Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1921, SPORTS AND AUTO, Image 15

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
VOL, L NO. S7.
1 C
Harry Frazee, Owner ot Boston Red Sox, May Quit Organized Base Ball
es uuer
Of $100(1000
For His Team
"Base Hall's Stormy Petrel
Considering Retiring From
Caim In Disfavor in '
c a
l-i J.'-l'C
York, I'd.. Jo. I fai ry r
called "base ball's stormy ,
may quit the game within a!
.-lion time.
An olTcr of $1,00.001) "ta 1 1 tor the,
Red Sox ilaj n franchise and real j
estate holdings, embracing Fenway
park, was inn'.; to Frazee a sho,rt i
lini'e ago. It came from a group of i
I'o-tuu sportsmen who arc anxious
1.1 have Ihe U-adi locally owned,
l-' 11 jcctci it and, although he
did not ti a price, it i said that he
umild li-ten vrty attentively 'o any
proposition which included such
ligurcs as ?1.2.i0.lMHt.
I'raee is in disfavor in lio;-to!i.
The fans have never forgiven him
lor the ale of liabc Ruth and other
-lai-N. Manv bate "boycotted' 'the
ox under the Frazee ownership,
'frazee ha antagonized newspaper
men in the Hub City and those who
are not openly hostile are careful
not to do anything that will help
A-. a' resul Frazee probably
would welcome a chance to get out
nf base ball, especially in view of
the fact that his lu21 team seems
mediocre and doesn't look as if it
' will be more than a second division
outfit. Last car. while the other
seven American league clubs were
playing to capacity at home the Sox
weren't drawing at all. And there
is no prospect of a .change in WJI.
Frazee declared at the time that
he purchased the team that th?
"whole outfit," which included real
estate. CiVt him "a little more than
1,000,00(1." Since assuming owner
ship Frazee has realized perhaps
$230,000 through the sale of players.
The Red Sox owner and' Ban
Johnson have been at loggerheads
iver since Frazee became a magnate.
Johnson is said to have opposed
Vrazec's entry in the American
league. 1 ut 'Frazee- by paying a
record price for the Red Sox, got in
anyway. Frazee sold Carl Mays
to the Yankees while Mays was on
Johnson's suspended list and there
fore, under league rules, ineligible
for sale or trade.
Hasting, 18; Nuperior, 10.
Hastings, Neo., Feb. 2d. (Special.)
Hastings won from Superior In a rough
BRtne, which ended J8 lo 10.
i Gothenburg, 48: Kim Crk. 15.
(inthenhurg. Neb.. Teb. 36. (Special.)
r;othenburg ued bnthi Its first and second
string men ami easily defeated Elm
:re-l; hv 4'1 to 1 r. The Kim Creelt girls
mine back and defeated the Gothenburg
girls. -t to 19.
.leduota. Is; Renesaw. IT.
K-iiosaw. Neb., feb. 2. The Jeduota
bas'.iet ball team won from the regular
Kent-saw team. 17 to 1R. In a hard-fought
game. This In the foufth straight win
for the Jeduota five.
Omaha ( ill's. 23: Modal High. 8.
Module, la.. Feb. -C,. i Special.) The
Omaha (Tubs' basket ball team of Omaha
defeated the local lllgh ao-hool quintet
here Friday night In a haTd-fought game
hv the score of 23 to S. The basket
shooting of Fwemson of the visitors was
tho feature of the game.
Columbus. 17: I'lilverslty Aggiee, IS.
Lincoln, Neb.. Feb. 21'.. (Special.) Co
lumbus defeated the t'nh.erslty Aggies
here this afternoon in a hard-fought game
by the score of 17 to 13.
Mieninrfoah. S3: Keif Oak. IK.
Shenandoah. Ia., Feb. 26. (Special.)
Th? local High school basket ball team
won its eight consecutive victory here
when H defeated the Red Oal; quintet
In- tho yenre of 2,1 lo IS. The local
high s.-hnn! girls' team lost to the tied
Dak girls' quintet here by tho score of
.1 t , V
Moilale. 9: l'reaton. .
Mr.lale. Is,., Feb. 2H. (Special. ) Th-
Moi!;ilc High school airls" husliet ball
team defeated the Preston High girls'
oulntct here bv the score of 9 to The
bas'.et shooting nf Miss Muth Herman
was the feature of the contest.
