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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2b, 1921. ibllPY-TIMt TALCS THETAlSCF BENNY BADGER BY ARTHUR -SCOTT BAI LEY , CHAPTER FIVE. Speaking of Ground Squirrels. Benny Badger stared none, too pleasantly at Mr. Coyote. He didn't ike his visitor. And he wished Mr. Coyote would go away, i But Mr. Coyote seemed to be in io hurry to leave. On the contrary, le appeared to have plenty of time c spare. And if he noticed the Yown on Benny Badger's face, he irtainly acted as if it were the most grrcable of smiles. "We were speaking of Ground Wiuirrels " lie began with a smirk. Kenny Badger interrupted him ;uikly. We were not! lie snapped. I you need Tizlpr haven't mentioned Ground Scuiir rels," he growled. Mr. Coyote fell back a fe.v steps. : "Well, I know you're interested in them, anyhow," he continued, trying to act as ifrhc were quite unruffled by Benny's rudeness. "Vou can't ;eny that, for unless I'm mistaken, you've just caught one here." And his, bright eyes twinkled, for he thought he "had'' Benny Badger there, and it would be of no. use for Benny to deny it. "Vou are mistaken." Benny Badger grunted. At that Mr. Coyote shot a swift look at Win. Was that a shadow of disappointment about Benny's month?' "Did he get away from you?" Mr. Coyote inquired. Benny Badger had to admit that that was exactly tlae case, He ix plairfed how he had found the Ground Squirrel's , bed warm, but empty, when he reached the snug bedroom. "I don't see how it happened," he told Mr. Coyote mournfully. That crafty fellow gave a short laugh. He rather believed he knew where the trouble lay. And he said to himself under his, breath that Benny Badger was even more stupid than he had supposed. "Did vou keep an eyeon the virotlTtd Squirrel's back doorr" lie in- luircd. And he was -so amused by something or' other that he. began to toggle. ; Benny Badger was afraid that Mr. Coyote was going to burst into song again. And he couldn't help shudder ing. . "Are-you going to sing?" he asked hastily. "I hadn't intended to." Mr. Coyote answered. "But of course if you want me to " . , . "Xo! no!" Benny cried. "Please don't !" "Very well!" his 'musical friend re plied. And then he returned to his question. "What about the back door? Did you watch it carefully?" he inquired; "How could 1?" Benny demanded, with a snort of-angcr. "I can't dig away at a Ground Squirrel's hole, with my head buried m it, and -watch "his hack door at the same time. If I stopped digging, and went around to the back door, he'd be almost sure to run out through the front one. So I'd he no better off. In fact, I'd be worse off: for I'd lose not only the Ground Squirrel, but the fun of digging, too. Mr. Coyote turned his head away and smiled a wide, wide smile. It was some moments before he could trust himself to speak without laughing lighten Benny Badger's face. "It's plain." he said at lat. "that you need help. So I'm coming here -i-ifrv nicrht in atish von in the htlsi- D J ' J - y.srs of catching Ground Squirrels, J x (Copyyalit Oosapt tt I'unlnp.) M. W. A. to Meet ' Hebron, Xcb.. Feb. 25. (Special.) The Modern Woodmen of America will hold the county convention in the club room of the county court house in Hebron, April 6. Get Acquainted J 'fcVKK notice bow much better Z ripe picture lire than tpnt ( 'fi those, published la other-Omaha B newpaper;7 L There's a 5 t,h VmnU Iladlf? moeh of the B credit. He's' p pr Inton-, w dent or The R Beo'i ontrST p Inf depart-' IS nent wttri H ho ootV B o m e from M tor the pic torial part of The Baa's d a 1 1 r and Sunday edi tions. Turning- out liich-rlasa gratinc under peed sad premura re- auIrM udnnmiiiMit and thorouctl knnniedr f Htj. nroceMea ill- vohed. P-oniehotr nr ntlijv. .Mailltfr al- tpviu.i 3 uirrroinea aimruuie. rV balke,!. flhniivh. mk ti inm. n-th!-ftr io no who a cut 01 atmsojr. -- "Won't mpoaslblo for a mea' .;. away. t Welt quoth he, and walked Government May Take Over Bellevue College As Training School Brief City News here' th picture If 7011 s uon lute t nvm ommm nmair-y. Bellevue college, between Omaha and Fort Croek may be taken over be the government at a training school for disabled soldiers, sailors and marines, Con M.' McCarger, head of vocational training in Oma ha, said yesterdav. The school with five buildings and 65 acres of land would accommo date rom 200 to 4110 students. Mc Carccr savs. Only men who are in need of hospital care while in training will be accepted. K. H. Dunaway, St. Louis, di rector of vocational training, will be in Omaha Monday to inspect the institution and make a report to the government. Driver in Collision Hurled to Dirt Pile A pile of soft dirt at Twenty-ninth and Howard streets saved Albert V. I.andgren, 2437 South Twenty fourth street, from possible serious injury yesterday in an automobile accident. Laudgrcn was driving a Nebraska Power company truck east on