Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Brother of Mail
Robber Is Unable
To Find Position
Railroad Refuses to Kin Joy
Brother of Merle and Or
ville Phillips Now in
v 1
Sentence! imposed on t tie $.i,500,
000 Council Bluffs mail bandits
wreaks a heavy punishment o their
The F. A. l'ofTcubargcr family,
Sixth avenue, with both father
and son in fedcra prison, suffers
most from the loss of bread winners.
If it were not for kindly friends,
Mrs. PofTenbarger and her large
brood of children would suffer ac
tual want, neighbors say.
Only one daughter, about 16, is
able to contribute to the. family's
.support. She was in school until her
father and brother were sentenced;
then she left school and went to
Telephone Is Removed.
The telephone has been removed
from their home in the interest of
The brother Clyde, released from
custody, has his own family to sup
port. Earl riiillips, brother of Merle and
Orville Phillips, has been unable to
find employment since the mail rob
bery. The railroad would not hire
him, and he can find no other work,
an aunt stated. He is with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thillips,
-121 Avenue P.
Happy Over Visit.
The old parents were delighted
with the opportunity of seeing their
two boys last week when they were
brought back from Fort Leaven
worth for the Porfenberger traials,
because they could not afford to visit
their boys, she said.
The aged mother of Keith Collins,
the debonair one who attempted es
cape and posed as an army officer,
is supported by two other sons, railroad-men.
She has a fourth son,
still in school. ,
Mrs. Collins "-attempted suicide
shortly after the implication of her
aun a iidinc ill uie luum'iy.
Villagers Protest
Removal of Telegraph
By Missouri Pacific
Lincoln, March 16. (Special.)
Tv dozen citizens of Manley and
abash, Neb., villages on the Mis
souri Pacific, appeared at a hear
ing, before the Nebraska railway
commission Tuesday requiring the
, . i .'u4 nnu nit .vianii. vii'w.
telegraph company to shovV cause
why the railroad had removed the
station telegraph instruments from
the two towns on February J.
On behalf of the road, W. F. Kirk,
division superintendent at Falls City,
told the commission that the revenue
from the Wabash instrument was
$26.57 last year, and from Manley,
Jle said the instruments were re
moved to effect a saving by placing
the agent, formerly in the classi
fication of an operator, in a lower
classification. The saving would
amount to $32.95 a month in Wabash
and $26.70 a month in Manley.
Citizens protested that the tele
phone service was inadequate and
claimed discrimination, because
Avoca and Nehawka, villages of the
sameclass, still have telegraph serv
ice, i
Tuberculosis Association)
Hold State Meet Here April 1
Members of t lie Nebraska Tuber
culosis association will meet in their
annual convention and conference at
the University club in Omaha, April
1. Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm, executive
secretary, said yesterday more than
100 members would be in attendance.
Sessions will be held at the Uni
versity club. The annual business
meeting and dinner will be held at
the University club Friday at 6 p. m.,
April 1. Dr. W. A. Evans, com
missioner of health of Chicago, will
be the principal speaker.
Negro Woman Drops Dead
During Church Services
Nebraska City, Neb.i March 15.
(Special.) Mrs. Lucy-Minor. 75,
Mother Who Gave
Children Poison
Is Told Thev Died
Ohio, with a total of 618,000 motor
vehicles, has 103 times as many as
negro, dropped dead in the A. M. E
church while attending services. She
had just completed testifying and
had taken her seat after shaking
hands with the congregation and
minister when she gave three short
gasps and fell limp in her pew, A
pnysician gave Heart disease as the
cause of death. She had been a
resident of this citv for 40 years.
Although Only One Succumb'
ed Physicians Fear Psycho
logical Effect Might Be
Fatal If Told Otherwise.
Blunt, S. D., March 16. Believ
ing that the psychological effect on
her might prove fatal if she knew
the truth, Mrs. Anna Collins, of this
city, who administered poison to her
three daughters last Saturday and
then drank a quantity herself, lives
under a false belief that all of her
children are dead.
Attending physicians feared today
that if Mrs. Collins learned that
only one -of her daughters. A'.icc,
2Yi, had died from the effects of the
poison and that her other children,
Mildred, 12, and Mabel, 14, were
welt on the way to recovery, she
could not withstand ' the shock.
Therefore, she was told, during her
moments of consciousness that her
(laughters are dead.
A coroner's jury, investigating in
to the death of the youngest girl,
found a verdict that she died from
the effects of poison administered
by the mother while temporarily de
mented. She gave the children the
poison in some fig syrup and then
l ! 1 If
uraiiK a. quantity iiersrn.
