THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1921 7 Romance in Origin ' Of Superstitions By H. IRVING KING. Parsley. In sonic sections of the country it is considered iriot unlucky to re plant old parsley in the garden that is to set out a parsley root which you have had growing in a hox in the house all winter as it endangers the life of the head of the family. Always sow fresh peed. This superstition we inherit, along with parsley itself, from the days when Greece aTid the gods were young together. I'arslcy was an ' indigenous plant in (ircecc, growfnji wild and with special profusion in Argolis where was the vile of Xeniea in which stood the temple of Xemean Zeus, and where Her cules killed the Xenieau lion. l'arlcy possibly from its avail ' ability in making wreath and gar lands for his shrine appears to have come to he regarded in the valley as the specially favored plant of Xemean Zeus and so when some 500 years before the Christian era. the Xemean games were instituted in memory of a local young hero, Archemorus, who died from the bite of serpent as the expedition of "The Seven Against-Thebes" was passing through the place a crown of wild .parsley was the reward of the victor. , Xow wild". parsley being dedicated to such purposes was, naturally protected?- probably the penalty for the profanation of rooting if up was death. And here we get the modern superstition that the plant ing "of an old parslev root in the garden i'i likely to cause the death of Jhe head of the family.- Only three'; columns of, the temple of Xemean Zeus reniain standing; yet many a man today hesitates to plant att'dldparsley root in. his garden attd "you '.wiir find in many of the modern ' books of "Dreams and Omens" a" warning against 'doing so. (Copyright, mi.1 by TK MeCIure News paper' Syndicate.) . . Do You Know the libit? More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE. The Loving Are The Daring Dancing la regular part of the training at W est Point. V4icn a gallant cadet whizzes by with his girl, To the jazz'es unrhythmical beat, Or joins in the dizzy, bewildering whirl With shimmying shoulder and feet, And only at intervals pause to puff In the course of a hard dancing night, 1 Don't think that he's pulling uhsoidierly stuff, For that's how they teach 'cm to fight. The lad who would stand undismayed in a trench Or Calmly go over the too, Has often been noticed to shudder and blench While dragging a Jane through a hop. N The mind that can master the intricate dope That the writers on strategy plot, Too often is sadly unable to cope With the one-step, the glide cr the trot. Wild war's worst alarums have never been known A veteran dancer to stun; Cadets who can skip to a braying trombone Never flinch at the roar of a gun. And leading a wall-flower out oil the floor, Who is lacking in litheness and beauty. Implants in the earnest young student of war Unswerving davotiou to duty. And so, though you fancy that dancing's a sport' Unsuited to soldierly deeds Like crushing a salient or storming a fort It's quite what an officer needs. Cadets who four years through the maze of the dance Have side-stepped and eddied and whirled, If ever a mix-up should give them a chance. Will easily lick the whole world. , Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife (Cover up th answers, reail the ques tions en.l sco If you can answer them. Then look at the answers to see If sou are rlKht.) Arranged by J. Willson Roy. (Cojivrfght, 1920, 'V heeler Syndicate, Inc.) 1. Who vas Laban? ' .'. Yhy.,,did Hagar .call her child lshniacl? 3. Why was Rebekah .chosen as the. ivffc of Isaac? ; ; - ; 4; 'Why was" Jacob's' namci after the contest, with the angel, changed to Israel?' 5.' Why was Esau so named? 1, The? brother -of Rebekah. . 2: Because she desired to commem orate the answer to her prayer. The word, . "Ishmael," signifies "God hears." 3. Because of her kindred. Abraham wished "to- avoid' a mar riage with the Canaanitcs on the part of his son. r. " ." 4. ' To mark his1 victorious cliarae- No Qualifications Needed The reason there are so many applicants for cabinet positions is that no civil service examination is required. Coming To Him We are in favor of increasing Germany's army allow-ance by one, so she -can put Bergdoll in it. , . What's The Use? "V"-VKy begin to save .daylight again. As soon as we get the habit the prosperity league will come along with a warning that unless we spend it business will be ruined. (Copyright, 1921, By the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ter, die word "Israel" being com pounded of "Issoor-al," signifying "a prince of God." 5. Because of the redness of 1 is skin,! the word Esau being rendered "red," or "covered with hair." Where It Started , 5 Forts. Our modern military strongholds are direct descendants of the days when men had to protect themselves at all times from the attacks of their enemies. They constructed walled encloures on hills, from which they commanded the country round. Athens, Jerusalem and Rome are good examples of this, for they are really forts, built with the main idea of being at once a 'safe place and a headquarters for forays on the part of their inhabitants. (Copyright, 1920. Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.) Who Is the Person Lillian Suspects? I pressed closer to the window, strained my face, against the pane, in the elTort to determine whether 1 had really seen some one beside old Sammy lurking in the grounds be low me, or whether my overstrained nerves played me a trick. For a liip; minute I watched and then I knew beyond all doubt. There ! was a tigurc coming trom tnc tli- rcetion of the little lake and stream with the footbridge that lay at the I foot of the garden. I could catch j only the most elusive glimpses of it I as it stole from tree to tree, tannily I taking advantage of every shadow j and infinitesimal gradation Hearing i my home. I Old Sammy had been patrolling the front of the grounds, and a moment after I had first seen the figure of the intruder he had turn ed the corner of the other side of the house. That the intruder was as ignorant of Sammy's presence as Sammy was of his, I was sure, and I wondered tensely what would hap pen when the old watchman should round the house again. Then with a sudden flaming in sight I knew that I could not wait for the old man's appearance. He had an ancient revolver more dan gerous to himself than an enemy, while no doubt, the other man was armed in more deadly fashion. I must not risk old Sammy's safety. With a purposeful clatter I threw up the window and spoke slowly and distinctly: v "An armed watchman is coming round the other side of the house. I should advise you to get out of here at once." The moving figure came to a stop, and stood for an instant motion less. Then the man, evidently pre ferring a woman's voice from an upper-story window to an armed watchman on his own level, turned, and ran lightly toward the Durkce house, actually past my window, and on down the driveway into the street. "What Has Happened?" I had a fairlv good glimpse of him as he was silhouetted for an in stant against tli? light of the street lamp, for be cleverly changed his run to a walk just before he reached the light, and went out of the gate as if he were some member of the household dispatched upon some nocturnal errand. 1 caught my breath iii chagrin at mv own alarm as the street light fell upon his figure.' He was only a boy, after all. a slight, agile figure, with a cap pulled low upon his head, and clothes which hung somewhat baggily upon him. The theory of young hoodlums being the disturb ers of the night before was no doubt the right one. A rush of feet behind me. and Lil lian said cryptically. "Get into bed. my eyes away from the window to her. As she bent toward me her face was like a white cameo etched against the duskiness of the room, while her eyes made me think of Just Received Several Carloads of IWiriffliM Mog miter From CMOP POME i What You Have Been Looking for-'On Sale Now i r f y. yicfintt.' I'o tj. "1 Tfi7f lT !$ 1- 1 ''JI Limited supply of medium size 75 inches high, 62 inches wide. 400-lb. ice capacity. Large Size r 74 inches high, 85 inches wide. Large ice capacity. mt. r-hfc w. w,. CD the glow which is left lor a moment when a powerful light is dimmed. "What has happened?" Why arc you here at this window?" she de manded. "You called to someone, didn't you?" A Strong Warning. I lowered the window before I answered, and drew the curtain, see ing as 1 did so -with an odd desire to laugh the figure of old Sammy coming around n:y house again, his flashing light illuminating his own figure, but little else. "There was a hoy lurking in the grounds." I said, when I had turned on the switch of the light. Then I gave her a little peremptory push. "Not another word," I declared emphatically, "until you have thrown oil something over that thin night dress. Mrs. Durkee left you a bath robe. 1 know, just as she did me. Get ft on!" "Haven't time," she retorted mu tinously, then she jumped into my bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. . "There, grandma!" she mocked. "Xow you may crawl in, too, if you like. But don't waste any more time. A boy, you say? How do you know? Begin at the beginning, anrl tell me what you've been doing, and what you saw." I obeyed her, and saw her face grow sterner at each word ol the narrative. When I told of having thrown up the window and calling to the boy, she turned on me sav agely. "If you don't value your lite for yourself, or for the rest of us," she said, and her tone was almost a snarl, "I should think you'd think of your little son." "Why I Why!" I stammered. "How was my life in danger?" "How does anybody know what that dev one of those devils of young hoodlums have in the back of their coke-crazed heads? I They shoot first and think afterward, especially when they're in a panic, as this one must have been at your unexpected appearance." "He wasn't very panic-stricken," I said. "He was evidently cool and deliberate, as he ran this w'ay, thus evading old Sammy, and changed his run to a walk as he reached the light above the gate." "That makes it all the worse," Lil lian said cryptically. "Get into bed. I'm not going to leave you