THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. FEBRUAKY zi, ft r 0 0 i i Society, Wddin Date. Miss Mildred Rhodes, daughter of rr. ant! Mrs. W; II. Rhodes, has ' chosen, Wednesday, April 6, for the date of net tnarriaRe to Ware Hall, son-of Mrs. K, S. Hall. Young-McCarthy. The marriage of Hiss Agnes Vivi an McCarthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Charles C McCarthy ofi St. raul,. Minn.,-ami Gerald C. Young, son of.Mr.-.and Mrs. C. AV. Young of Omaha, took ulate February 8 in "St. Paul. After March 1 the couple will be at Ihtm? in St. Paul. Weddinfj Anniversary. IJr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt .eelqhrated 'their 21st wedding anni versary, Sunday. ' .V surprjsc party was given in the honor by a group of friend.s. , Tha guests included Mesr and Mesdanies Joseph Nick, Martin , .Schneider, Alex Schmidt, Martin ..I'eck, Joseph Regncr, John Rennr, Audrey Lang, Misses Betty and Theresa Peck. Rose Seigal, Martha- F.bert, .XJicresa, Frances and Marjorjc ;. Rcgnec, , Marie Schmidt! Lqwetta.'Njek, Messrs Rob ert and. Joseph, Pcck, John Regner, r -,- Joseph Schmidt, -jr.c Joseph Reg ' Jer4- jr., na) Philip Schmidt,' . - Visitors Leave. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hill ot Detroit, ho have, been spending the past Vivo ntumtls -witu -Mrs. nnis par Ci'ts.Ir. and Mrs. E. D. Fuller of i'ouniaV ?ifls4fMeatt Thursday for i-os .Ytigeles tneir i inure home. P Thursday eve nine Mr. and Mrs. H tV. Roscnberti entertained at dinner St their'honle'for'Mr. and Mrs. Mill. Mrs. Cassa Mueller and -daughter, Aliss Harriett, were" hostesses Friday when covers were laid for six. at limner in honor of tb visitors. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fuller gave a family Sinner Surfdav for' Mr. and Mrs. Hill ifiid Tuesday eveuiug JOr. and Mrs: A. A. Hohman- wittertainecf -at a YashingtQii dinnerparty, when cov ers were lalrf" for eight, f 2v1 r. ami Mrs. R. H. Harris of Council Bluffs have also been among those entertaining, iot .Mr.: and Mrs. Jfill. They gave a dinner, last Wed nesday evcriinif'at their home. Cov ers werejaid for, fight. ". ........ ,. (. Guest, Arrives Thursday, . ? Mrs. W." A. "Blair will, arrive in maha ..Thurdy. ,t? -spend .10 days ere as the house' guest of Mrs. Oeorge De Lacy. ij On Saturday Mrs. Clyde Roeder Jf ill entertain at luncheon and Mr. pid Mrs. De Lacy will give a din ger of 12cpvers at the Athletic club. r MrSj- De ;La: will entertain in , formal-, af lttiihot .nat.'her home jjext Tuesday honoring her guest. .'Per Miss Moke. , C Petprs entertained Mrs at a dinner ot ten covers at her home vYfcdtWfcdsyrfcvtmng lit bonof ot her . iftrwv'AWw'ifcftttr'Mokei-of-'St; Louis, Mo., who is visiting at the Peters honte. " ' ' " Omahans at Springs. 1 Among tle Omahanswho are now at Excelsior Springs, Mo., are, Mrs T. T. Stewart and her fsfer, Mrs. Meredith NichoJsoh'." Mrs. L. M. Pegau, Mrs.,.Afc''F. Shafcr, Mr. and 'Mrs. W...H. Taylor, J. L. Paxton, Thprna'and John Flynn, Walter W. Ied and Ford E. Hovey. Washington Party. J5 George Washington party was g;vP Tuesday evening. jitihc 'home teRoytr -r." (Miller by the menders' of the .Dundee Woman's , Patriotic club for their husbands aftd the new club members. DeCT otations were appropriate to the oc casion Mrs. H. Hancock was in charge of refreshments and Mrs. Roger Holman and Mrs. C. W ''Southwell comprised the entertain ment committee. Assisting the hostess were Mcsdames VT. John son. X. K. Sypc, Helen K Morton, I.: H. Arcy, johu O. Yeiscr and J. Y Ferguson. Committee for Party. Vesta Chapter No. 6, O. E. S. will give a card party in Red Cross rooms. Masonic Temple. Thursday evening, February 24 The follow ing committee in charget 3frs" Wil liam H. Houser, chairman;- Mes dames A. T. Pctrie, R. H. Thorpe, W. L. .Nichols, Charles R. Thiem, P,. Bailey. S. rJ.'.Coffmait. K. " H. Wallace. T.,A. Martin,: J. H. .Chris ter.sen, Missts Beth ..Davis", Louise Spencer, Vera'Strfc'z. Berth, Meyer. Mrs. 'Rugge Honored. 'Miss Harrjet;Valentiner:aud Miss Unda Hatnron entertained Tuesday eVening at a George Washington party, honoring .Viable Warner Rjtigge, whose birthday is-February Reservations for Toscanini Concert. Additional reservations far the coming concert of Toscanini and lia Scala orchestra next Fridajr at the Auditorium under the auspices ot 'the American Legion, ""include' those made by Mrs.