Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1921, Page 10, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2. 1921. 10 '! I . 6- Classified Advertising Rates Ha per Una (cuunt ail words lo Unci day 16o per tin per d, i concectiiiv daya lie per line per nay. 7 vonaecutlv da 14 per (In pi-r day, SO consecutive dayi No aria tahtn for lew thn a total of ja'. Thm ratea apply :ther lo tho Dally or Sunday Bee, All adveriuemenu ap pear in both mornine and evening daily papers fr ,ne one charge. CONTRACT 11 A IKS ON APPLICATION. Want ada a-'eeptoJ at tba following of fices: MAIN OFFICE.. .Kth and Rarnam Sla. South Side Philipa Department Stora council Wuffa 15 Hi-olt St. WANT ADS KHChlVED HV PHONE at TTLKIl 101)1). TllK WKE will not ba responsible for more than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one l;me CI.OS1NO HOLP.rt FOP. W A NT ADS. Kvenliig Kdtiion 11:45 A. M. Morning Ldliion :uo V. M. fcuiulay Edition... . . .9 -OP P. M.. Saturday DEATH A FUNERAL NOTICES. SltJititA V .ir. hone A., behaved wife of Thomas A., aged 7S years. She Is sur vived, bold her husband, by two son. M J.. Plucevllle. Cat.: Charles, .1. "f t.itmiliH; two daughters, Mr U. S Hill I ami Mrs. A. Moraine. ; tuners eoneiiay morning rroin resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. A. Moraine. Oils i Irani street, hi 9:30 a. m. lo Holy Name church at 10 a. in. Interment Noij . Sepuloher cemetery. Seattle. WhwIi.. papers please copy. NKI.SON L'llrn M. K . February 2S, 1921, used 7:1 yearn 5 months and 2 tlaya. Fumral services will be held from the residence if her son. Xela I.. Nelson. SMi I'lorenea Hlwl. Thursday at 1 p. in. Iniernient si Oaihoun cemetery, De ceased la survived by one sou. Nels. and nuo daughter. Anne S. of1 Omaha; one brother. Peter K. Nelou of Blair, and one slater. Mrs. Hans Jcppeeeu of Ken nard. Neb. BROWN Tede. aged lis. beloved wife of Homer U. Hrnwn, died at her resi dence. 4803 Wlrl St.. Tuesday evening. Funeral aervlees from Clifton Hill Pres byterian ehurclt. 4Mb and Grunt, Thurs day 11 p. ni. Rev. B. K. luderllppe will ; ol'tlewte. IrLterinenl family lot West I-itffli cemetery, llody will be in state at Crnsbj's Funeral Home, 24th and Wirt, tintll Thursday noon. i IKIJISKN PiTiilT MaririT i2lTBiiH2 yeni-a. II mouths and 11 days. Funeral scrv loei will be held from the residence. . iMn.t Seward street, on Thursday. March .1 al 2 o'clock p. m. Interment Mount Hope cemetery. .' Friends Invited. Deo-ssed Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Klsle Thomson, and four sons. .V. s, Thomas F., Andrew and PliDF Carl, sou of Mr. and Mrs t on lad Roile, 25S S. 2th St., Feb. th.. at a Ujcal luMpital. aged 14 years. Services from home, of his parents, Thursday at i.:to p. m.. to the German VI. K church, lltb and t'enter St.. 2 I) m. Rev. pcliulz officiating. In terment West Lawn cemetery. Be sides his parents deceased Is survived by two brothers and three sisters. "IRI'i'KKV Mra. Margaret, beloved vwlfe it wiiiiam: unughier of Mrs. Catherine . oiov. .t orno isianu. .Nen. sne i ui,ii.-u msim ner nuNuauu anai inoiuer, o.v two sons and daughters. Funeral Thursday morning from John A. Gentlen an mortuary at 11. In- j .rmenl Holy Sepulchre cemetery. , GKDIHNVl-.VlirrgTtTeTMa.TraVed 21 Tears" I h ,. .-..i..-.i ... K L..'." V..: ' ; ' fe ii'oeh ii.,.i.iii ,V..lfc... 1 sisters. Funeral Thursday morning from resi- dnce. 2211 Wirt, at 8:30. to Sacred Heart church at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepuluhrn cemetery. CO.MSTuclv Thomaa. aged- 63 veara! Feb. 28, I921. Survived by wife, one brother. Miles, of Peru. Neb., and daughter. Mra. J. AV. Berry. Kansas 'lty, Mo. Remains at Hcafey & l-leafev chapel. Funeral arrangements announced later. JENSEN Rudolph, aged 32 years, one month, at family residence, 3029 Pratt street. February 27, 1921. Funeral Wednesday at 2 o'clock, from X. P. Swanson'a chapel. Seventeenth and Cuming, to Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. GAY LORD Eva B.. February aged 43 yeara. 1921. Funeral aervtcea will be held from resl , donee. No S Majestic apartments. Wednesday, March 2, at 2:S0 o'clock p. m. and will be private. RVAX Mra. Mama rot, age SS. She ia survived by IwiY sons, John and Patrick. Funeral 'Weilncsdny morning from resi dence. 2739 South 11th St., at S:S0. to St. Patrick's church :.t 9 a. m. Interment at St. Mary cemetery. RANSOM Frank T.. died at 7 o. uT. Sunday at Ma residence. 1-0 South 34th street. Funeral from residence at 2 p. in. Wednesday. March 2. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S PEST arrow A MBULANCE S4 - Thirty-third and Farnam, HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 S.iuth 16th SL Done'. .a 1226 HEAFEY & HEAFEY, ' Undertakers and Embalmeie Phone If. 365. Office 2611 Farnam 1 FOR AMBULANCE rail South 'K0. Ko'rlsko j Funeral Honvc. 23d and O sis. j FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Fontenelle Ftorlsrs 1 8 1 4 Douglas St. JOHN BATH-iffh Douglas 82 41. Farnam. Dg. 3000 L. Henderson. I.M: F.truani. l.ougla1 124." BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. ' Theodore and Uernice South Tw ent -first. bo . Homier. 2707 John and llohumila PolivUa. 4l0i South Thirteenth, boy. ' , Pom and I heresa Sullivan. 4.0. La- j favetie rvenue, bov. . : Peter and Mildred Riulog. hosital. bov. David and Haxelle Singer. hoasMal. boy. ! Frank and Blum b Ptlbelka. hospital. , rtrl Herbert and Marg Mcf'ullough. hospital, be..'. Paul and .les'iie Kidd. hospital, girl. Donald and Glads Campbell, liospila!. girl. P'rancis ai d Delta Clarence. ' G2R North Thirty-second, girl. Albert snd rTlizabeih Anderson Wirt. girl. Kosarlo and Concetia Gibiliiio. 113 Soulh Seventh, boy. Charles and Mai guei lte l.ockry. hospi tal, girl Orville and Minnie Dillingham, hospital. irl. Clifford and Helen Spoiling. 2.".0i Mere dirb avenue. ?irl. George and Marsaret Lowery. 1355 Souiii Tl'iriy-sixtb. boy Wllbcr and Winifred Wood". 17221- Cumin, gi "l Martin iiid Crace Travis. 319 North Tiventy-fifth. bo Arthur and lllsie I.uehuesman 1 3 1 ." GeoruliL avenue, bov. John and Auna Foly.":SI7 Soulh Tvven tv-first. boy. " Arthur and Alice Peterson, Twenty-seventh, boy. Donald and Grace Peters. 1528 Soulh . j 139 North j Thlrty-fifih. gill. Deaths. v Onrist .lensen. Si, hospital Belty Lou Glaze, infant, hospital. Joseph ltehrens. 24, hospital. Ttetti Moore, 69. 2i28t3 Lake. Donald Harry Mullen, infant, hospital. Louise Moruen. 72, 1314 South Thlr- ''Minnle Celestla Verrill. 52. 4941 Grant. Marv A. Klnlry. 49. hospital. losenhina Ilelloma. infant, 2027 Pierce Baby Posplchal, infant, Twenty-fourth. South MARRIAGE LICENSES Jnmci Russell. 25, Omaha, and Mary j A. Cheatam, 18, Omaha. Wilt 1'- Stump. 43. Oakland la . and Addle Crabtree, SO. Omuha. Louis P tirsoi-, 21. Omaha, and Garnet TJtpke. 19. Fremont. Neb. Harold D. Thornton. Si. Omaha and j Mary K Whaian. 25. Logaiisport. Ind. j Ralph W. S nith. 26. Omaha, and Kath- j trine P. Smith, 23. Omaha. Louis llagfn. 26. Omaha, ard Gladys j Shearer, 17, Omaha. Met Mtinion. S4, Omaha, and Fearl Sledd. 51. Omaha. Frank AnJersou, 5. Si. Paul, Minn, and Jessie McKlnney, S.', Grand lsiand. Neb. Dan E. Hemcnway. 34. Paola, Kan., and Jessie K. Cooper, nil. Omaha. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. For ARTICLES LOST on ttreet car tele- j phone Tler son are an woua to re. 'n'l'jjfi S?VI RMTM 8T RV OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLLr t a ST. Ki. COMPANY. LOST Airedale dog. 1 r. old. mail white streak on chest. Answers to name ot Rags. Call Wal. Reward. KEYS, either on car and 2701 24th St. car or between X. 25th St. Web 4296. LOST White pao.lle dog. Answer to rams of Fluffy. Reward. 1). "710. PERSONAL. Call Douglas 9v49. MAfJAGE. BRINGING UP DROP TH ROPE FROM the: roof to t hvan IN FRONT OP- WINDOW I 40TTA CIT OUT tiORE "TONIGHT PERSONAL. 1 Lt,rlt ! maaazlnes. We collect. We d'.atribute Phona Doug 413j and our w:igon will ' call. Call and Inspect our new home. ! 1110-11:-1114 Dodge. St. j PIPKINS NATIONAL AOKNiT, Ine ii iota'( d DKTHCTI V i: S rrSV. Paitn 'rnock. 7 Neb.i : . Douglas 1107 SAY IT WITH I'LOWURS FROM HES9 & SWOF.OOA, 141S FAKNAM STREET Fl RST-CI.ASS iaintint; and paperhanglng. Harry A. Olapp, Douglas 4SW9 SWKDISIt luussage, expt. inasrtcau.c. D0ST7 1IKNT. vacuum cleuner, $1 up. Wal. l!ll?. MASSAOKR. appointment, call TylerfS63. RV:.VT. vncuuin cleaner, $1 up. Wal. 194T. WE A VTNOold rugs reinader.'l'y. 14W. MASSAGE--210 North Seventecht ft. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aid-, knife, aunburst. box pEtatlug, covered buttons, all sizes and styles: hemstitching, ptcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, 'iiennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Flrow n BIU. Douglas 3D3t. Neb. Pleating & Button Co.. 1806 St.. I'd floor. ' lochias toliO. arnam Dancing Academies. FFARN TO DAN't.'E RIGHT. Fancy. StaRe and Ballroom Dancing Taught. l.snn bv Appointment FMPRFSS RUSTIC GARDHN. l:niiresa Theater. Tyler iti4.i, - - - p . p . -v I JT HpT ElT RME K LET KFCPS teach you to dance. Spe clal attention :o children Satisfaction assured. Dg. 25i. Har. 2792. TTn Pino School 'or Dancing. 2424 Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night Col. 812. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 Painting and Decorating. PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau.JA'fb. 3430, BRICK, plaster and cement wk. Web. 3430, Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS.; J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1718 Dodge. Sturgess & Sturess. registered patent at- j torneys. 4;:-' reters j rust rung., imiana. Miscellaneous Announcements. FOR SALE HIGH POWERED LONG TELESCOPE, USEFUL AT P. XG E NIGHT, WITH EXTRA LENSE. EXCELLENT FOR OCEAN. MOUNTAINS OR SIGHT SEEING TRIP. WILL DEMONSTRATE ON FORT OMAHA TOWER. CALL COL. 4600. I DIAMONDS-. the best vifh privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 10th St. loug laa 5049. AFTER March 1 we will be located at our new quarters. 528-632 Security bldg., 16th and Farnam streets. THEODORE VOL. A- SON. PA XTON-M ITCH ELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, -bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron eastings. j SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra- j zors. razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. J522H' Dodge. 103 N. 16. j WB do all kinds remodeling. ' 'pairing See our book of plana on bungat w. g.. rages. Dickson & Newman. So. 2794 i DELI .' S ME N T H O 17 OIN T ME NT can" be I purchased at Riallo Drug Store. 15th ; and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb. CLIFTON" Hill Transfer Co., moving, pack i ing handling and shipping. Wal. 1154. val. c66o. PAX TON-1 IOTEL-f UP. k7sTl3ATH I Massage, hot meks I CONCANNO.N BROS.. TYLER 5T3I. ! b'H.MS developed.; ',rintins and enlarging. I Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. :607 Howard St. NKW ami rebuilt electrical apparatus. I.t Hron IJIectric. 31 S S. 1 2th St., Omaha. I . I'l'I.I. dress suits and tuxedos for rem, 109 N. 16th St. .loim Zeldman. P. 13S. j Amer,,an 'slate plank, IStlt and Farnam. I 4 Int. compounded quaterly on savings. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. 