Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    Move for Action
v On Nominations
.r Beaten in Senate
Republicans Defeat Effort of
-'Democrat to Get Promotion
. Of Army Officers by Wil- .
... sou Approved.
V. A ashinnriuii, D. C, Feb. 25. Sen
ile republicans defeated today an-'-flicr
effort by democrats to get ac
tjHn on presidential nominations for
jgutnotion of army officers of high
The refusal was by a strict party
'"tote of 3(i to 34 on a motion of
Staiator Robinson, democrat. Arkan
Us, that the senate proceed with exec
- Tftivc business or confirmation of
ffrmy promotions.
, '""Later the senate, in open session,
'Wnfirmed the nominations of three
litieral officers who served during
the war with Germany to the rank
jfif brigadier- general in tlie reserve
firps. They were Richard C. Mar
'fh)i!l. jr.. Bi ice P. Disquc and John
Mif". Sherburne.
Senator Kobin.soii vigorously criti
cised the action of the majority in re
ntsing a he said to "honor" the of
ficers f the regular establishment.
-'.'"I challenge the senate," the shout
3pt" "to give reason for pursuing
35ie obstructive policies. If it were
3 for the fact that in the early
iSRkture the executive authority is to
jjj into new hands there would not
3 J. a singe objection to the confir
3 Vion of these distinguished army
Splicers. The sole purpose is to have
laa new president send in a new list
Staking of names and adding others,
'''Lct not the time come w-he mili
. tary nominations will be made in the
;'amc way as postmasters Let's keep
the armv out of politics."
Counterfeit German Marks
Traded for Fake: Gold Dust
lierlin. Feb. 25. German counter
feiters who recently printed millions
jrF'marks which they were unable
dispose of, exchanged the false
Sioney with home residents of sovit
JRussia for "gold dusr," which has
ren found to be only powdered
jronz, according to the Berlin news
papers today.
Cancel Warrant
Against Martens
AcHion Does Not Permit Re
turn to United States, Depart
ment ol Labor Says.
Xew York, Feb. 25. The Depart
ment orLabor has canceled its war
rant of arrest and order of. deporta
tion against Ludwig C A. K. Mar
tens, recently deported "ambassa
dor" of the Russia soviet govern
ment, his counsci, Charles Recht, an
nounced. "Tim gives Martens , a
"clean slate" and makes him free
to return immediately to America,
I he asserted.
Gregory Weinstein, Martens' de
ported secretary, aiso was cicartv,
according to Mr. Recht, who said
he received a telegram yesterday
lrom the Department of Labor an
nouncing that the two men "having
been deported and having arrived in
Russia, the warrarft for the arrest
and deportation order against them
has been canceled."
Mr. Recht said that it had not
been his intention to make known
this action until he had consulted
the Department of Labor, but ex
plained that in "some mysterious
manner." the bluepenciling of the
formal charges against Martens and
Weinstein had leaked out and had
.been published in a foreign language
newspaper here. ,
Does Not Permit Return.
Washington, Feb. 25. Officials-of
the Department of Labor acknowl
edged that the warrant of the arrest
and order of deportation against
Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, the Rus
sian soviet agent whe was recently
deported, had been canceled, but
denied that this Would serve to per
mit his return to the United States.
Although Martens was never rec
ognized as the ambassador of soviet
Russia, department officials said he
was recognized as a representative
of that country and as such it was
felt that he merited' certain consid
etations. Inquiry developed that the war
rants of Emma Goldman and Alex
ander Berkman who were deported
several months ago,, have not been
Czechoslovakia Held, its ttrst in
ternational aeronautic exposition late
in October to arouse interest in and
to. stimulate support for that indus
! L
Sunday Afternoon, 3:30
DlV E. S Stacker, Speaker
1 Former Omaha Business Man
1 ' Foster Jones Baritone, Will-Sing:
"The High Cost of Low Living"
Doors Opeif 2:30 Everybody Sings
Across From Hayden's.
. New Arrivals
tn New
Spring Hats
Just received in yester
day's express, . adapta-
tions of late Parisian
modes makethis an incomparable collectio)i
of charming hats, which will meet with instant
favor. Every model characterized by style and
originality. Come and look them over.
Specially Priced for Saturday at
Values to SSOO
: Millinery '-Second Floor
-Continuing Saturddy Our
Special Purchase Sale
The most exceptional values ever offered in Omaha
for a new season.
