THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1921. Honesty of Base Ball in leagues opic tor Fans 2 C Throughout Country Roolers Shaken In Adherence to Favorite Sport Zest Gone From Speculation About Teams Followers of Game Eager to Know Fate Of Indicted Sox. By I. E. SANBORN. This is the time of year when the base ball rooter hitherto lias concen trated on the chances of his favorite ,team in the coming pennant race. His leading query has been about the new material, and the outlook for additional strength to this or that department. i Instead, the fans of 1921 arc ask ing another question a lot of them are which has to do pertinently with the conduct cf the game during the coming season. They want to know what is going to be done with the players who were impelled to , "spill" the story of the 1919 world's series to the Cook county grand jury. They want to know what is going to be done to curb gambling, and whether or not the club owners are on the level in their efforts to clean up the sport. Put Up to Magnates. More of them have asked me that question than what I thought about the chances of the Cubs, White Sox, Yankees, or any other big league club. As an indication of the atti tude of the rooters toward the pro fessional game, here is a letter from a Chicago fan, who has sufficient courage of his own convictions to sign his own name, with tho re quest that it be printed, if not too strong. As a warning to the pro moters, of what is expected of them, I don't think it is, so here she is: ''A the bans ball season is about to open, I would like to ak your opinion on several points in regard to tho expo sure of gambling in base ball. Do tho National and Aniorlcsn lvague magnates think that by appointing- Judge Landls as chief they can put I ho game back on the square or Is this a high-priced and much advertised method to tty to restore con fidence among the fans of professional base ball? Can't Shadow Every Flnjer. , "Judge Lmiiils U reputed to be a man who dors his duty as he sees it. More power to him. But he cannot do his duty when ho dos not slo It. By this I mean it will be almost Impossible to shadow all tho players who would not be Immune to a, 'pjek under the piliow." "Gamblers have shown a marked Inter est In bass ball and Judge Landls or a dozen like him could not keep, gamblers, out of base ball unless they were willing to be kept out. There are too many of them, and too many methods of reaching players. Gamblers killed horse racing and apparently have done the same to profes sional base ball. "ou are a base ball writer and doubt !esa can recall doaens bf shady looking occurrences which were scarcely given a thought at the time, but come home to you now that things have been exposed. A few players will likely be convicted, but they will never get them all, as the dirty work has been going oiu for years, and surely more than 10 or 12 players were involved. 1 ' Spectators Are "Fish." ' "One of our local scribes has been re ferring for some time to base ball spec tators as 'fish.' I am one of the "fish" that has fought my way In and out, to and from base ball games and yelled my self dlsiy (in a tight game! for some star or other to get a hltand win the game, while he may have "been worried to death lest he get one, thus losing his 'pillow money.' "If Judge Landls had numerous depu Ites to assist him In routing out the rot ten section of base ball, the same as he has In enforcing federal law, he would have some chance to clean up. As It Is, his chances are allm. "I realise. Mr. Sanborn, that this letter is 'hot off the bat.' and will .not do the game any goo If It is printed, especially at this time, when everybody financially interested In the game Is trying to hood wink the public, into believing all's well again, depending on Judge Landls' good