THE BUE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MARCH l.V ivzi. U Many Donations Greatly Reduce Milbank Estate Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day iha by Daughter, Mrs. Eliza beth Milbank Anderson To Philanthropies Cut Holdings to $3,000,000. By HOLLAND. Had Mrs. Elizabeth Milbank An derson cared for the estate aggregat ing millions which she received from Iter father, Jeremiah Milbank, with .zeal for its growth and accumula tion her estate would probablv he in excess of $30,000,000. She didn"t lo that and because of her frequent anil large distributions to various philanthropies, college endowments, and also, some which took the form of downright charity, the state of New York and the federal govern ment will receive in the fornisof estate tuxes not a very large sum. It is of course only an estimate which some of hcr(riends have made '.hat her estate will inventory not aver $5,000 " J. If that be found an accurate estimate then she must have 'distributed in her lifetime perhaps as much as $20,000,0(10, possible more. Many Bequests. Mrs. Anderson died recently after a sojourn in California in the hope that the climate there might bring back to her, her accutonied health. But it was not to he so and she I died leaving a reputation which will lohtinue for many years of having been a woman possessed of very !. rge wealth and worthy to be re n embereel anion the, richest of American women who was chiefly occupied for many, years in making vvise distributions of her wealth. The HF: . rKn 1 1., f I. ..It f .1. f.v'.,,, t,g vm mi iii i iL'w uavs ago ') contains a list of many bequests of this kind, but not of the gifts she made during her life. 1 Sh" Inherited from her father rapaoltv for handling skillfully Important business affair. In fact this was demonstrated i by her method of apportioning Bome parts of her property to this or that charity This was ilons n a thoroughly business like manner. -Mrs. Anderson's legal residence was In Now I oi k City. Phe was often appealed to and u.'iially with puree? for subscription to political nartv r.-imnalirn fnn,l h,,t tr she, made a aift of this kind it was not don .until after thoroug-lt examination of me methods adopted by the partv man . agers In expending campaign funds. Father Itullt It tp. tt was her belief that as she had not accumulated by her own efforts the for tune which came to licr it was all the mora Important that she should make triad distribution of It. Her father built up the fortune having been one of the moat in riuentl.M of all those who developed great railroad properties and she handled that portion which came to her with business acumen, not doing this for the purpose of IncreaslnB h(r fortune so that she might have the sole enjoyment of It. but In order that the might make such ut,e of it as would be of benefit .tf humanity. Mrs. Anderson's Country Home. Mrs. Anderson's country home was In the town of Greenwich, Conn., beyond the -New lork boundary. It was a landed property surpassed only in that town bv !k .m '' that formerly, were hJ!JSMn.ed- f"rm"' ",ch K C- inverse i d rn?v?r y Perfect landscape modern ff?nd b' lh" m0St 8lt,llful " I?o IS. lm fn1 af'ltural methods s,i, the. ,ilow place of ,he United A,ndeo"' country home is t traditional Interest, because it was ,-for some years the country place of TVII- wtT.? .kTWk.!V. H. boUBht U when ?.if I'o!he 5"lrht of h,s vovrer In the so . called Tweed ring of New Tork City. Endorses Library. This passed Into the possession of Mrs t Anderson m4 ah-, ... n I i. v.. . . .,., v,,ln,HV n 0y ma pur chase? of several hundred acres. As Green wich was her country home she bestowed many benefactions ulon the town. She hunt and endowed the public library . which was a memorial to her mother. She contributed much for social welfare pur poses and her private charities were In the aggregate very large. 6he caused to be eonstrueted a marble mausoleum which Is a conspicuous object within the vista of all who pass through that town. Mrs. Anderson, among her benefactions, saved Barnard college, saved It at least from the n.aulfv .e ...... !....- l . . , i .. ..... .i.ii.tiiii, i.vuneu ill ramped quarters which were not conven ient of approach to Columbia unlversltv, of which It Is a part. Her gift, of money made possible the ennatructlon of the Barnard college build ings, which stand within five minutes' walk of the tentral building of Columbia university. Her rhllosophy of Wealth. Mrs Anderson never dsparted from her conviction that great wealth should be considered as something to be held as fc i. trust. She often spoke of the gratifying modem tendency which has been revealed by so many who have accumulated large wealth and who desire to distribute much of that wealth in such manner as to give service to mankind. She Ib reported l have said that In the vast f'v years the distribution of some portion of the large fortunes .which have been accumu lated has been so great as to demon strate the fact that all of those who ac cumulate fortunes, having been able to 1 do that through the development of Amer ican resources, are not miserly, seeking to v.teiw Intact alt of their rains, but on the contrarv, are disposed to return a con siderable part of their wealth in such 11. inner as may terve mankind. Live Stock Financial Om.hj, March 14 Receipt were: Cattle Itngs Sheep- Monday estimate H,00 T.ooi) la.tSuO Same day last wk 10.043 11.619 1I.M fame day 2 wks ago.. 1.496 10,3;t 1 5,7 90 Someday 3 wka. ago.. 9.00T 5 n.S97 10. 46 Same day yr. ago 10,178 13.671 10,188 Receipts and disposition of live stock at he I'nloi) Stock Yard. Oniahn, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at i o'clock p. m.. March H, 1921: RECEIPTS CARP. C attle Hogs She'p H.-M. "., M. A St. p. ...... 11 a Wabash I'nlon Pacific C. N. W'.. east C. N. W.. west . C, St. 1 M. & O. C, St. 1 & O., west C, R. I. & P., east . C. K. I. i P., west Illinois Central Chi. lit. cat' '. 