THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY iyI 1J Classified Advertising Rates ISa per lln (count ill words to line) 1 dy 1(0 pr Una per day I conaecutlve day Ike p.r line per day, 7 cuiiiccullv day 14e rr tl per day, SO consecutive day No da taken for joss than a total of 3Sc. These rates apply either to the Dally or Sunday lie.. All advertisements ap pear In Lu tli niornlmj ami evening dally papera for lh one charge. CO.NTHACT KATES ON APPLICATION. Want ads accepted at tha following of ftces: MAIN OFFICE.. ..Kill and fcarnam St. South Side Philips Department Star Council llluff 6 Scott Bt, WANT ADS KECElVfc'D HY PHONE AT TYLKIl 1000. THE! PEE will not be responal.te fur mora than one Incurred Insertlor. Jf an advertisement ordered for lunrs than one tlm. J CLOSING HOLKS KOft WANT APS. Evening Kdltlnn 11 :4r A. M. Mornlnc Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9 Mil) P. M.. Sa t urda y DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. NELSON Newton, aged 13. dteij Thurs day at hla home, iiOO? St. Marys Ave. Funeral Sunday 1 p. m., Hrnwera' Fun eral Home, 24th and K St.. Rev. A. K. WaMnrn ..rrteln Hrxv Tltit-li.1 In riru.. lnnd Park cemetery. The Knight and Ladles of Security will have charge at the grave. SHAW Abble J., aged 82 yours, at her residence, 2024 Douglas St. I Remain In- state st Cole-McKay Co. parlors, 2616 Farnam St. Interment Waltham, Mima. fiTAI,DKH Mr., beloved wife of H. l. ttslrter, died Wednesday, February 113, at l.a Junca, Colo., uged bO years. Funeral notice on arrival of remains. CARD OF THANKS. Wli wlah. to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us at the e'eath of our beloved father, also for the beautiful floral offerings by fellow em ployes of The Bee and other friends. Mr. and Mr. J. T. Kastle and Family, fl. and Mrs. F. J. Manousek and family. WIS wlah to thank the many friends and ti.lghbora for their kind words and eVmpathy, also to express our ap preciation for the many beautiful floral Offerings at the n. of our beloved husband and f'-ithor. MRS V. T. NELSON AND FAMUT, - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S DEST AMBULANCE Thlrty.thlrd and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PfONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS.' Tl South 16th St. Douglasl 25le HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmere. ' rnone H. ICS. '.. Office 2611 Farnam. rnone H. i(ii. '.. Office zmi rarnsm. ZR AMBULANCE call 8outh 680. Knrlsko Juneral Home. 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1H4 Douglas St. DouBla244. JOHN HATH.1 St )i and Farnam. Dg- 3000 L. Henderson. 1M9 1'nrnam. Douglas 124H. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hlrths. Joe and Roae Murecek, Fifty-fourth and P streets, boy. Harry and Tlllle Bolt, hospital, boy. Oeorgo and Helen Fox, iioapltul. boy. Harry and Julia Ilaker, 3425 V atreat, Joeoph and M:iry TapaJ, 3937 J street, 'Edward and Sirih Tiuohman 3010 North rifty-sevenlh street, boy. James and Ann May, Sixtieth and Hamilton streets, bry. Tom and Victoria Reveres, 2911 alley ,tHenryand Wornlce Pettlt, hospital, boy. Valsntlne and Margaret Peter, hospital, glr? Charlc and F.d'th McCoy, hospital, girl. Clarence and Helen FUzsimmons, 3169 Farnam street girl. ' B. and Victoria Zukniak, 4610 Sputh Thirty-fourth street, boy. r P. L. and Francis Perkins, 3321 ratt "'steve'an'd Katio Stavncak, 3407 Valley treet, girl. . . Irwin and Mollfsa Whitney, 2a47 Rees street, boy. Harold and Mi. caret Tyrol!, hospital, Blrl- lths. William C. SfnCoy, S6, hospital. James Cathroo 72, 2906 Manderson street. Sophia Andorson, 64, 210? Wirt street. , Ma-y Elizabeth Mulr, 6 .months. 252J North Twentieth street. Attn a Swanson, 41, 6822 North Twenty eighth avenue. Timothy -L. Prwns, 70. hospital. Sarnh A. l'oltmntier, 81. 6607 North Twenty -elKhth :tnet. jrAT?TTACl? T TrTTrJSFR The following persons were Issued per mits to Wed: Hayes B. Rosenbalm, 29, Hlalr Neb., and A. Camilla F.ortnseni 21, Lyons, Neb. Frank H. Ekotrom. 29, Newman Orovc, Neb., and Esther V. Johnson, 24, Newmn Orove, Neb. Leroy Jone 30, Omaha, and Mabel Dooley, 20, Omaha. . Jesse Brown, 21, Omaha, and Julia Battle, 20. Omahi. I James Poulos, 2S, I.ane, Jteb., and May Cockrell, 32 Lane, Neb. Edwin Anderson, 22. Bancroft. Neb., and Marie Hermelbracht, 20, Bancroft, Neb. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. MAN'S SUIT; new: McCarthy-Wilson make: taken from Nash car, 4th and Douglas, about 5:30 Thursday afternoon. Liberal reward. Jo questions asked. Return to McCarthy-Wilson through third rfy or phone Harney 6609. FOR AJM ICLES LOST ou street cars tele Tfheaa Tyler 80 We am anxloun to re atoro' lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. UY. COMPANY. LOST on Crosstown -ear last Tues. eve- nlng. Ledger wrapped In a newspaper. Return to Room J?9. 14ve tltock Ex change; Bldg.. 'South Side. Phone So. 064. : IteVafd. LOST Elk'e lodge hutton with red stone and row chip diamonds across face, platinum ctnr. Finder return to T. H. Llndsey, 1311 So.-36th. Reward. LOST One black ccille jup, female, , white marklnss. Colfax-147. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Amy Industrial home solid la your old clothing, furniture. magasinNt. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 1 1135 and our wagon will rail Call and. Inspect our new borne. 1110-1152-1114" Dodge. St. PIPKINS NATIONAL . DETECTIVI; , AGENCY. Inorpnrated. ' Douglas 1107 Suite 308. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. SWEDISH massage, expt. niasseause. D5877 KENT, vacuum cleaner, 1 up. Wal. 1947. WEAVINO, old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. MASSAGE. Call Douclas 9549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' Accordeon Pleating. Wk-CCORDION, sld knife, sunburst,, box pirating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, ptcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 103 Brown Btk. Douglas 1 936. Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. 1808 Farnam St.. 2d floor. Tiouwlaa 5670. Dancing AcaJenies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy, Stage and Ballroom Dancing Taught. I,asson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler 6645. KEEP'S-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2691. Har. 2793. Va PiTQ School !or Dancing. 3424 lYCl-A 1I1C Farnam. Doug. 7850. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night Col. $813. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent tty 171$ Dodge. Sturgess & 8tu''". registered patent at torneys. 433 1'i Trust Bid.. Omaha. Painting and Decorating. BRICK.-plaster and eement work. Wal, 45C7. A - - BRINGING UP I'M FROM THE DOME HAT VTORE IOULED ' FOR TaOME HM TO CE RETURNED-1 Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS the beat vlth urlrtlega to buy back at small profit.- OKOSi JEWELRY CO., 402 ..N. lDtn 6U JOUg- Ina G049. "PAXTON -MITCHELL to.. E7th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra xors. ' razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co:, 1522 Dodge. 10? N 16. WE do all kind remodeling, "pairing See aar book of plan on bungalows, g. races. Dickson & Newman. Sa 1794. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rtalto Drug:. Store, 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. PAXTON HOTEL , TURKISH BATH. i Massage, hot ,acks. CONCANNON HROS.. TVLKR 5731. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 607 Howard St. CLIFTON Hill Transfer Co., moving, pack ing handling and shipping. Wal. 1164. Wnl. uii. 1 FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 109N. 10th St. .lohn Feldman. D. 1128. PAINTING, papcrhnnglng and wallpaper cleaning, j. Nau. Wal. 4567. Omaha Towel Supply, 2U7 S. 11th. J. 0528. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't you find o lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether article that you have no further use for? And hsve you ever stopped to think, that someone might ' be only too glad to have them T Then why not lot the public know you have those articles useless to you through little want ad In The Bee 7 It costs very little and a 8-day ad would almost be sure to acll It for you. Try it. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. JPianos and Musical Instruments. BIGGEST phnnoKrupn bargains fn town, ::.') size, tn.r.O; $::.0 size, 365; (200 size, 89ii; XI records, 45c; records ex rhanged, 15c. Shines Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St. Dou. 2147. A WO3Pl7. CC ' Everything In art and music Pianos for rent. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. . All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before yo'i buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. ft E.'a: bargains. 19 Farnam Bldg. t Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Falrbanka No. 4 standard cale, 3Hx3 foot platform, also S-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan;- Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1009. SEWING MACHINES We. rent, repair, sell needle end part. MICKEL'S 13th and Harney. Duglaa 1973. OREGON Prunes; buy direct from grower. 25-lb. box prepaid to any part of Ne braska or Iowa. Large, 5.00; medium, 14.50; small. $4.00 C. D. French, Rick real I. Ore. SURE and safe investment, city warrant to pay you Id per cent Interest, (10V, $500 and $1,009 amount. E. G. Solomon, 517 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. o. w. lor, iitn ana Lrougia. v. zZ4. e-i!icn uruipress, a oy -iooi latne, motor belting vises, shafting, etc. Cheap. Web. 2629. ,QAT?rQ BARGAINS, 12th & Farnam. Pf AUO J. J. Daright 8afe Co. Electric sweeper, good con.. $15. Col. 4676. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS, STOVES, CLOTHING; IT. 4988, WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe and t.-nlfi- Tv 9n(lfi A 7.flVft 70R N. IB SELL ME a sectional bookcase, various sections. Box W-180, Omaha Bea. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female, HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. Curtains at blanket. 2 BIS Ml Cap.ltol, H. 1130. Laundry and Day Work. PLAIN and fancy bundle washing, satis faction guaranteed. Web. 6123. CLEANING-and day work. Web. 6383. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. CLERKS over 17, for postal mall service, $125 month.- Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. ' Professions and Trades. WANTED Commercial body builders by "a growing Minnesota body factory about to double its capacity Only experienced men wanted. Stat experience and wages In first letter. Address Box Y 1439. Omaha Bee. MEN to learn vulvanlzlng. Tuition free and $5 Sally while you learn If you buy. Anderson Vulcanising School. 1218 Bar ney St., Omaha. WANTED Telephone lineman, good posi tion if you can play In band. Geo. Ross, Sac City. la. DRUGGIST WANTED Registered msn preferred. St. Joseph Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. tW) So.- '4th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN. ONE who 4 Intelligent, conscientious and a hard worker, to represent a reliable and well established company in the State of Nebraska. Salary and bonus with expenses advanced. In reply give reference, past sales experience, age and telephone number to Insure promrt In terview.' Address Box Y-1442, Oma. ha Bee. 8ALE8MEN WANTED. We want a wide-awake representative for Omaha to tell portable garages, houses, barns, granaries, etc. If you are In position to -handle a good proposition write us. Sales guaranteed. Bowers Bldg., Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. WANTED We have some territory open for good live candy saleaman. Only pro ducers nted apply. NATIONAL ALFALFA PRODUCTS CO., 28th and let Ave,, Council Bluffs. Ia. FIRE , INSURANCE Permanent position for experienced solicitor: commission, salary and road expenses. Address K. Nmtson. General Agent, West Hotel, Sioux City, la. . ANNOUNCEMENTS. I - HELP WANTED MALE. FATHER-- VEV 'YOU'LL. FlNO THE rbOVE? UPSTAIR - rVf ENT HERE BUT I DON'T LIKE A ,1NLE. ONE OF THEN) . TAKE Salesmen and Solicitors. . TRAVELING men to sell a very complete line of silk shades, lamps, novelties, fur niture novelties, silks, trimmings and ornaments. Only men with road expe rience need apply. We, have some fine territory open for real, live salesmen that want to make big money. Refer ences wanted. For further particulars write the Palace Lamp and Novelty Company, Manufacturers, Benton Har bor, Mich. t GOOD house to house men; steady work, good commissions. C. V. Adams Co., 623 So. 16th. Miscellaneous. MEN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowling Alley. 107 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Stores and Offices. CLERKS over 17, for postal mall service, $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examination, write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Professions and Trades. WANTRD Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TRI-C1TY BARBER.COLI.EGE. Household and Domestic, GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid r.nd homelike places always advertised. WHITK girl for peneral housework, stay nights, small family, 429 N. 38th Ave. Harney 0805. WANTED Experienced white girl for funeral housework. Har. 0672. 3709 COMPETENT itlrl for : general house work, no laundry. lnr. 5634. 429 N. 39th. COMPETENT white maid, no laundry, small family, pood Wages. Wal. 1149. HELP WANTED. Male- and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to lean barber trade; big demand; wae:s while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St, Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT '4CIIOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less tolearanhv. civil service and nil f English and commercial branches. Write. call or phone Douglas 1566 for 4argj illustrated catalog. Address . DOYLES COLLEGE, - ' Boylcs Bldg., Omaha. ,'Teb. " Van Sattt School of Business, Day and Evening School. 320 Omaha National Bank Bid;. Douglas 689S. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET '.u or out of business, see LEWIS A Co., 411 McCague Bids. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will toi only furnish you with a complete .oom list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on ' our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers tlnd adver tisers of The Omaha Beo and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, ex cellent meals if- desired, for man and wife or 2 gentlemen. '"Ref. Har. 324. SLEEPING rooms, strictly modern, walk ing distance, half blocjc from car- line, homfl privilege. Har. 1616. FURNISHED rooms at reasonable rates in private West Farnam home Har. 34C1 WELL furnished... attractive room; suit able for I; walking distance. Ty. 6020. 2556 HARNEY, nice, clean furn. rms., walking difct.. modern, 1 or 2 persons. 107 N. 26th, sleeping rra' private home, gentlemen preferred, or couple. D. 7678. LARGE, nicely furn. rm., suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen or ladle Webster 6793. AT 410 Sweetwood Ave., large furnished sleeping rooms. Close In. Doug. 7458. STRICTLY md. tm., furnished, close to S car lines, gentlemen pref. Col. 2742. 1 LARGE double rooms, also one small one, steam heat. 623 So. 16th St. BARGAIN Modern room, private home. Harney 6455. .SINGLE room; -mod.: reaa. Douglas 4901.- Sleeping rooms. Brook Apts.. 114 No. Mth. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST F T10VSE- KEEI'ING ROOMS IN CITY. -WIS MAVJ'. THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ' ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. THREE SUITES of llght-housokeeplng rooms on first and second floor, no ob jection to children. 1019 So, 11th St. FOUR large furnished rooms, electric light, iras and heat furnlBhed, 1503 Bin- ncy St., Webster 2269, 2 Modern front rooms, everything com plete for housekeeping, Web. 2471 or Web. 4027. . ; Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF TOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOfTvW'ANm IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. -!000 ' AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. ROOM with two meals a day. home privi leges. Gentlemen only. Walnut- 3084. COZY room ond hoard for parent and child under 9 yeirs. Har. 2949. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 3-ROOM furnished apartment in the Bos worth. 22d and Howard Sts., $80 per month. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0644. 17th and Farnam Sti. A 8-ROOM, completely furnished apart ment In the "Hollywood." at 26th Ave. and Dewey. Unusually fine proposition. $95. Call at No. 7 Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. ONE OR .TWO larce rooms and kitchen ette on! first floor, newly furnished, modern. Call Doug. 9089. Unfurnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street . Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest, and Finest cltisivt Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy, Ex- WEST Farnam District -6-room apartment In one of Omaha's newest apartment buildings, The Monticello, 31st ond Dewey streets. Very reasonable. . PETERS TRUST COMPANY 'Tyler 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. Peters' Trust Company, Sli'-ein lj, v li Bee Want Ada little, but in ighty Registered U.' 3. Patent Office. i-.ELLO . JERRV ' 1 THE COA.VT- T"T CLEAR., " C " " J I SURE..' j WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Hquses WANTED TO RENT By couple without children, bungalow In West Farnam or Dundee. Harney 6252. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT A moving picture theater in a nearby town of about 7,000 population. Good opportunity for experienced man with small amount of capital. F. D. EAGER. Lincoln, Nob. SEE F. T. WEAD. 310 8. 18TH ST. . MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY SjgJ CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 16th and Jackson Sts Douglas 0283. M3V1NG, PACKING, STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separato loojted rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 South 16th. Doug. 4163. , METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Boweu Co. Tyler S409. 4 TTvmv traksii-k rn Let us estimate your movlnir, packing ' and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. White Wyandotte hatching eggs. Col. 0.",89. HORSES AND VEHICLES. - Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. ; We mako them ourselvc and sell -.hem direct ' to the farmers. You get the best that can be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman's profit.- and. then got poor harness. We are making a big reduction in prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness from $40 to $100 per set. Our goods are guaranteed. The store as 62 years i :d and tho oldest saddelery store In the west. Alfred Cornish & Co,, Successors to Collins & Morrison, 1210 Farnam SL, Omaha, Neb. GOOD hav, $12 er ton, delivered. A. W. Wagner,' 801 N. 16th St. Dg. 1143. LIVE STOCK. FOR 8 ALE Four hundred 4-year-old Ewes, three hunired and seventy-five bred to lamb May 10; 26 have lambs 2 weeks old by side, all in fine condition. "Torms can be given with good security. Reason for selling, have other business. r. o. mciiai umui, ,vuw, .... HOLSTEIN Seifer calves, six to eight weeks old, from pure bred sire and, heavv producing dams, good individuals nicely mnrked. $20.00 each, crated F. O. B. Harris Holsteln Farms, Lone Rock. Wl8. ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE- ONLY THREE DAYS MORE i TO SELECT YOUR CAR. 17 of our bargains have been snapped up. However, there are 24 more to make a choice from during ' the three remaining jl&ys of our Removal Sale of good Used Cars. Olds S T6uring. Old 6-Cyl. Coupe, olds 6-Cyl. Rdstr. Chevrolet Touring 4-9". Overland Touring. Cadillac Touring 55. Crowe-Elkhart Touring. Stewart Truck. P'ord Truck. Pay us a visit. Come any time. We offer you tho best. MONEY WILL BUY. Neb. Oldsmobile 2540 Farnam. Hudson Touring This la a current model Huilnun Super Six touring car, jut like new in every way. Has bevn ex i changed on a closed car and cjr , rles our regular - new car guar an lee and service. This in a real bargain In a new high-grade car and we will save you nearly $1,000 from tlie. list price. GUY--I., SMITH, 20th and Farnam Sts. Doug. 1970. Velie Roadster Here Is a fine late model Velie light six roadster. Just like new and every detail complete. Continental motor. Timken axles and bearings. Standard throughout. Let us show you the best value In a roadster in the city for $;,'0. Remember nur guarantee protects you from all rNk. GUY, L. SMITH, "Uh and Fayinm StM. Doug, 1 9 7 I 1919 VOGK ROADSTER. Here Is a fine little Dodge roadslof . In excellent condition throughout. Road . sters are hard to tind and this one Is priced right. See It today. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Douglas 19 Tu We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. .1622. CHEAP-r-1914 Ford body with to-i and wind shield, complete, 1915 and 16 ra diator used only three months. 1916-16 nouu. uuou cqnumon. call l.'. ti4i4. SCRIPPS-BOOTH sedan, late model, prac tically new, six good tires, driven 6.000 miles. $500 cash will handle. Cnl: Gor do". Tyler 45S2. Evgs. Walnut 1146 SOME) bargains In used Ford cara Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The llnndy Ford Service Station, lstb and Jackioa. Doug- PIERCE-ARROW Berlin limousine bodyrl .Morocco luatner upnoisterea. alto k. CHANGE CO., 2204 Farnnm r 603.".. BARGAIN High-powered speedster, new top and tires; good condition. Tv. 0914. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. ' r - h-J?!a rm V St"' Repairing and Painting. All'IU PAINTINC 2768 Burl, liutuo 6811. SEE J1GGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE 192t BY InT'L F6ATORS SERWICt. FARM LANDS. For Rent. For Kent 10-acie farm, w ell imp.. 3 ' ml. north of Glenwood, la. liujolre at 2101 West Broadway. Cotim-11 Bluffs. 80 ACRES farm, well Improved, miles from Omahu. H. 1488. 17 Michigan Lands. ' A Real Opportunity FOR the landseeker In Kalkaska, Antrim and Otsego counties, Mich. J Close to markets, schools, churchey. Near lakes and streams a bargain at $15 to $30 per acre. Small down payment, easy terms. Ask about our special helps for settlors. Swigart. J-1252, First Natlonul Bank building. Chicago, ill. Nebraska Lands. THINK of It 419 acres for $25,000. It would bring $200,000 In Nebraska. Known as the JudKe Hooker estate. Including several thousand dollars' worth of equipment. Free list. Ellis Bros., Inc., Sprlngville, N. Y. FOR SALE Improved farm, 320 acres, 250 In cultivation. 170 acres wheat goes; all good corn, wheat or alfalfa land. George Lless. North Platte, Neb. Oklahoma Lands. OKLAHOMA Farms Write for free agri cultural booklet. Hoard of Commerce, Shawnee, OUI. Wisconsin Lands. ANDOLOOY special number Just out, containing 1921 facts of clover land 1 Marinette cdunty, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying go id farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology It is free on request. Address Skid-moro-Ktchle Land Co.. 433 Sltidmore Rlehle Bldg. Marinette. Wi. - Miscellaneous. FINE FARM, FINE I.V IMPROVED, EQUIPPED. 326 acres, level, deep, blaik, produc tive. Near fine county seat. Cattle, horses, implements, evcrvthing. Only $24,450, easy- terms; can take in some, exchange. PoKesion any time. Isaac Conner. Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. - 538 Keillne Bldg. WANTED to borrow $sl.n) for 20 month will pay good ii!erest and pay back money at rate, of $10 per month. Good security. 'Box W-1M. Omaha Bee. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMd O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2715. 1100 to $10,000 made promptly, f. O. JVEAD, Wead Bldg. 310 3, 18th St. PRCVMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. OIL STOCK quotations from all fjplds; phone, wire or write FIDELITY PRODUCING CO., 1103 W, O. W. -Bldg. Dg. 283. Miscellaneous. OIL LEASES with geological reports in Wyoming, Kansas. Oklahoma. Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and New Mexico proven and s-Miii-proven fields FIDELITY PRODUCING CO.. 1101 W. O. W. Bldg..- Dg. 239. WANT $40,000 10 years first mortKBge on 365 acres black, level, second bottom land. $250 land, well improved, mile to station In N, W. Missouri, near Iowa line. Address Bqx Y-1434. Omaha Be. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City NatBk Bldg Douglas 1426. THh6rdRellBb!e Real Estate' Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. Douglas' 1346 HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell vour property? List it with C. A. Gr'immel. Onaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 1ST homes not ,ne prooerty with GRUENIG REALTY4X)., 1418 1st Nat. , Bk. Doug. I960. Wb'sPECIALIZK IN" DUNDEE HOMES, C. B. STUIIT.CO., ' City Nat'l Blrtir. Douglas R7R7. JBIRKETT- It EAL ESTATE: Felts. Rents, Insures 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. Oio'l P. J. TEBBENS Ins. and Rentai:i W.G.SHRIVER K1 fnwurance 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636 LISTINGS WANTED.! Western Ileal Estate Co . 412 Karbuch Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. BUILDING SITES ? vacant Im's overlooking Happy Hollow loul!v:irl : r:M and Ham ilton sts. ."net- $1.i.ii0.0i). ( " GEORGE & CO., , N. E. COK. 42I AND CHiCAGi.l. $900. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tvlor 153. Trackage. WE HAVE an unusually well located pleae of trac'.tr-ge, 31x132; tracks on botti sides. Alfred Thomas Son 604 lat Nat. Bank. 113 FEET ON JITH ST.. $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK, 400 Peiers Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENT N. 1ST. Corner 15th and Capitol Avenue On'-K(ory ii iid basement hru-k b'lilding, ti' 1 ft. on east hn If . ' of lot. I-'onr-ptory and base-m-'iit hrirk StiMding, titixliij ft'.' ((h wet ha If of lot, 4..sf0 si i. ft. nf iioor Hpa t n both buildings. Trice R.'i.twO. lu Mfto rush, bal ance easy tm .ps. GEORGE & CO., SOUND INVESTMENT ; This C-;i p r ir i nt property, (o- exiled in tho vsit-ni neciion of tho city, di.ivhU nt to t-ai oni.v 0 cara .old and In exceHtnt con dition, j An exi t II. .-nt rental prop osition. iV't Hhow you thh property and gc you pnrticulara, am it Is cert-ifiily a b.'irgr.ln nt the price at utrh it can b bought. D. V. SHOLES CO., KEALTOKS. Douglas on HI. . 911-17 City Nat'l 3-STORY brick .iilldlnr. incar 14tii and Douglas; ineomo $1,740 ' year: snap at $I2,DOO; tcruis. Douglas 17IM. REiL E STAT EJTO EX C H A N G E. QTAF'.Tiil? wvttlon Improved or unim proved. Ohurh-n -Mix Count . Sout l I -U''iu. tf trj.U.' for bUhlm-jo i-roposi lion, gU- i-tiinpU-t'' liifonmiltoii fir-t idler. Add; iox V-MT Uipahtt Drawn Copyright. II -' - -Wxal INC REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. liiO-ACKE. farm situated in southeastern Nebraska..,, Good improvements, altalfa, well fenced. Prico $150 per acre. Will consider Liberty bonds or house In Omaha as part payment. Farm priced riirht for immediate sale, $10,000 loan runnlni? eight year. Address 539 Rail way Exchange Building, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Tyler 2230. A ROSEBUD quarter section, free of in cumbrance, will trade in for a slx rotipt modern bungalow, some cash and liberal monthly payments. Box W-179, Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prno'ty. Col. 1408, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. ' West Brick and Stucco Clairmont Addition Ono of the nlft'est homes in this on tlre addition. Exceptionally well-built and very attractive throughout. First floor has large living room with dining room, kitchen a:ic den. all finished in oak. Built-in bookcases, fireplace and other features. Second floor, three nice bedrooms and tile bath with built-in tub; oak floors find white enamel fin ish; complete .casement with laundry tubs and dandy hot water heating plant. One-car garage with cement driveway. Prico has been reduced $1,500 for quick sale.- Tf yon wont a high-class home, arrange to see this. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2860. 918-20 City Nat'l WEST FARNAM 'investment Plus Good . Home Tuvlve-roon, mu'lcrii liousf ; finish In oak nr.d white enamel: houpe In ?rr-lltnt condition; ( S. E. corner .12d and Dodge : lot 15 Idfl.'iG ft. For price and tonus, call GEORGE & CO., Omaha Real Estate and Investment, JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. North. PRAIRIE PARK BUNQALOW 6-roo'n strictly modern bungu low, located near 29th and i.ari more Ave., all or one floor. Oak finish nnd oak floors. Full cement hafn;ent. Furnace heat: nice floored attic. House newly dec orated. Price. $5,50!; $1,700 down, balance $40 per month. Payne Investment 'Co., 637 Om. Nat. Bk. Bhlg. !. 17S1. Must Be Sold Quick Almost new large li-room,-cottage and largo attic, electric lights, tiled well, cistern and . pump, barn, chicken house, ce ment walks, hedge fence, 2 lots, S543 No. 37th st. Price $3,250.0(1. Owner says sell in next 10 days. 10 per cent off for cash. 1 r t m.i.i n - ti05 Om. Nat. Bk. D. 212. ATTRACTIVE. WELL wait until you .see It. 2 lots, completely fenced, lots of tinall fruit, grapes and a whole bed of strawberries. Front yard nicely planned with shrubs anJ flowers. 6-room house,1 Just the place for you to livst Only $200 down. $30 a month. - ' SHOPEN& CO.. Realtors. ' Doug. 422S. Keellne Bldg. FOUR-ROOM newly decorated cottage, $300 cash down will buy. R. F. CLARY CO.. Col. 0175. " 6-ROOM bungalow in Mime Lusa for salo by owner. $2,0.10 rash required. Ad dress Box N-2. Oinaha Bee. IN BE MIS PARK. By owner, 7-room modern house and fiarage. For terms call 323 N. 37th St. 3306 FOWLER "avTTt fV. mod. elicept hi?; 3 lots, chicken house, fruit trees; $700 cash. bal. mo. Creigh, 608 Bee, D. 0200. M1NNE LUSA homea and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real esfate and Invesv ment. 643 Pnters Trust. Doug. 8097. South. BUNGALOW. BARGAIN 5-rouai oak and enamel, beauty. Dou ble garage nnd everything. $3.00(1 cash required to get this real bargain at a reduced price of $5,600. This is a real buy., Windsor school district. Call Mr. Brown, Doug. '1.146. or Barney 1341. IcCague Investment Co. Miscellaneous. , $3,000 Neat five-room cottage, city vatr, electric lights and gup, two Iota 46x 13.1 each: t-ome fruit; chicken house nni jard and another good outbuilding which might he convert od into a ga rage. We arc offerings this at $410 down and per month. Amos Grant Co., REALTORS, D. S3S0. 330-2-4 Brnadels Thea. Bldg. Good Service The business virtue v Expected of any agent Avail yourself of our willing of "fer of competent service in tell ing your property. Payne & Carnaby Co. 25 Year' Realtor Service . 