THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1921. Society Te for Pianist. Mrs. F. A. Nash was hostess at a tea at her home Sunday afternoon honoring Frances Nash Watson, pia nist, following the Nash-Graveu e concert at the Brandeis. Mrs. Barton Millard, Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, Mrs. Willard llosford and Mrs. Glenn Wharton presided at the tea tables. Mrs. Wajson will leave Omaha about March 8 for a tour of the south. She returns to her home in Paris in the late spring. University Night. A number of Omaha students at the University of Nebraska took part in the annual celebration of University night in Lincoln Friday evening. Zoe Sclialck, Isabel Pear sol and Rudger Norton had prom inent parts in the affair. Sigma Chi Banquet. Nebraska chapter of Sigma Chi held its 38th annual banquet Satur day in Lincoln. The following Omahans attended: Yale Holland, Dr. Stanley C. Reed, William H. t Harrison and Rev. Titus Lowe. Mr. Holland was on the toast list. Luncheon for Visitor. Mrs. George De Lacy will enter tain at luncheon at her home Tues day in honor of her guest, Mrs. W. A. Blair, of Atchison, Kan. Covers " will be placed for Mesdamcs Clyde Roeder, Yale Holland, Jack Web ster, Guy Kiddoo, Fred Daugherty and Miss Catherine Thummell. Birthday Party. .Bernice Gray entertained at her home Sunday afternoon, the occa sion being her birthday. Trie guests were Ruth Adis, Doris Quinn, Caro lyn Gray, Edna Dugan, Marie Becker, Evangeline Grant and Mary Virginia Mangel. Fort Crook. Maj. Paul Potter is in charge of arrangements for a dancing party to be given Friday evening ; at Fort Crook by the officers of the post. For Miss Perkins. Miss Lillie Perkins was honor 'guest at a luncheon given Tuesday at Hotel Conant by the teachers of Florence school. Miss Perkins left for her home at Laramie Friday night. Personals Wheaton Allen spent the week end in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Marsh are spending a month at Tampa, Fla. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Martin Sunday at St. Josephs hospital. Mrs. Julius Weil and sons, Myron and Stanley, of Lincoln, are fhe guests of Mrs. Harry Livingston. , . Mrs. J.L. Doan has been spend ing several days in Lincoln as the guest of her mother, Mrs) A. ty ; ;.v ;. , ' ' Carita Kingsbury, daughter .of Mrs. R. D. Kingsbury of Grand Island, is ill at the Wise Memorial hospital. - ' 1 Mi's. Ella Cotton Magec of New York, who is the guest of Mrs.-E. VvV Nash, will remain-:h-Onraha lor two weeks. . Dr. and Mrs. Grant Williams spent the week-end hi Lincoln as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gerspacher. ' A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Grimm at St. Josephs hospital. Mrs. Grimm was formerly Edna Ahlendorf. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Griswold, Oliver Nickum and Walter Johnson attended an ; Alpha Tau Omega breakfast, Saturday morning, in Lincoln. Glen Everts, a student at the Uni versity of Nebraska College of Medicine, spent the week-end in Lincoln with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Everts. Miss Marie Patterson of Los An geles will arrive in Omaha Wednes day to visit Miss Ruth Carter. Miss Patterson is enroute from Chat tanooga, Tenn., where she formerly resided, to her home in California. .Omahans, who have been stop ping at the Hotel McAlpin, New York City, during the past week, have included Mrs. A. J. Sherret, Miss Dorothy Sherret, M. Seiten bach, M. V. Macartney and A. A. O'Connell. Mrs. William Coates will leave Thursday, March 10, for Boston, Mass., where she will visit her broth er. Dr. Fletcher H. Colby. Mrs. Coates will leave for Washington, D. C, March 28, to attend the National Collegiate Alumnae convention, as delegate from the Omaha association. Whats What By HELEN DECIE It is not good form to use a man's title prefixing the surname when in troducing his wife. Nothing so be trayed Mark Twain's early social in experience as did his error in this respect when he attempted to write a novel of what was then called "high-toned" society. In the book where the great humorist unwisely departed from his own true line iu literature he is constantly referring ta Mis. Judge This, Mrs. Captain I hat and Mrs. Doctor Anotheroue. If, when making an introduction, the introducer desires to mention what may be called a distinction-in-law, the correct way is to add casu ally, "Mrs. Smythe's husband is Doc tor Smythe. you know," The nistake is even more glaring 'when letters are addressed to "Mrs. Gc;,crl Martinet," "Mrs. Judge Aris tides." etc. (Cejy-:gtji,;1tl,."V Public Ledger Co.) J Clubdom Business Woman's League. Fenrt