, Smart sailors, mushrooms,
pokes, turbans, 'flare-ups and
chic' novelties, Hundreds .of
hats to choose from, both for
. miss or matron. Values to
$10.00 Saturday.'
Coal Men Charged
With Conspiracy
To Boost Prices
Federal Grand Jury Accuses
226 Defendants of Co-0pei
ation in Violation of Sher
man Anti-Trust Law.
Indianapolis, - Feb. 25. Co-operation
between coal operators and min
ers in six states, to force hih prices
for soft coal by restricting produc
tion, was charged today by a federal
grand jury indictment.
Two hundred and twenty-six de
fendants, including 127 operators and
miners and co-operators" and 99
operators' associations or companies,
were accused of conspiracy tt violate
the Sherman anti-trust law. The de
fendants, live in Missouri, Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Penn
sylvania. Tudee A. B. Anderson, who re
ceived the indictment, set May 3 for K dropped in vievv
'arraignment uu in issuing vn.a.-.
for arrest of the defendants, fixed
the bond of each at $10,000.
Prominent operators, including
Thomas T. Brewster, Edward C.
Searls, Jackson Dering, Phil Penna
and William K. Kavanaugh, and high
officials of the United Mine Workers
union, including its president. John
L. Lewis, and secretary, William
Green, were among the defendants.
The National Coal association was
among the corporate defendants.
', The indictment covers specifically
the last three years in the coal in
dustry and follows an 18-months' in
vestigation by agents of the Depart
ment of JusticeThe charge is made
by the indictment that at various
joint conferences the miners , and
operators agreed to be partners in
mining' and distributing coal and
that they would aid one another in
plans to Increase wages, increase
prices, create a shortage and other
wise limit production and distribu
tion. Creation ot hctitious market
prices and the provocation of miners
strikes by operators 'also was
charged. 1
Most of the persons indicted as in
dividuals in the new bill were among
those named as defendants in the.
indictment returned some time ago,
charging violation of the Lever food
and fuel control act by "an alleged
conspiracy to curtail production and
force high prices. Trial of that case
has been postponed indefinitely and
it was said unofficially that it might
ot the new
Prosecution to Urge
Prison Senterfees in
Building Probe Cases
New York, Feb. 25. -Announcement
that hereafter no pleas of
guilty would be accepted irom in
dividuals under, indictment i on
charges growing 'out of the "building
trust" investigation with the under
standing that the guilty - persons
would be let off with a fine, was
made by Deputy Attorney' General
Berger. 1
Mr. Berger, who has full charge
of criminal prosecutions growing Out
of the investigations, said he would
press for a jail scntenxe for every
confessed offender.
- Co-incident with this statement,
lohn S. Muruhv. president "of
master plumber's firm, appeared be
fore Justice McAvoy ana witnarew
his Plea of ' not guilty, lie then
pleaded guilty, but sentence was de
ferred until after the cases against
other master plumbers close to 50
have been disposed ot. aiurpny is
charged wtfh violation of the Don
nelly anti-trust act.
West Point Paviug Bonds
Are Sold to Omaha -Man
West Point, Neb., Feb. 25. (Spe
cialsThe city council sold the pav
ing bonds for District No. 1 in this
dity. Competition was very Jceen,
buyers being present lrom JJenvcr,
Lincoln and Omaha. The- successful
bidder was J. T. Wachob. The
amount of the present issue was
$44,000. .
Applying electric currents to the
base of the brain, a Berlin physician
has found a way to give sleep to the
U. S. A.
in prophecy .
2,640 years ago
Gospel Tabernacle, 24th and Binney
Also meetings every night at 7:30 (except Saturday)
mmmii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiM
The last-day of . our special offerings in he Domestic, -'Linen
and Bedding Sections. Promptness should prove profitable
House Dresses
and Aprons
Scout percale in polka dot and
plaid designs with contrasting
colors of rlck-rack trim in red.
pink and blue. CJI OC
Tie-in-back model, J)1.D
light and dark shades of Scout
percales with colored rick-rack
trim and belted. Cut full and
large, and r
smartly made, ' , tp.OU
HOUSE DRESSES (Sizes, 16 to
46 inclusive) Of Amoskeag
gingham, specially well made, in
checks, plaids and stripes, and
rresh springtime color combina
tions. Also solid color cham
brays with pique collars and
cuffs. These are very (tj qj
special values at D
Style plays a particular role in the pur
chase of your new wearing apparel.
