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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1921 !0 Classified Advertising Rates le par Una (count el worde to lln) 1 day 160 par Una per 1, 1 coneecullv dava His per Una per day. 7 eoneecutlv day Its par Una per day, SO consecutive dae n ari taken for lee than a total of Sir. Theo rate apply either to tha Dally or Sunday Bee. All dvartlsrisnt ap pear In both morning and evening daily paper for th one charge. CONTRACT HATKS ON , APPLICATION. Want adi accented at the following of fices : MAIN OFFICE.. ..17th and Karnam Sl. South Side Thllipa Dapartment Etora Council Hltiffa 16 S.-ott St. WANT ADS RK'$:1VEI BV PHONE AT TTLKR 1000. THE BKR will not ha reaponalbla for mora than ona Incorrect lnaartlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona tlma. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Kvenlng Edition 11:4a A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. SI.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES I.l.XOf.'. All Elisabeth, age 23 yeare, Feb. 1 4. 1921, nt 2506 Dewey Ave. Sur vived py parent. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Dunn, IuiIhp, In.: d slutere. Winifred. . Lettte, Rose. Marie, Florentine, and Allen 2 Prank and Charles. Deceased ivib charter member of Daughter of l belle. Remains will Jle In state at Heefey ei Ileafoy's Chapel tin . t: 9 a. m, Tuesday, thence forwarded to Dunlap. la whero acnlce of burial will tlce place. 1 KKCK Elizabeth, aged 7:1 years, died Saturday at tho home of her niece, Mra. Xr R. Johnson, 21 1 S. $:id fit. Funeral TueediiV. 2 p. m. from Brewer's funeral hoiua, 2ifh and K, Elder Jiiim Huff officiating, llurlal Walnut Hill ceme tery. HARARAS Klmer'l,.. aged 3 years. Feb ruiry 14. 1931. Hon of Mr. and Mra. John , W. Rarabeia. Residence. 631J Miami Street. Funeal from P-ro's Chapel. 23d and l-timlng street, Wednesday, 2 p. m. In terment. Rohemian National cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST riBRCKA MRTTT AMPI? service Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS!, 701 gouth16th St. Douglel2!G. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Kmbalniare. Phone II. 265. Office 2611- Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 0, Korlsko l uneral Home, 23d and O Sta. . FLORISTS. LEE L.LARM0N r"F" 1HI4 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. JOHN' RATH, lsth and Farnam. Dg. 3U00 .L. Henderson, !f,IO Frnain. Douglas 124S. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Illrfh. William an Edna rrentcce. hospital. . girl. Harry and Benluli hoipltal. boy. Louie and Mario Straley. hospital, hoy. , W, ii. and Beiilslj Borden, hospital. gin. Raymond and Petrir.ia Jones, hospital, boy. ' J. Marry' and Snruh KulokofsKy, hos pital, girl. Julian and Mildred Rail, hospital, girl. Curtis and Ed!t!i Cork, hospital, boy. Harris and Florence, Piper, hospital, girl.- Sidney and t.e'o Calvert, hospital, boy. l.oula aod Fannie Reubenstetn, hospital, girl. Henrv and Kelllo Oaden. hospital, girl. Charles and Alma Taynr. 2434 Patrick avenue, girl. Ttnn.tamln and Mary Harrison. Fifteenth and Ylntoii streets, boy. Rokeo and Blanche Hanley. Twelfth and Harrison streets, girl. Thomaa and Kvolyn Wymond. 4507 South Twenty-sixth street, boy.4 .lofen and I.orct'iii Mcrran, hospital, girl. Elmer and Ruth Small, 2310 Cuming street, boy. NlcUndeme and Raffesle 'Agostlno, 1040 South Tn enty-socond rtreet, twins, girls. Roy. and Mae Bovdon. hospital, boy, William and Ellen Scott, httspitaC girl. Mike and Rosa Plantamuro, Ralston, Neb.;- boy. Arthur and Margaret Johnson, Forly slghth and M streets, boy. George and I'carl Furse, 2214 Drexel street, girl. Nelse and Viola Vasey, 6007 South Forty. first avenue, by. , Clarence E. ami Catherine Hall, 6819 Rail toad avenue. r!rl. ' - i.jiiu inn eiinn jiiincoca, oiio .-sunn orly-fourth avi.gue. (;;:i. Karl and Katllcen Harp, 2424 Jones reot. boy. Clasence and Ella Smith, 725 So. Eight- i.ynn and eima Hnncock, S416 rortn Forty-fourth avt.gue. p.rl. 'Karl and Katllcen Harp, 2424 Jones atr eenth street, boy Joseph and Mary Rao, 2210 Pacific street, boy. t Friuik and Anna Szanlcki, 39 1 S Arbor street, boy. Audrea and Seboslinna Tarascio, 131S South Eleventh street, boy. IJ. and KUzi AVhUmarsh, Ralston. Neb., boy. ' , Lewie and Olgt Richter, 2012 North 'Eighteenth street, pirl. Harold and F.dna Douglas. 201S South Thirty-second avenue, boy. Chris and Chrlstena LlnHerud, 3916 Gor don atreet, (IrL . Deaths'. Mra, Margaret Frances Clausen, 42. hos pitaL , Ruth E. Geamcnn, Infant, hospital. Joseph f. Bohac, infant, hospital. Wflllam Maxwell. 