Central City T.eglon, Stromsburg
, Central City. Neb.. Feb. 28. (Special.)
i.rKioti. i.
The American i.egion nasaer nan learn
of this city defeated the Stromsburg quin
tet on tho hitler's floor by the score of
: to .
l'lercr. S8; Meadow (iroTe. 4.
Pierce, Neb., Feb. 2B. (Special.)
Pierce overw helmed Sleadow drove. 66 to
4. plavlng aubslltutej during the last half
nf the game. Pierce has won 12 out
if 14 games this season, losing two games
l.v three- points each during the early
part of tho season to Tilden. Pierce has
entered the Wayne. Indians and Lincoln
Deshler, 37: Carletoit, 17.
Tieshler. Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
nes'iler High defeated the Carletori quin
tet here, 37 to 17.
Central City, 1: Shelton. 1S.
Central City, Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
Central City win a hard-fought game
from Shelton. The Central City fie
eeored the winning basket during the
last minute of play. The score was 19
to IS. j
Blnehill, 31; Red Cloud. 14.
Bluehlll. Neb.. Feb. St. (Special. )
Wuehill outpointed Red Cloud In
a speedy game, S to 14.
Superior, SI: tieneva. 20.
Geneva. Neb.. Feb. 26. (Special.) Su
perior won from Geneva High here last
".gni oy one ppiiii. i nr score hi inn
nd of the first half was 8 to 5 in
ilfnavu'i favor Poor ffnsrdinor riurini? the
. Jsst half compelled Geneva to drop the
game. 20 to 21.
Nebraska- City, .1: l'lattsmoutli. 21.
Nebrsska City Feb. 2. (Special.)
Nebraska Cltv took Tlattsmouth Into
camp here, 25 to 21, in a hotly-contested
Madison. Hi Humphrey, 19.
Madison, Neb.. Feb. 26. (Special.)
The Madison High boys trimmed the
Humphrey Hrgh boys. 2! to 19. while the
girls won from Humphrey girls' team,
49 to 0.
Mead Wlna Tito Oamen.
Mead. Neb, Fei. i (Special! Meal
closed its basket ball aeaaon here, bv
defeating Valparaiso, 15 to and 17 to 15.
In two frames femured bv the good guard
ins of the Mead basketeera.
1 Sevraril. 31; ork. 1.
Vor!. Neb. Peb. 2S iSneclal.l York
lest to Seward here. 37 to 18.
Athlon. ?: Norfolk. IT.
Albion. Neb.. Feb. Ji!. (Special. Al
bion upset tha .lopa - her by haniiinst
the atronir Norfolk team Its aecond defeat
of tho aeason. Norfolk started tho aeor
in. but at tho end of the flret half Al
i lon led. The final aroro vu 28 to 17.
!'he Albion girls won their 10th atraitrht
lien they walloped the Silver Creels girla'
turn, n to I.
Clay Birds Fall Before
- - - " ' ' "T " " " " "
Headlock Will Not Be
Barred in State Tourney
N. J. Weston, physical director of the Omaha Y.
Nf. C. A., who has charge of staging the state amateur
wrestling' tournament to , be held at the local "Y
early next month, has decided that the headlock
is a legal grappling hold and therefore has not ruled
against the vice-like grip in the coming meet. t
! Rpntrira Wins Close!
ir-ime From Central
! 1711,116 r r0,n Le,UraJ
Purple ami White Outplays
Opponents, in Last Half,
But Loses. 21 to 25.
, , - , ... , ! O'Coniull. who is busy arranging dc
Bcatnce, Neb., l eb. -0.-(bicciul ; ujs of tle tourney
Telegram.) In one ot the roughest I Arrangements are being completed
games witnessed on the local floor j lor the elimination contest in each
u:. ne-.ei.-o liJcii trmini-ed tlir i of the sx congressional districts.
Omaha Central High quintet, 25 to
24. The game was hard-fought
throughout, the result being m
doubt until the final whistle.
The locals outplaced the visitors
in the first half, scoring 17 points
to Omaha's 9. The Purple and White
quintet came back strong in the sec
ond and played a much better game,
' " I" '
counting u ponus to o maue uy me i
. o .1 . i i. i
Ileatrict five.
The eame started with Bloodgood
and Clement each making a basket. J
Matthews shot a free throw, and j
Pttrdy and Bcrkle each made an-
other basket. The Beatrice five then
started a strong offensive whicn
swept the visitors off their feet. !