71 17 3 :' '.; :j i . . .. . -, : s ji 1 37 ; 110 16 St . lti 11 1 f ... . 20 3 32 9S "3 1 DISPOSITION 11 ICAD. . Cattle Hogs Slieep Oman? Ptoduce 4 'Fruits and vegetable quotations fur nished by the Gillnsky Fruit company: Fruits Bananas, per pound. 10c; oranges. 126. 86. 00; 15". $5.50; 176. 85.00; fU, 84.60: 216-!f.O. $4.00: 1 2S8-824, 83.75. lemons. 800. Golden Bowl or Sk.. $6.00; S0, Silver Cord or Ch.. $5.50: 270, Sun klst, $5.60: J70. choice, $5.00. Grape Fruit, 46. US 00; B4. 85.": 64. 85.7i; 70-80, $6.00 Apples, barrel. Ben Darls. 86.50; barrel, Ganas, $7.60: barrel. Northwestern Greenings. 87.60: boi. Ganas. 163 site, 82.7S: bo, O. F. Wine Saps. 158s, 8S.7S; ' bojc. O.'F. Wine Saps, 150-163, $3.80: box. O. F. 'Wine Saps. J00. $3.00; box. O. F. Wine Baps, 216. 32.76: box, Jonathans, 300, $2.75: box. Jonathans. 213. 82 60., Honsy Crt. (24 frames), 3" 0. Uates Cs. Dromedary. 36 pkgs.. 3-i5 Wholesale prices of. beef cuts: No. 1 Ibs, S2c: No. 2 ribs. 29c: No. 3 ribs. 22c; No. I loins. 39c; No. ! loins. S4c: No. I lotns. 25c; No. 1 rounds, 20c: No. 3 rounds, 19c; No. 3 rounds. 16e: No. 1 chucks, llic: No. 8 chucks, lie: No. 3 chucks. lOo: No. 1 plates, 9c; No. 2 plates, 84c: No. 3 "plates. 7nc. Vegetables Potatoes. Idaho Whites, per lb.. Site; R. R. Ohlos (branded), 2c Sweet potatoes, crt. Sugarlands. 12.50. On- Ions, Spanish, crates. 32.75; Sacked Whites. Sc: Sacked Tellow. 5c: , Sacked Red Globs, 2"4c. Onion Sets, ' Red. per lb., 4 He; White, 7er lb.. 6c; Tellow. per lb.. 4c. Cabbage, Old, per lb.. 214c; New (Tex s), per lb., 3 Vjc. Old Roots Rutabagoes Beets. per lb.. 3Hc Carrots-Parsnips, ,SVe; Turnips. Sc. Green Vegetables Radishes, per doc, 8126: Shallot's, per dos., $1.00? Carrots, per dot., 31.60; Tur- nips, per dos.. $1.50; Parsley, per dor., S6o; Cucumbers, per dot, 34.00: Spinach, per lb., 12c; Peppers, per lb.. 40c:, Cauli flower, per crt. 85.75. Lettuce. Head. (4 $1.36; Leaf (4 to 8 dog.), per basket, $2.50; laf, per dor, 7oc. California Celery, Roogh (4 to 8 dot.), per crt.. $7.00; Washed Ex. Jumbo, par dox.. St.7o; Nuts Peanuts. 10-lb. can salted, $2.75; No. 1 raw, 9c; No. 1 roast. 12c: Jumbo, raw, 14c: Jumbo, roast. 18c. Walnuts, No. 1 Diamond, t7c; Checkers, Chums. C Jack. 100 to caso, prlxe, 37.00; 60 to case, prise. $8.60; 10 to No. prist, $.$; SO to ease. No. prise. $3.40. . rtr Tork Jletals. New TorkT March 14 Copper Un settled; electrolytic, SRpt and March. 1.9 13V4ci second quarter, 12HlSc. Iron Nominal; No. 1 northern. $28.00; No. t northern. 127.00; No. 1 southern, I36.00!6.O0. Tin Firm: spot and nearby, $:$ 00; fu tures, 839.60. Antimony opoi. 5.tieir.jB. eaa tuu: spot, ss.uw. Zinc Quiet; East St. Louis delivery, ma II TlDl llli. Cotton Futures. New Tork, March 14. Cotton futures opened steady; March, 10.80c; May, 11. 60c; July, lL$2o; October, 13.48c; December, 1 'cotton futures closed steady; March, to; May. 11.60e; July, ll.Jc; October, 13.45e; December, 12 46c ( Morns & Co Kwirt It co Cudaby Packing Co. ,. Armour & Co Schwartz Co .1. W. .Miirphy , Dold Pkg. Co Lincoln Packing Co. .. So. Orualia Pkg. Co. IllgeU's Packing Co. ., Hoffman Bros. Joton Koth & Sons .... Mayerowlch & Vail ... Olasberg ' , Wilson & Co W. B. Van Kant & Co.. Benton A Van Sant .. K. P. Lewis HunUlnger Oliver ., J. B. Root Co. J. H. Bulla R. M. Buiruss & Co. .. Rosenstork Bros P. !. Kellogg . . Wertheiiner & Pegm . Kills .' Co Sullivan Bros. Mo.-Khh. l. a: C. Co. , E, G. Christie .tohn IJarvey Jensen & Lundgren . Oennis & Francis I'heek AL- Krchs ' Omaha Packing Co. ,. Midwest racking Co. .. Monahan CHher Buyers .ins .1495 .1013 .1255 600 63 34 20 1 62 . 130 . ITS 25 . 19 . 38 . 147 . 138 , 44 . 12S . 2S5 . 116 . 100 PI , 95 . IS . I' 19 . SO . 7 , 17 , 10 , 22 . 28 . 1CS4 974 15II9 1199 . 2904 1105 3478 877 3467 490 919 .... 113S 29 27i: Total ' 9980 66S2 14099 Cattle The week opens out wllh a more liberal run than dealers enpected. There were nearly n.uuu treen came on sale and as the present packing house strike ap pears to have been Indefinitely postponed buyer- were in a mood to take, on the more attractive offerings at not far from steady prices although bids and sales on the plainer cattle as well as on cows and heifers was generally 158 25c lower than last week. Best cattle sold around $9.40lgi 9.76. There was a fair inquiry for stockcrs and feeders with prices much the same as they were on the close of' last week. Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice beeves, $9.4010.00; fulr to good beeves, $8.50fte9.25; common to fair beeves. $7.75 (ft 1.50; choice to prime yearlings, $9.50131 10.00; good to choice yearlings, J9.00(oi 9.60; fair to good yearlings, $8.269.00; common to fair yearlings, $7.-60 8.25; choice to prime heifers, 37.76'58.50; good to choice heifers. $6.60(87.60; choice to prime rows, $7.25j.7.75; good to choice rows, $6.25Si7.00; fair to good cows, $6.50 6.25; common to fair cows. $3.005.00; good to choice feeders. $S.759.59; fair to good feeders, $7.2568.75; common to fair feeders. $7.0$8.25; good to choice stockers, $8.60119.00; fair to good Mockers, 37.76(9 8 50; common to fair Blockers, $7.25 7.76: stock heifers, 35.50'37.;5: stock cows, $5.006.00; stock calves. $6.008.00; veal calves, $3.00 S. 50; bulls, stags, etc., $4.237.00. BEEF STEERS. Av. .1176 .1113 Av. . 861 810 . 99 Av . 712 Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8 65 19 1157 8 75 8 90 17 1379 9 00 1225 9 25, 20 1318 9 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Av. Pr. 926 8 60 cows. Pr. No. 6 40 25.. 7 26 HEIFERS. Pr. No. 7 75 16.. 0 nn . feVoaKERS AND FEEDERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. .1165 9 00 BULLS. Av. Pr. No. Av. . 1880 6 25 2 865 Hogs The market opens out with a moderate run of hogs, about 7,000 head showing up. Shlppera provided a limited outlet for light and ngnt outoner nogs at slightly higher prices and packers followed with at fairly broad demand at trie snip ping advance. Trade as a whole ruled 10g I5e higher with occasional sales 208'25o higher. Beet light hogs topped at $10.50 and bulk ot the receipts sold at $9.7 5 Q) 10.35. HOGS. Sh. Pr. No, No. Av. 24 997 38 1030 16. No. 13. . . No. 21... 