Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1921, Page 10, Image 10
r 10 THE BEK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1921. Classified Advertising Rates 1 In Vir tin (count ix words to lint) 1 dsy Iti per line per day, 3 consecutive ) lbe per line per riy, 7 consecutive days 14s per line per day, I consacuti days No ad taken for leu than a t(ftl of Sin'. The rites apply tithtr to the Deity fr Sunday Bee1. All advertisement ap pear In both morn'ni and evening datlr ptpera for the ose charge." CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. AAtt ui accepted at the following ot-flc-s: A MAIN OFFICE.. 17th and Farnam Sts. South Side-. .... rhilipe Departmant Stora Council nfjtt IS Scott St. WANT ADS ItLCl-.IVFD BY PHONE AT ' TYLKR 1000. kU3 BKF. will nut be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an adverti. cment ordered for mora than one time. ..I iV.OSINir HOLltS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 A, M. Morning Edtiton ." :00 P. M. Sunday Edition.. 9 00 P. M Saturday "peat funeral notTces! SW ANKON Anne ; beloved wife of the late George Swaiison, and fond mother . . f .Merle, Vernon. Harold and Ralph .sivnuson. Funeral from late residence, 6822 N 2xth Ait, Thursday ,t 2 p..m.; bulla' West Lawn cemetery, y in iVliORG-- Mary, February 20. I2lTaged j jfc.ii-s. i funeral services -Thursday afternoon ' a: 2 p., in from Johnftfet & sVansnri 'Impel, Uumlng. Interment Spring- ' viell cemetery. Friend"! welcome. DIGNNT HIE.R H.. iiged ti years,, llied Tuc: dnv, February 2:'. .Funeral I'Tiday. :' p. in., from residence, 3:114 S. -3d. rem.ulnn Forest l.awn. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACKl FALCONER OMAHA'S tiKST pjum P A MRTTT W HKttVlC ABROWMoUL.ArOri. HARNEY ; Thirty -thlW and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN I'lO.NKF.n FLNEllAL DinRCTOr.S. "(I! Smith Kith St. ' riiulnsl2J6 HEAF-EY & HEAFEY, Uudertakeis and l-Jmbatniera. Phoi.e II. ilia. Officp 21J Farnam. Fuft AMBULANCli all South 6S0. Knrttlto Funeral Home. 2Sd and O Ste. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Fontenelle Florists 1814 DoukIiik St. Douglaa 8:44. J (IH' H AT If nVt lTaT, d Farnam. lg. 3000 'J..1 KentlerFOll 151fl FHinam. Douglas 148. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. liirths. ,1'ihn a:'d la;ay tiingloton. liuspilal. bo". 19i0 Glooiniil ami Citrine Distefano, Smith Thlri-nth. bov . Hertsndi Nettio Krenser. 4416-F,mmet, bay twins. J 1 Guls. ppe and Guitefpa Turco, 607'Mar tlia. bwy. William and Mary Kocnig. 617 Nonh Twentv.firsi,. bo . Jlarry and Tlllie Bait, hnssinl. boy. Allen and Pearl Blaiikonshlp. 2418 N, boy. Joseph and Miniiie Freeman. 305. South Thirtieth. Kill. John and Lillian Gallatin. 1S0S' van .Camp avcMii', t'te . Leo and Clad: s Ty. hosptlal. girl. Joseph and Jer.rue Kallne. 5116 Popple ton avnue, girl. Ignat and Helena Roailovac, 1532 Mon roe, boy. Anton and Aloisie C'aita, tiCIO South Thirtieth, bo:'. Fsank nnd Kegir.aIvanger. 3217 K, boy. 1 Anton end Wlihelmina Hemes, 6638 South Twantleth, boy. Richard nnd ('ors. Yntcs. hospital, girl. Char'ea npd Jlaiy Peterson, 1104 North .Sixteenth, boy. Ira and Hertha Copper, hospital boy. John nnd Mar.' Cavanaugh. 275 Burt, for. Hurry nnd Mary Oshimo, hospital, boy. James and Zella KRal-as, 6906 Military avenue, hoy. Frank snd Mnbel Holmes, S6I7 Sou'h Twenty-eighth, boy. Otto and Clara .lunge. East Omaha. Neb, boy, j ' , Deaths. ( Frank Meionsek, 62, hosptlal. Samuel Goldberg, 78, hospital. Lucletta I1 Maurd, infant,. 618 Wool M'orlh pvemie. tlay T. Chase. 30, Jwspltal. llllxabeth Harrfs, 45, 2213 Clark. Mary T deseo. 11, hoapHal. John Votroubek, 66. hospital. Rev. T'ulgentins F.lch. 68, hosbiiai. George Tenney, 88, 2674 Spauldlng. Alv'e Croft. 19. hospital. Ailce Luclle Lighten, Infant, J7M Fow ler riicnue. Agnes tl. Osbo'vn, 6, hospital. ,Tulin Xemec. S6. hcspltal. Jennette Marie Tyrell. infant, hospital. Alexander Robinson. 41, 114 North Elev enth. , i Annt D. Norgard, 27, "120 Leavenworth. John F. Potter, 91. 72SS North Twerlty fifth. ' Mrs. Emma C. MeislngeT. !f, hospilal. . ' Vi V:.! p- fnrn,,,h- ""w l'!, L ? " Nancy ,1. Hooton, 80, 4719 North Forty sscond. Lloyd Frltehman, 3, hospital. Joseph Stein. 77, hospital. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTH'LFS LOST on street tars tele- phone Tler SO. AA e are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners OMAHA A, COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. P.1". lU.MI'AN LOST Pocketbook containing quite a sum "ot money 'In ladies dressing room Rialto llieat'er Tuesday afternoon. Finder ''please caM'Col. 4910 or return to Bessie F.vons, 47M1 K. :17th. "Reward. rktl LOST Saturday afternoon, tortoise rtm spec'aclcs. with .tortoise and gold bows in leather case. Call W. S911 or D. 1016. LOSTlfllack broadcloth skirt Frl. at Ainer. AA'ar Mothers' rummage sale, 18th and A'inton. Call -llarney 7055. WILL .party who found purse- containing Masonic ring please call Tyler 1313. Mrs. P. A. Ilayes. Reward. . I LOST Wire wheel, tire and carrier frofu model 4. Overland sedan, February 22. TeJ. Harney 1250. SPECIAL NOTICES ; TEN M,YS after date of this notice bag- ! ' gage of F. Carson and wife. Chicago. will be sold at puhlic auction. Hotel J Rom". Omaha, to satisfy loirrand costs. I PERSONAL. THE SA LA'ATION Army Industrial home solicils yeur old clothing, furniture. -. magailneS. We collpct. AA'e distribute ' Phone IJoug 41i and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home 1110-11:2-1114 Dodg St. PIPKINS AGKCT, NATIONAL DETLCTIA'E Inc iriirtrated. Douglaa 1107 08. Paton Blocl., Omaha, Neb. SAY It WITH SWOBODA, FLOWERS FROM HESS 1417. FA USA M STREET. JLLEt'TRlCAL treaiments for rheumatism. 