Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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lBRUARY ' 2. 191H. ' ' ' 0 ..
- j ,fj : : : lj
Societv ScholarshYo Winner j
I , - -JL : i - -J
; Phi Gams Attend
Annual' "Pig";.
The annual "pig" dinner of Phi
Gamma Delta will be held in Lincoln
Saturday eveniitfj. A number f
Omaha alumni plan to attend. Tne
"pig" dinner of this fraternity is -a
yearly affair of long standingqrigi
tiating a number of years ao wlicn
freshmen are reported to have stolen
a pig in order to hold a party. Those
planning to go fo Lincoln Saturday
to. attend' the "roast, pork and applo
sartcc" affair include: ''
Millon Adrefcon
W. M. 71a rr
V. . Jlrn.'iltrl
Tulni W. Uralf
J. C. HU.-1I
'. .1. Bullock
Jt. M. r.uahnill
O. I'e Weea
.John Uroil
i' A. Numloi ltlj
o, P. Hwllor
Allen Jt Ijuilley
t'lieMnr P. l"iitlv
It. llorlxjt Imvls
M'llhur M. Kullawuy
.f. M. Hiirdit)
Henry T. JohnKOH
IVW Klowlt ,
HrirL-y U, Mnurhoud
llhrrj" Mcnotil
lr. K. I.'. Haire
Clity JI. Thorns
I'rfd W. I'linmitii
iinwani F. 1 nomas
uov iaim j-. Tnonua . H. Tmup
Alln Tukey CUarlvs Nourr-c
Inhur Junc-oaat Jlnlph Powell
A. R. PatttM-non ' X. J!. Hcaoiir
U. C. Pmlirtnu r. l Unlirbourli
fluitna Rosa M allui'. SKopard
N". P. Tym " lana Van 1u9en
fiin Whiting X.'.S.- Young
Bridal Dinner.
Dr. and Mrs, Frank Simon enter
tained at dinner at their home Fri
day evening in honor of. iTicir daugh
ter Miss I'aye. Sitnonfe : and Spray
Gardner tjf Denver, vho will b nar
ried Saturday. The guests will include
Mr. and Mrs. Wardner Scott of Lin
coln," who will, h rthe.',edling at-
teiHlalits, and iliss Kutli Stapleton
oT Uiokcn JJovy, a - cousin of the
, " bride-to-bc. J- -') J jjL
r . " Mus-.salei for thur'ch.
A matinee, luusicale and evening
- concert were given Thurdav -by .the
lebrttary team of tlie Ladies' Aid
of the First Methodist church at
. the Mickol music rooms..
Those taking part in the programs
were Mesdanies W. Dale Clark. D..
.' K. Finest F. P.ader,
. "Floyd Van Yalin; Ira V. T'orter,
Uradley Uoe, Gilbert Brown; F. J.
Farrington.- Patrick Gill, J. 0.
Scott, r. F. Dreibus,-Timothy Diit-
an, Florence Basler rainier, How
ard Knshton, Grover Gideon, Fred
erick Hill, Raymond Young, Deyo
Crane, .Miss Mildred .White and
Will Hetherington. . '
Tlie patronesses aijd hostesses
were Mcsdamda T. L. CoiAbs,
"(ieorge E. Mickcl, J. II. Kcady, D.
K. Bradshaw, Floy an ralin, Z.
Tollingcr, R. S. Ege, Origen Wil
liams, M. M. Kobertson. C.E. Wil
.ianis, T. C. Buffingtoii, S. B. Bow
man, C. K'. Hall, F. J. Farrington,
H. E. King, W. W;,Woo3, Royal
Miller, George Q. Carey, M. D.
v'anieron. H. C. Stuntz, Titus Lowe,
Ford E. Hovey. Hlndoe. F.
D. Wcad. C. H, Aull. O. H. Menold,
C H. Walrath, G. A. Rohrbough,
F. J. Adams, Erastus Young, J. O.
Detweiler. : J G. .White, H. B.
. vGcngnaglc,-D. E. .McCttlley, George
A. Roberts W. W. FisKcr and T.
F. Sturgess. ,'. ,
Teas for Mrs. Ringwalt. t
Mrs.- .1. K. RingTilf' 'entertained
' " iiiiornially at tea at het . home F'riday
I'1 -'artefnoou'ifor 3 giiests. when Mrs. i
Joseph Garneau Ringwalt and Miss
- Helen -Stowitts of -Xew York City
and, Miss Dorothy Sowitts . -. of 1
Omaha, were the honor guests. As
sisting the hostess were Mesdames
William Baxter, X. P. Fcil and John
McDonald. ' ;
" .Saturday?. .afternoon ...Mrs, Ring
wih will also give a te:. honoring the
. me guests. Assisting on. Saturday
will be Mrs. -George VossMrs. Al
lan McDonald aifd ; Jliss Caroline
b:rkalow. , . -'
Mrs. Ramer Entertains,
ifrs,' Leo B. Ramer. 'Ifssisted by
Miss ' Lydia . , Ramer, ' itertained
I hursday evening in honor f Mrs.
