10 lite; btk.: Oi.i Aii A. 'i;L;'LcUAV. .MAUUI V), VJ'dl. i -"Classified Arfwertisint Rites 3 la par tin (cuot tit word to Una) 1 day xl6e pe Irne per day. t consecutive das lis per line per aay, T coueecutive daye 14 per line per day, 19 consecutive daye No eda takes tor tees than a total of Sic These ratal apply althar to tha Dally r Sunday Baa. All advarttaamanta ap pear In both morning and etenint dally paper (or tha on charge. CONTRACT HATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tba following I ttcaa: MAIM OFFICE 17th and Farnam St.f South Sid Philips Department Store Council Bluff li Scott St. WANT APS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TVLER 100U. THE BEE will not ba roaponalbia for mora than ona Incurred Insertion of an advertisement orderad for mora than not tlma CLOdiNO nouns FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .....11:46 A. M. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition -00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ATTENTION' pDD-FELLOWS. Funeral services will ba held for ! Brother Peter Iversen from his resi dence. 4720 Ames avenue, . Thursday. March 10. at 3 p. m. Interment Spring- I ioii cemetery. .Members of uannehrog Lolled .No. 116 la hereby requested to at tend. UUSTAI'SON Mr j. Carl, March 6. 19.11, need 46 jure iiurtived besldesi her hu.iband by throe sous. Roy, Borer and Paul. Prlvata fun r.l service. Wednesday, at 5 n. m , frm; residence, 2613 North Sixty-fifth street. Interment For..st Lawn. 11 A K I ' I XG c r, aged 74 rears, died ' Tueiday mornlnc at hl residence, 2428 PolU. Funeral Trnirrday 2 p. m. Brewer funeral home, "Ith and K Sts. Hev. R. L. Wheeler officiating. Burial Uract-lund Park cemetery. IVERSKN Peter, -March 6, 1921, aged 56 yen rs. Funeral. Thursday, at 2 p. in., from family residence, 4720 Ames avenue. In terment Sprlwrwcll cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONEfT oi a n A's nt'-uT SSSSfMMBULANCE 4 Tnlrty-third and remain. HULSE & RIEPEN 'PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 SJUth 16th St. Dougl.. 1220 HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmer. Phone H. 365, Office 2(111 Farnsra. FOR AMBULANCE call South 68(1. Korlsko Funeral Home. 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEEL.LARM0N Fontcnelle Florists 114 Doueln St. Douglas 8244. JOHN BA'H. I St h and Farnam. Dg. 30 0 0 I.. Henderson, Kit? Farnam. Duuglaa UMa. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Frank and Ruby Tuf field. 1915 Elm, boy. 'Frank and Mary Suuliup, 1329 O, klrl. John and Sylvia Looney. 2618 L, boy. J Julius ana uerina tannest, ouk. nouiii Twenty-fourth, boy. ' Ernest and Ethel Swopes, 65th .and De catur, boy. William and illnnie Walkor. ITU S. 18th, girl. George and Barbara Gutsther. S90& Gold, bo; . Krank and Florence Rose, 1204 Webster, . bey. A. Wayne and Mildred Probst, hospital, boy. ' John and Gertrude Mei. hospital, girl. Glllen and Martha Respeblcrs, 3901 Web ter, girl. Joseph and Mabel Thorns s, 4154 Burt, boy. John and Mary Herman, 2230 Mason, boy. Henry and Anna Swotok, 1510 Willis Ave, boy. C. V. and :iargret Caanaugh,i 2202 S. 16th, boy. C. T. and Lucy Hurlburt, 1014 S. 2Sth AS. girl. George and Nellie Levans, 3219 JJiaml, boy. Edwin and Myrtie 6ambrel, 3001 Em met, boy. i Samuel and Emma Chambers, . 1L'06 N. 25th, boy. Rov and Margaret Heilig, 2203 X. 20th Burdette. boy. Pomenlco and Maria Marino, 1102 8. 13th. girl. Oliver and I.Uy Adams, hospital, boy. Harry and Stella Solomon, 60th and M, girl. William and Josephine Haney, hospital, fin. West and Florence -Barrett, twins, boy and girl. William and Lotus Baldwin, boy. Frank and Louise Spafford, hospital, hospital, hospital. girl.. . Howard and Fern Holmes, hospital, girl. Clinton and Hlldred Stuht, hospital, boy. Deaths. Matt Stanton. 23, hospital. ' Mrs. Clara Beers. 88, hospltaK Mrs. Sarah Le Xoir, 64, 23 Dewey Ave. - Mrs. Rosina Wilwerding. 6T, 2363 8. I9th. Mathew McOuln, 84. hospital. .Toe Ferjrunon, 40, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry Fillmore. II. Omaha, and Betty E. Nemos, IS, , Oma ha. Carl A, Johnson, 24, Omaha, and Anna Slma, 20, OmftTia. George T3. Saunders . sr.. 49, Lincoln, 2?eb and Nellie I. Gilkerson, 50, Omaha. Leland A. Burnham, 27, Omaha,' and Blanche Smith, 20, Omaha., ; Laurence A. White. 32, Omaha, and Cora I). .Ward. S2. Omaha. (Inry Brouch, 31, Omaha, and Alice Oard, si, 'Omaha. Bernnrd TV'els. 22. Omaha, and Mildred Baldwin, 20, Victoria, Tex. Joseph B. Hudson; 34. Omaha, and Mary A. Boigmau, 34. Omaha. Fred B. Re.iger, A'ii-on, Neb., 22, and Mildred Green, 20, ..lbton. Neb. Julseph'e Etalta, 24, Omaha, and Luiaa Ritlolfo, 18, Omaha. Erll Mack. 84. New York, N. T., and Grace Abbott, 24. St. Louis, Mo. Alfred A. White, 41, Lincoln, Neb., and Laura -Kewkirk, - 47, Lincoln, Neb. William. J. Dunn. 34, Omaha, and Testa EHIs. 24, South Bend. Ind. t LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. Is OR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re- ' store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST In court house Saturday, .book of Xethardt'a poems; Inscription to Keene Abbott In flyleaf. Reward for return Ella Fleishman, Bee editorial rooms. LOST will party who picked up ladies' diamond ring in wash room at Conant hotel, please return to manager and re ceive liberal reward. BETWEFfN Fannm and Dewey Ave., on 37th St., patent leether puree with money and chevli. Harney 2655. LOST New 85x6 Goodyear cord tire, rim and tire cover for Cadlllao car. Reward. Call Doug. 4722. PERSONAL. THIS SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, . magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 4135 and our wagon will ra!L Call and Inspect our new home. 1U0-II12-1H4 Dodgo St- On and after today. March 8. 