40... No. 15. . . 16... No. 19... No. 1.. . Pr. 6 85 Pr. Pr. 7 00 No. Av. 56 2:10 67., 64. 69. 82. 61. .280 .246 .125 .213 .267 .235 .167 9 30 9 80 .. 9 SO . . 10 00 40 10 15 .. 10 25 . . 10 36 .. 10 60 6; 58.. 74. , 74.. 62., 25. , 70. , Av. . .3:5 . .316 . .285 ..240 . .230 . .210 , Pr. 9 75 9 85 9 95 10 10 10 20 10 30 ..186 120 10 40 Sheep A liberal run of sheep and lambs estimated for today had a tendency to de lay trading, and tone to the market was a little easier. Trade In fat lambs finally developed at prices ' steady to a quarter lower with fat sheep generally steady. Best fat lambs brought 89.7510.00 with good ewes qt'oted up to $5.766.00. There was some Inquiry for shearing stock but practically no demand for ordinary feed ing classes. Quotations on Sheep: best fat lambs, $9.75 10.10 ; medium to good lambs, $9.25 9 75; plan and heavy Iambs. $8.75 9.25; shorn lambs, $8.009.00; yearlings, $.760g8.60: aged wethers. $6.ft0ig6.75; good to choice ewes. $5.6086.00; fair to good ewrs. $5 0OS5.5O: cull and feeder ews, $3.008.25; shearing lambs, $8.26 8.75. FAT LAMBS. 176 Fed 75 9 75 Chicaao Lire Stock. Chicago. March 14. Cattle Receipts, 22.000 head, market, beef steers and butcher she stock steady to 25c lower; beef steers, $10.75; bulk beef steers, $9.0010.00; fat cows and heifers, large, $S.007.75; bulk canners and cutters, $3.004.50; .bulls, stockers and feeders, steady; bulk bulls, $5,2506.25; calves mostly 6O0 lower, bulk to packers, $10.5011.6O. Hogs Receipts 48,000 head; market ac tive, mostly 10c to 16c higher than Sat urady's average, closed firm, but holdovers liberal due to several small killers out of market; top, $11.60i bulk 200 pounds downf $U.1011.40; bulk 220 pounds up, $10.15(8'10.85: pigs 26c to 60c higher, bulk desirable, 90 to 120-pound pigs, $11.00 11.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 30,000 head; market very slow; lambs 25c to 60c lower; sheep steady: lambs top. $9.00; bulk fat wooled lambs. $9.75JJ10.25; yearling top, $8.50, average around 98 pounds: ewe, top. $6.25: bulk fat ewea, $5.60(3 6.00; three doubles choice feeder lambs, $9.40. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City. March 14. (U. S. Bureau Markets.) Cattle Receipts. 16.000 head; beef steers, uneven, mostly 103J25c lower, common and medium kinds weak; early top, $9.70: bulk. $8.60g9.60; she stock, steady to 15o lower, some sales 25c lower; prime heifers, $8.66: choice cows, $7.00: bulls and canners fully steady! good and Ch6lce vealers, $9.50iS 10.50 : stockers and feeders steady to weak; choice feeders, $9.009.15. Hogs Receipts, 14.500 head; open. 10 15e lower, closing about steady with the weeks close, best lights. $10.90: bulk of sales. $10.1010.S0: pigs steady to 10c higher: choice stock pigs. $11.60 1 1.60. Sheep Receipts-f-8.500 head; weak; lambs mostly 25c lower.; light ewes. $6.00; 82-pound lambs. $10.75. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, lat, March 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 4.000 head: killers market 25c lower: stockers stesdy; fed steers and yearlings. $6.6099.26; fat cows and heifers, Ss.OO'S'S.OO; canners, 82.254J4.00; veals, $6.0010.00; feeders. $6.008 8.25: esives, $5.0i&'8.00; feeding cows and heifers. $4.0068.60; stockers. S5.00S7.50, Hogs Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady, 10c higher: light. $10.10 10.35; mixed. $8.7510.1: heavy, $9.00g:9.76; bulk of sales, $9.60810.10. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady. , ' St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, March 14. Hogj Receipts. 7.000: steady to 10c lower, top, $10.70; bulk of sales. $10.10010.65. Cattle Receipts. 4.5"0 head; open 25c lowed, steers, $7.0010.00: cows and heifers, $3.60e.25; calves. $6.0O$9.50. Sheep Receipts. 13.000 head. 25 H 50c lower; lambs, J8.264J10 60; ewes, $3,000 8.75. . New York Sugar. . New Tork, March 14. The raw sugar market was quiet today. No business was reported and prices closed unchanged at 8c for Cubas cost and freight, equal to 6.82c for Centrifugal. Chicago Potato. Chicago. March 14. Potatoes Market weak; receipts. HI northern white, sacked and bulk, $1.20S 1.25 cwu , SbcNciuilorkeiniffl. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tribune-Omaha lice Leased Wire. New York, March 14. The action of prices on the stock exchange to day was pretty plain witness to the excessively speculative character of the market. It indicated that even what was described as last week's "outside sealing" had been occasioned very much less by actual alarm over ihc railway situation than by belief that prices of the railway and- other stocks were going lower. At all events, the commotion which produced last Friday's "mil-' lion share market," subsided so abruptly that today's total transac tions Were not very greatly in ex cess of Saturday's two hours' busi ness. While the railway 'shares, as a group, were neither active nor particularly weak, the only positive movements on the stock exchange were the repetition of the familiar, at tacks 011 three or four industrial shares, when the decline which has regularly followed such professional maneuvers conducted, as they have been, with a view to dislodging weakly speculate accounts carried over from last year. Koreelgn Kxchange lwer. Europe appeared to Have vanished form Wall street's sphere of observation. For eign exchange declined to the neighbor bond of Last Wednesday's rates, with' French exchange especially weak. But not one ascribed the movement to European PullticR. The British government securi ties advanc.