THK BRKj OMAHA' THURSDAY. KEKRUA.RV 24. .1921. Senate Passes A gr iy u 1 1 u r n 1 Supply Measure Appropriation Hill Carries $9,00000.ito0 in Excess of Last Year Sent to House For Conference. Washington. Feb. .'3. Over a running fire iku senators who resetileJ detailed objections to l$ proposals for increased expenditures, the senate tonight passed the agricul tural appropriation bill carrying ap proximately $4I,CU0,000 for the year heuinniiiK uet June. This is nearly SQJHHl.OOU in excess of appropriations . lor the current year and almost $o,Q(Hl,000 in excess of amounts al lowed by the house to which it vas rut for conference. "1 nin . going to ask the next f-ccretary of agriculture to go through this bill , and tajie out of it, the appropriation's that allow work he duplicated hv two and sometimes jiiow departments," declared Senator iifoot, republican Utah, who at tacked numerous sums allowed. "They ought to be cut out before another estimate comes to congress. This must stop, congress lias got to show the departments of this k'overtinient' that two and three of , tin in cannot; ak public money to be spent for doing the same kind of WQi"k, over again. One trouble is that different bureaus aremabled to go before different congressional committees and duplicate the ap priatioir.j in different hi 1 Larger items added by the senate included $100,000 lor weather bureau forecasts tor aviation; '-$1 14,000 for road materials investigations' and S100.000 for investigation of foreign 1 '"market's for farm products. Senator ' Thomas, democrat, Colorado, check; r,, i'mrBii I f.t In t- nitnnr : i i 1 1 1 li nfi on points of order, but the senate added heavily to amounts recom mended by its own agriculture com mittee. One item allowed by the committee, $20,000 to ansfst in util ization of food fishes, was stricken , out. .Witness Declares Woman i , Turned Pistol on Pastor Sandwich, Ontario, Icb. 23. Handclapping' broke the" quietness vof the court room here today at the trial of Rev. J. O. L. Spracklin, liquor license inspector, charged w ith manslaughter in , corjnection with the kilting of JBcvcrly Trimble, :i hotel keeper, during a ljuor raid, last Novchiber. The demonstration occurred when Jack Bannan testi fied that he saw a pistol in Mrs. Truniblc's hand immediately after Ulc shooting. tlri. TVumble testi fied ycstcrllay that her husband was unarmed when fhot and, 'that a po liceman , who v later searched the roojn found no trace of a weapon. Woman in Long Romance . Awarded $23,000 by. Jury w Memphis, Tenti Feb. 23. Miss - "Mollie Quirck of Milwaukee who, ui Support of her claim to a $400,000 share in the estate of the Patrick i-.ii-i .w- i i ..... juaner, .wciiiihij wuu junnn. vi- fiv tuned a courtship extcnuing over twes : decades and tftcd an alleged agreement that she was to inherit the-bulk of his fortune, wsfs "awarded $25,000 bv a jucy in federal district . l,lrf-,,r r ! Tn. lti-.ii Ita nL ni ni Tlir" firm of I MacDoirgall Brothers, stock brokers . miirlf nsipninrnts in. favor of cred- k itor&, it was announced from the flooV of the local stock exchange, The manager ot the hrnv'.W. A. Holland, was recently shot and killed here b Mat.' R. 'W. Griffith, who later gave liimself up -to the police. Majpr Griffith, prominent socially, was alleged to have had a grievance aeainst Holland, through whose firm he had lost heavily. Erie Rail Heads Deny Breaking Riding of Board Sharp (jputeiitioii Regarding Powers'" of j Labor Body Marks Hearing of Wage Reduction. , Chicago Fcli.' 24. bharp conten tion over powers of the. railroad la bor board and provisions ot the transportation act marked the, hear ing of cnfploycs of the Eire rail road against their employer today. The employes' petition charged vio lation' of the" act and of decisions of the labor board. Representatives ot the road denied both. The case re sulted from an order, effective Fcb- hfreducing gammon labor wages and deducting one day's pay cisions the employes, "would , on a week from the salaries of all cm- j deavor to find a way to make the ployes paid on a monthly basis. Llric pay." - Most of the argument i centered ... 