Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 15

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-7 B
B-iuoa Corratpondent
Benson Woman's Club,
Mrs. R. H. Maloney, 3317 North
Fifty-ninth itreet, will be hostess
Thursday to the members of the Ben
son Woman's club. The program is
on "A Better Benson. Roll call will
be responded to' by members giving
suggestions correlating with the
subject Mrs. F. E. Young will read
a paper on "Our Community Ben
son's Needs," Mrs. Eva Shields will
give a talk on "Spring Flower Gar
dens." The president. -Mrs. W. A.
Wilcox, will appoint a nominating
committee at this, session. Annual se
lection of officers will. be held Thurs
day, March 10. ' .
- B. S. Chapter. P.'E. O. Sisterhood.
The B. S. chapter of the P. E. O.
Sisterhood will be entertained Mon
day, February 21, at the home of
Mrs. J. T. Pickard of Bensonhurst.
Mrs. Roy Ralph of Dundee is leader
for the program Subject, "Contcm
l-orary composers.
State Organizer Visits Chapter.
Miss Lulu S. Woolford. state or
gaiiizer of the P. E.tO. sisterhood,
visited and inspected B. S. chapter,
Saturday, February 12, at the home
i of Mrs. D. M. Wykoff. Preceding
" the inspection a luncheon was given
at the Chamber of Commerce, in
honor, of Miss Woolford.
" Lenten Services.
Father Aughney is conducting
Lenten services Wednesday and
Friday evening of each week at St.
Bernards church.
War Mothers.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, president of
the War Mothers organization,
wishes to announce that the regular
meeting of the organization will be
held Thursday night, February 24,
in Memorial hall at the Douglas
county court house. Every mother
who nad a son in the service is
urged to attend. .
wommunuy center.
Benson Community Center Dra
matic club staged a home-talent
playlet Friday evening in the audi
torium of the city hall. The dancing
club will hold jheir regular party
x-liudy evening, x-cuiuaijr 4111.
Benson orchestra, with Hafpld
' Wright, leader,, will furnish the
music, r areius as wen as uic juuug
er people will enjoy these parties.
Elects Officers.
The following officers for the
Wpcf nf Rptisrm Imnrnujmptit eluh
were elected Saturday night,' Feb
ruary li. f resident,-1. W. norton;
vice president, Henry Ragorshek;
... ...... (- TT -V.o Tl,.
board of directors include Messrs.
Roe, Koch, Leslovee, Dickenson,
Thomas, Hamilton, Bruderi, Norris,
Flynn, Schofield, Achen, Pipher,
, Madsen, Kane, Johnson, Kline, Gum
monds, Eck, Ayers and Pamp. The
first meeting of the board will be
held Wednesday, February 23, at the
home of Henry Rasgorshek. -
Luncheon Guest .,
Mrs. J. W. Fitch was the invited
guest bf Mrs. C. W. Hayes at the
luncheon given ihursday at me
' Fontenelle hotel. ,
Entertains for Miss Woolford.
at dinner, Saturday at the Black-
Ktnnr in tinnnr of Miss LulU S.
Woolford of Lincoln, etate organi
zer -for the P. E. O., .sisterhood,
v Attends Dinner uance. .
ri- --J t "T K ' Wilrnv and'
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilcox attended
the dinner dance given Friday at
the Masonic temple. '
- Birthday Dinner. .
: ' Mr. and Mrs. O. Arthur Melcher
arc entertaining at dinner today in
. honor of the birthday, of Mr. Mel-
' cher's mother, Mrs. F. W. Melcher.
Covers are being laid for 12. . .
' M. E. F.'M; S. .
i Mrs. J. Schmidt will entertain at.
a 1 o'clock luncheon at her home,
"5614 .Corby street, Wednesday, Feb
ruary 23, for the members of t the
Methodist . foreign mission society.
Mrs. Schmidt will be assisted by
Mrs. L. E. Hunt -and Mrs. R. E.
.Clark. ' . - . ,:v,-:
. . " Mission Study Class. ' '
' The pre-Lenten mission study
class of the English Lutheran church
a. mi i .4-..miam f 9
t meets . .uuiauai Auciuuuu ; .
I, o'clock in the church parlors;' Mr.
-Ebright is conducting these5 stud
ies. Mrs. Henry Johnson,, was ap
pointed class promoter. , .v,
4 .Teachers. Story Tellers' League.