-d npcaln .it London, some Of them reaching the highest of the year. Tho Income and profits tax collection for which the veriod of quarterly pay ment expires Tuesday, were in no respect reflected or foreshadowed -in todays money market: where both' call and time loans remained at the rates from which they have not varied during the present month. Omaha Grain j Chicago Grain 1 1 Bonds and Notes Omaha, March 14. Moderate receipts of corn were on hand today and other grains light. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Trlliune-Onmlia llee tenned Wire. Chicago, March 14. Liquidation South Side Wheat prices were off 4c to 6c. Corn and lower prices in the face of the rr.ngea uncnangca irom yiz 10 ic lower, generally, unchanged to 'jC off. Oats were unchanged to lie off, generally I'jc lower. Rye declined ,'c. while barley was weak. Mussel's- Xews bureau reported the sale of 2,1)00,000 to 3,000,000 bushels of wheat for export today to Italy, France, Spain and Holland. The' Chicago future market was consid erably lower, despite these sales, eco nomic conditions and heavy selling by longs, reported as having influ ence. The United States visible sup ply of wheat decreased 1,423,000 bushels the last week; corn increased 3,236.000 bushels and oats "increased 135,000 bushels. New York Quotations 79 'i 79 Hi 79 Vi 31 31 "4 31V, 110 HOT, 112 67 (l 01 56 'a 12', Tl 66 4 11 70S Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, Peters trust bUlldln8: RAILS 1 et High Low Clbse Sat. Close A.. T. S. V. .... T9-, Ttaltimoro &- Ohio. 31 Canadian Pnclflc 1111, N. Y. Central fi Chrs: & Ohio r,6V4 Erlo 11. R 12's r,t. Noruhern pfd. 714, Chi. Cit. Western Illinois Central Mo.. Kan.- Tex.. . H Knn. City Southern 22Si Missouri Pacific . 1 6 N. Y. N. H. & H. 17S Northern Pae. Ky., T7't Chi. & N. W '05 Pennsylvania R R 3&1 Reading Co C. R. I. & P 24 Southern Pc Co.. 72s, Southern Railway 19i rht Mil St P. . C4U 1'nion Pacific 1I3S 114',i 114', 1145, Wabash 7, it, STEALS Am. Car & Fdry..lS2Vi 1 1 12 21 ' 1 17 64',, 35 i 6( si 23 S T1V, 19i 3'4 !li 2214 16i 17 TRH 3l 364 fit 23i 7 0 19 'ft 11 T1H 7 sin 5'f "2 '1 16i 1T 77 64 3H 68 24 71 1 9 24', 32 U 84 UK 26 U SSU, 29vi SOU 3DV, 94 20 31- IMi 17 S2i 31', 26 1. Sl'i 29H 49 20 S3', 62 ; 41 ii T7i 4 20 30 16 11', 47 Allis-Chalm. Mfg 35 Am. Loco. Co S3' t'td. Alloy Steel . Baldwin Loco. .. Beth Steel Corp.. Colo. Fuel & Iron. Cruclhle Steel . . . Am. Steel Fdry. . Lackawanna Stoel Mldvale Steel ... Pressed Steel Car 834 Rep. Iron Steel 63 4 Ry. Steel Spring Sloss-Shef. Stl 42 V. S. Steel T84 COPPERS. Anaconda Cop. ... 35 34 J Am. Smlt. z Rf. .. 38 37 Butte & Sup. Mln Chile Copper Co... Chino Copper Co. . , Insp. Cons. Cop.. . . Kenneeott Cop ... Miami CoDoer .... Nev. Cons. top.v fcay Cons. Cop....' 1l3i Utah Copper . , . . . 4S i INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar 40 40'i A., Q. & V. I. S. S. 41 i 34t Am. Int. Corp. ... 41 40, Am. Sum. Tob 79 7714 Am. Cot. Oil Co... 19H 194 Am. Tel. & Tel... 102 102 Brook. Rap. Trans. 12 4 12" Bethlehem Motors. 24 American Car. Co.. 27 Chandler Mot. Car 73 Cent. I.eath. Cp. .. 38 -Cuba' Cane Sug. . .. 21 Cal. Pack. Corp. .. 60 Cat. Petro. Corp... 36 Corn Prod. Bfg. . . . 70 Xat. En. & Stamp Flsk Rubr. Co Gen. Electric Co.. .130 Oast. Win, & Wig. 2 Gen. Motors Co.... 12s Goodrich Co 36' Am. Hde. Lt. Co. i Hask. & Brk. Car U. S. Ind. Ale. Co. 65 4 Internal. Nickel ..14 Inter. Paper Co. .. P3 AJax Rbr. Co 2d '4 Kelly-Sp'f'd Tire.. 38Vj Key. Tire & Rub.. 14H Intern. Merc. Mar. 124 Maxwell Motor . . 44 M Petroleum .. .1451.4 142 Middle States OH 12 111 Pure Oil Co. ..... 33 Willy-Overland . . 7 H Pierce Oil Com. .. 1 0 Vi Pan-Am Pet Trans 68 4 Pierce-Arrow Mot. 26 Royal Dutch Co.. . 62 'i V. S. Rub. 'Co 66 4 Am. Sug. Rfg. Co. 90 i Sinclair Oil & Rfg. 22 Sears-Roebuck Co. 73'4 Stromsberg Carb, 31 4 Studebaker Corp. . 60V. Tob. Products Co.. 52 Trans-Contin. Oil. "4 Texas Co 40 U S Fd Pr. Corp. 20 U S Sm Rfg Mln 30 4 The White Mot Co Wilson Co., Inc... 40 Marks Westghse El & Mfg4Gi Araer, Woolen Co. 64 i Total Sales . . . Money 7 Sterling 3.91 4 Francs 24 26 4 71 37 21 4 9 4 354 694, 35 83 31 Ti !', 55 4 26'i 83 , 29 4 50 '4 304 S3 4 63t 42" 78 4 38 '94 20'4 ;;0 . 16T 17 . lia4 47 4 404 344 40 i 79 194 102 . 124 2 4 26 4 72 ' 57 '., 21 H 59 4 6 69 i 1284 130 126 34' 8 654 13, 524 284 S7Vi 134 124 44 31 ' 74 10 66 V4 23 61 4 654 90 204 294 58 'i 50 7V4 384 194 S8i 4o 24 6 3 "4. Close 124 344 84 654 14 63 28 '4 384 134 124 44 143 V'i 74 10 67 H 254 624 664 904 21 4 73 4 30 J'.'! 34i 82. 32 84 ' 554 864 294 494 30 4 834 63 4 85H 41 7b4 35 11 9'i 20 30 16 '4 114 474 404 40 4 41 4 80 162" 11H i 26 4 714 364 214 594 36 704 56 134 1294 24 124 354 84 : 544 654 14 52V4 28 37 134, 13 145 4 114 314 7'i 104 68 4 254 62i 664 904 21 4 744 594 50 T T4 40 20 204 59 61 4 T4 39 20 30 38 39 394 elnta& 464 454 64 64 ....717.4O0 Sat, Close '.3291 4 .0718 Xew Tork Money. m Xew Tork. March 14. -Prime mercan tile paper. 74Ti per cent. Exchange Irregular. Sterling Demand, J3.S9 4; cables, $3,90 4. Francs Demand. 7.00: cables. 7.02. Belgian Franca Demand, 7.32; cables, 7.34. Guilders Demand". S4.30: cables, 34.40. Lire Demand. 3.68; cables. 3.70. Marks Demand. 1.55; cables, 1.59. Greece Demand, 7.53. Argentine Demand, 34.60. ; Brazilian Demand, 15.00. Montreal 124 per cent discount. Time Loan Steady; .60 days, 90 days, six months. 6 4 I" per cent. Call Money Stesdy; high. 7 per cent; low. 7 per. cent; ruling rate. 7 per cent: closing bid. 6 per cent; offered at 7 per cent: last loan, 7 per cent. Xew York Curb Stoeks. Allied Oil Boston Montana Boston Wyoming Cresson Gold "V. .... Cosdn Oil Consolidated Copper .... F.Ik Ba-ln Federal Oil v Glen rock Oil Island Oil Merrltt Oil Midwest Refining Co..., Silver King of Arizona.. Sapulpa OH Stmms Petroleum Tonopah Divide U. P. Steamship U. S Retail Candy White Oil 70 68 71 70 4 14 54 14 84 14 . . 1 . m ,. 5j,S . . 1 4 .. 84 a .. 14 . . 1 8 2 .. 34 34 .. 11- 114 ..13S4f 136 ,. 10 gi 20 .. 44 44 . 7 1 W . . 1 Vi ft 4 e-H9 1 4 1. . 8 New Terk Produce. New York, .March 14. Butter Market easy; .creamery' higher than extras. 