- Arthur C. What's: What By HELE I3ECIE All educators' agree that good manners should be taught af .soon as a. chfld is able to torm words and to act' consciously. "Speak when you're spoken to; come when you're called," is one of the oldest rules of manners for children. Nothing so beirays the ill-bred child as -a. jrefusal to answer when addressed. Of course, in such a case, the pa'rents c are deservedly blamed for the -child's disrespectful .action. Chilflren should, he taueht to an swer with neither the .too-curt "Yes" or "No,"; nor the too-servile "Yes, ma'am" and ."No, '.sir.', -The well bred childvinelndes the questio'ners name in the ourteeus, response to an inquiry "Yes. Mrs. BrowfleJ!' fNo. Mrs. Williams." '.' When the little talk is ended the ell"-trained child pauses for a min ue and then withdraws with i i)urteos"'MfTardon' -fnK M- foorrlKlrt, 19:0, by Public JLdger Co.) ' - President of Club 4 Miss Gladvs Munson is president of Ihe Bacucy club, which will en tertain the student and tacuity oi Omaha university at a "kid's" party Saturday evening in Jacobs memorial gymnasium. Smith, Miss Gertrude Stoulf Mrs. F. R. Hoagland, Mrs. Robert' Howe, Mrs. A. M. Jeffrey, Mrs. Ralph M. West, Mrs. E. R. Zabriskie, Mrs. J.. B. Jones, Mrs. R. M. Switzler, Mr. John H. Hopkins, Charles Metz, Sam Reynold, Wilson Austin and F.. P. Dooi;ttle. ' Mothers Culture Club.' The West Omaha Mothers' Culture club will have a Washington party 'I'lmrsitav j-ipiiinor at tHi hnmp of Dr. and Mrs. Vi, T. Barber, 41S2 Daven port street. Mu Sigma. Mu Sigma' Study club will cele brate its 29th birthday Saturday with a luncheon at the Blaekstone. Mrs, George Payne will be in charge. Health Week. The ' week t of February 28 to March 6 will" be known as Health Week at the Y. W. C. A. Lectures to be given include: -Monday "The Cancer Problem," by Dr. Palmer Findley. Wednesday "T-h e Effects of Proper Posture on General Health," by Dr. Robert D. Schrock. Thursday '"Tuberculosis As a Factor in Public Health," by Dr. John F. Allen. Friday "The Art and Science oi Health Building," by Dr. Abbie Vir ginia Holmes. Thpco mppfino-Q arp fnr tbp cirls and women of Omaha. All meet ir.cs will bp at 7:30 n. m.. and ad mission will be free. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority alumnae vill meet tor 1 o'clock luncheon, at the R. C. Peters home, 4822. Cass street, Saturday, Febru ary 26. Card Party. v The Community club will give a card party Thursday evening and one Friday afternoon at Crounse hall. . Dinner Dance. ' A formal dinner dance will be held Saturday evening at the Pret tiest Mile club. ADVKKTISKMKKT "DANDERTNE" ' 'V l Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plen- t it ill, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair' stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35-cent boUle of delightful "Danderine"-. freshens' your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This" 'stimulating " "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness and abundant thickness All druggists 1 A nVT'lKTKSK.M EXT H'44K 1 1 A Stubborn Cough i Loosens Kignt tip Thia horaa-mada remrdy'ia won der for qnlrk malts. Eaalljr and cheaply nude. Here is a home-made syrup which millions of people have found to be the most dependable means of break ing up stubborn coughs. It is cheap and simple, but very prompt in ac tion. Under its healing, soothing in-( fluence, clest soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night' restful sleep.' The usual throat and chest? colds are con quered by it . in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bronchitis, hoarse ness, croup, throat tickle, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. To make this splendid congh syrup, pour 2Vi ounces of Pinex into a pint bottle and tin the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup and shake thorouphly. If you prefer use clari fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of suear syrup. Either way, Jou get a full pint a family supply of much better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Keeps perfectly and children love its pleasant taste. Pines is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine Nor way pine extract, known the world over for its peoiupt healing effect upon the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "Vz ounces of