" Mrs,; Rose Coleman entertained
'the Teachers' Sory Tellers' league
of the .Henry W. Yate"s school, on
.Thursday afternoon at theliome ot
.ur nu jjxi. j. v. ni.u. n. imiv
icourse luncheon was- served by the
ti-ctpcc . ft- '- ' "Ji . v- ".
Entertains for Mrs. Kennedy. ',
. 'Mrs. E. W. Dean entertained at phone your order to Tyler 1000, cir.
luhcheon Wednesday in honor of 'culation department.
y: w. o. a.
'. Sunday The, 4 O'Clock'club
i meets in intra noor parior ai icuuai
bunding, miss una acnooiey, exctu
.tive of the finance department of the
national board, New York City, will
,"be the speakervat the Vesper service
-1 subject will be "The American Girl
:on the Battlefields of France" Miss
"Schooley was in France during the
war, making a tour of the Y. W. C
A. stations. She will also tell ofthe
work wnicn is Demg aone oy me
association in France and other for
eign lands since the termination of
the waif The regular social hour
. Will lUilUW cati Buitvv.t v
Moriday The Federation of Clubs
will nifcet for supper at -5:4a p. m.,
followed by business meetings of the
:.i:..;,l.,-,l -li.Kc Th rlace in dra.
lUUiVluuai .
niatics, Mrs. J. T. Maxwell, leader,
' and class in story telling, Mrs. Phebe
E. Fullaway, leader, meet at 7:31).
One of the stories taken up in the
story telling class will be John
' Drinkwater's "Abraham Lincoln.
The Blue Triangle club will hold
an initiation, followed by I party,
' Monday evening, , ,
Morris Girls' club will hold a co-
lomai party at tne aoutn aiac rccrcr
ation center.
' ! Tuesday Prof. Walter N. Halsey,
assistant pastor of Wheeler Memo
rial Presbyterian church, will be the
speaker at the Tuesday noon lunch
for business women. Women from
Immanuel Baptist . church,, . Mrs.
Charles P. Rodman, chairman, will
serve as hostesses. ,
Class, in recreation .leadership,
Miss Lucy Jane Giddings, instruc
Call Walnut 5370 "
Mrs. Charles Kennedy of Laramie,
Wyo. Covers were laid for Mrs.
Ben Morton, Mrs. William Butler,
Mrs. Charles Kennedy and children,
and Mrs. E. W. Dean and children.
Keystone Park Card Club.
Members of the Keystone Park
Card club entertained Saturday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Goodbody.
Baptist Booster Club.
The Baptist Booster club was en
tertained Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Williams. Fol
lowing the business session of the
club, Mrs. Theodore Williams was
given a surprise ' miscellaneous
shower. ' '
Methodist Basket Ball Team Leads.
The Methodist basket ball team
of . Benson has won first place in
the Church league of greater Oma-
I ha. Members of this team have lost
but one game 'during the season.
Rev. John Calvert is coach.
Willing Workers.
The Willing Wprkers' society of
the Benson Christian church were
entertained Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Tietsort. Noon
luncheon1 was served by the hostess.
Presbyterian Mission Society. -
Mrs. Mary .Van Horn will be hos
tess to the members of the Presby
terian Mission society Tuesday, Feb
ruary 22, at her 'home. n
Lesson study is on the "American
Indian." Mrs. L. H. Winters will
render vocal selections. "
' Musical Program..' :
Mrs, O. Arthur Melcher of Ben
son will "be., one of the soloists in
the cantata, ''A Message From , the
Cross." by MacFarland, to be given
at 4:30 p. m. Sunday, March 13, at
All Saints church. The choirs of All
Saints and Westminster Presbyte
rian will unite in rendering this pro
gram. Entertains at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Maloney en
tertained at dinner Wednesday in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Schil
ler. Covers were laid for eight.
Narcissus Chapter,, O. E. S.
Narcissus chapter No. 261 of the
O. E. S. held their regular initiatory
session Thursday night in the I. O.
O. F hall. Two new members
were taken into the order.
Entertains for School Heads.
The members of the Benson High
domestic science class entertained at
a luncheon Thursday in honor oi
the board of education, the super
intendents, Mr. Beveridge and Miss
Belle Ryan and the principals of the
four liigh schools of greater Omaha
Will Attend Presidential Inaugura
Miss Mary McNamara, principal
of Benson High, leaves Monday for
Atlantic City, N. J., where she will
attend an educational convention.
Before returning she will attend the
inauguration of President and Vice
President Harding and Coolidge. '
Mrs. Arthur Howe is convales
cing at the Methodist. hospital.
P. S. Rosandf is home from an
extended trip to California.