1 Z ". . . bout whether a ruling of the board io Annual - Appraisal ruarv February 12", ordering the road to make no change in 'Wage rates, was compulsoj-y oil the road, which had put a reduction into eifect. it was conceded by the rail 'representatives that the intent of the order was to maintain the ra'.es of the wage award of luly. The road denied, however, violation of the law in changing those rates.' Rusiness-..deprcssioii and revenues below operating expenses were given as the reaon for the re duction order. Samuel Adaius, attorney for the road, denied the power of the board to continue the rates of its decision ot July until a hearing had been held and a decision reached. This denial of authority in j the hands' of the board Brought from U; A. Bratton, attorney for the employes, a denun ciation of. tfie. railroad's stand and the declaration that iNherc was no authority to enforce the. board's dc- J.incoln, , Feb. 23. (Special.) A'stauding house committee today killed a bill providing for annual rcappraiseincnt of school lands 'for leasing jptlrposes. i Sure Relief to 6 Bella ns Hot water Sure Relief Summer Camp Death Mystery Is Solved by Rupert Hughes v ; Readers Follow With Excited Interest Noted Author's Development of Tragic Case of-Clelia Blakeney, Found Frozen in Lake at Mountain Resort; Tells Dramatic Story in Great Novel, , Beauty," Now Run ning in The Red Book Magazine. BELL-ANS FOR 'INDIGESTION ' x : V i CH7 LIGHT ORIGINAL COST i In making yonr original Jnvestment in this car, you receive the benefit of the manufacturing savings estimated at 20c to 25, made possible by cpnu . plete manufacture in the new modern $20,000,000 Srudebaker plants at South Bend, Indianajspecause 1 - ' s (a) the price) includes but ne manufacturing profit on ca V ings, forgings, stampings, motor, axles, transmission, frame,' hody, top, etc v " , , ; " . . (b) the amount of overhead expenses included in the pried is very small. ' - . (c) excess weight is eliminated without sacrifice of durability or quality. I he shipping weight ot the car, 2500 pounds, is distributed equally over the tour wheels. m OPERATING SAVINGS In operating tKis car, you receive the benefit of the economic advantages , arising from its superb design, skillful manufacture, excess safety factory and high quaUryr because-7- ' " ; (a) it will go from 12rto 15 thousand miles on the standard , 32x4 cord, tires.- ' ' ' - , (b) it jvill go, from 18 to 22 miles on a gallon of gasolirie. ,(c) it will render from 8 to 10 years of satisfactory service. - . BECAUSE IT'S A STUDEBAKER Models and Prices: '-- -.'.-- :-4 . , -"' ' Touring Caj- - $1485 Landau-Roadster 4650 Sedan- - - - 2150 f. e. b. Soutfi Bend, Indiana The deep eculuion of the Adirondack freU i giving up one of the atrangett and roost thrillingly tragic ttorieaof the century. Clelia Blakeney, society favorite and amateur actress of exceptional talent, celebrated for beauty and a native wit, is dead in singular and puzzling circumstances. The most painstaking search long failed to reveal trace of any clue to the cause of death. .j Miss Blakeney' dead body, clad only in a silk night dress, and her hair loose and flying as if she were 'running in the wind,. was found in all its natural loveliness imprisoned in the ice close by the shore of oVe of much-frequented mountain lakes. yiiig beneath the frbzen surface of the lake, her face turned to the fjvy and her hands folded upon her bosom, with only a small wound upon her brow tie suggest possible murder, the girl's body was discov ered by a rich yount? 