THE HcM: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921. v Society ' For Bride-to-Be. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin will ,ontrtain a ptrty at supper at the . Omaha club, Sunday evening, in honor of Mios Mildred Rhode and her fiance. Ware Hall. v Affairs for Actors. Mrs. Alfred Darlow will entertain at dinner at her home Thursday eve ning in honor of Edith Wynne Matthlson. and Charles Rann Kenne dy, who speak before the Drama league Thursday afternoon at fhe Fontenelle. The (juests wiJJ include Mr. and Mrs, Hoxie Clarke and Mrs. Frank B. Boi t of Washington. D. C . a guest at the Clarke home; Mr. and Mrs. August M. Borghim. 'Clarence Darlow and Maurice Block. , Mrs. Darlow has invited the Omaha Ki'rls. who formerly attended tlie Bennett school in New York, to call during the evening. Miss Matthison and her husband, Mr. Kennedy, di rected plays And lectured at this school. The Bennett alumnae in cludes Mrs. Isaac Carpenter jr.; Mrs. Robert Reason er. Mrs. E. A. Crcidi ton, Misses Dorothy Belt, Louise Clarke and Gretchen Hess. The Drama league board will cu-1 tertain at luncheon for Mr. and Mrs Kennedy Thursday at the Fontenelle Covers will be placed for Mesdanies George Prinz. H. S. McDonald, Kalph Peters. Victor Kosewater, I M. Syfert, Miss Kate McHugh 'ind Miss Mary Irene' Wallace, Messrs. V. 5. Gurley, . Francis- H. Gaines. John L. Webster, N. H. Loomis and Edgar Scott. , Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy arrive in Omaha Thursday morning and leave Friday morning. Owing to the shortness of their stay, a number of affairs which were planned in their honor have been cancelled. f For Miss Patterson. k Dudley Wolfe will entertain at a theater party, followed by supper, at the Athletic club Saturday evening i" honor of Miss Marie Patterson of Los Angeles, the guest of Miss Ruth Carter. The guests will include Misses . Irene Grimmcll, Marie Patterson, Betty Ringwalt. Gwen dolyn Wolfe, Winifred Smith and Ruth Carter; Messrs. George Flack, Russell Peters, Herbert Kegle, Law rence McCague, T. Porter ' Allen, George Metcalfe, Dudley Wolfe and Dr. Edwin Davis. . ,y. t ! South Omaha Club Holcls Annual' Election re- , , Carter. The guests Hr. T l PalHrtorA Carter, Margretha Gr I -' Iowa Alumni. ' , ' Members ofthe Iowa State. College alumni are invited to attenfl a lunch eon at the Hotel Loyal Saturday, March 12, at 1 p. m. Alumni in Oma ha number 80 and there are SO alumni in Council Bluffs. J, C. James, at the Y. M. C. A., luncheon chairman, is in charge of reservations. ,; Kappa Alpha Theta Mrs. Samuel Reynolds, assisted by Mrs. Leonard Trestor, "entertained members of Kappa Alpha Theta at their monthly meeting at the Rey nolds home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Samuel Sliriulcv was elected president of the South Omaha Woman's club at the annual business meeting Tuesday afternoon at Library hall. South Side. ' Other officers . who will serve a second term are Mrs. E. R. Leigh, vice president, and Mrs. C. C. Cook, cor responding secretary, Mrs. Carl Patrick was elected recording secre tary and Mrs. E. G. Smith, treas urer. ' Committee chairmen are as fol lows: Mrs. Bruce McCulloch. pro gram: Mrs. Edward Burson, house and home; Mrs. Richard Laverty, constitution and by-laws, and Mrs. A. E. Murd,ock, auditing. The mem bership committee includes Mrs. F. M. Youngblood, chairman, and Mes danies A.- E. Carter and Minnie Whittelsey. t The club, which is one of the most progressive in tfle state federation, will have three departments begin ning next September, as it was de cided at the meeting 1 uesday to add a musi? department. The home eco nomics department was added last fail, and the club has a literature de partment. Since last , September the club has increased Its membership from 70 to 120. Mrs. John Slaker, president of the State'Federation of Women's Clubs, paid glowing tribute to'the South Omaha Woman's 'club on her visit to Omaha in January, complimenting Mrs. Shrigley on her work. j What Is Charm Of Fritz 'Kreisler? HOLDING A; HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of- Revelations of a Wife Personals Walter Head will return to Omaha from the east next week. Judge and Mrs. Alexander Troup have moved to the Colonial. .N. F. Harriman of Omaha stopped at the Hotel McAlpin in New York O'ty last week for several days. Earl Gaddis went to Lincoln Wed nesday to spend several days. He will be a guest at the Glenn, Mason home. ''"''??"'''