1921. I, John M. Watt will net be responsible for and -debts contracted by my wife, Lucille Caroline Watt. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Inorporated. Douglaa HOT. Suite 308. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. SAY IT-TT1TH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA. 141.1 FARNAM STREET. MRS. MOTTAZ, DRESSMAKING. H. 6932. SWEDISH massage, expt masseauae. D587T RENT, vacuum cleaner. 81 up. Wal. 194?. WEAVING Old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. WKAVING. old ruga remade. Ty. 1431. MASSAGE. CALL DOUGLAS 8649. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. ELECTRO massage. 818 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, eld', knife, sunburst, box Bleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let out work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 183S. Neb. Pleating at Button Co.. lSl'a arnam St., 2d floor. Douglas 6670. Dancing Academies, LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. . Fancy, Stage and Ballroom Dancing Taught Lesson by Appointment EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Umpreas Theater. Tyler i4. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KCEP"S teach yon to dsnc. Spe cial attention to children. BaUafacUoif usurso. Vf. :il, BRINGING UP U A VEU- 1 EE: HERe- I Tfe-.r- If THERE'S) ONU-f I OO DONT HAVE. I I II rop The LOve 1 f THELRe' TWO w 1 1 CONMA BEL BObY jr3? OnETh7n,ON I TELLNE-J OF MIKE-OO OOUAR WORTH HS lo TOR THE NEXT HOUft- Tift THE NENO 1 KNOW" C . TriAT "7 I " I . FT II -i want, c-7 r- ;r. ' , r-r ' v ) . . n.. i ' z t r. ill . 1 1 , i rpi uki it- w or i aj t . a i i i . . . i . y - 1921 Y INT t. FtATUHt SeWVICt. INC. 3'J ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing; Acade-nieg. Ta1 Pino Huhool :or Dancing, ii'i XVCl"i 1U5 Farnam. Dour 78C0. Detectives. RELIABLE .Detective Bureau, l-lJ Kx. Bldg. Doug. If.. Night Cul. 12- JAMKS ALLAN. Sl Nevlli Blk. Hvldeece secured In aw caeea. lyier iia Painting and Decorating. GOOD painter and papcrhanglng at rea sonable prices, Frank Kuliaek. al. 80185. FIRST-CLASS painting and paperhanglng. Harry A. Clapp, Douglaa 4909. PAINTlNiJ, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau. Walnut 4E0T. Brick, plaster and cement wk. Wa.1. 457. Patent Attorneys. patentvaTttorneys. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 17H Dodge. SturgeBS Ai dturueeii, rcglstored patent at torneys. 433 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha. Miscellaneous Announcements, diamonds;. Wth .'nviRS to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 403 N. 10th 81.' "3oug las B04!i. . PAXTOX-MITCUELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omalia, Neb. Brass, bronze, alumluum and machltis gray iron cast in gi SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Raaor Sharpening Co., Dodge. 108 N, 18. PAXTON HO'iliL TURKISH 3ATH. Massage, hot .jacks; . -CO.NCANXON BROS., TTLKR '6731. W10 do all kinds remodeling, "cpalring See our book of plana on bungal"we, f t. rages, Dlckaon fc Mewman. so, BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto I Drug Store, ltth and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. Neb. - OLD RELIABLE STOViiJ CO., 11S4 N. 20th, repairs furniture and upholBtertng, also houseclcanlng. Web. 2244. , - PAPER CLEANING AND RUG CLEAN TNH ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WEB. 3474. i'lLMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., .'607 Howard St. CLIFTON Hill Transfer Co., moving, pack ing handling and shipping. Wal. 1154, Wal. 666. CARPENTER repair work by day or con- tract. Estimates furnished free. Harv ney 1S77. I NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 8. 13th St.; 'Omaha, i FULL dress suits and tuxedos ' for rent, 109 X. 16th St.. ,ohn Feldman. D. i!28. Ameritau State Bank, 18th and Farnam. 4 int. compounded quaterly on savings. CARPENTER work nnrl house repairing. O. G. Becker. Douglas 9100. LADY halrwork frnn combings In your home. Douglas 7739. DRESSMAKING Plain or fancy. 9326. 613 North 21st. Doug. LET me haul your rubbish. Colfax 6129. Onmha Towel Supply. 207 H. 11th. D. 0528. FOR SALE, Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't you find a lot of Clothing, furniture, pic tures and cthor articles that you have no further use for? And have you ever stopped to thtnk, that someone might be. only too glad to have themT Then wr)y not let the public know you have those articles useless to you through a little want ad In The Bee? It coats very little and a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell It for you. Try It. Call Tyler 1U00 and task for the Want .Ad Dept. - ' , FOR SALE Complete furniture for five rooms. Modern. 1702 North 34th St. ECLIPSE GAS RANGE. WEB. 6549. Pianos and Musical Instruments'. THREE fine piano bargains Chlckering & Sons, Steger & Sona, and the Bush 4 Gerts. Chas. H. Thatcher Piano Re pair Co.. 1419 Dodge St. - A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything In art and music BIGGEST phonograph bargains in Omaha. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. Lumber and Building Material. KINDLING goods for all seasons deliver ed. New and used lumber; 'low pricea. L. Micklin & Son, 1828 N. 21st. .Web. 0439. Architect's level, cheap. Tyler 2607, Apt. 6, Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING 'MACHINES. Ail MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4150. 1918 Farnam. PKOTECTOQRAPHS. F.. El's: bargains. t!9 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. Telescope for Sale HIGH POWERED LONG RANGE, USEFUL AT NIGHT, WITH EXTRA LEXSE. EXCELLENT FOR OCEAN. MOUNTAINS OR SIGHT-SEEING TRIP. WILL nDEMONSTRATE ON FORT OMAHA TOWER. CALL COL. 4600. EXTENSION 92. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 8HxSV foot platform,' also 28-lncn Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust tan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office. 17th and Farnam Sts,. Phone Tyler 100ft . SEWING MACHINES (Ye rent, repair, sell needles tad parts, MICKEL'S 13th and Harney. Douglas 1978. SWEET CORN. Iowa large silver mine tested seed, 32.50 per bushel without sacks. M. M. Splckler. Fort Calhoun, Col. -4291-6. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. ft W. Cor, nth and Douglas. D. S724. 6.000 jac!plne and evergreen, 60c to 66. In qulre Evergrewn Cemetery. . Wal. 1398. S A V7F.S BARGAINS, 12th A Farnam. WIXX AJO j. j, Darlght Safe Co. RICH black dirt. Reasonable. Ty, 8784. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 8141. WANTED Feed accounts to - go with flour at Montgomery, Ala. O. G. Skin ner, 100 Herron St., Montgomery, Ala. WH PAT FULL VALUE FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS, STOVES. CLOTHING. TYLER 49il8. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe and urnlture. Ty. 2698. A. ZavetL 785 N. 11 WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic, column of The Bee. Lots of good places are ilwas advertised. Don't mlM tltcm urMhn & blanketa, S12- fan Itrtl. H 4 1139, FATHER WANTED SITUATIONS. Libndry nd Day Work. 1'ANTKD-M)en. houaework from 8 to 4 p. m. Daj- work by hour. Web. '"170. PLAIN, FANCY .bhndle washing called for and delivered, Web. 612S. LACE curtains, South 4367. . - blankets, rough dry. CLEANING end day work." Web. C38S. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. 1 WAXTED-rtfO YOUNG MEN.' to enroll In our school for pilots and airplane mechanics. Thorough courae with competent instructors. Start Mar. 15th or Mar. 1. . Best airplanes for In structions. Atkinson Aviation Co., Douglas 6Z0S. . MEN to learn vulvanlilng. Tuition free and 15 dally while you learn If you buy. Anderson Vulcanizing School, 1313 liar iney St., Omaha. FIREMEN, brakemen, - beginners, $150 8200. later $300. Write Railway, Box Y-1449. Omahi Bee. WANTED A strong boy to learn the welding trade, Omaha Welding Co. lutii and Jackson. DRUGGIST wanted. Registered man pre ferred. St. Joacph Drug CO., 3t. Joseph, Mo. DRUiJOISf WANTED Registered man preferred. St. .Joseph Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo. - WANTED Oood all-around uutomoblle mechanic Phone 98, Arlington, Neb. MOtER' BARBER COLLEOB, 110 So, '4-th. Write -for-catalog. alesmeh and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED Young and ener getic, 'acquainted, with Omaha retail drug trade. Splendid opportunities. Call on O. N. Frankfort Thursday morning, Hotel Fontenelle.' ' Arkenburg Special Agency. . ' THREE good salesmen, one as crew man ager, for household . specialty, C. F. Adams Co., 628 S. 16th -St. - Agents and Canvassers. TWO good experienced news agents on C. & X.. W. Apply Chadron, Neb. Hotels and Restaurants. ... r 1 .. COLORED. WAITERS i' WANTED. APPLY . ' I - HEAD sWllTER . I OMAHA ATHLETIC CLUB. .. 1TTH AND DOUGLAS. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED man to work greenhouse at Henderson, The Florist, 4225 S. 25th St... South Side. MEN wanted to' set "pins' at Farnam Bowling Alley. 1807 Farnam. MALE nurse wanted. St. Bernard hospi tal. Council Bluffs. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores ind Offices. WANTED FEMALE HELP. Capable stenographer with college ed ucation and experience In fire Insurance work wtmted at once: Those without fire insurance experience need not ap ply. 616 Omaha Natl. Bldg., Doug. 1018. - - Professions arid Trades. GllfyS WANTED WANTED--EXPERIKNCBD- OPERATOR8 FOR TWO-NEEDLE i POCKET MA CHINES ' MAKING OVERALLS. AP PLY AT ONCE, BYRNE & HAMMER D. G. CXV .. '.--, Household and Domestic. dtRLS ' '' Watch, the Domestic Column' of -The Bee Wanti Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike , places always advertised. COMPETENT whlto girl for general house work, no laundry, references. 6123 Burt St.. Walnut 0236. WANTED---'Kxperlenced white cool:. No laundry. Mrs. V.' D. Jlosford, 625. So. 37. oar. vv oi. WANTED Girl- for general housework. Call at 1810 N. 33d, 0 3303 Parker St. Hotels and Restaurants. . TWO good .waitresses for the Pierce cafe, S16 South 18th SL ; ' , . EDUCATIONAL. DAY --SCHOOL NIGHT "CHOOL, Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptemetry, short hand and'itypewrltmg, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil - servloe - and all English and commercial branches. Writo, call or phone Douglas- 1666 for larg? Illustrated catalog. 'Address nnrr rftT.r vnw Boyles , Bicjg., -Omaha, .Veb. Van Sant School of Business. - Day and Evening Schools. 