0S3S. I ' FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ' IN going through your attic, don't you ; find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether article (hat you have no runner use for? And have you ever! stopped to ininK. that someone might lie only too glad to have them? Then why not 131 the public Know you have those articles useless to you through a little waul ad in The Bee' It cost! very little ahd a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell it for you. Try it. Call Tler 10"0 and ask for the Want At! Dept. l HARD Coal liurnet. hs t'Hiige. oil heater. full Black 47H. looni'il Bluffs. Pianos and Musical Instruments. BTi'.llKST phonograph bargains In town, ; $:!& size. $17. iO; ilhu size. $06: $200 j si.f. SOD; $1 records. 4,'ie: records ex-' changed, lie. r-'hlaos Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge St. Doug. 2147. - jT UnTrTrn lTvTr7tJmm art and music ; Pianoa for rent. placr j-iano. mahogany caso. iiraci icitlly nev, bhrgnin. ho. OUT", bt fween 8 and Typewriters and Supplies. 1 YPEWR ITERS . x o ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES. bcu'-Iit. sjld. reined and repaired. Sole ager,ts for the CORONA. Get our nric.-s bei'or- you buy. Every machine truarsnteod Central Typewriter Exc. i ""UFIss 4 1211 1912 Furnain. p"ROTWTHRAPlTsrPrE7rbrln. is raritam Midtr. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 itandard scale. 3i,x3't fool platform, alio i -Inch Buffalo Forge Co. haut fan. Inquire al Omaha Bet uffice. 17th and Farnam Sta. Phone Tyler 1000. S E WI N GM AC H IN E S rent, repslr, -n nred'-s and part MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. IXuflas 1973. , SURl, , safe ,nve9tmeMt clt warnmn, 1 .'?enPV ?? 1 Cnt ""rest, $100. , ,oo and $1,000 amount. E. O Solomon t $17 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 5262. WE buy. sell safes, make deans., show caes, etc. Omaha Fixture "Jupplv Co. aw. Cor. 1 1th and Douglas. D. "2724. . , OA ITPC BARGAINS. 12th A- Farnam. j Pii. XjO j j i,,ght Safe Co. I SPL'CI A LT V organdv flowers. Reasonable, 1 alnut 0617. sram nMix . 1 l".Uiisolv iiitcrcstmii Hcc Want i Ads. FATHER T LL BE HAvNClN' THERE AT tiHAtsiO- i WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. n.eed. 1 107 Farnam. D. 6 MS. 'vfTpay FFI.I. VAI.FK FOR FURN1 Tl'UF. RUGS. STOVKS. CLOTHINU: TT. -49S8. WANTKD to buy Happy Hollow member- ship. If you wish to see drop a line. Box W-194 Be". IV ILL buy second-hand clothing, shnea and nrnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. "05 N. ll WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTKD Situation, by young married man of considerable business experience, with reliable firm, who will recognize a man's merits and. advance him accord Inglv. Willing to work for what I get. Box W-192 Be-v YOUNG man of considerable business ex perience wishes position with reliable firm, willing to work hard for a good future. Box W-196. Omaha Bee. EX-SOLDIER wants position, High school ed.. best refernces. Call C. W. Humes. Waterloo. 11-100. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lois of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them, LADY desires housekeeping position whore there are no small children: in city. Address 3720 North 18th street. Curtains &. blankets. i Jill 2613'i Cap.ltol, H. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED 30 YOUNG MEN. to enroll !n our school for pilots and airplane mechanics. Thorough courso with competent instructors. Start Mar. 15th or Mar. 1. Best airplanes for In struction.'. Atkinson Aviation Co., Douglas 5258. MEN to learn vulx anizlng. Tuition freo and $5 dally while you learn if you buy. Anderson Vulcanizing School, 1218 Har ney St., Omaha. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners, $150-200, later $300. Write Railway, Box Y 1424. Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 110 So. '4th. Write fo: catalog. CARPENTER wanted at once. 119 Douglas Street. Salesmen and Solicitors. AUTOMOBILE salesmen wanted for retail department in anu uougias coun ty, by largest distributor of the two most popular and beat advertised automobiles. Answer giving 'jallfications, experience if any, but not necessary age, married or single, salary desired or commlsaton and reference. Only men of character and ability are desired. If you do not think you have all the necessary quali fications to fill this position do not an ser. Address Box W-193, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN WANTED High-grade man to sell standard line of auto tires and tubes at wholesale prices to consumers. Exceptional quality, well-known line. Fabric tires guaranteed 6.000 miles; cord tires. 8,000 miles. Commission ba sis; It will pay you to investigate. WILLIS TIRE & RUBBER CO., Inc. 1 10S Hennepin Ave.. Minneapolis Minn. ANTED Experienced. capable sales man to sell saddeiry and harness goods to the retail trade in Nebraska. Must be well posted In the saddeiry and har ness line, and well acquainted with the ' trade. Good proposition for a good man. Address Tennessee Harness Company, Nashville, Tenn. SALESMEN WANTED. We want a wide-awake representative for Omaha to ecll portable garages, houses, barns, granaries, etc. Jf you ate in position to handle a good proposition write us. Sales guaranteed. Bowers Bldg., Company, Salt. Lake City, Utah. SELL AUTO TIRES. $100 weekly easy. Main or side line; :.0-::v sells for $10.75. Others priced accordingly. Guaranteed 6.000 miles. Capital or unnecessary. Har rison Tire Co.. Hammond, InG. l W A N T K 1 1 Salesmen j toilets, homes end sood commissions. 1 Huffalo. N. V. to sell sanitary schools, any state, KausUne Co., Inc., VOl'NG Men tritcol. experience unnecer. sars'. Salary and expenses. Call between 9 a. ni. and S ;.. ni. 208 So. 20th St. j '1'l.ltUli good saltsmen, one as ere" manager, for household cpecialty. C. F. Adams c'o., 623 S, 16th St. Miscellaneous. m as wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowling Alley, 107 Farna m . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTKD Experienced biller for Kllijtt Fischer Machine. Farmers' Union State Exchange, Eleventh and Jones Sts. S'l'KNOS wanted o-Operative Emu. Bu reau i 'lty Hall. Room 109. Household and Domestic. GIRLS WANTKD. KXPKRtKNCRD OPERATORS ON TWM-NliEULK POCKET M A ' ' H I N KS MAKING OVBRALLS. GOOD WAGF.S. STKADT RM PLOY M TINT GUARAN TIED APPLY AT ONCE. BYRNE & IIAMMF.R I G. CO, 91h and Howard Slreeu. G1RJ.S i Watch the Domestic Column of Th Bne Want Ads. Good, well-paid t-nd ! homelike places always advertised. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. Hf.LP WANTED Male or female. Do ! you know 17 young men In your own town? Then write us for a legitimate: proposition whereby you can mae good ; money every day. Lewlstowu Finance ' 'o. Lew 1st own. Stontana. W ANTED .Kn, ladies and boys to -earn barber trade: big demand; wages while j learning: strictly modern. Call or wrt'e 140S Dodge St. Tri-Clly Rarber College. I EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT iCHtSjL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahoit nand and 15'Pewriting, railroad and wlr- less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phono Douglas liSS for larg; Illustrated catalog. Addreps BOTLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, "tb Van Sunt School of Business. Day and Evening School). ::o Omaha National Bank Bids Douglaa 890. BUSINESS CHANCES. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED. Live men or iea(err to handle exclu sive distribution of full line of worm drive motor trucks: 23 to 35 per cent Utount. Direct factory contract, no middleman. We have manufactured trucks for 10- years, our trucks wcl! known. This t an opportunity of a life time. Writ territory you 'prefer, X C. Anderson, 3rr,3 Grand Ave., Chi cago. TU. E K RY1 H I X for the tlr repair man; uml. new equipment, tools, repair nia- reriI. ulcanitra bupplj' Co., i Fur nam. I ' T' 'tu Rood locution for puyi-t'-ti ot ' - cite marhiii" .or, rprdv-n.,! irV ! h in r i ) ; : ' . !tu fri e. li alt .Machine Co.. JoliM, IK. I Registered II. S. Patent Office. WELL -IT'S ' Tfc ALL bET-ETE CTTl THlti ISA H,H Li BUlLOlN'-HE I X! T'yk " ftz-z:i 'V L I I , L jU est a ' - . Bp in: i ' i BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET !n or out of business, aee LEWIS! fc Co.. 411 McCague Blag. FOR RENT ROOMS. 3 ' Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee .Vant Ad Dipt.. Tyler 1000, and we will i.oi only furnish jou with a complete .oom Hat of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Want to Rent" list for further refer ence in case you wanted to an other change.. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Hoe and published aolely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler iOOO. Want Ad Dept. . I NICELY' furnished large sleeping porch. well heated, breakfast tt nesireu; suit able for two gentlemen. 3635 Lincoln Boulevard. SLEEPING room", strictly modern, walk ing distance, half block from car line; hone privileges. Harney leio. NICELY furnished front rm prlv. home, mod.: gentlemen preferred. Har. loa;. WELL furnished attractive room, suitable for 2: walking distance. Tyler 0OH0. 105 N. 42d St.. large front room; business man or young lady. Harnoy 1015. 2556 Harney, nice, clean fur. rms., walking distance, modern home. 1 or 2 petsons. NEATLY furnished mil. nn hnmeT con veniences. 2109 Sherman Ave. Web, 3676. .ARC.K south front rms. hot water heat: gentlemen preT. 2526 S. 10th. Ty. 0522. 2902 DODGE Suite of clean, neatly fur nished rooms. First floor. No children. I SINGLE rm mil., prl. home. 2212 Calif. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST ; F .'IOUSE KEEPlNfi ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THK BEST IN CIT7. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BRE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED KVERY WEEK FREE, OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. '..'AST AD. 2 MOD. front rms., everything complete for hkpg., clothes closet and pantry. Web. 2471 or Web. 4027. SUITE of steam-heated rms.. gas range, 1 running water. Eg South 16th. 1127 S. 31st St. Two nice modern light housekeeping rooms. Harney tllb. THREE unfurnished rooms at 1310 30th Ave. Call Harney 3729. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF TOT? DO NOT FIND WHAT TOtI WAN"" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TT. "000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. Unfurnished Rooms. i ROOMS upstairs; bath, steam heat, gas furnished. $50 per mo. 3803 N. 16th St. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT ISlegantly furnished 7-rooni house with garage in exclusive Mlnne Lusa district. Adults only. $150.00 per month. Colfax 3210. 2436 Redck Ave. Unfurnished. 833- PINE ST.. 8-r. mod., garage. $65. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 0721. 7-ROOM all modern house. 3 years old. must be seen to Be appreciated. 2601 E! Ilson. Colfax 2159. (KM. all modern. $45.00. 2S20 No. 25th 1 St. 4 rms., $15. Doug. 3556. I FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 2-P.OOM furnished apartment in ill" Bos worth. 22d and Howard Sts, $00.00 per month. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Tyler 0544. i 17th and Farnam Sts. A SROOM. completely furnished apart ment in the "Hollywood.'- at 23th Ave. and Dewey, fnusually fine proposition. $95. Call at No. 7 Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. I Unfurnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex- j elusive Apartment Hotel. j Reservations Riled For i Future Occupancy.' j Peters Trust Company, : Specialists in s.nnumeni management. THREE and four-room heated apart ments. Janitor service. $10 and 30. Web. 494S. ' J UNFURNISHED 4-room apt. with bath. I heat, light and ga furnished. H. 7135. j FOR RENT Business Property. I l'OR RENT Oik building 46x110; garage, j March 1: one building 20x80: also 90 I pairs roller skiites in good shape for j sale. J. P. Johnson. Geneva. Neb. SEE F. P. WEAD. 310 6. 