21. hospital. Reb.ecco Reld. 89. hospital. Mary Sophia Gre.m. 77. hospital. Christopher Otto Plager. 5, hospital. Emily Alice McPariiel, 5$, 3163 Fowler a ven A. . Mrs? Amelia Fagerberg, 80, 113 South Twenty-fourth street. Ross De Witt, 3, 2217 Butt street. Nels Ahlgrren, 1. hospital. i-arry At. Willing, 61, hospital. R. ' Hendereon, L'S, hospital. .lames H. Conr.nran, 68. hospital. Mrs. Mary Turner, 4", 2S03 North Twenty-fourth strct. , Ralph O. Van N1;?. 54, hospital. Mra. Marv 41. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John F. Bartlett, over 21. 3loux Cin)', Ja ". and Eth?l M. Smith, over 18, Arthur, la. Otto Lelstlko. 23. Omaha, and Ethel Nehlcen, 26, Omahn. " Cecil W. Petit. 2o, rulsvllle, Xeb.'.'and y Clara Ann L'mbland. 24. Eagle, Neb. j ' Elmer M. Ward, 20.. Council Blufs. Ia., and 'Alice O. Longunecker. 17, Omaha, ' Erie Valllna, "'.'S, Crafton, Xeb., and .Jennie Peterson, 26. Omaha. Karl S. Eselin, 24, Omaha, and Viola Parrtsh, 20, Omaha. John Williams, 21. Walnut, la., and Ella Marxen, 18, Lewis, la. Earl It. Simpson. 23. Omaha, and Elta M. Chappell. '."t. St Louis. Mo. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. HANDBAG lost at Brandeis. about (IS and pair of glasses in purse. Party finding it keep (ii as reward and re turn glasses and handbag to the office of tha Bee. Mrs. Chris Johnson, 1530 Third Ave. Red. Sill. L'-ST A handbag containing $16 and a a pair of glasses. The party w4o found the same may Si'cp the money If they will return the bag and glasses to The Omaha Bee. No questions asked. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost artirl" to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST On Friday, February 4. Bar pin. Ftlligre design. Green setting. Peals nn e ich end of pin. Reward. Phone Webster 1467., Col. LIE dog, 1 year old, white feet, breast and collar. Answer to name of Prince. 510 X. 41st Ave. C.ill 4105. Reward. LOST On the 4th of Feb.. diamond lava liere containing three stone. Liberal reward. Call Harney 2211. LC'ST tlrav purse Saturday evening. 16th nnd Howard. Return to Omaha Bee "Want Ad" counter. SPECIAL NOTICES. FR EE YOEMAX FREE. Omaha Homestead No. 1404. B. A. Y.. will give a dance, card party, entertain ment at Swedish auditorium Wednesday evenlrsr. February 16. EVERYBODY WELCOME. ' DIXiREK of Honor members of Anni versary lodge. No. 220 are requested to attend the funeral of Sister Clara Falconer at her home. 2304 Grace St.. Tuesday at ! p.,m. Burial Walnut Hill Cemetery, Council Bluffs? -personAlT Til el SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furnltur. magazine. We collect. We distribute Phona Doug 41SS and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect, our new bom. 1110-1115-1114 Dodg 8L INFORMATION wanted a to where bouta of Leonardo Revelgia. Reward. Notify Laigice Revelgil, 134 Hickory St, Sha ron, Pa. PATENT ATTORNEYS. X W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 171 Dodge. HPK1NS NATIONAL DETKCTIVK AGENCT. lncjrpnrated. Douglas 1107. Suite $0$, Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. BRINGING UP f - " 1 WELL-WHAT DO tOO WANT TO tEE ME PERSONAL. MASSAOK 210 North Seventeen! St. SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SrVOBODA. 14U FARNAM BTRET SWKDIsn maattaffe, ex. niapaeufe. I . 6H77. RENT, vacuum clenner. tl up. Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old ru remade. Ty. 1433. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. RELIABLE Ex. Bids. Peteulve Bureau, Railway Doug. 20SC. Night Col. 3K12. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all casen. Tyler 1136 - Dancing Acadernies. LEARN TO DANOU RIGHT. Fancy. Stairs and Ballroom Doming Tauuht. Lesson by Appointment. . EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler 5615. KEEP'S HOTEL, ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance." Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2581, Har. 2792. Kel-Pine School for 2424 Farnam. Doug. 7850. Miscellaneous Announcements. ACCORDION. ld kntfc, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles: hemstitching, pivot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. SOS Brown Blk. Douclns 1936. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 Cuming street. Douglas 24(57. DIAMONDS. 1,"Kh t best 'price wrth privilege to buv hack at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY; CO.. 402 N. 16th St. :outf laa 6049. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha, Nub. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine .nv lrnn enstiilfi-s. SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co., 1522H Dodge. 103 N. 16. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot packs. OONCANNON BROS., TYLER 5731. WE do all kinds remodeling, 'pairing See our book of plana on bungalows, ga. rages. Dickson & Newman. So. 2794. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Vrlte for prices. The bnslgn Co.. -60, loward St. CLIFTON Hill Transfer Co., moving, pack ing handling and shipping. Wal. 1154. Wal. 6665. OMAHA WELDING CO. 'The Careful Welders." loth and- Jackson. D. 897. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St., John Feldman. D. 5128. Neb. Pleating Button Co., 1806 Farnam St. Doug. 6670. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 a 11th. D. 62S. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't you find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether articles that vou have no further use for? And have you ever stepped to mink, mat someone might be only too glad to have them? Then why not let the pttbllo know you have those articles useless to you through a little want ad in The Bee? It costs vsry little and a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell It for you. Try It. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for tha Want Ad Dept. ACORN, range, good brass bedstead and . spring. 2119 Web. 1651, TO party -buying furniture will rent 3 rooin apt. South -174, FURNITURE lor sale reasonable. 6235 X. Uth St. Col. 4975. IF YOU want to furnish a small home cheap call Tyler 4315. Pianos and Musical Instruments. PIANOS FOR RENT We do expert tuning, re pairing and moving. Phone your orders to Domr. 1623. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co:. J.514-U DODGE ST. . N BIGGEST phonograph bargains in town. $35 size, $17.50: $150 size. $65: $200 size, $95; $1 recordr. 45c. Records ex- cnangei, loc. snlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge BL Doug. 2147. A. H0SP CO ' Piano for rent. Everything In art and music Typewriters and Suppiies. TYPEWRITERS ! ADDING MACHINES. I ALL MAKES, bought, old, rented and , repaired. Sole agent for the CORieNA. i Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. ; Central Typewriter Exc. ! Dougla 4120. t913 Farnam. PROTECTOGBAPHS. F. & E.'b: bargain f.18 Farnam Bldg. i Miscellaneous Articles. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT FOR SALE A I. SO SECOND HAND LUMBER JUNK ETC. SUCH AS ACCUMULATES AROUND A FINISHED BIG CONSTRUCTION JOB. Phoenix Utility Co.-, 4TH AND LEAVENWORTH Douglas 1759 1-TON Fairbark No. 4 atandard acale, 3ix3H fool platform, also 28-inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Be office, 17t"h and Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler 1000. i SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needles aod pert. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Dt.ufias 197J. SURE and safe investment, city warrant to pay you 10 per cent Interest, $100, $500 and $1,000 amount. E. G. Solomon, 617 Karbach Bldg. Dougla 6262. FOR 8ALE Pure Kentucky leaf tobacco at 40c, 30e and 20c per pound. Delivered to your address. Charles Tabcllng, Tar fork. Ky. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, .how case, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa D. 2724. TEN-FOOT fountain and rarbenator, dirt cheap. Good terms. Box W-199. Bee. SAFF.S BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. oftf Cjk-' J. J. Darlght Safe Co.- EXPERT roofing, chimney repair. 6820 Ty. FATHER .IIT TRUE That VOO TOLD Some MEMUERa OF The fLUe THAT r7Vb A RONE HEAD? sure; : how l DID I KNOW VOU WANTED TA 6ECRET? WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1307 Farnam. D. 614S. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and 'urnlture. Ty. 2591. A. Zaveit. 706 N. 18. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. TRAVELING salesman with successful tire sales record in Nebraska and west ern Iowa wishes to connect with repu table company. Addrcea Box H-39, Oma ha Bee. Female. GRADUATE nurse will care for paralyzed mental or chronic patient In my haaaa, 412 So. 48th St., Wal. 4293. S REFINED middle-aged lady wishea place as housekeeper. Box W-168, Bee. Laundry and Day Work. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. PHONE your ad in to The Bee, It saves time. Call Tyler 1000 and aak for the Want Ad Dept. ANY KJND of day work or cleaning, first-class laundress. Airs. Tate, Wehsttr 2718. v FAMILY washings called for and de- llvered. Walnut 1214. WOMAN wants di: work, any kind. Web .1956. Curtains & blankets, 2613 4 Capitol. H. 1130. DA YWORK by colored woman. Web. 4744. WHITE lady wants ldry. work. Col. 2611. CLEANING laundry daywork. Web. 6383 HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. MEN to learn vulvanlztng. Tuition free and f 5 dally while you leam If you buy. Anderson Vulcanizing School, 1218 Har ney St.. Omaha. NTED Two sash and door men, four cabinet bench men, two general ma chine men. L'hrlch Mtllwork, Ltd., In dependence, Kan. .WANTED A chauffeur, references re quired. Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, 80i Secbnd avenue. Council Bluffs, la. FIREMEN, brakemen. beginners, 3150-200, later 8300. Write Railway, Box T 1424. Omaha Be. MOLER BARBER COLLEG9. 110 So. '4th. Wjte for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors SALES representative for Kohler Enameled Plumb ing Ware and Kohler Automatic Power ana Light, an electric unit for farms. Qualifications Age 25 i0L35; married man preferred; good ed ucation with some knowl edge of gas engines and electricity ; capable of de veloping into branch manager. Write fully first -letter. KOHLER CO., Kohler, Wis. WANTED Advertising salesmen and zone managers to sell outdoor advertising. - Firat-class men with experience along this line. Nat l Highway Marker Assn.. Vt. Dodge,' Ia. i THREE good house to house men steady work, good commissions. C.""F. j Adams Co.. 623 South Hth St. ; Salesmen for city work. None but hustlers need aptly. 801 World-Herald Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Experienced stenographer. Ap- ply Dg. 3124. Household and Domestic. WANTED A NU'-'RER OF GIRLS BE TWEEN 17- AND 24 TEARS OF AGE. $14 PER lVK'-li; TO START. APPLY ROOM 614, NEW TELEPHONE BUILD ING. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Ree Want Ads. Good, well-paid end homelike places always advertised. WHITE girl for general houseU; no laundry; must be good cook; good wages. Har. 0675. 3006 Pacific. WOMAN wanted for general housework, small family, no v ashing. Call So. 296:). , MAID wanted, general housework; refer I ences required. Call Har. 269. WHITE GIRL for general housework, laundry. Wal. 5179. HELP WANTED. 7 Male and Female. : WANTED Men, ladles and boy to learn ' barber trade: big demand; wage while learning: atrlatly modern. Call or write : 1403 Dodge St'. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT CHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma. chine bookkeeping, eomptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wir' lesa telegraphy, civil service and all Kngllsh and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for larg illustrated catalog. Address ROT LBS COLLEGE, Bodies Bldg.. Omaha. 7'eh. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6S90. i . BUSINESS CHANCES. j FOR SALE One of the best equipped 1 cafes in the stute of Nebraska, doing a business -.from $3,000 to $6,000 per month. The reason for selling disagree ment nf nartn.rMhhi. Will aell in n nilirb buyer for $18,000 cash or will take lady partner. Address P. O. Box 151, Grand Island. Nob. WEEKLY pa9er and Job office: three pa pers, light expenses: aell reasonable, cash or terms. Col. . 4354 or Colfax 023X; also address Box H-38, Omaha Bee. PICTURB show for sale. Write or wire I Emil Hauerwine. Crookston. Neb. TO GET in or out of business. e LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCague Blag. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SLEEPING ROOM, modern home, Kounte Place. Web. 4097. NICK, modern front room, no other room ers. $5 a week. 2420 Burt. Ty. 5464. 2110 Chicago: two nice sleeping rooms. I FURNISHED rm.. 2 gentlemen. Har. 7136. I PLEASANT front room. Apply 22u No. 23. ""Registered U. S. Patent Office. WELU-JTIS MOT TROE TO KEEP FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARK YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee .Vant Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and we will not, N only. furnish you with a complete ;oom Hat of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our ''Want to Rent" list for further refer ence in case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readern and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and publlshea solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. ARE YOU looking for a clean, warm well furnished sleeping room close in. Call Mrs. J. H. Cooper, 2007 St. Marys. 2 NICE mis., private family. Gentlemen preferred. 1123 N. 20th 8t. Har. 4465. VERY desirable room. West Farnam home, meals if desired. Har. 6391 NICELY film, rm., near car line, 1518 Lake St. Webster 3738. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE. LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. VANT AD. NICE large front rooms, furniahed for housekeeping. 034 S. 28th St. Harney 4449. i TWO nicely furnished, clean. modern rooms: walking distance. Doug. 5319. 623 S. 16TH Nice suite of rooms, steam heat, water, gas range. LARUE front room and kitchen furnished. 4326 Patrick Ave. TWO rooms, modern except heat. H. 5487. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT TOTT WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY". "Olio AXD ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE HSTOF ROOMS. MODERN room with board, suitable for T. Hansrom Park District. Har. '3166. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THE' EL-BEUDOR. , Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest, and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For 4 Future Occupancy. FOR rent, modern 4-room apartment. Web. 5397. SUBLEASE to party buying furniture, two rooms and bath. 2219 Howard. St. Bos worth Apts., Apt. No. 10. Unfurnished. In the NEW MOXTICELLO a choice 6 -room apartment on the third fioor, south and cast exposure, sun room mahogany and ivory enamel finish, to he decorated to suit, fireplace, very complete, well built and nicely located, maid's room and heated garage may be obtained. There is also a sliiiitly smaller apart ment In the sumo building, 620 South 31st Street. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 17th and Farnam St. Tyler 0541 CORNER apartment. Birchwood. 4808 Dodge, 6 .rooms, immediate possession. $125. Walnut 6299. Peters Trust Company, Specialist In apartment management. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. ABSOLUTELY modern furnished apart ment or housekeeping rooms, consisting of at least two bedrooms, private bath and kitchenette, for refined counJe with baby t year old. Must be In respectable neighborhood, either west or north. Give full description, rental price and when ready for occupancy. Box ,W-167, Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT One building 46x110, garage. March 1; one building 20x34; also 90 pairs roller skates in good .shape for sale. J. P. Johnson, Geneva. Neb. I SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 8. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. EXCELLENT office space with use of desk and telephone. 32t Securities Bldg. DESK space n office, well located. 609 Paxton Bldg. Douglas 1411. DESIRABLE rooms for a dentist. Call Dg. 6370, between 2 and 5 o'clock. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY iN3 CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, Hth- and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0283. MOVING, PACKING, STORAOE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAX AND STORAGE CO.. 816 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Uoweu Co. Tyler $409. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell .hein direct to the farmers. You get the best that can be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any mlddleinau'a profit, and then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction in prices nesrly pre-war prices. Harness, from $40 to $100 per set. Our goods are guaranteed.. Tle store is 62 years old and the oldest saddelery store in the west. Alfred Cornish - Co.. Successor to Collins & Morrison. 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. PRIZE-WINNING chicks for prompt de livery. Heavy laying, big-honed Minnr caas, Anoconus. Orpingtons, Rrds. Rocks, Wyandottes, Irfghorna. 'Delivered free. Catalog. Murray McMurray, Box 112, Webster City, Iowa. CHOICE S. C. White Leghorn cockerels. , Col. 4534. Wlto Wyandotte hatching eggs. Col. 0289. RED cockerels. $1 50 en-h. Col. 3245. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, PIERCE-ARROW Berlin limousine body, Morocco leather upholstered. AUTO EX CHANGE CO.. 2204 Farnam. D. 603. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney' St. GRAN'J -6, Into model. Bargain. Come fur demonstration. 2106 Leavenworth. Dg. 323. DODGE SEDAN. LIKE NEW ; WILL TRADE FOR IHlDGE ROAD.' Well, 654(1. liiTHAXON SIX. 4-fnw -nger. all Inborn! condition, priced to well. Call Har, M.' r zj-it i it i i j ii SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL " PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE R-ill have: TOO ONDER STAND WELL T'LL VOU TO PROVE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE We have some splendid l5l9 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. - SPECIAL. 