Dentists Hold Quarterly
Convention at Fairbury
Fairbury, Neb., March 16. (Spe
cial.) The Southeastern Nebraska
Dental asociation is in session here
today with a representation of 35
members. Dr. E. A Litchfield of
Hum'bolt is president and Dr.. Kisch
ner of the same town- is secretary.
The association meets four times a
year and at each meeting one sub
ject is considered. The subject to
day was cast restoration.
Nominate Oshkosh Trustees
Oshkosh, Neb., March 15. T. T.
Shields, YV. YV. Fought and V. F.
Gumacr were nominated at the citi
zens caucus for village trustees for
the ensuing year to succeed King
Rhiley, George E. Melvin and W. F.
Slayer of Seward
Mayor Too 111 to
Appear for Trial
Sewatd, Neb., March 16. (Special
Telegram.) The case of Patrick
Parian, alias Arthur Andrews,
charged with the murder of his
fattier-in-law. Griirci Merriam. may
or of Seward, has been continued,
due to the inability of the defendant
' to appear here for trial. Farlan is
in the hospital at the state peniten
tiary, where he was taken after he
had slashed bis throat in an attempt
to end his life following the slaying
of the mayor in front of his home
the night of December 18. His con
dition is said to be too serious to
permit removal from the hospital.
Attorneys for the defense appeared
before Judge Corcoran, asking for a
trial immediately. The judge, how -evert
set the case for some time dur
ing this term of the district court,
providing the defendant is able to
Temporary Postmaster
Appointed at Columbus
Columbus, Neb., March 16. (Spe
cial.) Harry B. Keed; for many
years employed in the local postof
fiCjC here, has been appointed tem
porary postmaster to take the place
of S. E. Marty to be removed. Mr.
Marty admitted that he had received
a letter .'from the postoffjee depart
ment asking that he resign, which he
refused to do.
Mr. Marty was elected six years
ago, according to the plan adopted
by former Congressman Dan V.
Stephens, receiving almost one-half
of the votes in a contest of five can
didates. There are a number of can
didates besides Mr. Reed for the
permanent appointment. The office
pays $2,800 a year.
Columbus Couple Divorced
After Filing Three Suits
Columbus, Neb., March 16. (Spe
cial.) In district court Judge Post
granted Mrs. Laura E. Hcrchcnhan
a divorce from Carl Hcrcheuhau,
who did not cont;t the action. It
was the third divorce suit in which
they had figured as principals, the
two prior ones having been dismiss
ed without coining to a hearing.
The couple were married in Pap
illion in 1914. Mrs. Herchenhan se
cured the decree on grounds of cru
elty, alleging that on several occa
sions her husband had struck and
choked her, and accused her of in
Geneva Community Club
Elects Officers for Year
Geneva, Neb., March 16. (Spe
cial.) At the annual meeting of the
Geneva Community club, the follow
ing officers were elected: President,
II. 1. Wilson; vice president, Harry
A. Warner; treasurer, W. H. Stew
art. The secretary, Tyler Edge
combe, received his appointment
from the executive board. C. F.
Huehrer, James Burk, F. J. Gunthcr
and li. A. Matteson were elected to
the board of directors. The county
scat road was discussed, and a com
mittee reported the fund to be raised
by the club practically assured so
that work will begin on improve
ment of the highway connecting
Geneva and Clay Center at an early
date. A dinner preceded the busi
ness meeting.
Geneva Entertains 200
Eighth Grade Students
Geneva, Neb., March 16. (Special-.)
About 2U0 Eighth grade pupils
of the rural schools visited Geneva
at the invitation of the county super
intendent and were shown through
the court house and other institu
tions. A program of motion pictures
was given for their benefit.
Tape's Diapepsin" at once
ends Indigestion and
Sour, Acid Stomach
Lumps of undigested food cause
pain. If your stomach is in a revolt;
if sick, gassy and upset, and what
you just ate has fermented and
turned sour; head dizzy 'and aches;
belch gases and acids and eructate
undigested food just take a tablet
or two of Pape's Diapepsin to help
neutralize acidity and in five min
utes you wonder what became of the
pain, acidit', indigestion and dis
tress. If your stomach doesn't take care
of your liberal limit without rebel
lion; if your food is a datoiage instead
of a help, remember the quickest,
surest, most harmless stomach anta
cid is Tape's Diapepsin, which costs
so little at drug stores.
I I iwiE
i J
r In V
Hundreds of Beautiful Blouses
Given Away Absolutely Free
, ' ' m
The most startling news that has greeted Omaha women in many a
day Extraordinary because you now get two blouses at the same price
you were asked yesterday to pay for one.