Otto Lambertt, a. recent bride,, and
Miss Edith Morris, a brideto-bc. The
guests included Mesdames mos A.
Jleath, Thomas Matters. J. H. Ells-berr)-.
Arthur Billingsi B. J.iforris,
V. R. Ramer, Norman f Cahow.,
.Misses Helen Matters, Helen-Morris
and Virginia Ramer. - , 'v
v - 1 : . ' ' C ."
Entertains at Luncheon. --
- Mrs. Will T. Grahajft entertaned
at luncheon, at her , home Thursday,
rink and white tulips formed the cen
terpiece. .The guests were Mes
dames H. R. Bowcn, T';ilmer Find
ley. W. H. Head, E; H. Jenks.. How
ard Kennedy. W. S. Weston, -Alfred.
: Kennedy, J.' M.Wdains. J. A. Fever
idt;e, W. L.' Pierpoint ani W. W.
Attend Concert, v ' '
if Several members of the Antateur
Musical clhb will attend the Nash-
Graveure concert '.Sunday afternoon
'!;; ;:t the Brandcis. Among those who
have made their reservations are
fr. and Mrj. George Barker, jr.,
!V."-Mesdames A. I. Root, Harry Nichol
'"' on, J. A.C. Kennedy, William
!J';, Schnorr and Harry Steele and Miss
Helen Smails. v v 1
Church Lunoheona. - ;
Mrs. E. G. SlcGilton entertained
at luncheon at ler -home Friday for
members of division five of the First
Central Congregational church. -
Mrs. George L. De Lacy and Mrs.
Sidney R. Gordon . entertained at
luncheon at the home? "ot".th"',ortner
for division four of tht Firsts Con
gregational ehurclu.; jiAv A J i ' "
Mrs. P. C, Storm's .division rot Ply
mouth Congregational ! church - were
entertained at.hmcheon JFriday al the
'lome of Mrs. fE; C Brnnper.! '
' Change of Name f
The Jewish IdiesVEeliVi.'society,
which nas been. ia ."existence 1 here
16 y"ears, will chansetthe'-nime of
the organization to "JeW'Wi- Wotni
ta's Welfare OrganiatioJi.' This
.-?jp now numbers 950 members." A
junior group, numbering 200 young
girls was formed in January.
, -.-
Alumni AttendCParties.
Omaha alumni of Phi Delta Theta
went to Lincoln' Friday to attend
the dancing party to be giveiK-byjthe
Nebraska chapter there at Rosewiide
Friday evening and the annualSat
iirday evening at the fraternity home.
Violin Recital
'f J. E. Brill, violinist, will give an
. 1 ; uiformal program," Monday evening,
w i -: at the home of Dr. Rodnev Bliss.
Mrs. Bliss will accompany Mr; Brill
on the piano.
t i -
Kappa Kappa Gamma. .. .
.Kappa-1 Kappa - Gamma alumnae
meet tor luncheon at the home of
Mrs. Richard Peters Saturday
A former Omaha musician who is luuseezeiclineten SchueWinncii zu
rapidly mounting the ladder of
cess is Aliss viga cuiier, uaugruer
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eitner qi Ot
tawa, Kan. MJss Eirner appeared in;
Omaha -many time.i and will be re
membered as violinist of more than
usual ability. She .remained in Omar
i. ri r ' . . . 1 ... 1. . I
iia until the fall of 1919. when she en
tered upon a concert. tour of,thenid
dlc west. Her family 'left Omaha
some thr-ee or four years ago. Miss
bitner won the violin 'honors "in, the
Nebraska state contest of the Na
tional Federation of Musical Clubs at
Lincoln in November, 1916., ,
During the month of January Miss
Eitner, formerly a pupil of J. E. Brill
of this city, entered a national con
test conducted by the violinists, Ku
belick and Sevcik at Ithaca, N, Y.
There were more than I 2,000 ap
plicants, of whom 50 were selected to
compete for the scholarship. Among
these were pupils of Leopold Auer,
who taught Jascha Herfeti From
the 50 young players seven ; were
chosen for the final hearing before
the artist judges, Kubelik and Sevcik.
Only two of the seven were girls.