18TH ST. moving'and"stor"age: FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY We move park and More house hold goods exclusive!. Reasonable ratea. Free rental service. Complete list of vacant bouses and apartments. Save money on freight. Reduced rates to Los Angeles this week. Special rates on consolidated ini shipments to all large cliies. Norm East. South and West. ' I FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY '07-11 HOWARD ST1U.KI DOlCil.AS 02SS. ' FIDELITY S'nvanC(X I STORAGK. MOVING. PACKING HOl'SKHOl.ll GOODS AND PIA.VOS RKASONABLH RATKS. FRKF RENTAL SKRV1CK. COMPLETE, LIST ill-' 1IOCSKS AND APARTMLNTS il'07-11 Howard St. Douglas 02s:'. M1VING. PACKING. STORAGU FIREPROOF WARKilOU.SL. Separate locked rooms for household Foods and pianos, u.oving. packing aad hipping. OMAHA VN AND STORAGE CO.. I tl'li South 16th. Doug. 4 Id" METROPOLITAN ! VAN and STORAGE CO. , Owirtl by II. tt. Huvt?u Co 'I jler mnft i ("MON TuTvNSTiKn CO. Let us estimate vou' tuovine. urtrkmg 1 aid sforne. Kit;. Da v entort. Iiujj "JPfx ' "teni'lv inli.ix -tintj - ('n i- .oit StE. JIUGS AND MAUtilt IN PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell hem direct to the farmers. You get the beat thnt can be made al first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman's profit, and then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction In prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness from S40 to $1 00 per set. Our goods are guaranteed. The store ia 62 years 'd and the oldest saddelery store In the west. Alfred Cornish & Co.. Successor to Collins Morrison. 1210 Farnara St., Omaha. Neb. TALK ABOUT A HARNESS SALE. Hero's a good one: take advantage. Plow- harness, leather trace, com plete F. S. Concord firm harness 60. on Concord farur harness, complete., fin. 00 Cowboy saddles, steel horn 39.0" Big stock saddles, 10-in. swell 60.00 Leather team collars. 17-in., draft 5. CO Team lines. I'ju'-'O ft. long 7-S Mull orders filled at these prices. Midwest Harness Co.. 706 N. IKtll St. Live Stock. PUBLIC SALE Friuay. March 4 1921. Receivers sale cf all the personal prop erty of 1.733 ranch, located X miles wesr of Kearney. Property consists of 6ft head good horses and colts, 100 head reg istered and higli-uradBNliorthorn cattle, hogs, sheep and jjoats. Also a lame assortment of f-irni 'machinery. AY. E. Barkley. P.ecei -or. E. W. Allen. Salo Manager. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. HATCHING eggs. Red stock, heavy layers, good lookers. Colfax 3245. WHITE Wyand. hatching eggs. Col. Oiks. THOR. Buff O. TSS. i set. D. 0327. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Dour. 3622. CADILLAC The advantage of accurate work manship, fine machinery. fine tools, and flillfd operatives nre present in a RK-NKAV-rcn Cadillac to . decree which would not be possible in a new car of equal cost. radii Ihp 07 touring, completely RE-XKW-EU; good ttrs; Artcraft top, iool;s and runs like new. Cadillao 5.7 roadster; good paiTit and tire-: in flu, mechanical condi tion; extra tire and tire cover.. Cadillao 5 ft Plia'-ron. pamtod Br!- j Kian blue; KK-.NKW-KD throughout: a beautiful car at a pricej that will ! surprise you. : Alio: t.'adillac 4-cjlinrier louring. 'HftnUic 57. louring, f'adillac 53 touririK I'adlllac 53 roadster. I ! 'ad 1 1 lac .3 touring, j ('Rdlllac 6r coune. ; Cadillac f9 sedan. All on exhibition at our salesroom. j A UK-XKW. EJ Cadillac in a Bal j car to buy. i OL'KS n a safe place to 'buy tt. ; OUR L" A R-A N T V, C GOES WITH K ERT t OX1. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co,, Farnam at 2iih. Harnoy 0710. i $200 LOOK TI1KSK OVKR $209 I 1917 Allen, 1917 port. 1918 Ford toui- I ing. Twenty other bargains. 1 TRAWVKR ACTO CO.. 2210 Farnam. I SOME! bargains in used Ford cars. Mc- j Caffrey Motor Co. Th Handy Cord ; Service Station, loth and Jack.on. Doug las 2. .11" i I'JERCE-ARKOW Berlin limousine body, I Moriueo leather upholstered. AL'TO F.- CHANGB CO.. 2204 Farnam. D tiOHo. , OAKLAND Sensible SI. ! MARSH-OAKLAND CO. I 20th and Harney Sta. Repairing and Painting. AL'TO PAINTING 276S Burt UariT-v 6S11. FARM LANDS. For Rent. I:0-At'RrO Sht-ridan fo., N. Dak. farm for rent: 420 acre cultivated: renter must . furnish own outfit and seed. Box 347. Hancock. Minn. s'i AC II ICS farm, welt improved, 1 7 1 mil? from Omaha. Cash rent. H. 1 4 8 s. Colorado Lands. FUR SALE Stock ami grain ranch of 1,923 acres, sixty (fi0 miles from Den ver, or will divide to suit. All level, good grain land, good improvements. Can make better returns here at $40 per acre than anywhere else at higher val ues. S00 acres now in winter wheat. SO acres of 'good alfalfa bottom. 1.200 ncres broken. No sand. Will give terms. The Master Hand Farming Company. 1547 Champa St., Denver. Colo. j FOR lease., fine alfalfa, potato and sugar beet ranch of eighty acres, with first water rights in perpetual irrigation sup ply. Good seven-room home and fafm buildings In good n pair. Located in the famous Grand River Valley. Colorado. f Wonderful climate. David l". Allearn, Rox 209. Glenvvood Springs. Colorado. Michigan Lands. 