Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE H
G. 0. P. Wrestles
With Problem of
. , Postniastershi ps
Republicans Wondering How
They Can Take Patronage
From Democrats With
Wilson Ruling in Effect.
T aDUMl&llII VU"'Jf wiiuviiv Wlll.llU
Washington, March IS. (Special
Telegram.) Republican members of
congress are wrestling with the
problem of how to take care of the
postmaster patronage. It is a trou
blesome question, probably more
complicated now than ever, in view
of-the executive order of President
Wilson placing first, secon'd and
third-class postmasterships under
civil service and removing hem
from-the domain of patronage.
Representative' Fess of Ohio,
chairman of the republican congres
sional campaign committee, has sent
a questionnaire to very republican
representative inquiring: First,
"Should the executive order of
President Wilson be continued?" Sec
ond, "Should the order be modified,
if so in what particular and to Vhat
degree?" Third,. "Should the order
be revoked?" . ,
It is presumed this action is taken
at the instance of President Harding,
who must decide whether the Wilson
order jvill stand or be revoked.
In Peculiar Dilemma.
Members of congress find them
selves in a peculiar dilemma in an
swering the questionnaire! sent out by
Kepresctjiative ivs. iiiie majority
-f a.. t C J ,1.. .
oi ine niemnprs una me recom
mendations for postmastership to be
an undesirable task, for the recom
mendations usually lead to. factional
lights in the home districts. On the
other hand, the members are not
anxious to see the democratic ap
pointees continue in office while the
deserving republicans remain jobless.
The questionnaire ent out by'' Rep
resentative Fess lea'ves one avenue
open to congressmen who are faced
with a difficult duty in choosing be
tween candidates for the postmaster
berths. It will put every member
of the majority on recordyas to his
attitude concerning the appointment
of postmasters through competitive
examination. ,
Want Order Revoked.
While the replies to the question
naire have just begun to come in, it
is understood that they indicate that
the republican members desire the
Wilson order revoked and the Wil
son postmasters ousted from office.
At the same tim early replies indi
cate that a majdrity are in favor k
appointing republican postmasters
after a competitive examination.
Republican members know that if
the Wilson order is revoled they
will be charged with returning to the
"spoils" system, but they declare
that the order was not promulgated
until the former president had filled
all of the available berths with de
serving democrats.
When the questionnaires all have
been returned to Representative
ess, u lSi uiiutr'iMuuu a iuui-
, . l i - i i :
dent Harding. In, the " meantime
thousands of anxious republicans are
scrambling for the favor of their
congressmen. '
Suggests Amendment.
Congressman Andrews answering
the questionnaire of the chairman
of the congressional committee said:
"That order should be amended by
substituting in its place a new execu
tive order, establishing the regular
civilj service rule which would au
thorize the appointment of any one
of the three highest eligibles in the
examination. As the original Roose
velt rule for the reappointment of
postmasters at the end of their statu
tory terms on the basis of efficient
service records was set aside, by the
Wilson administration in Order to
fill the postofficcs with democrats,
those who , secured their appoint
ments through sucfTTrction should be
ineligible to succeed themselves.
Postmasters who have made their
offices democratic "headquarters and
been guilty ofgross offensive par
tisanship should be retired as speed
ily as possible."
This view, it is understood, meets
with the endorsement of Congress
man Evatw.
Would Oust Democrats. .
Congressman McLaughlin, in an
V(Ver to the questionnaire, said: "In
my judgment the order should be so
changed or modified as to provide
that these postmasters shall be se
lected by the department as a result
of a civil service examination with
provision that one of the three high
est eligibles should be selected.-Th-s
will make it possible in every in
stance to selects republican, where
desirable.. V
"I believe further, that in general,
notices should be served on post
masters appointed under the Wil
son administration tlyt their services
will be no longer needed when their
term expires, and that in exceptional
cases, where it is known that post
masters used their .influence politi
cally in the interests of the Wilson
administration, they should be re
tired at once." v
1 T .
Federal Power Commission
- Holds First Conference
Washington. March 15. The fed
eral power commission held its first
meeting since inauguration today in
Secretary Week's office, with both the
other members, Secretaries Fall and
Wallace present.
Duties of the power commission
ari n imnortant. Secretary Weeks
said, that it should be re-organized
with a membership free from other
duties and with the time for careful
study of problems.
' Senator Smoot to Propose
Fmriareiv on Wool Products
Washington, March IS An embar
Jfo on importation of wool, wool
tODS and wool waste will be pro
posed uf a bill to be introduced by
Senator Smoot, republican, Utah, on
the first day of the special session of
tion was necessary to save the wool
industry, the senator said today, as
foreign wool nourinar into the
Bolsheviki Congress
Appeals to Workers
London, March IS. (By The As-
: - - -1 T . Tl , rt. 1 i ,
sian congress of the bolsheviki at i
Moscow has issued an appeal to the
workers of Petrograd to "stand firm
ly to the end for what was gained
four years ago," says a Moscow
wireless. The appeal says:
'The enemies of the working class
es are trying to kindle the flame of
a new civil war and are striving to
fling us into endless calamities by
means of risings, strikes and the
destruction of the railways, thus pre
venting the movement of fuel, food
and articles. The leader of the
Kronstadt, Tyrukin, is a former czar
ist secret policeman."