The result of the contest was that a
young man by the name of Monaser
v.itch won the coveted scholarship. ,
- A few days ago -Mr. Brill received
a personal letter' iroip aevciK - in
which the latter paid a nice tribute to
bcth the teacher and. the pupil. The
original alfd the translation ) -arc as
follows: V '
Clinton House.' . Ithaca,: V i .,
Feb. 18. , 1921. Sehf geehrtcr He.rr
Kollege! Besten -, Dank fv-r. Hir
frettndliches Schreibcn: Icli'elgreife
die Gelcgenheit urn Ihnen zu solcheu
A Few of 'Oiir-Siilurclay : Special
35c Marshall's Catarrh
Snuff....... 2'2.
50c Beaton's Mouth Wash
$1.00 Pophams Asthma Rem
edy .....89
5 Oc Nature's Remedy . . 3Qe
75c Djerkiss Face Powder 48k.
SOc Colorite . . . . 1 . . . . .22d
3oc Eagle Brand MillT,2$?
$1.10 LaCreple Hair Tonic,
at .-..".894
$1.20 Booth -Jfyomei, com
' plete, at 894
15c Cubeb Cigarets 104
35c Steam's Electric Rat
Paste v ...... . 254
25c DeWitt's Carbolic ' ' '. ' -
Salve 194
$1.10 Nuxated Iron -.894
$1.25 Lyko Tonic ...... -984
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound 984
40c Castoria 244
30c Laxative Bromo Qui
nine i...224'
35c Sal Hepatica : .294
60c Genuine Sj-rup Figs .- .464
30c Turpo Compk Ointment
25e Mustard Cerate .V..1T4(
$3.75 ' Horlick's Malted Milk;
at ; 82.89
$1.25 Tanlac. 4..v. 984
r-?3c - Miona Dyspepsia Tablets
30c Norwich Milk Mag
nesia . .-214
15c Hiawatha v Toilet Paper,
Rolls, per doz. . . . . -81.00
60c Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin, at . ..... . .,484'
Wine of-' Pepsin, McKes
son's . . .81.50
25c 4-oz. Peroxide; Hydro
gen........' .104
Films Developed Free When
Prints are Ordered. . . .Vt.': f
Mail Orders Receive
Beaton Drug Company ,
15th an(J rarnam atreett. . :
suc-Jgratulieren, .wie cs- Miss Eitner ist.
If.-. . 1 r ..1 1.. .. 1 1.
Mit vorzueglicher Hochachtung, lhr
ergebener (gez), OT. SEVCIK., .
' Translation:
- Dear Colleague: Best thanks for
your kind .favor. I take this oppor
tunity to congratulate you to such
excellent pupils a.s Miss Eitner is.
Very respectfully your, 1
, (Signed) .OT. SEVCIK,
Following the' tontest, however,
Miss Eitner;' who had received sec
ond place, found that Kubelik had de
cided to create a second scholarship
which should be hers.
Sauces to Use With Fisfh
t "' Bernaise Sauce. . . -,
One and a half . Jekspodrisful of
finely chopped om'on.two table
spoonsful vinegary one-quarter tea-
spoomui sau, '
paprika, three egg yolks, one tapie -
spoonful chopped parsley. Cdk the
onions in the vinegar. Place in dou
ble boiler aticf add the egg yolks and
seasoning. Cook . until the mixture
becomes creamy. - ,' "v .
'f , 1 Caper Sauce. .
- TwcV tablespoonsful butter two
tublesperonsful flour, one-quarter tea
spoonful salt, one-half Jeaspoonful
ontqn juice, ' one cup boiling water,
four tablespobnfuls capers,, one ta
blespoonful vinegar.- Make a sauce
of - the first five ingredients. Just
beore:.rempying from .the fire add
the. capers and vinegar.
Women bakers! in Glasgow, Scot
land, have suspended work pending
an adjustment: of. their wages.