Howard- street. , .". H'illlor,, TVfl' till nutll' H1P- teenth street, was driving his sedanl south on Twenty-ninth street.' The sedan crashed into-the power company truck, knocking it against a telephone pole at the intersection. l-andgren was hurled over the windshield, but landed on a con venient pile of soft dirt, escaphig in jury. ' Both Dictz and Landgreii were taken to Central police station, where they were charged with reck less driving and released on bond to appear before -Judge Foster this morning. Elks Lodge Initiates 500 New Members The good-fellowship of the Elks wa-s opened last night to nearly 500 new members. Initiation was held in the assem bly room of the Masonic temple. Nineteenth and Douglas streets. Dan B. Butler, who acted as .ex alted ruler, was master of cere monies. High officials of the Elks were present and took an active part -in the program. Following, the in itiation, nearly 150 prospective mem bers were ballotted upon. Election of officers will be held next Friday night, it was anuoimced. Auto Accident Victims ' Recover From Injuries Mrs. C. J. Rorapaugh, 3927 North Twenty-first street; Mr. and Mrs. D. Wr. Smart, 3928 -North Twenty-first street, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cham bers, 3927 North.Twenty-first street, all have recovered completely from the slight injuries suffered when their car turned over after being struck by a machine driven by "Bud" Brown, Millard hotel. Brown was held under bonds of $1,000 for reck less driving. v The party was riding in Chambers' car wheu Brown crashed into the machine, turning t it over ,on its occupants, who narrowly escaped more serious injuries. I It was incorrectly stated in The Bee Thursday that Mr. Ro'rapaugh Waji in the' car. ' " Chicago Great Western Trains on Time Month Trains on the western division of the Chicago Great Western railroad .during the 25 days between January 26 and February 21 were 100 per cent on time, according to an official telegram from A. C. Irons, general passenger agent, Chicago, to Mar shall B. Craig, general agent of the passenger department, Omaha. With 306 passenger trains oper ated on tin? entire system during the week from February '12 to 18, 'in clusive, 296 arrived at terminals on time, leaving only, 10 late, making the average 96.7 per cent. ,4 For the same period last year, when the road was not under private control, the per fceut of trains on time was only 55.6 per cent, Mr. Irons points out. IVKKTISF,MENT OLD AT 40? IRON STARVATION of the Mood perhaps and your worn out, exhausted nenrea need to be revitalized For thig purpose there it nothing better than Organic Iron; not metallic iron which people usually take, but pure Or ganic. Iron Nuxatfd Iron which io like the iron in your blooil and like the mm in spinach, lentils and apple. One dpse of Nuxsted Iron ia estimated to be ap proximately equivalent I in organic iron content) to eating one-half quart cf spinach, one quart of sreen vegetables or half a dozen apples. It is like taking ex tract of beef instead of eating . pounds -ef meat. Over four million people annually re using Nuxated Iron. It will not injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach. A few doses will often commence to-' enrich your blood. Your money will be refunded by the manufacturers if you do not obtain satisfactory results. At all druggists. IferKed Btood.Strenrfth and Fnnr. I A RAW, SORE THROAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it-en With your lingers. It penetrates to the tore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion end draws out the soreness and pain, Musterole is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat; bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back or lomasprains,soKmu8des,brui8es,chil blains, frosted feet, colds on the chest Nothing like Musterole for croupy chil dren. Keep it handy for instant use. '35c and 65c jarsj hospital size WW Knot l"oe Merle Knott filed suit for (iivotvo from I.oren Knott in district eo li t yesterday. They vero man led last December. I?r-tw Sonic Kev. liny T. Johnson, founder and general of th Kchcuo Army, will preach Sunday niftht at 7:30 In the Keseue Army hall, 1518 Cass street. 1'lnetl on I.lipior t'liHrnc C. Mc CliHtli, arrested at his home. Forty eighth and (J streets, for Illegal pos aesxion of liquor, was lined $100 and fonts by County Judge Crawford yesterday. Moonshiner Pined Fred Hayes. 3541 North Twenty-eighth street, was arrested for having 55 gallon ot iiome-made "boozn" In his homo and selling liquor. Judge Foster in centrah police court lined Hayes $100. , JjocIi Trial Ifc-gins Heat ing of the liquor complaint held ngainsts Pete Loch, proprietor of tho Orphoum Garden, began in federal court yes terday. The shearing was continued until today by Commissioner E. C. Dochler, I'lan Exposition All North Oma ha manufacturers and merchants will b represented in an industrial exposition if the lilans of he Xorth Ojnaliu Activities association are carried out. Henry F. 