Pines' with full directions, and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give abi-olutp satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinez Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. r Personals Don Van Duifii of Blair spent Monday in Omaha. . Mrs. J. M. Opper left Wednesday to spend several days in Hastings, Neb. Miss Mildred White will arrive in Omaha Thursday evening from Thurman, la. Mrs. Donald V. Kaxter of Grand Rapids, Mich., who is visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. W. W. Sla baugh, will remain in Omaha until about March 5. ' Mrs. W. B. T. Belt leave March 3 for Chicago where she will meet her debutante daughter, Miss Dorothy Belt, who has been spend ing some time in Florida with the Walter Dickey family of Kansas City. Mrs. Belt and Mis Belt will remain in Chicago a few days before returning to Omaha. Parents' Problems How can, a boy of 14, who sees young men smoking, be guarded against the danger of contracting the "cigaret habit?" His father' should explain to him the bad physical effects of cigaret smoking, and of all smoking. Tf un certain as to how to explain wisely, let the father ask a physician to,ad vise him as to how to talk to his boy. ADVEKTItDKMKAT CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops liurtiug, then shortly you lift it right off with fingeTs. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for .a few cents, suf ficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. A. hospe co. PIANOS ' TUNED AND REPAIRED " All Work Guaranteed 1518 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 188 GENERAL STEAMSHIP OFFICE Tickets via all Steamship Lines to any point in the world. Representing Thot. Cook A Son, and all other Eu ropean Tour Companies. Expert travel information cheerfully furnished. G. A. PALMER, Agt., ' (Steamship Travel Specialist.) 1909 Harney St. Phone Doug. 0710, Omaha, Neb. CURED ; In 6 to 14 Days An druggists are authorized to refand the money If PAZO OINT MENT fails to Cure any case of lTCKn.'G, BLIND. BLEEDING or PROTRUDING PILES. Cores ordinary cases in 6 days, the worst cases in 14 days. PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and you can get restful sleep after the first application. It is guaranteed by Paris Med icine Co.. St, Louis, Mo., Manu facturers of the world-famous Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. This signature is on every box of PAZO OINTMENT 60c That's Why You're Tired -Oaf of Sorfs-Have No Appetite Your Liver Is Slugajsb . CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS will help put you right yL v in a few days. f -- ney act quickly though gently CARTER'S! ana give na- A ture a chance to renew your A health. Cor. rect the im. 1 II ILE IVER IPILI s mediate effects of constipation, relieve biliousness, indigestion and sick, head ache. - 1 SaaH PiU-Snudl Dece Small Price j"a r n ' lees ma Til Walking Club to Have a New Feature , The Omaha Walking club lias is sued an attractive leatjet announcing a scries of 16 Satirrday afternoon walks. These will be in addition to the usual Sunday walks. The pur pose of the Saturday afternoon walks is "to double the fun for our members, and to provide outdoor." recreation for a lot of people who are unable to walk Sundays." Allie Houston will leadthe walk watch for (Ounlabel Alto Makers of -V BuehlerBros. Cash Markets 4903 So. 24th 212 No. 16th , ; 2408 Cuming St. , For Quality Meats, Fish and Lowest Prices 4 . Choice Choice Beef Halibut Pot Roast hi or whole) ' 18c 10c Choice t Choice Pork Salmbn Loin' Chops X or whole) 1 15c 20c ' Fancy Pure Cat Fish Lard 22c 16c . Fresh Leaf Compound ' Lad Lard 12c 14c ADVERTISEMENT A Soil Water Secret You'll Want To Know One of the reasons why clothes wear out so fast nowadays is because most of us use hard water for washing. Our srrand mothers knew the vajue ot soft water so well that even the homes that did not have a cistern always had a rain barrel stand- ins under the eaves. ' Of coure,' there are scores of so-calld "water softeners" on the market, but the harsh, powerful chemicals which they con tain eat the. very life out of even the sturdiest fabrics. However, there is a re markable lemon-scented powder nn the market called LINN which not only makes the hardest water velvety soft, but be sides is guaranteed to do evorythiwr that any soap, any "flakes," any