1713 Leavenworth St., basement. -SWEDISH massage, ex. masseuse. D. 3877. I'.ENT. vacuum clemier, $1 up. AA'al. 1947. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. T ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating, AOi'ORfjlON. aid", knife, sunburn, bok pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and s'.'lesj hemstitching, pirot edgiiTg. eye let cut work, buttatiholes. pennants. tliil Button awl Pleating Co. 308 Rrowo,Bll Douirles 136. Neb. Pleating & Button Co.. 1806 "rarnam St.. "d floor 'V,cs:!njr 7,670. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE rTgWt" Fancy. Stage and Ballroom V. Dancing Taught. I. nnO'i by- Appointmiii. E.VPRESS RUSTIC OATtDK.V Emnr. ss Theater. Tyler 6646. I'l.M.'D'C UATn nntlr , iM.p.ra nUlLL JvtJJlr. LfcT KKF.P'S teach you to dance. Spe- cial attention :o children. Satisfaction . assured. Dg. 2681. Har. 372. Vol Pina School for Dancing. 2424 "Ci-A 111C Farnaro. Doua. 7860. Detectives. RELIABLE Dcteottve Bureau, Rallwan W'x. Bldg. Doug. 206C Night Col. 1813 JAMES ALLAN. S12 Neville Blk. Evidence - secured In all cases.- Tyler 1136. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. -MARTIN, patent atty.. 171 Dodge. Sturgess & Sturgosf. registered patent at torneys, 432 Paters Trust B!dg. Omaha, Painting and Decorating. BRU'K. plaster and cement work. Wal. 4S7. Miscellaneous Announcements. ' PAXTONX HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot aeks. CONCA.VNON' BROS.. TYLER FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, is. im i jonn r eiaman. ,u. i BRINGING UP T f I LL Throw Mt' U I T. . NTT oh: hello-. . itf I fl -set up anq pot n f CLOTHE, OUT OF THE , fOLl.Y- MAClE-t r MWxnUL-rZZn, WINDOW THEN LtCIN WAU. -' I HEM. HER WUZ-JUVT f tht.-T1 S4)U ON OUh MWD W-O VHNI;iT IN THEYARO- S T"W'" b NAO: ONL Thin, f VOU AREQINC, fT5'A A e&Uli 4MEI.UNOTirwiE , S UnW XOO CAN O.jgC "THE WORE. J f f t? t " , 1921 by : l-2.f j ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS.. h ".'.rlvlle to buy back at small profit. CROSS .TKWICr.KY CO.. 403 N. 16lh SI. )0Utf- , laa 6049. ' PAXTON-MITiVlEl.I, CO.. I . Cilh and .Martha Sla.. Omnhiii Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. j SAFKTY vazol- blades sharpened, new ra- I ors, raaor blades sold. Omaha Kanor Sharpening Co.. MiVjU, Dodge. I US N. 16. WE o all kinds remodeling, - .'pairing See lour book of plans'euibungal 'ws. g.. ; rages. Ilickaon & Newman. So. jjj ' BeT.L'S SI ENTHOT? "OINTM BNT cah be purchased at Hlalio Drug Store, luth ' and Douglas Sts., Oniaha. Neb. - j FILMSdevelopod: printing and enlarging, f Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. '607 . . HoiyardSt. , ! CLIFTON Hill Transfer Co., moving, pack ing handling and sliippUig. Wal. 11. Wal. ."05C. - S PAINTING, cleaning. papr-rhanging and wallpaper J. Nau. Wal. 4567. i Omaha Towel Supply. 217 8. 11th. I. 0528. FOR. SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ' IN going through vour attic, don't vqu I fliwl lot of nlntbitiB. furniture, nfi'- ' turea and ether articles that you have I no further us for; And have vou ever,' sioppea 10 ininK. umi aomeone .uigi.t . r ,:obJj;vJn!,hw8 those articles useless to you through a little want ad in The Bee? It costs sry little and a 3-day ad would aQnust 1 besure to sell It for you. .Try it. Call i Tfier 1000 ana ask for th AVant, Ad i Dept. Pianos and Musical Instalments. BIGGEST phonograpn bargains In town, $3G size, 17.S0: $150 size, $5: Sjfi'j sir.e, $95: $1 records, 45c: records r changed. 1 Dc. Shines Phonograph Co., 141)4 1 lodge St. Doug. 2147. A. HOSPECO. Pianos for rent. Everything in art and music Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS .VXD ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, b-tiaflit. said, rented and repaired. Sole acei'tts for Ilia CORONA. Get our prices befnr- you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. '912 Farnam. i PROTECTOGRAPMS, F. & E.'s; 1 19 Farnam Bldg. bargains. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard s Scale, 8HxU'4 foot platform, alio 38-inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha. Bee office, 17th and Farnam Sta. Phone Tyler 1000. j - SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, soil needles and parte. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney'. IXufhis 1973. :suRK and saf Investment, city warrants i?.oo? aT, ezr. 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglaa 6262. - AVE buy, sell safes,' make desks, show cases, clo. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. 3. AA'. Cor. 11th and Douglas. 2724. I NEW 20-lnch drlilpress, 's by 4-foot lathe. motor belting visfs, shnftlng, etc. Cheap. AVeb. 2620. SHOTGUN. Mor irais chair, chiffonier, lady's 42? phonograpU. M ob. 6171. velour roar, MISSES," wrap. size Furs. 16. evening i dress A'elour Harney 0945, Room 324.. S ATT'TT'Q BARGAINS, 12th & Farnam. '4r 3. 