228 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . ; y, Douglas 68lt. -: HELP WANTED. Male and Female. CLERKS, (men. women) over IT for postal mail service. 8125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free partculara of ex aminations write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 808 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. WANTED aten- radios an'd boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTMENT A proposition with un usual prospects for large profits handling manufacturer's product-In Nebraska and Iowa ; -al -be handled , with an. Invest ment of 31,000 to. 33,000. No, competi tion. No canvassing. An Interview with - factory representative now in the city will convince you that this Is an ex ceptional opportunity. Address for In terview, giving telephone number. Bee. Box X-80. ' ; - , VONDERFULopportunlty to man of executive-!. Ability, Influence, capable of holding office In large corporation, that ran Invest 81.000 to $5,000. , No blue sky. Bee. Box X-77. - SOME drug store snaps for sale. Located in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Nebraska towns. Address F. V. Knlest, Peters TruBt Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. y EVERYTHING for the tire repairman; used, new -equipment, tools, repair ma terial, i Vulcantters Supply Co., 3912 Farnam. ' - FOR SALE-Buslness building, .general merchandise, $8,500. Clear. Box 372, TO GET Tn or out of business, see LEWIS Co.. 411 McCtgue Bldg . FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU , LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee .Vent Ad Dept., Tyler 3000. and we will .oi only furnleh. you with a complete -oom list of choice vacant, rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number , on our ' Want tc Rent" Hit for further refer ence in 'case you wanted to make an other eh&nge. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and publlshea solely for the'ir convenience and benefit, '"all any time. Tyle 1000. Want Ad Dept.. .. i . . v it i . ... . Rcgibterrd U. S. Patent Office FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. FOR rent. Newly furn. rms. in priv. home, close In, gentlemen preferred. Ty. 0336. 2211 St. Marys Ave, rooms well furnished, nlceiylocatod, walking dtst. Ty. 6026. X1CELY furnished front room fur 2 gen tlemen. H. 7136. FURN. rm., quiet family. Har. 39S. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST oF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVR THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. '.ANT AD. 8 UNFURNISHED rms. for Ughtj hkpg.. heat, light, gas, furnished. Har. 7133. 3121 'i California. 3 modern. Har. 4001. furnished : HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, Web Bler 6731. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WAXT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTT WAX"" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. "1U0 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT 6 -room mod. with furniture, on boulevard, north: paratre. GLOVER & MORELL 71R-20 Kecltne Bldg. Tyler 3C23. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. A 3-ROOM. completely furnished apart ment lu the "Hollywood." at 35th Ave. and Dewey. Unusually fine proposition. 896. Call at No. 7 Wcad Bldg.. 18th and FaWiam. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room apartments; steam heat; within walking distance. Brown Apia.. 508 N. 21st. Douglas 5644. FOR RENT Newly furnished apt., every thing furnished, on car line, close in; 890 per mo. Address y-21, Omaha Bee NICELY furnished apartment. 2 larse rooms and kitchenette, with laundry privileges. No children. 3159 Davenport. Unfurnished. N EW' MONTI CELLO. A choice ,6-room npartment on the 3d floor, south and east exposure, sun room, mahogany and Ivory enamel fin ish, to befdocuraicd to suit, fireplace, very complete, well built and nicely lo cated; maid's room and heated garage may be obtained. There Is also a slightly smaller apart ment In the same building, 620 South 31st street. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 17th, and Psnarn St. Tyler 0544. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodgr, at 18th Street , Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest'- and Finest " . elusive-Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex- Peters Trust Company, Specialists in apartment management. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED to rent, en or before May I, 6 or 7-r., modern house In good nelsrh horhood. n?ar schools: Call Web. 4797. MAN wants 2 or 3 housekeeping rms, down town; no family. Box X-16, Bee.. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WE AD. 810 6. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room.' TO LET 1,400 feet corner office, second floor, 14th and Farnam streets, reason able rent. , W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Doug. 0664. 1320 Farnam St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. TEN SECOND-HAND DELIVERY WAGONS. FAIRLY GOOD REPAIR. MAKE US AN OFFER. JAY BURNS BAKING CO., DOUG. 469'.'. 8 HEAD of horses with or without har ness guaranteed as represented. Apply 1319 Pierce St. TWO good farm teams. 43 Charles. Wal. 0300. Updike Lumber & Coal Co. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell -.hcm direct to the farmers. You get the best that can be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman's profit, and then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction In prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness from 340 to $100 per set. Our goods are guaranteed. The store is 62 years d and the oldest saddelery store In the west Alfred Cornish & Co., Successor to Collins & Morrison, 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. TALK ABOUT A HARNESS SALE. Here's a good one; take advantage. Plow harness, leather tracei com plete $37.00 V. 8. Concord firm harness T. 60.00 Concord farm harness, complete.. 65.00 tVwboy saddles, steel horn 39.00 Big stock saddles, 15-in. swell 60.00 Leather team collars. 17-ln., draft 5. CO Team lines, l'tx20 ft. long 7.86 Mall orders filled at these prices. Midwest Harness Co., 706 N. 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MIXED grain. $2.76 per 100 lbs. delivered. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Dctug. 1142. HATCHING eggs, Reds, stock heavy layers, good lookers. Colfax 3245. THOROUGHBRED Unrred Rock esgs for setting. So. 2855. 1915 So. 27th. BEAUTIFUL malo French poodle for sale. 1809 Burt. White Wyandotte hatching eggs. Col. 03S9. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY fvx. CO STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 1107-11 Howard St. Douglas 0283. WOODMAN BROS.' TRANSFER CO. Household goods and pianos carefullv moved. Heavy Bnd light, hauling. Call Doug. 8162. Office 24th and Daven pot. f ., MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms Tor household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. bownn Co. "Tyler V00 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estlmnte vour moving. : eking aid storage. UP.". Daverporl. Dolk. U?(!i Intensely interesting Bee Want Ada, SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Essex Sedan This is a 1920 Essex sedan, run less than 1,600 miles. Just like, new In every way and carrys our regular new car guarantee and service. Th is a very popular model -here in Omaha and Essex records for endurance, economy a$d comfort at" well established. Call and sec it today. GUY,L. SMITH, l'6lh and Farnam. Douglas J 970 We have some spiendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy t. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doutj. 3622. '17 Haynes touring '17 King eight, touring... '18 Studebaker touring... TRAWVER AUTO CO., .... $5')0 .... 460 401) Farnam, 2210 Hudson Speedster , This week wo are lucky to be able to show 1920 Hudson super six, four-passenger speedster. Just like new and covered by our regular new car guar antee and service. Many extras and four new tires. See It toda or call for demonetratl.-n at your own home. GUY L. SMITH, 2Cth and Famnm. Douglas 1970 BHAUTiruL, new, s,200. "-passenger touring car for sale at a good discount. Would consider another car as part pay ment. Address Mux X-2S, Omaha Bee. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug las aso'V NEW 5-passcnger Jordan automobile at a bargain price; owner must -have money at once. Can arrange terms if necessary. Tyler 4143. PIERCE-ARROW Berlin limousine body, , Morocco leather upholstered. AUTO EX CHANGE CO.. 2204 Farnam. D 6036. Dodge Roadster Here you are. A 1919 Dodge roadster in "me anechanlcal con dition. This is a very popular car and roadsters are hard to find, so act 'tulckly. Call Doug las 1970 for information, or call at our Farnam ,fct, sales room to see the car. GUY L. SMITH, OAKLAND Sensible Six, MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. MOTORCYCLE for sale, Excelsior twin cylinder, $70. 624 S. 24th. Doug. 9087. 1917 FORD roadster, good running order, $125. Douglan 6464. Repairing and Painting. 15 DAYS only we will rebuild your storage - battery and guarantee It fimonths: 3-ceiI, $15; 6-cell. $18. Big discount In new and second-hand tires. WOOD TIRE & BATTERY CO., 1622 CUMING. DOUG LAS 4626. Accessories. FORCED to vacatb April 1, we must close out all tires, accessories and equipment regardlesB of prices. 110 new tires. Penn.. Lees, Brunswlcks and Empires, all . sizes. 300 used and retreads, all sizes. All bargains. You can buy en tire stock and equipment or In smaller lots. KEYSTONE TIRE SHOP, Phone Tyler 2986. 908 N. 16th. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock, $8,000. Equity Land Exchange. St. Paul, Mlnp. Nebraska Lands. THINK of It 419 acres for 325,000. It would bring 3200,000 In Nebraska.. Known as the Judge .Hooker estate. Including several thousand dollars' worth of equipment. Free list. Ellis Bros., Inc., Springvllle, N. T. 163 ACRES Gage county land at referee sale March 16. 1921. For further par ticulars address Jesse Fouts, Diller, Neb. .... New Mexico Lands. FOR SALE Cool 80-acre farm, well Im proved, Including stock, machinery, farming implements, household furni ture. Address- Frank Schmldtmayr, "Thoreau. N. II. Wisconsin Lands. l.ANDOLOGY special number Just oui. containln 1921 facta of clover land I Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers crow rich.. send at once for this special number cf Landology It Is free on request. Address Skid-more-Rlehl Land- Co., 4"S Skldrnore Richie Bide. Marinette. Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash oo band to loan on Omaha residences. , E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. ' 638 Kecllne Blda OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMd O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dousr. 8715. 