again to night, and I warn you if you do any window stunts again I'll tie you to the mattress." But long after she slept or feigned slumber I lay awake turning some thing she had said over in my miitd. "How docs anybody know what that dev " she had begun, then changed it quickly to, "one of those devils." Was it possible that she had any suspicion as to the identity of the boy I had seen? Sn.iin maintains 1.600.000 hives of bees and produces almost 40,000,000 pounds of honey annually. .ommon oense Speed IV Yourself. By J. J. MUNDY. You must keep after yourself every day in order to be up to the speed and efficiency which are required at the present time. The contest for jobs the number seeking the place you now hold nukes it unwise for you to let down for a single day. If you were so foolish during the shortage of labor oi all kinds to per mit yourself to get ifito the easy going class and you have not speeded up, you may expect a little blue card one of these days. Employers no longer put up with inefficiency, insolence and laiincss because they have a large market of workers from which to select. Reduced production and earnings arc going to first affect the slow workx-rs because it ha become neccs sary to get more output per em ploye. Better service is demanded in all lines. Manufacturer must give more value to wholesaler, wholesaler to retailer and retailer to consumer. Better service, from the men who work for the manufacturer in any and. all lines which has to do with the production of merchandise or com modities that is the watchword of present-dav conditipns. Fall in line. North Dakota Bank Closed Mandan, N. D., Feb. IS. The Union Farmers' State bank of New Salem was closed today. Officials said reserves had fallen below the legal limit, and that the bank would reopen later. Brief City News Police iii Movie Members of thfi Volunteer Traffic police squad will be shown in a movie film to be taken at the court house Wednesday noon. Soup Dish Stolen A silver soup dish belonging to George B. Thum mel, attorney, was stolen from hid home at 3560 Jackson street Monday night. Roblxl by Highwaymen O. C. Allen, 1609 Burt street, was held up Monday night by two" armed robbers iu an alley between Burt and Cum ing streets and robbed of $40. Would Close Road House A suit for an injunction to close the road house of I3d Hart, two miles north of Florence, was filed in district court yesterday by County Attorney Shot well. Cold Wave Coming The weather man crabs the deal for Omaha by announcing that colder weather may be expected immediately. Kids who have been wearing out the knees of their pants playing marbles declare they are now off the weather bureau entirely. Iiooh Case Set Hearing of the federal liquor complaints against Peter Loch, proprietor of the Orpheum Gardens, arrested last week chanted with violating the Vol stead act, has been set for February L'5. Confeiwos Rubbery Jack Keed, negro, who was sentenced to nix months in Jail for breaking into th V. It. cigar store last fall, confessed to city detectives that he robbed tho pliiee Inst week. Open Nurvtlmr CIumsc-h Classes in homo nursing under the auspices of the Oinuha chapter of the Red Cross were opened last night at tho Y. W. C. A. The will also bo conducted Thursday afternoons. City to Rent Drill Hall At the re quest of Col. Amos Thomas of the Nebraska National guard, the city council voted yesterday $1.50(1 to pay the first year's rent of two floors over the Central Market for drill ing purposea for tho Omaha guard companies. Permit Denied Serjnm Annlholt Serjam, 120 South Twentieth street, .... i i ri1 ; I.,-- - t- was dented iv permit to conduct a soft drink parlor by city council yea terd.ty. I'ollep Commissioner Ringer told the council that Serjam had lived in America Sfi years and had not yet learned tho KntfUsh language. Purse NablxHl Mrs. tl. Moore, 2626 Parker street, went into a gro cery store Monday evening to buy some chewing gum. She placed her purse containing $19 on the counter while watting for change from a $2 bill. When she turned to pick up her purse, it was gone. ( Money Lost, in Cleaner's Mrs. I 1. Gain, (! South Twenty-third street, put $11, t& In the pocket of her husband's coat for safe keeping and then friend husband tok tho coat to a cleaner's. When Gain got the coat from the tailor ho asked "where Is the 111 I left in the coat?" The taller banded out R5 cents. "That's all I found," ho said. Police are investigating. ADVKRTIXKMF.NT AnVKRTISK.MENT fivs 'i.v 'iiiiux''iitvv "Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold in a Few Hours Instant Relief 1 Don't stay stuffed up I Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks any cold right up.. The first dose opens' clogged up nostrils and air passages of head; stops nose running; relieves head ache, dullness, fevcrishuess, sneezing. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist upon Tape's. ADVERTISEMENT YOU'LL GET RID OF BLACKHEADS SURE There is one simple, safe and sure way that never fails to get rid of blackheads and that Is to dissolve them.' TO do this get two ounces of calonlte powder from any drug store sprinkle a little on a hot, wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly wash the parts and you will be surprised how the black heads have disappeared. Big black heads, little blackheads, no matter where they are, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the parts without any mark whatever. . Blackheads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretions from the body that form in the pores of the skin. Pinching and squeezing only cause irritation, make large pores, and do not get the blackheads out after they become hard. The calonlte powder and the water simply dis solve the blackheads so they wash right out, Jeaving the pores free and clean and in their natural condition. Anyone troubled with these unsight ly blemishes should certainly try this simple method. The best salesmen Bee Want Ads. ASK FOR IT! Expect to find the Fisherman, the "Mark of Supremacy, " on every bottle of emulsion that you buy. This means that you -will always ask for Scott s Emulsion Scott A Bow TI1ii.simM, TLX . ALSO MAKERS OT (Tablets or Granalu) E INDIGESTION GOOD AS NEW. Made of high grade materials. Suitable for GROCERS, BUTCH ERS, RESTAURANTS, HOTELS, MILKMEN and FARMERS. Mil orders will be filled in order received and one-half payment must accompsny order. Omaha Fixture & Supply Company 1101-03-05 Douglas St Complete Store and Office Outfitters Omaha, Neb. Special low prices this month on Used Safes, Desks, Scales, Show Cases,. Coffee and Meat Grinders, National Cash Registers, Soda Fountains, Tables, Chairs, Etc. We Buy, We Sell, We Manufacture Store end Office Fixture of every description. The Burgess-Nash Interior Decorating Department The moment you step in some homes the first 'thing which strikes your eye is the artistic interior decoration. There is such a charni to well handled color schemes, which must result not alone from a high order of artistic skill, but also from the use of the most appro priate materials. . Our expert decorating service is prov ing a delightful revelation to those who appreciate how important an issue is artistic decorating in modern home-mak-ng. For those in charge of this work are so fully equipped with a masterly under standing of decorating schemes and an equal genius in originating and creating as well. Coupled with this are splendidly main tained stocks of home furnishings, mak ing possible the successful carrying out of orders of the most important nature. "EVERYBODY STORE Have You Choosen Your New MINA TAYLOR If Not You Should Do So Wednesday t For every day women are coming in and choosing among them perhaps a frock for home duties or something espe cially pretty for afternaon and street wear. And you, too, can find just what you need among the Mina Taylor Dresses The Dresses for Every Activity x which are being made in a model factory now in operation on our second floor. They are made in such pretty styles these Mina Taylor dresses! They have the clever lines and the many little touches that give them the individuality that you like about your clothes. And the fine gingham and chambrys which are chosen . for them give most satisfying service and wash beautifully. Wear your Mina Taylor autoing or picnicking your outing is the happier for the knowledge that even if your frock does get soiled, it will "do up" to perfection. For real service and satisfaction and for the very real economy it represents try a Mina Taylor. And please come soon while the showing here is very complete. Priced from $3.95 up. it They're Here! The Newest Strap Pumps for Spring s In a season of such wonderful variety, who shall say which style is most beau tiful? It is but a qucution of which de sign pleases you most. There is a deftness in their fashioning that shows the skill of the designers at their very best truly the dream of beautiful footwear :n realized to the fullest degree in these fascinating new 'shoes for spring. Gauntlet Gloves in Chamoisette How smart a costume looks if com pleted with a nice looking pair of gloves. These one strap chamoisette gaiwtleU arc stylish and may be had in mode or white. Made of the finest quality with heavy stitched seams and backs. Make your selection at a price which is very low. Main Floor Elizabeth Ellen Toilet Prep arations Especially prepared toilet prepara tions of the finest quality are extremely popular with women who care about their personal appearance. Included in the Elizabeth Ellen line is rouge, pow der, toilet water, perfume, nail polish and several other toilet necessities. Put up in attractive manner. Come in to morrow and let us show these articles to you. Very reasonably priced. Main Floor Second Floor Silk and Wool Frocks In Semi-Tailored Effects Poiret twill and tricotine are the favored materials, but smart little frocks with long bodice and circular skirts and snugly fitted basque effects are decidedly fetching made of that ever youthful material, taffeta. The season has produced few more delightful effects than the frock developed in charmeuse or crepe, which depends entirely on the cutting, the embroidery and draping of the fabric for its beautv. Stcond Floor