Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    1111'; I SKIS: UAIAIIA. I'lilDA., H'iHUUAKY . 1J2;
Up -to-Date News
Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans
Champ Lewis
Specialist in
Usinjif Heatlloek
Dr. Roller Asserts That, Like
3Jhclors and Business Men of
'j oilay, Athletes Must Spe
cialize on One Thing.
Initeraul Horvlc- Stuff or-ponrnt.
New York, Feb. 2. (Special.)
"Today is the hour of the specialist
ill business profession or sports.
JMranglcr "Ed" Lewis is a specialist
in the art of using the headlock.
liecaiisc he has developed it toJhe
downfall of his opponents dors not
mean that the headlock is illegiti
mate mid should be barred."
; Dr. IS. L Rolhr, physician who
. jor a nuinhcr of yrarsXwas considered
;; .op-notch wrestler, expressed these
sentiments today when asked what
lie thought about the howl that has
Koue up from the fans against Lewis'
headlock hold.
The headlock, according to Dr..
Roller, is not any more injurious or
painful than the toe hold, lie re
called the fact that Gotch when
champion left a string of broken
legs across the continent as a result
of employing the toe hold which he
specialized in.
Headlock Causes Suffering.
"At that time there was a popular
outcry against this hold. It was
denounced as cruel and merely a
means of torture. I admit that the
headlock causes suffering hut it is
no worse than any of several other
wrestling holds that carry with them
a certain amount of punishment.
VThe present antagonism to Lewis
and his hold is nothing hut the out
cropping of what t call 'marked
psychology." This antagonism
reached its height Monday night
when ("addook was rendered uncon
scious for a few minutes as a result
of Lewis employing the headlock in
combination with a hillock. The
crowd was against Lewis an account
of the smalluess of his opponent and
the fact that his hold has been the
target for much recent criticism. In
other 'w ords, he was a marked man.
His victory brought about a near
riot simply because the fans believe.!
that it was effected by brutality.
"It was neither of these things
principally; It was a combination of
strength, the ability to employ a
specialized hold and naturally some
punishment. Both wrestlers inflict
ed punishment on each other. A
wrestling match is not yet a pink tea
Lewis Developed Headlotk.
"I Consider- I'd Lewis tile clever
est defensive wrestler I have ever
seen in action. He has developed one
hold to a point where it spells vic
tory for him when he can use it. It
takes all of his strength and science
to affcctMt. Why shouldn't he be
Riven, credit for his ability to use it?
Every champ I ever heard of hi'9
possessed just omf' special hold, that j
lie ,rcally depended on for victory. ,
Like doctors and business men the
athlete of today must specialize ou
one thing until he perfects it.
"Whv all this fuss about a man
being knocked unconscious from a
fall in a wrestling match? If a man
i is not knocked out 'cold' for a short
, time in aSioxing match the fans go
x honic. saying it's a 'punk' bout," de
clared the doctor.
Hawkeye and Husker,
Mat Men to Meet March 4
Iowa City, Ta.. l-'eb. 24. (Special.
Iowa's wrestling meet-with Ne
braska, originally arranged for Lin
coln and later scheduled to be held
at Iowa City. February 25. has been
changed again by mutual agreement
and will be held a: they University of
Iowa March 4.
Kearney Turns Tables oii
Midland and Wins
Fremont, Xcb.. Feb. 24. (Special
Telegram.) Kearney Normal's
basket ball quintet turned the tables
on Midland college here last night
in a hard-fought game, winning by
the score of 28 to 23. The score at
the end of the first half was 14 to
13, with the visitors holding the long
end of the count.
The locals journeyed to Kearney
warly in the season and succeeded in
trouncing the latter by the score of
3C to 14, but the game last night was
just flie opposite. The Midland
cagers appeared to be off-form and
their teamwork was not up ' to
West Point, Lynns -JO.
"Vc5t Point. Xelv, Feb. 21. (Special, i
TUe Wot Point II Iff H school team de
feated the I. vong tram on trw latter floor
'by the wore of 27 to 20, The same was
close from v. lilfiUo to whisile and was
ciean throughout.
