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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1921)
I (IE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1921. Up - to - Predict Bi" ni i ' i car in i racK A I Nebraska Coach Scliultc Arraugcs Sys inn of Awarding Numerals And Holding Novice Meets To Create Interest. Lincoln, l'eb. 23. Special.) A program to put Nebraska univer sity at the top in traek circles by means of a drive for three hundred lm-ii out for track and field events is beginning to look like a possi bility'. To keep tip ihe interest in track among the beginners. Coach Schulte has arranged a system of awarding numerals and holding special meets for novices. Entries for the novice meets include all freshmen, who are ineligible to participate in inter-college meets, and upper-classmen who have not already won letters in trad:. ' The system of awarding numerals is a rather elaborate one which makes it possible for promising athletes to win the honor. The athletes instead of racing against competition run against time or re cords. Kv this means, Coach Scliulte is able to pick out all who arc' proficient in any event no mat ter fiow many men are showing good form. Interest in Track Increasing. Interest in traek is increasing here t -". lot) men are out for the winter training, working on the board oval and slraigbt-a-way. Last year, 175 athletes responded lo the call for ork at the opencing of the spring J-ason. Coach Scliultc expects double the number to begin train ing when the spiing season opens. Oho of the noviion who has boon show ing proiulso of holnsr a rrnl slur In fid" rv.ulH is Tom Markry. Mackey startleil the Blhlttic hcuds hist week when he brolin tliii university rei-enl in the Jave lin hv hcuviiiK It 169 fei-t. Althoush thh roi-orJ wNl not utaiul on account of its not uelnsr In a university meet. It will be remembered as hnvlnif paaneil that of Te.l Rittdoll. who iii 1917. set a new Nebraska record of 187 feet. Moulton Phoning I'P Wll. Mnulton, last year's letter man. is also mitklim a good showing in tho weights. He bold. the senyon'a iIIkcus record of 121 feet at present. l''roct Pale, who mashed tho Missouri Valley shot put rec ord last year. Is going Rood again this season. Ho has heaved the shot 40 feet, four inches. DeerliiK, Wright and Oibbs, last years letter men, are all looking; as good as ever In the sprints and hurdles. tSish, who haa not been performing In tho hur dles for tlu last, year or more, looks like a winner In that branch also. "Dlnty" Moore, foot bull star has taken up track for the first time and has good records in the hurdles and sprints. T.nyton. former Uothenburg High school iLr, is showing a lot of promise In the sprints. He ranks after Glbb8 in the 440 yarit dash on the board traek with a thrift of 67:1. Ulcser Is another novice who should make a valuable man on the team this season. He hus a record of 1:33 In the Mo-yard run. foaeh Schulte has arranged a number of interesting meets for the novices this spring. February 2fi several of the men will be entered in the Kansas City Ath letic club Indoor meet. Because of the fact that thise men are not eligible for the Nebraska team, they will attend as individual entrants. Fresli-NoTlce Sleet March IS. On March. 12 i fresh-nnvlee ct will be held on the board track. This will be an early season tryout for the places on the team. On May 1. Coach Schulte will di rect a tryout competition to select men m rep-esent Nebraska in the .Missomi Vallev Novice meet. May 11 the rnlversity of Nebraska will enter a Krcshmc.n team to compete against Freshman squads from Missouri. Ames. Kansas .Oslo's, Ok'ahoma. Wash ington Rnd Drake in a Missouri Valley telegraphic meet. Karly in May a ' ouple of dual meets are planned with Nebraska state collegH teams. On May 21. the novices will com pete against a lenr.i of alumni. Medals will be awarded to the winners in this meet. Best records of tho Nebraska athletos on the outdoor wooden track follows: Fifty- ai d lash Doertng (N), Mc Carthy. McDonald. Time. 0:3. Fifty-surd low hurdles Wright N), f.:l; dish (X), Deeri'ig 6:2; Moore. C:3. Fifty-yard high h irdlcs Wright (N), I;". Four hundred forty-yard dash Gibbs (Ni. 50: Layton. ".7:1.' fit hundred slxlv-yarit run Gibbs (N), 1:82: Bieser.1 ::;:'..!; Horn, 1:34. Kight hundred elKhly-yard run Bow man. iOT::;: I'r.' :ll:4. ,hot put L'slo f, 40 feet, 4 inches; Tdoelton N). 