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. D. 1016 lees for The B?e by McManus 1V21 International New Service Frank. Campeau was a splendid choice for the title role "The Killer," which opens today at the Moon thea ter. As the cultured gentleman with a streak of fiendish cruelty that caused him to k'll as he went about the regular habits of life, he is strik ing. Really, no other character could have taken the role of the killer as did Campeau. ... Downtown Programs Moon Frank Campeau in "The Killer." Rialto Betty Conipson in "Pris oners of Love." Strang Agnes Ayres in "Forbid den Fruit." ' Sun Louise Glaum in "Love." Empress Hobart Bosworth in "His (Own Law." Muse Elaine Haiiinierstein in "The Pleasure Seeker?." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Edith Storey in "Golden Hope." Hamilton Pauline Frederick in "The Loves of Lett v." Wallace Keid has begun his new picture adapted from Byron Mor gan's automobile storv, "Watch My Smoke." Gloria Swanson is ' enthusiastic over the colorful opportunities af fordedin her first starring vehicle, "The Great Moment." which Elinot Glyn wrote for her. "The Mill of the rlalf-Gods" is tlu fantastic name of what Paramount declares is one of the most unique settings ever seen in a motion pic ture studio-a. Parisian cafe which serves as the setting for one- of the episodes of "White and Cnmarried," starring Thamias Meighan, which is now being filmed. The Apollo theater, Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth streets, will be doubled in capacity, according to an announcement of E. A. Harms, owner. The rapidly increasing attendance, Mr. Harms says, makes this im- irn,-enient necotcurv- Willi till rp- modeling of the building all new equipment will be installed. It will be of the latest design. A pipe organ will also be installed. Arehitpcl s wnrkititr on the mans announce that they will have them ready in tune to nave tne contracts let and work started early in the .ririno- The rnnctritrtinn nf the. buildintr ,will include special cooling apparatus ana ventilation. Boston Wool. Boston, Feb. 25. The Commercial Bulle tin tomorrow- will say: "The wool market h-is been only moder ately active during the past week, but values are fairly steady here. In the foreign markets, due largely to the with drawal of American competition, prices have slumped. "The emersjenoy tariff at this writing is still In conference, hut is not expected to become a lnw, although it is still causing some hesitation in the mnrket. The American Woolen company opened over coatings and women's wear this week, with a fair response on the part of buy ers, more especially on women's wr-ar. Prices are down about 45 to 50 per cent compared with last year. Pome small buying Is reported in the bright wool sections at Isst week's rates." Scourfd basis: ' Teias Fine 12 months, "Sig'Sr.c. Pine eight months, 5Mi lidc. California Northern, VSfl'lir; middle county, 75c: southern, 55ttti0c. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 80ffl30c: eastern clothing, 65 70c: valley No. 1. i!tl 70c. Terrltorv Pine staple choice. 85?IT,e: half blood combing. 76f80c: three-eighths blood eomblng, , 1 i-f f s c : quarter blood combing, 45frf48c; fine and fine medium clothing, 65 70c. Pulled banis: Delaine. ;c(S'$1.00; AA. 80ctl.U0; A supers. 7flJfSflo. Mohairs Best combing, 30j32c; best carding. 254J 2Vc. Turpentine and Renin. Savannah, .. Keb. 25. Turpentine Firm; 50: sales, 408 bhls.; receipts, 67 bbls. ; shipments, 26 bbls. ; stock, 14,433 bbls. Hosln QuieU'no sales; receipts, 74 casks; shipments, 75 casks; stock, 79.4(3 quote: B. D. E. F. 11. If. I. H. M. N. WO. WW. $11.00. t New nrk and Dry .xd. New Inrk. Keb. 2... t'olton good and yarns1 were quieter today with a weaken ing tendency following a brenk In cotton. Burlaps steadied on reports of short-time schedules being adopted In Cnlcutta mills. Satisfactory orders were received for dresN goods, cloiktngs snd Homo lines of fall men's weur. - New York Miigar. I New Tork. Feb. 25 The loin! market I lor raw Ntigar wan steady and mo-hung -d lat 4c for rutin" c. t. f.. einial to for iVntrlfuiTii i Tl.-i- w.-re joilc of 2ii. a Ou bair.- of I'l.rto !ti.-.i io pi io.i.i refiner j at 5.17c for centrifugal, while the Cuban commission. Iiiiorlvd cu fresh bualucs. Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife t ' How Lillian Contrived Things to Safeguard Madge. I took Lillian's cue quickly, She had given mc the opportunity for which I had wished in asking me so abruptly where my sewing machine was. "Oh!" I said Contritely. "I forgot io have Jim bring it over. But it is in good condition, for I looked it over this morning." This last statement was the truth, for I had carefully inspected the ma chine "What's the use of bringing ii over?" Lillian N asked nonchalantly. " The only thing I'm good for is ruli ii in ir a machine anyway while Madge is the white-haired fairy when it ciuncs to hemming. Why can't w-. divide the work and Madge and f take part oi it over thcre? We'll run a regular messenger service, and bring each piece back a soon as we get it finished. And we probably