3100 to fl 0.000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St, PROMPT service, reasonable rates, prlvsta money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat, REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv or sell Omaha Rtal Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bid. Douglas 1426. E. G. SOLOMON tate in- VESTMENTS. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 6C2. j. nr.- vjiu rweimuiv "oi"'" M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. Dougla 1346 HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to aell your property? List It with C. A. Grimmel, Omaha 'Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST homes and In'-omn property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bit. Doug. 186ii. WE SPECIALIZE, IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787- TJ T T 1 Urnnri REAL ESTATE: IJ 1 IV IVILil 4. SellSi Rent(li insures 360 Peters Trust U!ug. Doug. 0633 P. J.TERBENS Ins. and Rentals 605 Omaha Nat'l Hk. BUlg. Dougla 218a W.G.SHRIVER111 ESTATE ranee 1047-8 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636 , LISTINGS WANTED Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REALESTATUNIMPROVED. Vacant Lot Bargains West 41st, near Page, 81,000. 41st Ave. and Hurt, $1,000. 42d. near Burt, 3S50. 42d, near Cass, 31,100. California, near 36th, $1,000. S7th, near Davenport, 31 250, 36th, near Davenport, 31,300. 63d, north Krug Park, 100 Xt., $500. North 25th and Titus (Mlnne Lima), 31.200. - Sherman Ave. near Fowler, 3425. 17th St., near Fowler, $369. Shedd Investment Co., Railway Ex'.hni gr. Douglas 4261 FULL BE LIFT REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS' v , CHOICE INVESTMENTS' BRICK FLATS $8.500 Two apartments. Iwell-bullt, well located; cheap rent at $90 per monlh, $3,500 rash will hsndle. $10,000 Near Crelghton college; two apartments, 23 rooms, all rented to one tenant; cheap rent at $110 per month. Terms. $18,000 24th street, south of Harney: four-apartment brick building; will net 10 per cent. Has unquestioned speculative possibilities. Terms. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. D. 2860. 918-20 City Natl. 3-STORY brick building, near 14th and Douglas; Income 31,740 year; snap at $12,500; terms. Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON 5 Rooms Va Acre $4,o00 One of th neatest 5-room cot tages in Benson and L-j -acre ground Improved with good barn, chicken bouse, all kinds of fruit and grapes, Including apples cherries, strawberries and , cur rants. Fine lawn, hedge and shrubbery. Four blocks to car line and school. Everything in the highest stale of cultivation. Ask for Mr. Hana J. L. HIATT CO., Hiait Bide.. Better Values. 1914-16 Doug. St. .Tyler OOr.S THREE good lots, three blocks north of Benson car. on 66th. Terms. Sign on , lot. Walnut 6084. 2712 N. 65th Ave. BENSON Acres, 1 6-10 acres, lays fine. Make offer on your terms. Doug. 0722. Dundee DUNDEE HOME. New story and half five-room home, large living room, dining room and kitchen down: two aleeplng rooms and bath up. Oak floors'and finish. Deco rated, etc. Can arrange small cash pay ment. Call Mr. Grant, Walnut 6373, for details. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prnu'ty. CoL 1408. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Central West Farnam . $8,600 Choice aix-room, two story, oak finished house; floored attic: full cement basement; garage to match house; corner lot with' paving ail paid; 2 blocks to Yates school; owner leaving city. 32.600 cash will handle. S 39,000 Dandy new Kellastone six-rooms, mahogany finish; beau tifully decorated; double stone garage, south and east front lot, paving paid. These homes are wonderful val ue for the money and are at leaat $1,500 to $2,000 under last year's values. Osborne Realty Co. 639 -Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 238. Leavenworth Heights 6 Rooms Garage $5,000 Six rooms and bath strictly, modern, oak and pine finish, fur nace heat, double garage, 3 blocks to car line. Best value In this district. Priced low st 85,000. on fairly good terms, with possession on short notice. Call us for an appointment. . J. L. HIATT CO., Tliatt Bldg., Better Values, 1914-16 Dtrug. St Tyler 0063. . West Farnam Section V Only $6,750 ,r Pre-War Price Seven rooms, two-story, strictly mod ern frame home and sleeping porch. This is a comfortable home in A-l con dition. Lot, 60x128, south front, just . off Dundee ear line. Immedlste pos session. You can't equal this price and home anywhere in this location. If you have 33,30 cash payment call Douglas 1505. ' Brown Realty Co., 211 Kr-nnedy Bldg. STRICTLY UP TO DATE HOME New two-story, 6-room, stucco, on boulevard, oak finish, kitchen white enamel; 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor, with enamel and mahogany; large Wring1 room with fireplace; vacant; own er says aell. Make good trm. GLOVER & MORELL 718 720 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 3623 Omaha Real Estate and Investments, JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Elk. Phone Tyler 4880. - North. North Side Specials High Grade Homes 36.000 Dandy five-room home, beau tifully decorated, white enamel and ma hogany finish; garage, corner lot; one block to car. $6,500 beautiful bungalow, finished In oak, five rooms, and bath; garage; lo cated on Florence boulevard, north of park. $6,750, one of the choice five-room .xtucco bungalows in Minne Lusa; fire place; south' front lot. 87,500, another exceptions) 'Minne l.usa bungalow, fireplace and every thing; now vacant. $8,000,- one of the finest s-lx-room homes near Kountze park, four years old: every built-in feature; breakfast room. 2 fireplaces; must be seen to be 1 appreciated. Osborne Realty Co. 