3ti fel. 6 Inches. " Discus Moulto.i (X). 121 ; Peterson, llii; Mackey. lit. Javelin Mackey, KJ feet; Brown, lil , fvet. High Jump Moore, ." feet. 5 inches. 1'ole Vault Blake;;-, 10 feel. 1 XI Indicates letter men. All others are novices. Cornhusker no, k n athletes who have wou numerals aecf.iding to a system of ffYing by time distance records are: lTICarthy, Crrsscll. lurn. Davidson. Bow man. Mackey. Fef rsim. Scott, McDonald, i,ayton. Brown, Blickely, Willimns. Bleser. Coats. Dunam. Hcndricksou. Moore. 13cr suis, Strecier, Nicholos. -. y Sjbil Bauer Sets Record For 50-Yard Back Stroke Chicago, Feb. 23. A new world's record for the 50-yard back stroke swimming event for women was es tablished last night at the Central A. A. U. senior events at Great Lakes naval training station when Miss Sybil Bauer of the Illinois jA. C. finished in 35 3-5 seconds. The former mark of 36 seconds wag. set by Miss Ethelda Bleibtrey at Hono lulu last year. HIGHSCmL BASKETBALL To l'la.v at Modale. la". Mnnaeer Montague o: the Grace .'.utheran basket ball team will accom pany his team to Modale. la.. Friday night, where the locals are scheduled to play the High Bchool quintet of that city. Holmesville, -.'6: Cortland, 13. Beatrice. Neb, Feb. IJ. (Special.) llolmesvllle defeated the Cortland (Neb.) High school uuln'.'-t in one of the fastest games ever plavcil on tho Cortland floor by the score of ! to 25. Fry. Hadley and Hill starred for the visitors. I.odgepolc. 46: Sidney, 58. l.odgepole. Nel)., Feb. 23. (Special.) The local High sohoal basket ball team defeated the Sidney quintet here In it fast and clean grime by the score of 45 to The first half ended tilth tho visitors in the bad by 7 points, but dur ing the final period the locals came back and by displaying good team work and basket shooting, mucei ded in nusing the Sidney team out of a 4 to 28 victory. , Shenandoah, 51; Blanchard, 1(. Shenandoah. Neb., Feb. S3. (Special.) The Shenandoah High school basket ball team won an easy victory over the Blanchard quintet here by the score of (.1 to 18. The locals play Red Oak, la., Friday on the letter's court. . Semi Pro and Amatuer Joanlta, S3; Kenesaw, 20. .Taunlta, Neb, Feb. 23. (Special) The local town baskot hall team defeated the Kenesanr team here by the score of 33 to :o. The visitors endod the first half In the lead, It to 14. Juanlta came bark In the last period and scored 19 points ivhils the victors chalkei! up but points. Bate News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans Gothenburg Legion, Basketeers 1, (nptain Walter Clark; 1, James 4 lark: 'I. Hobart Death; 8. Gothenburg, Neb., Feb. 23. (Special.) Captain James Clark and his squad of Gothenburg American Legion hoopsters will meet the Douglas County post quintet at the Omaha Y. M. C. A. gymnasium Saturday night' in a game that the locals expect will be one of the hardest-fought court contests they have engaged in thus far this season. Reports received from Omaha say that the Douglas former soldiers have a strong team and arc out to take the measure of the locals. However, this remains to be .'een and Gothenburg followers of the local hoopsters arc confident that the Oniahans will take the short end of the count. 0 W TO 'HMinnriNG THE NEXT CNR WITHPUCTDAtR E VERY statement in the follow ing articte is true and we'll swear to it on a stack of marked cards. The masse punch was an ac tual blow invented by McGurk of Spasmodic, O. It was delivered un der Brunswick lialke Collender rules with one foot on the floor. It was a legitimate blow and was some what similar to the anvil punch. Spinner Weenkof was the victim of the anvil blow which. was special ly designed for him from plans and specifications secured from the Klux Klux committee of Appropriations. Spinner was an invulnerable fighter, but his Achilles tendon was in his nose. He had a beak like an oyster opener. He couldn't mend his own socks without getting that horir into the thimble. He had to ride backwards when the train went through tunnels. Spinner had a fight arranged with a push-over from Tumblcville. He didn't train for the frolic, knowing that his opponent would be whipped by the flashlight before the battle. The Anvil Punch. Spinner didn't know it, but he was counting his mutton before it was hash. The guy with the round heels who was supposed to roll over like coal on the chute was none other than Yankee Yokelavitch, the hero of a thousand defeats. Yank, was, City Bowling League Schedule for Week WOI BLBS AND SINGLES. Thursday. Doubles. Singles. 