Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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"Senate Will Not
uire Women
To Pay Poll Tax
Wiltses Bills Postponed Meas
ure to Refund Guaranty
Fund of Liquidating ,
Banks Passes.
Lincoln, Ffb. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) The Nebraska state senate is
not going so far with women's rights
- as to cram a poll tax down their
throat, even if they do now have the
ballot. v
Without a dissenting voice, the "sen
ate accepted a report from the reve
nue and taxation committee Monday
afternoon to postpone indefinitely S.
V. Nos. J99. .100 and 301? Senator
Wiltse's bills providing for this poll
tax in cities, towns and in rural com
munities. The senate passed eiaht bills on
tinal reading, including S. F. No. 140,
to refund the guaranty fund of liq
uidating banks, and S. F. No. 114,
which once was passed, but was re
called lor amendment.
Cholera Serum Bill.
'' Four bills were advanced to third
reading on committee of the whole,
and S. F. No. 278, authorizing thf
University of Nebraska to buy and
sell hog cholera serum, was reported
out by the committee on agriculture
tor the general file.
Other bills passed on third reading
S. F. No. 60 Potato grading, 26
to 0.
S. F. No. 149 Requiring county
boards to furnish rooms for com
pensation hearings, 27 to 0
S. F. No. 88 Public morals, 27
-to 0.
S. F. No. 87 Incest law, 27 to 0.
S. F. No. 86 Rape law, 26 to 0.
S. F. No. 114 Farmers warehouse
law, 27 to'l.
Passed to Third Reading.
Rills passed to third reading by
the committee-of the whole were:
S. F. No. Ill Fixing flat $5 filing
fees for building and loans, exempt
ing them from fees based on capita!
stock. t '
S. F. No. 143 Regulating handling
ot gasoline and conducting of filling
stations as to fire hazards.
S. F. No. 219 Repealing law giv
ing court protection to men in mili
tary service.
S. F. No. 197 Regulating the bee
After having killed S. F. No. 209,
Senator Hoagland's bill to authorize
county boards to sell unnecessary
land, last Friday, the senate, on mo
tion of Senator Beebe, revived it
again Monday afternoon as a court
esy to the Introducer, who had ben
called home last Friday by a death
Nebraska Railroad '
Rates Will Be Raised
(Continued From far Oni)
the Nebraska interstate basis, is 3
cents a mile. The record establishes
that the interstate fares are being
riefeated and interstate commerce in
terfered with or destroyed by pas
sengers purchasing tickets to points
near the state borders, there buying
new tickets and immediately resum
ing their journey on the sam& train.
State and interstate passengers gen
erally ride on the same trains, often
side by side in the same" seat. The
service and accommodations afforded
both are the same and there, is no
substantial difference in the circum
stances and conditions under which
the transportation is performed.
There is much rivalry between Ne
braska cities and the cities in ad
joining states and on account of the
20 per cent difference in fares as
against the cities outside the state,
parties whose places of business are
located at such towns and who trav
el or draw trade to and from points
within the state are at a disadvantage
as compared with their competitors
within the state.
Disparities Shown by Record.
Various examples of the disparities
are shown by the record. As an il
lustration, Council Bluffs, la., is just
across the Missouri river from Oma
ha, Neb., and the additional distance
from Nebraska points is three miles.
Prior to August 23, 1920, the fares
from Nebraska points to Council
Bluffs were but 25 cents higher than
to Omaha, this being the amount of
the bridge arbitrary. Since that time,
by reason of the fares from all Ne
braska points to Council Bluffs hav
ing been increased 20 per cent, while
f.o increase has been made in the
fares u'hin the state of Nebraska,
the disparity between the fares has
been materially widened and from
points in central and western Ne
braska the difference is now sub
stantial in its effect.
A typical example w the situation
with respect to the fares from Ne
braska points to Omaha and Sioux
Citv. Ia.. via the C. & N.' V. line..
The distance from Chadron. Neh.,
to Sioux City is 402 miles; to Omaha
447 miles. Trior to August 26, 1920.
the interstate fare from Chadron to
Sioux City was $12.50,. based 25
cents over South Sioux City, Neb.
The present fare is $14.64, represent
ing a 20 per cent increase. . The fare
from Chadron to Omaha is $13.41.
Sioux "City formerly had an advan?
tage over Omaha of $1.21. and al
thoi?h it is 45 miles nearer to
Chadron than is Omaha it is now at
a disadvantage of $1.23." t
No Satisfactory Decision.
Both the carriers and the state
commission offered evidence at the
hearings as to the relative yst of in
terstate versus intrastate Passenger
service, but the Interstate Commerce
commission is unable to reach any
satisfactory conclusion upotvthe rec
ord submitted whether it costs more
or less to handle' the intrastate than
the interstate traffic in Nebraska. ,
"There probably is not much dif
ference in the cost." said Commis
sioner Daniels. "But cost is only one
of the elements to be considered.