& Mrs. V. Levesky' leaves -March 2 :or a stay of several months m New York, Pittsburgh' and other eastern Mints. ; ' '-; Miss Dorothy' Arterv.who is atteud ng Welleslev will spend Easter vacation'-' at Marblehead. Afass'.,'- wt-h ichool'friends. - ' .T,' Dr. stnd Mrs! TrC. Wood have re turned'. fron-tos Angeles, where :hey spent the winter and are, now at -he Blackstone." Mr. and, Mrs. John Markel of What- is tlie charm ' of Kreisler? "Mephisto" of "Musical America" was once asked.i . 'Some would tell you it is his wonderful power at a musician," he replied. "Others, his extraordinary dexterity with the bow.- Others will tell you that it ' is the exquisite taste nd musicianly leeling whicn ne exhibits when he plays. For my part, 1 think one ot tho great reasons of his tremendous and well deserved popularity is thai he never, under any circumstances whatever, lorces nis instrument ior the. sake of some effect. He keeps it absolutely within its Jegitimate scope, with the result that he de velops a tone of surpassing beauty, and of almost uncanny musical sweetness and quality. How mauy players are there of whom this can he said? that they never force the instrument, whether it be a piano, a violin, a cello or even the human voice, for the sake ot making a monentary effect upon 'the ground lings. Indeed, but tew. "That, to me. is one of Kreisler's greatest charms that he does not at tempt to prociHce- a- ceiio tone iroir. the violin, lust asome singers force the voice so as " to produce an as tonishing 'volume ; of ; tone, which pre-ently-results in their inability to sing a piano passage, or even mezza voice." . . ' , Mr. Kreisler will play at the Au ditorium Friday evening.. March 11, under ..Tuesd;v,v Musical club aus pices. , ' , ,. ' ' :' ' ' '. ' Rummage Sale. The Mothers' Guild for Homeless Boys will hold a rummage sale March IS and 16 at Twentieth and Pierce streets for the benefit of Fa ther? Flanagan's Boys' home. Anyone wishing to make a dona tion is requested to call Miss Cas sie Riley. Harney 1875, or Mrs. W. E. McKnight, Harney 3660. Ar rangements will be made to 'call for the articles. . 1 For Miss Hall.. . Urs.' C. D. Sturtevant will enter tain jat -luncheon at her home Thurs day "in honor of- her sister, Miss Mary Hall of piicago, who is visit ing; her. . v Vluncheon will also be. given on The Verdict Dicky Gave. The .... mean little structure of doubts and jealousies which I had been erecting ever since Mrs. Durkee had sent Edith with me to the station crumbled rfo bits about my unworthy head at Dicky's words. His ill-humor was too apparent for me to doubt the sincerity of his protest that he had wished to sketch me with the roses instead of Edith, and had been com pelled to take her because of the severity of my costume and the frilli ness of hers. ' I have had experience enough of the sort with my husband, one would think, to prevent my giving away to the jealous folly which had been obsessing me' for the half-hour pre ceding our return, to Mrs. Durkee's. Many times it has been my misfor tune to misjudge Dicky, only to be confronted by the same aiti-climax which had greeted me when he had helped me from the cr. But on the other hand, there have been many times when 1 have had real cause for jealous tremors,, and I suppose the sub-conscious memory of those occasions is the real reason for the foolish and unworthy suspicions which come to me from time to time. I suffer as much, however, if not more, when I find that I have mis judged Dicky, as I do when I have reason for anger. And I am always in an agony