60cr"&zin I
, Paste.; 344
90c Pompeian .', Mass-age
,:tCream : i-i.-'-v-:'. ... ...594
35c CukxiNajl, White. . . 234
Sficlf'Beatoh.'s theatrical Cold
stream, T Jarlb. .-. . .'.354
50c Coeoanut Oil Emal-
$1.50 .."Graham's , Beautv Se
r cret: . .- v; . ..$1.19
20c . ' Venida Hair Nets, 2
-.for;..; .v.;... 254
fJ60c. .Bejion's, ,' Benzoin and Al
mond, Lotion . , .... .31)4
Life Buoy Soap,,2 for. . . .154
Packers Tar - Soap ". . . . . . .184
"'.:;; cigars" '". ,
15e La Azora,"-Pals." . .104
Roitans, Bi'eva J...'. . . . ... 104
Ladina,'3 forV. . lt . .204
La Flor d Intals. . y. . .74
La Pref erehcial ; Puritanos Fin-
os . . v. .-. .-. r-n-.--.104'
rx SATURDAY;?: ;
$1.00, ' 1-lbi 'Box Nelson's
. . Chocolate Creams and Not
Centers, 694
$1.00 lb.". Jordon- Almonds,
per pound .594
80c ' Fruit-filled Assorted
- Candies per pound' .394
$1.00 . Chocolate Covered
'Peanuts; per lbl . .594
$2,00 2-quart Velvet ' Com-'
binatfon HotVater Bot
... .tie and Fountain Syringe
. , -81.45
$1.40 Radiant f2-cfuart Foun
tain Syringe.-; .','.-.95
l.BO" 2-qTiaVt Veljlet Water
"- - BcvtfU . ..... .:. . . . 954
The Original and, Reliable Lamp
15 to 50- v att Lmps. . . .404
60-Watt Lamps .45
luse Plugs (10 to 30"Amperea).
!.''tf . 104
.Our: Prompt Attention.
Miss Gladys JVilkinson of Lincoln
is the gue.-t of Mrs. Gail Balliugcr.
Carr Ringwalt of Xew York City
will be in Omaha at the J. R. Ring
wait home until Monday.
Miss -Marian Hamilton is now in
Washington. D. C. visitifxg her
sunt, Mrs. D. C. Staplcton.' ,
; A son was born Tuesday, Febru
ary 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Bird S.
Potter of Gothenburg, Xeb., atthe
Methodist hospital. . t
' , E. J.' Phelps, jr.. has returned
home from Lclaud Stanford, Junior
university, from winch he was
graduated a shetrt
tune ago.
Frank T. Walker, sr., has returned
home from Florida, tie stopped in
Chicago for a 'few days where he
visited his daughter, . Mrs. THarold i
Bellamy. i '.'. ,-
Mrs. Arthur Yinto has returned
from Florence, W is., where she spent
a montji witn relatives, sue also
visited in Detroit with a ister Mrs.
H. J. Payne. , ' ' , ,
Miss Eleanor Burkle'y returned
Wednesday from a trip to Xew York
City. - Miss -Agnes Wickham ' of
Council v. Bluffs, who, accompanied
her east, retunned at the same time.
Mrs. Joseph Garneau Ringwalt
and two children and . Miss Helen
Stowitts.- who have been visiting at
the J. R. Ringwalt home, leave fon
day foly their hoiric ii) Xew- York
City. " . '
Women in the Philippine 1fands
arc conceded to be the best lace
makers in the world. -
The gill with a
- clear shin wins
No mptter how beautiful your fea
tures are, you cannot be truly attrac
tive" with a rough, clogged, blotchy or
gray-looking skin. Reslnol Ointment
aided by Resinol Soap is what you
need to overcome such troubles. Tha
gentle, but unusually cleansing prop
erties of this soaptogether with the
soothing, healing qualities of the
ojntment make the Resinol treat
ment deal for all skins.
' Sold by oil druggists. Trial free.
Dent. 1-S. RESINOL, Baltimore, Md. "'
S - .. i
None Sold
f .
Take 6 Months
to Pay for j
Coat v
". " ' '"
.Here's the TSost remark
able offering that has
ever beei) brought to the
attention of Omaha's buy
;ng public. '
38-inch Siberian Squirrel Coat.
36-lnch Natural Muskrat Coat..... $450.00 Value, Now $125.00
Bay Seal, Australian Opossum trimmed . .$450.00 Value, Now $ 99.50
Pony Coat, Kit Coney trimmed. .... . . . '. . . .$195.00 Value, Now $ 79.50
Bay Seal Coat, Raccoon trimmed Collar V
and Cuffs . : .'. .$450.00 Value, Now $149.0
Bay Seal Coat, Squirrel trimmed Collar . -
' and Cuffs . .... ... .'. .......... $450.00 Value, Now$l 69.50
Bussian Pony Coat, Raccoon trimmsd ... $450.00 Value, Now $169.50
Leopard Coat, Raccoon trimmed ... $285,00 Value, Now $ 79.50
Kit Coney Coat, 36-inch length.! $150.00 Value,' Now $ 59.50
Pony Coat, Fitch trimmed . . . . . . .$350.00 Value, Now $: 99.50
?i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rr
il - r'jjjackx .v..,.: ffTi i,iiw-iJnaM-Mar f i ' ,, ,, , JVjrl.-Z I
" ,, v v . ; 8 :m0S.B.COR.I6t!! A JACKSON STSSm I
JiS" SMm ira 'ffi rtfti
Tl RED ? X ervou ? AVorried U - ; , s
Put a R,e-CbeAti9N on f the New -t 7
Edison, jelax into a chair, let the music
Hood the room with melody and comfort.