Joseph Gehrjnger - is suffering
from an attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. Joseph Roth is visiting" her
parents in Hot Springs, S. D.
Mrs. D. C. Sturtz and Mr. E." E.
Tyner have been ill during the last
Mrs. Herbert Hurd and sons,
Harold and Karl, spent the week
end inJJlair, Neb.
James Berry cf Blair, Neb., , at
tended the Creighton-Notre, Dame
basket ball game Thursday.
Mrs. H. Born of Plattsmouth,
Neb., was a Sunday guest at the
home of Mr. George Snell and
Miss Bernice Dunn of Clarinda,
la., spent the week-end at the home
cf her parents; Mr. .and Mrs., A
t. JJunn. .
Mrs. A. W. Hebing of Chicago,
111. soent the week-end at the home
of her brother, Mr. Bert Ranz, and
Mrs. Ranz. :' .
John Crandall of Dallas, S. D.,
has been a guest during the ; last
week at the home -of Mr. and 'Mrs.
L; C. Shepherd. - - " ' i
Miss Marie Manev has been sim
ply teacher in Benson Central, Lin
coln and Cass schools during the
last two weeks.- v
Mrs. Charles Kennedy and chil
dren of Laramie, Wyo., are guests
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Butler. -
The Omaha Bee learner delivery
service now extends to all parts of
Benson Morning; Evening and
Sunday. Hive your copy of "The
Bee" delivered to your home. - Tele-
tor, meets at 7:30 in third floor club
room. ..: .
Wednesday-r'The Fcderatio of
Industrial clubs will, be entertained
at the Young Men'i Christian asso
ciation. , A joint committee, of the
girls and boys are planning the pro
gram and social time. 1 -
Thursday The Federation of In
dustrial clubs joins with .the gym
nasium department in a Colonial
party. The gymnasium girls are in
vited to take supper with the feder
ation girls and to attend a'play put
on by the -federation in the audito
rium. Later in the . evening the
gynyiasium girls will provide enter
tainment in the' gymnasium.
Saturday Roller skating ' in the
gymnasjum from 7;30 to 10 p. m.
for boys and girls over 16 years of
age.'. . - , .
Lord Duns&ny
Lord Duns'any, Irish poet, author
and playwright, who appeared in
Omaha last year for 'the Drama
league, was arrested in Dunsany
castle, County Meath, Ireland, by
.British soldiers who found shotguns
and other sporting firearms on the
estate. He was fined 25 ($125),
with the alternative of spending
three months in prison. A -sojourn
in prison did tfot appeal to the poet,
so he paid the fine and was released
from custody.
The specific charge against Lord
Dunsany was of keeping firearms
and .ammunition not under effective
military control. "
To test coffee for, chicory . put
some in water. If the water
gets red, chicory is present.
rh cleaning waxed floors never
use oil, as this softens the wax A
dry mop is best
"Describe a Spring Wrap."
WROTE one petite youtvg lady
on Polly's correspondence lis?
this week. And. indeed, will I writ
of not only one, but two wraps
which proved irresistible to your
discriminating Polly. 'Twas at La
mond, second floor Securities build
ing, Sixteenth and Tarnam, that
shop of personally selected novelty
models. First, A silver pine im
ported veldyne cloth, a dcliciously,
greenish, brownish gray, cut very,
very full in circular effect with a
dropped yoke simulation, followed
round by folded points oilhe same
fabric. The collar fold extends to
the very edge of the wrap while
auite the most surprising 'touch of
vail is a vivid blue lining of heavy
' - . . i . , . 1. 1
crepe, second, a mianigni oiuc
Marvella, imported, richly thick and
silky in texture. A shirringin the
under collar serves to hold upright
the over collar of pearl gray deco
rated in grouped lines of blue che
nille embroidery. The same em
broidery decorates the 10-inch cuffs
of gray. Pearl gray crepe lining ac
centuates the color contrast of this
luxurious wrap. If you're a spring
bride, I'm sure you'll not withstand
the charm of this wrap for an in
stant. . , ', '
Madelaine Et Madelaine i
ARE responsible for the styling
of a little crepe frock ingenious-s
ly cltver in effect the Idal,But-?
ton & Pleating Co., third floor
Brown block, Sixteenth and Doug
las, are responsible ior its decora
tions. Heavy . gray crepe is the
charmful little over-the-head slip
frock, very short as to sleeve and ;
hem, embroidered in, a vivid shade
of silk, the same shade used in a
heavy little satin slip foundation,
which is drawn out through the left
side skirt slash, intp a naively chic
little chou. This company is doing
some exceedingly clever work this
spring . and urges me to suggest
that you send for your spring cata
logs now. .
