"Better Kitchens," Motto ofExhibit at Orchard & Willie! m Bride Loses Her Memory Food and Kitchen Equip ment Firms to Hold , Big Show Fehruary 21 to 26. . Food and kitchen equipment firms will hold an exhibit February 21 to 26 in the Orchard and Wilhclm store from 7 to 9 p. ni. to show Omaha women how to make thejr kitchens more efficient. 1 More than 40 demonstrators will assist. These firms will have booths and demonstrators at the exhibit: Iten lliscttit company, if id West Milk Producers, Fairmont Creamery, Jay Hums liaking company, JI. J . Heinz company, Skinner Alanufac luring company, Taxton & Gallaelv er, , H. J. Hughes company. Uncle am Breakfast Food, rerfection Oi company. American Ironincr Ma chine company, Orchard & Wilhelm, Swift & Co., Harding Cream com pany, Omaha Flour Mills, Loose Wiles Biscuit company, Farrell & Co., Gordon-Rainaiter. Armour & Co., Trimble Hros., Detroit Tewe Stove works, Voss Bros, and . the Wear-Ever company. Public Service. The show will he open from 11 . in. to 6 n. in. and from 7 to in the evcninns. No business will b transacted in the eveuinps. ' "The Better Kitchens exhibit is dc signed to function as a real public service," aid' P-dwin L. Holland, in charge of the show, "bringing- home these things to the Jiead kitchen ex ecutive so that her kitchen may in miniature approach in convenience the modern office or manufacturing plant. "The exhibit is bcinjr created to interest the 100(100 women who toil in the 100.000 kitchens in and around Omaha. It is easy to make these kitchens from 5 to j-per cent more efficient, with the work of each woman cuf down and made lighter and more pleasant. ' , Like Human Servants. "The Better Kitchens exhibits will ;how I gas, coal and combination langes in , the two score modern models, refrigerators that operate on a sanitary dry air circulating principle, fireless cooking equipment, kitchen cabinets that are almost like human servants, cooking wears that reduce work to a minimum. "And almost more important thit the equipment is the food packed in convenient-sized packages, sanitary, fresh and delivered on time(accord iiiff to the need. All these .will be shown." I ml Ur Yi el I ! 1 i wmmmamm:mmm;mm Federal Sleuths Hunt in Vain for TomKellvJitAI Toscanini Will Carry Welcome to Rome Arturo Toscanini, conductor of the La Scala orchestra of Milan, Italy, which is to be in Omaha February 25, under the auspices of the Ameri can Legion, will take Mayor Smith's proclamation of welcome to Rome and place it in the historical archives of the Italian government. Mr. Toscanini's personal represen tative, H. J. Rupert, advised the Le gion committee -tady that Mr. Tos canini will ask for the original copy of the mayor'a proclamation, which is:. , . . "Tho Citv of Omaha extneds to Maestro Arturo Toscanini and the Ia Scala orches tra of llllan a moat cordial welcome to our city, and congratulates the people of Omaha on their opportunity to hear this splendid orchtra, made up, as it Is, of accomplished Italian musicians. The people of Omaha should under stand that this orchestra is 'touring Jho t'nlted States .under the auspices of the Italian minister- of foreign affairs, the Italian ambassador to the United States, and other distinguished representatives of the Italian government. It is composed of tioarly 100 of the most distinguished musi cians or jtaiy wno are in mis roumry under royal passporfs. giving their con verts In the principal cities of the United States, not for personal profit, but In order to erpnsa the appreciation of the Italian government for the aid extended to the Kalian people by the people of the United States In the recent world war. The concert to be given at the Auditor ium on the evening of February 25, is tinder the immediate direction of the American Legion; tq which the people of Omaha are Indebted for thla opportunity to hear what la no doubt one of the finest orchestras In the world. Xo opportunity has ever been presented to the people of Omaha to see or hear such an exposition of orchestral art as that which will be aiven by Toscanini and the La Scala orchestra. In behalf of the City of Omaha. I am glad to extend to this orchestra and its leader ' a most cordial welcome, and ap peal to the lovers of music in this city 10 greet , them with a splendid and en thusiastic audience. Box Car Thief Sentenced Joe Ceby pleaded guilty yesterday to breaking and entering a box car in lite failroad yards at Fourteenth and Chicago streets January 24 and was sentenced to the county jail for fix months by District Judge Redick. Freight Agents Meet A cenr of trpicrht atrents on western lines o,f the Burlington rail road gathered in Omaha .yesterday for an informat discussion of freight matters with-Gencral Freight Agent F. Montmorerfcv of Omaha. Hae Warrant "All Dressed Up, But With No Place to Go;"' Rendezvous Is Searched in Vain. The strange case of Mrs. Estelle. Foctisch of Hammond, Ind , is puz zling the physicians of the South Shore hospital, Chicago. Mrs. foetisch, bride of six months, has suttered a complete loss ot memory.' Despite the ardent appeals of her husband, she insists that she does not kpow him and never saw him before. Before her identity was established by her husband, Carl Foetisch, she was a mystery to the hospital and. police au thorities. It was while on her way to visit her 4-year-old son by a pre vious marriage that her mind collapsed. Separation . from her son, to whom she was devoted, is thought by the hospital authorities to have caused her loss of memory. Mrs. Foetisch is shown here with Nurse Elise Pierson at the South Shore hospital. , ' . .." - v - A warrant, signed by the governor consul of Saskatchewan and C. E. More, attorney for the Canadian con sul ft Chicago, is conspicuously dis played on a desk in the office of the United States marshal... " But irobodv knows what to do with it. The warrant carries the names of Tom Kelly. Art Williams. J. , F. Hums and "Jack" Shelton. They're wanted up in Canada for theft of $2,000 worth of perfectly good hooch. Friday night federal sleuths, ac companied by Omaha police officers, combed the city. A North Sixteenth street rendezvous, where a short time ago highjackers congregated nightly to take invoices of their loot, was searched fcom top to bottom. Friends and former companions of tire quar tet were questioned sharply. But nary a clue was uncovered and gloom . continues to pefvade the ci iices of the federal agents. , Floyd Shelton walked into the of fice of United States Marshal Dahl- nian yesterday. "Tack" Shelton, one of the men sought, occasionally uses, among others, the name of Floyd Shelton, and Mr. Shelton with some surprise read his name in The Jiee last night. "If you've got a warrant for me," began Mr. Shelton with agrin. Then he revealed his identity to the mar shal. He works at the Central fiiar ket. . TheMtiarshal assured Mr. Shelton that he would remain undisturbed by iederal. law enforcer?. ; Building Show Men Say Prices Stabilized! An effort to convince the public J that prices of building materials have ! reached the bottom will be made in the complete uuiiamg snow to ne held in the' Auditorium; under the management of Robert C. Mitchell and Charles A. Franke during the latter part of April. At this show all persons having for ale building material and 'equipment will be asked to participate. ' ' ' -' "The prospective owners of homes must realize now that building ma terial has taken its last slump and when the demand begins to strengthen may increase in value," Mr. Mitchell said. "The exhibits at the show will be illustrative of that." raul'W. Kuhns, president ;of the Conservative Saving and Loan as sociation, said, "a building program in Omaha can best be launched by the people of the city getting be hind the building show at the Audi torium. It will be of great value to the city." W. Boyd Jones, construction sup erintendent of the Home Builders' association, said, "this is a progres sive step for the city and should be an annual affair." No Babe Born in Omaha .YetNamed Warren Harding Not an Omaha mother has natneu her son "Harding" or "Warren Harding," according to August Specht, registrar of births at the City Hall. Mississippi, a democratic state, re ports 30 sons named after thev presi dent-elect. . "We'll see a lor of them March 4, though," optimistically declares the registrar. Business Man of Cleveland , ' Kills Himself hy Shooting Cincinnati. Feb. 19. bhot through the heart, Charles Devcncau, presi dent of the Cincinnati Appraisal company, was found in his room in a hotel here last night. A note he left to the manager said be vyas taking his life because of a decline in his business. AUVEKTISEMKXT ADVERTISEMENT Two Mothers Near Death Seek Son .Omaha Police Asked hy Rela tives of Youths to Search for Them. Lives of two mothers can be saved if Garrett King, 24, and Jess Hudson can be . located in Omaha. Police here have Veen asked by relatives of these :two men to search for them. Charles Shackelford, Jefferson hotel, Wichita, Kan., offers $100 re ward for information concerning the, whereabouts of King, whose mother is seriously ill. i Shackelford sends this message to King, who- was last heard from when he left Casper, Wyo., January 24: "Your silence is killing your mother. You could at least be iian enough Jo tell -her of your, where abouts. It you are in trouble she wants to help you." Hudson's .mother, M rs.AV, J. Mof fit, 116 East Seventh street, Ke wance, III., lies' desperately ill in a hospital and attending physicians de clare only the finding of her son can save her life. Police located one Jess Hudson in Omaha yesterday but lie proved to be the wrong man. Metal Mines' Ventilation . Roundly Scored in Report Washington, Feb. 19. State laws regulating Working conditions in metal mines are lax and Indefinite, especially in regard to ventilation, said a statement todaaS by the bu reau of mines, based on a. survey of metal mines in Montana,. Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and other states by Daniel Harrington, a min ing eengineer of the bureau, and by "engineer? and surgeons of the public health service. r , "The better health of col miners as compared with mfctal miners prob ably .is due to the better ventilation of coal mines," the statement said. Constip Jewelers and Credit Men T9 Meet in Omaha This Week The 16th annual convention of the Nebraska Retail Jewelers' association and the fifth conference of the Ne braska Credit Men's association will be held in Omaha this week. About 300 delegates are expected to attend the jewelers' convention, which hcfcfns Wednesday ' in the Hotel Foiivenelle. The credit men's meeting will be held Tuesday at the Elks club. ' Oklahoma City Is Buried Under 12 Inches of Snow Oklahoma' City, Feb. 19. Snow had reached a depth of 12 inches here early today and was still fall ing. Reports from the eastern patt of the state are that a heavy snow was still falling there at an early hour. ' "The Prodigal" Is Topic The Rev.' Edgar Merrill Brown will speak on "The Prodigal" at the morning services of the Dietz Memorial Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11, and on "The' Burning question at the evening services-at 7:30. i At last afion Banished Drugless Method Proves 100 per cent Success As a.restilt ot this lifetime pre scription, which never needs refill ing, several thousand men and wom en in Los Angeles and vicinity no longer suffer from- CONSTIPATION. Thejf succeeded in removing the ea,use of this annoying and dangerous- ailment without the .use of DRUGS, DIET, EXERCISE, or any ARTIFICIAL' MEANS, and today are NATURAL and REGULAR. They 6Ve their changed 'condition to a noted specialist who has been vf ry successful in restoring to health victims of paralysis. This noted spe cialist recently moved to Los Angeles from Chicago, where he practiced for over twenty years. He