, . C.I . 1 .
At tnc beginning oi me secon : ; ycw York. Feb. 20. Willie Jack
halt, Corenman and Bunnell each ; S0, rcccivcd 1he juJgcs. decision
registered a basket, and Bcrkle , ovcr jolllny Dlln(CCi at lhe cnd of
droppexl the ball through the hoop , a 1 5-routitI bout here at Madison
twice, tying the count. From then j si,rca Garden Fridav night. The
on the'game was close, neither teani,Uvo Xew York lightweights fought
being ahead more than two points. '.. . -fast battle.
Berkle was the main point-getter j " '-
for the visitors. He made 12 points.
Good and Clement played good
games. For Beatrice, Bloodgood
and Furdy were lhe mainstays.
Bloodgood accounted for five bas -
ketsi while Purdy made three.
The lineup:
Omaha. Heatrirp.
Clement (c.) U. P Worley
Kfyt .L.F Purdy
Ferk) C nioodKood
Good ...U.O Matthews
Corenman L.G Fisher
Substitutea: Omaha, Bunnell for Keyt;
Beatrice. Olddings for Worley.
Field (tor Is: Omaha. Clement. 1: Berkle,
t; Corenman. 3: Bunnell. 1; Beatrice. Wor
ley. 2 : Purdv, a; Bloodgood, 6; .Matthews,
1: Glddln. 1.
Free thrown: Omaha, Clement. 2 out
of 5; Beatrice. Jlatthews, 1 out of 6.
Fouls: Omaha. Clement, 1; Keyt, I;
Berkle. 5; Good. 1: Beatrice. Purdy, 3;
Bloodgood. 4: Giddlngn. 1.
Referee: BurdirU. Omaha.
The Canary Kid Recounts Storv of Raid
On Joe Stechers New Hold,
Scissors Expert Plans to Putjwuz comin' in th door 'c hollers t'
1 1 w; ri Kid Alcxan'cr:
coineoouy in worse riacc
Than Hospital, Canary
j Say?.
"1 read 'bout some them infan'
progidies," remarked the Canary Kid,
" 'an I guess Kid-Alc.xan'cr got one."
"You mean prodigies," I corrected.
"Yeah 'at's it, progidies," retorted
the Kid, "means a kid wot's so
smart'e's a bootlegger V a prof-teer
'r soniethin' 'bout th age uv 4.
"Well, I traess Kid Alexan'cr, wot
b'come th jioppcr 'bout six weeks
'go uv John David Alcxan'er, 'as got
one uv them thin's. 'E tells me 'at
'e wen' home th' other day an' foun'
John David Alcxan'er nloanin' Da
danella on a saxaphone w'ile in th'
other han' 'e wuz wavin' -a pint uv
Canadian Club an' w'en 'e seen wot
American Legion Cage
Tourney to Be
At Grand Island Soon
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
Nebraska's state American Legion
Basket Ball tournament will be liclJ
in Grand Island early in March, ac
cording to State Adint. Frank 1).
the S1X clistriQts
will participate in the meet at Grand
The first district tournament will
be held at Nebraska City, M,arch 3,
4 and 5. Lincoln. Tecuinseh, Falls
City, Auburn, Nebraska City and
several other towns will participate.
It is estimated that there are inpre
.. ,. . T !
inn ii 'nifinran icrtrn Tpnmc ill
"" V i
uic sidic nirti. win ut- 0iuii an up-
of contesting fo
WilUp larLrsnn in Win
" ""c JdLKbOn 1H VV in
Over Johnny Dundee
Bowen Furniture Bowlers
To Roll Sonin Squad
r tif Bnu-pti Knrnitiirt tmrn. rliam-
Pion five-man squad of Omaha, will
meet the onn hurniturc quintet of
Fremont, Neb., in a special match
at the Omaha alleys at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon for a purse of $100.
Following thc BoWen-Sonin game,
the Western Electric team will clash
with the Harney alley squad for a
side bet of $50.
Princeton Practices
Triiiceton, N. J., Feb. 26. Sixty
candidates for the Princeton base
ball team reported yesterday for thc I
first practice.
""Ave a li'I drink, pop. ol' kid.'