won't talk hall si much as we will if all four of us are working to gether," "And I won't have to clean my floors oyer again1 after that Jim has tracked them up," put in little Mr. Durkee eagerly. "Not that he'd mean to soil them" she turned to me with naive apology "but he's such an ok of a thing hj just can't help being cluttery. I think it's a splendid idea. Which part of -the work will vou take?" An Unsuspecting Aide. "I would suggest the things which could be put up last," Lillian replied promptly. "If I can decide which thoc arc,v little Mrs. Durkee murmured doubt fully, and I knew that she was actu- allv nonnlussed bv Lillian's nromnt iicii'.r a "At any rate, give us things which I can run up ou the machine and then turn over to Madge. I can help her turn hems and baste, anywav." Her Fluffiness looked helplessly at the pretty fabrics spread out upon the bed and over chairs. The worry and confusion entailed by her change of plans for Leila's room evidently had robbed her of her usual capa bility in evcrvthinir domestic. "Why not let them take these?" Edith Fairfax came to the rescue quietly and capably. She indicated a pile of studs on the bed which had been fitted on the windows. "I guess that will be all right," Mrs. Durkee acquiesced, and in an other minute or two we were on our way across the lawn. "Lucky that machine is in your room," Lillian commented, as we climbed the stairs after an explana tory word to Katie. . She did not speak again until I had unlocked my room door and fastened it after our entrance. Laying ; the stuffs on -the bed she went directly to the machine, and, with a swift, capable, preliminary inspection be gan to wind a bobbin from a spool of rose-colored silk. Work Laid Out. "If you'll look over those things on the bed and tell me what to do first," she said, "I can get some of this Out of the way. And now as to the trunk do you care if I put th things (jack into it as I go throng tncnif l can t pack them the wav you did, but at least I can get them out of the wav so you can lock the trunk. "I shall be so glad to have you do it." I answered, and f could not keep my voice from trembling, though I made a desperate effort to control if. "I I cannot tell you just how I feel about handling those things. It is almost as if my mother had just died. I I h a v e n ' t the strength yet to touch them." "I know," Lillian breathed softly, then as briskly as if the trunk dc spoiletl of mementoes of my mother and my own never had been men tioned, she said: "Is this the way to thread this thing? I thought I knew how, butt I'm not quite sure." The subterfuge was a more palpa hie one than Lillian usually employs, but it served its purpose, and by the time I had finished the farce of ex plaining the threading mechanism to one who knew all about it I had re jfaiued my self-control, and swiftly sorted and brought her the length of cloth she was to stitch. "Just baste them from this pin to this one," I directed. She looked up at me quizzically. "I know I'm going to frighten yon out of seven years' growth," she said.' "Irut I can't help if, I never baste anything that is to go on a n:achine."t I repressed the protest which rose to my lips. I am a good needle woman, though a fussy one, but 1ml ce.,,-1 T illi.i m ii-fir,,, mnr." times, knew her cool judgment, and that she would not jeopardize the rose-colored fittings of I.aila's room. For the next few minutes the sew ing machine whirred steadily while 1 pinned strips of cloth together, and when that task was accomplished T began to turn hems. Lillian rose from the machine as she finiithed the last stitch, came over to me, smiling triumphantly. "Anything wrong with this stitch ing?" "Xot a thing!" I agreed promptly. "And I shall be able to get along beautifully now." "I'll -get at the trunk, pronto," she said. "It won't take long, and then I'll be able to help you with the basting and hem turning. So just take one piece at a time to hem. P.nt, look here. You're in a bad lieht. Come over to this window." And only .after she had carefully arranged my chair and had ensconced mc in it, did I realize that her kindly thoughtftilness ' had arranged im position in such wise that my back was to the heap of my despoiled me mentoes which she was now going to search. (Continued Monday.) I New York enerl. New Vork, Kcb. SS. Flour Stcade spring patents and Kennns straights. $8. 7k iff 9 2 r. : spring clearu. $6.5067.60; winter straights. $S.16j!8 40. Wheat Spot, steady. No. 2 hard. $1.81. c. I. f. track New York, and No. 2 mixed durum. $1 .81, r. I f. to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No 1 yellow. 88H?. anil No. 2 mixed. 88"c-c. I. f. New Tork, 10-day shipment. , oafK Soot, firm: No. 1 white. 57Ue. I,ar,l Klnn: middle went. $1 S. 1047 12.2" Other artlctrs unchangtd. Knnxaa C'llj Produce. City. .Mo I'tb. 25. Eggs t'r ( h.ingcd. Puttr Cream ' rv, 'v,e higher 82tic: packing, urehanrt'-d, n.e. Poultry Iln, 1r higher, Ifr: s;irinj., roosters and turkeys, unchanged New York New Vork. V'eb. 2 nlr dcninio! Prunes (Jmot. ' Apricots Steadv Reaches vultt. Dried fruit. Evaiorat .1 Apple fair demand.