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 2282. 2620 FRANKLIN $3,200 If looking for a' moderate priced home, here It Is. Five rooms and bath. Furnace heat. Full base ment. Paving paid. Reasonable cash payment will handle. Bal ance monthly. , WALSH ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1636 ; 833 Securities Bldg. I will sell five rooms and sun room, oa:; .floors, full cement basement, dandy filr nsce, south mint, only block to car line for 34.200. :,00 cash and 340 n-r month will handle. R. F. Clary Co., Realtors, 21th and Ames Ave. Colfax 0175. Drawn for The B-se by McManus Copyright. ;i)21 International News Service YOU COULDN'T TWO OOLLR WORTH OF" IT-- ' "The Inside of the Cup," Winslefi Churchill's philosophical novel that drew a flurry of condemnation from clergymen in England in 1913, will be shown on the screen of the Strand theater this week. The story contains a romance that ends in a captivating love affair be tween the rector of a rich parish and the daughter of the wealthiest mem ber. Downtown Programs. Rialto Vera Gordon in "The Greatest Love." Moon Priscilla Dean in "Outside the Law." Strand "The Inside of the Cup." Sun Alice Lake in "Soul and Body." i Empress Buck Jones in "The Big Punch." 1 Muse "The Star Rover." NeiVioring Houses. Hamilton Dorothy Dalton in "His Wife's Friend." Hippodrome George Walsh in "The Plunger." Grand Edith Roberts in "The Fire Cat." Roy Stewart has been engaRed as leading man for Katherine MacDon ald. Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pick ford have been grieving over the fact that Coppet, Doug's police dog. was run down and severely injured by an automobile a week ago. The1 dog was presented to Doug by Henry P. Davison, New York finan cier. Charles Conklin, the "well-known Seniiett comedian, lias started pro ducing two-reel comedies on his own. Mav Cunimings and Max Asher are with his organization Dorothy Dalton lias been selected . . . f t :: I- to play me leaning ieniininc iuic in Cecil De.UiIIe s next all-star pro duction. . Deaths and Funerals The body of Mrs. Mary A.McKenna, 70. wife of -the late Hugh J. McKenna, pioneer resident of Omaha, who died BUd denlv Mondav night at the home of her son, Hugh J. McKcnrta. in Le Grange, 111., will bo brought to Omaha for burial. Mrs. McKenna is survived by ongpT daughter, Mrs. David W. Mulvane of Topeka, Kan., anA three sons. Hugh ,T. McKenna of Le Grange, III.: Harmon T. McKanna, and Joseph McKenna of Omaha. Funeral services will be held at the home of Har mon T. McKenna. Arrangements are rot completed. - Divorce Court. Ruby J. Stanley against Oran Stanley, cruelty. Mabel Rugg against Frank Hamilton Rung, cruelty. Nora Thompson against John R. Thomp son, cruelty. Bcsslo Moore cgtinst Guy Moore, non support. ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. A BARGAIN IN MILLER PARK DISTRICT. A sixroom house and two lots, one block to car line for $5,000. Has re ception hall, living room, dining room, itltchen, three bedrooms and bath, full basement, furnace heat, all modern. Owner has left city and wants to olose up- his affairs In Omaha. See this today. R. P. CLARY CO. REALTORS. 24th and Ames Ave. Colfax 0175. Knuntze Prk Residence. LIVING-ROOM, oining-room, sun-room, kitchen, three bedrooms, bath and sleep ing porch. Hct wster heat, oil burner attachment. Dand;' large corner lot with Raraeo. Pavln-r all paid. Owner leav- Ing city. Orders immediate sale at re duced price. Cut frcm $8,600 to 37.250. Requires about ?,00 to handle: balance mouthlv. R. F Clary Co., Realtors, 24th and Ames Ave. Colfax 0176. 336 FOWLER AVE.. 7 rms., mod. ex ht.: 2 lots, rhlrken house, fruit trees. 3700 cash, bal. ino. Crcigh, 608 Pee. D. 0200. South. SOUTH SIDE. Modern 5:room cottage, close to car, 83,650. Easy terms. Alfred Thomas & Son. 04 1st Nat. Hk. 6-ROO.M bungalow In Mlnne Lusa for sale by owner. i.l'tHi casn requtreu. au dress Box X-2. Omaha Bee. MINNE LUSA homes snd lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and lnvea meht. 642 Pntera Trust. Douic 8097 HOUSES for colored, small payment dowti. Davis. 2I.no Grant M. Webster 2430. Miscellaneous. $2,600 A young farm consisting of a half acre. Just off a Blvd., with a neat 4- ......... K,.vl.,t.. r I. u-lth alMCtriC Helils and furnace. An Ideal spot furj gardening and -Thickens. Can be handled n about 8676. balance In nniuhly pay- ""AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. Ioug. S310 :;;n-2-1 rirninlels Th. Bite I-ROOM biiu.'! n water, electric litlits. ; 2 lots. 2 blncks from paed htreet. 3.00 i down. L). 