compound or any cleaner will do, better, quicker and cheaper. Dealers report that after a customer has tried LINN even once she will never con sent to be deprived of it aeain. Many of them use it for every purpose for which they used to use bar soap. soap powders, flakes, etc., because they say that it not only helps them to wash in half the usual time, . but besides leaves even, their finest georgettes and chiffons looking just like new. , ft comes in two siaes 10c and 2c a pacVage, and is sold on a itdSrantee of perfect satisfaction or your money back. Look for the BLUE package. AUVKRTISEMKNT 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe, It's the most speedy remedy we know. A Be.e Want Ad Will Work )Vonders of Saturday, February 26. The walk will start from tue terminus of the Albright car line at 3 p. in. F M. Kennedy is commander-in-chief of the club. How to Sew Lace It is often desired to sew strips of filet lace together. Weave a hair pin in and tint of the filet mesh, one side of t he pin through each edge of lace. In this way it will be possible to sew the edges together without lapping and the seam will be neat. Over 2.0(KI divorces were granted in New York Citv during the past Vea. . ,' PETER5J1N-FEGAUMKING CO.. TIP TOP Bread ADVERTISEMENT DON'T FOOL WITH RHEUMATIC ACHES Kicp a bottle of uiii-rclk'vlngr Moun's l.iiiiineiit liniuiy YOIT nepil it when the unexpected rheumatic twinge starts the pains, find aches following ex posure sciatica, lumbago, lame back, sore muscles, stiff joints, neu ralgia. Forgot nil about buying: an other bottle and keeping it handy, didn't you? ("Jet it today you niny need it tonight!. This famous counter-irritant pem' t rales without rubbing and scatters the congestion. The pain or ache is soon relieved, leavinp Jio plaster or poultice mussiness, no stained skin. Thousands of regular users fcifp It handy for emergency they don't suffer needlessly. A IK druggists 3."e, 70c, $1.40. . Liniment Money bark wlthfKll uttrtlon I HUNT'S Salvt Islli In Ihe I" 'I irrnt nt ITCH. ECZEM A. RINK r rj.I WORM. TETTER r othfr itflhls I '. " fjl, skin dliratei. Try a 7i-cenl b' V trr J ' our rik I V mm Jewel, Flower. Color Symbols for Today By MILDRED MARSHALL. Ihe ruby is today's talismanic Kent, ami its natal stone as well. tsti Mfflj O uBNTeec'' H 0Y.' Hi tevt t I TrSr ( 02t5jl The Whole Family dines for a 4 . . . .' 1 War Department Canned Meats Think what this means to your, pocketbook. The willingness of Uncle Sam that enables you to buy his surplus stockof Canned Corn Beef and Corned Beef Hash, has expanded the dollar's purchasing power. These nourishing meats areguaranf eerfpureand wholesome selected, cooked and packed under rigid government super vision arid inspection. , See your dealer without deiay-ar once! Show him this ad vertisementtell hini to order some of this delicious Canned Corned Bpef and Corned Beef.Hah; buy a case or two stock up for the winteri emergencies will come, be prepared. are printed below, your purchase!. CORNED BEEF HASH 1 lb. can., 15c per taa 2 lb. cana. 30c per can TABLE OF DISCOUNTS Discount! to apply on all purchase! ot surplus canned meats on and sltct November 15. 1920, are as follows: , 250 to $1.000. net 1,001 to 2,500 i Per cent 2,501 to 4,000. 10 per cent ; 4,001 and over 20 per cent The Government will pay freight on carload lots to any point in the United State located more than twenty miles from shippinf point ' CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT When purchases' reach $50,001, 24 net to prevail ( whea purchases reach 1100,001,128 net to prevail; when purchases reach $500,001, 32 net to pre vail; ben purchases reach $1,000,001 and over. 35 net to nrevail. MINIMUM ORDER ACCEPTED, $250 C-20 Buy WAR DEPARTMENT CANNED MEATS AOVKKTISKM FA T fE Rub"Iust;erole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole is a clean, white Oint ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in noway can it affect stomach and heart, as some internal medicines do. Eneeflent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup,, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 35c and 65c jars; hospital size $3.00 TOO FAT? Many redsie 10 t 90 lb.