The garments or the materials froni
which they are wrought must answer
every style requirement as no color and
Ours has been the pleasure of many years
' of eorrect and proper serving the best
of the markets,
Saturday will be devoted to the selling of.
merchandise suitable for present or fila ture
Drapery Section
Specials '
CRETONNE 25 patterns; suit
able for use as drapes in any
room. Dainty designs beautifully
colored. The $1.00 and $1.50
fiualities, Saturday,
at, per yard,
1 -
Curtains witli hemstitched hems.
24 yards loag. Colors, white and
ecru. Saturday,
per pair,
VtILE CURTAINS Hemstitched
hems; 2 yards long; lace edg
ings.' OolorsN white and ivory.
the pair,
Wash, Fabric Arrivals Women's Underwear
Fine Ginghams - Imported Swisses
French Voiles - - New Organdies
The present season will, in our estimation, be the largesi
ever known for the selling of washable materials. Already
reorders have gone forward for new lots. Swisses, organdies
and voiles are proving tremendously popular. So many
' charming styles are pictured for spring and summer wear in
, these popular fabrics. Styles that delight the feminine eye
and .heart May we suggest an early choice for the better
colors and patterns?
Main1 Floor West Aisle. '
One of those quiet purchases, where on request of the makers
and because of the price, we must not mention the nationally
advertised brand. You will recognize the reductions if we told
you thesmaker.
We believe you will accept our statement as to their character.
They are perfect in every way. The popular flat weave
Tricote silk that you have been accustomed to pay up to $3.00
Bodice Vests, $2.45; Knee Bloomers, $2. 95
A Special Featuring of
Taffeta Frocks, 23.75
Jaunty, yet refined, types for street anr afternoon wear, with
the note of Youth predominating. Deft touches of silk and
wool embroidery and dainty collars and cuffs with eyelet work
.give these specially priced dresses marked distinction. They
come in Brown, Navy, -Gray and Copen. . Saturday at, $23.75 v
New Sport Coats
Of Polo, as well as the newest of the new in Block effects, Colors,
tan and navy; also three-quarter lengths in Polo cloths. Some come
with cable stitching, pouch pocket effects and fancy linings, the colors
being pewter, gray and
tan. Saturday,
Hosiery for Women
We have cleaned our stock of all odds
andv ends, broken 6izes and small lots, v
pricing them for Saturday at way
downprices. In the following lots are .
hose of excellent quality, with. yarns
purely dyed, and each one an extreme
, value. i
In Lot i at jjc. ,
Are hose of cotton, lisle and woo?.
Colors, black, white, natural and fancy.
Sizes mostly small.Jmt with excellent
wearing qualities.
In Lot z at 5jc.
, Hose of silk, cotton stnd fine lisle.
Fashioned, semifashioned and seam
less numbers included. We might say
formerly sold to $1.25 the pair.
' On the Square -
Other Second Floor Specials
known and high-grade manufacturer,
made of fine batiste with extremely
low top. This new model specially
adapted to the slender and medium
figures. Very special Saturday $1.50
fine quality sateen with corded
flounce and exceptionally well made.
Formerly sold to upwards of $2.00.
This is a limited lot. Very Special
Saturday, - $1.00
PANDEAUX BRASSIERES These are broken lots of bust
confiners and are fashioned of fine meshes and fancy brocade.
Very Special Saturday, - 50
Childrens & Junior SectionsAnnounce
NEW DRESSES (8 to 16 years)
Embodying the - most "fetching"
effects in taffeta and organdie
combinations, crepe de chine,
canton crepe and satin. Pleated
skirts, ruffles, embroidery, eyelet
work, Contrasting combinations
and exquisite dressmaking mark
them as distinctive.
$16.50. $24.50. S39.50
And Upward.
dressy and tailored models. Yarn
embroidery,- leather trim, taffeta
and straw, Milans with streamers,
and unusual color combinations in
peacock,, henna, paprika, tur
quoise.ired, green and tan, from
which to select.
83.75. $5.00 to $12.00
New Trimmed -Hats
For Springtime and Pre-Easter Wear Piquant,
cleverly designed modes for the street, consist
ing of & large variety of modish shapes and
colors, attractively embellished .with flowers,
ribbons and fancy ostrich. Very Special, Sat.,
Millinery Department Second Floor.