1 A Real Opportunity ' VOXl the lartdeeeKer tn Kalkaska. Antrim 1 and Utsego rounti'-s. Midi. Cloe lo j inarket--. schools, fhurchci-. Near lakes ! ar.d streams a bargain at $to to J per HtTt. Small down payment, easy , ' Wins. Ask about our special helps for ! suIth. Swiffurt. J 1 l-Mrat Natioir.l ! Hank building. Chicago. III. . I Nebraska Lands. i , Subnrbati pntpirty near l-'reuiont. : t hrM'-fuurths mile from i-nion depot, on I main traveled rend; three acres of J mound, good 7 - room house, irund barn ! with fjHt a no mjiu may be cb1I' and o-hfspty convert'-! Into house if desired, elrctrlc lishtR. clt school acros.s htrer-i. ( Will soil w ttb or Without throe acres fenced pasture udjolnltitf: hcaiftiful shade trees uround both properties. Ideal for arnnll poultry or truck pnrilen. or mu bur bun home. Ileasonable terms to ! rc.iponsiblt purl if w, J. V. HANSON A- 0 . iwiit-rs. First Natjnrtal Hank Huildiug'. Krt'inoiU. Neb. i THINK of It 4'I9 nerifs for 4i.,llll0. Ill would brinft $2'0.nri0 in Nebraska. Known i as the Judifi Hooker rMato. tncludluff I several thousand dollars' worth of I tlnmnnl l.'i-e lial i;ilU Rmn Inf.. I Sprlnville,N. X. J 100 ACRKS best Klkllorn vlle hay land, j uniniprovi d ; carries f-deral loan: can ! j tmv for $6,000 t-ash. Uok 100. Hasa-ll, , I Neb. ; Wisconsin Lands. I ANIiOLOOV pei-lal nti tiber iusl out. I oontalnln 1921 fad" of clover land l 1 Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or as an imejtnient so" r Ihiukltm of bu.wng ko id farm lands I where farin'Ts arow rich, send in once ; for this peclal numbei of Landoloity i It is fr' on r-tiu;H Aiblriss Skid, i more Riehle I. Mini Co. 4 !' Skbimoi- Rkhle Wdu.. Marinette, Wl. FULL BEE IVE eEEN TRIN TO iET OUT AT M14HT TOR. A MONTH ciREAT FARM LANDS. Wyoming Lands. FOR SALE S40 acres grain and stock1 ranch: 100 actes p'owed. 90 cattle, j horses, and machinery, water, wood and , timber at a bargain. Addref-s Box X13, Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL. i Real Estate Loans. REAL ESTATE LOANS. WILL make loans 5u0 to $2,500 on city property. No delay in closing. W. T. GRAHAM, 704 Peters Trust Rlrtg. Doug. 1633. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. JNC. 638 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMd O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. i 1018 :Om. Nat. Bit. Bldg. Dou-r. 1100 to' 110,000 made promptly. r. D. WE AD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18lh St. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private. ; money. Garvin Bros '145 Omaha Nat. Money to Loan. . i ITiiil.l-i'l U !, filirn KAeorities' abso lutely safe investment. Investigation courted. Pays 11 per cent. Box 120. Council Bluffs. Ia REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv or sell Omaha Ra1 Estate aee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1426. I THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office." M'CAGUE IN'VEST.MI'NT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. Douglaa U4o. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want lo sell your prooerty ? List It wtlh C. A. Grimmel. Ornnha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST homes and ineome prooerty with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 196ij. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. T C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 87S7. PTPlTPTT E A L E S TAT E: , uiinvui 4. fifll3i Rent8f Insures I S50 Peters Trust llldg. Dour. 0tf;:.J P. J.TEBBENS J5! 605 Omaha Nat'l Hit. MidR. DourIus 2185 W.G.SHRIVER HLAL liSTATJJ 1 104T-8 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JJoug-. 1636 1 I.lSTlVCfl UMVfrn Western Real Estate Co.i 412 Kiirbnch Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED, CONTRACTOR wants Severn! desirable building lots. Must bo on paved street Give legal description, price and terms in first letter. If interested vou will ueur irom me box A -10. Omaha Bee. i2U AS1 ULLET, $750. 42x123. All specials paid. MWLSH-ELMER CO , Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST. 30 PER FOOT. BOST WICK. 40" Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, j 24TH ST. FLATS, $18,000 ' BETWEEN HARNEY & ! LEAVENWORTH I Consists of four apartments. Owner: out of the city and instructs us to sell at once. This has excellent possibilities. -Will uet better than 10 per cent in j addition to the speculative value. ' GLOVER & SPAIN, r.EALTORS. Doug. 2S60. 918-20 Cily National. i i i 3-STORY briel-. buildin?. near 14th and i i Pouglas; income $1,740 year; snap at ! ; $12.i00; terms. Pouglas 1734. j REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. i QUARTER section improved or unlm- proved, Charles-Mix County. South Pa t kota, to- trade for buwinesa proposition, i give complete Information first letter. Address Boi T-H40, Omaha Bee REAL ESTATE Sir0RBANr Benson. I THREK good lots, three blocks north of "cni-uii rni. on uaiii. terms, nigu on lot. Walnut 50R. 2712 N. 66th Ave. Dundee DUNDEE Tins is nn ideal pltice for a famtl" who wants more ground t hnn in usual and a re a I moden attractive home to 1 1 e in. Located mi one of t he highest points in Dundee on south front lots over look Ing the new development pro ject. House consists of six fine rooms on two floors. Ground SOx 18 li block from Boulevard, Might consider well located 5-room buntralow in trade. For further particulars caU D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. Dour 0010. 915-17 City Nat l Bk. BRICK HOUSE 5124 Izard Street Here's a home that will interest urn, Built right, priced right. There are many attractive fea tures vi this house, especially t hf-lar(T(- rooms; two complete bath rooms; extra lavatory and toilets. Interior finish of walnut and white enamel. Artistically deco rated. Oarage for two car,1'. For further information call GEORGE & CO. Florence. NKTHAWAV, Subuibun proo'ty. Col. 1-loiT i "real esttejm proved" i " West. Owner Leaving City Central West Farnam Two blocks from the nrw school, dandy t wo-tory unit -thus bed ti room home ; h rage to match house ; oriier lot: paving all paid; east front. Jir.iOO will handle. Osborne Realty Co., i,;n Pelers Tri'sl IlldK. jiointla- l'2i OrDinrdeDlstrrct. s-rooin motl'Tti bnie vlth garag near ra r and i VP St. stores. tioo.j trm. CHAS. E. BELMAN, 7 02 l'etfra Tri-yt H'U. D. !; Oiiisha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BO HAN, 1,2 1 1'aMnn Ullf Phone Tvler 4n0. North.. J H RiiBINSiiN real estate and Inver. m"lil. .''42 Purees Trust Douif Stl'.i7. Hlil'SLS for eolo.