48 484c Creamery extras, 47Vi47 4c; firsts. 42 47c. Eggs Market steady: fresh gathered extra firsts. 344 35c: firsts, 32&34e. Cheese Market firm: state, whole milk flats held speclsls. 28 29 4c: state whole milk flats fresh specials, 268264c Live Poultry Market firm: broilers. ' II T60c: chickens. 126 450; fowls, 40c; roost ers. 26c: turkeys. 35S40c. Dressed Poultry Market steady: west ern chicken.!, boxes. 28 58c: fowls. 29 38c: old cocks. i50-28c: turkeys, 66 S 62c. Iondon Metals. London. March 14. Standard npper. 162, 5 U'.-ctrolyti-. i7J. Tin, 15. Lead, 19. Zinc, 128, 7, 6d -r - i' " " , WHEAT No. 1 hard: 3 cars. J1.4S; S cars, $1.47. No. 2 hsrd: 6 care. l.46: 4 cars. SI. 45; 1 car, SI. 40; 1 car. J1.38 (very smutty). No. 3 hard: 1 car, $1.47 (heavy); 1 car, $1.46 (heavy): 6 3-6 cars, $1.43: 1 car, $1 40 (smuttv). No. 4 .hard: 1 car. $1.40; 6 cars, $1 39. 1 3-5 cius. $1.38 (smutty); 1 car. $1.37 (smutty): 34 cars. $1.36 (smutty). No. 5 hard: 4 1-3 cars, $1.35; 3-5 car. $1.3(1. Sample hard: 2-5 car. $1.05. No. 3 spring: 1 car, $1.45 (dark nor). Sample Spring: P car. $1.08. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.48. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.45 (smutty); 1 car. $1.43 (smutty). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.35 (spring wheat smutty); 1 car, J1.35 (durum). No. 5 pilxed: 2-3 car. $1.30 (smutty). Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.30. CORN t 3 cars. 55c. 1 car, 54c; 3 cars. 5:1c. I car. 5?c; 2 cars, 6'.'c. 1 car. 56 4c 2 cars, 54c; 6 cars, 634c No. 2 white: No. 3 white: No. 4 white: No. 2 yellow No. 3 yellow I cars, 53c. No. 4 yellow 3 cars. 614c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, lUs, No. 3 mixed 1 car. 524c; 1 car, 62c I car, 64 ',c (near white) 1 car. 5"c; 6 cars. 52c: 1 car. 620 (shippers wts): 2-3 car, 51c. . No. 4 mixed: 3 carp. 51c; 2 cars, 50c. OATS No. 2 white: 2 cars. 40c No. 3 white: 11 cars, 394c. No. 4 white: 3 cars. 39c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 39c. RYF1 No. 2: 1-3 car, $1.35. No. 3: 4 car. $1.34. BARLEY No. 4: 1 car. 57c. No. 1 feed: 1 car, 53c. CfMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (CARS,) Today Wk. Ago Yr. Aog Receipts Wheat Corn ,Oats ; , 'Rye Barjey Shipments Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley .39 . .98 . .26 ..31 . .49 .. 9 70 45 124 77 14 26 8 . 6 3 2 4:i 18 48 36 4 12 2 26 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (BUS.) Today Year Ago 1.159.000 1.124,000 ....1.566.000 1,046.000 874. 000 568.000 Receipts Wheat Corn O.-t t.s Shipments Wheat 1 'orn Oats .. Wheat Corn Oats 307.000 394.000 478,000 . .. 736.(00 974,000 566 000 EXPORT CLEARANCES, 464,000 10,000 -...1,369.000 40,000 1.S69.0O0 274.000 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. T'day Yr. ago. Wheat 64 6 Corn 259 101 Qats , . 88 33 K A NS AS CITY CA R LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. ago Yr. ago Wheat 235 439 240 Corn 167 172 87 Oats 20 21 19 ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. ago Yr. ago Wheat 151 153 79 Corn 168 246 117 Oats 110 102 101 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Today Wk. ago Yr. ago Minneapolis 307 407 424 Duluth 63 " 59 11 Winnipeg 294 320 205 V. S. VISIBLE Today Week Ago Year Ago .26.399.000 27.822,000 48.414,000 .26,977.000 23,741.000 5.281,000 .34,345.000 S4. 210,000 10.100,000 1.669.000 1.706.005 19,591,000 . 2.3S2.0OO 2.507.000 3,238,000 Wheat Corn Oats .. Rye . Barley sew iora uenerai. . York. March 14. Flour Efs' jatents and Kansas straights, $8.21 $6.2o7.25; 25 winter New York General. New spring patents 18 9.00: spring clears, straights, $8.nojf 8.35. Cornmeal Dull, fine white and granu lated, $2.002.10, Buckwheat Dull: milling. $2.6302.70. Wneat Spot, weak; No. 1 hard, $1.77 and No. 1 Manitoba, $1.86 c I. f. track, New York, and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.65 e. I. f. to arrive. Corn Spot, easy: No. 2 yellow, 84V4e; No. 2 white, R44 and No. S mixed. 834o c. I. f. New York 10-day shipment. Oats Spot, easy; No. l white, 55c nomi nal. ' Hay Quiet: No. 1. ?1.401.50; No. t, 11.30 1.40; No. 3, It. 1691.25; shipping, 95c$1.10. Hops Quiet: state. 1920, 3640e; Pa cific coast, 1920. 24!$29e; 1919, 20ff22c. Pork Unsettled, mess. $30.0031.00; family, $38.000 40.00; lard, easy; middle west, $12.15(312.25. Tallow Dull; special loose. BVic asked.. Rice Steady; fancy head, 647c; blue rose, choice. 4(J4ic New York Coffee. New York. Merch 14. The market for coffee futures showed a further decline today owing to the unsettled ruling of Brazil and scattering liquidation. After opening at a decline of 9 to 13 points with May selling at $5.57, prices rallied a few points from the lowest of covering. There also may have been a little Investment buying, but the Improvement was not fully maintatnedC May sold up to 6.63c and July from 6.97e to 6.02c. but the close was 2 00 3 points off from the best with prices net 3 to 15 points lower. Marcn. 5.25c: May. 6.60: Julj', 6.00c: September, 6.38c; October, 6.55c; Decem ber. 6.76c: January 6.88e. Spot coffee unchanged; Ttio 7s, 6c; San tos 4s, 99'je. . Chicago Stocks. ' The. following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan: Armour & Co. pfd 914 Armour Leather Co. common 124 Armour Leather Co. pfd 88 Commonwealth EdlFon Co .....107 Cudahy Packing Co.. common 88 Continental Motors ...i 68 Ltbby. McNeil Llbby ! 