Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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AilllliiillillllM IM
: ' : " "V mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamam ; ; .
Presenting the Latest Modes in
Novelty Skirts and
It is entirely fitting and proper
that one call attention to hem at
the same time, for they are both
ao bewitching in style, color and
fabric that Sach enhances the love
liness of the other; and very strik
ing are the costume effects one
may introduce through the ju
dicious combinations of bright col
ored sweaters and contrasting
Who could help looking stunning for instance, in an outfit consisting of
a black sweater and white skirt, tomato red, wren tan, pewter, gray, navy,
bisque and firefly sweater shades with beautiful models in striped plain
and plaid silk and soft woolens cut circular style or pleated. Almost any
silhouette one might desire is obtainable in the skirts. Fiber Silk Sweat
ers, 8.75. Pure Silk Sweaters, 26.75,. . Skirts, 11.93 to 29.00.;
Second Floor Center
Two Special Underwear Values
Kayser Italian Silk Pantalettes
For the new spring togs; neatly fitted with elastic band at top; finished
with a shirred cuff at the bottom; a beautiful assortment pm gw
of colors in taupe, brown, purple, A emerald, black and navy;
Sample Lines in Union Suits
'or women, girls, and boys; in medium and heavy weight; high neck and
long sleeves ; most of these are fleeced lined and come in the larger g )
sizes for boys and girls; $1.50 to $1.75 values; very special M
per suit,
7 Third Floor Center
Grace and Youthfulness Is Expressed
v in the New
Tricotine and Twill Cords head the list, but
no less prominent and desirable this spring are
smartly styled suits of Poiret Twills, Coverts',
Tricotex, Hairline Strip Tweeds and Wool Jer
seys. The shorter type of jacket prevails. These
suits embrace Etons, Mandarin Effects, semi
fitted and Russian affairs, set off with bright
little vestees or dashing sashes. "
Individuality, the Key
Note to Every Suit
And though) there is considerable diversity as to fabrics, line and orna
mentation, every suit in this all inclusive showing boasts some individual
claim to distinction." Novel collar treatments, flaring cuffed three-quarter
sleeves, set in enlarged arm holes and circular skirts are some of "the out
standing features; navy, tan, pewter, gray and black are the most wanted
shades; sizes 34 to 46; prices $49.00 to $149.00.
x " i Second floor West '
The Foundation, for the New
Spring Frock-A Well Fitting
f 4
TWO NEW MODELS Topless front lace corsets, just
the corset everybody has been asking us fo week after
week. . Now they are here in attractive flesh colored
broche and fancy novelty material. They have an all elas
tic top, medium long hip, front shield, three pair garters.
These corsets formerly sold at $6.50 and $8.50; A IK
we offer them for Saturday only, at , tt I O
New BandeauxFront and back closing, made of pink
orocne ana piam Dausie-; sizes, 6Z to 4b ; v 7c
f UK,
specially priced for Saturday,
12,302 Square Feet
Required to Display This
The Biggest Single
- Purchase
In the Entire History of Omaha!
atS And
New Spring Styles
Purchased by . .
from one of the largest jobbers in the country.
To be sold on our sixth floor.
Beginning Saturday, February 26
at prices that have never before been heard of in this vicinity.
Listen While This Drops
Thai Were $4
to $8, for
That Were $2
to $5 for
and $3 S and 50
On Our New Sixth Floor
12,302 Square Feet Required to Display
This Purchase!
SaturdayThree Specials in
Women's Hosiery
Chiffon Silk Hosiery
All silk to the top, and very sheer; in all wanted shades of black, cordo
van, taupe, silver and gold; suitable for evening wear; they are
irregulars of higher values with slight imperfections in weave; 1 CQ
very special, per pair,
Italian Silk Hosiery
In fancy lace stripes; also plain
thread silk hosiery; full fashioned;
silk to the knee: double soles; in
black, white, and colors; merrily all
first quality; special,
per pair,
Children's Cotton
Lisle Hosiery
Boys' and girls' cotton liwle hosiery;
In "English Rib," double soles; in
black and brown; all sizes; OC
special, per pair, OwC
Main Floor South
Coty's V Origan
This well known . imported
face powder formerly sold
for $2.25; while 1,000 boxes
S;per , 89c
, Limit 2 Boxes to a Customer.
Mam Floor West
Special Prices on
Milk Chocolate Fruit Pudding De
licious chocolate cream fondant, full
of candied fruits; take home a box
of these; Saturday, per pound, 49
Black Walnut Taffy The ever-popular
taffy candy, made from only the
best of materials, best of molasses,
new fresh black walnuts and cane
sugar; anecially priced for Satur
day, per pound, 49
Smooth Jordan Almonds Thin sugar
shell, assorted flavors, Saturday, per
pound, 59d
Peanut Brittle Good, old-fashioned
peanut brittle, loaded full -of new
crop Spanish peanuts; none better
( made; Saturday; per pound, 19e
Milk or Bitter Sweet Chocolate Creams
Soft, creamy centers; nut and
fruit filled; Saturday, pound box,
at .49
Pompeian Room Main Floor
Attention Mothers!
For SaturdayGreat Purchase of
Boys' Suits
at 995
With everyone of these suits are two pairs of
pants, both knickers, full lined. This is the finest
purchase in years, as the quality is unparalleled
and absolutely guaranteed. Just the thing for
your boy's new Easter suit. They come in
sizes, 7 to 17 years. 500 of these splendid
suits go on sale Saturday, 9 a. m. f (r
at less than it cost to produce M Mk
them, . - v.tyij
Third Floor East
Saturday Specials in
Men's Handkerchiefs
All' pure linen; hemstitched borders;
good size; fine quality; value 59c;
lay in a supply at this special QQ
price, each, Saturday at O C
Lawn Handkerchiefs
Men's and Women's Handkerchiefs
Fine Shamrock lawn; hemstitched, t
borders; some are all white with ini- '
tials; others White and colon with
embroidered corners; very O i
special, each, IbC
Main Floor East
Saturday Specials in
Buster Brown Shoes
We have taken 264 pairs of these
well known shoes for children, that
formerly sold up to 6.00 and grouped
them in one lot at the low A QtZ
price of, per pair, - T00
Infants' Shoes
In a variety of colors and combina
tions; sizes 1 to 5; special, 1 QC
per pair,
Main Floor West
Specials in Infants' Wear
; That Will Interest Every Mother
In this great special close-out
and sleepers; skirts, knit ones and
bonnets; all. at half price..
Infants' All-Wool Sweaters and
Sacques White, with pink or.
blue trimmings; 2.98 values,
special, 1.98
New Sprint Skort Coats Of white
cassimere,' interlined ; made with
cape collars; sizes 6 -month to 2
years; special, , 4.98
sale mothers will find flannel gownu
flannel ones; also coats and hats and
Colored and White Dresses Fine
white voile and figured lawns;
also ginghams; values up to 4.98;
sizes 2 to 6 years; special, 1.98
Odd Lot of Girls' Bloomers All
kinds of materials; 2 to 14 years;
values 1.00 to 1.50; to close out,
t Third Floor
Third Floor East