A Yard Sale the Very Latest in.
BRANDEIS Stores have hit upon
a sale unique to my notion, the
yard sale in the silk, woolen mater
ials, domestic and notion depart
ments. .
In the silk department you'll find
such values as these: : , ' -
, Tricolette in black, brown , or
taupe, at $1.29; brocaded fabrics for
vestees, formerly sold up to $2.95,
now priced tat $1.29; a longi range
of vivid new'colorings in georgettes
for use in. fashioning delightful new
frocks, undies, or for the facing of
the fascinating new tunics and sashes
without which one's frock would, in
deed, be a failure. Forty-inch silk
chiffon-velvets worth from $8 to
$10, are offered at but $2.95. these
in black, French and navy ; blue,
nink and deeo rich rose.
The department of woolen fabrics
has two most tempting offerings:" y
aeotm-? mqC ,ft! tait
at $5.95, is now $2.49, this in light
and dark blue, brown., tan. tauoe
shades and gray tonings.
Also, and this most aIuring''oi "
values to the woman who can sew:
vrvui jiaiuo i& iu iuvi muni
: Aav,r,ut( Urc fin. u,icrtit"
for accordian andiside or box-pleat- follow round coat, sleeve and tunic
ed skirts, a former value of $3.00, edge. The long novelty buttons,
now $1 25 r" - a style stamp ot 1921, show a touch
"Ginghams!" You'll cry at once of cherry red. No less smart is
as the most interesting item in the a sftid shade tricotine heavily em
domestic department and here are r,o"ed in three shades of brown,
two excellent pricings: ' The Tuxedo-rolled collar has cord
Every new color combination - in linked button fastening. And tan-
plaids, novelty striping and check-
ing. in fine zephyr dress ginghams.
at 25 cents a vard.
Just the thuig for rompers or for
the fashioning of bungalow aprons
for summer comfort or for dainty
little school1 frocks, the ' Everett
classic dress' ginghams ; .at, ;16J-2c
a yard. ' :: . ! :
All kinds of things are listed for
the yard sale in the notion depa- L Cafe, .Seventeenth and St. Marys
"aM. C, the'first lot since the avenue, ad have thetn prepare some
war,- four 'yeafs ago. Guaranteed Pf their delectable rye bread cheese
fast colors, ideal for darning, three ' sandwiches, four dainty sandwiches
balls for 25c. on an old English chma plate (for
Hair nets, just arrived from China,' decorativeness), a cool fruit salad
guaranteed : real hair, in cap or and cup of coffee ready to be served
fringe, in any shade desired, three to you immediately upon your ar
for 25c, or-12, for 85c. 1 rival. .You've no idea of the rest-
"Vards" -and "yards" of values fulness of such a little luncheon,
in this gigantic sale offering. And the price, well, not more than
. 450 cents 1 -
One evening gown combines sil- " . ... .
ver lace, with rose and yellow mous- The Cessation of Festivities During
seline. - ', ' - ...... ,' ?U. the. Lenten Season '
''. .' ?" . ' , ' . AFFERS a really opportune time
Study Your Rooms to Give the De-t. Uor athorough cleaning of
sired Effect of Restful Spacious- rnMlrm ril(TS :n fart eveVv.
. ,
HJS.N redecorating your home,
ine Dam, mewman i"aper and
.: . .
Paint shop, 214 South Eighteenth
street, is showing unusually pleasing
decorative effects in papers this
spring. As a suggestion for early
decorating plans I've listed these:
ror the Living Room A tan and
brown background of massed leaves
with design of wide-oetalled wild
roses at intervals. 1
For the Sunroom Vividlytinted
peacocks trailing over the stone steps
of a formal garden.
For the Dining Room Restful
gray green and rose landscape con"
For the Bedrooms Satin stripings
in new shades of rich dimness, dull
old tones. Or the gorgeously vivid
flower- designs.