7:30. 8:S0 Alley. Alley. J, iirodbeak-i:. iSloemer.... 5 H. Ijandwherkamp-C. Hies.. 4 H. I.undgren-C Wesley.... S R. Zadlna-J. Koran S A. Jnhnson-Gus Toman.... 7 Nicholas Oil 8 O. Braun-(C Forbes Doub. only) 9 V. Moravec,-(G. Chlldes Doub. only) 10 M. Winter (singles only).... B. Bowers (singles only) Doubles.Singles. 9.D0. 10:30. Alley. Alley. A. Krman-A. Pedersen S 9 A. Mayer-l'. Cain 4 10 A. Snvder-V. Learn 5 3 V. Melchlor-W. Bates 6 4 Nicholas Oil 1 C. Wlnn-W. Watt 8 6 n. Mlrasky-A. Franel 9 7 F. Swoboda-J. Radford 10 8 Friday. Doubles.Singles. 7:30 8:30 Alley. A, .lensen-J. Jensen S Hoover-Ewert (doubles only 4 I". Neale-O. Kennedy 6 J Blakeney-Bartner 6 Alley. 9 10 3 4 & O, Askellf-W. West J. Martin-J. J. Bacon-M. 1'. Rice-J. only) I.. ski (Sing. Devlne S Blaemer 9 Donohoe (do'b 10 Doubles.Singles. 9:30 10:30 Alley. 0. Olson-A. Romas 3 H. Kldson-F. Jarosh 4 J. Wlllis-A. Jedlicka b R. Sclple-K. Selplo ,. ti W. llarron-H. Fritseher ... 7 1. Jarosh-A. Wartehow .... S W. McCabe-J. London ..... 9 D. Blsseth-K. Young 10 Alley. 9 10 3 4 o 0 7 8 Yt , APsrSiljjl. 0yuL?nUJL fs NICKNAME.. CONTESTANTS NAME ADDCCSS. CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 1 Taut Thomas; it. Hoy I .arson; Manager Lloyd Kain. Dutch" an old-timer and knew enough to abdicate when the peasants started shaking hands with grenades. He was clever and could juggle a barrel ful of broken glass in a bank without waking up a watchdog with four cars. The real power behind the anvil blow was Gink Fowler, who was just recently the victim of the masse punch and had also subscribed to the benefit for the Man with the Poison ed Gloves. Gink was thirsting for revenge. He knew that Spinner wore the same make collars as the man with the arsenic mittens. By get ting back at him through Spinjier, Gink figured he was killing nvo birds with one feather. The fight was held in Philadel phia, famous for its Liberty Bell and Independence hall. The town where liberty was born. And where it died. Yank took an assortment of skullbustcrs and earswellers for six rounds. In the seventh. Gink gave him the office to slip the oil on Spinner. Gink Lands First. Yank , came out of his corner fresher than tomorrow's bread. His seconds had tatooed him with the coke knitting needles. As Spinner danced around outside the Queens berry zone Yank suddenly struck out his left hand and laid it under Spin ner's nose. It looked like a sausage on a butcher's block. Using his right hand as a sledge hammer, Yank smashed away at it like a horseshoe on an anvil. That was the origin of the anvil blow, and it stopped Spinner colder than a minority report. Yank hasn't done much since then. He was a speed marvel in the ring. The crit ics compared him with Halley's comet, which means that he is due again around 1957. Townsend Gun Team Loses Contest, 20-18 Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 23. (Special Telegram.) The local American Legion basket ball team defeated the Townsend Gun company quintet of Omaha here Tuesday in a hard-fought and interesting game by the score of 20 to 18. Tilden Plans to "Forget Tennis for Next Six Weeks" Philadelphia, Feb. 23. William T. Tilden, world's champion tennis player, who returned home Monday from Australia, said today he plans ' to "forget tennis for the next six j weeks. A public banquet and reception un der the auspices of the Philadelphia and district association will be ten dered Tilden on April 5. The whole family Bee Want Ads. should read jvt. ilfb - i. 