Even if we could determine the
cost of the service, the question of
l' hat would be a proper relationship
of fares would still be a matter of
uidgment. If it does cost more -to
handle one character of passenger
traffic than the ether it would not
iieccssrilv follow that there should
he a diffrTiVe in fare. The usual
basis of fare a'niost the country
over for interstate or Intrastate, lo
cal or joint, main or branch line
service, is 3.6 cents a mile. Minor
difference in circumstances and
conditions are not reflected in the
. Lower Par Inadvisable.
In Nebraska we find no condi
tions, local or intrastate, which sug
gest the advisability of any Tower
fare than is charged elsewhere in
the same general section of the
country. We fixed 2.4 cents a mile
as - reasonable basis for interstate
fares in that portion of western ter
ritory embracing Nebraska on De
cember 7, 1915. Since then there
have been such increases in operat
ing costs as fully to warrant a 50
per cent higher, cr 3.6 cents a mile."
While the decision deals largely
with passenger rates, it also goes
into the question of freight rates and
grants the carriers the right to in
crease their rates which correspond
with the allowance heretofore made
in ine imersraie cnarges in ine west
ern group, in which Nebraska is lo
cated. Concluding his opinion, Com
missioner Daniels says:
"Whether the aforesaid passenger
fares or charges for freight service
pertain to transportation in inter
state commerce or to transportation
in intrastate commerce, the transpor
tation service in each instance is per
formed by the carriers under, sub
stantially similar circumstances and
conditions. The above findings are
abundantly supported by the facts
of record, t hese ,f in dings are with
out prejudice to the right of the
authorities of the state of Nebraska
or any other party in interest to ap
ply in the proper manner for a modi
fication of our findings and order
as to any specific intrastate rates,
fares or charges on 'the ground that
the latter are not related to the in
terstate rates, fares and charges in
such a way as to contravene the pro
visions of the interstate commerce
Landlords Say
Foster Bill Will
Stop Building
Omaha Men Declare Measure
Aimed - at Rent Profiteers
Unconstitutional ; Tenants
Side to Be Heard.
Blackboard Erasure
Delays Third Reading
Of Fraternities Bill
Conference to Be Held
At Washington This Week
Lincoln, Feb. 14. (Special.) In
explaining the order of the Inter
state Commerce commission ordering
ncigHi ana passenger . rates in Ne
braska to the level of interstate rates
as an increase in intrasat rtr
Thome Browneof the Nebraska
State Railway commission declared
the Nebraska commission increased
intrastate rates 25 per cent after an
application had been made for 35
per cent.
The interstate commission, author
ized by law to grant a 6 per cent re
turn, declared a 35 per cent increase
necessary, he declared."
The present intrastate oasseneer
rate in Nebraska is 3 cents and the
interstate commission has declared a
3.6 cent nerarv
Joint hearing of the objection be
ing made by halt a do:tn state in
cluding Nebraska, against the intra
state increase is to be held before the
interstate commission February 28.
Hugh La Master, assistant attorney
general for the Nebraska commis
sion, will attend a conference in
Washington this week.- '
Passenger rate of 3 cents per mile
and the existing freight rates were
held discriminatory hy the commis
sion, which also held that interstate
fares were being defeated and inter
state commerce interfered or de
stroyed by the practice of passen
gers buying their tickets to a border
town, bu yinar a ticket for the rest
of the trip and completing their jour
ney on -the same train.
Three Bills Passed on
Third Reading in Houso
Lincoln, Feb. 14. (Special.) Fol
lowing are bills passed unanimously
on third reading in the lower hous
Mosely bill, specifying that when
the governor appoints anyone to fill
.1 vacancy in state legislature, na
tional house of representatives or
United States senate the person ap
pointed shall be affiliated with the
same political party as the governor.'
Williams' bill, submitting to a vote
of the people -whether criminal as
sault against a woman shall be un
pardonable, y
Medlar bill, giving persons living
within five miles of a city of the
metropolitan calss power to donate
land to the county to widen public
highways to J 00 feet and giving the
county permission to accept such
gifts. i
Lincoln, Feb. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Wealthy landlords and
representatives of Omaha apartment
houses owners appeared today before
the house judiciary committee in op
position to the Foster bill, aimed at
the alleged rent profiteers. These
men declared the provisions of the
Foster bill would cripple building in
the future because with rent regula
tory powers vested in the state, no
one would build apartment houses
for fear that rentals charged, would
not net fair returns on investments.
They also declared the bill was un
constitutional. . "It is not unconstitutional, as sim
ilar bills, in Wisconsin and New
York have been declared constitu
tional by courts and I haven't no
ticed that there is any increase in
building activities there any more
han in Omaha," Representative
Foster of Omaha declared.