1918 Chalmers 7-passenger touring, thoroughly renewed, worth $650. Monday and Tuesday only, 1390. Another spe cial tomorrow. Trawver Auto Co. SOME! bargains in used Ford cars. Mc- cairrey Motor co. . ine nanay ora Service Station. 16th and Jackeoo. Doug la 3500. Repairing and Painting. AUTO PAINTING 2768 Burt. Harney 6811. Tire Repairing. TIRE REPAIRING Expert work guaran teed for life of casing. Write or phone ftr rtri.. ll.t lilvhrpu Ar narcel Post paid both ways. EVERREADY T1RF SERVICE CO.. 314 So. 19th St. FARM LANDS. For Rent FOR RENT 1K0 acres of well-Improved land in Douglas countv. Will rent for cash or on shares to .responsible party. Address T. F. Qulnlan. J. L. Brandei3 & Sons Omaha. Neb. Arkansas Lands. LISTEN! 120-acrc farm, house. barn, spring; price $1,650; easy payments. Have other farms, list free. WARD, Mountain Home. Ark. FOR real bargains in farm lands write Lee Hartin. Salem, Ark., Fulton county. Missouri Lands. WE have for sale five improved Rock Road stock and grain farms. One 220-acre, highly improved, at $20D per acre, 160 acres at $150 per acre. 240 acres on electric car line. $75 per acre. $800 acres worth $160. Three seta im provements at $60. A dairy. 80 new. 30 per cent off cash value. We have many other genuine farm, bargains close in. Write Geo. A. J3ond, care Gregg Realty Co., 314 Bonflls Bldg.. Kansas city, Mo Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 3.440-acre stock ranch in western Ne braska, 10 miles from countyseat; well fenced and cros'-feuced in pastures; plenty of running spring water for stock; situated mostly in wooded hills: plenty of growing timber, pine and cedar for - shade, shelter, wood, poles, posts, etc.; blackroot, wheat and gram ma grasses. Ranch will run 300 head of cattle: 150 acres good, lvel alfalfa land to be irrigated by owner's private Irrigation project now under construc tion which goes with the ranch; that part under the Irrigation ditch has pro duced without irrigation an abundance of hay and feed for winter; 160 acres now In winter wheat: 100 acres of this land this year made 3-bu. of wheat per acre. 1.000 acres of this ranch could be tractor farmed: all good, rich soli. Have 40 head of registered Hereford cattle and complete lino of horses and ma chinery which I will sell with the ranch or not, as suits the buyer. Good 10 room dwelling house, all modern im provements, spring water piped through out: Delco electric lights; garage; pro ducing apple orchard and plenty of wild fruit. Rank barn, 24x80; corrals, sheds, etc. Price, $25 per acre. $40,000 carried back on ranch on long time at 6 per cent, must have SIC. 600 caslt and will consider good first mortgage paper or first-class farm on balance. No agents, you deal direct with the owner living on the ranch. Possession March 1. Ad dress Box Y-1K2. Omaha Bee. Improved .640 Acres, $14 an Acre Ona mile from Ilaleey, Neb., on coun ty road; rural delivery: sell on good terms. Owner, Mrs. E. Green, 4506 Virginia Ave.. Oakland, Cal. South Dakota Lands. $950 160 acres, rcrkins county. $1.200 160 acres, Jonca county. $4,010 640 acres, Carson countv. Hobart. Phoenix Building. Minneapolis. Virginia Lands. STOP,. LISTEN, READ, THINK We are offering for sale at from $100 to $150 rer acre the best improved farms in the United . States, situated close to thriving towns and cities, in the greatest state In the Union Old Virginia,, close -to the best markets, where orn Is todrfy telling for $1 per bushel: whero oats are selling for $1, and whera hey Is selling for $35 per ton. " . Write or Wire GREAT EASTERN LAND COMPANY, 208-209-210 Central National Bank, Richmond, Va, Wisconsin Lands. I ANDOLOGY special number juat out, containing 1921 facts of clover land i Marinette county, Wisconsin, If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking nf buying gojd farm rands where farmers grow Meh.'send t once for this special number cf Landology it i rree on request , Address SkltMai more-Riehle Land C143J SkldmQfWf Rlehle Bldg.. Marlnel FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. Money on City Property HAVE $1 0,000 to plate on first mortgage on Improved city properly. Apply. H. A. Wolf Company, 582 Sauhdera-Kenueiiy Hldg. Tyler 3160. ' - WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha rebidence. 1 E. II. LOUGEE. INC.. 638 Ketilne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. ' 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. For Farm Loans in eastern Nebraska see Paul Peterson, 364 Brandeis theater bldg. Omaha. $100 to $10 000 mad promptly. P. P. W EAD. Weed Bldg.. 310 3. 