uame to vanquish alt doubters. I-et Fubllo In Confidence. "If Judge Landls or any other big man In base ball will give the press an Inter view, telling Just what they intend to do and how they are going to do It, it- may satisfy thousands of fans of Chicsgd who are undecided whether or not they will ever look on professional case nan again. . "H, M. GARDENER.. ' "U24 North Lowell avenue. Chicago." v Fight Critic Praises Work of Bob Martin New York, March 3. (Special.) Herbert Reed, known as "Right Wing," a boxing critic, says of the Bill Brennan-Bob Martin fight, that Martin showed about as pretty a line of boxing as has been' in evi dence in the east this season. Against so good a ring general as Brcnnan he had to offer not only neat foot- work, but first-class punches that traveled a short distance and were imore than a little effective. He was not able to put his man out. But then ring history does not record that Dempscy, tke champion, wis able to do better. ' From the first round to the finish Martin was the aggressor. He rocked Brennan again and again with stiff lefts to the face and body. More Athletics and Not Curtailment of Them Needed : New York, March 5. (Special.) More athletics and not a curtail ment of them is what the young men of this country need, according to Harold Cutbill. recognized as America's greatest middle distance runner and a student at Boston Uni- N-ersity Theological seminary, who. s soon to become a clergyman. Confidence in oneself and a clean " wholesome life beget clean, whole ,AiilMf finctanriincr men. ac- cording to "The Flying Parson, as , he is popularly called. ne says ina our churches today must set about leading the youths of the land alo,ng a more moral path, and to do this, he asserts, the clergymen of the church must be active, vigorous, ath ' letic men, tor such men breed con- fidence in themselves among those to be led. Buckeves Preparing for 1921 Foot Ball Season New York. March 5.-"-(Special.) -With Ohio State's fo6t ball squad working on plays and fundamentals t Columbus, and the Yale foot bailers practising under the tutelage ot laa jone question , trises as to the benefit, or lack of V.r,.f,r nt tnn miirh . work. The mental angle is more significantly 1 indicated than that reUtinj to the physical side of toot ball. Over- emphasis on a game is liable to su prrinduce dullnes of the fine edge of that fervor which is so essential to success. - . , 1 High Lights On Week's- Sport Calendar X I J-r53E3fe (ktJlT- TOWN 4 THB l " PBlN6 fSjfi : High Cage Toumey Starts Thursday Basket Ball Tournament This Year Largest Ever Held In Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., March 5. (Spe cial.) Approximately 2,000 high school athletes will compete in the Eleventh Annual Nebraska high school basket ball tournamenthere March 10-12. This is the largest aggregation of basket ball players ever congregated in the world. ' The enrollment in the 1921 tour nament exceeds by several hundred, that of 1920. Each of 190 teams entered in the meet is bringing from eight to 12 athletes to the tourna ment. Omaha Commerce Omaha Central and Lincoln High schools are en tering 10 men each. South Omaha high has a list of nine players. The largest list "Of entries is from the Teachers College High school in Lincoln. This team's entries in cludes 16 players. Cathedral High of Lincoln, Sargent High, Genoa Indian school and Lyons have en tered 12 men each in the tourna ment. Allirnce will bring 11 men several hurled, miles to the tour nament. The fast Kimball High team of western Nebraska is carrying only seven players. A number of aggre gations include only six players. Players who are entered in the tournament are: Aurora ' Bethany Vorn De Meranvllle. Homer Greer. William Mapes. Leo Shuman. Irvln Carlson. Ted Sanborn. Ivan Jones. . Lnwrence Reddick. Dwight Husted. Mark Thomas. Vance Greensllt. Ralph Rowland. Oerold Stephenson. Henry Crane. Jennings Neptune. Broken Bow- Harold Edgerion Auburn Wither Maclay. Olenn Frary. Leo Ford. Chas. Thompson. Frank 8mlth. Jewel Scolt. Albert Seellg. . Lloyd Llppolfl. nirinn Furlong. " Walter Hogg. John Broady. ' -Paul Walter. Leo Bourke. Mark Young. Kenneth Watklns. Lawrence Beck. Aleiandrla Belvlder Guy Stone. , Cyril Bejher Lowell Allen. Walter Bloomfleld. Joe Mamen. Frene Kite. Walter Pointer. Ira Reed. Rosa Nason. Walter Sarratt George Knlgge. Home; Trumble. LoreS Sinn. Frank Young. Earl rietcner, m..n Harry Nacnugan. - - Alma Tl.liraril. Richard Bradley. t..ii rnnnell. Jim Richman. Julius Sherbarkef, Ivan Manning. . Gerald Garner Irvln Manning. j,tt Pavelka. Lamoyne foner. . , Floyd Robinson. Paul Hammond. Harold Spence. Ansley Kenneth Shaw. John Rhodes. ' ' """" ' u Rumham. . Burwell Clarence Macltey. R0y g. Cram. Harold n.napp. Carl H. GraDer. Floyd Hemllbrigh't. yern D. Andtrson. rrt Mills. r PptArsnn. Harold Dean. .Orville C. Adams. .Kenneth Harris. VlCarl Anderson. nay lhiwh. " . ' - Edwin Butler. ..Bet!lCr.., . ... jerry n. vxmicj. Alliance u..,f V Purdv. Frank Dailey. ' Edgar Fisher. Robert Blckneu. cialr Brown. Raymond Brown, j;. l, Bloodgood. Royal Irwin. eal Mathewa, Soth Joder, linuirlas Mevers. Ivan Wong. Ketth Lloyd. James Fowlef. Oliver Glddings. Leonard Pate. nrl . lister Cross. . y. Fred Purdy. Boyd Teter. Lee Strong. Marion sm tn. Aire ' Floyd Jennlna. Harold McKlnnon. Orral Crawmer. Harold Nickel. Jmes Wood. Edgar Edwardf. Jamea Hoole. Fills Mickle Arthur Bullock. Miiearl Newklrk. LyU McElory. Carl Anderson. Kertrand CltTford Stoemer. Ruben Man,w,. Karl Rosenow. n.rin Manske. Edwin Knlgnt. j steohenson. Alnsworth Ted Bardshar. ' Donald Jessen. Alfred Osborn.( Kmest Purdv. Glenn Winne. James Spearman. Lynn Wlnslow. . Julian Hitchcock. Harvey McDowell.' Leater Irwin. pioneer Virion Graham Endera. (Bellevue.) Glen Osborn. rt.e rirtnnell. Lester Wilcox. Leonard Steele. Albion Alvln Hill. Gerald Hallstead. Charles Moon. t Hhh ' Earl Probasco. Russell Hosford. gdw'? ste . l?al nl.,n nancy jeion. ; , . George Newborn. Andy Klntner. Ivan Ross. x Bfl Ford. Frederick WeltZSL Stlnnmfield John Thompson, Mvrl Bi.ckmor. Wallace wmtney. ij-n (,.. Atkinson Roy Anderson. .' Euaene Babcock. Harold Johnson.' Donald Peterson. "" John Fillmore. goug las Hansen. W. ZahradnlceK. .'""P "' ttienn ionKinson, - Sumner Williams. Brainard Arlington - Otto Holesvosky. Tj.ur.nre Kaenan.' Rudolph Janak. Jamea Keenan. " J"7 Knajdle, Ernest Meyers. Donald Ludwlg. Edward Rech .IpaS.4.;-. Wrddr. ' Benedlrt- Frank Chapman. ntf v Harold Almy. Blon Hoffman. Huff. Allen CampbelL H"1," Lloyd Dean.. , Xn Wmby Elmer Maya. hn , Cecil Molsen. John Larkln, Charles Hood. Bensoa (Omaha) Reuben Parrish. jonn Calvert, - Beaver Crossing Elmer Gustafson. Vorval Clark. Belmont Thomo. CUCooperr fdwin Hkdort Lloyd Cross. Arthur O Ion Lloyde Hanson. A'hu ' ou- Lloyd Leaotte. AiVr.d Calv.rt David Oglevl.. Alfred Calvert, Evans Parka. Blue Hill Odsll Pejty. Edgar Bachmao, l J Victor McT.eod. Bernard Rtddon. Clarence Selbrsss. Harley Delehoy. Elmer -eerlach. Lloyd Jones, Roy Karr. Leslie Stewart. Howard Gletty. (happen Robert Bartholomew. Ralph Brestel. Glenn Llndley. .Myron McGrale. Bayard- Cheater Peterson J. Bernard llerron. ';"" fhh Rddie Gibbs. r.rf urSfh Eugene Hart man. njVwell ?dUdP ,TraPP- Nlc.haVzehr. c&d vm0rZ. Q1 K' Barthoiom.w Lavern M. McKelvey. Crawford -William P. C. O'Neill. Chester Olson. Culbertson ' "?'; . . . r Robert Minlck. Robert Pukes. Warren Bnrnum. Glen Spahn. , Wright Lathrop, Ben Klsenacli. Oscar i'itlman. Olan Mills. Myron Smith. Harry Hurst. Kldon Spray. rno. Schluetor. Leonard Whipplo Ben Miller. C1I View- Ben Miller. lonege view ,,,,,- i Marvin Brooks. I larks Mertln Brooks. Leo Abbott. ' Stanton Dreamer. Arnold Brunnlng. Brooks Hickman. Cecil Gray. Vincent Johnson. Carl Hartwell. Carlos Joers. Thomas Heyncs. Theodore Wilson. Clinton Hurd. Danbnry t'relghton I nl. V inton Lord. sr.?f ! c,J,dr.t,rno.-Rub'- iv i? rtlelgebouer. Karl Horton. James Paul. Martin Wiggins., Rupert Wettrock. Tony Safio Alton Simonsen. Edward Stone. e Witt Harold Mack Lbren McKle. Paul Shanahan. Larence McKie. Edward Prendergast. C. Davison. L. Miller. iralg Loul -vanek. Ernest Davis. 1 Otto Safarek. Cedll Way. - Robt. Staley. Cecil Struthers. Goo. Jewell. Sterling Cram. Ernest McMurtry. llesnler Clyde Wilcox. Carl Wolf. Howard Larson. Alvln Lents. W. T 'Plummer. Ernest L'phoff. John R. Dye. Fred Gruppe. Central ritv Wa,ter Slebold. (?) Central illy Henry Kreisler. Harvey Bonness. s John Brauer. Raymond CrltleS. Carl Schwarz. Albert Everett. Norman Crawford. James Farnham. Ernest Gruppe. Harold Otersdorf. Dunbar Henry Heaton Ashton. Patr ck Heaton. joySchrelnger. Curtis Perry. , Lu'clan 8mlthi Harry Smith. Dugan Smith. Erlo Wlckstrom. Keith Walker. Carroll Edwin Westbrook. Charles Mills. Clifford Rees. ErnMt Wooi Marlon Jones. David City Kenneth King. Ernest Dorothy. James Mills. James Fohl. Wayne Sllklll. Milo Haslk. Alfred Hellweg. Emery Stearns. llatonla ,e Ford VtttiOTd. iiaionia Theodore MeOsrvey. John E. Albert. Arthur Ettlng. Herbert .T. Relchers. a. Nicholson. Harold Stelnmeyer. Melvln R. Albert. Dannebrog Rudolph C. Bretike Howard Hansen. Donald H. Albert. c. C. Conger. Wesley H. lwohn. Clarence Petersen. Raymond Seims. Soren H. Sorensen, t u.mi-r Ernest Sorensen, t heeler AUon HaU Max Cramer. , Edward Roe. Julius Oansman. . n-wiOB Don Cramer. " Elmer Groothus. Mike Cooper. Lawrence McFarland Ch"81, D,ure- George Thomas. Will am Farrell. . Lloyd Hutson. jry Lyons." CUy Center Hugh Bney. Elwood Abbott. Mike Riley. Max Borland. Dorchester Vern Brlggs. r. E. Welngart. Erwln Campbell. j E Wmaral. Holland Deines. James Brltton,. Glen Gilkeson. p E- Tlgard. Floyd Hanson. F. B. Hubbard. Gene Haylett. Jos. Hess. Ralph-Jones. A. F. Malek. ' Forest Clark. L. E. Ruzlcka. Cedar Bluffs Elmwood Francis A. Auten ZJg?' Jamea Crulckshank. fe X,'; LaMont Loudon. -p parriBn Roy Otredosky. Stewart Lyle. Walter Rumpeltcs. carh Gustln, , Edson Smlt. lt Southerland. C. Williams. Wilbur Steele. Crete Edgar Roy Bullock. Ted Boomer. Albert Baldwin. c. McCue. Karl Anderson. Henry Dlllman. C. Johnson. R. Mood head. H. Frundell. ('. Shipley. Dwight 3Uler. Chas. Orgon. Edward Bayer. Clark Peters. Albert Boekal. Johnnie Beck. Carl Kinney. F. Rydholm. Campbell Exeter Roy B-er. Frank Morgan, Oliver Gagnon. 't- Kelly. Albert Lavoie. ' Elmer Dudgeon. E. L'Heurcoux. i? Pi,"my- . Leland Meyer. Edmund Finn. W. Relchsteln. John McKibbln. Leon Rouller. "d Ryan. - - Lincoln Cathedr-0ti? Thomas Sweeney. , E. Sullivan. S!!rl!,KBenr,.' Cart Nedom. P Ashworth. ' L. Van Horn. ""0C?, McMaster. Otto McGlnley. Mick. James McGrall. Llmer Trumble. Eddies Ferris. Roy , Slekman. Charles Merorj-. Curtis Qulnn. Edward Brown. T,eodor Spahnla. Edward Crlpe. Floyd Slekman. Leon Ashton. Cecil Tacobsen. N. Indovlna, Elgin Cedar Rapids William E. Spurllng, Clyde Bourn. T)aly H. Sink. Skene C'ompton. Bert A Johnson. Fred Cornwell. Elmer Kinney. Berl Foland. ' Clifford H. Alderson. Gail Packard. H. Earl Watson. Ray Roberts. , Roy Adams. Fred Sebastian. Fremont A,Ia""n' -'"" Chamber.. Cozaa . Clifford Dahl. L. McDowell. Thomas Evans. Frank Allen. Richard Johnson. noy 1-ioimes. Fleteher Slater., Wayne Daggett. Conrad Swart. John Klnnan. Wisdom. Arthur Smith. wt.i. Edgar Eaton. firth Clark Wordon. Garret De Boer. Edwin Owens. W'llllam De Boer; Lloyd Miller. Oliver Hoon. rl"r H.rm.Kn0,oebrbik. if Sli 0h- A. Van Der Grlend. I' & SSS U ".esc"' K'chardLeffertink. D. Klndler. - ' Fort Calhona Hcrm Oehlrlch. Walter 8l.vera, - H. Lenhouts. Jonn jutS,.' Clarkson Louis Cook. Jerry Polansky. houi JPP- Frank Vacln. 5,r"ci ZaepFfel. Alen Dusatko. i,;d15, R"hgen. Adolf Karel. '' n Miller.- Henery Roslcky. Frank Bolln. R. Simunek. Fllley - Louis Slmun.k. Chester King. Cortland Percy Noakes. V. McPherson. Jiarlon. M" Martin Oogglnt Davis. J. Garrison. Ingvort Jensen. J. Hammond.. , Oscar Noakes. C. Gtllaspie. " U serge Bowtrt. Howard Llthcy. Sidney Manning. ' Hlldreth At R. W-illlams. .1. A. Jelden. Clair H. Davis. . H. B. Hlnricht. Ralph K. Hawkins., It A. Glenn. Everett W. Morgan. Hampton Wilfred Dahms. Lslph Curtis. Herman Geiler. Lyle Lorensen. Karl Kath. William Wall. Ardean Petersen. Frederick Akin. Arthur Atwood. Homer Farrar. Fred Frlcke. Wilbur Grant. Louis Hurst. Wlllard McN'amara. John Porter. David Pollock. Maurice Boren. Floyd Ogdeb. Farnam D. D. McNIckel. Marion LeBaunty. George Buss. William Stebblns. Lysis Goodrich. Harry Greenlee. Seaton Smith. Hebron Academy Otto Gruber. -Herbert Czlrr. Kuwln Grueber. 'red Reub. Edward-Saathoff. Onno OsterbuhT. Herman Meyer. Howells Lambert F. Foldn. Randolph G. Mestl. Walter Wiagge. Ernest Prucha. Leonard Prucha. Rupert Folda. Gilbert Prucha. Hardy Harold Maxey. Chas. Hammett. Merle Hammett. Ernest Henry. Hubert Henry. Tom Lowe. Harry Elsenman. Joyce Maxey. Dale Meyer. Harold Maxwell. Hooper Ernest Abel. Archie Denman. Sherman Jeflers. Arnold Meir. Darelle Meyer. Harold Nelson. August Urban. Harold Rodgers. Havelock Wallace riper. Olarenco Shipinan. Henry Sterkel. Donald Deudy. , Archie Hccht Gunner Llndborg. Paul Morrison. Roy Wagcman. Fay Kauffmsn. -Dan RohrJanz. Hickman George Phillpfon. Raymond Scott. - William Thifdeman Richard De Vries. Adolph Fischer, Bart Offer. Ralph Crawford. Gerrnld Graff. Hebron -Eu;eno Day. William Niels. Harry Dutchar. Joseph Hllget. Orville Baldwin. Louis Carter. Paul Kalnr. Hastings E. Vermillion. A. Sterner. C. Mean. J. Shively. I S. DrlebelBles. R. Stephens. R. LauahKn. W. Tooley. Pels. Housler. . Humboldt Leslie BIgcs. Preston Gist. Holman Howe. Myron Kuper. Bomen Winger. Frank Winger. Howard Smith. ' Harvard Thurlow Hartley. Homr Slekman. Daryle Brown. Newman Kilgore. Alvln Swanson. Walter Mickel. Ralph Oarlarh. Alvin Hachtel. Indlanola . Ralph Moore. Wayne Lambert. Lyle Williams. Richard Colling, ferle Colling. Homer Duckworth. Johnson , Clarke Casey. Ralph Hansen. George Meyers. OTelvIp Meyers. ' Arrtdld Ihrlsr. Lloyd Shepard. Chandler Christy. Juniata ' Virgil Howard. Charlie Newell. Earl Whiting. Clyde Preston. Ira Baugh. Franklin Academy- Harold Read. Alexis Cochrane. Lawrence Crosby. Leonard Crosby. Leonard Rapp. Lloyd Hobson. Dell Danker. Ed Eckhoff. Theodore Buerkle. Fairfield Clair Hov.t. , Rex Hovet. Clyde Mock. F.rltvArd Rchaut. Raymond Lewis. Warren Stelnbach. Ward Beeney. Clair Athey. Krtw n Harris. Ward Minor. Franklin . R. S. Braden. Byron Butlermore. W. P. Vedder. Carl Brooks. Arthur Dunlap. E. A. Gregory. W. P. Buttermore. Friend 1T...M Hank! James Campbell. Harry Dorwart. William Gallup. Ernest Harner. Claude Johnson. Rav Miner. U.rrv Mlllnn. Harold Herman. GUtner Carl Boyd. Lowell Brock. Horace Dean. Vincent Luby. T.AnnRrd Wilson. Norman Wilson. Harry Wilson. Arthur Luby. Grand Island Orval Auhl. Glen Beach. Leo Black. Mrwn Detweiler. Fred Mandevllle. Bob Kelso. T.lnvd Pruner. Roy Rehder. August Nless. Ores ham Dcnald Harris. Roy Klrby. f.v.n Lamnhere. Harley Eklund. Glen Sack. Clyde Vergln. Arnold cersen. Harold Funk. Goebner Ray Gard. E. Gard. Irvln Smetter. Alvin Smetter. Alva Behrens. Theo. Lessmeler. William Temple. Grafton Emerald Caston. Francis casten. Walter Hoarty. Ray Hoarty. Michael Murray. Herman Nehe. Archie Radlora. Alan Softley. Genoa- Robert Inman. Ted Haldima'i. riortn Wf.ltf!. Gerald Rlemers. , Clarence Wiule, BIU Peterson. Richard Peteraou. Everett f iaiz. Genoa Indian Henry Cllne. Logan Fontenuiia. Reuben Kott.o. Joe Fenlnaky. Klmor Mackcy Joe Mitchell. Arthur Rouse Luther Smith. Walter Snake. Hrtiry Saunsocl. Johnson Smith. Christopher Lyndall Robert Manning. . Genera ' Clyde Yates. tv TVI11V. John Ormond. Adrian MrFerren. John Sergeant. Robert Manning. av RnndlinLT.r. Kenesaw Carl Cox. Clvde Cox. Wilfred E. Ernst. .'Clifford Haselbarch. Mar Mlkkelsen. Vernon Prtohard. Kimball Ralph Eichenberger. - Everett Fuller. Charles Hagg. Kenneth Linn. " Charles Lockwood. I-larry Paulnen. Bcrnlce Tebrinke. Lincoln T.oren McPherson. Harry Olds. ' Dorsey Mclntyre. Philip Bommerlad. Gerald Merrltt. Clayton Lewis. Elton George. Don Olds. Harold Hutchinson. Lloyd Jeters. Lyons Garland O'Connor. Gordon O'Connor. Dorria Johnson. Gordon-Chard. Russell Mnssman. Stanley Young. Gerald Hall. Milton Metcalfe. Ellmore Green. Herbert Spencer. O: Cook. Gilbert Beck, Loup Cltj Lloyd Grow. Merle Reed. John Staniyk. Fred Sherman. William Hansen. James Hartimek. Max Grow. Charles Sickles. Lewiston .Wllber Kramer. W. Borchen. D, Dennis. 1. Klnghorn. Charles. White. -Lawrence Busb. John Mulligan. Ralph Reeve. Reri Plcard. Vincent Willy. l-rana i,aies. Lawrence Buehrer. Gotbruburg Clay Carkskadori. Ihllng carsKaaon. olirad Karlson. Erhard Nelson. Elwln Karr. Martin seivers. Floyd Haynes. Kenneth Schriver. Greenwood Ivan Calfee. Everett Coleman. Frank Coleman. Harry Miles. Wayne Landon. Curtis Long. Gxrald Palling. Grant Peters. William Brown. Henry White. Gertng Robert Barton. Samuel Barton. Howard Cogllzer. Wilbur Dutton. Conrad Fennlng. William Gentry. Con Klngrey. Stanley Miller. Winfleld Schataley. . George Steele. Donald Abraham, Gretna Tony Blanehl. Leyal Einfelt. Frank Grady, nine hart Hansen, Wallace Langdon. Pete Schmttt. J. V. Heffley. Arthur Trifcy. Hjannls l.udwlg Bal. 8teen Castle. Thomas Egau. Merle Frye. John Gross . . Larl Hay ward. Fairmont Howard Llthcy. Teachers College Leonard Ediken. Mvron France. Ernest Raun. Fraiiota Hyers. Arthur Farley. Ernest Clausen, H. Whltcomb. Robert Eddy. R. Nahrstedt. Arthur Douglas. Howard Hunter. Harold Johnson. L. Anderson. Robert Baker. Homer. Si'ott. Harold Mslunder. Chas. Slubbs. Litchfield H. Halbelsen. Kwoll Iang. Oscar Norltug. Floyd Parry. Chas. Stewart. C. Stllllnger. Harold Kemble. Claud Kluie. Meadow Grove Gilbert Wlese. Albert Crook. John Holland. A. Hill cling. Donald .Mason. John Harding. Alpha Saltz. Madrid G. Chamberlain. Will t)trii.ihy. Arnle Stransky. Carl MvCormlck. Ray Carothera. Kmiben intk. Harley Lue, Mlnden . If. Jennings. Hlton Addis. Harold Sprout. ('. Aniiii borry. Jiugh 'Jaylor. Mct'ool Junction ecnwenita. Lester Long. Floyd Wilcox. Earl Arfke. Harold Smith. Lee Roth. C. SlaKOl. Harold Freeman. Marquette Lewis Anderson. T. Powers. Ted Wlsby. Fred HIIMiias. Paul Larson. H. Krlksen. Arlld rlksen. Paul Jensen. P. Halner. 11. Stewart. Milford E. G. Curtis. Silns Wlegart. ,r. W. Scott. P. L. Moretield. K. Darnell. Carl Nielsen. Nelraku t'ltj . Harry Hot erg, , Leo Faum e. Wlfred Poling. Ernest Poling. Charles Place. Rolf Hoineycr. Harvey Neumelster. liobt. Veneman. William Ward. ' Clyde Wallace. ' Norfolk Guy Rent. Hailon McClow. Chas. Hudson. E. Inaa.'on. Gerald Hnnnlng. 1'adweil King. Pels 'raven. Alien. Landers. , Niobrara ' Ted Wllcax. Kenneth Huit. .folin Fuerster. Hubert Adams. Harry Carney. lVter Carney. .Milton Wilcox. Glen Fouer. Vllllard Nelson. Nelson Harold Long. Vard Reeve. Eric I'felffer. William, Kauffruan. Le Roy Knapp. Lloyd Hendricks. Marian Williams. Northbend v Wallace Haiti. Leopold Krause. Wilson Haverfield. Arlet De France. vElmar Hartmau. '"William Shanahan. . Chailes Devlnc. L'.oyd Datel. Linmett 'Sorenrcn, Nebraska School of Agriculture C'urt1s.) Lloyd Miller.. W. Hcrechberger. Chas. Stahly. H. Lalppiy. Clayton Etcher. McCook Harold Dick. A. Hegenberger. Lovell Clark. William Wagner, .loo Harbaufsh. L. Ralchart. Thoodore Putman. Vernon Osborne. Chus. Smith, l'.lmo Burnett. Mason (itj Olenn Zlnk. Lloyd Weaver. Myile Hall. D. Murrish. G. Krasier. Glfford Ray Weliuer. Hooker Connt.v V. Bennlngfield. B. French. it. Morrison. Bennetts Todd. Chaes Todd. Ezra Tucker. Uobt. Wolfendrr. Earl Yaryan. D Kocker. x nomas Carr. Continued on 1'uge 3C, Column 1. - France Invites U. S. to Attend Tennis Meeting New York, March 5. (Special.) France has honored the United States Lawn Tennis association by issuing a special invitation for this nation to send a representative to the annual meeting 0f the Interna tional Lawn Tennis federation. All along through the various stages of the controversy as to the Americans joining with the other governing bodies of the world the French of ficials have displayed a friendly re spect for the views of this country. They have shown a willingness to co-operate reorganization, which would give the United States its proper place in the formation of the body deStirred to direct the af fairs of the courts throughout the world. The invitation to attend the meet-' ing which is to be held in Paris Friday, March 18, comes as a grat ifying surprise to the officails here. lllllllllllllllllilllll!ll;llllllllll;lllll'llllllllillllllhllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIHIIIHiHIIH All i si" -X i " fc .. .1 JOE STECHER I The lVerlrs JVrbrnska Wflghs 210 Ins. PAT MfGIlJ, l.lKht-henvj-welght champion ef the world, and Nebraska' lateat aensntlon. I Oslnialhia Aoditorram MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 7 Direction of Jack Lewis J Tickets now on sale at Auditorium, Merritt's 16th St. Pharmacy, Barkalow Bros. Cigar Store and under Sun Billiard Parlor. Prices $1.00 to $5.00, Plus War Tax, Omaha Bee's Sport FOLKS W 0v(5HT TO 0?A& THE vPenmam; The true sportsman is the man whose whole being Js' engrossed in the life of some particular sport. Such a man is Michael Finn, secretary of the Omaha Western league base ball club, and second only to Barney Burch, the head magnate of the na tional game in this city. The. name Finn is innate with that of base ball, as many followers of the world's greatest game will state. Michael Finn was born in Massachusetts so long ago that Father Time himself is puzzled over' what the exact date may possibly be. To look at Mike,' however, one would not be far deceived if he guessed t,at "fourty" was about right. And it is! After spending the lively days of his youth in good old New England, he migrated south, and since. the day about 20 years ago 'when he took charge of the Little Rock (Ark.) ball club, in the Southern league, he has never had any other business outside of base ball to take up his talents. Omahans may jusMy be proud that the heavy work ot fhe Omaha club has fallen upon the shoulders of Michael Finn, with his 20 years of experience behind him. Toledo had I Air. iMnn up there as head ot its base ball affairs in 1905 and '06, but Mike went back to his first team ii Lfttle Rock after this short sojourn in the chilly north. With Mr. Finn in combination with Burch as chief medicine men, Omaha may bid high to perloin the muslin of the Western league this season. Michael himself has very high hopes of a record year as far as gate receipts go. .Base ball has probably been benefited bv prohibition more than any other single factor that has in- r . tATV w a1 111- V, : I Star . Wr The Return of Peerless Joe Stecher -- vs John Two Falls Bojr I j Pat McGill -- VS. Bill Dristy Two Falls Out of Three Album Mike Finn W0RSUIPS BASE 6 ALL. directly touched the game in years," the beaming "Mike" said. "The game has been a grand suc cess for, the past two years, and there is no possible reason for a slump this year," Mike commented. "It is barely possible that the blue laws wtll touch the game. Of course, the reformers are wonder fully organized, and there is no ob jection on the part of the general public against their hair-brained an tics, but they are just about losing their-wind. They never had any thing but hot air to keep them going in the first place." ' Michael . Finn is thoroughly soaked up with his interests in the Omaha club, and this insures Oma ha of having a winning team. With Barney Burch at the helm, and the gallant Michael Finn to trim the sails what can we hope for but a winning crew? Yankee olfers Will Compete in England New York, March 3. (Special.) t; is expected that the teams ot American amateur golfers that will take part in the British amateur championship at Hoylake this season will arrive at Liverpool on May 8, IS days before the curtain goes up on the "big show." Asiae irom the players, the American party will be of considerable size. 'Among the contestants who arc pretty certain to go are W. C. Fownes, Jr., captain; Max Marston. Parker W. Whitte more, F. C. Newton, Bobby Jones, S. Davidson Hcrron, George V. Rotan and Harold Webers while an other member of the party will be George Balch, former Western Golf association president. llllllllllllilllllillllillHIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllliilMllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllitlillllllllllllilrJIJnllllllllllilliilnloc estHng Olin Out of Three Can Babe Ruth Break His 1920 Hnnipr Rpi'ord?! Champion Home Run Smack er Says He Will Repeat Expects to Make Sixty; Four Circuit Clouts. New York, March 5. (Special.) Can Dabc Ruth break his great 1920 liomcrun record of 54 during, the coming season? Ruth says: f "I expect to make 60 homeruus this season." And he points out that he did not get into his real circuit smashing stride until last May. If he had succeeded in get ting off to a good start in the first weeks of the 1920 season he would easily hive gone over the 60 mark, he contends. It will be recalled that Ruth failed to manufacture even one four-bap,-gcr during April, and the wise folks were snickering and the knockcs were enjoying themselves to their hearts' content. Ruth was a false alarm as a ball buster and the own ers of th Yankees, Messrs. Ruppert and Huston, were being commisser ated with as a pair of game, but fool ish investors. - ' On Saturdav, May 1, however. George Herman Kulli put the wood to one ot I'cnnocw s soumpaw oenn ors in tnc sixin inning oi a game against the Red Sox and shoved the pill clean over the top of the rightfield stand. That was Ruth, Homer No. 1. , Sunday, May 2, the following day. with Sam Jones, righthander, on the mound. Babe came tluugh with No. 2 This was p.n even more terrific wallpp. The ball did not rise oven 35 feet, but carried like a rifle shot into space between the bleachers and the rightfield stand. In the same game, the big fellow cannonnadeH another into ihe tipper lcftficld stand that was foul by only a few feet. Ruth was off on his great homerun spree that culminated in a record that will doubtless never be led. He compiled 12 of his Circuit smashes each in May and June, reached his topmost monthly record of 13 in June, fell in seven in August and collected 10 in September. Now Ruth is aX Hot Springs de termined to work himself into the best possible shape and hopes to have his batting orbs so nicely ad justed that he will be primed to perform his specialty right from the call of "Play ball," on April 13. Judging only from the way the Babe talks' and figures he will be suc- his marvelous homerun mark of 1920. His confidence and enthusi asm are shared by many fans and not a few experts, v J0H' 0L1X Card Th first wrestler to detent Joe Sterner and nays lie trill do It nirnln. , The Ktumblinic block of chamalons.