The Society Editor Is Kept Busy
rpHIS month recording the flit-
X tings of Omaha society folk, and ;bf a ark it may be- but you mugt
Im wondering it they ve all viewed iet your guests know in yo1ir jnvita.
the smartly durable luggage on dis- tion that they should bring some
play at the Omaha Printing com- thing with them to protect their
pany, Thirteenth and Farnam. Real- "Par'y clothes." You might send
Iy of exquisite daintiness are even
ly. ot exquisite caintmess are even
the sturdy bags shown, for thy're
minnkptv fin- in retail, delicate in
stitchibg and mounting. Gol4-plat- on the towl 6f the pipe. Make it of these little disks in all sizes and largest bubble, for the one that lasts
ed are roost of the mountings seen, double, hingingit along the stem of string them up, and the "result will the longest, for the most bubbles
finest workmanship having ' heen the pipe, and then paste the edge certainly be worth working for. from a single dipping of the pipe
employed. Very new are the vanity togtther except at the top of the , When the guests arrive present into the suds, and for the longest
conceits, really, flat bags of dull bubble, where you leave a place for each man with a pipe, unon which is chain of bubbles blown. Extra pipes
leather, finished to be carried sep- inserting the. invitation, which has tied a certain shade of ribbon, which have, of course, been provided for
arately on train or car, of just the been written upon a slip of paper and he must match up to a cake of tinte.d the girls, and each couple will work
right dimensions to fit into the suit- folded up very compactly. If you soap that has been distributed among together, although the prize should
case. Whether the leather piece be know how to use water colors, you the girls. These soaps might be go to the individual. One prize
oite for the burly masculine members can make the invitations much more small guest cakes wrapped in color- could be a pipe for the man, and a
of the family or the more jdainty attractive by using water-color . ed tissue papers, or they could be traveling, soaprase for the girl; or
feminene representatives, bags for paper and tinting the bubbles in the popular dve soap, in any case you could use a record of the popu
travelling or cases , for briefs or iridescent hues. On your slip of making a pretty favor. Now each lar song, "I'm Forever Blowing Bub
music, one's every need can be filled paper write the following verse, if couple must hunt up their own par- bios," or one of the Bubble books,
here, at prices of unexpected low- you like to have your invitations in ticular bowl of water, which they Now let your guests amuse them-ncfs-
- rhyme: . s will tecoeuize by its color. Get plain fcclves with etunts and tricks. They
fotdr S Jjloppm itli R)ly
I've seen the first tip of the morning sun
Over the eastern hills.
I've seen the last glow of the setting one,
Sight of a hundred thrills.
But all of the sights that I've ever seen
Never excelled the one
Ofs mountains afar in a mystic sheen,
Blushing before the sun.
New Framings for Old Pictures
MAKE in truth new pictures. The
art department of the A. Hospe
company; 1513 Douglas, is showing
particularly pleasing companion pk;
tures bf Dutch, children in poly
enrom.; irames :io, correspond to trie'
, e . .. ..
cotonngs ot tne . pictures, wnicn ,m&t important time in a girl's life,
range from bright vermillion to palejhe Brandeis Printery, main .floor.
rose, jade green to deep dark green. -
Gat pictures in all sizes are offered
in the new large vshowing.
.. ' . : . ;
Eponge frocks 'of gray, " yarn
.trimmed, in colors of true gorgeous
hess, fill the window of one of the
big shops this .week. Ranging in
size; from 4 to 14 years,' they re chic
representations from the designing
brain of "Inex.", t -
The Eloquence of Spring Is Ex-
, pressed , , . . ,
1 N A NAVY tricotine suit at Herz-
I , ., , ,
X berg's, 1517 Douglas. For the
short" box coat has achieved an ef-
fect charmant in a wide binding of
black satin, a decided note of dis-
. . , J , .
tmction in braided motiis
genne, the lascinating new snade,
in witchmgly soft duvetyne, forms
an engagingly embroidered fold-over
vestee on a strictly tailored little
suit which flaunts the demurely
chic Peter Pah collar of the new
r- r ' .,
If Your Appetite Is a Bit Jaded '
Ti HONE down, to the Flatiron
uuinj auvui irn. iiuu.j. wnouii .....
experts in cleaning at Dresher Bros.,
thirtg about the house. Consult the
twenty-second and farnam. rnone
. vj. . ... i- r .
Tvler 0345 as to their facilities far
cleaning your particular furnishings.
Youlll really be surprised at the pos
sibilities of cleanliness, the lowness
of the prices for work which they
will quote; ao many treasured bits
f'nerv round the house will gleam
wjiii icucwcu uuiui iiiu ucduijr nidi
your first pleasure in owing them
will be repeated after their true love-
liness is brought out through a sci-
entific , cleaning.