'Dutch" Janwin: 5. Clarence Kmxbrjrcr; 0. Janssin; Clarence Kraxberger; Johnny Sudenberg Wins Fight Decision Atlantic, la.. Feb. 23. (Special Telegram.) Johnny Sudenberg of Omaha defeated "Swede" Erickson of Des Moines in a 10-round bout here Tuesday night. The Omaha boxer outclassed his apponcnt in nearly every round. Purdue Defeats Illini In "Big Ten" Contest Urbana, 111.. Feb. 23. Purdue up set predictions Tuesday by defeating Illinois, 29 to 19, in a Western con ference basket ball contest. The de feat threw Illinois into a tic with Indiana again. Minnesota Beats Chicago Minneapolis, Minn., Feb.' 23. Minnesota defeated Chicago, 24 to 19, in a Western conference basket ball game Tuesday night. PUG Chicago Tribune-Onmha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, 111., Feb. 23. Joe Hurniao, local bantamweight, will swap punches with Jabez White at Toledo March 1 In stead of February 2S, as announced. Tho reason for the change is because Toune Montreal and Joe Lynch box at Detroit on the first date and as the two cities are within a street car ride of each other, many fans would, like to see both bouts. Bud Chrlsliano, Buffalo lightweight, has had the misfortune to lose his moth er, who died the other day after a short illness. Chrlstlano culled off his bouts with Andy Chancy and Frankft Britt, scheduled within the next few days near Boston. The Newark chin, which is Keeking R match between Charley White and lienny Leonard, offered tho local left hook artist a flat guarantee of $6,500. which figure Charles thinks is not large enough. Ho was offered tlO.000 some time ago by Jersey City and hipes to land that much, lrom Newark. Jimmy Wilde, world's flyweight cham pion, is planning another trip to America In a few months. Kfforts are being iimcl'i for the Englishman lo meet Johnny Buff or Abe Atell Golsteln, who knocked out Patsy Wallace. The Kentucky boxing commission has accepted and ratified the action of their delegates to the convention held in New York last month at which the National Boxing association was formed and a new set of rules and regulations drafted. Jack Brit ton has been boxing for 19 years, but that i.m't so long when It is considered that Jack Sullivan Is still in the ring. Sullivan defeated Cleorge Robin son at Boston tho other night and Jack has been boxing clorer to 30 years than 19. ADVKRTISEMKNT AT AGE OF NINETY HE GAINS FIFTEEN POUNDS "Never In My Life Have I Seen a Medicine That Could Hold a Light To Tanlac," Says Iowa Man. It is certainly remarkable that n man 90 years of age should gain 15 pounds in weight, but that is just what John B. DcScve, of R. F. D. No. 1, Box 11, Cedar Rapids, la., says he did by liking Tanlac. "I was 0 years old last October," said Mr. DcSeve, "and never in my life have I seen a medicine that could hold a light to Tanlac. I had always been a healthy man up until last fall when I lost my appetite complete!', and was feeling very weak and feeble. For the first time in my life I had no energy and felt too draggy and woinout to get around. 1 saw something had to be done at once, or 1 would get down altogether. "I heard bow f,orxl Tanlac was for bracing tip old people, and started taking it about three months ago, and X want to say right her; that Riley Succeeds in Defeating Wilson Omaha 'Tool" Player Stages Comeback in Fiual Iuuiugs And Wins J 25 to 12-1. ry staging a comeback in bis pocket billiard s' with Alt Wil son of Des Moines last night at the De Luxe billiard room, Frank Riley succeeded in noting the lowau out of a 1'5 to 124 victory in the Inter state pocket billiard tournament. In flic afternoon Shepard defeat ed Beach by the score of 125 to 38. Voorhcis of Iowa and Shepard will play this afternoon, while Riley and burocher, the la'.tcr the champion of Iowa, meet tonight. Large crowds arc attending the games and ladies arc especially in vited. Pesek and Jim Londos Wrestle One Hour to Draw Reynolds Wins Chicago, Feb. 23. John Pesck and Jim Londos, light ' heavyweights, wrestled their alibied time of one hour and 15 minutes without a fall and Referee Delaucy declared the bout a draw. Neither man was able to obtain any decided advantage. Basket Ball Tourney At Wayne in March Wayne, Neb., Feb. 