Furnishings for Men
SILK SHIRTS In broadcloths. Crepes
and jerseys. White and fancy patterns.
Ideal shirts for the coming summer at
less than half the old selling price
Your choice, ' j . 0-
Saturday, each. tytyd
UNIoft SUITS A clean-up of fine cot
ton and wool mixtures.' Special, per
sult . " $1.95
WOOL HOSE A lot or men's -hose ot
fine-quality wool. Black and-colors.
Formerly sold tc $1.50 the ' pair. Spe
cial, per pair, 5Q
NECKWEAR jWe are now displaying
all that's new in, spring neckwear.
Four-in-hands. Specially priced, 65
Cobb's Candies
4 Saturday Specials
A varifity of -fine confections all
can enjoy with goodnpds in every
bite.. . ' , s
children, a confection of extra goodess
made of pure creamery butter and cTeam
with Just the right flavor. About 175 to
the pound. Special, per lb., 60d
of rich creamy sugar, then a covering of
old fashioned bitter sweet chocolate, per
pound, i 60C
STUFFED DATE'S Big luscious dates
from California,. stuffed with fresh cracked
pecans and rolled in pure cane sugar. A
delightful bite. Per pound, &Oc
mels, Roman nougats, Pistachio nuts, al
monds, fresh cracked pecans and an end
less variety of fresh candies.
Remnants Remnants
Drapery Department Special,
for Saturday Selling'
An unusual opportunity every remnant
is useful and we are offering it at a price
muchjless than HALF OF TODAY'S ac
tual cost. ' .
Drapery Remnants
Short lengths of Drapery Madras and Sunfitst Fabrics;
enough for one and two windows, on Valances and Lam
brequins for'single windows at prices of 35? , 75?, $1.50
per yard and up.
Former Prices from $1.00 to $5.00 Per Yard.
-Cretonne Remnants
bretonnes in short lengths for Pillows, Chair Cushions,
Laundry Bags and Single AVindow Drapes at prices much
less tnan today s lactory cost.
Quarter Oak Rocker $14.50
Fumed bak Rocker. ; . . . 3,95
Golden Oak Rocker , 5.65
Goldn Oak Rocker 10.00
Windsor Mahogany Rocker , 9.75
Cane Wing Mahogany Rocker 17.50
Windsor Mahogany Rocker 9.45
Fumed Oak Rocker, upholstered seat. 6.00
Mahogany Chair, velour upholstered 27.65
Mahogany Sewing Rocker 12.50
Library Tables
Specially Priced
. of
of '
121.00 Quarter Oak Library Table $11.25
52.50 Large Golden Oak Tabled 27.95
42.50 Mission Style Oak Table 21.25
32.50 Fumed Oak Table 1950
12.50 Golden Oak Library Stand. y 5.25
75.00 Mahogany Davenport Table....,..; 37.75
72,50 Mahogany Davenport Table 36.00
59.50 Mahogany Library Table '. 38.25
Useful In the Business of Housekeeping '
Step Ladder Stools. .. .$1.65
Bowen's Brooms '.33
Clothes Dryerrsf...... .95
Aluminum Percolator. . 1.25
Aluminum Tea Kettle.. 1.25
Vlhminum. Stew Kettles 1,45
Bowen's Carpet Sweeper
at $1.95
Porch Gates '. I.75
Baby Walkers... 2.25
Fern Stands.....;..,.. 1.90
Frying Pans 23
Electric Irons 3.95
Big Wonder" Oil Mop
with -large bottle of oil polish
for '65 cents
Howard St., Between 15th and 16th
Curtain Scrims, Marquisette, Voiles in all shades and picees
long enough for one and two pairs of curtains ; sold in
piece lengths only, at prices of 10, 15, 19 up, per yd.
curtain .Nets in manv shades, rummies mid widths. JWanv
pieces long enough for two and three lace shades or cur
tains at 25 and 35f per yard and up.
Lace Curtains '
Odd paiss of Lace Curtains, sample. soiled, only one pair of
each pattern; former values from $3.50 to $25.00 per pair.
Remnant Sale price $.25 to $9.00
Rockers and Easy Chairs
for Saturday Selling
The Omaha Bee
i Prints the NEWS of the en- t
tire world when it is NEWS