. Where you know your crowd and
can rely upon them to all into the
spirit of the party, a bubble party
fog grown-ups is sure to be great
' fun Th rtMpr ih rf-nwr! thp mnrfl
"."""" vul
.;, ............ ......
stiff white paper in the shape of a
clay pipe with a large bubble poised
Announcements of Weddings Must
Needs Be Up to the Minute in
Styling. ;
A ND WE are quite agreej that
,-only the best and nicest in the
way of workmanship, paper arid ar-
i . J
ranKement will appeal at this, the
, near-the Dank is a iittle department
.-which carries a pleasing not of per-
socal suggestions. Youll find them drape a lovely background under
most interesting ip your work wheth- spring , chapeaux of startlingly ef
er the announcements are engraved Active new colorings. Mrs. Knee-
or printed. Exquisite work thev
ao in pom ana ai prices oi interest
Soft gathers, hip sashes and'ide
trimmings are features of the mode.
Every Spring Brings
" A Demand Among Fashion's
Follower. " . 1,
. . . ., ,. ... ,. ,
TpOR dainty "undies." You'l find
most desirable dainties in fresh
creamy white ', and flesh Nu-Bone
corsets, sheer camisoles, as well as
cleverly fashioned aprons at the Hat-
tie Putnam Nu-Bone Corset Shop,
fifth floor Karbach block, Fifteenth
and Douglas. '
Overstuffed Furniture Offered at Half Price During the Next Week.
OVERSTUFFED davenports, great, deep, luxuriously built pieces
of finest spring construction throughout, covered in impressively
designed tapestries imported from well-knor weavers of the old
world, armchairs built over solid mahognay framework, rockers of durable
as well as artistic tnprit ars in he fnnnH in a splprtinn trnlw rpmarkarilp
.- - " - - - --- -... - - j -
at the H. R. Bowen Furniture company, Sixteenth and Howard. Over-
siunco suites anu separate pieces onerea at just naii-pnce auring tne en-
. r 1 . nj.-tl i i i : 1 . i r i . . i
tire week. Mulberry brocade is one gloriusly beautiful suite, whose back
ground is composed of deep gold threads. Dull blues, rose and mulberry
predominate in the showing of fabrics, affording additions to any of the
popular color schemes of the day. Great spreading roses with heavy
waxen leaves bf merging shades of green cover the tapestry of a daven
port, now priced at $115. Extraordinarily massive in construction a
davenport and armchair offered for
ji, yiuc auu guiu is a udvcinpua ui micsi iriauiuiliug; ai .a. 5 uUK111
as London itself the tapestry 'of black decorated -in birds and 6hrubs
which covers an armchair and rocker suite at $175. Exquisitely dainty,
a rose, blue and brown in the popular dull shades of each color a separate
davenport unusual in shape now offered at $97. " "
A Bubble Party
Make a note of this right cheery
To an evening of good fun ad lib,
We'll blow all your troubles ' '
Into light, airy bubbles
So protect your frock (or suit) with
a bib.
The name and address follows.
The house can be prettily decor
ated, with bubbles cut from card
board, all colors, and strung on
cords of varying lengths . across
v. . .m,6ii,j,uv
doorways, from chandeliers, etc. It
will not take long to cut. hundreds
The mountains of dawn, with their darker blues
Turned to a lovely pink,
Are fairyland mountains of magic hues,
. Guarding the daylight' 8 brink.
. Th mountains of sunrise, with tints of gold
, Brightening all the rose,
I love hough their hearts are a bitter cold..
. Beauty upon them glows. ... , .
Mountains of Sunrise, by Helen Emma Maring in Seattle Tost-Intelligencer.,
Decidedly Effective New Fur Chok
ers Make Sryleful Color Combine
With the New Chapeaux. '
PARTICULARLY pleasing are
the new show windows of the
Kneeter Alaska Fur company. Fif
teenth and Douglas. Deeply love-
sables, richly brown, deep orange
n ti A 1 Mir Riu til m9tn fnm nmw
and charming brown fur; Stone
marten, favorite of former .seasons.
ter is now' on a buying trip, send
mg in each day splendid new hats.
No hat over $15; they are each one
an original styling, separate and
apart there are no "repeats" in style
or color.
( The New Tropical Shades Chosen
by Dame Fashion as the Dernier
Cri for Spring
F AKE it imperative that ,one at-:
L- tain'fne" clearest possible tint
ing of the1 skih. The Comfort Shop,'
fourth floor Securities building,
Sixteenth and Farnam, have a
"Whitening Facial," which- makes
the skin clear and smooth, as well
as bringing back a youthful glow
most amazingly becoming when seeu
above the .new spring fabrics.