3. Darlght Safe Co. HUDSON seal coat, reasoable. Ty. 5886. J WANTED TOUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. ,1. C need. 1207 Faj-nam. D. 6146. AA'E PAY FULL A'AIA'E FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS, STO"ES, CLOTHING : TY. 98. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes nnd "urnlture. Ty. 2598, A. Zayeit. 705 N. 1ft 'WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. lUOUSEKEBPERS. LAUNDRESSES. AA'atch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are alwaes advertised. Don't miss them. GRADUATE nurse will caro for paralised, mental or chnnjic patients Wal. 429:t. Curtains 1130. S- blankets. 2GlS1i Cap.itol Hi FOP practical nurse, call Harney 1741 Laundry and Day ork. CLEANING ami day work. AAfeb. 6383. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. IAN WANTEI r-Alllliitlou3r- clcsn-cui young man. desirous of entering the legal profssloi .Nr tTCparing for busi ness, is offere-J a splendid opportunity to study law in Ills spare time. Write giving age. occ'.inMlon and phone. Bo:c W-17S. Omaha Bee. A'ANTED Commercial body builders by a growing Minnesota body factory about ' to dotihle its capacity, only experienced men wanted.' State experiene and wanes infirst letter. Address Box Y- 1439. Omaha Bee. -MEN to learn vnhaniKing. Mulllon free and $5 daily while you learn, If you cuy. Anderson Vulcanizing School. 1218 Har ney St., Omaha. AA'ATLD Experienced candy maker. Ri alto Candy Kitchen, Apply Manager, 1418 Douglas. Dr.UGGIST WANTED Registered man preferred. St. Joseph Drug Co., Sw Joseph. .Mo. MOLER BARB ER COLLEGB. 110 So. '4th. AVrlte for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. ",i. v e W'f "int! I'-ni'ii'l uitn for good live candy salesman. Only pvor dueers nted apply. NATIONAL ALFALFA PRODUCTS-. CO., 28th and 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. AA'AN'TJSD Ambitious men to cover dif ferent territories in Nebraska. Territory going fast. Big mony-inaker. Wcl General Sales Co., 425 Bankers Xifo Bldg., Lincoln. Neb. AA'ANTED Three single men to travel f..r an old reliable rhU j.go housa; experience i not necessary ; good proposition for llv'i wire. Call for P.. FJoncs at Hotel Keen after :30. SALESMEN W- wini a few more" young men to join our eltfh of scientific sales manship, complete training. . $40: posi tions furnished free. Boi X-7. 4iraaha Bee. WANTEX1 A bigh-eiatis salesman who can invest $600 in o well paying and or ganized compaiiy. 'ait534 Paxton Blk. HIGH-CLASS "salesman to handle butter mllk stock feeds for hogs andxpoultry. David Cole Creamery Co. . 3 GOOD house to house men - 1 - work, good commlssions. fo.. 62$ So. 16th. C. F.' Adam'1 . IV l'Tt.:i) inull lnt ritui,.,, t snd A'lclor (tor) sales ma ro-lA. -Icrspe. io., council tiiutis, FAXHER HELP WANTED AIALE. Miscellaneous. MAN ONF. WHO IS t'APABLK OF IIANlM-tNG UliN; one vho has the ami bltlon to get ahead and enough stead inesa of purpose lo achieve that ambi tion, to such a man now .employed, an unusual opportunity la, offered to re para for r real future In the field of - employment management and industrial welfare work. If inexperienced will be view by appointment only. Ph6ne or write Mr Uauman. 606 Keeline Bldg., Pouglns 41S0. WA.VTUP Mjrruled couple to work on farm, furnish 7-room. modern hcuse. A'rito Albert A. Jensen, Blair, Neb., or phone Route l. Box n. IICN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl ing Alley, 1SU7 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices.y WANTED Salesledy in Victor record and player roll den?.rtment. Experienced pre ferred. A. Hnrrie 'o.. Council Bluffs. Household and Domestic. C.IRLS Wat h the Domestic Column of The Bee Wpnt Ads. Good. Well-paid fnd homelike places always advertised. M I DI'LE-AGKLi woman, general house work, good cook, 3 in family, good wH?e!'' Permanent position. Call Mrs. vmumimi. p m-i . .ui.ica ANTED Ex perieuced white girl for - . . -j . . . Will i E gii to help with housework and care fur children. AVob. 603S. - : ; ; rrr.- COMPT. girl: gn. housework. Cpl. 4930. Miscl'aneous. WANTED A : .! GIRLS BE TWEEN 17 A M..' A ''I..U:S OF AGE. s 1 1 PEit 'f":! " sTAitr- apply ROOM 614. NEW TELEPHONE BUILD ING. HELP WANTED. Maleand Female. AA'ANTED Men, ladies and boys to Joani barber trade: big demand; wages while learning; stri4y modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barter College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT "School. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptomeery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and " aU English and commercial branphes. Wrlti call or phone Douglas 1565 for larg; illustrated catalog. Address BOTLES COLLEGE, Boylee Bldg., Omaha, ?feb. - Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE 4-chalr white barber ' shop,, good business. 2412 N St. TO GET In or out of business. seeJ.EWI3 & Co., 411 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS'.' Or haA-e you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for .jou? If so. then call The Bee A'ainV v (I in pi., ij icr l'lo", ana we wui4,oi only furnish you with a complete- -oom lst of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also' keep your number on" our "AA'ant to Rent" list for further refer ence In cade you wanted to make an other change. These Hats are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Went Ad Dept. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished fronjt room, ex cellent '"meals If desired, for man an-J wife or 2 gentlemen. .Refy Har. 3274. Nicely furnished rooms, modern, walking distance. 530 So. 25th ave. Tyler 5606. 2556 HARNEY, nice, clean furn. rms., walking dlst., modern, 1 or 2 persons. AT 410 Sweetwood Ave., large furnished sleeping rooms. Close In. Doug. 7468. STRICTLY md. tm., furnished, close to 2 car fine's. gentKmen pref. Col. 2742, 2 JjARGE double rooms, also sone small one, steam heat. 623 So. 16th St. FURN. rooms" at 124 So. 31st Ave. Hnrney 1615. BARGAIN Modern room, private home. Harney 6455. i CLEAN rm. for gentlemen. Ty.i 3066 NICE modern single mom. Doug. 4901. ROOM and board for two. H. 4899. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE USX . F HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. AVE HAVF. THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER lOliO. AVANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR L. BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVF.KY AVEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR Till? BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND, READERS. TYLER 1000. ' i'ANT THREE SUITES of llglit-liousokecping rooms on first and second fltor, no ob jection to children. 1019 So. 11th St. TAVO light housekeeping rooms. Har. 1 1 41 Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND AA'H AT TOT T WAX IN THE AVANT COLUMN CALL TY. '000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. AA'ANTED 3 "or 4 people to room irnd board, gooXI home to. settled people, willing to go out of tray One block to car line, garage.-3 earn. Good lawn and . shade. Box AV-177, Bee. ROOM with two meals a day. home prlvi l"f. Gerlemen only. I Wklnot 304. COZA' room and heard for parent child under 9 yens Har. 2949. and FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. A 3-ROOM. completely furnished apart ment in the "nnly,wood." at 25th Ave. vand Dewey. .evL'tiusually fine proposition. ?5. Call at No. 7 Wed Bldg., 18th and Farnam. ' ON hi OR TAVOx large rooms and kibchen- u-tte on first floor, newly ioderr Call Doug. 9089. furtilshed, I ONE or TAAO rooms also sleeping rooms. No. 1 8lfc St. and kitchenette. Brook apis., 114 KUBl.rfASE to party two nymis and bath. A pt No. 1 0. buying furniture; 221 -Howard -St., TAVO rooms, heat nnd bath. Wal. 5237. ' Unfurnished. - THE EL-BEUDOR. r t)odge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 , Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel.' Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy I '"I'll ninii rip" i inn hi. $1 8 per --iiio h. .:0ih oat-a'Muu, Bedford-Johnston Co- Doug. 1734. Registered II. S. Patent Office. FOR RENT APTS. AND FiATS. Unfurnished, jf - ' Peters Trust Company, Specialists in Ri:irinietit niHiutKf ihiu. FOTt rent, modem 4-room apartment. Web. 631)7. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. l - 8 - ROOM furn., I Tyler o48i. modern, close-in. Unfurnished. 6-ROOM rod house, $45.0)1, 2820 N. . St. Ty. 1910 or Doag. 3oS6. 26th 4-ROOM, 4411 S. 2Btii, P., 3656 WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED JTO RENT By couple without clildren, bungnlowNn West Farnam m Tmndee. Harney B262. FOR RENT Business Property. J FOR RENT A. moving picture theater in n nearby town" of about 7,000 population. Good opportunity for experienced man with small amount of capital. F. L. EAGER, Lincoln. Neb. LARtiK steam-heated room, suitable for offices or store; 3 0 th St.. opposite I'nlon Station. Apply to J. P. Carey, Lmon laclflc Commissary building. SEB F. D.j WEAD, X10 . 1ITH 8T. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY .STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE, JIOA'ING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD VIOODS AND PIANOS ! REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF " HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, K.rh and Jackson Sta Douglas 0283. M1VING. PACKING, STOTAAGE FIREPROOF AVAUEHOUSK. Separate locked rooms for household ffoods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. S06 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. l Bowen Co. Tyler 8400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. PRIZE-WINNING chicks for -prompt de livery. Heavy laying, big-boned Jtinor cias. Anoeoniis. Orpingtons. Reds. Rocks. AVyandottcs. Leghorns. Delivered free Catalog. Murray McMurray, Box 112, AA'ebster City, Iowa. AVHITE Reck cockerels. Vis hatching by 100 or setting. eggs for South 3139. White Wyandotte hatching eggs. Cpl. 0389. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness, 2- . SALE ON HARDNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and acll '.hem direct to the farmers. You get the best that can be made at first cost, you don't; hare to pay any middleman's profit, xrd then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction in prices nearly rre-war prices. Harneis from $40 to $100 per (set. Our goods are guaranteed. The store is 62 years i.ld and the oldest saddclery store In the , west. Alfred Cornish & Co., Successors to Collins & SIdrrison, 121 Q Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. GOOfi hay, $12 oer ton, delivered. A. AV. AVagner. 