1 The music produces a mood change.
Mr. Edison has devised a Mood Change
Chart by which you can register your re- '
actions to mbsicv Come in andet your '
supply. Make the experiment in your own.
' jme. Have every member pf your family,
also your friends fill iout charts. It's
mdre interesting than the Ouija board. r
Mr. Edison wbuld like to study your
charts in connection ,w,jth his great research
into the fffects of music on the minds and "
" moods of men. , ;
If you1 don't own a New Edison, come
into our store and fill out a Mood Change '
dhnrt.'. 'Get Mr. Edison oil. the Mood,
h Change Charts he needs. :
Rouse's Phonograph Parlors
-1916 Farnam Street
Douglas 7782 '
. " ''-.: '
. iri
- niM iHjil A ffn MjjWF EUfl - Hf Bffil J
.. Saturday, the Final Clos Out of All
S and
M We
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1
' i . I. 1 1 . : t- . N-. s a
1 -i
v.' I ',
Every Sale
A Small Down
Payment x Balance to
! , Suit Your
Co nvemence
shallvnot can7 overi
r -
Fur Coat or Cape. Our
cabinets must be cleared.
That decision is final. So
here are1 prices that will
astonish" the entire "tity.
Value, Now $325.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Style and Quality 9
-xAta Moderate Price Is a Feature of Our
Spring Apparel
1 - Recent .express shipments from the1' East have
brought jiuimerousvarietie's of becoming types in Suits.
Coats' a'nd Dresses featuring graceful and spirited lines
with rare- ingenuity in colors,. fabrics and trimmings.
- ..' -.; : ' i :.. v.. .
Spring Suite , Spring Dreses y Spring Coats
at $29.50 Up?;.-.', are $19.50 Up at $17.50 Up
Spring Hats
i '
trimmings, regularly, ?i.o
..and $1.75 ' values," 'special
ly priced -for Saturday,
only, at
Extra Special!! Saturday
Balduf f s Box Chocolates
" - : .
Full One Pound Bpxes
1 Regular $1.25 Quality .
Tnaf ttiiiiV nf (ritt!n
- - . e
whipped cream centers hand
in a thick coating of rich chocolate.
Pound Boxes of Extra
Choice Chocolates, at.
This Special
Nottingham and
. Scrjm ;' Curtains ' in
2 yk -yard ', . lengths,
ill y..;.-l4-; ;4 '
s 1 . v. v . v; . . - ,
Nottingham and Tilet
Curtains in - 3-yard
lengths, in this sale,
Pretty Filet and Not1
tingham .' . Curtains,
2 -yard OQr
lengths, each.Oi
Scrim, Filet'ahd Not
tingham Curtains', al
so panels, d1 1 C
are each.
Marquisette and Filet-
Panel Lace,
and Venice
dainty pat- -.
terns, each.:
Marquisette '
i Panels in
$3 8
Lace Panels, jn 2
3-yard lengths,' in
designs,, . . I C
at, each..,.. J)T.lU
Swiss NeJ
Pknels and
Curtaips; in
j-yaru .
lengths, each.
Rich Lace Panels and
Filet Curtains in intricate
Queen Anne DiningTble
in genuine' American Wal
nut with54-ineh top; an
$87.50 ta- CC7 CO
ble, oxily
Special Purchase Sale
Saturday, a group of bc
witchingly trimmed Hats
will be specially priced
Bungalow Aprons
s; In view of the charming styles and excel
lent materials these Aprons are exceptional
vaJues. Madras, Ginghams and Percales in
light or dark patterns With contrasting
.,..... .x
Purchase Sale
" i if you intend , to brighten
your home with new. curtains
:it the -windows 'this spring,
don't wait until yu arahouse
elcaning, but come Saturday
and save" DOLLARS by se
lecting several pairs in this big
Special Purchase Sale.
- f- i ' '
49 c
Saves You Almost
Filet Curtains in at-! MarquUette Lace
. patterns,
Curtains; in effective
patterns, tor one
each ..A.
Cable - Net and Irih
Point ' Curtains, in
beautiful designs,
are, . dJO 7C
each .... V-i.f
Irish Point and Cable
in very neat Net Curtain of very
: fine qual
ity, each,
Our Entire Stock of
10-Inch Double Face
12-Inch Records, 69c