"An' spcakin' uv speed," said the
Kid, "Joe .Steelier showed some
w'en 'c started t'. revive hisself after
th' docs aimounc'es from 'is bedside
at th' 'ospital fotlowin' wot Strangler
Lewis done t'-'ini a coupla mont's
ago'at 'c won' be able to never rassle
no more fur a year.
"Now Joe, 'c's gcttin' ready t' ras
sle Olin 'ere at th' Auditorium
arreaqy an' I'm tol' confidenshul 'at
Joe's gonna try out a coupla turriblc
holts on Olin wot V 'xpec's to give
some inside stuff 011 t' th' Strangler.
One uv them holts is called th' Un
dertaker's Grin an' th' other is th'
Submarine Strangle, but I can' give
out no more 'bout 'em."
"They ought to be a pair of mean
holds," I said.
"Well, you c'n figgcr cut fur vch
self," retorted the Kid, "wot 'at Un
crtakcrV Grip mus' be. Joe, 'e scz,
the Eyes of These Nebraska Marksmen
New Base Ball Headguartl to Play
Big Part at Major Training Camps
New 'urk, Feb. 26. (Special.)
The new base ball bcadquard to
protect th$ batter while up at the
bat is going to play an important
part at the major league training
quarters this spring, according to
Charlie Koran, its inventor, lioran
lias succeeded in placing the new
..-- i i i
" 1 " .
Manager Miller Huggins has or-
dcrcd two to be sent to his training!
caiim so mm me - iiivinijci s ui iu t
team mav trv out t!:e new invention.
"The headguard will give the bat-1
tcr a world of confidence and should 1
improve Ins batting average consid
erably. Tt's batting that the fans
want, and T can't sec anything just
now that will produce this more than
thc head protector," said thc manager
. . . .
ot the anke;s.
n.,: M ,,-1.- f .!, Atl. tJ.- c
J more than enttnif iastic ovcr the head
guard. He has ordered several to be
; sent to his training camp and states
I that all of his players will be wearing
' them before the season is ovcr. "It's
I a problem that the base ball mag
! nates have been trying to solve for
j'the last three years," sa. Mack. "It
is thc best thing of its kind that
?,r,- cc . ,r,"vlt , V1,"' .ian,:ccs a,m t,,c'Dancr ,,as 10 s a"ll ml "u"-j
If? m
QyiAsTnCUjL fry Jnmt?) cCitiyJaJ?
on Big Crap Came at Dinty s After Giving Out Some Inside Stuff
"The Undertaker s Crip:' and Telling of Kid Alexander s Offspring's Saxophone
'They may put :11c in th' hospital, but j
1 know uv a worser place.' You c'n
figcer 'at out fur yehsclt.
"W'ich remin's 111c uv a dream I
had th' other night. I dreams I wuz
walkin' up th' street an' 'long comes
Mavor Sinit .'
i"Mn-nr' T c "1 i-mrlo i,i mm i
paper 'at you said you is gonna run
, t ' I
inpf 'jt lml CQlH Trtll ic crrtiiMa llltl
t toiler ychself mt office . an m
'nothcr paper I reads 'at you scz,
"'At's th' bunk, I ain't gonna run
to foller m'self int' no office I'm
gonna chase m'self t' Honolulu, an'
see them Hula dancers an' lis'cn t'
th' Hawaiian singers if there's any
lcf wot ain' touriu' th' lT. S." Now,
mayor, I wan' t' know th' straight
dope on this. Is ych gonna run 'r
ain ych?'
He Doesn't Know. J
" 'Damfino,' sez th' mayor."
The Kid paused. V
"Now, 'at dream uv mine," he con
tinued, "you c'n figger 'at out fur
could be invented, nrd take it from I
me, it is goni;? to lie a tremendous
success among all ball players be
fore the season is over. Once it's
, . , , .., . ,
Siarieu l ie piaj cr )mii not uc ) .in-
put it. In my opinion it is a tiling
badly needed when von take into
considcration thc swift pitclnng the
i . .i -i
' 4
Vanguard of Yankees Are
w- . ri.
"ay lO 1 raiiiiu,, uaiup
Xcw York, Feb. 26. 1'ivc recruits i
0f the New York Americans, the I
vnio-narrl of 4' nlavers thc i Yankee ,
anguard ot 4- plajcrs tnc wnkec ,
mauageme.u ,,aS cV""- j
1921 campaign, were on their way to
spring training at Slireveport, La., ;
today. ;
" '
First Squad of Indians !