Crofton.; yllloumfieltl. 0.
Btoomfi'Md. Net... Vol. -4. (Special.)
Th Bloomfirhl High jw hool basket hall met lrf .at a . I'rof ton by the scorr
of :0 to 3ti, in a hard-fought ami in
terest ini? game. The last game of the
'neao'i for the lorAls v.-.ll he played here
FrWuy night against Plain view. The lo
vt.ln will enter the Wayne find Lincoln
Went Point t.lrls, 18; lleemer t.lrl. 17.
Wot Point. Ncl., left. :4. (.Special.)
111 a hard-fought and clean ganmtjf. bas
ket hall played h"re, the lo.-al girls' team
succeeded in noting the Bcemer grls out
of an IS to 17 lctorj.
IteMiler. 19; Hebron Arailemr, 17.
l-e-ul-.-r. Xel... Feb. .4. t-pei-iat.l The
Tnhltr first team of High school bankrt
i,all players defeated the Hehron Academy
".quintet here by the score of 19 to 17, in
a hard-fought game. The local second
quintet won over the Hebron reserves, 17
.' to' S.
Wakefield. S; .ine. 6.
Wakefield. Neh.. Feb. .4. (Special.)
; Wayne High school's basket ball team
on its al.tli consecutive victory here
hen It defeated tha-M akefield quintet In
. a fast game by the score of 3S to .
W akefield will compel in the Wayne and
Lincoln tournaments.
Kimball. 4.1: Sacred Heart College. 1.
- Kimball. Xel.. Feb. -4. ( Special, t
Kimball High school won'over tho Sacred
. Heart college quintet of Denver here by
the teore of 43 to- 51. Sacred Heort has
defeated aueh teama a Colorado School
of Mines. Denver university and Vniver
iiy "of Colorado. f
Introducing John Olin
U ' " - M tgo. .'fly '
yhen John Olin and his oOO or
more pounds of beef get into the
ring with Joe Steelier, former catch-as-catch-can
world's, heavyweight
champion wrestler, mat fans in this
neck of the woods are sure to wit
ness an interesting "rasslc' The
big Finn is not an easy grappler to
pin to the floor as many of the
leading grapplers have discovered.
During the Olin - "Stranglcr"
Lewis championship match at Des
Moines a short time ago, the for
Andy Chaney Leads Favorites
Alter Johnny Kilbane s Crown
New Vork, Feb. 24. (Special.)
Johnny Kilbanc's fighting days arc
nearly over.
The good-natured little boss of
the-featherweigbt division is no long
er a chicken and no one realizes it
better than hiimeli.
But even though he doesn't ex
pect to continue his ring career over
a long period, lie means to make
somebody go to the limit to win the
title unless he decides to retire be
cause of lack of worthy opponents.
Digging up featherweights to
topple Kilbane from his throne has
been a, favorite pastime oKnianagers
and promoters for a number of
years. But they never got anywhere
with it.
Today the fitnation, insofar as
danger to Kilbane's sky piece is con
cerned, has changed but little. There
is enough of a change, however, to
make it noticeable.
Four or five featherweights who
are active in fistic circles today aro
worthy of tabulation as likely loot
ing aspirants to the Kilbane jialo.
Two boys who have attracted
finite a lot of mention lately stand
out front the otlicis. They arc Andy
Chancy and Billy DcFoe.
Cancy seems to have the edge as
far as general sentiment goes anVl
Kilbane himself believes the Balti
South and Central j
To Go on the Road I
Packers Meet '
night, While
Fremont To
Purple and
White Tackles Beatrice.
fiamey Tonight,
r'olftalr AKninKt rhrnka Ht Lincoln.
South Hljrh ngninat Fremont nt Fremont.
Central High affainnt llfatrice at Itea
tricc. Vork agalnt Ooane at Crete.
MiMulr anal nt Kansas at Tnrenre.
Washington against Kansan Aggies at
Two Omaha high school quintets
will play out-of-town games tonight.
The South High team is scheduled
to meet Fremont at Fremont, while
the Central squad and Beatrice meet
tonight at Beatrice.