104 Montgomery Ward Co 16V4 National Leather 88 Reo Motor Car Co 42 Swift & Co. , 101 Swift International 25V4 L'nlan Carbide & Carbon Co...... best export demand in some weeks in wheat tillset the tew bullish fac tors and carried prices to the low est on the present downturn. W hile there w'as an advance early .it was more than lost later, with the close at the inside, with losses 4c on wheat, lc on corn. 3-4c on oats, 3 to 3 3-4c on rye and 2c 611 barley. In the provision trade, losses on lard were 10 to 15c. 221-2 to 30c on ribs and 45c 011 pork. The tone all day was heavy and the feeling at the close distrustful. , ' Wheat prices advanced around S cents early on buying induced by reports of 3.000.000 bushels being bought by the va rious countries, with England taking over four cargoes, while Italv (00k two car goes, mostly durum, The little buying that the export news developed caused Increase in the selling pressure and price, declined 64 to 74,c, with March down to $1.644 and .May to $1.46,, with the close V, to c above tho low point. Corn Prices Lower. Corn prices at their lowest were off 2c from the top, after a bulge of nearly lc early. May at the lowest was 674c. with tho close 674 to 68c. Despite the reduced receipts and coun try offerings, the market had few friends. Oats had a heavy tone throughout and lost 14o from tho top, with the finish on a rally of 3-8c Commission houses, lo cal traders and hedgers led the 'selling, while buvlng was scattered and the action of values was in sympathy with' wheat and corn. Shipping sales were 103.000 bush els, with prices 14c lower. Lightweight No. 3 whltea from Iowa sold at 14c. un der May. Increasing stocks are a factor. Houses with seaboard connections were ,.f r,o while traders with rye sold. and wheat bought, were the buyers. Export soles were 25,000 bushels. Stocks continuo to decrease. Pit Notes. Wheat prices In Minneapolis dropped to the lowest on tho present downturn, .r not for the season, with .May ; 'i,: and at Kansas. City off to $l.-8. I ne announcement that prlcos In those markets had dropped into tho "thirties as the traders said, placed them on new ground and encouraged i-elltng from the profes sional element and brought out liquida tion on stop r.rdor in all markets. A weaker rtotk and 'cotton market contri buted to the distrustful feeling among the trade in gpneral and a number of the larger local professionals hero and at tho seaboard discouraged buying by the trade In general except to take profits. March wheat was on the market In large volume all day through a number of the big houses, the impression being that the leading longs wero liquidating. It was absorbed bv commission houses and moved up from 7 4 to 9o over May. the latter around the close. Crop reports were bearish end the economical situation was uppermost in the minds of tho trade re gardloss of all other factors. A reduction of 1.423,000 bushels in the visible brought It down to 26.:!9!,0O bushels compared with 48,414.000 bushels last year. Chicago stocks Increased 1 13.000 bushels and are 759.000. Mjinif'P0"9 and Omaha offered wheat here at lower prices. Cash wheat prices here were off 8c with premiums on hard .winters lc off. Failure of a pig export house in Italy added to the uneasy feeling regarding finances, alWlough bank. ers aay there are no worse than they wero. Cash Wheat Firmer. Domestic shipping sal''S were 5,000 bushels of wheat. 3i,0ofl bushels of corn and 103.000 bushels of cats. Chicago. lmndleis sold 100. 000 bushels of corn at llVtc over May, track Baltimore and 25. 000 bushels of No. 2 rye at 22u over May, track, Baltimore, prompt shipment for ex port. A slightly firmer tone was tootlceahle In cash wheat in the sample market with hard winter unchanged to 4c higher as compared with March No. 2 hard bringing 2c over Omaha grain. No. 1 red was 10l2c over March: poor spring wheat was hard to sell. Receipts, 72 cars. Kansas City cash wheat v-as l3o lower, but deciined sharply and at the last was quoted 6 to 6c lower on hard and 6Cc lower on red. St. Louis wis 5Sc lowar and Omaha 5c lower. Premiums at .Min neapolis were unehangeu. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co.. Doug. 2627. Mar. 14. The following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company : A pp. Price Yld. '"4 American T. T. t'o. 6s. 19-.'J.-, ti 7.80 American 1'. '(' Co. t ', 1921.. 95', 7.80 Anaconda 7s. I929 34 8.10 Armour 7s. 1930 96t 7.47 lUdgian Govt. Ss. 1941 974 .2i XelKian thnt. 74s. 1945 ..... 9f. 7.88 Hothlehem Steel 7s, 1922 99 7.70 Bethlehem Heil 7s. 1923 7', 8 30 British 54. 192a 94', 8.33 British 54", 19'.'f SS4 7.25 British u'is, 19J7 814 " n- C, 11. Q. .It. 4s, 1921 97 12.55 C. C. C. A St. I., lis, l2 J S.05 Christians Ss. 194.'. 9i4 S.4J Cu.liihv Picking Co , i9"S.. 98 T s 7 Denmark la. 194& . 974 8 26 French Govt Se, 1945 97. a.Tii B. F. Goodrich 7s. 1925 89 4 10.25 Japanese Govt. 1st 4 4b, 1925.. 824 ''0 Japanese Oovt. 4s, 1931 64 4 Morris & Co 74s. 1930 984 Norway 8s. 1940 98' Northwest: Heil Tel. Co. 7s, '41. 96 N. Y. Central 7s. 1930 101 Penn. lt.i R, Co. 7s. 1930 1024 Southwest. Rcll T. Co. 7s, 1925. 9il4 Swedish Unvt. 6s, 1939 80 Swift Co. 7s, 1926 9114 Swiss Oovt. 8s. 1940 1024 V. S RyJIber 7',s. 1930 994 WesTKuuse Elec. 7s, 1931 99 6 7.68 8.13 7.30 6.85 6.75 8.0.1 8.10 7.88 7.75 7.60 7.12 Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Sat Wh't Mch. May Rye May July Corn May July ' Oats May July Pork May Lard May July Ribs I May 111.62 111. 62 July 112.00 112.00 1.604 1.634 I 1.39 1.184 I .694j .71, .43 41 ..4441 1.604 1.534 1.40 1.204 .694 .714 .434 .444 21.00 121.00 111.90 111.95 12.20 li.30 1.5 4 '4 1.454 1.354 1.14 ',4 .674 -70U . 1 .42 .43'.; I 20.55 I I 111.65 111.90 1 11.10 111. 60 1.55 1.46 1.354 1.15 .68 .704 .42 .434 20.90 11.75 12.10 111.40 11.70 1.594 1.504 1.39 i 1.18 Bonds. rte. following quotations are furnished by Loiran & Hrvau. Peters Trust building: Am. Sraolt. A Rfg. 5s 77 Hi 77 4 Am. Tel Col. 5s. 1946 81 4 r SI 4 Armour 44s. 1929 784 19'i H. O. Kef. lc. 1995 67 t 67 'i B. & O. Cvt. 4 4S. 1933 65 ' 66 4 Cal. (las Uni. os. 19J7 84 w 83 C, M. & St. P. (ien. 44s,19,12 634 654 C, M. & Sr. P. Gen. 4SS. 2014 604 P 1 C It. I. ft r. rcf. 48. 193... H6 4KI' 6 II. R. 0. Col. 4s, 1936 Ot. Nor. 44s. 1961 III. Central Joint 5s. 1933... Mo. Pac. lief. :.s, 1923 Mo. P. It,;f. 5s. 1926 Mo. Pae. lion. is. 1975 lilo Grande W. 1st 4s, 1939. St. L. S. P. Gen. 5. 1927. St. L. & S. F P. 1,. 