-.'il. hiiuill palncnt down. Davis. .'.' C.nuit St. Wvbalcr 2120, '9 ' V INTL FtATDWt SlRVICE. INC. 3 -S j Drawn for The Bie by McManus Copyright. I2 1 iDternatio.ial Norn Sorwta T THANK'D TO VOU TO CET 0 WHO EVER A NK.HT n TOL ARe LJ-XETrJ "lOURE A.LL. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. KilUN'lZE PLACE. SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK1. An exceptionally good tl-roolu full 2-story home on Evans St.. close to Kountse Park, strictly modern; oak throughout, garage. 1 block to car line. Owner has cut price to $11,750 for nulck sale on leasonahle terms. Possession on short noliee. Call us for i . appointment. .1 I.. Ill ATT CO. "Better Values.' II ia 1 1 Blilg. 1911-16 Douglas St. Tyler 0062 A SNAP 3905 North 18th St. 'I hf-e larpp rooms; fuilHlieil ' in oak on mil in f Inoc; Heron rl floor has four brdrooniM uiitl hath ; hot air hrat. Large yard. Trice, $i,(00. A. P. Tukey & Son, SL'O Flrsl Nat l Hli. DollK. 42-':!. Leavenworth Heights A real six -room bungalow on one floor; oak and white enamel finish ; plaMen d basement ; siHir way to attic. Price, only f6.MJi' Call Wal. I Li eventngn and Sun days. Ask for Mr. Sloan. Benson & Carmichael, Tyler 3540. "FONTENELLE PARK " Six-room modern ltouse with two nice lots, laying high and siphtly. located two blocks nortli of Deaf and Dumb Institute and three blocks from car line. Priced at pre-war figures, 4.fK'0. C. G. CARLBERG, RKALTOR. I)ous 05S5. 312 Brandeis Th. Bldg: NORTH SIDK BARGAINS. Six-room house, 2 1 aft and Manderson: large corner lTt; good condition; fur nace heat: garage; psved street; spe cials all paid. Price $4,750. Kasy terms. Seven-room house near 24th and Ohio; full cement basement; oalt finish'; good condition; garage; paved street. Price $o.800. Seven-room house near 18th and Laird; oak and birch finish: full cement base ment; good condition; fiaved street. Pos session April I. Price $S,00. W. T. GRAHAM. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug 1 5"3S. Immediate Possession Choice bungalow; finished In oak in long living room anil dining room: two large bedrooms, bath and kitchen In white enamel, built-in features: coat ball, miraored door: garage; east front. Price, a. snap at f6,000, Osborne Realty Co., 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Hooglas 22S2. $500 Cash, Balance Easy. Almost new large 5-room hou?e. large attic for 3 more rooms, elec tric lights, tiled well, oifrtern and pump, barn, chicken house, cement walks, hedge fence. 4 lot.. 354;; North 37th St. InimMiiate possra- : I , P. J. Tebbens Co., X05 Omaha Nat. Bk IMione 1. 21J2 MUST SELL THIS WEEK. Owtvr moving nwsy. An opportunity to pick up a co'.y li'.lle t-roorti buue-t-low, practically ni w. dandy irarag". oak floors and finbh. Pull lonsth living room, only $3.7ii. $1,200 cash. s this and be convirrtd ou are getting n ba-sain. D. I o'. Drown Reaiiy Co.. 211 Kennedy H'd1; So. Nineteenth Si. ?300 will huv lli o-rooni modern home. 1 block to car l loeks to school. 14.200. R. V. CLARY CO.. Colfax 0171). u-ROOM buTTSalov in Mtnne Lusa "ST" sale bv owner. $'J.0-T cash required. A.l -dross Box N-'.'. iimahn Bee. MINNB LL'S honie and lots offer th best opportunity to lnvet your money. Phone Tyler 187. FOR RENT 7 -re-.-ni all modern house. tid per month. 1:001 Ellison. Colfax 21 59. South. 23D AND B $1,500 CASH i 6 -room strictly modern, three i rooms on t he t irt floor, t href 1 bedrouui.H a'id bath on second. tJoud lot. paved street. pahiR 1 paid, garage erment driv e. Tri.-A tt.f.00 PAYNE (INVESTMENT ; COMPANY, 1 f"7 Oni. Nal. Hk. BI1K. D. I7H sotTir sid io. Modern 5-room eottasre. close to car. $:;.0j0. Kasy terms. Alfred, Thomas & Son, 14 1st Nat. UK. Miscellaneous. ? $2,600 A very attraetve four-room bungalow, having furnace and electric lights and a half acre of ground. Thin can be han dled for about and balance paablc montMv. Call AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. 1 D. 8Sn. 30-2-4 Rrnndeis Thea. HlilR CARTKR LA K IC Hl.'NUALOW Very nice, (rood as new; (rround. Sflx 119. wilh chicken house; furnished, for I3.T; Jl.T.'.D .-!h. W. II OATHS r.i; (inialin National Bank Rids D. list. Mil. I. Kit PARK niNOALiOV. Wonderfully located; U rooms, strlot 1 modern htmpalow. New. Practically vour own terms llnrnev ll.'iSt, evenings. DANDY COTTAGE BRAND NEW TWO LOTS Four-room partly modern nicely dec orated, attractive Huhling fixtures, full cement basement. Rood well. This will make an ideal home and is iust three blocks from ear line, located at 562i Dore.n Street. This home can be handled with S 100 ra?h and $35 per month. PAYNE & CARNABY CO. 25 Years' Realtor Seivtce. 818 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. The Air Pump. T he air pump, or vacuum pump, which plavs so important a nart in the manufacture of electric light j bulbs, was ti't iinvnted bv Otto von ! Guerickc. alu.-i! 1634. Mis mechan ical pump w i- r-'ipcrsciliil by a mer cury pump, which dM-il the principle of the barometer. Thi- ptiiiiri, by 1 which a verv hiuti ' yjiee ot vacinim i was ublainr.l ;-'in enH il bv Ciris i lei in 1835. Where It Started j ; 1 South Side Duraue Clow Claims Chicago Cirl as Brule; Will Live Here Dinane Clow. :ou of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar (low. 22 South Tcnty fifth street, and nephew of Byron Clow, ot the Clow Live Stock Com mission company, was married Mon day night in Chicago to .Miss Mtna Anus, "daughter of Mr. and Mr.. l'rank E. Ames of Chicago. Mr. tncs is connected with WiUnu .1- ("rt. in C hii-aco. He wa i formerly a stock salesman for .Morris j S. Co. in Omaha. I Atler a short honeymoon trip i through the cast the bridal couple :ti . 