( or more. Obtain Kerala (pronoonced knrttn) at any bosv drug tore ; or writ for free brochure to Korrin Co., NK-68. Station X. New York eeeme slender by best method. No salts, no thyroid, no itarv iD4rt do tedious exercisinfl;. Delightfully easy, rapid reduction; Improves health, symmetry, elfleleney. Look younger! ADD YEARS TO YOUR LIFE I fiecctna fit and remain tot Uouey-back trusrantee I t KORSIN tabuloal Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug CatlsaraBoap la the favarlta.oruftynsw shaving. YDVKKTISK.MKNT People Notice It. Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you Ret a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. -The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bov!s and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards. Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with a "dark brown taste," a bad breath, a 'dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. ( Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa ticnt9 afflicted with liver and bowt! complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feci and look. l.V and :k DON'TBL t'oiiscntH'iitly it exerts' Krt influ dice on its wearer, if the ancients a'e lo be lielieved. They claimed that it was indicative of the moods of its- wearer,, sparkling: if he wasi' gay, and losing radiance if he was unhappy. As it is symbolic of riches and THE WHOLESALE PRICES They will jive you tome idei of what you will aave en CORNED BEEP No. 1 cant, ISc per can No. 2 cam, 27c per can 1 lb. cans, 18c per can 6 lb. cant, $1.00 per can It by the Case IP yoo ara nervous, daspondent, weak, ran down, through excem or other caae, w want to mall yoo our book which teUa boot SEXTONIQUE, a restorative remedy that will cost yoo nothing if yon are not cored or benefited. Every man needing a tonic to overcome personal weakaeea, etc., should (ret thia free book at once. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tenn. . The scientific blending of of benefit to persons who suffer from Nervousness Sleeplessness Depression Loss of Appetite Brain Fag Digestive Troubles Slow Recovery from Influenza and Kindred Ailment Are you run down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then try this approved remedy and aatisfy yourself of its beneficial in gredicnts. In original 16-07. bottles only. BRI-A-CEA DRUG CO. Sole Manufacturers Kor MCKK1II No. 1309 No. 2 2002 Farnam Street and leading Nebraska druggists F tfc"m 'ea'nl- Nebraska druggists Swr1 V Kill That CASCARAT FOR Cold, Coughi Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy nandy for the first aneet. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect tha bead Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ra Fistula A mild system of Rectal Diseaaes In eration. No Chloroform, Kther or other general anenthetie eeed. ' t;"uN i" very case arretted for treatment, and no money ia to he paid Mtd rite for honk, on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials ot more ehaa prominent people who hare been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY $ejornni, Patera Tryst Bldf. (Be Bldg.) Omaha, Me V A' cut cured, ; 1.0 (Jo - j Rood health, it should liritig these gilts to one who owns it. Dark red is todays significant color, and brings to one who wears it great strength and vit.tliu. Today's fortunate the red carnation. I'opyHglit, 19-1. bv the Wheeler Syntli Mite. Inc. 1 a ? 1 Day for a Qollar Dealers' orders should be sent to Depot Quartermaster at the following addresses! Brooklyn, N. Y 59tb St, and First Ave. Boston, Mass., Army Supply Base. Chicago, 111., 1819 W. 39th St. Atlanta, Ga., Transportation Bldf. Sao Antonio, Tex. San Francisco. Calif. i SURPLUS PROPERTY BRANCH Office of the Quartern-aster General. Munitions Bldf., Washington, D. C l EIfTfKMKiT A true hair grower Sworn proof of hair growth after bald ness. Amazing reports of leg ions of uSera of Kotalko, in stopping loss of hair, over , coming dandruff, conquering baldness. Here's the fairest offer in the world , use Kotalko. If it doesn't do all yon expect, get your money-back! Forget ' past bad luck with your hair. This is ' something different. Get a small box of I KOTALKO at any busy druggist's, j Guarantee and directions with the box. Show your friends this adterluemtiti. reliable vegetable remedies Sale by Kansas City. Ma UKUU S1UKL5 So. 16th Streel. ' Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe - Pay When Cured treatment that cute Plies, FUtula and ether a short time, without a severe sarcieal mm. I 1