Colgate will open a two-game
sqries with the "University of Ne
braska at Lincoln tonight. The
Hamilton, X. Y., will gie the Corn
buskers a real tussle as the eastern
ers arc fast on the hardwood floor
and have a good eye for the, baskets.
-Vork and Doane at Crete in the
only Nebraska conference game
scheduled for tonight.
Th the Missouri Valley conference,
Missouri plays Kansas at Lawrence
and Washington clashes with the
Kansas Aggies at Manhattan in the
first of a two-game scries.
Beaer City Gun Cluh
Holds Blue-Rock Shoot
Beaver City, Xcb.. Feb. 24. (Spe
cial, The Beaver City Gun club
held a blue rock shooting match here
yesterday. A large number of trap
shooters attended. The feature was
the shooting ol F. L. Maxwell, a
one-armed gun. who broke 68 out of
75 targets. Alex Nichols brought
down 48 out of 50 and J. W. Durst
3 out of 50.
-Kims &ridAAAtfnAyro
nickname ....
contestants name
mer put up a game tussle with the
champion before the latter succeed
ed in clamping on his famous head
lock, winning the. contest.
Promoter Lewis, who is staging
the show which will be held at
the City auditorium Monday night,
March 7, has succeeded in signing
"Fatty" McGiU. Wisner, Neb.,
wrestler, and "Big Bill" Dristry of
Omaha for the semi-final match,
a two-fall-out-of-thrce alTair.
Sec Taylor of Des Moines will
referee the matches.
more boy is the toughest of the
crowd trailing at his heels.
"If you ask inc." said Kilbane
during a recent visit to New York,
"I'll tell you that as far as opposi
tion goes I figure this Chaney the
best of the lot. But I'll meet any
one the promoters and the public
want mc to meet, providing I get
the right sort of a guarantee.
"And right here," he added. "I
want to make it plain that T consider
the featherweight limit 122 pounds,
and I don't care what the limit is
in New York or any other state. I
won the title at 122 and I have a
I right to say something about the
weight at which i will risk it.
In addition to Chaney, who is a
slablemate of Joe Lynch, the batam
weight champion, DeFoc ranks sec
ond. Charley Beecher and Sammy
Sieger, third and fourth take your
pick and the others close behind
these two.,
Kilbane. realizing that inaction is
anything but profitable, is anxious
to resume fighlnig and willing to
box, but so far he has been too high
in his demands, and this alone has
kept him from the ring. Of course,
that is Kilbane'-, business, yet the
public would be better satisfied with if he would show willinerncss to
take a chance with the promoters
and gamble on what he can draw
to the gate.
Catcher Koehler of
Portland Club Will
Tryout With Omaha
Arthur Koehler, one of the most
promising catchers in the Pacific
coat league last season, has been
purchased from the Portland club by
the (Omaha team of the Western
league, Secretary Mike Finn an
nounced yesterday. Koehler will
join the locals at tlie Fort Smith,
Ark., training camp March 14.
The Coast league backstop has a
batting record of .275 out of 122
games and is considered by coast
magnates as one of the best catchers
in the west. K '
Along with the announcement that
Catcher Koehler would join the
Omaha team comes word that Mag
nates Finn and Burch have sold
Pitcher F.arl Schatziuan and Catcher
Cy Linglc to the Peoria cluli of the
Three-Eye league. They will report
to their new boss at the start of the
training period. Both Schatzman
and Linglc played with Omaha last
'Giants to Play Princeton
In New York City April 11
Xew York. Feb. 24. The Xew
York Nationals will piay the Prince
ton university team here April 11.
This game was arranged Tfr place
of the customary Yale-Giants pre
season meeting. The Yale nine, be
cause oi its southern trip, was un-
; blc to make the date.
' Beech Defeats Owen
Des Moines, la., Feb. 24. (Special
Telegram.) Herschel Beech of
Cedar Rapids, la., defeated Billy
Owen of Omaln here Wednesday
in their Iowa-Nebraska pocket bil
liard tournament game by the score
of 125 to 65. Beech's high runs of
26, 28 and 30 featured his win. Both
men resorted to much safety play,
' the- contest going 49 innings.