Foster issued an appeal today to
all persons who wished to support
his bill to appear before the house
iuHieiarv committee tomorrow after
noon at 3. when the tenants' side of
the question will be considered.
Among those from Omaha who
appeared in opposition to the bill
are: Harrv Wolfe, Leo Bozell, F. H.
Meyers, Fred Shotwell. Byron Hast
ings, A. T. Elmer, W. I. Graham.
Dean Glover and I. Shuler.
Former Assistant
Attorney General
Cecil Laverty Dead
r 1 1 1
Lincoln. Feb. 14. (Special.)
Cecil Laverty, 26, of Burwell, Neb.,
assistant attorney general of Ne
braska from September 1. 1919, until
illness forced him to resign in De
cember, 1920, and prominent among
the younger members of the bar in
this state, died at his home at 7
p. m., Sunday, according to word
received at the attorney general's of
fice. 'His death was due to cancer of
the stomach, which developed late
in 1920 from an ulcer.
He was graduated from the Uni
versity of Nebraska law school in
1916, and practiced with his father,
Guy Laverty, before coming to Lin
coln. The funeral will be held Tuesday
at Burwell, with interment in the
Burwell cemetery. t
Railroad Appeals Judgment
Given' for Engineer's Death
Lincoln, Feb. 14. (Special.)-Thc
Northwestern railroad has appealed
to the Nebraska supreme court the
$28,500 judgment obtained by Nellie
E. Sheean of Chadron, Neb., for
the death of her husband, Thomas. ,
an engineer, who died from 'scalding
after his engine had boan derailed
by spreading rails June 7, 1919, at
Siding, Wyo. The railroad company
denies negligence in letting the
track weaken at that point. The
original action was brought for $o5,
000 damages. '
Attempt to Rod Theater
Safe in Lincoln Fails
Lincoln, Feb 14. (Special.)
Burglars made a hold atempt last
night to rob the safe of the Lyric
theater here. They knocked the
combination knob from the safe with
a sledge hammer nd had prepared
to blow the door open when fright
ened away. A considerable sum of
money was in the safe.
There was also evidence that an
atempt had been to rob the
Orphcum theater safe.
Nearly 30,000,000 tons of coal were
mined in Indiana during the last
Lincoln. Feb. 14. (Special.)
Erasure of House Roll No. 240 from
the lower house blackboard today
caused inquiry by Representative
George Snow of Chadron, avowed
enemy of the bill, which would le
galize Greek letter societies in Ne
braska. '
In the morning the number of the
bill was placed on the blackboard
so it would come up for Jhird read
ing this afternoon. During the noon
hour it was erased.
Representative McLeod, chairman
of the engrossed and enrolled bills
committee, stated that he had taken
the bill back to his committee, but
did not give any specific reason for
his action.
Snow insisted that the bill be con
sidered this afternoon. Representa
tive William Randall of Omaha
moved that the rules be suspended
and consideration of the bill deayed
until tomorrow.
Enemies of the bill claimed that
it was erased and sent back to com
mittee because some friends of the
bill were not on hand to support it.
Gas and Electric Co.
Offers to Sell Plant
To City of Lincoln
LincolnT Feb: 14. (Special.) The
Lincoln Gas Sr Electric company
sent a letter to the Lincoln city
commission today offering to sell its
plant to the city.
The company suggests that a
board of appraisers be appointed to
fix the value of the plant and that the
people be. allowed to vote on the
question later. The letter is in re
sponse to recent agitation here for a
$900,000 gas plant bond issue' to be
operated by the municipality. Gen
eral Manager Harsh, in writing the
city commission, says that the con
struction of another gas plant would
result in a big loss to the taxpayers.
Members of the commission in
dicated they would oppose purchase
of the Lincoln plant.
Students Urged to
Prepare for Ministry
By Seminary Head
Dr. Joseph Ross Stevenson, presi
dent of the Princeton university the
ological seminary, tedd of the need
for more theological students at the
University of Omaha Monday noon.
Dr. Stevenson is visiting Dr. D. E.
Jenkins, president of the university.
While utuversties are crowded
with student-lawyers and physician s,-
theological students are few, accord
ing to Dr. Stevenson. Seminaries
are almost empty. '
"The- evangalization of the world
is the greatest problem of today,"
asserted the speaker. He urged that
students prepare for missionary work
or the ministry.
lelhnsr ot Ins lite as a minister.
he said that his first sermon was
preached in western Nebraska.
Wife Asks More in Answer
i To Appeal in Divorce Suit
Lincoln, Feb. 14. (Special.)
Custody of the five children and half
the estate of Lewis C. Marquis of
Scotts Bluff county, is sought by
Lulu A. Marquis, in an answer to a
supreme court appeal by the husband
from a decree of divorce won by his
wife, with a $17,000 alimony judg
ment. His estate is said to be worth
$74,000. The court awarded him two
of the-children and the wife three.