Fodrea will address the Omaha Business 'and Professional Woman's teagiK Wednesday evening at Hotel Loval, in place of Colonel T. W. McCullough. Community singing will be led by Charles Gardner. Methodist Aid. Members of the Benson Methodist Aid society will be entertained at the home of Mrs. E. J. Whistler, 2712 North Sixty-first street, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'Jock instead of 1 o'clock as previously announced. L. O. E. Club. The L. O. E. club will hold a business meeting and card party Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock at the Elks club rocm.s. The card party scheduled for Tues day afternoon has been postponed until Thursday. Phi Delta Theta. The Phi Delta Theta fraternity will meet for luncheon Tuesday noon at the University club. Calendar. II. K. I.. P. Club Tuesday evening. Se rial Settlement house, supper and dramatic art. Alpha Slums Fill Tuesday, 12 to 1 p. in., luni heoii. University club. A. I. B. K. Club Tuesday, 8 p. m., I. O. O. V. building, Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Sermo Club Tuesday, 10 a. m., mem bers will sew all day at Child Saving Institute. Public Spending Department Omaha Woman's .Club Tuesday, 10 a. m., y. W. C. A. Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, 8 p. m., 1110 Paterson block. Seventeenth and Far nam streets. . . Jewish Woman' Welfare Organizations Tuesday, 3 p. in., Lyric building, regu lar meeting. Yatea Parent-Teachers Woman's Chorus Tuesday, 2 p. m., school auditorium. Mrs. W. L. Plerpoint. lender. American Literature Chautauqua CIrrle Tuesday, 1 :30 p. m., with Mrs. Thomas Barron, 4913 Burt street. Delphian Society Study Class Tuesday, 2:30 p. m.. y. W. C. A. Subject, "Egypt." Mrs. Victor O. Kropf, leader. Omaha Woman's Club. Literature De partment Tuesday. 5.30 p. in., V. TV. C. A. Mrs. Edward Johnson, leader, s Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle Tuesday, 9:46 a. in., with Mrs. J. P. Zliu. merman, 911 North Fifty-first street. Pretties Mile Woman's Uolf Club Tuesday evening, home of Miss Lena Mortensou, 6125 North Twenty-fourth street. Omaha Truth Center Tuesday, 8 p. rn., ?n2 Pattfyson Mock, Seventeenth and Karnam streets, Francis J. liable of Lin coln will speak. Alice B. Howard Chautauqua Circle Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. E. . Hampton, Portland apartments, Twenty n.nth and Leavenworth streets. 1 Canibro American Welnh Society Tues day evening, D.-ukl ball. Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue. Celebration in honor of St. David day for all Welsh and Velsh descent. P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. Tues day, 1 p. in., with Mrs. H, R. Follmor, 4S18 California lreet, luncheon. Mrs. A. F. Bingeman will ubslst the hostess. Omaha Buslnea Women' Club Tues day, t:15 p. in., y. V. C. A. Business meeting followed by program given by Phi Rho Sigma orchestra and quartet. South Omaha Woman's Club, Literary Department Tuesday. 3:30 p. m home of by Ruth Sawyer. Pouble quartet will Mrs. L. M. Lord. 312 South Thirty seventh street. Mrs. Grant Williams will real Irish Folk Plays, Sldhe of. Bn Moi, sing. , Theosophical Lecture. Claud L. Watson of Fairhope, Ala., national lecturer for the Theosophi cal society, will speak before the Omaha society Tuesday evening it 8 o'clock at 215.Leflang building, Six teenth street and-Capitol avenue. His subject AV'illti.'iWhyil Believe in the Coming of the Great World Teach er." The lecture is open td the pub lic. , .. . Mr. Watson gave a scries of talks on Theosophy a week ago at the Omaha Theosophical society rooms. Benefit Card Party. . Golden Glow club will entertain at a benefit card party Wednesday aft ernoon at the Swedish auditorium. The best way to wash chamois or doeskin gloves is in warm, but not at all hot, soapy water, and to rinse them in another soapy water of the same temperature. To renew your leather bound books beat together equal quantities of white of egg and water. Apply with a soft flannel and polish when dry. Vinegar can replace lemon "juice in sponge cake. ADVERTISF.MKNT MR. OR MRS 1 ' DYSPEPTIC I Get rid of Indigestion and i Stomach Worries with f "Pape's Diapepsin" ''Really does" "put- weak, disord ered stomachs in order "really does" overcome indigestion, dyspep sia, gas, heartburfl and sourness due to acid fermentation that just that makes Pape's Diapepsin . the largest selling stomach antacid and regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments and turns sour, you belch gas and -eructate undi gested food or water; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul;' tongue coat ed, remember the moment "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress van ishes. It's truly- astonishing almost marvelous, and the joy is its harm lessness. A box of Pape's Diapep sin tablets costs so little at drug stores too. BUY FRESH, FROZEN FISH Direct from the producer. Mail us check for 50 lb, of any fish Hated or mixed to suit you and we will 'hip promptly by ex press, charges prepaid. Pink Salmon 14 Catfish, dressed.. . .20 Herring 9 Halibut 18l Pickerel, headless and dressed. llc These fish are caught through the ice. Salt Mackerel, 10-lb. pails $2.00 Holland Herring, kegs $1.00 Smoked Herring, 10-lb. baskets.. 