801 N. Kith St. Dg. 1142. LIVE STOCK. IIOLSTEIN heifer calve six to eight .weeks old. from pure .bred sire and nicely marked, $20. SO ea(h. crated F. u. t. Harris uoisiein r arms, luiib Rock, AA'Is. MILK COWS, yearling heifers and steers ?lo head, one or carload, 414 Francis St. Tyler 3357. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE I'.VDILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT NQW i l.s' THE TIME TO BUY YoL'l: GOOD USED CAR OURS v IS A SAFE PLACE TO .BU Y IT. Take advantage t& the present low pru es and have a good car to use this iine spring weather. INTERSTATE. C-passenger. in nice - condition go6d ires and paint. A good car for just a ltttle money. OVERLAND coupe. In Kfod condition mechanically ;. good tires and paint. An economical car to use. OVERLAND roadster: in really good condition; very cheap. STUDEBAKER touring; newly paint ed1; good tires; In good condition. CADILLAC 4-cylinder touring; in good condition throughput Cpen Sunday s Frorii 10 a. m. to ls p .1. H. HANSEN CADILLAC i rnani at s We have some &picnuid 1914 newly paiuled Fords' for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. ' , Drive It Yourself uo., Ml Howard St. Doug. .id--'. i-u i - r 111 i.-r,i 1. body tvitb lop and wind shield coinpleu, 11H5 snd 16 ra diator used only three month. 1915 hood. Good condition. Cull D. 6154. 16 SCRlPPS-BOOTir sfdan. lulo .model, prac tically new; six good tires, driven s.non miles " $500 i-nsh will hafulli . Call Gor don. Tvler 4S12. Evus. Walnut 11 SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. '1 he Handy Ford Service Station, loth and Jackson. Doug las 350. N E AA", hlifh-gradif r "Hester, fuly cciuippeil. will sell at a goon diseniini. lylghl con sider another nr ajrt pa mei-.t ad dress Box X-H. ' ''VfTTin Bee , PI CRCU-A RRi W Berlin lliuuUHine bods, Mornrca leather npholstorcd. AU'I'O EV CUANGF. ro.. 2204 Varuuirf " oa:.. LIGHT six. condliion. cHr, f ir;.( -cIhih H.irn.-v .-4.VI Ft M:G VI V lllgh-i.o' ore.l iU- d'ei tui and liv-H ; good ceirlltioti. i'i SEE J I G C S AND MAGGIE IN PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ONY THREH DAYS MORE TO SKLKCT YOUR CAR-' 17 of our bargains ha, been snapped up. However, there are 24 more to make a hoioe from during the three remaining lays of our RemovI ?ale of good Used Cars- Olds 8 Touring Olds 6-CyI. Coupe. Olds B-Cyl. Rdstr Chevrolet Touring 4-90. Overland Touring, radltlac Touring 55. i.'rowe-Elkhart Touring. Stewart Truck. Ford Truck. t.s a visit. Come any time. We offer you the best I MONEY WILL Bt Y. Neb. Oldsmobile CADILLAC. ' I The advantages of accurate workmanship, fink machinery! fine tools and1 skilled operatii er-Are present in 'a RE-KEAT-ED CADILLAC ' to a degree which would not be possible to a new car of equal cosU t I Kav i have just finished the work on a num ber or cars of different models. I hey look like new. On exhibition at , our salesroom. (I. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26th. Harney 0710. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sta. 1917-Allen touring, $176. Twenty other bargains. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam. Repairing and Painting, AUTO PAINTING 2768 Burt Hanr-v 6811 - Accessories. FOR SALE Tw"o 34x4 V, Q. Springfield tires, jretreaded, Colfax 0445. O. $10. Kelly Call FOR SALE nkloV tires, -Two new 36x6 fabric non $10. Call Colfax 04.46. FOR SALE Two 36x6 Goodrich cord tlresfl new. $100. Call Colfax 0445. Motorcycles and Bicycles. ' FOR SALE 192"0 Harley Davidson motor cycle with k; two extra tvp Ide car and delivery box, res. $350. call ioirax ua. FARM LANDS. For Rent. DAIRY FAR.M. Underwood Avenue; west of Dundee; about 160 acres. GEORGE AND COMPANY. 160-ACRE improved, none better, Lincoln Lowney, 623 So. 26th Ave, Omaha. Arkansas Lands. LISTEN! 120-acre farm; house, barn, spring; price $1,650: easy payments. Have other farms, list free. WARD, Mountain Home. Ark. 1 California Lands. California : in a ghly Improved 265 acres:fhe best In the state; water for irrigation and crops srrowtng the yenr around. Peter M. Nel son. Hanford. t'r.l. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE 320 acrcft Improved, five miles from Idalla. Colo. AA'rlte for price and description. Owner, R. J. Hnag, Malla, Colo. Michigan Lands. A Real Opportunity' FOR' the landseeker In Kalkaska, Antrim and Otsego counties, Mich. Close to markets, schools, churches. Near lakes and streams a bargain at $15 to $30 per ken. Small down payment, easy terms. Ask Rbout our special helps for seitlers. Swtgart, J-1252, Flrat National Bank building. Chicago, 111. Minnesota Lands. sO-ACUF. fari neas Staples. Minn., on Jefferson hlgl'.'w ay, Mi mile to school, close to cheese fractory; there is not p one foot -of waste land on (his fan1, all in a high state of cultivation. Good 7 -room house, burn 3"x40. with' cement floor and stanchions; large cement silo. Good outbuildings. Price, $140 per acre $1,000 ciish, terms - on balance. Address R, F. D. No. 2. Box 66. Staples, .Minn. ' - . Nebraska Lands. -FOR SALE IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 3.440-acre weate-rn Scottsbluff coun tv. Neb. Fenced, hard soil. Best grasses; limber: running water; part valley -farm land: private irrigation. Forty head registered Hereford cattle; complete farming outfit with tancii If wanted. Ten room modern houV.'