'N'ot will ri range nn entertainment for the next meeting. Omaha to Send Delegate The Omaha Chamber of Commerce will bo represented at a conference of officials of constructive Industries to be held in Chicago next Tues day. J. M. Glllan, manager of the Industrial bureau, probably will rep resent Omaha. Hob Taxfo Driver Sam Shapiro, chauffeur for the Brown Taxi com pany, answeivd a call for a taxi Thursday nlariit. He went to 'Wil liams and Ninth streets where two fares "ntered his car. They were young mr-n and at tho point of a gun forced the driver to give up- $7 in cash. In UauUriiptc.v The 'Lambert Chemical company, 0203 South Twentieth street, went into voluntary bankruptcy In federal court yester day. Liabilities were noted at S. 794.64 as against assets of $J,124. 76. 'Hie greater portion of the as sets is in promissory notes and stock, the petition t-tatcs. iuirltics Kcpu!t In the animal report of the Associated Charities submitted to the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce yes terday by the secretary. Mrs. George W. Donne? 31.141 families were shown to have been assisted and $4,677 in donations distributed to the needv Om:ihans. Car FoYMtcd Th first auto mobile confiscated by the Omaha police under the Volstead act for transporting liquor will be auctioned off, according to .the decree issued, by Judge Foster in central police court yesterday. The car belonged to Carmela Falcoma. who was ar rested -on Thirteenth street last Sat urday. Enlcrliiin Xcw Citizens Men and women who recently were made United States citizens by Judge Sears will be entertained by the cltizen shiptcommittee of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce this evening at S in the court house. Dr. E. C. Henry, former commander of the Douglas county post of the Aivericau Legion, is in charge of the arrange ments. Refreshments will be served. Burglars Visit Chapman v Grand Island, Neb., Feb. 25. (Special.) The drus; store at Chap man was robbed of $300 worth of good's, largely jewelry. A hardware store was also robbed of a number of knives and razors. COUGHS bronchitis, or other ail ments are followed by broken resistance. - Scott's Emulsion I taken regularly imparts new energy, increases the powers.of re sistance and helps drive out the cause of weakness. Scott & Bowne, BIoomfieM, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF tiHlOIDS (T ablets or Granules) for INDIGESTION 20-38sk EURALGIA , J7 or headache rub the forehea4 m , melt and inhale the vapors f VapdRuo Over I Million Jan Uted Yearly Monrv back without aneation HUNT'S Salve (ail in tha treatment of ITCH ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin disease. Try a 75-cent box at our risk. & McConnell Drue - AIIVKKTIRKMENT- 666 will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than any thing we know, preventing pneumonia. Skin Troubles Soothed With Cuticura Soap, Ointment, Talenm.ffe.emywbor. Banplei tree ef Cattten LekeMteMas, Past. X, Malsea, Km. W CM DANDQUFT f .SHAMPOO 1 iv Beautiful. Bright, c lurry nan it umply a matter of properly caring tor scalp Veep it deaa an A frttm frm Pi j a fj aruu. cxccaiive secre f tiona and foreign sub stance, ey the use of ana osiure wiu do ae reat. Try it once The reaults will make its use a habit. I Sim raj GMY EYERYBODYfe STORE" These Balmy 1 Days Turn One's Thoughts to Spring and the Need of New Apparel Apparel That frill be W orn This Seasoii Is Here for Selection at Low Prices Wraps and Coats from $25.00 up, . All representative models are here, from the short, swagger sports coats' to the dressy cape and the wrap which is so beautifully draped and embroidered. ' , , , There are coats for every hour and fashion of the day and the price range is as comprehensive as are the styles, beginning low in the scale for those who woulcl pay little and 'get much for it, to prices which define the mostf exclusive work manship, style and fabric. - Spring Suits Are Here frorii $25.00 up Women who are looking for Easter suKs that ere different will certainly be pleased -with the unusual assortment here. So varied are the styles that detailed description is impossible some are strictly tailored, others loose jacketed models, a few cleverly stitched with hand embroidery in afternoon models. , , The suits of coarser, materials for street wear are also extremely popular and are here in a splendid selection and marked at the lowest prices consistent with quality. ' A Charming7 Selection ' of Gowns at $35.00 , 1 . . f Perhaps never were the styles and the fabrics more beautiful than for the coming season.'" Soft, clingy and wonderful in color, the fabrics adapt themselves well to the clever drapings. that are seen, in the various models, which are invariably simple as to style. One group'priced at $35.00 includes beautiful taffeta and crepe de chine frocks