Locals Nose
Easterners Out
By 32-29 Score
Blue and White Toners Conic j
From Behind iu Final Half j
Aiul Win Fast Game '
Play Tonight.
Games Tonight.
Colgate against Creighton at
Commerce against Lincoln at Lin
Lincoln. By staging a rally in the last three
minutes of- its game with the Col
pite university team of Hamilton.
X. Y.. Wednesday night. Creighton
university overcoming a one-point
lead of the easterners and succeeded
in nosing tlie visitors out of a 32 to ,
29 victory in a contest that was'
chuck full of thrills from start to
finish. ' I
The passing and teamwork of
both sijuads as welf as the game it
self will bf remembered by the hun
dreds of fans who packed into the
gymnasium for many moons.
With the score, 2 to 28, in favor
of Colgate and only a little more
than two minutes left in which to
play. Cteighton started its rally
which caused victory to pcroh on
the local's banner in the first of a
two-game scries with the Hamilton
cagers. Captain "Chuck" Kearney,
center, roach and star of the Blue
and White contingent of basketeers,
shares honors with Jimmy Condon
as the hero of the contest.
To Kearney goes the credit of
putting his team in the lead during
the last few minutes of play, while
Condon gets the honors for scoring
the final field basket that gave the
locals a three-point victory.
Outplay Creighton.
Colgate outoUyed Creighton dur
ing the first halt of the game, out
passing' aid outshooling the locals
throughout. But the second period
was a different story. The score
stood, 14 to 11, in, favor of the visi
tors when the final stanza swung
into action and the Blue and White
athletes apparently knew how the
count stood, judging from the way in
which they guarded and passed dur
ing the half.
Each team had its ciiota of stars,
but Captain Kearney and Captain
Anderson, the laHer of the Colgate
quintet, stood head .and sholder
abeve all the other performers. The
Creighton leader played his usual
good game, both at passing and
shooting baskets. Three times dur
ing the last half he dodged the en
tire Hamilton team tintil he found a
spot on the floor from which to take
a shot at the hoop. During this
part of the b.-.ttlc Kearney caged
four field goals and three gratis
tosses out of the same number off
Tlie scofc:
Wise, T.t.. I f i
nerry, l.f... r.g I) n
Kearney (r. ) c ...5 fi
Condon, l.g. - II
Vaiiiltver. r.e .2. "
Lovely, l.f., r.f. ..
Total! H
rsnrnes, r.f. '
Anderson (c). l.f 4
Mcsior, c 4
I.iimplian, r.g I
Hermann, 1.? 1
Murphy, l.g 0
IV Pts.
t 6
1 11
:l i
. i j
York High School's Grid
Schedule for 1921 Completed
York, Neb.. Feb. 24. (Special.)
York High school foot ball schedule
for 1921 has been completed with the
exception of one date. The schedule
is as follows:
Sept. 23 Grand Island, there.
Sept. 30 Superior, there.
Oct. 7 Lincoln, here.
Oct. 11 Central City, here.
Oct. 21 Aurora, there.
Oct. 28 Columbus, here.
Nov. 4 Beafericfe, there.
Nov. 11 University Place, here.
Nov. 18 Open. -
Nov. 25 Hastings, here.
Wilson Beats Laronger
In lnter-Stalc Tourney
Des Moines, la.. Feb. 24. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Walt Wilson, local
pocket billiard player, defeated Clar
ence Laronger of Omaha here last
night in an exciting game by the
score of 129 to 125. This ig Wilson's
second win and Laronger's third
straight defeat. Wilson carried off
high run honors by pocketing 22
balls, while Laronger's best "effort
was,a rim of 17 balls.
Larry Kopf and Morau
Fail to Agree on Salary
Cincinnati, O.. Feb. 24. Larry
K'opf, hold-out shortstop of the
Cincinnati Nationals, and Manager
Pat Moran failed to agree in terms
Wednesday. President Herman
said: "Kop wa? demanding a sal
$9,000 an advance of $1,000.