18th St, PROMPT aervlce. reasonable rate, private j money. Garvin Bro. 345 Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD '1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dougla 142$. HAVE only $300 rash, want 4 or 6 room house: not particular, hut want gonl lo cation, $30 or $36 a month. Address Box 2626, Omaht Be,.. THE-Old RellablTnteaT EataT "office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. imi rinrte. St. Onurlaa 1146 1 llHrti w Drawn Copyright, I KNOW DOT SOMEONE WILL. 4E-T YOO TE.T- fool: REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE CAN SELL' YOUR PROPERTY TRY US GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTOR SERVICE. LTST home and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 1966. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. -City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. DTpTprTirp REAL ESTATE JJ 11 V J-V J-J i. 1 gen,. Rent. Inure res. 350. Peter Trust Bids. Doug. 063S. PT Tl CDDT XT C! REAL ESTATE. .J. I JCil5rJ2iiN OIn. and Rental 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Dougla 21 W. G. SHRIVER?PnEc.TATfi 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 13 HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your properly? List it with C. A. Orlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bide. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 412 Karbnch Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. T":kage. WE HAVE an unusually well located plee of traclige, 31x132; tracks on both sides,. Alfred Thoma A Son, (04 lit Nat. Bank. . v 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 400 Peter Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtor. Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rentals. Tyler 163S. $33 Securities Bldg. SMALL store with flat above, on car line, modern, rent $720 year; price, $4,500; easy terms. Douglas 1734 day. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 161 ACRES, trrlga'lon district, near Gar den City. Kan. ; beet and alfalfa land; 130 acres under ditch, bal. pasture: small set buildings; grove, -trees and fruit trees; priced right; consider eastern Ne braska or Iowa land or stock merchin dls. Address Box Y-1431. Omaha Bee. FOR EXCHANGE $12,600 second lnbrt gsge secured on 420-acre farm. 45 miles northwest Minneapolis; mortgage is good. Will exchange for other property. Schwab . Bros.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. CLEAR lot. So. Omaha for car. Benjamin & Frankenburg. Doug. 4)722. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee DUNDEE, 822 N. 50th Ave. Good seven-room house: big double garage: big lot: $8,350. Wal. 3010. Florence. NETHAWAY, Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409. South Side. FOR SALE 7-rooin House, all modern, n. e. cor. 2110 J St possession given medjgtely. Tel. call So. 0123. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West CATHEDRAL DISTRICT SIX ROOMS Wft have a two-story home, liiodnrn in every way in a splendid neighbor hood, rlopo to Saunders school. Price 'anil t 'tit. a vrry reasonable. Alfred Thomas & Son, 604 First National Hank Bldg. $450 CASH NEW BUNGALOW A wcll'located, 5-rooni bunga low. Modern in every respect and on a corner lot. Near 33d street car and close to school. Priced at $6,250. Chas. E. Belman, D. 3235. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4389. North. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW,. EASY TERMS. 5-room strictly modorn bunga low which it looks like- some body ought to be able to make some money on. This consists of a large living room, dining room, built-in buffet, two bedrooms and hath with base tub, kitchen on first floor. Oalt floors through out. All oalt finish and white enamel. Full cement basement, furnace heat. This bungalow is vacant and can give possession at once. This belongs to an out-of-town owner and through a mis fortune lie la compelled to sell it. Payne Investment Co., 627 Om. Nati Bk. Bldg. Deng. 1781. Splendid Bungalow Values $4.300 Five rooms, strictly mod ern. Lot 44x125. 