. $25 per acre; $16,600 cash. $10,000 carried on ranch; lialauce flral mortgage paper or fh-sl- lass farm. No agents, Full 'ileVtiptlon this papesrFrb. 1. to 18. Address Box V-II3S. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Improved farm. 320 acres, " 250 In motivation. arrel wheat gtfes: all Kou"r corn, wheat or alfalfa land. George I.less. North PUtte, Neb. Oklahoma Lands.- OKLAHOMA Farms Write for free agri cultural bookie.'. B"rd of Commerce, Shawnee, Ok!. Wisconsin Lands. I ANDOI.OGY special nu nber Just oui, loulsliiing 1931 facls of clover land l Marinette county . AA Is. onsln. If for a home or as an tnvejlmcnt you are t'niil.ltig of buying go .d farm lands whore farnu ragrow rich, send at once for this special number of Lafidolngy It. is free on reouest. Address. Skid more Itlnlile -Land Co.. 4 3S SMnnluie nirlile Bills . Marinette. Wla. . Drawn Copj FARM LANDS. Washington Lands. WASHINcJTON state needs settlers; cheap land, excellent soil, idcnl climate; raise berries, fruits, vegetables, grain; best markets, good roads: rail and walrr transportation. Writo J. Grunt Hinkle, Sec. of State, Dept. F. Olympla, Wash. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WK have cash on hand to loan on Omaba ( : .residences. " E. H. LOIJGEE, INC.. 638 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOfB8 EAST NEB. PARMd O'KEEFP REAL ESTATK CO.. ! ' i 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FARM loans. east"-r, Nebraska, best 'rates and, options. Paul Peterson, 364 Kraiidclj theater. Omaha. s 1 1100 to $10,000 made promptl." I TP. D. WEAD. AVead Bldg.. 310 S. 18cl PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private, money. Oarviq Bros. 346 Omaha Nat. I Stocks and Bonds. i OIL STOCK 'quotations from all fields; phone, wire of" write FIDELITY PRODUCING CO.. 1103 AV. O. AV. Bldg. Dg. 28;,9. Miscellaneous. OIL UKASES with geological reports in j AVyoming, Kansas. Oklahoma, Arkansas. Louisiana. Texas and New Mexico proven end semi-proven fields, 'j FIDELITY PBODUCINO CO.. ! 1101 W. O. AV. Bldg.. Dg. 2839. AA'ANT $40,000 10 years first mortgage oir"!65 acres black, level, second bottom land, all tillable, i ell Improved. -inlle to station in N. AV. Missouri, neirV Iowa lire. Address Hx Y-1 434. Omaha Bee, REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Rial Estate see FOWLER Ml'DONALD 1120 City Nat." Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1426. HAA'E only $300 cash, want 4 ,or 6 room house; not ..particular, but want 'cool lo cation, $30 or J.15 a month. AddreS3 Box 2626, Omahi Bee. , THE- Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. Douglas 1$45. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property ? List It w ith C. A. Grinimel, Omaha NaCI B!;. Bldg. 1, Omaha NaCI Bl;. B StJs WANTED. 7 LISTINGS Western Real Estate Co 412 Karbach Big. LIST homes nnd nfiie nroTierty with GRUNIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Doug. I9ii. AVE SPECIALIZi; 'iN DUNDEE HOMEb. C. B. STUHT CO:, City Nat'l Bldg. Dougla,s 8' BIRKETT- R E A L E S TAT K: Sells,! Rents, Insures 350 Peters; Trust Bldg. Doug. 0033 P.'J.TEBBENS REAL ESTATE Ins. and Rentals ti9 Omaha NAt'l Bk. Btdg. Douglaa 2182 WIG.SHRIVER REAL ESTATE Insuranre. 104,7-9 JJmaha Nat. Bk. Biqg. Doug. 1636 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS St.' Louis Brick Flat . , 214-16 Park Ave. Has 6 large) rooms and tile bath on first floor and 6 rooms and tile bath - ion second floor. Log fireplaces in living looms. One room finished ou third floor. Separate basements, separate hot water heating plants and Rudd hot water hoater. East front. Large porches-. Construction is strictly high gradf throughout. This location lis steadily In creasing in value: Look at outside to day hut - don't disturb tenants. Price, $12,600. Ask for Mr. Kin-i. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 0060. r Dodge Street Home and Investment 12 -room, modgrn house. Finislir-d in oak and white enamel; house in excel lent condition: H. K. corner 32 and Dodge Sts. Lot 154x135 feet. For Trice and terms, call ; GEORGE & CO., - 3-STORY rick building, near 14th and Douglas Income $1,740 year; snap at J I2.0 0II erms. Douglas 17..4. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON BARGAIN Five-room stucco, modern Wun rrIojv. four lots. 200x1 5 feet, $5, 2o Jl.OOa cash will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CQ, 610 Peters Ti isf Itlrtg. Douglas 2281 Dundee NEAR FAIRACRES i acres; improved with good '7-room modern house facing cast; living room, dining room, sun room, kitchen, 1st floor; 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch, 2d. Electric light; furnace heat; garaue. Bearing fruit of all kinds. Price, $10,500; $3,000 cash will handle. jFowler & McDonald, J REALTORS. Douglas 142. 1120 Cit' Nat'l Bnuli. HANSCOM PARK " Splendid .olght-robm. tLMro (umr, cement porches, fire plac, w "uarter-sawed. oak floors: south front: dose lo VM Side Tark t-ar ne block to park. Prji-e rr durod from il i'.OOQ lo $10. PP. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 5Hti' Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 228. Florence. NETHAvlfAY. Suburbon prop'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. $5,500 I Bonus park district, A full two wJury sttuar1 hjuse, strictly modern, hot watT hpat Tli in a good rbomj' Chouse -and nicely arranged, eat front on Taed st reet. paving pnid, oiip blo'k to ear lino, garage and nice hade trees. Tills crrtalnly priced fight. Tf-MUirs ahnut $?.nno tn han J iu .! Shown only U a npnintmrnt. AMOS GRANT CO., i KEAI.TOIt.. . l. 8380. 3.",0-2-4 Hmndeis Then. Ring DO YOU AVANT A CLASSY HOME AT PRE-AVAR PRICE EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD? Lef. us show jou this 6-room mod. 4iotne and enclosed sleeping porch. Everything up lo dnte. Ba! of oak floors and finish Fglt length living room, fireplace, built-in features, dandy cement basement, fine furnace, lew-l hl. Near Florence HI' d. and LocMmI. one is sacrificing this home, as she is eimipclled lo leave the cily-. 'a!l us at trice f"r nppelnlllicut. D. 1505 nitOAVXN. REALTY CO., 211 Krnnrilv llldg.. So. 19th St. FIA Ito-room , nil .khIiii cotiaue. garage firt- two ijhis. lo1 on paved street, pav ing pnlil: cast front. Price only $.V600. iai. term. AV al. 212, Flli SEE for The Bte by McManus right, iM21 International Neva Serrica REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Mimie Lusa Bungalow, $1,000 Cash. P'he-rooin strict ly niodern bun calow. Oak floors throughout. Oak finish In living room and din ing. Large living room, dining room with huill-ln buffet, -two bed rooms and hath, base .tub. Dandy kitchen with built-in features, one piece sink. Full basement. Largn lot on paved street. House va csnt. A nifty proposition and worth tho time to investigate. Payne Investment Co., 537 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.' D. 1781. FONTENELLE PARK 6-room morTern house with two nice lots laying high and sightly. possession f,an be had March 1. Priced at pre-war figures, $4,000. Located two blocks north of Deaf and Duinb Institute and three blocks from car line. . C. G: CARLBERG, It IT 4 ,1 T( 1 1! Doug. 0685. 312 Bra'mleis Th.' Bilg. MILLER PARK. Neat five-room bungalow home, just completed; finished in mahogany and enamel; oak floors throughout; strictly modern: immediate possession. If you can make good monthly payments can arrange the eash payment satisfactorily. IN BEMIS PARK. By own-r. 7-rooni modern house and 'garage. For terms call 32:r X. 37th St. 3306 FOWLER Av.. 7 rs.. mod. except ht. ; 3 lots, chicken house, rult trees; $700 cash, bl. mo. Crelgh, COS Bee. I). 0200. 5-ROOM bungalow in Minne Lusa for sale by owner. $2,000 cash required. Ad dress BoxlX- Omaha Bee. FOUR-ROOM newly decorated $300 cash down will buy. R. F. CLARY CO.. Cot. 0I7J. BY OAA'NER in Bemls park. 7-room mod ern house and garage for' terms. Call at 323 N. 37lh St. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. ' Phone Tyler 187. - J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Inves'. meiit. 542 Peters Trust. Douk.-8007. West. I IN MONTCLAIR ADDITION JUST AST OF BEMIS PARK Wa hut n iiial tiutnst a r-i- finu hnniA on Myrtle Avenur. Built Just two years ago, by a contra'Uor, for his own home First floor has living room, ritninff room, kitPhan and sun room arrange- j ment, all finished In oaU; lid floor three nire bedrooms and hath; OBk floors and whtt cnamt-t finish. Kutlt-in buffet and other features. Two-car gar-' agf and cement driveway. I'rice of this attractive home, ?9,50(; $3,000 cash re quired. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 2S50. 918-20 Cily National. Central West Farnam Dandi- ivi o-f-tory, si-x-room. ohU finished home, floored attic, full basement, garagf. corner Int. east front paving paid: 2 blocks to Yates school. Owner leaving OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peipr.H Trust Bhlg. T'OUglas Omaha rtpat Entata and .Investments. v JOHN T. BOHAN, 121 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380 Miscellaneous. 21ST STREET x& EVANS . $6,250 A home just about five years old with 1 living room, dining rotym and large kitchen downstair. Two 'cozy bedrooms .and bath above. Finish and floors on . , main floor are 'oak. Full bHeement; splendidly decorated and merits your inspection. WALSH-ELMER QO., Tvlnr ISnfi ;!' Rr.riiri!io. HI .133 Securities Bldg. $3,000 Nest fi e-room cottago. cty water, iectrio lights and gay. tvo lota 4ax 133 each; fome fruit; chicken house and yard and another good out hut hi lug which might be converted into a ga rage. TYe are offerings this at $400 down and $"10 por month. Amos Grant Co., , REALTORS. D. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandeis Thea. Bids. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 54TH ST., 200 feet So. 60x141. of Dodge, $2,300. AA' A LSI! -ELMER CO Tyler 1 536. REAL ACTION . That' what you want. When you tell your home put it in the hand of a firm that will ADVERTISE IT, PUSH IT, SELL IT. WE DO THAT Payne & Carnaby Co. 25 Year Realtor Service. 818 Omaha Nat'l Bank. D. 1016. ' To Serve IS THE Goal' of our effort in selling your property for you of in finding the property you desire to own. Let us prove our service to you. x "When you 'think of KchI Estate" - C. T. SPIER & COMPANY Realtors 304 Peter. Trust Bld. ( Dougla 4857. Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife The Way Madge Broke the News to Dicky. ''Who is this, 1 didn't catch the name." Dicky's voice, courteous. vaRucly interested, came over the telephone to me. I. had hurried so last, with Katie's aid, through the ileaniiiR of the bedrooms, that I Avas fairly i breathless Avheii 1 got into my car' j to drive to the station. And the 'knowledge that I had barely time I to make my telcpTlonc i'onncctitm ! before the hour for Lillian's train j made me so nervous that I Have I no doubt iny vo'cc was unnatural. ! At any rate, Dicky did jiot recog ! tuVr it. and for a iniliufe 1 had a J ridiculous school-irl lish impulse to I m-nloll,l -h'i I ..tirt .,1c to find out just Iuav far, that shad owy interest in hi3lonc would tarry, him. - . " Fortunately, however, jny ' snii y intervened to save uie from so bana , a proceeding, and I ansAvered hinj I in my usual formula' , 'Tt is 1, .MatlRf." 1 Avonilered if it A cre my tfnaiua tion or if the interest reallv vanislieij from my, liu'.sbaivd's tone. There Aa a familiar note in bis voire, however, an irritated, ironical in flection, which aahs anything but flattering to my vanity. "Oh! 'You!" he exclaimed. "I must he getting popular on Kin .Mar a in. Her l'luffiness called nic just i a few minutes' ago. and now you I are favoring me., VhatVs on your j mind, old dear.1". His tone, AvhiclIM knew rrflect-d'od, Avas neff the one I should ' have Avishcd for' the 'reception of news such as had to give him. I temporized? putting off the evil mo ment as long as possible, j "Of course, you're coming out lo j dinner?" I ventured.- , "Why tile 'of -.course,"' he au I swercd croly. "lt's -a Avomkr some of vou brilliant intellects out there Avouldu't think to let me kifbw about All's homeloming before, his train time. As it happens 1 was able to get out of 'an engagement tonight by the skin of my teeth, but it AAas a clo'se shave, and I'm not so) particularly pleasccKov ver it. 1 can tell you. By the way. $Avhcre am I going to sleep tonight? Have Aim aired the house out? Are the bed rooms all right?'-' I "Everything has been aired ami warmed.'' 1 replied slowly. "It will he pofectiy safe to sleep there. But, Bicky. am sorry to tell you that everything is far ftom being all right with the" "Yliy? What do, you mean?" he demanded, bis voice startled from a drawl lo incisiveness'. I told hi min as htav Avords as t could manage, but left out no de tail save that concerning the pecu liar treatment accorded to the couA tents of my keepsal "fflink. This, I felt, belonged solely' to Lillian, '! because of the clue to the maraud- I ers Avhieh 1 Avas certain she wished ' lo trace in Ijiat miscellany. ! "I gather that you firstgainvd liiis interesting ltilorination yesterday afternoon shortly after you reached Marvin. Am I right?" "Yes, Dickv, but" 1 felt like a - J doormat, but was perfectly willinp to acf like one, for my sense of justice told me that he had ctcry right to he offended. V , . r- " "Rut nothing!" he said explosive ly, then resumed the icy. tone, reflect ing the one of Dicky's 'moods w hich Tmost dread. ""What 1 am' curious to knoAV is your reason for calling j me now. Why tell mc anything f about it al all? Don't you realize. I that humble and unworthy ofonsid- cration as f am. yet I might by rasli i enough to do something 'which might, ! interfere Avith the gumshoe work now j no doubt being statred by I'ndei -! Avood aiul Graham, the world famed I duo?" 's. ' "I am au'fnllv soirv. Dieki ; very tmicu ashamed of myself. truly. A'eslerttav Avben T phoned. was so upset thai 1 felt that 1 coulJ not talk to. a on about it over fhcAuii and since then I've been so bus nctping Mrs. Durkee and seeing the house thaf 1 haven t bad a ninf ute." "A minute for me. vou mean," interrupted coldly. "I'll Avager til you-ve bad plenty ot em to soob and settle evenoue else, from K;i to Her Fluffiness and back againj suppose Katie's there today. Yt said she Avas coming." The last sentence was in alnidj his ordinary tone. I realized that f some reason, perhaps my rontrii ness, his anger had lost its edge, al the danger of one of his tinrcasoniJ rages was averted. 1 was careful ansAver him in a commonplace ma tier. AnV recognition even ienl rive on my part of bis change mood might renew his anger. "Yes. Katie and Tim arc both vij much on the joh,'' I -aid light 1 v. Avish you could conic out ear-ly l atternoon so you coma looK over house by daylight." There a second's paue lii seemed like an hour to me. "I'll be there at 4 o'clock." be si at last, a trifle .sullenly. "Goodby.'j He had not asked me to meet hil but I resolved to be at the ftatil Avhen the 4 o'clock tram, came even if Leila's rose-colored draperii lacked some of their hems. (Continued To'inorrow.) I KfcAL lijlAlt UNlMf KUVtiU Building 'Sites i up r llol low Boulevard. Price, $1.6nn.oo 53d and Hamilton George & Co., Trackage. ' WE HAVE an unusually well located piece of tracSi-ae. lxI32: tracaa on oetn sides Alfred Thomas & Bon. $04 1st. Xst. Bank. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. $50 PF.R FOOT. BOSTAVICK. 400 Peters Troll Bldg. You Better ' - ,'1 1 V l r . 1 i f