'Texas mine oyner named Larrick, one of the guests at the camp, Blizzard Hinders Search. Between the time of Miss Blakc- ney's strange disappearance and the syirtling discovery of her body loc! ed in the .ice. ;a blizzard rageJ through the mountains. A despdrate search was begun for her as soon as she was missed, but the -fierceness of the winter storm greatly hindered th quest of those who beat the mountain trails and on snow shoes carried the search to other camps. The Texan, Larrick, nearly lost his llife in struggling through the blind ing blizzard and was himself saved from being lost by Miss Nancy Rleet of Xew York, who is famous as an i outdoors-woman. After re floated failure to find any trace of -Miss Bntkeliey in the mountains, Larrick turned to the lake. At the rst visit it yielded no trace of the missing girl. - Visiting it again at a point where the wind, sweeping around point of land, had swept away the snow near the shore, he came unexpected ly upon the ghostly vision of the massing girL Days had passed since , her disappcaratice, and her slender , I 51 . I. - Eut Lrrick was genuinely alarmed, nd he was the only one in the party 1who'1 might have been expected to repress fear, Before he had discovered a cinnabar pocket and large wealth, he had been a cowboy and is famed among his "new' eastern friends as a man of daunt less coura'ge." In a Texas saloon he qnce walked up to the muzzle of a gun drawn by a drunken ajid mur derous plainsman and in coolly per forming this feat of bravery he had probably -saved the life of 'Nofry Frcwin and certainly had made the latter his much indebted friend. Out of this eaisode came Larrick's in troduction into the rich and some wliat fast set of which Clelia Blak eney was the brightest ornament. Guests Flee Death Scene. When , the wind began rising at iic camp, forewarning the party of the storm, all vho" were detcrmicd 1 to return to Xcw'York hurried away in the motors. Larrick and Mrs. Koantrec, remaining behind, nerv ously -continued the search for Miss Blakeney. They battered down the doors of locked closets, sent guides hurtying to distant camps, searched all buildings, explored the woods .round about the camp, and raced along the trails calling the name of the missing girl. There vs no lessening of eiforf after the. sUirm came down in its fulkfury, b-ut it soon rendered hope less every attempt to trace the girl s movements, bhe had diap Howard St., Between 15th and 16th Bowert's Special Message : of Lower Prices figure was encased as solidly in the geared as completely as if the earth K 0. N. BOftNEY MOTOR CO. 2550-54 Farnam Street Phone HarnevJ)676 1 UIJ Make Your Plans (Dti January 4th we saictf "The price situation to be developed in this quarter will b a sufficient in ; centive for a great revival of construction work. ; Now is therefore the time to draw up plans for build : ings to be erected in the spring. Those' who have" : 'building ideas should get the'm on paper at once' ' Matters are rapidly shaping themselveto sup ;' port the above opinion. Almost every day the price of some kind of building material sags.- The hide : pendent steel mills have recently announced substan ; -tial cuts,x' which will reduce the cost of structural shapes and bars. ' In some lines the price depends upon what the buyers will pay. s v ; ' There is a growing -tendency fr manufacturers; to quote direct to contractors. This will force mid dlemen to sell on a replacement baSis The longer buying is postponed, the lower replacement prices will go until the bottom is reached. Dealers who maintain prohibitive prices will see a continuous shrinking . of inventory values. - As replacement prices decline, the loss ' on present stocks 'ill increase. ' - ' ' !