric Rat Paste,
t 254
25c DeWitt'i Carbolic Salve
for 194
$1.10 Nuxated Iron 894
$1.25 Lyko Tonic 984
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound 984
40c Castoria 24
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine,
at 224
35c Sal Hepatica.......294
60c Genuine Syrup Figs, 464
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
for 82.89
75c Miona Dyspepsia Tablets,
at 494
30c Norwich Milk Magnesia
for . . 214
60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
at 484
25c, 4-oz. Peroxide Hydrogen,
at .....104
50c Orazin Tooth Paste, 294
50c Beaton's Theatrical
Cold Cream, ft lb.. 354
60c Cocoanut Oil Emulsion,
at 394
20c Venida Hair Net, two
for 254
60c Beaton's Benzoin and
Almond Lotion 394
Packer's Tar Soap 184
Easter Egg Dye, per
pkg. .54
60c Herpicide 394
25c Mentholatum ...... 174
Films Developed Free When
' Prints Are Ordered.
Special Wall Frames for
kodak pictures, 4x6 to
7x10, each, at 494
Special Stand Frames for
kodak pictures, 2x4 to
4x6, each 984
$1.00, 1-lb. box Nelson's Choc
olate Creams and Nut Cen
ters 694
80c Fruit-filled, Assorted Can
dies, lb 39
$1.00 Chocolate-covered Pea
nuts, lb 59tf
60c Jelly Beans, per lb., 39
15c Straight Rothenburg, two
for 254
15c La Azora, Pals 104
Roitans, Breva 104
Ladina, 3 for 204
La Flor de Intals
La Preferencia, Puritasvos
Finos 104
$2.00, 2-quart Velvet Combina
tion Hot Water Bottle and
Fountain Syringe. . .81.45
$1.40 Radiant 2-quart Foun
tain Syringe 954
$1.50, 2-quart Velvet Water
Bottle 954
The Original and Reliable
15 to 50-Watt Lamps. . . .404
60-Watt Lamp 45,
Fuse Plugs (10 to 30 amperes),
at 1104
At 82.50 and up.
Beauty Secret
Lifts out lines.
Draws out 'blackheads.
Reduces enlarged pores.
Gives immediate results.
The merchandise offered in this shop is of absolutely dependable quality. The Flower are
freshly cut a new supply each day, while each plant has been grown to sturdy maturity. Ne
matter how small the order, we will gladly give it exacting personal care and attention.
Phone Doatlaa 0166
15th and Far nam Streets
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention.