Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 14

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    6 B
Bgnsori Society
Benson Correspondent Call Walnut 5370-
Benson Woman's Club.
Mrs. II. B. Wright will be hostess.
to the members of the Benson
Woman's club Thursday, March 10,
at her home, 2813 North Sixtieth
street. The annual election of ofti
ccrs will be hfcld at this session and
copy of the constitution and by-
, laws, ot the club will be given out
to each membeer in attendance. '
B. S. Chapter. P. . O. Sisterhood,
The B. S. chapter of the P. E. O
sisterhood will be entertained Mon
day, March 7. at the home of Mrs
Charles Leslie, 4931 Webster street
The annual election and installation
of officers will be, conducted at this
session. '
Officers to Entertain.
Members of the, Presbyterian
Mission society will entertain at a
birthday party iuesaay at :ou in
the parlors of the church. Each
ladv in atttcudance has been re
quested to brinar'a Didure repre
sentinir their childhood days and
also a penny for each birthday
they have celebrated. .
Entertains at Dinner.
Mr. and .Mrs. F. E. Younsr enter
tained at dinner Thursday in honor
of Miss Chattnan and Miss.Mangan,
teacners in 111c ucuwu Bvnwia.
Covers were laid fcr 10.
Record Attendance,
The attendance at the Methodist
Ladies' Aid meet and the birthday
celebration of Mrs. C. H. Stephens
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
F. J. Whistler, Wednesday afternoon
reached the record number. 63. The
- members of the society presented
.Mrs. Stephens with a huge bouquet
xf Anriran Rrmitv roses. .A num
ber of gifts and smaller bouquets
were also received by Mrs. Stephens.
Mrs. J. Cavender of Washington,
la., and Mrs. L. R. Kuutzncr ot
Chicago were the out-of-town guests.
tanK$Narci8sus Chapter of O. E. S.
Hci The kensington club of the Nar
cissus chapter of the O. E. S. will
be entertained Tuesday evening.
nf March 8, at the home of Mr. and
Kjdrs: Gorton Roth 2916 North Fifty
iV. Y?Uth street. Thursday evening,
M8 rch 10, the chapter will enter
bots!ain at a dancing party in the Odd
Fellows' hall. ,
' Food Sale.
The ladies of the 'Benson Baptist
" church will conduct a food sale
Saturday, March 19, .at the Ross
Reigel grocery store.
v V Musical Tea.
Mrs. 0. Arthur Melcher, contralto,
will entertain at a musical tea at her
home, 3627 North Sixtieth street, at
the close of the - Lenten season.
Guests will include a number of her
pupils and friends interested in the
study of music. Mrs. Melcher is
planning to open a studio in- Ben
son. '
Entertains for Mrs. Stephens.
Members of the George Crook Re
lief corps entertained at a kensing
ton, Friday, at the home of Mr. aud
Mrs. E. J. Whistler in honor of the
80th birthday of Mrs. Whistler's
mother, Mrs. C. H. Stephens.
Entertains for Second District
Mrs. L. M. Lfcrd, president of the
Second district of the Federated
Clubs of Nebraska, entertained at a
12:30 o'clock luncheon, Friday, at
her home, 3122 Thirty-seventh street,
in honor of the chairmen of the dis
, trier. Mrs. W. JL.Loechner, library
chairman, and Mis. Arthur Howe,
home economics thairman, arc
among the guests at this r luncheon.
v Baptist Boosted Club,
Mrs. C. E. Jones.- 20H North
Forty-ninth streer, will be hostess
Thursday, March 17. to the members
of the Benson Baptist Booster club.
St. Patrick's day colors will be used
in the decoration of the rooms and in
the luncheon to be served by the
hostess. ,
Double Five Club.
The Double Five club entertained
I at an Orpheum and supper party
Saturday evening. Fourteen mem
bers of the club were present.
Entertains for Miss Goodbody.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Norris of
(Keystone park entertained at din
- "ier Thursday in honor of Miss
Agnes Goodbody of New York.
Covers were laid for 14.
Citizenship Classes.
The following members of the
Benson Woman's club have enrolled
as members of the class in citizen
ship now being conducted by Mrs.
H. H. Wheeler, Fridays at 3 p. m.,
For and By
Business Girls
Making an Investment.
Dufing the last three years the
most advantageous she has . ever
known the business girl has been
able to sell her services at a pre
' mium. She has asked and has re
v ceived sometimes received without
asking a greater remuneration than
her fondest hopes, a few years ago,
would have anticipated.' These have
At last, and in spite of the in
been years of real prosperity for her.
"... creased cost of clothes, food, car
fare, recreations, etc., she has had a
chance to save. She has acquired
since the beginning of the war, if
she hadn't already a natural bent in
that direction, the habit of thrift and
It was the government's wartime,
need which imposed these Qualities
upon her. The pledge she gave in
- answer to the government's appeal
for investments in Liberty bonds and
war savings stamps was spontane
ous and generdus, but the fulfillment
' of it, in almost every case, meant the
practice of a rigid economy and self
sacrifice. ' There aren't many girls in 4hc
business worlo, it is safe to say, who
haven't managed to go on saving at
leasta small part of their incomes
after'they had paid the final install
ments on their bonds of. the fifth
ki Liberty loan. I have several friends
who can now boast, besides owning
bonds of each of the Liberty Joan is-
- sues, a comfortable bank account,
and "who before the war were never
able to save a penny of their salaries.
It isnt. an unusual occurrence
nowadays to hear a group of suc
; cessful business womenlalking over
the investment of their surplus cash
' (or its equivalent). One doesn't
even stop to wonder now when one
hears a business associate say in a
consciously blase tone, "Oh, yes,' I
just bought this piece of property
. or that block of stock (as he case
. mav be) on spec
Business women in general, the
in the council chamber of the city
hall: Mesdames W. A. Wilcox,
William Zimmerman, F. B. Oliver.
R. H. Maloney, C. N. Wolfe, James
Shields and J. T. Pickard. This
course cortsisls of 10 lectures. Tick
ets can be secured by calling Mrs.
W. A. Wilcox, president of the Ben
son Woman's club.
Entertains for Superintendents.
Mrs. W. F. Reishaw and Mrs. E.
G. Smith entertained at a 1 o'clock
luncheon Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Smith in honor of the superin
tendents of the young peoples mis
sion work of the Methodist church.
After the luncheon- a round table
discussion was conducted.
Entertains at Luncheon.
Mrs. Neil Dow entertained at a
1 o'clock luncheon Thursday at her
home, S649 Corby Covers were laid
for Mesdames D. Noycs, J. Willey,
C. Vaow, A. Malconf, J. Miller, J.
G. Edmunston. C. Winter, J. Watson
and B. Norman.
Belle Rebekah Lodge.
Th Belle Rebekah lodge conduct
their regular initiation Monday eve
ning, March 7, in the Odd Fellows
hall. A numner oi visitors iruin
other lodges will be present.
Community Center.
The literary program of the Ben
son Community .center was given
Friday night in the auditorium ot tne
city hall. - Next Friday night, March
11, the community dancing party will
be given!
Benson Camp Royal Neighbors.
Owing to the" change in the loca
tion, of the Benson camo of Royal
Neighbors, the regular meeting night
has been changed from the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month
to the second and fourth Mondays.
The Odd Fellows' hall has been se
cured for these meetings. The next
regular meeting will be held Mon
day, March 14.
Entertains at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hurd enter
tained at dinner Monday for Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Kerns of Blair,
Neb. Covers were laid for eight
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Jtems leave
soon to maketheir home in un
Entertains tor Chicago uuest.
Mrs. Bert Ranz entertained at a
1 o'clock luncheon Monday in hon
or of, Mrs. A. W. Helbing of Chi
cago. Covers were laid for six.
Mrs. Alice Mfleen has been ill
during the, past two yeeks.
Mrs. ,'C. H. Pcnoyer made a busi
ness trip to Schuyler, JNeo., last
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Tioson re
turned Monday from an extended
trip along the Pacific coast.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young and
son. KaiDh. and aaugnter, urace,
spent the week-end in Lincoln, Neb.
Mrsy R. F. Colemah spent the
week-ena at tne nome or Mr. ana
Mrs. O. C. Roberts of Arlington,
Neb. . . .
Miss Dorothv Rav of Minneapolis,
Minn., was a Sunday guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dim-
Mrs. Orville Prior of Glenwood,
la., was a guest during the week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Prior. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howe wWl
take possession of their new home
on Sixtieth street the middle . of
Mrs. W. H. Loechner spent the
week-end at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Senger
of Ashland, Neb. ' '
Mr and Mrs Harrv Reed leave
the early part of the wee for an
extended trip to California and
other coast points.
Miss Agnes Goodbody is a guest
at the home of her brother, Mr.
M. F. Goodbody and Mrs. Good-
body of Keystone park. '
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lyman of
Geneva. Neb., are visiting at the
home of Mrs- Lyman's sister, Mrs.
W. C. Coe and Mr. Coe.
Miss Edith Mueller and Messrs.
John and .James Barry of Blair,
Neb., were Sunday .guests at the
home of Mrs. James Maney.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fitch had as
their guests for the week-end, Mrs.
C. Morian and daughter, Doris, of
Lincoln, and Mft and Mrs. A. B.
Robinson of Newman Grove, Neb.
conspicuously successful ones in
particular, are being regarded as
good prospects by the venders of
stocks and bonds. The opportuni
ties for financial speculation are
being dangled in the form of glitter
ing prospects before the eyes of the
business woman who has accumula
ted a small capital.
Women have always been consid
ered easy victims for the unscrupu
lous and dishonest manipulators in
the world of finance, and it is a no
torious and deplorable fact that all
but a small percentage of the women
who are bequeathed money or other
negotiable property lose their in
heritance through unwise specula
tion. I haven't the figures before
me, but according to a recent com
pilation of statistics the large num
ber of women who lose inherited
fortunes is appalling.
Women who y have had buf iikss
training and experience are not as
liable to lose money through unfor
tunate investments as are women
without business experience. . But
before investing her hard-earned cap
ital I would beseech the business
woman who is not familiar with the
financial markets to obtain advice
from othersthan the promoters of
an enterprise in which she is 'con
sidering making an investment. Get
the best advice obtainable. Gd to
a responsible bank or other finan
cial institution of unquestioned in
tegrity before blindly turning over
your money.
Invest you'capital, by all means,
so that it may be earning more
money foryou.. Invest it wisely.
The financial market offers plenty
of good opportunities for sound in
vestment But don't be enticed into
doubtful monetary adventures by the
enthusiasms and promises 6f some
financial "shark."
Iron Utensils
"The advantages of iron cooking
utensils are that they hold an even
heat and are therefore gooa for mak
ing stews, etc., and that they becoma
smooth and welt tempered with long
use. Their disadvantage is that they
are very heavy to use and rust easily.
There are now more than 82,000
Girl Scouts in the United States.
Complexion veils, which arrived
thijt past week from France reflect
the growing love of the Carisienne
for bright colors.
Individuality in Dress Is Assured
With the Introduction of the
Spring Fabrics.
IF you choose dress fabrics from
those offered at Thomas Kilpat
rick's new silk showing, your dress
individuality and distinction is as
sured for they're altogether adorable
in a delightful weaving of , threads
and combining of colors. Suggestive
cl unusual loveliness are the names
given these new fabrics:
Fairyspun Heavily lustrous, remini
scent of fashion-favored tricolette.
Offered in henna, Pheasant, Pekin
blue and conservative suit shades.
Canton Crepe Soft-surfaced crepe
at once conveying an impression
of sinuous This in Mrs.
narainK p ue, a varieu yiiermg oi
it.j:.. ri.. . :J -f -e
grays and browns -
Cambridge CrepeA roughly woyen
crepe iueai wciui lor suns biiu
separate skirts. A welcome ar
: rival in fabrics when seen in such
pleasing shades of browns blues
and grays. '
Vampire But such a charming
"vamp" to be sure! Crinkley sur-
iaceu, me snaucs vie in laecma-
tion: orchid bordering upon a
primrose; flesh which is just, a
; tinge of pink in deep ivory; a
nvppennaie or co:iee Drown; vivia
King's , blue; ray and navy for
combination frocks, this is a mar
velously lovely showng. i
Here-and-There Quite whimsical in
name the new sports silk in heavy
black crepe with grouping of dif
ferent width stripes in silver satin
Harrnjmy Crepe These in satin
stripe plaids of contrasting colors;
.navy with gold: gray with navy.
Tal-ly-ho Crepe rWhose plaid strip
ings are a bit wider; a sand back
ground with dull olive green """
, plaids; tan with blue; blue with
tan; black with white.
Don't the "names and colors inspire
you to nm.-ings over fashion
Orle may take our climate's very
brisk breezes with good grace and a ,
high degree of becomingness hi any ,
one of the charmful-hew veils one '
might affect a gray of silvery threads "
with chenille dots of primrose.
Haunting Melodies Combining Syri-copationsc-for
SCHMOLLER & Mueller's great
music house, 1514 Dodge, has an
unusually pleasing sheet music de
partment . which introduces every
"hit" immediately upon its publica-; !
tion. The following will quite de
light the young folks that, gather in
Wang Wang Blues ......... 30c
Two Sweet Lips ........... ; .30c
Just a Week from Today ... .30c
(This means a wedding day!)
Wyoming Waltz , .'....40c
(The waltz number which prom
ises to. rival in popularity any
waltz ever published) A rhythmic
accomplishment to last through
the jears. Please include post
age in your check with order.
To be correctly clad one must, of
course, wear furs the aristocratic
note in fashion's world.
The flower model in milady's
chapeaux! Flower hats are spring's
favored fancy?
Piquant Chapeaux of Original Con-
ception Bags For Any Adventure
the Country or City May Offer
fTlO match the mood of evening,
afternoon $r morning in
city or country are the chapeaux and
accompanying handbags offered on
display at the f Nebraska Clothing
company's Metropolitan Millinery
department, Fifteenth and Farnam.
A charming distinctiveness is appar
ent at a glance in a model to become
Madam or Madamoiselle. Creamy
gray novelty braid forms the crown,
softly ruffled ribbon the brim. Most
unusual the bag ;. of gray duvetyne,
with handle of smoked pearl. Cupid
Junior and Madge Evans hats for
girls from 5 to 15 hold sway in the
hark of th e aront mi linerw clmr. in
style range from trimly tailored ef-'
fects to semi-dress affairs. Exqui-
site straws in dear little rounded
crowns, cuppeu nnms, in contrasting
f t .
facing colors, looped and sashed
ribbons, combine in charmful effects.
Georgette shirrings; on dainty little
dress models, handtucks and hem
stitchirtgs, hats, of dreamy loveliness
unbelievably dainty, unusually smart.
' Soft gray suede gloves for the
younger feminiiie contingent show
fascinating r-rcnen knot stitching in
gray with a tiny pink center for each
Tulip Season a Delight to the Spring
T ARWIN Tulips, great ;'long
stemmed blossoms of unusual
perfection are on display at the John
Bath Flower Shop, Eighteenth and
Farnam. Pride of Haarlem is the
name given to the most beautiful
specimen of all a deep American
Beauty tinted tulip with stem almost
a yard long, the color contrast -between
cool green leaves and cupped
flower an unusually pleasing one.
Vivid red is the Prince of Austria, &
most virile tinted orange and red tulip
which bears the card, Tom Moore.
Double petaled in-gold and rose is
ihe Coronne d'or effective in decor
ating. Tulips of the glorious" spring
time come to make more glorious
the indoor functions of the spring
hostess. v . '
, To shop with Pqlly ' is to
find the best and most attrac
, tive values in the Omaha shops.
Polly s name- is fast becoming
a magic word between shopper
and shop patrons who use it
are given a cordial attention
which makes shopping a pleas
ure. . .
' '
like to walk in eventide,
When dusk shuts out the din.
I like to watch the friendly lights
Of lamps that shine within ,
Warm.sliadows play upon thewal(s
Where hdarth ffres play and gloig.
I like to warm my heart with love.
For folk 8 I do not know. '
A .i. n . , eN j
n the Crest of the SPnn Mode
fOME the softening, flattering
graces of tinted hair done by the
new process now in vogue at the
farinel1. T,1 Kh i Bran-
riVis ThtPr KinMin!,.M,t,
luilding. Eighteenth
lint, shampoo, an(T
wv mj hi -'-"'
- j , :
an1 Imitcrlac I in f chamnnn anrT
curl all may be completed in an hour
. .....rv., ......
leiea m an nour
ana one-nan. i ins inning process
take the natural
um mc udiurdi
'r .as .othc,r pr?
led advantage is
will not dry, split or ta
tvavp nut rf liair
- .
cesses do and an added advantage
enjoyed in being, able to watch the
attaining of the shade desired with
instruction to the ODerator, at the
time just the correct tint has been
achieved. You'll be delighted to hav
those unsightly faded ends of yOur
hair tinted to match the rest of the
l-.air P'cni-'atlw tntrcf in or in 1iic
grcat establishment is the spring
cleaning bcinc done on Mrs. Oma-
ha's fair face spring facials are a
positive necessity in tins day and age,
when one must preserve the clear-
ness of the skin .;f one expects to
wear the vivid colorings demanded
by Dame Fashion. v
Blouses that blobm in the spring
time rival the spring blossoms in
their vivid colorings of jade, tanger
ine, and Ilard'.ng blue.
Faultlessly Clad
A LL eyes instinctively turn to a
stout woman who wears a cor-
set that fits perfectly and creates the
beautiful lines which make her gown
or dress a creation
every stout woman to
Hill fit her ta one
reducing corsets. Her knowledge
along these lines is wonderful. The
fitting and show rooms sifter Thurs
day will be in greatly enlarged space,
207 Neville Building, northeast cor-
ner Sixteenth and Harney. If un-
able to call, write for measure blanks
and literature.
Hats Reblocked, Tinted and Trim
med ' ! . ' , ' -
A T the Kruger Hat Shop, 303
Barker Block, Fifteenth and
rarnam, uiey 11 mane your viu nai
.1 Ml 1.. .1 J I .
new, clean and remodel your tur or
marabou piece and do a bit of dainty
nemsuccning, an at iuw prices.
Originations in Rings, Pins and La
pel Buttons for Fraternal Orders.
rn HE John Henrickson Jewel Shop,
L Sixteenth and Capitol, ate" tak-
. . , exauisite orieinatio'ns
"'6 oraers ior exquisite onginduons
m nngs P,ns and buttons for ira-
ternal buttons. One of particular
beauty is the drawing and
awinsr and color
I . . . J .! f
wasn suDmittea as suggestion ior a
platinum ring. Exquisitely
graved above and below thediamond
are the emblems of the- order with
originally wrought. KnigHts Tem-."
plar design on the left side of the
diamond worked out in very tiny
v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. v v.v v V
v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v V.' v 'X
diamonds and rubies, with an equally and heel is of fine gray suede. De
fine and daintily wrought design, on cidedly lovely when worn with the
the other side th.c Shrine emblem iu spring's delicate new colors. Offered
diamonds and sapphires. , If you'd at $10 a pair, they're really quite an
.have something really out-of-the or
dinary, individual in the ay of era-
blems, this jewel shop will take par-
ticular pleasure in supplying - i. to
French flowers live forever al
most in these intricately beaded
bags from abroad. -
Noonday Luncheon Homecooked,
Fifty Cents.
THERE'S a sense of satisfaction
in luncheon at the Flatiron Cafe;
Seventeenth and St. Marys Avenue.
Delicious soup, warm rolls, raisin,
jryc and white bread, choice of three
meats, an extra vegetable, coffee and
dessert, one may buy for the modest
sum of 50c. Served promptly, to,
is this repast for the tired business
man and woman who welcome a
Practical Marcel Iron for the Home
rTHIE Drefold Hair Dressing Par-
- lor, 1001 Woodmen otthe World,
. .. . -
nil 1 1 n in rr hAiirrnnnth l . Harnam
-"- . . .
aredemonstraling a practical njv
marcel iron winch contains fully il-
are Qcmonsiraiiiig a practical nw
. n . . e
marcel iron which contains mi v n-
ustrated instructions for operation,
instructions tor operation,
l re(luir absolutely no experience
t0 operate, a complete marcel iron
for $2.50. Plca.c send check with
A bit of humor-in naming one of
1he new shades "Dinly" green!
A Style Message From the First
Hats O' Spring ' j
A N invitation to call on the de
lightful new hat arrivals at F.
M. Schadell &- Co., Sixteenth and
adell & Co., Sixteenth and , tii1 llat department at the ,"7
, is extended to every fash-1 Drcsher Bros. Cleaning and Dyeing,.
,wer in the cHy. Each charm- ' P'ant, Twenty-second and Farnam, J Way Af Suggesn
ieau interprets in a novel and the expert services rendered in re- 'j'HE van Arnam Pleating
ion folio
iiisr chaoeau iniernrets in a novel anrl
bewitching way Fashion's advance
ideas. Of horsehair braid is a little
dress model whose transparent brim
turned back from, the. face veils in
way cr
harmant a vreatliing of tiny
trench flowers. Of French mflu-
ence the cascade ot narrow velvet
ribbon over the right shoulderlx
Upstanding Collars Form an Attrac
tive Setting for a Fornjalry' Coif fed
Head., .
"DARIS' is sponsoring a high-
shirred collar on the new spring
floor Securities building, Sixteenth
and Farnam, is displaying wraps to
fill every ,spring need in a wide-price
range from $25 to $115. Offered
at $-7.50 is a warm sand velour with
sleeves in a rippled' open cape-like
effect decorated in the same motifs'
of embroidery seen on the collar,
Iront and back: A dainty design on
the silk lining complete a most
charmful little garment. So soft
that it seems to be, at first touch, a-
furry animal skin, is a noveltv woven
Marvella cloth in midnight blue-wjth
tapered panels from shoulder point
vv .u.u ouuuiuu iuun
to nem, panels jiecorated in gray an-
Kora einoroiuery aesign. inenign-
stanrlino- rollnris fae in c?-
1 ' i rrt
duvetyne to match the embroiderecl
design. Then there's a fascifiatine
1 would advise . wraps, a designing note expressed '"ergs, ioi oureiy in- manipulations .m the first stages
..avwu.ui.,; tjj ut.-)isi"K iu3c. j. iic . - - r .szi-'. bunion mav be cured betore
j,...nn.Att,. j:..: i. tri.. tended lor cart oonninor ar naster.. . .' ...
ui iici Diiciiuui. j-cwiijiiu oiicciiiiiy ouuD. oeconu . . :-- . : . -i. : 1 1, r . .
wrap of pheasant shade in the same , Two inches wide is the satin strip
material cmbroidcYed in a ravishinor in or on a sand-tinted voile in all-
chenille stitcherv of navy blue, the
same color repeated in the, crepe lin-
inS- WraPs to make bewitching the
.,. I
When You Plan that Daintv Dotted
o...: t: .
t vrt Tinu ,
of those dainty strap pumps at
the- Securities Boot Shop, Second
flocfr Neville 'Block, Sixteenth and
Farnam. The slimly-cpt vamp is of
patent kid. the buckle stran. harl.-
economy so many opportunities for
wear do they cover. One 01" the new
est walking oxfords offered in this
shop is a Cuban heel strap oxford
in brown kid with stitched inset at
the top round the- ankle of brown
suede. This a-$9 model.
It Is Hard to Tell What Is the Most
Interesting Feature .About the
m hp -1 7 ," .. . ,
' 'nt charming styling, the lovely
new spring Models,
iiiiw lduriLS fir rip mcnnni
ft.' .t r
... iou.,,., OJ uie lancinating.
new colors. Certain it is that L.
Kneeter, exclusive ladies tailor, sec- & vard, we can all afford to make our
ond floor Sixteenth and Howard, is solves beautiful fh - one of these
doing beautiful work these bright pleated negligee conceptions. Have
spring days, with prices for fabrics you sent for one of the catalogs
and tailoring of a lowncss to sur- which give fully detailed descriptions
prise the conservative. . ' of the work done, prices, etc?
... ' V'
Exceptional interest has been shown on the part of" the women of
Omaha this week in the lavishly displayed silks from leading manufac
turers throughout the country. Chief
all leading shops of windows filled
Blue selected by the first lady of the land as her choice 111 shades. A ana "owaru. nave a most decor
brocaded evening wrap displayed was fully fashioned under a rounded ative ;flat bellows-style box of fas
shoulder yoke, finished by double braiding of the silken fabric. The cinating Mai d'or Talc at 50c. "'A
"rose-ligured georgette lining 'was a surprising. color combination with this new shipment, just arrived, come
newly charming blue. Novel, indeed, the highstanding collar on a soft in time for spring loveliness!
little frock with low-draped blouse. Crystal beads were most deght- "Mavis Patties'J compacts in case
ftil on a little dinner, frock of crepe. While uerhaos the most oooular with lanxe mirier a
or tne season s expressions ot tins coior is a utile crepe ana satin separate
I like to feel the fragrant dark
Close round my shoulders .pressed.
I like the witchery of stars
That eases my unrest 1
At eventide, when Shadows fall,
This is the hour I go, ,
And heal my loneliness with love
For fqlks I do not know.
Whereveqr Your H6use May.b Sit-
uated in Country or Town
TT7HATEVER may be its cbar-
actcr, ..modest or pretelitiou,
, . rr, ... . V
M v. I v hrirlr ttt muni r ri At trnur
to cl
requirements. jocs your rasie rr.i
.. , ....
Docs your taste ri'.n
10 clean smootn eiirtaees that sinm-
. . . .
tate marble or pressed stone, or do
you prefer the wr.nuer, softr texture
of the matt surfaces? Look up Hy
Tex and you will fid it there. Send
fcr rlnr ii,
for color plates showinz colors of
J ex if unable to call at the practical
showrooms, mam floor Woodmen of
the World Buhding, 1317 1-arnam.
. . ... , TT ,
Men s and Women s Hats Reblocked
xand Retinted at Pre-War Prices.'
TJVERYONE knows of "the 'splen-
In emr,rttl. i y-A ..-,.. n rl I T ..
the expert services rendered in re-
Blocking and rctinting . the old hat
which, if properly handled, sffll has
lots of good wear in it. Beginning
March 7, this company will go back
to pre-war prices for work done on
hats the same excellent work, but
at prices we can' all afford without
question. ;
One of the Surest Signs of Arj-
proaching Spring and Summer Is
the Influx of Dainty Suits x
REVEALING a rare artistry are
the suits on display at Herz-
cherry-red stitching! It's chicNash
ing is of gray tricollette, fringed of
course, ma chcric, with theA-ery new
est in collar conceits, the Peter Pan,
which is held together by narrow
band ties of tricotine weighted by
wrapped decorations of silk and sil-
vcr- v"c 01 lUK ,l!tC!,t i'""Ks auoui
thls smart tai'leur, you 11 at once
a8ree. ' the price ticket which reads
but ?34-50 A-P" of nfw nPP'cd
coats on a $49.50 model of nav tn-
cotme gives it u decidedly new
note' 10r "s ail-ever Draiaea in oiacK
- , . . 1 .. . ...
v' " "c
rrrttnttf at inf-rrtrolc Vittfe Trt Tit
"" -
one's personality, preference - and
Purse. . , '
over design ,of tiny blue berries.
.- .
Crepe the Latest Favorite of Fashion
.. ,, . , ...
T ENDS itself most becomingly to
accordion pleating. The. Ideal
and Vleating Lomnanv. third
floor Brown Clock. Sixteenth and
t, i ,'. ,
the most delightfully shaded gray
crepe the other day, which, I learned
upon inquiry, was to form the under-
panel of a navy crepe dress. The
outer skirt to be 'draped in under the
hem in that fascinatingly graceful
way we have become so fond of this
wuiter. A little . suit 'seen in the
with entranem? hit ot si ver and "one cauous ionus ana me loot ai
work rooms nas wide bandings ot gift ot finely selected leathej em
braiding 10-inch bands across the bodied in a luxuriously cut brief
iront and back of the coat, around
each sleeve above and below the el-, while the Boston Bags of brown and
bow and around the skirt just be- black leather with buckled strap
low the knees A lovely little frock pings are growing in favor among
of tricotine had little all-over em- people in all walks of life from the
broidered sleeves, side bodice pieced hurried woman , of fashionable pur-
and skirt fullness, the embroidery
wrought In navy and metallic thread
traceries. Negligee draperies all re
quire dainty accordion pleated skirts
01 georgette to make tnem or a cor
i,,f..t. .,j .1....
1 it.i iiaiiiiiwuitr).', ami 11UW UlilV
nnrl nnur ilinf rnm
call buy vivid blue, coral and peach
georgettes for the modest sum of $1
in interest have been the displays in
with exponents of "Mrs. Harding
villi Jblly
Mary Barron Brubakcr.
If the Unusual in Pictures Appeals
"rY all mnn see the disDlav of
X t ttk,. ; u
Brandeis Piriiir iWrtment fourth
noor Brandcis stores
TlQicnr for
V'oeuc is this original voune woman
i i -i t-: :
miu iri uii
ja i:,i n. ...,:m,
rfHU iut unusual SilVIC IS U LttMUU 111
Mmiies hand-cclored which
pcart Davev ha collected anrf
gether wfth sLcested fmni
l0?etner suggested iraini
nigs on
a long table in her picture gallery.
. " . . . 1 . rf
yuamt in subject, rare in color con-
ceptions, primrose pinks, larkspur
blues, grays and blacks, hoop-skirted
ladies, high-hatted men. unusual
handling of shrubs and flowers the
pictures carry a subtle appeal of the
artistically individual particularly
PlS'"g when framed in the hand-
'I'nc. Van Arnam flcatmg corn-
- bany, fourth floor. Paxton block,
Sixtcnth and Farnam, do decidedly
satisfactory pleating on the new
snorts skirts. renle.-itin? of skirts for
renewed usefulness at the beginning
of a new season. Have that bit of
pleating and hemstitching done be-
fore the Easfcr rush!
Second in Series of Foot Talks,
"VfO form of foot trouble is more
painful in any stage or destroys
the appearance cf the foot in- later
stages like a bunion. By a series of
figured. Then only the surgeon's
knife effects a cure. Dr. Irene John
ston, fourth floor ' Securities build
ing. Sixteenth and Farnam has had
wonderful success ii bunion treat
ments. now mat inc iimc 01 wcauings ana
Anniversaries Has Come
WE at once think of the leather
luggage department of the
Omaha Printing Co., Thirteenth and-
Farnam. New bags for fitting into
.,v. w.
the automobile for short and long
i, jr:n(, tu cnr;n(r atlj mmer
trips during the spring ana summer,
plainly sturdy service bags for the
man who saves the wear and tear of
train service by taking his own car
out on the road with htm, dainty
little fitted service' cases for the
woman ! of lashion who motors in
dainty frocks covered by swagger
motor wraDS. who needs must have
tle daintiness of her dressing table,
available in her dressing case lor use
at all ooints alone the line. Many
; 7, r "f j
of an unusual shaping intended to
fit into the end
1 ot a man s situcase or
Gladstone bag. Exquisite gift of
ferings ' are these daintily fitted
traveling luxuries, lastminutc gift
thoughts sure to be aooreciated bv
the traveler. There'3 a particular
appeal to the professional man in a
case with nandsome mountings,
suite to the doctor of busy profes-
sional interests or the student with
important papers.
A fur may be fine a fur may be
lovely but it must also bcanusual.
Mai D'or Talc in New Bellows Box
mnr r n, " ,
rVtli! - Greco Iharmacy, Sixteenth
iox at $K2.Vr-iirrnctte, nature! and
white powder, ami a "just right"'
shade of rouge of the same size.
Corsage bouquets and the new head
hands catch the magic of garden
blossoms, or abandoning tints and
outlines familiar to nature go off on
delightful tangents of their own.
Spring the Right and Fitting Time
for . Replacing Worn Window
Treatments 1
PARTICUI-'flU.Y pleasing in
color range arc the draperies
displayed in the II. R. Bowen Fur
niture company's Upward street
windows iust off .Sixteenth street
Vivid blue velvet with suggestion of
gold showing through the royal
tiluencss of it? surface. Une niignt
lave new pat's made up for the
little caue-inr.ct chairs of the living
room, the d;y-bed, reupholstcred,
regal new hangings for the door
ways. Black with orange showing through
the almost invisible stripiugs, an
other imported drapery concep
tion. A hint of he lovejinrss to be
achieved by means of ,the decora
tive is a gold and lavcmlar ma
terial, silken tapestry, cunningly
woven'with just a thread of inauve
running through it, this hung near
V a violet, taft'ela. .
Deep pumpkin fhadea velour ,in
jeweled striping, design of black
and gold, an ideal upholstery and
draping. . .
Hand-blocked importation i black,
gold, blue, rose, green, brown and
orange, an unusually effective
oriental conception.
Stuffs of 'which dreams are made.
fabrics of exceeding richness are
. . - .i .
io oe lounu m una gicav uiaytij'
Sheer net draperies, too, to invite
the spring jsunshine indoors. The
nature note in sunroom curtains; ex-
..nir.ltfi.w1 K.r1 finrl fnliatyi rrmt'fc
in happy harmony with the spirit of
the room- into which sunshine pours
all day. If one's bedroom is a
colonial one there are dainty filet
nets with tiny rosebuds to give
da'nty outlines when looped against
; the sash. Then the nets for case-,
ment curtains. Into the strong,
yet sheer net grounds, are insinuated
"delightfully shadowy designs, ideal
draperies for library, living rooms,
lounge or other formal rooms.
A Soiled Corset Sale.
A FEW odd sizes in soiled Nu
Bone corsets are offered on sale
at the Hattie Putnam Corset Shop,
Fifth floor Karhach block,' Fifteenth
and Douglas.' An opportunity to
procure one of these styleful and
"comfy" models for much less than
the original pricing. Send for mea
sure blanks and literature.
Two Specialists Who Need No In
troduction, y
MRS. Fields and Mrs. Ballard
have taken over the ..Vanity
Shop, Third floor Securities building,
Sixteenth andFanam, where they
will be glad to meet their many
friends. . Specialists in facials, mani
curing, scalp work and shampooing,
and scalp treatments, only tested
modern methods are used by these
experienced beauty operators. You'll
like the' Vanity Shop for its cleanji
r.ess, large airiness and excellent
service. '
A strand of pearls like a bit ot
rare lace enhances a costume by sub
tlety of color, and atmosphere.
Requests are Pouring in for Sugges
tions Relative to St Patrick's Day
7"OU'LL find an excellent display
of St. Patrick's' Day party novel
ties and decorative specialties in the
Brandeis Stationery department.
Vivid green candles in quaint shap-.
ings a short leigth at 7jc, a longer
one for 15c. Ciepe paper strips in
rolls 40 feet long, two inches wide,
lovely for hanging about the room
or on the table?, 15c a roll. Place
cards are to be had harps, sham
rocks in combinations a bit dif
ferent. Tally cards may be had
in appropriate designs, gayly col
orful decorations at 25c and 48c 4
a dozen. Jolly cut-outs for decora- '
tions and games, quaint Irish men
and girls, six in a package are lie,
shamrocks in all sizes at tne same
price a package. Luncheon sets of
i j- t:... A..ti;,. f
'gold intermingled with the shamrock
designs, ciotn, napKms, uouie, aim
plates, a dozen of each are to be had
for $1 a set. Phase send check with
order and, order early.)
Fashion Fads and Fancies,
Marabou neckpieces are ideal for
spring and summer wear, as they
are light of weight yet contain the
desired amount of warmth., ' Ex
tremely soft and becoming are these
neckpieces in choker, stole and cape
styles in soft, lovely shades of all
marabou or combined with ostrich.
Some are finished with silk ties.
' ,
Don't you love to think of yourself
being fascinating and charming with
the aid of a drifting, beguiling feather
fan? The magnificence of the eve
ning ones, in Callot blue, flame ne
gre, and sunset pink is only outdone
by the piquant, pert feather bits one
carries to the matinee.
If you will "listen in" when any
group of women starts talking about
clothes, you'll hear them talking and
enthusing about "The new Greys."
Fruit gives every indication of be
ing popular for spring Wear. Clusters
of berries and fruits as well as large
single fruits and wreaths of flowers
are already being shown. ; .
I . .
ml Tri.leTnrk,Bilera C.
Fattnt Oirice.-rMld
respite from the bvsy day in an at- sports coat for wear over little wash and sports frocks. All hail to a
mosphcre of quiet service. first lady who chooses such a fascinating sliade for her very own colorl
. .
v .