announced thatlhe CAUSE, of CONSTIPATION was a temporary paralysis of the del icate intestinal muscles and that these muscles could be restored to their full use by a simple anatomical method. He perfected it so anyone i!Ould accomplish the correction of this common ailment in the privacy of their own hbme. At first people were skeptical a few tried it. They told others. This had the effect sim ilar to ahain letter, and because of this remarkable success Berry's Ana tomical Method needs no paid ad vertising in; Southern California. You can learn of this wonderful yet simple method-by sending your nairie and. address. Tou will receive full and explicit .information. AVe urge yeu to send for this valuable in formation. Once you have it, you will be convinced that you are no different from the several thousand who had suffered from constipation. "What it did for them it will do for you. . "WRITE NOW. Permit yourself to become enlightened upon this Method and you no longer need de pend upon artificially produced elim ination. Address Berry's Anatomical Method, L 455 Merritt Bldg., Los An geles, Cal. 10 Million Malaria ( Arc Reported in Uussiu London, Feb. 19. There arc 10, 000.000 cases of malignant malarja in Russia, says a Moscow dispatch to the Herald, organ of labor, quoting Prof. Martziuovbky, an eminent spe. cialist. The mortality is said to be 3 tier cent of those stricken. 'IV dispatch slates there arc but 5 .000 I pounds of quinine in the country. I Owners of a Minnesota ptat bog ! have installed a machine which digs mixes, spreads and forms 00 tons of raw briquettes a dav. Columbia Records for March . ON SALE NOW ror-i rAn son;s IKtNIR. iMfrkiiiO Tenor Solo. Krunk Cnimit ( MY .EK iKE ('KOM THE FIJI ISI.E.l Tonor Nolo - Tom Welnhold ' I.OYE NIGHTS, romedionne. N'or Bayn I COULD HAVE HAD VOU (BUT I LET YOU iET lY. I. Oomedtcnoe. Nora Buy nt1 Art Hickman's Otvh. ( I.OVE, HONOR AND O-BABYJ Tenor Bolo. Benny Iavi . J IXKK! WHAT TOT1 'YE DONE WITH YOOt DOfi-OONE avis. DANGEROUS EYES. Tenor Solo. Benny DANCE RECORDS io im ii I 00 A-3S47 10-lnrn 11,09 A -3.1 III lO im h l.0 BABY DREAMS. Intro. "SHE AI.ONE COULD UNDER- STAND" from "JIMMIE." Medley W aits, rrin. e e ( A HI 5" Orchestra . U-ln' " 1X1. HE WITH TOtiTW APPLE BLOSSOM TIME. Med-4 ll.Si lay Watti. rrfnce'g Orchestra ., . ) ' V J A-3SM MARGIE. Fox Trot Ted Ieirla .Tatx Band I io-ln-n 11,00 BROADWAY ROSE. Fox Trot. Ted Lewie J air Band. GRTEYTNO FOR YOU. Intro. "Rose or My Heart." Med- ... I A Young Man's Fancy." ley Fox "Prist. Th Happy Blx.. FEATHER YOUR NEST. Intro Medley Fox Trot. The Happy Six CARESSES. Fox Trot. Vincent Lopez Orchestra FALESTEENA. Fox Trot. Vincent Iopci! Orchestra SYMPHONY RECORD JE SAIS QUE YOIS ETES GENTIL (It's Our Wcilding a-.Tin 10-lmli tl 00 A-:mn to Inch SI 09 7!)28;l ti.oo Charles Hackctt ) We Guarantee Best Record Service in Omaha. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. Everything in Music. Phone Doug. 1623. A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED . All Work Guaranteed 1518 Douflas St. Tel. Doug. 188 1 1 1 ! : I 5v (Hi R n n Tl u ib -one Take Airplane Ride TODAY Sec Omaha and Council Bluffs from the air. Prices reduced for ths opening season from $15 to $10 a passenger. Make reservations st field or office. Stunts will be given by request. Atkinson Aviation Co. Room 100 Webster Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard. . Phone Douglas 8258. ADVERTISEMENT CORNS Lift Off with Fingers 0 Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right oft' with fing ers, frilly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft com or corn between the toes, an-f the calluses, without soreness or irritation. eweofrs MEATS FRUITS VEGETABLES 43 AND DODGE STS. In Dundee: x . , l'. The Louis Sommer store combines real value-giving with finest quality foodstuffs. ' Fresh Milk and Cream, from West Benson Milk Farm, new price, v. . 100-lb. sack Best Granu- $098 lated Sugar Premium Lard, 2-lb. pail.. 43c Premium Lard, 5-lb pail. 1. 