422S, Shopen & Co. tOtfc IB Patronage Drive Oil Harding Starts Office Is .Besieged by Those Who. Are Seekiug s Appointments. Washington, March 8. President Harding encountered today his first big patronage Arive since he entered the White House. During Uie morning his offices were besieged by members of congress and others, most of whom are understood to have made recommendations regard ing appointments. One of the subjects to which President Harding is giving most thought is the membership of the shipping boacd, but Secretary Chris tian said today that any talk or definite selections for the board was purely speculation. During the morning the callers at Mr. Harding's office included Senators Lodge of Massachusetts, of the foreign relations committee; Sterling of South Dakota, repub licans; Fred Upham of Chicago, treasurer of the republican national committee, and Charles D. Hilles of New York, former republican national chairman. After leaving the White House, Senator Lodge visited the state, war and navy building, where he conferred with Secretary Denby of the Naval department, and Henry P. Fletcher, undcr-secretary of state. t Measure Legalizing Cigaret Sales Before . Legislature of Iowa Dcs Moines, March 8. (Special Telegram.) A bill legalizing cigaret sales in Iowa and providing for the licensing of tobacconists who sell 3$ cigarets was introduced in the Iowa legislature when it reconvened today after spring recess. The position of a state revenue collector also would be created. Un- der this new bill, persons 18 years f old or over may smoke. The old law stipulated 16 yearsr The following taxes are set on cigarets: 1 mill on each cigaret weighing not more than three pounds a l,000;"Two mills on those weighing ing more than three pounds a 1,000; one-half cent on each book of cigar et papers and 1 cent for each bunch of 50 cigaret tubes. Revenue stamps showing the number of cigarets in the package must be affixed. For violation of this clause a fine of not less than $100, or more than $300, or jail sentence of not more than six months imposed. Stocks of cigarets, papers, or wrappers may be con--fiscated. Harding Prepares Message On New Colombian Treaty Washington, March 8. A special message to the senate requesting im mediate ratification of the Colom- I bian treaty is being prepared by rresidcnt Harding, according to re ports among senators today in the wake of last night's White House conference. i - , It was understood that President Harding had accepted the view of Senator. Lodge of Massachusetts, re publican floor, leader, and Secretary Fall of the Inferior department, that action on the 'treaty during the spe cial sessiqn of the senate was desir able. ' Bankrupt Chinaman Lists Wages With Liabilities Among the liabilities listed in a bankruptcy petition filed in federal court yesterday by Ah Doon Leo. Chinese restaurant man, 315 North Sixteenth street,, are wages due May Belcome, waitress, amounting to $342, and A. R. Nickless, chef. $113. Ah Doon Leo's total liabilities amount to $1,679.54 for meat, coal, ice, and vegetables. "Amclicans don't eat enough," says Ah Doon. South Side Brevities Illinois coal, 311. Howland Lumber & Coal Co., Phone South 1614. - The Woman's Aid society of Grace M. E. church will be entertained Thursday at a tea at the home of Mrs. A. F. Strvker, 4113 South Twenty-third street. Young men and boys wanted to aell The Omaha Bee In the business section of Omaha. Good corners available to Uve wirs hustlers who can..eam from $3 to $S per day. Inquire for Mr. Rook, Omaha Bee office. Pretty Georgia Van Scoy, 16, S305 J street, was discharged In South Side police court yesterday. Georgia wa ar reated Mtmday night on the complaint of her mother, who said she was drunk snd disturbing the peace. She denied she was Intoxicated. Real Estate Transfers International Realty Aastes. to Hastings & Heyden, 46th, St., 200 ft. 8. of Bedford Ave.: ES 40x124 $ 6b9 State Savings & Loan Assn. to George F. Jones. Hamilton St., 75 ft. E. of 41 St.. NS 26x100 2,200 Sort-n C. Andersen and wife to Walter Andersen, 18th St., 260 ft. S. of Missouri Ave., ES 46x130 2,009 George C. Ewlng and wife to Wil liam B. Townsend, 3th Ave, 68 ft. S. of Arbor Bt.. EB 62x132.. 404 Henry C. Elllnghusen and wife to Lorene Lundy, 30th St., 109 ft. S. of Saratoga St., ES 45x100 5,700 Barker Co. to Ellen C. Murphy, Mason St., 225 ft. E. of 43d Ave., SS 46x108 609 Mary M. Jeffrey to Jane Elder, 66th at., 360 ft. N. of Military Ave., WS. 60x128.6 400 Lillian Mae Tabor and husband to Joel E. Emery. 16th at., 66 ft. S. of Pratt at.. WS 60xW0 6,800 Mary W. Borghoff and husband to George C. Flack, Burt St., 60 ft. W. of 48th t., SS 40x128 1 Marie Queyrel and husband to August Finke. Brown at., 20S ft. i E. of 26th Ave., NS 41x120 S.60O Barker Co. to O. C. Redlck Realty Co.. Cuming st.. 110 ft. E. of 18th St., NS 22x182 2,600 Marie Vermeerach and husband to ' Hugh T. D. Lackle. 26th St., 120 ft. N.'of H St.. ES 45x150 3,800 Katherine Welch and husband, to Jesse D. Hill, SW cor. 22d and California st. 44x66 4,000 John A. McShane and wife to John J. Yager, e al, E. . cor. 60th and Woolworth Ave., 137160..,.. 1,109 Joseph Van Ryckeghen and wife to Achlel Rogghe and wlfa, 39th Ave.. 200 ft. N. of 4 at. ES 40x120 , 4,009 Nels P. Nelson and wife toAugus to Prola. 22d at.. 166 ft. N. of Woolworth Ave.. E8 36x19 3,309 George A. Sargent and wife to Henry Reuben et al, S. W. cor. 16th and Lake at., 63.66x114.... 11,600 Albert J. Volkman and wife to Georgia P. Hernbloora, Titus Ave., 120 ft. W. of 30th St., NS 40x60.. 609 Annt Piles, Admx et al to Carl A. L. Swahn and wife, 10th Ave. 162 ft. S. of Leavenworth at.. WS e:xi is 6.06O Luella C. Cblzum and husband to Anton Sorensen, 6 Prague at 84V, ft. E. of 28th t NS 42x108 Bohemian Catholic Bok.l Building Co. to Whltesel sMfg. Co., NE cor. 13th and Pin st, 60x188 John F. Flack anff wife to Axel Nybhelln. SE cor. 45th and Pratt st. 40x134 l, Roy Von Dollen and wife to Mar Oranal, Decatur at., 137 ttr W. of 33d St.. 83 44xl:7 (..... ...... s.seo 1.609 395