162 Smoked Catfish, 10-lb. baskets. ... 20tf Club with 'your neighbors and buy fish direct, during Lent. Bull Heads 20 THE FEINER FISH CO. ... . BOX 266, DAVENPORT, IOWA On tht Mississippi River, the World's Greatest Fish Stream Public Market Is Endorsed By Club Women The Omaha Woman's club at its open day meeting Monday after noon at the Y. W. L. A. endorsed a movement to establish a public market for the sale of milk and other farm products. Mayor Ed P. Smith suggested this plan to Mrs. R. L. Frantz as a means to lower the price of farm producers. Condensed rmilk, which has been donated to the club bv a local con cern, is being sold to club mem bers below the retail price. Mrs. C. L. Hempel, president of the club, announced that the proceeds would be added to the building fund. An interesting program was given by the music department, Mrs. W. E. Shafer, leader, following the busi ness hour. A double quartet including Mes dames E. H. McQuillen. . O. Scott, L. E. Conktin", Frank Brown. Mar shal Dillon, Teresa Brick, P. F. Dreibus and Miss Mav Jewel gave two delightful numbers. "Lovely Night." bv Offenbach and "Lass With the Delicate Air," bv Arne, ac companied by Mrs. Lewis C. John son. A piano duo, "Wedding Proces sion" and Nocturne" by Adolf Jen sen was given bv Mrs. Rav I... Ab bott and Miss Winifred Trafictr. Mesdanies Burton Laird, if. II. Long, W. Dale Dawson and E. F. Williams sang "Lullaby," by Brewer and "Oft in the. Stilly Night," by Stevenson. A string quartet, including Mrs. Reese' violin; Miss Elso Reese, violin; Mrs. Martin Donlon cello, and Mrs., O. W. Neble, piano, played Paradis "Minuet." Pastel, and "Slavonic Dance," by Dvorak. "Garden of Flowers" by , Luigi Denza,,a cantata for women's voices was .well . presented . by a double quartet including Mesdamcs W Dale Clark, Bradley Roc, Gilbert Briwn, F. J. Farrington. P. F. Dreibus, T. D. Dreibus, T. D. Dinan, Patrick Gill and ,lliss Elsa Reese and the Woman's- club chorus, under the direction of Mrs. DeEmmett Brad shaw. The' sole; numbers were sung by Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Dinan. The music department, assisted by Mrs. Louise Jansen Wylie, soprano; Mrs. Arthur Gutzman; contralto, and the West Sisters string quartet will appear in concert at the Y. W. C. A. auditorium Thursday evening, April 7. The proceeds will go to wards the building fund. Mrs. C. J. Hubbard is chairman of the ticket committee. To Brighten Rugs If yotir rugs are getting shabby, after cleaning them with a broom, put a little turpentine in a pail of hot water and brush over the sur faces. It will help brighten the col- ors. A handy idea for ridding your cellar of ashes is to take an old screen and place it on a slant, damp en your ashes and throw them on the screen near the top. The fine ashes will fall to the floor and the coal will roll down the screen. ,For Machine Belt The machine belt often breaks just when some seamstress is; in a dreadful rush and could not get 'a new one at the moment. Otherwise the clever discovery that a substitute could be found for this round leather strip would never have been made. Take a piece of tape from the work basket about three-quarters of an inch wide, and place around the wheels of the machine. Fasten firmly and the good work will go on until a new belt may be obtained. Cut large biscuits in half and use in place of dumplings, with chicken friccassee. , . CROUP Spasmodic Croup is frequently relieved by one application of VAPORUD Over 17 Million Jan Uttd Yearly Take Grove's Laxative Bpotno . v' .; mm Quinine tablets 30c. Be sure you get BUS RSI The genuine bears this signature HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations oj a Wife The Way Katie Divined the Truth. "At Katie's frantic wail I rushed past Lillian into the hall and. met the girl at the top of the stairs. She was utterly, grief-stricken, wringing her hands and- weeping aloud as she hurried tip the stairs. I had seen Katie in too many emo tional tantrums, however, to be seri ously alarmed, but her grief was gen uine