American Legion Team
American Legion Team
Y. M. C. A.
8:30 P. M. Saturday, Feb. 26th
The Gothenburg team is one of the strong
est basket ball teams in the state.
Posed as iXaliotial
League Pileher Will
Serve Four Months
Spokane, Wash., Feb. 24. W.
G. G. Foss, who, posing as "Jim
my Ring," 'National league base
ball pitcher, gained much publicity
here recently, Wednesday was
sentenced to serve four months in
the county jail on a charge of
having passed a worthless check.
The man was believed insane
when first arrested. City alien
ists, however, declared Foss to be
mentally sound.
Douglas Legion to
Battle Saturd
I1IIV!M- W HI lam
- T n.
Gothenburg (jUiinU'l Will In
vade Omaha for Scheduled
Game With Locals
I ai l eigel s Douglas county
American Legion basket ball players
will p'ay their lust game of the sea
son Saturday night at the Omaha
Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, when they
clash in a scheduled contest with the
Gothenburg Legion hoopsters.
Both miintets are composed" of
cage stars and from all indications
the game will be a real hardwood
floor battle. 'The visitors will in
vade Omaha confident of trimming
the local former service men and,
according to their pasLrecord, should
emerge victorious. However, the
Douglas post sipiad consists of play
ers who have gained reputations as
basket shooters in Omaha, and al
though they have not played to
gether with the exception of practice
games, the locals will enter the con
test in tip-top condition.
In the preliminary game the Miller
Park community center team and the
Knights of Zion will mix. The con
test is scheduled to start at 7:30
o'clock. In the scmi-windup, the
Thorpian Athletic club, undefated
champs of the Commercial loop,
play the Dc Molay quintet.
Bluffs Nonpareils
Trounce Omaha Bee ,
Bowlers by Big Score
The Council Bluffs Nonpareil
bowlers snowed The Omaha Daily
Bee contingent of uiaple-toppler?
under a 2,483 to 2,231 score at the
Council Bluffs alleys last night for
the second time this season. The
lowans journeyed across the creek
several weeks ago and trimmed the
Bees in the fit
Nonpti relit.
220 ItO
172 llfi
... .15S l.-.l
172 158
Brown ..
Kic oll . .
. 7. XC4 78,".
Oinnha He.
17 105
170 174
If,:, 141
um '
133 it:i
. . . TtTK 7:1
r.nok . .
ftnvrll .
"Strangler,, Lewis Wins
Over Texas Grappler
Rochester. . N. Y., Feb, 24. Kd
(Stratigler) Lewis, heavy weight
wrestling champion, defeated Dick
Daviscourt of Texas Wednesday in a
match in v which . I lie use vi Lewis'
favorite hold, tlie heatlloek, wai
barred. Lewis won jhc first fall
in 1:44:50 with a liamineiiock and
double wristlock jrfter r, wearing
Daviscourt down with 4vristlock.
'Hie champion won the second fall
in 17 minutes and 32 secoufls with
a bodv and arm hold.
i Pitching Squad of Cubs to
Leave Today for Catalina
Chicago, l-'cb. 24. A pitching
:tii;id oi the Chicago Nationals
started today for Catalina island for
preliminary trainiiip,.
Only one of the vanguard can be
classed as a veternn tit the team. He
s George Tyh r. The other hurlers
arc James E. Vork.j.fames A. Coble,
Alex V. Freeman. Karl S. Hanson,
Harry Weaver. lames D. Kenny,
Joe Jaeger and Percy Lee Jones.
The Cubs' infielders and outfield
ers will follow next week to Pasa
xlfiia, Cai., for rriiig training, where
the battery men will .loin them.
Iowa Slate Defeats
Grinuell Team, 25-16
Griunell, la., l'cb. 24. Ames de
feated (jrinncll college here Wednes
day night bv the score of 25 to 16 inM
u-Missouri Valley conference basket (
uan game.