4s, 1950. St. 7.. S. F. Adj. i'.p, 1655. St. L. A- S. F. Inc. s, 1960. . S. T. & S. W. Inter, 5s. 1952 Wilson 6s, 1941 K. C. Sou. 5a, 1959 C. O. W. 4s. '1959 Sea Bal 4s. 19S9 Colo. Southern 44s, 1935... C. & O. 5s I. R. T. 6s Hud. & Man. Ref. 5s 62 4 W 63 81 IS' 814 744I31 75 88 lit 90 '83 84 77 4 U 7S 62j- 63 88 (S S9'-, 59' 1l 60 64 Cil 6 lH 45 ijf 45 4 61 ("624 88 W 88", 7H4W 73 4 49 W 60 37 iv 37 4 73 fe 7.1 ' 80 (S R0 4 62 4 W 624 64 64 4 New York ltonds. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, Teters Trust Rulldlng. Atch. Gen. 4s B. & O. Gold 4s Beth Steel Ref. 5a Central Pacific 1st 4s .. C, B. & Q. .It. 4s C, M. St. P. Gen. 4 4s C. A N. W. Gen 4 s L & N. U. 4s New York Ry. 4s .... Nor. Pac. P. U 4s .... Reading Gen. 4s U. P. 1st 4s U. S. Steel 6s U. P. 1st Ref. 4s S. P. Ov. os S. P. Cv. 4s Penn. Con, 4 4s .. Penn. Gen. 4 lis C. & Q.' Con. 5s Ore. S. L. Ref. 4s ' -t 76 ii HO 67 4 (fi;68 SO 8I 71 44i72 97 4 rd 974 634i66'4 734 W744 814i824 IS 7 1 9 74 4(it75 80 4 (it 81 80 ft SO 4 93 4 (a 9 4 74 ft, 75 4 94 4 "'95 4 7i fr784 sl4 87 4 78 I&7S4 SO (ft 80 4 784to78 Negro Is Severely Cut in Side by Jealous Husband James Donaldson, negro, 2512 M street, is in Soutli Side general hos pital and James Thompson, same ad-dies.-, is in the Smith Side jail as a result of a "cwttin" affair Sunday. Thompson accused Doiialdxon of paving too much attention to his ( I hompson's) wife. The stabbing, dene with a pocket knife, took place in. the rooming house oi Mrs. Paiiline , McCtirtis. Donaldson has two had cuts in the left side and in the left hand. Thompson will have a hearing he fore Police Judge Foster this piorn ing if Donaldson is able tct appear against him. Officers Discover Still In Secret Compartnient Hidden away in a secret compart ment in.iJK' basement of the home of Jr.nies Alareck, 5218 South Twen tieth street, the most complete still yet taken on the South Side, was found bubbling merrily Sunday afternoon by officers raiding the place with a search warrant, they re ported. lareck was arrested and fined 8100 in South Side police court yes terday. Mareck is to be turned over to the federal authorities for operating a still, the detectives declared. Inmates Escape Because ' Of Lack of Good Evidence When South Side police raided t lie home of Joe Ciska, 2717 O street, r - - S Foreign Exchange Itntes. Following are today's rates of exchange as compared with the oar valuation. Furnished bv the Peters National bank. - far valuation ion A ufitria ......... Belcium Czeclio-Slovalvia, Denmark F.ngland France Germany Greece , . Italy Jugo-Slavia .... Norway Poland Sweden ........ Switzerland .195 .4. S6 . .19:1 . .195 ,. .195 .27 .195 0023 .0074 0134 .1720 3.91 .0708 .0162 .0762 .0J7'l .0370 1 fi 3 r .0016 .2270 1698 a , . . u V Seethe remarkable I MARMON miniatures , 1 'A 01 Sunday, they found eight men in th place, took them all to jail with $475 and a deck ot cards found on a table.. Monday morning in South Sida police court. Ciska was fined $25 for running a disorderly house, but the' eight men were discharged because of incomplete- identification. Roas Sahitis. 3430 T street, war fined $7.50 for running a disorder!? bouse, also, and eight men detective! say they found drinking at her home, were likewise discharged for insuf ticicnt evidence. . South Side Brevities Illinois coal, 111. Howlatid Lumber A Coal Co. Plione South UI4. A. P. Conaway, painting and paper hanging. Phono Tyler SS84. 2222 Vinton slrrt, Adv. II. R;iy. 6111 South Twenty-fifth street, was arrested Sunday night for Investiga tion. South Side police say Selso Trachn, 6313 South Twenty-eighth street, Identl. fled May ss tho man who robbed his horn last week. Charged with Intoxication and fighting at Twenty-third and J streets Sunday. Vlnntiie Trcvlno. 1213 Chicago street, and .lohn Alden. Twenty-third and R streets, faced Judge Foster In South Side police court yesterday. Trcvlno accused Al den of striking him first and was dis charged. Alden was fined $10. AU. Sale of railroad salvage and sample furniture. New all-cotton MATTKKSS. 86.00: new cotton PAPS. $4.28: new woven wire surlng. heavy support. $2.60, Two Inch post Simmons' bed, new. $10. Two Inch post Simmons' bed. slightly damaged In transit, $0 One chiffonier, large plate mirror, new, $15.60. New rugs, 9x12 slightly damaged tn transit. $ SO. New dreM', $11:, new dressing labia, threw large mirrors, $15.50. Many other Items too numorous to mention. Phone South 5370. E. N. Vaks, 2010 N. St., Soutlj Omaha. Three blocks west from !4th and N str(els. Adv. Motor Industry On Upward Trend Bankets State Marked improvement noted by Detroit finiincicrs. who pre dict 11 steady increase in thq, production of cnr from now on. This is borne out by the recent market action of th a tin res of the leading com panic, v-here liquidation aeemi completed. Analysis of the country! third largeMt industry is eon -tained in this week's fssua of The Market Status which reviews the outlook for Studebaker Pierce Arrow General Motor Boston-Wyoming Tonapah Divide Producers & Refiners and others FREE on request Ask for BL-1S Orders erecuted by priiate wire A radio. Anderson,Brown&Co. Stock Brokers 39 Broad St., New' York Telephone Broad 245 Philadelphia Cleveland Pittsburgh Chicago Detroit Liberty Bond Prines. New Tork. .March 14. prices of Liberty bonds at noon were: 8s, 90.00: 1st 4s. MS. 70; 2d 4s, 80. SO; 1st 4l,s, 86.94: 2d 4Hs, MM: 2d 4'4S. 90.2$; 4th 4 Us, 87.04: Victory 3-s. 97.24: Victor- 4t. 97.28. Liberty bonds closed: SV4s. 89.90; 1st 4s, S6.70; 2d 4s, 86.70; first 4U. 86.90: 2d 4 s. 86.60; third 4Us. 90.12; 4th 4Us. 86.76; victory 34s. 97.30; victory 4is, 97.24. London Money, London, March 14. iiar silver. S3d per ounce; money, m : discount rates, short bills, 7 per cent; three months bills, 6 Si per cent. , ' T .69 H .44 21.45 11. 