1.. t - .1. Al.. win return to t.jiuuna to inaNc uivu home. i it,,t..i.- iiil :.,;Imt Bryan Mct'iuire, butcher. South Thirteenth street, pleaded guilty in South Side police court yes terday to charges of illegal pos session of li(uor and was fined $100 by Judge Foster. j South Side Brevities The Omaha Bea wishes to call our at tention to Its new South Side branch of fice. Located In Philips Department store, I4th and O atresia. Adv. All members of Magic City Council X". 376. K. L. of S.. will meet al the hall Sunday at 1:15 p. in. to attend the funeral ot late Brother Nelson FRANK STEELE. President. MARIE SMITH, t Secretary. Illinois dial. $11. Howland Lumber A Coal Co. Phont South 1614. WHY- Do Kites Fly? While vc are accustomed to tliink of the air as an almost impalpable substance without, weight or power lot" itself, it is iiot only quite heavy, but it possesses the faculty of sup porting things to a degree that is ;i little short of amazing, as a study of a flying kite will demonstrate. The kite has : o wings like a bird, nor has it the assistance of a light gas like a balloon. Vet it remaiivs aloft and exerts a strong pull upon t he cord which connects it with the person who is operating it. That this power of flying is not inherent in the material ironi which the kite is made is apparent from the fact that if we roll the paper or cloth which makes up the kite into a ball, it will drop at once to the ground. The answer to the apparent para dox lies in the fr.ct that the paper or cloth is spread out so as to form a wide area against which the air can push, thus exerting a considerable portion of its ability to support things. Even on a fairly calm dav a kite can be flown by running along the ground while the kite is sus pended some distance behind us, for wc then crea,te a condition similar to a wind the opposition of the air to the surface ot the kite. The fly ing apparatus will rise higher and j nigner, dependent upon tne velocity I of the movement and the spread of its surface, until it reaches a point where the weight of its own body plus the string will cause it to over- balance the support 'of the air. (Copyright, mil, heeler Syndicate, Ine.) Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY. If through some misfortune you siiuiilil In- called upon to meet a large and unexpected expenditure tomor row, how would you do it? Supposing it should be discovered that you or ome of your family must submit to a serious operation immediately; how would you pay for" it? You expect a great deal if you think you are likely to go through life without having any urgent or unexpected calls on your finances. Vou think there is time enough to worry when you are confronted with adverse circumstances. And so you go our way making no special effort to be ready. If you have to wait for sad experi ences in order to learn the nccessity for preparedness you may have companions in misery, but it won't make the results of your, short-sightedness any the less hitter. This applies to losing your job, or losing your health or any catastrophe which might befall you suddenly. Don't worry without reason, but get yourself ready as far as possible for the unexpected change which is bound to come, sooner or later. Preparedness is essential. Some day you will realize this. Real Estate Transfers Alonso R Hunt to Jan Postal. 29th St., 100 ft. 8. of Shirley St., W 8., 'ixliO J 1.2MI Mary Km ma Thomas to Hugh Mc Carthy, 34th St., 47 ft. N. of K St.. W. S., 23x130 315 Security Land v Improvement Co to William GulJfoyla et al, S. E. Cor. s;d and Decatur Sis., i;n 1 JO 1.400 Albert Dunlijn and wife to Char lotte Anna Robinson, 20th St., 150 ft. N. of W St., W. S., 2ixl30... 1 lO'i M A. Pease to Oeorxe E. Sealer, loth St., 2i7 ft. N. of Vinton St., W. S., 132x141 ,0l)0 William H. Smailfl and wife to Georfte P. Jones. Slst St , 175 ft. 9. of Dodge St., K. 8.. 50x135 14,000 George A. Hansen and wife to Har riet R Northvvall. Myrtle Ave, (71, fi. W. of 30th St., N. S., 47iv70 JOS B. H. Wood worm to Rlanrhe Hjde et a!. Charles St. 159 ft. E. of 30th St.. N. S.. 30x127.5 t l-'rank Weiss and wife to P. M Prltchuid. Slst St , 121 8 ft. S. of Mason Si.. I,. S, 27xl0 2." Joepb E Byrd to Net Pearl Jones. 2Hh St.. 40 ft. N. of Laird St.. U. S., 4"xl20 4.:0i H; run Reed Co. to Lucv Routt. Miami St.. 150 ft. K. of oOth Si . N. S, 14x130: Corby St.. 250 ft. E. ot 50th St . N. S. 4fix13" . 60 Frederick J. F'arririglon et al to Overlook Investment Co.. N. K Co-. 53d and Dodge Sis., lslx 14S l.SOi Daniel !'. Rein'r: and wife to Anna Hall. Bancroft St . P! ft. K. of th st.. s. .. 33x . :.:: Ldward M Sister ,?t al to Jasper Jensen, s K Cor. 3sth and Charles !t.. 40xf0 t John .1 I-'ick and wife to Annie L. .Miller. S W. Cor 50th and Ohio sts.. f,Axi.-,o. . . 4 :on Jane A. Russell and husband to Ma tilda Moore, 83d St.. 100 ft. S. of Chicago St.. K. S . 50x121 J 4. son Magic Cily Realty Co. to L. V. Nicholas Oil Co.. S. K. Cor. 17th and Howard Sla . 40x132 50.00(1 Clark W. Carraby to Sain Cohen el a!. Rees St . 144 ft. W. of 25th 81 , N. S.. 45x110 ((IS Sam Cohen and vife to Sam Hen derson et at, Rees SI , 144 fl. W. of 2Mh St.. N. S.. 45x110 2 .701 Alice Quad" anil husband to Jennie MeGovern and husband. Seward St . 1 ft. W. of 2Id St.. X. S. 62x135 Jil Alice A. Ilavemcier and husband to t.oul'e o lOuade. Castelar SI... j0 fl. K. of :th St.. N. S.. 611x125.. 1 Joseph Rati and wife to Mver Lip ofvky, California 81.. 6 ft. E. of 17th St.. 22x1 JS I tM Marv A. F.nrlght and hushand to viargar-t K. Plrich 24ih 8t 70 fl. X. ot F St.. E. 8., 90x150.. t,45 I