Mauponie Wins Play
Milwaukee. Yis.7Fcb. 24. Pierre
Mauponie took the first block xf his
three-cushion billiard match ' with
Marc Calton. San Francisco, Yicrc
last night, winning 50-45 in 60 in
Fletcher Leads
Singles Events
t City Meet
Howie Total of 602 Pins
Maylaii, Soeoud Jedlicka
And Wills Top Doubles
Singlr' Standing.
V. Majlnn
. YouiiRrr
R. Htlftlitiinfl
U' StrtRM
. .ivn
. . IWK
. .ft.7
. .M
V ,l-.lll.-k
I II. IMcCaj-
A. I.arttn nnl '. Helrlir. . . . , .
A. .If-ctll.-ka and J. W ill.
I".. Maurrr unci II. Mrl'ajr
4 . Hominy and K. Muylnn
I., and J. HrnHlry
M. YmiNpin Hnd K. SltiMMlntft.
I. Clark and M. stnnr.
ft. Krrr and A. Mtarpnrck
K. nunhman and II. hnrh.t
A. (rulknhank and (. Hrhm .
.1.1 IS
. I. HM
. um
. I. IMfl
Clarence Fletcher rolled into first
place in the first shift of the singles'
event in the annual city bowling
tournament Wednesday night at the
Omaha alleys when he howled 211,
180 and 211 in his three games, scor
ing a total of 002 pins.
F. Maylaii was second with Sii'!,
while C. Younger landed in third
place during the first night's bowl
ing with a score of 579.
In the double:,' event, A. Larsen
and C. Fletcher placed first in the
initial (juad with a total of l,l(o
Larsen was high man with a count
of .SfV), while Fletcher tolled ,596.
A. Jed licks and J. Wills are in sec
ond placed with a total of 1,133 pin?.
E. Maurer and II McCav arc third
with a score of 1,124, E. Maurer and f
Ji. Met ay rolled totals of 561 and
563, respectively, in their three
games. C. Kemmy and F. Moy
lan bow led 1,112, thereby landing in
fourth position in the doubles' event.
The ,secoud evening of singles and
doubles' will be rolled tonight. The
first squad of each event will start
at 7:30 o'clock an'cl, the second at
9:30 o'clock.
The scores:
Managers of Class "A"
Teams to MeetTonight
Managers of the City Class "A"
league will meet tonight at the city
hall for the purpose of completing
plans for the opening of the coming
season. The City league was the first,
to organize this season and conists
of six teams. . ,
Election of officers will be held
and the schedule for the seasoii
adopted. All managers arc requested
to- be present.
"Mat" Pascall. who piloted the
Union Outfitting Co. to the City
league championsmp and the Class
A city- championship two years ago,
will manage the Rigg? Optical Co.'
team this season, it was announced
vesterday. J
Champ Hurdler Leads
List of 91 Entries
Coston, Feb. 24. Earl J. Thom
son, world's champion hurdler, leads
the list of 91 entries front Dart
mouth college in the llarvard-Dart-nionth-Coniell
track meet to be held
in Mechanics building Saturday. &: Mm) Iobco Co.
Central Expects Hard
uame lonignt vvitn
Beatrice High Team
Thl Central High school basket
ball tossers will attempt to redeem
themselves for the poor showing
iade Tuesday when they mix with
tlie fast Beatrice live at Beatrice to
night. The Central aggregation will have
a good game on its hands, for the
Beatrice five is belter this year than
it has been for several years. 1 hey
held Commerce to a 2U to J.i .score
last week.
The players making the trip in
elude Captain I k-incut. Kcyt. Beet
kle, Coreniiian, Good, Bunnell, Hun
ter and Benolkcn. The team will
spend Saturday in Lincoln. They will
practice on the Coliseum floor lV
their game next Tuesday with Lin
coin Hifh.
Leonard and Welling
Will Meet in'8-Round
Bout at St. Louis
St. Louis, Feb. 23. Renii Leon
ard, lightweight champion, and Joe
Welling of Chicago will meet here
tonight i nan eight-round no-decision
bout. The men will enter the ring at
catch weights. Koth have been train
ing here for several days.