Now had at the former
Forced to Vacate Price of
No Limit Placed on Buying
Buy One $3.95 Sale Blouse and Get Another $3.95 Blouse Free.
Buy One $4.95 Sale Blouse and Get Another $4.95 Blouse Free.
Buy One $6.95 Sale Blouse and Get Another $6.95 Blouse Free.
Buy One $8.95 Sale Blouse and Get Another $8.95 Blouse Free.
Buy One $10.95 Sale Blouse and Get Another $10.95 Blouse Free.
Blouse Fixtures Torn Out Stock Must
Go Only 13 More Days and the
Parisian Closes Its Doors Forever.
This is not a sale of choice, it has been forced upon us. Our
situation is desperate. Fixture's are gone. Blouses are heaped
on tables. They must go without further delay.
Taffetas Crepe de Chines All Colors
Embroidered Tailored Frills
RememberOur extreme low Forced to Vacate Prices
Prevail on these Blouses and Now You buy Two of these
Blouses at . the Price of one. Can You resist such a
marvelous offer.
Business Women' of
, Holdrege Hold First
Annual Style Show
Holdrege, Neb., March 16. (Spe
cial.) The most elaborate entertain
ment ever given in Holdrege was the
annual style show- staged under the
direction of the Holdrege Business
Women's club, an organization coin
posed of young women employed in
the business houses of the city, to
gether 'with those establishment?
catering; to women's and men's fur
nishings trade. '
More than 100 young women and
men of the city assisted in the pro
gram and the display of costumes,
each of the six- stores exhibiting
models from the simple house
dresses to elaborate gowns for eve
ning wear, and the men's wear run
ning the scale from plain business
suits to full dress. The demonstration
of the costumes was intersperccd
with a program of chorus numbers
of latest musical hits, with the
models in the solo parts.
Rurwrll Couple Celebrate
Fiftieth Anniversary
Burwell. Xeb., March 16. (Spc
cial.) William V. Ileninutt and
wife celebrated, their fiftieth wedding
anniversary at theft ( home here.
There were over 100 invited guests
besides their children ami grand
children. They were married, in Al
legan county, Michigan, 50 years
ago, but have been residents of Gar
field county for over 40 years, com
ing here when the Indians yet in
habited this country. They settled
on a homestead and have aided in the
development of the town and county.
Civil War Veteran Dies
Beatrice, Neb., March 16. (Spe
cial.) J. If. Ramsey, 77, a civil war
veteran and pioneer of (iage county,
died at his home in this city. He
is survived bv live children.
Wm Catherine Cootift
Addresses Fairbury Club
l airbury, Neb.. March lo. (Spe
cial.) Miss Catherine Coons, a
representative of the Nebraska
Chamber of Commerce, spoke on
"Extension of the Chamber of Com
merce Work," at the noon luncheon
of the Fairbury clumber. She spoke
from a financial viewpoint.
Fred l'ierce, secretary of the Na
tional V. M. C. A., addressed the
club for a short time along the lines
of his work.
Rubbers of Cage County
Home Escape With Bonl
Beatrice, Neb.. March 16. (Spe
cial.) Kobbers entered the home of
Jack Haley along the river north
west of the city and carried ofl u
small amount of jewelry and other
articles. Bloodhounds put on the
trail of the thieves followed to the
river banks and it i9 thought they
made th e i r e s c a p ei i i aJ oa t .
Frospenty m 1
Its Up to Yqu!
EVERY man is a business man
and every woman, too. The
past five years has worked wonders
in making people realize the fact that
ALL are in business for themselves.
To Make Your Business Go
You Need the Other Fellow
The other fellow needs you and your continued
purchasing of the normal needs of yourself and
your household will make
, The Wheels of Industry Hum as
They HaveNeverHurrmedBej ore
Buy that automobile, buy that new furniture, buy
new shoetf, new clothes. Build the new7 house,
paint the old one, it all helps in putting prosperity
over Remember that
America Has the World's Wealth and
Only 5 of the World's Population
This greater store has marked its prices at bed
rock to meet conditions, to make buying easy.
Yu wanted lower prices they're here. We've
provided lavish selections of
Superb Easter Clothes
Suits Top Coats Motor Coats
For Men, Young Men, Younger Young Men
$25, $30, $35, $40, $50 $60
Priced 35. to 45 Below
Previously Prevailing Prices
Boys' Easter Clothes
$10 to $25
Many With Extra Pants
Juvenile Easter Clothes
$10 to $20
For Little Chaps 2J to 8 Years
for every member of the family
Kuppenheimcr Good Clothes Society Brand Fashion Pari? Hici(cy
Freeman Campus Togs Langham High Younger Young Men's
Clothes A Clothes Exposition Awaits You. x