Motorman Arrested After
Crash in Which 60 ArtJIurt
New York, Feb. 14. Edward
Costello, motorman on a Long
Island local railroad train that col
lided last night with an express
train in Brooklyn injuring more
than 60 persons, 15 seriously,, was
held today, charged with felonious
Unthought-of Economies
in Undertaking
The high-class undertaker has too often
been associated with "high price." This
is a positive mistake and is caused by
lack of knowledge and by incorrect in
formation. It is possible here to secure a casket for
an adult at $7; -still, that humble de
ceased is entitled to funeral rites in the
same chapel provided for those of
wealth. No charge is made in either
case for these appointments. N
Noneis too poor to command our
facilities; none too rich to secure here
services in keeping with their demands.
That you may be a family of small
means, and death has robbed you of a
helper, is not seized upon as an oppor
tunity for unfair advantage it is our
chance to terve and help you.'
At the Hofmann Funeral ,
Home, many , things are
done unseen many aids
advanced for which no
charge is made.
In the superintendence of
such an occasion countless
details arise, which must
he met: and they are met,
properly, without annoy
ance to you or increasing
your expense.
Dodge at 24th St
Phone Douglas 3901
"Thrifty Shoppers Stock Up Whett the Price is Low"
they're. WAY DOWN in this
Brandeis Sale of Notions
The prices won't let you forget
O and' the qualities will help you to remember
Our Good Rubber Jiffy Pants; extra good
material, per pair, 29c
Large Pieces of Elastic, for garters, per
' piece. 10c
Packag Best Gold-eyed Needles,
Pox Good Shell Hair Pjns, all perfect, 5c
Bias Tape, good quality,. 6-yd. bolts, 4 bolts
for ' , 25c
Garters, for, women and children; white,
black and colors; special, per pair, 10c
Hair Nets, best elastic styles, all shades, 57Tj Ball Fast Colored Darning Cotton, 2c
Naiad Brassieres; each has a. pair of guaran- !
' teed dress shields; special each, 49c
Yard Belting, black and white, all widths,
per yard, 15c
Men's Collar Bands, all sizes, each, 5c Card Hooks and Eyes, to close out, 24c
Main Floor South.
Bargain Square Specials
Make a Tour of the Store! They're on EveryFloor!
Bargains that. Save you Money- -that's the real test!
77C buys
Come in gingham and percale;
wanted styles; are cut full and
long; each 77c
Main Floor East
79C buys
GLOVES-- Slip-ons and wrist
length; a few long gloves; slightly
soiled and odd lots; assortment of
colors; all sizes, but not every size
in every color. Per pair 79c
Main Floor North
19C buys
IERY Double sole, heel and toes
and double hemmed top; these are
seconds; they come in black only.
Per pair 19c
Main Floor
2Vzc buys
n yd.
TIONS From Vz inch to IV2 inches''
"wide ; white and cream colors. Per
yard 212c
Main Floor
25C buys
CHIEFS In hemstitched borders
and embroidered corners; new de
signs; many samples; special, at,
each 25c
Main Floor
25c buys
CHIEFS Neat hemstitched bor
ders, good size ; special, each 25c
Main Floor Center
98C buy;
Strauss Koveralls; of good quality
denim; sizes 1 to 8; special 98c
Third Floor East
1.59 buys
Gingham, in plaid and checks and
plain colors; trimmed with white
pique or plain colors; straight lines,
waist line and wide belt effect;
neatly -made ; all sizes; many colors
and styles; special 1.59
'Third Floor Center
33C buys
Lisle and cotton; white and pink;
come in all sizes ; each 33c
Third Floor West
1.98 buys
RAG RUGS 30s(i0-in. size ; wash
able and;durable; for bedroom or
bathroom'; assorted colorings ; spe
cial, each ' , 1.98
Fourth Floor Center
1.19 buys
POTS High-grade aluminum;
highly finished; ebony handles; 8
cup capacity; special, each 1.19
Fifth Floor West
5c buys
Good crystal ; price is lower than
present market value ; special, ea. Be
Fifth Floor East
2.95 buys
500, in braid and silk combinations ;
good colors ; special 2.95
Basement East
1.15 buys
Soft finished fabric for fine under
wear, lingerie, etc. ; in 10-yard bolts,
per bolt, 1.15
Basement North
14V2C buys
quality; in wanted bluecheck's and
broken styles; warranted fast col
ors ; special, per yard 1V2C
69c buys
ine blue chambray -and gray
cheviots; sizes 14'2 to 17;
special 69c
Basement Men s" Store
10C buys
2,500 yards; 36 inches" wide, cream
color only ; great value at, yard, 10c
Basement South
50C buys
cotton; full taped and lace
knee style; sizes 40, 42, 44; per
suit 60c
m 1