The clash will be the second be
tween the two, the pair having met
in New Vork. November 2(, in a
scheduled 15-round contest. Leonard
won on a technical knockout, as the
referee stopped the bout in the 14th
round to save Welling further pun
ishment. Base Ball Celebrities
To Honor Ffenus Wagner
On His 47th Birthday
Pittsburgh. Pa.. Feb. 2 Base
ball celebrities, old and young, will
gather around a table here tonight,
in the center of which will he a
large stove, in commemoration of the
47th birthday of John Henry
("Honus"') Wagner, former veteran
second sacker of the Pittsburgh Pi
rates. The celebration will be in. charge
of an organization known as tlie
"Stove league." I
Princeton Will Not Euter
Poughkeeimc Regatta
Princeton, N. J.. Feu. 24. Prince
ton will not enter the Ponghkeepsie
regatta this year. Dr. Spaeth, Prince
ton's rowing head, announced today
that the Tigers would not participate
in anv race over two miles. The
' spring schedule as announced in
dudes the triangular regatta with
Harvard ana" Annapolis at Prince
ton May 10, Childsycup race at New
Vork May 17; Cornell, Yale and
Princeton -at irh.v-a May 21: 150
pound crew and junior 'varsity at
the American Henley, Philadelphia.
May 28; Pacific coast champions at
Princeton June 4.
May Legalize Horse Racing
nnugiiel1, in., ret). 4. liorsei
racing in Illinois under the super
vision of a state racing commission
would be legalized in a bill intro
duced in the stale senate Wednes
day. The bill would permit use of
pari-mutuel registering machines.
Procedure Code
For Minor Clubs
Now Completed
New Vork. l-'eb. 24. A code oi
I procedure for inlrr-leaguc working!
j in organized base ball, which clari
i fit s a mass of detail omitted when
! the piesrnt agreements between the
I major and minor leagues were draft
jtd, was passed here today by an
j iuter-leaue committee.
Tin: coniiniitermen. lobn A. Heyd-
ler, Han U. Johnson and John H.
Farrell, were appointed for the pur
pose several weeks ago by Judge
Provision for enforcement of the
player limit rule, whielvi.s defined, is
made in the code. Kach club is to be
allowed to canv 40 players during
the off season, and 25 from May 1
to September 1. Players held by u
club under agreements must
be counted as members.
The regulations then set a limit
on the miinhcr of optional agrce
n.enfs that may be drawn. Each,
major league team will be permit
ted to "farm" no more than eight
players subject lo recall before the
end of the playing season. Class AA
l agues are permitted six. class A
teams, 5; class P, four, and class C,
Enforcement of draft regulations
as well as working plans for con
duct of the office of Judge Landis,
a commissioner oi organized base
ball, also is made.
Five leagues which have rejected
principles of the draft will not bo
permitted to exercise on teams of
interior rating the principle they
have denied to the leagues of high
er rating. 1 hey will not be able
to acquire under the code any draft
ed pl'aver within a year of the time
of draft.
Corey Wins Dog
Derby in Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska, Feb. 24.
P. ill Corey, driving a mixed seven
dog team of four setters and three
mnlaimites. won the Anchorage
Kennel club dog derby Wednesday,
finishing six minutes 40 seconds
ahead of Thomas McRec, driving
Mrs. Bertha Braley's malamutcs.
Lieutenant Hervey's setters were
Jack Lelivelt to Confer
With Finn and Burch
Jack Lelivelt, playing manager of
the Omaha Western league base ball
club, will arrive in this city today to
confer with Mignates Burch and
Finn regarding the coming spring
training season. He has 'been win-
. j-tering in California.
Yale Rifle Cluh Beats
Colgate Marksmen
New Haven, Conn., Feb. 24. The
Vale University rifle team defeated-,.
Colgate iu a telegraph shoot, 991 to
967. This is the highest score ever
made by a Vale team. A perfect
score would have been 1.000.-
CoaM4 League Signs Three
Umpires for 1921 Season
San F'raiicisco, Feb.' 24. Thee
umpires have been signed by Presi
dent' William H. McCarthy of the
Pacific Coast league. They are Ed
Finney. Pcrle Casey and Bill Byron.