Special Session
Adjoums Sine Die
Appointments by President
Harding Fail to Reach
) Congress for Confir
' mation.
Washington, March 15. The spe
cial session of the senate which con
vened March 4 to confirm important
appointments, adjourned sine die to
day, without receiving nominations
for diplomatic posts or for member
ship on the shipping board.
The delay in shipping board selec
tions which generally had been ex
pected to be ready today, was at
tributed to a technicality of the mer
chant marine art requiring all seven
members of the new board must be
named before any could assume his
duties. President Harding is under
stood to have been prepared to non
inate two or three, but was not
ready for all.
The only nomination to a high ad
ministration post sent to the senate
was that of Robert Woods Bliss of
New York, to be third assistant sec
retary of state. Mr. Bliss has had
Ipng experience in the diplomatic
service and he is now chief of the
State department bureau of western
European affairs. His confirmation
was voted.
There was no authoritative an
nouncement whether Mr. Harding
would give recess appointments to
Forme- Representative T. J. Esch
of Wisconsin, named for membership
on theMnterstate Commerce commis
sion and to the others whose nomin
ations are held upby senate opposi-i
Police Search for Nurse
Wanted for Robbing Woman
Chicago, March'' 15. Police ars
searching for a nurse who is charged
with attacking Mrs. Caroline Gris
wold of New Orleans, a patient in a
hospital here and robbing her of
jewelry and money valued at $15,-
000. ,
Other nurses found Mrs. Gris-
wold and the nurse wrestling on the
floor, they said. One of Mrs. Gris-
wold's teeth had been knocked out
and three loosened. , " t
The nurse said Mrs. Griswold
suddenly became insane and attack
ed her. Psycopathic tests made by
physicianus were -said to have dis
proved this statement. ,
I Easter
Are Pleasing
V Wraps, Suits,
uresses, Loais c
and Blouses
3 In f'smarf individ-
V ual styles at popu-
lar prices.
2nd tfloor
. 1
The talk of the town is
Brandeis Stores
Mary Louise Saysr
H NEARLY missed Spring Opening watching the wifi
dows, and only for the fact that it lasts a whole week
I might never have seen it. And there were others,
too, for I was jostled, almost crowded, by scores of people
just as enthusiastic as I was. .
and most beautiful floor display we Mve ever
seen.' That's the popular verdict on Bran
deis Stores Spring Opening!
HIIADN'T really thought of what they say about a
young man's fancy in spring until I saw the Scven
i teenth and Douglas windoAv. For' a moment I felt
like an intruder looking with profane eyes into the heart
and hopes of a real young woman in white satin and
orange blossoms ; and the next moment came over me the
solemnness I ahVays feel when the church organ plays
and I know that lives and futures, are ieing pledged in
two little words but that is Spring!
P Y first view of the main floor ell but took away my
breath. ' With my imagination chained by a lag
ging influence of winter, I stepped into a bower
of Spring, and, unprepared as 1 Avas, I found myself com
pletely overwhelmed. I couldn't tell what feature of the
decorations affected me most; I suppose, like a picture
that makes' one cry, (it was the whole thing. But such
delicate yet glorious colorings, such artistry of arrange
ment could only htrre come from the influence of spring
itself. Zl
A ND the beauty of spring things displayed in a way
yA to make you love them every one ! Jewelry, gloves,
u u ,
parasols and, best of all, the rich new dress ma-
JJ 3 PRING holds such promise to othletic people ! Sport
JQS silks in novelty crepes and combinations made mc-
glad, for the days when motor suits and golf togs
are a big matter" are here at last. And Sport flannels
in wide stripes promise many glorious hours on the tennis
1 0 matter what I come into the store to buy, the 5ec-
ond.floor the Floor Beautiful draws me jr
resistably. And just now the soft green carpet
seems to be a covering of woodland grass, and the flowers
and softened lights transform the whole place into a cor
ner of spring w,oods.
Wednesday 300 Silb Jersey
Petticoats Bloomers
Every garment offering appropriate
styles in lines and colorings that will
harmonize with the dress and suit modes
of the season.
Very Specially
Priced '
Latest Styles
It is with great pleasure that we announce such a sale as this, be
se we know that, coming when-it does, right at the' time when
cy 'woman is planning her Easter wardrobe, it will be more than
erery woman is planning ner master wararooe, it win De more tnan
welcome. These are petticoats and bloomers of real value. The
materials are good and the workmanship is of the best.
Jerseys? Taffetas and Combinations
of the Two Materials
They are of silk jersey, jersey tops and taffeta flounces or all taf
feta. And the silk bloomer in th 3 darker tones has come to stay.
They do away with the bulkiness beneath the straight line suits
and frocks. This lot includes the desirable colorings of Tahe, Pur
ple, Blue and many other street shades. To be sold Wednesday at
exactly 2.8.0. .
rr, Second Hoot North
On Sale Wednesddy
' 4 Yard Wide
- Per Sq. Yd.