To Leave Tonight for Cau.p j
Cleveland. O.. Feb. 26. 1 he lirst
squad of the champion Cleveland!
Indians will leave nere tonignt mr i
tl,A enrino- training mn at Dallas.,'
. , ij
week from toilav.
"What have you been doing with
yourself this week, Canary?" I asked,
"I writ a pome," replied the Kid.
"O" course I reclines I ain't th' potc
Laura-ate uv N'braska, but oh, well,
The Kid drew from his coat pocket
3 ma ii it srrint and recited" as follows: '
. . !
Tha IJuH H
M lib iaiu.
A crap came ivui! In progress an' all th'
burglar boys wuz there,
Some wuz shootln' loaded dice an' none
wuz ahoolln fair.
Weepers red an' weepers bluo wus roUln'
on th' dus'
Wit' weepers while an' weepers black t'
make th' Jokers cuss.
It wuz in IHnty's ex-saloon at Forty
fourt' nn' K.
It wui! a col' nn' dismal nlglit after a
winter's day.
Tied th' Joe wot lnalici 'tin moan wen
ffoln' home
By rappln' a sap upon th' dome
Vnlls nut n roll wot um th toll
From a highjacker bol' after 'o give up j
'Is "pul. n. 1 1 -t -i
1 in inuch, Bnwi. jcnn iuvij,
OT, IlllS IS till ti ll B. H'VCiy Bllll.
"Now, babies, oh, be nood onre moh."
Mumbles Red th' Joe. "I need eh so!
"Soak '1m, bust Mm, knock Mm dead.
"An' dun' Icrget a word 1 sed'."
If you are ever out riding in
the flivver rnd happen to drive
out West Farnam near the
Omaha Gun club grounds and
all of a sudden hear a couple
of langs, (lun't get excited and
lose- control of the Ford, for
you are only approaching the
hunting grounds of Omaha's
trap shooters.
Every Sunday a, group. of lo
cal guns visit the traps to im
prove their shooting eye on the
clay birds. Another shoot will
be held this afternoon, provid
ing weather conditions permit.
Monday night at the Jefferson
hotel, Fourteenth and Capitol
avenue, tlje Omaha Gun club
will hold its regular monthly
I meeting. All members of the
club arc urged to be present.
In the above layout are sev
eral of Nebraska's guns who
spend Sunday afternoon on
West Dodge road trying to
shatter the clay targets.
Midland College Fans
Disappointed in Stand
Taken by Hastings Team,
Fremont, cb.. Feb. 26. (Spc-
cial.) Local supporters oi Midland
1 . , . i I
.. tiinmu m u.c-
taken by Hastings college following;
thc dcfcat of jts baskct ba, tram
. t, Ut
Mtsiings is the first M'liool to ever
i in iiiia lani t'aun uov iukui.
accuse inc l:u i? tns o rouirn work
and intentional "dirty" plavine onion Dakota dav. the annual home-
thc court. The Hastings authon'-
plies nave miniisneu ai
ties have published an exaggrated
,uimbcr of fouls alleged to have been
canerj on the Fremont team for its ;
actions in the last game. j
Hastings states that it will sever'
rclatjonsvjt!) Mi(land xhe brcak.i
fog off of connections between these
tu-n srhnnU is tin tn Mldbml lin.v.
everi as ti,c local school holds the
contract concerning next fall s fool
ball games.
"Pat" McGill ThrOWS
0 . ..r. , .
Otajiele With OClSSOrS
. -
lekamah. Neb.. leb. 26. (Special
Tr.lrirrani.1 "Pal" McC, II.. W S1KT.
( Neb.) wrestler, won oyer Joe Stanglc
oi Larrou, ja., ncre r nuay nigiu m a;tneiess.
one-fall match,
,i.- minutes, with
; ;i head scissors. Stanglc tried hard
j lo break the .hold ot thc 'Wisner;
I grajipler, but after Hopping about on !
1 the canvas rolled over and McCiill '
j pinned his shoulders to thc mat lor
! the fall and match.
Cornhuskcr Crapplers lo
Wrestle llawkeyes Saturday
Lincoln, Xcl., Feb. 26. (Special.)
Nebraska's wrestling team will
journey to Iowa City next Saturday
for a dual meet with the Iowa uni
versity team.