and unmistakable, and I put my arnt around her shoulders as she fairly flung herself tipon me. ''Oh, say it no true!" she repeated wailingly, choking upon my name as she tried to utter it. With Lillian's help I drew her into the nearest room, which happened to be my father's, and shut the door upon her sobs, which I knew would rise' into shrieks if she were not pacified. "Stop this at once, Katie," 1 said, taking her by the shoulders I long since learned the most effective way of dealing with her when she is hys terical "and tell me what is the mat ter with you." She blinked, choked again, strug gled with her sobs and finally found her voice. "Oh, Mrs. Graham, dere sooch a horrid vomans downstairs! She coom to my kitchen floor, start to open it. and I hear her say to some body else, 'Qh. Henry! what an aw ful mess. Just imagine having to clean up after sooch peoples. Why, they must be regular catties! '" Katie is a born mimic, and her rendition of the speech of the un known woman brought a smile to both Lillian's face and mine as we Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Awkward Girl, Forget yourself, ho less self-conscious and it may help you to be less awkward. We have good teach ers in Omaha who give instruction in bodily grace and good expression. If you care for names of some of them, send me self-addressed and stamped envelope and repeat your question. Consult the public library for Franklin's rules for n perfect life. Views of a Girl. Dear Miss Fairfax: I think I shall write you. I am 16 years old und live on a farm. H seems very lonesome for me at times. As I am the oldest one in the family, I ao not get to go out very much.' I have never gone to parties after night, but have gone to several aft ernoon parties There are very few girls my age close to my home. As to the problem of "Hopaful" and her mother, I do not think Hopeful's mother rlsh in thinking her daughter should do the same a she had to do when a girl. But I do think a girl of 16 years should not think pf going out with boys. I have never written to a boy nor have I gone with one. What spare time I have, I practice on music, do fancy work and quilting. I have never used rouge, but use a little powder. My parents will not allow me to wear ear puffs. ' I think the letter written by the boy of 19 years, who signed himself "In terested," was the most sensible let ter I ever read in your column. 1 remain, MISS J. T. As Long As the 59c Columbia Records Dance Song Comic 4 Selections . The supply is limited, so come early and look over the list of retired standard Columbia Rec ords of popular numbers. AH made within the last eighteen months. Including such artists as; Al Jolson, Van and Schenck, Ted Lewis' Jazz Band. Art Hickman's Orchestra, etc. Bowen's Record Department is com plete and up to the minute step in any time and you always et iust the Record you wanted For your I'onvenience, we will be plea? u to liave you use the service of our Credit Department Select your Records now aiid pay for them later. r. omahsvalubving store Howard Street Between 15th and 16th Stt. A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed 1518 Douglas St. - Tel. Doug. 188 ADVERTISEMENT 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe, It's the most speedy remedy we know. DBSEE3QB Mona tuck without rttion it hunts siivt tiu in tni mat lent ot ITCH, ECZEMA. RING WORM. TETTER or other Itchln kin tfliMMt. Try 75-oent tn at but rlak. 5 Sherman aV McConnrll bru. exchanged startled significant glances. The new owners of the property! They must be downstairs, and what a reception they must have had,! I released Katie's shoulders and start ed hurriedly for the door. But Lil lian's voice, cool, drawling, stopped me. "Better wait a bit, Madge,1' she ad vised. 1 looked at her in mute astonished protest. "I No Stay." "It won't do a woman of that cal iber a bit of harm to cool her heels a bit," she said, and I saw. that the epithet the woman had applied to my family, curiously enough had stung Lillian more than it had me. "And there is one thing certain, you don't want her to see the dining room, pa per and paint yet You don't know what kind of suit you might be let in for. Better find out, plso, what Ka tie said to her." . . Katie leaped to her feet, her eyes blazing. ( , " see it true, vot dot boonch of soup greens say," she said angrily. "She say dis house hers now, dot you sell eet, and dot she coom in see it or she get policeman to break down the door. Now, I tell you," she be gan to weep stormiy again, "I no stay by dot vomans. I no vork for her, I put rat poison in her coffee. I--" Lillian answered this ridiculous tirade in