COMES from wearing beautiful clothes, and it is not
vanity. It is a natural and wholesome desire to blos
som with spring. And because I felt that desire so
strongly I came to this floor resolved to buy utterly ! For
thisear there are no restrictions placed on the things we "
may indulge ourselves in. "I-am making my old clothes
do" is a slogan of the past, as surely as prohibitive prices'
arc a thing of the past. -
FOR waiting is here. Jlats of wonderful beauty, gowns
of luxurious materials and smartest styles, wraps of
silken loveliness "are here, at prices which one year
rfgo would have purchased half the value. And for the
first time in several years I bought my spring outfit with
jout feeling guilty over the amount I spent.
OF Second floor fades into the first glimpse of Third
Floor as the elevator ascends. And the Third. as
Avonderful with its own display. ' Some silk undies
Isaw there are of the sweet shade of a Ward Rose, and
a tiny edging of lavender ribbon make,s them beautiful to
look upon. And silky pink and blue things for babies
axe up here, too. Little quilted silk robes,, sweet enough
to kiss even without a baby inside, and sheer little muslin
dresses with organdie flowers. Corsets are here, too, and
that wonderful fitting service for which Brandeis Stores
is noted. v s
Presented in the Latest Shades .
Coats and, Wraf)s
that you will want to at4rtthe first
balmy days of spring y
Priced Wednesday at $29
The discriimnating-woman's search for that which
. v is new in becoming coats and wraps jvill come to "a
happy,' termination here, for, preseated in the most
wantca colorings, are all of the most approved Spring models.
The faWrics and trimmings are of superior quality and the work
! manship is of an excellence only found in the best class of coats.-
Materials are Velours, Basket Weaves and Merges.
Colors are Biege, Tan, Peuter Gray, Navy and Brown
Sizes 34 to 44.
They are offered veiy reasonably at 29.00
Second Floor West
k NE would scarcely belieye a whole department store
cuum iaKe on &ucn a gay note 01 spring. Ana we
realize that it took Phil Armnu- in An it TTo lino
done this before. His mastery is proclaimed by his friends
and generously recognized by his rivals.- In the spring
atmosphere he has created in the store he has added but
another triumph to the many that have gone before. ',
SUGGESTED by the wicker furniture, grass rugs and
5) bright draperies on the, fourth floor, mean a world
of pleasure in the warm weather to come. But the
biggest thinfin the whole year is spring, and for Brandeis
Stores and the shoppers who visit it, Spring is here in
all its beauty.
DON'T take my word for it. The popular verdict is
"The most marvelous windows and most beautiful
floor display we have ever seen." But you will en
joy an' unusual treat if you will come and see it for
The Prettiest
-Aunt ilhiw
Your heart will leap with joy and your pulses beat with
excitement when you see the 16 beautiful massive cars
which are displayed on the second floor of Brandeis Stores.
Stretches of white highway, green fields, sweet singing
birds and vWd flowers will Immediately fill the mind of
, the true motorist. He is bound to declare this the most
beautiful Auto Show he has ever seen.
Great .
' '
The most amazing corset sale, we be
lieve, in the history of Omaha!
Madam Lyra corsets at savings of 50 per
90(X pairs of the genuine world famous
cent and more.
Only 3.00
We've seen "Sales" We've seen "Reductions"
We'ye seen goods "sold for a song" but we've
never before seen 8.50 to 10.00 Madam Lyra corsets
at 3.00. . The thing is unheard of. Just try this
unusual economy of rich, extraordinary-) igh quality.
The lot also includes about two dozen silk brocade
corsets in medium and large sizes, regular 15.00 and
18.00 values.
Just Think of It !
All of these beautiful corsets of silk brocade and
satin finished bfoches !
ket affords and at
They are the finest the mar-
the absurd price of 3.00!
Third Floor North
It will he the biggest corset sale you have ever
keen. Sale begins promptly at p o'clock. Extra
salespeople will be in attendance to insure quick
service. '
4,750 yards of 4-yard wide linor
leum, the genuine printed cork
kind; thoroughly seasoned and
extra durable; wide enough to
cover your Iritchen or dining
room in one piece with no joints.
Comes in Mosaic and tile pat
terns for kitchens, blue and
white for bathrooms and wood
effects for dining rooms; bring
your measurements; special for
Wednesday, per square QO
yard, TOC
Fourth Floor Center
Odds and Ends
Pieces Priced
lie to 2.50
Odds and ends of practical
pieces ; gold band and floral dec
orations ; prices are very reason
able, ranging from 11c to 2.50 -
Fifth Floor East
.Specials in (
Dish Pans
jl - I'm
Made of mottled white granite with
polled edge; 17-quart size; QQ-,
special, each, OyU
Made of high-grade broom tJQ-,
corn with 4 ties; special, at 7U
White Borax
v Soap . '
10 Bars for 42c
Rire Boilers
v. ;
Two-quart 6ize; of mottled -1 "3Q
white ware; special, each X.O
Floor Brushes
Made of bristle: with long handle;
12 and 14-lnch slz; special, -1
Fifth Floor West