81. l2d 11.62 U.0O A Guide to Profitable Investments nHj Investor's Pocket Manual 43 272 Page Booklet Usued Monthly High and low records of 5,000 ftocks and bonds and statistical descriptions of 400 corporations. Will be furnished FREE by your own investment house on request, . OR if not, we will send names of houses which will send vou FREE monthly copies. FIN ANCIAL PRESS, 116 Broad Su, t. Y. Minneapolis Grain. MinneaDOlls. March 14. Flour Un changed to 10c lower. In car lots, family patents quoted at $8.709.0O a barrel In 9S-pound ,ootton sacks. Bran $23.00. - Wheat, receipts, 307 cars, compared with 424 cars a yaar afro. Cash, ro.-l northern, ll.E01.66; March, $1.39: May, $1.39. Corn No. 3 yellow, 63 sr54e. Oats No. 3 white, 36T437?4c. Barley 47 67c. Rye No. 2. 1.S3 M, 1.35Vi. " Flax No. 1. $1.721.75. Visible Grain Supply. Vow Tork. March 14. The visibly supply ef American and bonded grain shows the following changes: heat Decreased 1.423.000 bushels. CorniTn creased 3,065,000 bushels. Oats Increased 136,000 bushels, Rye Decreased 37,000 bushels. Barley Decreased 115,000 bushels. 63' Dried Fruit. New Tork, March -14. Apples Evap orated, firm; Callfornlas, 6WSic; choice, 8?M3c.- Prumes Firm: California. 417c: Oregons. 4i '916c. Apricots Steady; choice, 23c; sxtra choice. 27c; fancy, 28c. Peaches Quiet; standard, lo'sc; choice, 18c; fancy, 19fij21lic: raisins fairly ac tive: loose muscatels, 24tr26c; choice to fancy seeded, 2425c; seedless, 25027c. ' Turpentine and Roaln. Savannah. Oa., March 14. Turpentine Dull, 64'ic; no sales; receipts. 129 barrels; shipments, 277 barrels: slock, 11,045 bar rels. Rosin Dull; ho sates: receipts, 126 casks: shipments. 310 casks; stock, 74, 24 casks. t Quote: Tt. D. E. T. G. It. 1. K. M. N. VTG. WW., $11.00. Dry Goods New Tork. March 14. Cotton goods market was nuiet. fall underwear opening deferred F.v pilk rrarkets firm as a result cf th f hnntrhai firo looses amount ing to aix.ut Hi." 1O.11O". Burlsv market Wiia iulf t on Iho lowest basis yet reachod. WooKn woods continued to attract now orders for fall. , Chicago Produce. Chicago. March 14. Butter Higher; creamery extras, 45'4c; standards, 4SHc. Eggs Higher; receipts, 17,687 cases; firsts, Slg31Hc: ordinary firsts, 2sl0c; at mark cases Included, 1030'4c Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 33tfcs springs, 33c. t Kansas City Produce. Ksnsss City. March 14. Eggs Market unchanged: firsts. 28r; seconds. 24c. Butter Creamery, lc tower, 49e; pack ing, unchanged. 16c. Poultry Unchanged; hens. 27c: springs, 35c; roosters. 1 14 20c: turkeys, 40c. Unseed Oil. Duluth. March 14. Linseed on track and rrive, $1 70'j. St. I.oals Grain. St. Louie. March 14. Wheat March. $1.54: May. $1.47H. t;orn May, 54c; July, 7014 10 )e, Oats May, 43Hc; July, 44HC Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, March 14. Wheat March. $1.4314: May. $1.39. Corn May. 6ic: July. 4c; Septem ber, 66 He Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of prairie hay light and de mand good on better grades, which has caused the better grades to advance. Alfalfa receipts heavy while the demand is quiet causing prices to decline. Lower grades of alfalfa are slow sales. Oat and wheat straw steady. No. 1 Upland Prairie Hay, $1I.5012.50. No. 2 Upland Prairie Hay. $9.00 11.00. No. 3 Upland Prairie Hay, $7.00 8.50. No. 1 Midland Prairie Hay, $10.6011.50. No. 2 Midland Prairie Hay, $8.6010.50. No. 1 Lowland Prairie Hay, $8.0009.00. N. 2 Lowland Prairie Hay. $7.0008.00. Choice Alfalfa. $20.OO21.O0. No. t Alfalfa, fl7.0019.00. Standard Alfalfa. $11.00 16.00. . New York Cotton. New Tork. March 14. The New Tork cotton market showed renewed weakness today owing to continued southern hedge selling and unfavorable Liverpool reports. The opening was steady at an advance of 4 points on August, hut generally 2 to 5 points lower, and active months soon snowed net losses of 28 to 33 points, with May, eelllng at 11.31c and July at 11.76c. A midday advance was checked by weakness In other markets and prices sapged off 8 to 9 points below Saturday's closing. Bar Silver. New Tork, March 14. Bar Silver Do mestic, 99 He; foreign, 67 Vic; Mexican dollars, 43ic. N Wfiafisyour money worm in Canada? Equivalent bond prices in multiples of one quarter shown in a new book of tables covering premium rates from 3 to 17 on the United States dollax. A copy will he sent on request for OB-378 The National City Company Omaha First National Bank Bldf . Telephone Douglas 33 IC ,1ft Great Attraction at the Auto Show A marvelous Cadillac power plant In actual operation, show ing every detail of the internal moving parts. This is an exact duplicate of the Cadillac motor, and is a most interesting display t Found On the Stage Invent in the Real Estate Mortgage Securities' No. 20. There is a sermon in each of the following passages from President Harding's in augural address: "We need a rigid and yet sane economy, combined with fiscal justice, and it must be attended by individual pru dence and thrift which are so essential in this trying hour and reassuring for the fu ture," "I would rejoice to acclaim the era of the Golden Rule and crown it with the autoc racy of service." own is' and cdminuUrtd by iscoaeoaATto C. C SHIMER, President G. AV. ROHRBOUCH, SmTi AutU Ovtr $1,400,000 Call and talk the matter ewer American Security Co., ZMffs, of 18 th DouglaM $013 OkMil Phone Douglas 2793 L OMAHA 1,1 , I "tf ( PRINTING tf-IZITr JJ COMPANY Bffajj? jPfA- oiura& sjiimusi ft. It KAN lua rrZ . ifc'r3yi4.i-'? 'a- itW-rWePi COMNiRciAi PRINTERS-LITH06RAPHERS SteeiOie Embossers iqqsc tear ocviccs GRAIN- V17E solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan sas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services " cf Our Offices Located at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Ulinoia Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa . Milwaukee, Wis.' Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Missouri Get in touch with one of these branch offices, with your next grain shipment The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House' mm