the only possible manner a hearty laugh, and a clap upon the girl's shoulder. "Do you think you go with the house, goose, like the windows and doors?" .she demanded. Then, as Katie gasped and evidently stopped her whirling mental processes in order to consider what Lillian had said, my friend turned to me. "I Keep Quiet." "The tody downstairs evidently has an exaggerated idea of her rights," she said. "Your deed had no special clause -allowing them per mission to come into the property before the day set upon, had it?" "Indeed not," I returned. "In fact, while Dicky and I have signed the deed, the other owners have not, and naturaliy, will not until we give up possession." "Then you are all right," Lillian said with a relieved air. "But I think it highly advisable that they should not see that wrecked dining room." "I haven't the audacity to keep her out of the house." I said nerv ously. "Well, I have!" Lillian said grim ly. "Will you give me leave to go down and deal with her? Oh, I shall be perfectly suave and courtej cms, but firm firm", she laughed mockingly. "If you only would!" I said grate fully. 'You may. listen over the banisters if you like," Lillian said, "but don't you dare to peep at anything I may tell the new owner. I haven't your Puritan conscience, and I may em broider the facts a little. Gome, Katie, you may go down with me it you like, butkeep quiet."' "I keep quiet all right," Katie said sullenly. "Me, I vork so hard, keep house all nice, have all my little tings here, all settled, feexcl for two, tree, five, 10years maybe. Supply LaSts! Healthy liver Healthy life Your liver healthy or dogged, active or sluggish makes all the difference between a vigorous, av cheerful life and low S SDirita and fail CARTER'S tire. Tc subdue a itnhhArn liver, over-yrf I come consti pation, dizzi tiers, bilious PILLS ness, indigestion, headache and the blues there is nothing on earth so food ssCirtrr'iUttltUTerrilb. Purely vegetable. Small rui-SmaU Dose-Small trice Den all in vim jeefy ome bonuch of .soup greens say 1 no have home here no more. Oh, 1 keep quiet I I keep so quiet you be glad to hear me talk ven you hear me next time." She rose and stalked out of the room and down the hall. I heard the door of her room slam. "What do you suppose she AllVKKTISKMENT DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. - . ... - m A few cents buys "Dandciine.". After a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandrtiff, besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. AltVKitTISKMEVr The Best Cough Syrup is Home-made. Here's an w war to mt ti. and yet Jiare the beet cough remedy jou ever tried. You've probably heard of this well known plan of making cough syrup at home. But have von ever used it! Thousands of families, the world over, feel that they could hardly keep house without it. It's simple and cheap, but the way it takes hold of a cough will soon earn it a permanent place in vour home. Into a 'pint bottle, pour 2 VI ounces of Pinex; then add plain granulated sugar syrup to till tip the pint. Or, if desired, use clarilied molasses, honey,' or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Kither way, it tastes good, never spoils, and gives you a full pint of better cough remedy than you could buy ready-made for three times its cost. It is really wonderful how quickly this home-made remedy conquers a cough usually 'v. 24 hours or less. It seems to n-n.-rxate through every air passMtre, ;ooens a dry, hoarse or tight coivh, lifts the phlegm, heals the mwnbMiH'S, and gives almost im mcdhte Tclief. Splendid for throat tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Pinex i a highlv concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and hhs been vised for genera tions for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment ask your dni"gist for "2y2 ounces of Pinex" witfi directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Rely on Cuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles Hw te)Hin. Ointment to Motha. Talema to now. dr, Kc Simple! of 0tl, Dtpt. X.Mtldu, Mhl A VKilTISKMENT ACHES AND PAINS- SLOAN'S GETS 'EM Famous pain and ache Liniment kept liaudv. Itrinzs warming, gratifying relief HEUMATJC twinges ease up soon, ho do stilt Joints, lame AV back, neuralgia. overtaxed muscles, and those pains from weather exposure, too they don't fight long against the counter-irritation that Sloan's Liniment produces. Always keep this old family friend handy for instant use a little pene trates without rubbing, leaving no skin stains, muss, or clogged pores. Hs very odor healthy and stimulat ing suggests the pood it will do. All druggists. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $1.40. Largest size is most economical. v HDl: LinimenifesS aiivI':ktis;:met Brownatone Ends Gray, Streaky Hair Ladies, in society, no more tolerate gray, streaky hair than they do unbecom ing gowns. Neither can the business girl or person in any walk ot life who would keep up-to-date. The proven, tested and absolutely harm leas way to tint gray, faded, streaked or bleached hair is with "Brownatone." This one bottle, easy to apply tint gives dis tinct shades from lightest golden to the deepest brown or black. "Brownatone" tints instantly and will mnke you look ten years younger over night. No mussy, dirty pastes to bother with no waiting for results. All druggist recommend "Brownatone" on a money back guarantee 50c and J1.R0. Two colors shading from "Oolden I to Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black." ; Special Free Trial Offer. For a free trial bottle with eauy, com plete directions, send 1 1 rents to ony j postRtre, packing and war tax to The I Kenton Phnrniacal Co.,. 601 I'oppin Bldg., i Covington, Ky means?" 1 asked apprehensively. Lillian gave a little Gallic shrug of the shoulders. "It's beyond me," she said qare lessly 'But 1 don't think I should worry about it. Whatever Katie t The NEW "Th Phonograph Test YourMood Changes TIRED? Nervous? Worried? Put a Hf.-Crkatiox on the New Edison, relax into a chair, let the muic , flood the room with melody and comfort. The music produces a mood change. Mr. Edison has devised a Mood Change Chart by which you can register your re actions to music. Come in and get your supply. Make the experiment in your own home. Have every member of your family, also your friends fill out charts. It'i more interesting than the Ouija board. Mr. Edison would like to study your charts in connection with his great research into the effects of music on the minds and moods of men. If you don't own a New Edison, come into our store and fill out a Mood Change Chart. Get Mr. Edison all the Mood Chanjre Charts he needs. EDISON SHOP SHULTZ v: 313 South ADVERTISEMENT A Successful Map I never been equalled for the weaknesses-of women. Many women B every hamlet, town or city will gladly testify (bst Dr. Pkcteb Favorite Prescription did them a world of good, , Another of this great physician's successful remedies is tnowit as Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and, like the "Prescrijs tion," is now- sold by druggists everywhere, in both liquid anrj tablets. The list of men and women all over the universe who hafa successfully used it for indigestion and as a blood tonic and systein builder, makes an amazing total of thousands. ' it If you desire a cloth-bound copy of a new edition of the "Medic?.! Adviser" by Dr. Pierce, send one dollar to the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. It is a book of 1000 pages of ready reference. For those not within easy reach of professional aid at critical timesV nd in cases of emergency or dangerous accidents, it is invaluable. Kill That CASCARA CoU., Coughs rOMV Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy bandy for the firit aneece. Break op cold In 24 boura Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent foe Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the bead Cascara is beat Tonic Laxative-No Opiat in HiU'a. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Fistnnla A mild ayitam of neeuu Diseases in rues n cure guaranieea id every ease accepted for treatment, and no mams' la ta a t r"' ,or book 011 Rti Diseases, with names and tostfcaonlaei at m t.000 promineat people who have beta permanently sured. DR E- vTARRYSayttrt, Fetare means she won't continue to mean it for over an hour. So fasten on my shield, and let me away to the bar barian. There 1 will defend thee with me heart's blood." (Continued Tomorrow.) EDISON vOilh a Soul" BROS - Owner 15th Street ADVERTISEMENT i Among the riotable'professional men pi this country who achieved great success along strictly legitimate lines was Dr. ft ,Y. Pierce. Devoting his attention to the specialty of women's diseases, he became a recognized aathority in that line. His work, "TheCommon Sense Medical Adviser,' is now, in three million homes in this country and Europe.' At one time Dr. Pierw represented his home die trict in iCocgresa. Fifty years ago last winter, this noted phj?h kian gsroto the world. Prescription which has Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe - Pay When Cure A treatment that enrm POaa, FMatla ana eUar a short time, without a t.tmmm aaaaakaat ew eratlon. No Chloroform, Ether or other gtmmmti aaaasfeaaale naaat. Trust BMy.JB- Bl.) Ommh