23. (Special.) The second basket ball tourna ment of the Northwest Nebraska Athletic association will be held at ths Wayne Normal college gymna sium . on Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5. More than 30 teams have entered the tourney and at least 10 more schools are expected to file entry blanks before the first games are played. Residents of Wayne will enter tain the visiting players. The local Commercial club has offered prizes to the squads winning first and sec ond places in each division. Joe Lynch in Win Over Jabez White Philadelphia, Feb. 23. Joe Lynch of New York, bantamweight clram pion, defeated Jabez White of Al banj', N. Y., here Tuesday night in eight rounds, in each of which he outclassed his opponent. Jack Reynold of Cedar Rapids, la., threw Spyros Vorres of Chicago, two out of three. Reynolds secured the first fall in 5:14 with a bar arm and half scissors. Vorres took the second fall in 28:2 with a cradle lock, and Reynolds took the decid ing fall in five minutes with a scis sors on the arm. JVIeusel Is Hold Out Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 23. Bobby Meusel, outfielder of the New York Americans, said here today he had returned, unsigned, the second con tract sent him by the management of the club. Base Ball Chatter Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. 'Chicago, Feb. 23. According to reports from New York, Miller Hugglns will use Johnny Mitchell, his coast recruit, either as a utility man or as trading stuff to other clubs in prospective deals. How ever, many of the critics believe Mitchell will fit in at second base with the Yan kees. The Senators will train in style this spring. Tampa officials will put MoBride's athletes up at their new 13.000,000 hotel Nick Altrock promises to be the first man into camp, chiefly as press agent for the coming of the big leaguers. The clubs ihat train in Texas are prom ised fine weather. The rainy seasun is over, according to reports and the ther mometer has seldom dropped below the seventy mark in the last month. In mo.t Instances it has been between 80 and 90 in the shade. Barney Breyfuss is not backward In saying he hr.s designs on the 1921 Nation al league pennant. Barney figures that Gibson will drive the Pirates over the' Una In front now that he has Maranville. Hugh Duffy, who has said very little over the chances of the Keel Sox comes out of t-eclusion and warns the experts to watch his club this year. Duffy says the Sox and fivo other clubs will have something to say about the pen nant claims of tho Yankees and Indians. Mike Knnde. the Infielder who was a sensation at the University of Michigan last year, has announced he will not return to professional base ball, lie Joined the Cardinals but made only a fair showing last fall. He received very llttlo chance to make good, howover. Reports of the retirement of Art Fletch er have been set at rest by the receipt of his signed contract by President Baker of the Philadelphia Nationals. Sherwood Magee, who played in the out field with Columbus last year, has vir tually come to terms with Minneapolis. ADVERTISEMENT i I believe the medicine lias given me a new lease on lite. Why, it gave me such a fine appetite that in a little while I was picking up right along in strength, and I have ac tually put on 15 pounds in weight. I'm feeling years younger, and I don't see any reason now why I shouldn't live to be 100 years old like my father did. "It only took Tanlac a few weeks to build me up to where I felt the call of an active outdoor life, and I went on a 60-day camping trip, trapping mink and other fur animals. I never feel a bit wornout now, but feel fine all the time, and I want to say again, there's nothing in the wav of medicine that can come up to "Tanlac." Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & Mct'onncll Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West 'End Pharmacy. Also in South Omaha and Rcnson Phar macy, Benson; Cleorge Siert, Flor ence, Neb.; Saratoga Pharmacy, 24th and Ames, North Omaha, Neb., and the leading druggist in each city and town throughout the state of Nebraska. Former Dodger Ball P lager Seeks Office; Wants to Wear Star Washington. Pa., Feb. 22. Robert Coulson, former Brook lyn National league outfielder, is seeking the appointment of sher iff of Washington county. The postion was made vacant last week when his uncle died. Three Games Scheduled For Nebraska Tonight; Commerce at Lincoln Games Tonight. Colgate against Creighton at Creieghton. Commerce against Lincoln at Lin Lincoln. Colgate against Doane at Crete. Commerce Iliish school's basket ball team, fresh from its victory over Central Tuesday afternoon, will journey to Lincoln this after noon to play the High school squad of that city tonight. The Bookkeepers should tlcfeat their opponents tonight '.villi practically the same cas? with which they trounced the Purple and White this week. Colgate and Crc'ghtoii meet again tonight at the later's gymnasium in the second and tinal game of the scries with the Blue and White. Fol lowing tonight's contest, the Hamil ton. N. Y contingent of basket ball athletes will leave for Lincoln, where they clash with the Univer sity of Nebraska five Friday and Saturday nights. Kearney and Doane play at Crete, Neb., in the only Nebraska confer ence battle scheduled for tonight. Otto Walker Sets Four New Records Fresno, Cal., Feb. 23. What are said to be four new world speed record for a one-mile track were here Tuesday by Otto Oakland in the motor--meet on the Fresno established Walker of cycle race speedway. Johnny Meyers Retains Middleweight, Title Ringside, Coliseum, Chicago, Feb. 23. Johnny Meyers of Chicago re tained the middleweight champion ship title after he and Lou Talaber, also of Chicago, had wrestled for one hour and 30 minutes without a fall. Referee Martin Delaney gave Meyers the decision. V Cigarettes i ' Bowen Furniture Five In Win Over Yroes Fremont, Neb., Feb. 2.1. (Special Telegram.) The llowcn Furniture team of Omaha defeated the Yroes, indepeiidint quintet of this city, here Tuesday for the third time this sea son by the score of 40 to 20. The score at the end of the first halt was 11 to 4 in favor of the visitors. Kacer and Snugg, with four bas kets each, and Usher with seven field goals, were the stars for the v'sitors, while Chabcrs played the best game for the losers. IoAva State Defeats GrinneU Team, 25-16 Griiiuell, la., Feb. 23. Ames de feated Grinncll college here last night by the score of 25 to 16 in a Missouri Valley conference basket ball game. NEW ROOF or RE-ROOF OVER OLD ROOF It doesn't matter which. You want a reliable, fire-safe roof. ASBESTOS ROOFS AND FIRE-PROOF. See the Johns-Manville ad on Asbestos Roofing and Shingles in the Saturday Eve ning Post of February -2Gth, on sale today. We are Johns-Manville dealers in this terri- ' tory. We handle Johns-Manville products be cause we like to have satisfied customers. Read about Asbestos Roofing and Shingles, and then come in and see us or telephone. , Free demonstration of Asbestos Shingles over old roofs at our yard, 4201 North 30th St, Fri day at 2 P. M. Bowman-Kranz Lumber Co. 4201-23 North 30th St. Phone Colfax 0810. 4 leaf blend Burlev heart-leaf rare and choicest Macedonian to add that Spur aroma; Virginia golden leaf for "sparkle"; and old Potomac shore Maryland tobacco for cool burning That's the Spur blend. It keeps Spurs at the top. Crimped By a very clever, patented ma chine the paper edges are clinched together. This does away with rjaste. It means longer burning, more even smoking. Light up a Spur. Noteboom Throws Iowa Wrestler in Quick Time Mitchell, S. D.. Feb. 23. Carl Noteboom, Sioux Falls, threw Henry Anderson of Clarion, la., in straight falls here Tuesday in a heavyweight wrestling bout. Noteboom won the first fall in .50 minutes with a wrist lock and the second in 10 minuter with a cross-body hold. Irankic Masou Oulpoiuts Minneapolis Flyweight Ues Moines, Feb. 23. Frankie Mason, flyweight champion of the United States, last night outpointed Dandy Dillon of Minneapolis in 10 rounds. Roscoe Hall of Des Moines out pointed Joe M.indot of Rock Is land in 10 rounds. Pygmy elephants have been dis covered in the Kongo by British scientists, full grown adults beiiiR a little more than five feet 'all. for rich hnAvi