05 Drive out to Dundee for your quality groceries and meats it's a habit that has grown city-.wide. S. E. CORNER SIXTEENTH A ND DOUGLAS STREETS emarkable Off e f lfb New Spriig Siits . Every Suit is a latest approved spring model, from the foremost New York j manufacturers perfect as to style, workmanship and detail. Without fear of contradiction, we say, our spring of fering is the greatest money saving event in Omaha. In Two Groups 0 and 0 Fine Tricotines - French Serges Poiret Twills tailored, semi-tailored and fancy models new ripple and box coal effects and embroidered models -new braid and button trimmings Sizes 16, 18, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 ' IV omen accustomed io paying more for their suits should see us before purchasing. ' -: This event, just at the opening of the season, again dem onstrates Pred's supremacy as to value giving. We hav recently added to our store Millinery Department showing the latest styles and modes. : Supremely Satisying in Both Quality and Price. pureii Special Advance Showings 2nd Floor 52 " n fc? a m n hi M m '.; TRY FIRST Special Advance Showings 2nd Floor Twelve New Styles In New Spring Suits- at $452 Women who usually spend $6.3.00 for a suit will be delighted with these twelve copies of imported models made up in tricotines, Poiret twills and men's Avear serge. . , The fabrics were bought direct from the mills sometime ago at low prices and made under our direction in a factory noted for the excellence of its workman ship. There are rippled effects, jaunty box styles and conservative semi tailored models embroidered, braided or button' trimmed. For misses or women, including . slim line stouts. . Featured at their regular price- but representing our buying power concentrated to give except lona values at $45.00. Four Special Lots, at $ 1 .50 3 "i 1 j ?. Georgette Crepe Blouses that sold at $3.C0 and $1.00; over 300 j1 CA in the lot; choice Long Flannelette Kimonos to wear about the house on chilly mornings regular price $3.011 choice $1.50 Women's Heatherbloom Petticoats with silk flounces, $3 val- (J 1 Cf ues, in navy or black, choice.? wU Middv Blouse Special Middy blouses v - that sold at. $3.00; slightly mussed; choice $1.50 Read This arid Compare With What You Paid in 1920 U Follow tlir Mwkrt anj Make tlie 1'ricCK for (he l'roplc. 110 lbs. besV pure Granulated Supar. for 80i- to lbs. tifat White or Xellow Corn meal for . 2c 4 bm. fancy Blue tione flood Klrc.S.lc 4 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans, for 5 lbs. best rolled white Break Tint Oatmeal, for trm I0.li.iis Hea't-'Km-All Soap 3:r IS bars Klcrtrlc Spark Soap 4c ( arolene Mill;, ran "ijc l-or. rum Klkhorn Milk lie IS Ih. smUa best lli!i tirade Flour. or i.:i T'-lb. packs be..?. High Grade Flour, .. .for HI.15 :4 lb. sinks hit Furs P.je or live Graham Flour $1.23 Th best domtatio KIa.aront, tpa- rhottl or Egg Noodles. rvkg...7'ic (lallon Cans Karo Corn t-yrup ...6;te nation Cans Karo Whit Syrup ,.?Sc 12-ox. cana New Orleans Moliwees, Pr can iic No. 2 cann Early June 1'eaa or Fanry Sweet Snirar Corn .. 10c Tall cans l'inlt Salmon IV ill Snriilnos. ran Se nniKit i Kirr hi'F. ii.s IO-3n Pnjar Sweet Idaho riuiv. per lb .' IJ'je 30-ti0 Sugar Sweet Idaho l'riin.. per lb ..l.V 60-70 Kusar tiweet Idaho prmve. per lb l'."..-r Cleaned Cuiiantc. per lb Me Fnniy Si'tdKua limsliis. lb S' Fancy 3-Crown Muscatel Raisma, per lb. ..' 3H,, Fitiev Whole reachas, lb ?Oo Fancy Muir -reaches, per lb. ..Me Fancy Moor l'nrk Apricots, lb. ..Se Fancy Kvaporaicd Apples, lb. ..H)r Fancy ,liel!ed rnprorn. lb fie Freh K.iaaied Peanuia, lb. ..12.e ('on)h Honey, rock ;te Itlack lmils. lb 1'i.c No. I i;nslih Walnuts, lb ;5e srF.4'1.1. IMI. III. AND N.tvrx OKAM.K SAIK M(1DAT ' IMra I'nnrjr Sueet and Juicy SM-SXS ire. MONDAY. I'FU UOKN, IV n d ft ti n i hi n hi SI! M M ci ?-i eflr n liWmmm h Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-It Pays irtKM