Nebraska's wrestlers have been
picking up a lot of speed since the
early part of rhc season. The de
cisive defeat of thc Oklahoma A.
& M. team gave the Cornhuskers a
lot of prestige. Captain Ed lloyt,
Long, Reed and some of the other
Nebraska grapplers are almost cer
tain point winners.
Pice lvnt'a loader! don' nller.i do I
.Ins' ivnt ou done tn' cm' to. j
Red lets out Home mournful cries
W'en on th' dice conies ol' Snake K-es. i
Red rolls smii'.i more an' turns a four,
Shoots again, srots a ton. j
Hops 'cm faster, meets disaster.
Tub rattles th nones an then e groans,
SmlHn' Oan. th' holdup man.
Pashes th' dice f IMcUy Spice;
IMckv run a con uuy fame,
An' th' ivnv V sevens 's a sizalin' shame.
. .......
All th' liova wur. fo'-lin hot
An' Itchln' t give thorn dice a shot.
All nur iiniiii' hard at th' Kame
An' nobody knoweil w'en th' copper came.
W'en th' copper came, th' copper came
Nobody knoweil w'en th' copper came.
Ha do dy da da da-da.
Mike de Bell wuz th" fir,' t' yell
An' all wot's there looks 'ip t' at.ite
At th' blu-roat'-d coiiper.
Th' hard lnoklu' whopper; 1
All Mm Inchon
Built fur iilprhcti. i
'I'he.s- seo,l Mm kuii. ihiln't ilnl'c f run. i
Pidn' wan' no lead shot in their head ;
Oh th' hurglar- boye iiuaUin', feurin' an'
-vu filled" wlf awe at wot they saw.
W ot tnado 'em sore, they thouKht there
WUZ llioro.
Outside th' door, mebbe a score.
The copper looks at Jack th' Gyp
lonha'"".",' ? " lonki m down, j
An', none uv 'is looUs la wit'out a frowo, i
l-'Klli.W'.s lir.M I.TS,
oltiitf. it; Nebraska, 1,
lleiitrlee. Sij tvntrnl. 'it. ,
Mouth High, ; I remnnl. 111.
Nebraska -(y. JJ; rinttsmnnlli,
Nevada "1", Sfi; Im Angeles A.
Missouri, ill i Kansas, 17.
Cornell, SO; (oliiinbtii, IT.
Relay Races Will
Feature Bis Meet
University, College anil High
School Athletes Will Com
pete at "Y" March 12.
Relay races will be among the big
features in the fifth annual indoor
amateur athletic meet to be held un-
dcr the direction of the Y Saturday
night, March 12,it the local Y.
The ebraska university. Medical
Lollcgc ot Umalia. Omaha university,
and the local "Y" nrc whipping their
relay trams into shape for the com
ing events.
In the high school relay, entries
are expected from lteatricc. Lincoln,
South High, Commerce. Crcighton,
Central and Council Muffs High.
Other high schools throughout the
state have promised lo send relay
The grade
will hold an
elimination meet at t'le "Y" Saturday
afternoon. March 12, at 2:.W. I'racti -
cal'y all the grade schools in Greater
Omaha will be represented. The six
best teams will be allowed to com-
pete in the finals on March 1. All
of the grade schools will be allowed
to send teams of six boys to compete
in the preliminaries
Other events to bo contested for In tl.e
Indoor ntpot arft running liiu'u jump, polp
vault, running liroail .iump. spring lronl
.lump, running hop. Ftiui anil 1'mip. potato
race, 60 yards: l.iii-yarii dawn izi lapH
on traikl, one-fourih-mlle run (six laps
on trark).
The relays will consist of t lie following;
Grade Hchool, one-fourth mile (six boys,
one lap pachl: high si-luiol, one-third mile
(four men, two laps), and open champion
ship, one-half mlls tfour men. fhree laps).
.Medals will be given to first, seeond
and third placo men, whil in thR relays
medals will be awarded lo first and second
The meet will be held under the. A. A. V.
and A. 1.. of N". A. rules and the entries
will close on .March 1 1 v-ph N. J. Weston.
j Morningside College
! Cancels Game With
: Coyotes on Dakota Day
Vermillion. S. D., Feb. 26. (Spe
cial 1 Tlir ntlittir antiinritiri rif
'S.Xtn . Se
scheduled with the University of
: South Dakota this fall. N'o reason
-'.as given other than tliat the .Metiio-
ot on thc homc Md of ,le Iatter.