-.'' It h therefore not difficult to foresee that a holdup policy will be untenable. Circumstances , will force the liquidation of inventories. " We be lieve that the bottom will be reached very on - and the sooner the better for all concerned in the building industry. . . ' 1 - - - , .. We -do not intend tcadvi&e our clients to build - untit we are satisfied that" prices are right. ItUathe" , " part of wisdom, however,Jo get plans all rady so that work canbe stax-ted on short notice. Weather conditions are favorable now. In the very near fu ture, prices are also-likely to be favorable. t; Tfomc guilders MCOKPOIMTEB 4 ' Podge at 18th, Omalfa C. C. Shimer, President G. A. Rohrbough, Secretary-Treasurers r. Boyd Joiveir Manager Construction Department; A perfect FIT, both in figure and in personality it, is pernianeiitf c too, 'for it is "backed" by QUAL ' ITY. Our Clothes, through this outstanding feature,xhave You the . prd'Orenee of the well tossed meir of this community. Their price is based mi t he cost of 'replacement ." The Home of COLLEGIAN CLOTHES. - ' v - ' (, - - . N. E. Corne'r - 17th and Harney Sts.. i. i. . clear ice as a gem in its matrix . y . Body in Ice Casket. Finding it impossible to chop"" the ice away from the figure which 'it imprisoned, a huge, oblong block was sawed from the lake's surface hand conveyed to the camp, where it was left in the low temperature out doors. Leaning against the1 rough walls of a huge log cabin, this ghastly mepicnto of a myitcYjous tragedy presented a picture p'rob a'toly never before seen. The dead girl appeared as on,e asleep in a glass cage. Her silken nightgowtf seemed to - ripple about her figure, clearly outlining itfin all its frail beauty, yet never suggest ing that it -bore even aJ feather weight's pressure frdTn the encasing .crystal. Through the ice, little flawed and therefore well nfgh per fectly transparent, the small wound bii the forehead could be examined, bur it told nothing except to the speculative mind. " The snow-filled trails and the banked, and drifted premises have yielded not the faintest hint as to what manner, foul or accidental. Miss Blakeney came to hr death. It is accepted as fact thaf she died on the first day of the storm, prob ably early in 'the morning before , it came roaring down out of the north to blanket the mountains. " Not geen on Tragic Day. Miss Blakencv was no seen the day of her disappearance, so far as is 'known, bhe was one of a numerous' party which, b'ecause of Hhe mild winter, had lingered at the remote camr long past the. usual time of departure for New V'ork and its urban gayetv. This party ;n cluded, besides Miss Blakeney, Mrs. Roantree, the owner of th( camp and hostess of the party;, Larrick, Roy Coykendall, whose domestic unhappiness has long been a topic of sympathetic gossip with his set; Burnley, the painter of -whiter land scapes; Randel the sculptor. Miss Fleet. Norry Frcwin, who was r sp.onsible for the presence of Lar rick.and the various-guides, chatif-, feurs and other servants usually found in T pretentious mountain caaip. ' All there, except two or tht'ee em ployes who were to be left to care lor the camp, were prepared to re- i turn to Xew York on the day of Miss Blakeney's disappearance, w ord having arived of the approaching storm. The camp, 15 miles from a railroad, is easily accessible in the summer and autumn, but when heavy snow falls it is cut off from civilizatiou. Maid Discovers Disappearance. 'On thev morning of the intended breaking up of camp Miss' Blake ney's maid carried breakfast to the noted beauty's room. It was then that, He disappearance was discov ered. Miss Blakeney's clothes were in the room, just as -she hid left them, the miid said, ,whn she un dressed the night before. ' Her pet dog was in his usual place sleeping on a silk shirt. A', wide-open window, through which lilcw a, winter wind to chill the room beyond comfort for sleep ing, represented tje room's only rhfinge from its usual condition. However, it did riot at first cause anv alarm. ' W'ord of -Miss Blakeney's disap pearance soon spread to all the cab ins occupied by 4ie guests. Few df them took - her absence seriously. They knew her to be of ahiischiev ous nature and thought she