in a varied assortment of styles and colors. Everyone Is Talking uf the W onderful Values We Are Offering in Hats at $5.00 Here Is a New Lot for Saturday No matter what kind of a hat youhave in mind, be assured that ytfti will find it here, for when you buy at Burgess-Nash you are certain to get the finest quality, the newest style,, selected from they larg'est stock of $5.00 hats in tie city. There are. ' Pokes, Turbans, Sailors made of,milan, hemp, braids, fabrics and mate rials combined with ribbons and flowers. In the latest, colors, including "Sally blue,' rust and tomato. , ' f Second Floor V Blouses and Middies For School Boys Every boy needs so many such blouses that it's a great ad vantage to select them of ffuch excellent materials and so well made as these for our spring line of Juvenile Sufts includes Navy Blue Middies, Oliver Twists, as well as Jersey knit heather mixtures, j , , . V Loose Leaf Kodak Albums 95c each You will enjoy keeping your photos and snapshots in one of these attractive black, loose leaf albums which will be placed' on sale Saturday at 95c each in the stationery section. Mais Floor - Crane Fine Linen $1.50 a box , Crane's papetries and cor respondence cards, lawn fin ish with gold bevel edge, white and all other desied shades. Choice at $1.50 a box. Main Floor Extraordinary Purchase and Sale of Tiff en and Mc Alpine Chocolates 85c a Pound We have just purchased a complete areortment of the fa--mous Tiffeh and McAlpine chocolates, and will place them on sale Saturday at cost price. They include delicious bitter sweets, milk chocolates and hard candies with fruit, nut, hard .and cream centers. All in fancy boxes, a few Japanese tin boxes in lot. Main Floor Announcing the Arrival of the New Spring Forsy the Blouses Blouses V)f irresistible charm and refinement. ' Fashioned of lovely sheer dimity, dainty tucked fronts witXtiny pleafings between the tucks and around collar and cuffs. Some of the blouses have touches of color such as tan, copen, navy or lavender, which adds that distinctive touch to them and makes the new models for Springja splendid addition to. the suit and fashion centers decree the tailored blouse a necessary part of the spring wardrobe. Sizes are from 32 to 44. Priced from $3.95 up. . , Sold Exclusively in Omaha by Burgess-Nash Company Seconal Floor Heavy Quality Silk Hose Drugs and Toilet Articles At the New Low Prices At 'Special Prices - Yictor Records You Should Have in Your Collection. Buy Them Here Saturday Rosio Margie AtoIoii Aloha Tripoli Alexander Your'e a MillioA Mile From Nowhe're. Somewhere A Voice It Calling. i Broadway Hose The Lore Boat My Little Bimbo - Old Irish Mother of Mine Dardanella Hawaiian Records Accordian Records Poor Butterfly Kreis ler. V Gems From Apple Blos soms. Wandering Fox Trot Children's Records Gems From Irene National Emblem March. Women who are particular as to their appearance are al ways careful to secure a heavy quality silk hose a quality that will wear well and in style and color be perfect. Our new spring line of hos iery is particularly beautiful as to quality1, style and colors, and the prices are exception ally low considering that they are from the best factories in the world. v New Grey Hdse $2o00 a pair Silver grey, the latest shade for spring, made of pure thread silk with high spliced heel and double soles and toes. These. are very moderate In price f Or this quality at lp.00 a pair. 1 - N Barber Bill Perfumes and sachets, assorted odors, very spe cial, 35c ounce.' Beecham's toilet water, assorted odors, 79c. Nail polish, cake form, very special, 14c. Tooth brushes, imported hand-drawn bristles, 19c Woodbury's facial soap, 19c. , -Pond's vanishing cream; 22c. Beecham's foot relief, 39c. Hair .brushes, real ebony backs with hand-drawn bristles,' $1.98. " s White Lily floating bath soap, 3 for 25c. S Durham's duplex safety razor complete with set of blades and strop, 79c. Mam Floor Gingham Frocks for the From 6 to U Years Girls Barber Shop' 9 en fcoNh QK Iring the kiddies in to have pljJy pjUU pOJO Bring the kiddies in to have their hair bobbed at Barber Bill's barber shop and at the same time let them ride one of Barber Bill's ponies. The Barber Bill barber shop is fully equipped with expert barbers and patent hobby horse chairs, which are a cause of much delight to the kiddies, who generally cry when they have their hair cut. JSend a Barber Bill postal to your friends while you are in Barber Bill's shop. We will stamp and mail them for you. Cherjks, plaids and lovely combinations of plain chambray, make these dainty little frocka so becoming to the youngsters. They are extremely attractive Btyles,-with full pleated or gathered skirts, joined to the waist with pretty sashes or belts. The colors are blue, pink, red, green, tan and yellow. Really wonderful values for Saturday, at 12.80, $3.50 and $3.95. 1 ' Second Floor Irk HL'iO J ft t: 9 v.. 1 . 1 t "