$200; Quaint small all-over design
little white china bowls, and make a
strong suds . wtih yellow laundry
soap and a little glycerin to give
opalescent tints t6 the bubbles. Color
the suds 'with a little of the dye
soaps. This coloring will not make
the bubbles vcjy different, but will
make attractive looking suds, and
will just slightly tinge the bubble
T Pt ill. r...a.K' nAAtlA. . 1. : I - V. ..
v. ..v. uv-. phhm wane uc-
lore you start the contests. Then tell
them you will give a prize for the
Short Circular and Very Full
I LADY'S skirts for
of course, .means that
one must at all times wear the
smartest and neatest of footwear.
The Securities Boot Shop, who spe
cialize in smart shoes, none of them
over $10 a pair, are offering as new
style arrivals: " ,
Two-Snap Buckle Oxfords:
Blaejc kid $7.50
Brown calf .......... 8.00 - .
These in daintily stitched brogue
effects, long vamp fronts and smart
ly cut Cuban heels.
One Strap Snap Buckle Oxfords:
Black kid ...$8.00
Brown kid 8.50
These in smartly outlined slender
oxfords for wear with the new tail
lcur in Louis heels.
A Tiny Sweetheart Rose With Few
Sprays of For-Get-Me-Nots
AVE a decidedly unusual touch
-to the card accompanying an
anniversary corsage which I saw in
the making at the John Bath Flower
Shop, Eighteenth and Farnam. this
week. . The touch extraordinary
which this shop has gained the rep
utation of , bestowing upon every
flower arranged in their shop. One
often hears such remarks as this,
"I'm ordering these because of the
exquisite flowers you sent father
when he was ill." Reasons why
one might well place one's trust
in flower orders with this well
known florist. '
There's an Added
r"PO the work done so delightfully
J- by the Marinello Licensed
Shop, 556 Brandeis Theater Bldg.,
Seventeenth and Douglas, in the. fact
that the well-known Marinello sys
tem stands back of and guarantees
every bit of work done in their Shop.
You will be interested to know that
by their perfected system of Electro
lysis the removal of hairs and moles
is not only done harmlessly, but per-,
manently as well. The rice is very'
reasonable. -
Color Old and New Straw Hats,
Satin, Silk, Canvas Slippers, Bas
kets and Wicker Furniture
"DEADS the cover on the bottles
-in the new Colorite shipment
just arrived at the Green Phar
macy, Sixteenth and Howard. Any
color desired will be found in this
collection: Cerise, sage, cardinal,
red, jet black, burnt straw, laven
dar, navy, gray, brown, cadet blue,
ny one of the colors may be yours
if you'll send in 25 cents for one
of these packages. '
New In Color, Shapejind Trimming
fJ1HAT old chapeau of yours if you
-- take it down td the Kruger Hat
Shop, 303 Barker Block, Fifteenth
and Farnam for reblocking, coloring
and trimming. This is the shop to
remodel your, furs or marabou or do
that necessary bit of dainty hem
stitching for you.
will soon be inventing plenty, of
them, but suggest that they try to
fill a large bubble with small ones,
which can be done by putting a
straw very carefully through t' e large
bubble and blowing off the mall
ones inside. They will like trying
to cover up various objects, fruits,
flowers, etc., with a foam or globe
of, bubbles. All this will fill up the
first part of the evening, and should
be done in the living roorn, where
the largest table is cdvered with a
sheet, or the kitchen table could be
borrowed for the occasion. Have
plenty of aprons on hand for those
who forgot to heed the invitation.
- Serve your refreshments in the
dining room at the table, and make
a pretty centerpiece by tying a half
dozen different colored toy balloons
to a heavy glass flower stand in a
lily bowl and filling up the rest of
the holes in the stand with season
able flowers. The balloons should
be tied with gold cord, long enough
to let them bob up high above the
heads of the guests of various
heights. The effect will be extreme
ly pretty.
In Some Countries
THE 1 happiest occasion in the
whole'ycar is the celebration of i
one's birthday. Particularly approp
riate is it' at this time to choose
some delicately individual gift, the
more personal the offering the bet- ,
ter. The Henrickson Jewel Shop,
Sixteenth and Capitol, have an un
usually wide selection of gifts this
year. Dainty diamond rings, dinner
rings of plaitntim and diamonds
gleam in velvet cases of gray and
blue, the new wide brooch bar pin
conceptions nestle in satin back
grounds seemingly conscious of their
originality of pierced design, while
in the same case are most desirable
scarf pins in platinum and gold,
also in combinations of the two
precious metals. Cuff links of plati
num are truly .regal, hand engraved,
uniquely shaped, mountings of
sumptuousness for their diamond
centers. Then the watches there's
a peculiar, gratification in selecting
a watch as a gift, what an inesti
mable number of times the owner
is going to glance at the time
piece, with many thoughts of the
kindliness of the donor. The Gruen
watch, incomparably fine, is shown
in wrist ribbons, while there's a
specially featured Elgin in a 17
jewel movement, at $26.75. Silver
and glass novelties innumerable af
ford an unusual birthday, gift .selec
tion for this, February, the month
of birthdays.