The cancellation of the game marks
breaking of athletic relations hc-
, .,, , ... r,c. ,
; in years. The Morningside grid war -
, iwivu inv vimmmt mc iii.l iiuiv
t r ors v?tl- u mcu 10 uau e inr lovou's
j coming celebration at the university.
I I he action on the part ot Morning
side authorities has caused keen lis
appointment on thc state university
- , , : TT. . ....
btorill Lake High Grid '
Team Completes Schedule
Storm Lake, la.. Feb. 26. (Spc- ,
cial.) Superintendent Cocking and !
Coach Fulton of the Storm Lake;
High school ate determined that they ;
will not be handicapped next fall iii i
trying to arrange an eleventh-hour
foot ball schedule and have almost
filled the schedule.
u"m: y111 u'.un i .-
stays of last year's team, will be
trt, h,- crr9,l..ainn hut ho nrocnecU
for a good team arc bright, never-
The sclu-
Jule as it t-tand
as toiiow,-:
October 1 -Mmiwun h"ic
I ictolif-n S iipcn.
October 1.". RmWwell I'ity the
October Open.
October 20 Knnda l'ero
November r, Sjn-nccr here
November 11 I'lierokce tlieic.
Novmber IP .lefferpon there.
November 24 Iiia lirove there.
Green Pins Shoulders
Of Dickerson lo Mat
The Social club of the American
Smelting and Refining company held
its regular monthly smoker at the
plant last night. More than 125
members of the organization were
on hand to witness thc athletic
In thc first wrestling match on
the program, Green of Council
Rluffs won over Dickerson of the
same city in tvorstraight falls in five
minutes and .30 seconds and seven
minutes and 40 seconds.
The Kid .Meets the Mayor ami
Seeks Information as to
Plans About Trip to
"Cfimtne them dice:" 'e yells f 6pue
"It means th' Jail, c'n yell pet th' bair.''
Whispers Mllic th' luek f Tom th' Muck.
"My name is Cllenn." sea Ill officer then.
"Shoot ten," sez offircr Glenn,
liuin, du-u-ln-m-Mi. dc-e-du-u-m-m. du-u-
m-m-m, du-u-in-m-m. de-ilu-duni
Hum, da-a-n, d.t-a-a. du-u-m-ni-m, du-u-
m-ni-m. da-a, da-u-da-a. J
Oh, they took th' otflcer's stnrfur fun
An' then Miry rolled an' took Ms pun.
Tl.ey took 'is hoi' iKht off Ms feet,
All they l.f Mm wuz .lu-d Ms beat,
liuin. du-n-m-m-ni. de-e-du-u-iii-ni, du u-
m-m-m. dii-ii-nl-ir tn. de-dl-dum
Dum. da-a-a. lii-'i-a, dii-u-ii-.-m-iii, ilu-u-
in-tn-m. da-a, da-a-da-a.
Thc Kid beamed.
At Longlcller wu. -unie poet,
he said,
but c s bin dead a long
i it-- . r - i
cs, i aieu.
"Vcall, Continued the Kid. "'c's
" ,0"R time an' some uv us
live OllCS IS gcttlll puhtty good."
Nebraska Leads
Al timl of First
Half. II lo
j Easterners Stage Coniehuik in
; Final Period and' Leonard
Stars in New York
Team's Victory.
Lincoln, Xch., Feb, 26. (Special
Telegram.) Nebraska fell before
the fast Colgate aggregation here,
Friday night by the score of 15 to 21.
The Nebraska team clearly outplayed
ils eastern opponents during the liie-t
half and led 11 lo 9 at the intermis
sion, but in the second period the
! visitors came back with a fat ot-
I tensive play that spilled iftc Corn-
j buskers' hopes,
I Just before the game staited lh-
' rt'fivtit,(iil tilrtit (nr 'a miiintp ill
j tribute to the memoi v of Ami!
j Dobesb. Cornhtiskcr basket ball
I player, who died last Tuesdav Co!
lowing an operation tor appendicitis.
Leonard, Colgate guard, was the
man who spelled defeat for the
Cornhuskers. He tossed in live held
goals, four of which were in tlu
second period. Coach Schissler
shifted his forwards three times in
an effort to stop him. but the Colgate
man got away from his opponent on
every occasion.