was hid ing for the sensation she might be ab to make at a time when all were . hurrying to get to the rail road before the storm could block the "way. x Some knew she preferred staying in the camp to returning to Hie city, and expressed the belief she hacH concealed herself to compel the xrthers to go on without Iter. She Avould not be entirely without com panionship, pleasant companionship, were ,she to remain behind. Larrick Man of Courage. v Others explained Miss Blakeney s absence by presuming that, for a prank, she had driven to the sta tion one of the trucks carrying thc baggage, or that she had walked down the road and wouM await he, iiH' overtaken by the automobiles in which the party would travel the 15 mile out of the u ildcrnrr had opened and swallowed her. .It a evident that when she left the room, if. indecdshe had left, she wore on-ly her thin nightgown and Iteht shutters, made for indoor wear. During ln's search Larrick's mind kept tummy: all the while to, the lake,' but it had disappeared, under a shroud of suott. ife hoped some one would get through' to the ca'mp word from N'cw York that Miss Blakeney had turned up there safe and sound. Texan Keeps Death Vigik. Then, after days of torturing worry, came his dreadful discovery of the body and its .strange removal to tW tamp, where Xarrick. they savf .sat night after night in 'his foom in a death watch that would strike terror M'nto the heart of a man less brave." Through bi$ window he kept guard over he ghostly statue of Clelia Blakeney in its icy shroud on the moonlit veranda of -the main cabin- ' . " ' J With -htm -in the. camp were Mrs. Roantree.; Mis"S Fleet, whp in rising awrm. re turned "from the railroad to jhe camp in the sorm, one of the artists, whose health forces him to life in the mountains, and a ifew frightened aid helpless servants. From none of these has any ex puliation of the crime been obtained. Tl death of the famous beauty promises to offer for months to come one of the most exciting and ipuzling' of mysteries. Tragedy Presents sMany Questions. DM Clelia Blakeney walk in her sleep from hc.r roomVand. wandering to the lake, die of-accidental drown- in? .V Or djd tins spirited Cut somewhat 'inscrutable girl have a morose 'sec ond - nature 'which led her to de stroy herself? ""- Was she he victim of a murder ousattack by a jealous suitor, of whom, it is declared, there were at least two. in the tamo, one of them a married man' wliose attentions, it is admitted. Miss Blakeney did not gliscourage? Did some woodsman, encouraged by-hcr frankness of manner with all sort-. and conditions of peopleand aroused oy the lure of her great beauty, enter her room; alarm her, a:id fearing the" consequences of his act, murder her and carryher body to the lake? Or did this young woman, known to be daring up to a certain point, meet her death in one f the de tached cabins wlyich huddle about thccamp' main cabin. -The male guests in the camp each had a sep arate cabin. " 1 Friends Survey Victim's Career. Out ,of the forests, impenetrable wjien snow-filled, come these ques tions: Meanwhile, in Miss Blak eney's circie in Xew York her friends discuss her career with a view to finding in it some key to the solution of the tragic mystery. She had wealth and great popu larity. It is admitted she-was fond of Iarrick and Larrickv. of her. With Coykendall, recently divorced, she was on terms of intimate friend ship.. Her attitude toward trewin was less warm in the later tw'ceks of her life than previously it had been. She had no known enemies. There the- story of the death of Clelia Blakeney stands, so far as it has been revealed by. Rupert Hughes. This novelist, dramatist, essayist, psychologist and soldier, whose read ers ecctdin number those of any other other in America, has kept ccnAccafed the1 great surprise -which will explain the tragedy. Much re mains to be assembled and set down concerning the