of remorse until I have atoned in some way for my doubting thoughts, even though Dicky may not have been aware of them. So, at this ill-tempered outburst, 1 made the meekest of answers. "I'm so sorry, dear." I whispered. "If I only had known, 1 would have worn the floppiest hat and the frilliest gown I possess. For I would have loved to have you sketch me you ought to know that. But I think it will be splendid as it fc. Edith made a wonderful picture with those roses in her arms." "Aren't You Horrid 1" Dicky's eyes softened with the light that makes heaven for me. "Not the one my girl would have made," he whispered, just as little Mrs. Durkee came flyinsr to the steps. "Oh, you Dicky-bird 1" she called. "Edith says you have the most won derful flowers.' You , bad, extrava gant koy, but I love you for it just the samel Come her and let me kiss you this minute." She pursed her pretty lips, and as he bent above her, liftee her face to his kiss as a child would have done. Disky swung her clear of the floor in a bear hug, twirled her around in his arms and set her down breathless and dishevelled. "Aren't you horrid!" she pouted. "Madge, you ought to train him better. He's getting to be a regular rough-neck. But come inside, let me see "what you've brought and let me show you what we've done." We "followed her into the dining room, where the little woman went into ecstacies over the corsage bou quets of sweet peas Dicky had brought. ' Mrs. Durkee's Question. "I'll put them where they'll keep cool until we wear them." she said practically, gathering up the clusters of sweet peas, "and then we'll take the roses upstairs. I want to fix them in Leila's room first, and the rest we'll put down here. Dicky, you take these roses, and Madge, you carry these bowls. I wouldn't trust any man with anything1 that could possibly fall and be broken." "Ungrateful little wretch that you te!" Dicky retorted, but he picked up the roses carefully and obediently and followed me to the foot of the stairs. "Stay right there, till I return," Mi's, Durkee called after us. "I don't want you to see it until I get there. I'll be back in a jiffy." She was as good as her word, pre ceding us up the stairs with the air of an art gallery attendant about to exhibit the most precious thing in the collection. Outside the open door of Leila's room she paused to say tri umphantly: "There, what do you think of that? And we did it all since yestcrdayV' ' Lillian and Edith were already in the room, trying the effect of a few ' of the pink roses m a tall, slender vase, while Marion danced around in ecstatic childish admiration of every thing. "It's perfect, mv dear" Dicky said sinfply. "You could make a song out of it if you liked. 'A room like the heart of a rose.' " Indeed the room answered to his flamboyant description, with the pink draperies and accessories we had all worked so hard to complete. 1 stole a look at Httle Mrs.. Durkee, saw her eves shining with happiness and knew that the subconscious resentment which she had felt toward her son's bride had been completely exorcised. .- (Continued. Tomorrow.) All V BUT IS E 1 E T " DAN D ERIN E" Just Received ."v ' ' Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Problems That Perplex ' Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Lincoln will spend Easter in Omaha .Monday by Mrs. Sturtevant at the with Mrs. Markel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O Bnen. , . . ' . v i -i Miss Vernelle Head; who is study ing voice in Xew York City, will spend tht .Easter holidays in Atlaff 'ic City with friends. .. . . Mrs. T. L. Davis. Mrs. Louis Clarke and Miss Elizabeth Dans arc planning to go to Excelsior Springs within the next week. ? . Mrs. George W. Johnson has-been, vkitinp her son. George Howard. who is a cadet at the Kemper, Mili ary school at Boonville...Mo. , . ,. Mr. and Mrs. William M:, Burton have purchased the J. W. Thomas home at 149 North Thirty-third street and will take possession April 1. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess, who are now at the Ward Burgess home, will move into their apart ment at the St. Regis the latter part of this month. . , Miss Frances Patton, who is a stu dent at Wellesley, plans to po to Bridgeport, Conn.; New Haven and N'ew York City to visit with friends during her Easter vacation. Mrs. W. B. T. Belt and daughter. Miss Dorothy Belt, have returned from Chicago. Mrs. Belt met -her , daughter in Chicago following the trip of the latter to Florida. 1 At a mock inauguration held at Kemper Military school last Fri day, Mr. William Wallace, son of Mrs. Eva Wallace, of Fairacres took the part of Chief Justice White,, Mr. nl Mrs- Amos Gotham of t Los Angeles, wljo have been visiting relatives in Omaha, have been called to Salt Lae CiTy by the death of Mrs. Gotham's fatherJohn Dearing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Head are planning t6 go to Pinehurst, S. C. about May 1. They will be joined there for a short time by their daugh ter, Vernelle,' who is In ew ' York City. i, :, j , . Athletic club. ' Miss Willow O'Brien.- who Is at tending - Mnhattanville college in New Yojk, wSU spend her Easter 'Vacation - in Washington, D. C, where she will be the guest of Miss Esther McVann. '; A son, Millard Stephen, was born to Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Orman N. Powell at Corpus Christi, ,s ' 1 1 Matrons' Club, Mesdames W: H. Mick. W. W. Wood and t. F. Zipful will entertain members of the Matrons' club, O. E. S. at luncheon Saturday, in hoflor of Mrs. Ben Marti,, founder of the club. Covers will be placed for 17., Informal Luncheon. Mrs. L. Davis entertained in formally, at luncheon at her home Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. Ella Cotton Magee of New York, who is a guest at the E. W. Nash home. AOV ERTISEMBNT CORNS ' ' ; Lift Off with Fingers . JI if ra1 A Is She In Ixivc? ' Dear Miss Fairfax: J am 17 and in love with a man 32, who seems to be infatuated with my best friend. I treat him coldly as I think I should die it he were to Buspect my true feelings toward him. This has been going on for three weeks and I am broken-hearted. What can I do? SYLVIA. Your letter is a wild and foolish cry out into space. I think if you cared for the man In question about the last thing you could mean would be "I think I should die if he were to suspect your true feelings." If you mean this you are not in love. If you are in love, you can't mean it. Go to the Library. Betty S.: I note from your letter that you live in Omaha. I am there fore going to suggest to you that you go to the reference room of our Oma he publio library 'and ask the ref erence librarian to show you where you can find the information for an April fool's party or for parties for any occasion. This will be better for you than for me to do it, because you will then learn how to get infor mation which you may want to have many times in your social life of the future. An Inquirer: What color should baby boys wear, and what girls? It is a much mooted question. Pink for boys and blue for girls is the rule usually given, though I know a mother who thinks all babies should wear pink because vit is such a pretty and pleasing color. ' Mrs. T. C. M.: I have your letter criticising my use of the expression "bad erammar." Thank you for i writing me. I am always glad for friendly criticism. Under it we learn quickly and surely. But I must disagree with you. I j have open before me at page 433 a copy of Webster's Collegiate Diction ary, third edition. This is what I read under the word "grammar:" "(S) Manner of 'speaking or writing, in reference to conformity to gram matical rules; as, his grammar is bad." While "Webster stands with me, I think I should stand by myself, don't you? Jolly Seniors. A dance will be given Saturday evening at Crounse hall by the Jolly Seniors. Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crot'oot aic planning a dinner party for Saturday evening. I 10-ln. Double Face 85 c Ea- 17356Almost Per t tuaded Vocal Duet 1 7385 Traumerei Violin Solo 1 741 8 Then I Laughed Uncle Josh 17892 Bird of Paradise Hawaiian Guitars 18118 By Heck Trot) (Fox -Pietro Immediately after a ' miiderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be cause each hair seems to fiuff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness and abundant thickness AH druggists! 18250 A Perfect Day ., Spencer 18251 Indiana Campbell .Burr 18321 Slippery Hank , ' Jazz Band 18403 My Sunshine Jane . Sterling Trio 1 8476 C hating the t Chickens 1 Six Brown Bros. 18501 Cohen Married Gets -Silver Back to old prices All ten-inch Gold Seal Emerson Records are Now 85c tnintn rtcord play wonderfully on all phono graph!.' But ofceuree they re t their very beet on the Emtraon the phono t rph with the conceded Emereon Mueic Meeter Horn, made of rounded olid epruce, of all woodt the moat reeoneat and ound amplifying;. Ten Emereon models in all, priced fn (SO to $1000. Dance Hits that pack a "kick" ',-,. Fox-trots made of TNT One-steps packed with " kick';" , ' 1 Doff your wraps right speedilee Grab your partners quick! k . Glide around the well-waxed floor Try your newest step. , : Put on Emersons galore -Build yourself a rep. "Paul Jones" next suppose we try ' Here is just the thing; , Soon the eager feet will fly ' Hearts with rapture sing! Below are listed some of the very newest Emerson dance hits and song -hits. Your Emerson dealer has these hits and will be pleased to play thsm for you today! 1 . 10334 BRIGHT EYES Fox Trot Plantation Danoe Orcheetra Decnah Pox Trot . Plantation Dance Orchestra ' 1S3S0 HONOLULU EYESWalU. Orlando a Society Oreheatra 1 Never Kacw-Foz Trot Orlande'a Society Orchestra 10324 MY MAMMY Novelty Sonf i Arthur Fielda 0-(Hl-0 (O-My-O I) Novelty Sonf Irvine Kaufman 10317 ROSIE,MakeltRosyForMe Foi Trot .Plantation Danee Orchestra Kentucky Blues Fox Trot Merry Melody Men 10320 CRAZY BLUES "Blu" Character Sonf . - . . Sisale and Blake MclindaLee ComiySons Al Bernard and Ernest Hare , htrhr also Kmeraon Recorda in , . foliih, Italian, Jewish and German ' 1 .- -. I CARPENTER PAPER CO. y Wholesale Distributors v Ninth 'mmi Harney Streets, Omaha, Neb. 18686 Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home Robyn Also a fine selection of RedySeaJs, including: 74425 I'll Take You Home Again Whitehall Today is the time to se lect yours at ' MICKEUS 15th and Harney 1 ' . ,y This Most Popular Victrola Style XI-$150 1 V KKTISKMK.VT P1PIY7W S Mill Sal a 1 1 1.1.1 ELU NTBE People Notice It. Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Doesn't hurt "a bit! Droo a little ' Freezone" on an achinj? corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you Hit it right off with fing ers. Truly I Your - dru(?gi.-t sells a tiny bottle Of t'Freezone" for 2 few ceuts. suffi cient to remove every nam corn, fT II J I V Wholeial DiitributoVi V, II J J Harney Streets, Omaha, Neb. Iwcoras Tex February 23. .Mrs. Orman was .'soft corn; or corn between the toes, formerly" Miss" Marfan Funkhonwr j and the callnses. withont soreness or ot this city. , . J irritation. ' -x- ' - ' ; ' -i - OMAHA Gate City Furniture Ce. Reliable Furniture Ce. South Side Walnut Hill Pharmacy Music Shop. 1516 Harney St. Union Outfitting Company Oak ford Music Cow IS07 Farnam St. J. S. Round It Co., No. 3, Bind Q Street Pharmacy, South SMe . OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS DEALERS Guarantee Furniture Co.. 124S So. 13th i Riaite Mueic Shop, 1416 Dou(laa St. Caa. Belohlaveh, 2412 U St. j Vandaa Pharmacy, 10th and Bancroft St. I Phonograph Salee Co., 24th and Farnam ' F id S Phonograph Co.. 203 No. 16th ; Ben Luatgarten. 2701 Q St. ; Sol t.ewia j Bennett et Fleming. 24 th and Amea David Cluckfiold, 231S N Street. Peteraen aV Michaelaen, 4916 South 24th. COUNCIL BLUFFS Eagle Drug Co., 2319 Broadway A. A. Lenecker, 37 Pearl St. D. D. Matheson. 1700 W Broadway A. W. Oard. 701 16th Av-i.p. A. Fried, S00 South 2tit Stieet . i v ' ! A pimply face will not embarrass vou much longer if you get a package of. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as efiec tivehi but their action is eentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with a "dark brown taste." a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable .compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with fiver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better vou feel and look. 15r and SOr !TI WfVFKTIHKMENT When the Children Cough, . Rub Musterole on Throats and Chests . t No telling how soon tbe symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you hare a jar of Musterole at hand to give prompt sure relief. It does not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent . Thousands of mothers know it. You should keep a jar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieve sore throat, bronchitis, tonsOitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the Chest (H often prevents pneumonia). , 35c and 65c jars; hospital size 13.00 You must HEAR this wonderful instrument in order to appreciate what science has achieved in its truo-to-natur reproduction of the human voice. v You must SEE this Victrola in order to realize its valu in the way of artistic cabinet work and equipment. VICTROLA XI....: $150.06" Records (your choice) 11-00 Total $161.00 1 IS down Kclance lu niall payments pxlonilinir out iusiij n-"i ... ?Mom ($0. Omaha's Pioneer Victor Store, 1513 DOUGLAS ST. 1 A nVKBTISKM EXT 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe, It's the most speedy remedy we know. Money back without fluftttlon It HUNT'S Salvt falls In the treat ment of ITCH. ECZEMA, RING WORM. TETTER or ether, skin diicasei. Try 75-cent box at our rtik. Sherman A McConnell Is rug Lo. Quickly Relieves Constipation Don't let conitipation poison your blood andcurtailyourenergy. If your liver and bowels uun i wont rr- r n -. 1 i r rUH J I - wm tun. Uv ACWw-& PilU todtv I I'VE R be relieved. For dizziness, lack of appetite, headache and blotchy skin try them. Purely vegetable. Small Pill Small Doe Small Pric MEN IF Ton r tod down, t wm wnt to Dervoot, dMpondooL wnt, through tzcoai or other cuiom. i mail yon oar book which taw about SEXTONIQUE. m reatoratin remady that will coat 70a nothing if 70a ara not cured or banefited. Kttf mao Baadlnc a tonic to orarcoma pcraoaal weakoaaa, ate., boa Id gat thia frta book mt once, CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 440 Berry Block, NaahviUe, Tenn. i A Bee Want Ad Will Work Wonders t The scientific blendinsr of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persons who suffer from Nervoasnes Depression Brain Faa Sleeplessness Loss ol Appetite Digestive Trosbles - Slow Recovery from Influenza and Kindred Ailment Are you ruri) down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then try thia approved remedy and aatiefy yourself of ite beneficial in. t;redients. In orifinal 16-ox. bottles only. BRI-A-CEA DRUG CO. Sole Manufacturers - For Sale bv , Kansas City. Me. MERRITT DRUG STORES , , , No. 1809 So. 16th Street.. No. 22002 Farnam Street and 'learlin Nebraska drugiriM. I raandMeadin Nebraska drugginNi Kill That Cold With CASCARAM QUININE FOR Colds, CoHfhs AND l a Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this Standard remedy nandy for the first aneaza. Breaks op a cold in 24 hoars - Relieves I Grippe in 3 days Excellent tor Headache Quinine in thia forts does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative- No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Piles Fistmla-Pay WMn Cured A asild system of treatment that eurea Pilee, Fistula aad eibet Rectal Diseasee ia a short time, withoat a severe eursrieal an. v oration. Mo Chloroform. Ether or other eeneial aaeethetie aeed. A cure guaranteed Ui every ease aereoted for treatment, and no monev ia ta he naid ntfl curva. nnw ior oook en siecuu tiseasea. wiia names ana lesumontate ee aiore !.( Bceminent people who have been permanently cured. OR. E. R. TARRY SaBatactum. Pateca Trust Bldf. (Boa Bids.) Obmlbb, Nee, USE BEE WANT ADS- -THEY BRING RESULTS m - : '