The Venetian Pump An Instant Suc
cess at the National Style Show
Designed by Shoe Specialist of
i Omaha.
QUITE the loveliest of the new
strap pumps for dress wear ara
the pumps designed by Mr. Tuttle
of the , Thos. Kilpatrick , company
shoe department The lower strap,
slashed in manner most witching,
fastens, seemingly, in under the sole
at either side of the instep, the up
per strap buckled trimly, is con
nected to the wider ankle strap by
a perpendicular strap gracefully cut,
reminiscent of the sandals worn in
Italy. This mode!,-an instant "hit"
at the National Retailers convention
in Milwaukee where it was worn by
the style show models, is a product
of Baker Bros., made up exclusively
for Mr. Tuttle, the designer. In
brown, black suede, or gray suede,
a gVay suede and black patent com
bination and black satin; these are
altogether fascinating bits of foot
wear offered at the nominal sum
of $13.50. ,
- '
Every One of the Thousand and One
; Stitches ' ..
QJO" NECESSARY to the complete
loveliness of spring and sum
mery finery might well be done at
the Van Arnam Pleating company,
416 Paxton block, Sixteenth and
Farnam, so clever are they in the
little things. They'll add a bit
of gold or silver stitchery to the
hemstitching on your satin or taf
feta frock, or suggest a "different" '
way to do what you might have'had
in mind. Send for a catalog. I
Broad ISashes, Slender Panels and '
Graceful Draperies
CHARACTERIZE the season's
mode, all of these embodied in a
little frock which is in the making
at the tshop of Lulu Hampton, 338
Securities building, Sixteenth and
Farnam. ' Of lustrous black char
meuse is this frock which readily
lends itself to this clever modiste's
fingers. Panel front, back and sides,
wide-cut armholes, short kimono
sleeves, and touch of iridescent
beading, makes of this a true crea
tion. I'd suggest an early ordering
of spring frocks for we must remem
ber that Easter will surprise with
its earliness this vear. ,.
Smart Paris Wears Frock Achieve-
ments in Simplicity
"DUT I woujd advi my friends
inclined to be a bit, stout not to
forget to catl on 'Dorothy Hill, the
corset specialist', second floor Ne
ville block, northeast corner Six
teenth and Harney, before having
the - new spring, gown or tailleur
fitted. t Her slenderizing model is
marvellous,' Write for measure
blanks and literature.
. -
Wool Parasol Milady's Latest '
Wool parasols have appeared on
Fifth avenue, apparently in a fur
ther attempt on the part of the orig
inators of style to-confuse the sea
son's still more sartorially despite
the never ceasing comment of the
more prosaic groups of mankind on
the piquant incongruity of furs in
midsummer and straw hats ia Jan
uary. . v
.The wool parasols being shown
in Fifth avenue shop windows fo'-'
low the craze for everything knit
ted which has taken possession of
the feminine world. The fabric with
which the frame ,i.s covered is either
knitted or crocheted arid harmonizes
perfectly with the knitted suits and
frocks now so fashionable. '
The wool parasol possesses the ad
vantage also that if an early spring
debutante happens to be out walking
with said parasol at Palm Beach
when one of those bitter squalls t
that sometimes visit the southern re
sorts arrives pell mell from the Arc
tic regions the promenader can sim
ply close the wool parasol, crawl
inside this improvised shelter tent,
and wrapping "the drapery of her '
couch around her lie down to pleas
ant dreams" until the return of a
summer atmosphore makes a parasol
more grateful than a blanket,
,V , .
Gray, in raiment for women, is
tinder careful scrutiny just now.
since Paris has taken to gray. Not
every complexion will endure tha
test of this somewhat somber tint,
but there are ways of illuminating it.
By the discreet use of metallic thread
embroideries, or those in brilliant
shades of wool, or by banding with
the lovely mandarin braids which
resemble embroideries and are less
in cost, gray may be rendered be
coming to almost anyone.
-T.tlt ami Tr(l,-itiik lUciitortil C
. I'.lcnt Oftlov wUM,