life and habits of the unfortunate young woman and all the members of the gay circle in which shemoved. When that is done the mystery will be cleared away. Persons informed regarding Mr. Hughes' methods of investigation and aware of his genius for narra tion await with bated breath his springing of his surprise. His stories always abound with the unexpected and his revelation Of the mystery of the death of Clelia Blakeney will carry a thrill which will reach throughout the reading public. - The progress towards the solution of Jhe mystery will be drtailel by Mr. Ifufilitfs' in the next installment of hi greatest 'story, "Beauty." in tlie March sstie of the Red Book Magainc. on-sale tndav at 'all news staU'K- -Adv. Dining Room Furniture at Lower Prices 32.50 Golden Oak Extension Table $15.00 72.50 54-inch Full Quartered Oak, heavy plank top, Extension Table 49.50 12.50 Solid Oak Dining Chairs, Gen. Span. Leather Box Seats 5.85 8.00 Golden Oak Dining Chairs 2,95 48.50 Golden Oak Buffet, with mirror 26.45 75.00 48 inch Jacobean Oak, AVm. and Mary Period Dining Tabha . 37.50 11.00 Jacobean Oak, W'm. and Mary Period, Dining Chairs J 6.00 P5.00 Jacobean Oak. W in. and Mary Period Buffet. . . . 40.50 140.00 54-inch Genuine Walnut Queen Anne Period Extension Table 71.00 135.00 Genuine Wr.Inut Queen Anna Buffet 62.50 21.50-Genuine Walnut, Blue Leathec Seat, Queen Anne Dining Chairs....... 8.30 Bed Room Furniture Note the Remarkable, Opportunities for Savings fir. Of! f'nlnni! Onartvi-rrl OnV Red. rumen ubk iuii size neu S7.50 Full Size Mahogany Bed 58.00 Fumed Oak Chiffonier, with mirror.. 87.50 Quar. Golden Oak Chest of drapers.. 75.00 Quar. GoWen Oak, large Dresser. . . . 62".50 American Walnut cheat of drawers. 58.00 Mahogany Chiffonier 52.00 American Walnut Dressing Table.... "98.00 American Walnut Vanity Dresser.... 78.50 Walnut Dresser -TT50 Golden Oak Bed Room Rocker.,. ..... 70.00 Ivory High Boy: .C . . 6R.5( Old Ivory Dressing Table. ..'.... ... 3.50 Fumed Oak Costumers. , ; $32.50 . 14.25 . 18.75 20.00 .44.85 37.50 31.25 29.00 . 26.00 62.00 42.75 . 4.00 . 35.00 . 41.50 1.80 The ;Biggzst Cleaner Vptlue on he Maiet $1.00 Delivers This Thor Cleaner to Your Home 'Why continue-to stir up clouds of dust, and germs, tire your amis 'and ltave to go all over, the house again dusting wlieivone of these efficient EletAric- Cleaners will glide u.ickly ox er your floors and gather up all the dirt with no work' nor dust whatever? ' V Bowen's New Price $32.50 And As Usual You Make Your Own Term, x Imported Lace Curtains At Marvelous Price Reductions Our entire Mock of Irish Point, Swiss; Brussels, Marie Antoinette and Dutchess Also some very fine Domestic Voile Curtains. ' -$25.00 Swiss Curtains, 2 yards long, per pair..'. $13.50 22.50 Irish Point Curtain, 2 yards 'long, per yard 12.50 20i00 Irish Point Curtain, V,k yaTds long, per pair 10.75 17.50 Fancy Ivory Voile.Curtam, 2 yards long, per pair 9.00 8.50 15.00 Ivory Swiss Curtain,' 2& yards, long, per pair 2.00 White Marie Antoinette (Jurtain, 2 yards long, per pair '. 10.00 White Swiss Curtains, 2 yards long, per pair... 8.00 Ivory -and White Voile Curtains, 2 yards long, per pair .. 7.50 Ivory Marquisette Curtains, 2Vt yards long, pair 7.00Ii-y Voile and Marquisette, 2',4 yards long, per paii5 6.23 Ruffled Grenedine Curtains, 2 yards long,, per pair ; 5.00 Ivory Marquisette Curtains, 2 yards long,"-- per pair , 1 4.25 White Marquisette Curtains, 2 yards long, peF- pair 3.75 Ecru Voile Curtains. 2',4 yards long, per pair..,.. 2.75 White Voile Curtains, 24 yards long, per, pair..., 2.50 Ecru and White Marquisette, 2l yards long, per pair .' 7.00 5.50 4.05 4.00 3.75 3.50 275 2.45 2.25 1.95 1.45 1 Bowen's j Aluminum ' Curtain j B0wen' Guaranteed Percolators ! Stretchers - Carpet. $1.25 , ' 95t Guaranteed SP j. Aluminum J " Brooms ' OMAHA'S VALU The Onia.Ii 3 Bce-wHwwHHw Print the NEWS of the en- Z tire world when it is NEWS - V.