The Colgate players had a handi
cap over the Nebraska tossers in
the fact that all of them were taller
j than their opponents,
j .Nebraska and Colgate will play a
! second game on the Nebraska floW
( Saturday evening,
The lineup:
nkkuask v
! -,.,. f ' '"''' ''.J''- ",' l"y
! Smith. ' r '. .. '. '. '. " " "
("annait, f " - i "
Hartlpy, f.
Won n. c.
Ballev. g. .
Newman, g.
Totals ...
I'Cll.ll ATI-!.
Tt' I'u
KuMns. f
l.nyland, f. 0
Hiirnes. f. :.
Mosler, c , . n
Murphy, g., f n
Uinnehan, g a
I Leonard, g 0
Totals ; .1
JlefTee: Heroh. Karlham,
halves, 20 minute.
time of the
South High Tossers
Toss Way . to Another
Victory Beat Fremont
Fremont. Xeb.. Feb. 26. (Special
Telegram.) Coach Jimmy Patton's
South High basket ball .team de
feated the Fremont High school
quintet here Friday night in a bad
fought contest Ly the score of 21 to
16. The score at the end of the first
period of play stood 8 to 7 in favor
of the visitors.
Xciinan was the star of the South
High play, while Wisdom plajcl
1 the best game for the local.
Smith High, lil.
Benin rd
Kmlrh ,
P'i l-'rriiinnt. Ifi.
, . . r. f . . Wisdom
...l.f Hal, I
, . . . u Jolinso i
...r. g livani
. . .1. p Chambers
Ackfi-nian for Graham.
Kinld lioflls Ni man.
Rcrnanl. Kinliih, Adtcrmiyi;
Jialil. 2; Johnson, ..
' T.-HAA 1't. 5
Free Throwp Xcimii n.
o out of 9;
Jiilinsnn 2 nut of
Icfcree Slsty (Midland i.
-it-mi t " i rp i
VV 111 ward 1 rophy Lup
To Team Winning Title
,, v , ... ..,
l p t 'eh- hpCf
lTk- ,L' Montgomery, jeweler of
J ?s3 K" ' ,hc ,
ern Nebraska Basket bal association
t, (Jhaooell tronhv This tro
l.f....1' . i A' ; n's. ro
I . "'.V -(iine in posses
sion of the .school winning the pen
nant hi the Western association grid
will become lhe permanent property
nf the school winning the pennant
three times. The Western associa
tion is composed nf the following
l,;gh schools: Alliance. Bayard,
Chappcll, tiering, Mitchell, Scotls
bhiif and Sidncv.
Joe Lynch Offers Return
Bout to Herman, Ex-Champ
Xew York, Fch. 26. Joe Lynch,"
who won the world's bantamweight
boxing championship from Pete Her
man last December, today sent, a
message to the New Orleans boxer
stating he was ready to make good
his promise for an early return bout.
Lynch has declined a bout with Rov
Xloore of St. Paul, on, St. Patrick's
day, giving Herman preference for
this date. V
Entries Close for Illini
Belay Meet in March
L'rbana, III.,- Feb. 2o, (Special ''
Telegram.) The entries to the
fourth annual Illinois relay carnival
here March 5 arc. Missouri, Kansas,
Nebraska, Ames, Kansas State Agri
cultural and Drake, l'.ntrics closed
today with .37 teams entered in the
western classic.
St. Joe Uub to Train With
Minneapolis at OKI. City
Minneapolis, Fob. 26. Members
of the St. Joseph club of the Western
'i ..-it. - -.. .i i
it-ague iii i rain wuu me Aimneapo
hs American association team at
Oklahoma I'ity. Ok!., next month.
Levis Wrestles Tonight
Cleveland, O., Feb. Jri.- Ed
"Strangler" Lewis, champion heavy
weight wrestler, w ill meet Max Or
lando of lioston in a match here to-
I T remain' Vi ins Bout
I ( eland, Fch. Jo. Carl Tit-
maiii ot C ievelauil outp(inleil
Pal Moore of Memphis in a l(i
round bout here Friday night. The
men weighed 118 pounds.
TaoU lteddr, St. Tnul. nianater of hoer.
has tak.-n over Ha be Hirnian, 1'a. lf -..
coast batitsmiveiKht cnamplon. A recce:
report had it thai .lack Koarna had aisneu