14 500 Five rooms, strictly mod ern, near ilith and Laird. $5.000 Five rooms, strictly mod ern, north of Mlnne Lusa. $6,000 Semi-bungalow, garage, corner lot. jK.noo Choice live-room bunga w low. garage. JS.500 Florence bouleard, extra rice, five-room bungalow, ga rage. $7.500 Minn I.uea special. Stuc , co, fireplace. Osborne Realty Co.; 520 Peters Trust Hldg. Jjouglaa 2282. KOUNTZE PARK BARGAIN 6-room homo on corner lot. Living room across front, dining room and kitchen down and three bedrooms and bath up. Oak finish; fireplace. Good basement and furnace. Priced right at $5,500. GLOVER & MORELL 718-20 KeeMne Rid .' TvTc'r 312 3. West Farnam District Owner leaving city. rr?tty six-room, two-story home, about four, yeam old: garage; rholrn east front eorncr lot: paving all paid: about two blocks to the new Trips school. For appointment. phon4 Osborne Realty Co.', lan Patera Trust Bldg. Doug. 2287 I I I l J 1 I L I for The Bte by McManus IVSl International News Service JUL 21 Bv NT L FtATURt Stwvict. INC. WHY Is a Police Patrol Spoken of As a "Black Maria?" The habit of referring to the vehi cle used to convey prisoners and dis orderly persons to a police station or prison as a "Black Maria" had its origin in Boston durijig the colonial days when a negress by the name of Maria Lee kept a boarding house for sailors in one of the roughest sec tions of the city. " Maria was a woman of gigantic s-tatue and prodigious strength, and was, therefore, of great assistance to the authorities in preserving the peace. The entire lawless element of that part of Boston stood so in awe of her that whenever an unusu ally troublesome person was to be removed to the station - lioiise the services of "Black Maria" were usu ally required. One of t he stories told of her is that she took at one time, and without assistance, three riotous sailors to the lockup, and then, glancing around, demanded to know whether "Thar's anyone eke who needs Maria's help?" So frequently was her assistance reeded that flic expression, "Send for Black Maria," became a synonym for the removal of prisoners to jail a' synonym which prcsisted long after the original Black Maria had been supplanted by a barred and guarded vehicle. (Copyright, 1920. by the Wheeler Sydi rate. Inc.) Close. S. P. Shops TDgden, Utah. Feb. 14. -Five hun dred men are affected by an order posted at the Southern Paci(V: shops here today, closing the shops to night until the morning of February 2.3. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Immediate Possession PRETTY PRAIRIE PARK HOME. Six rooms, sleeping porch and " bath, oak finish, choice lot. with paving all paid. Trees and shrub ery; one block to Sherman Ave. car and two blocks to 24th St. Osborne Realty Co., 30 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 2282. 7-Room Modern House For $5,000 Havinsc fireplace, hot waicr htr four taping rooms some oak ftnfeli.Aelertrte light, corner lot 6fxl0n, paving paid for, near Omaha University. Terms all cash. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. ti-ROO.M house, full size concrete base ment, 5 years old, 2 lots 50x140 each, good place for chickens or gardening. Wal. 0608. 4724 Charles. Cottage Bargain $2,100 Four-room cottage with lot. 50x17. facing FontenHle rark. on paved strer-t. $50f cash fWill handle; balance like rent. I Osborne' Realty Co., 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. FOt'R-ROOM newly decorated cottage, $300 cash down will buy. x R. F. CLARY CO.. Col. 0175. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St. 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $200 cash. bal. mo Crelgh. 60$ Bee. Doug. 0200. MINNE LUSA home and lot offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. ' Phone Tyler 187. ) A FEW homes and lota for sale I- Park wood addition; a safe place for Invest ment Morris & Norris, Douglas 4270. 3. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment, 642 Peters Trust. Doug. 8097. Miscellaneous. ( Six-Room Modern House For $4,750 Having hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor, three sleeping rooms unit bath on 2nd floor: good basement with a large furnace, lot 52x124. W. H. GATES 6047 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 'Doug. 1294. 7-ROOM modern home, llanscom park district. $4,500, bargain. Doug. 0S27. PUT YOUR RENT MONEY TO WORK Make It You Buy a Home No matter what rent you are paying, we can sell you a house on the monthly pay ment plan, and save you money. Let U Prove It to You. Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 1868. 608 Bee Bldg. Doug. 0200 Tukey Offers you years of experience in selling your house. We are experts in this line of busi ness; competent, energetic salesmen that are not afraid to work. 1 Call us A. P. Tukey & Son 620 First Natl. Bank BId. Phone Doug. 4223. rn South Side South Side Office Of Omaha vBee Moved To Department Store The South Side branch office of the Omaha Bee has been removed to the Philip's Department store. Twenty-fourth and O streets, tin niest convenient point on the South Side, where advertisements, sub scriptions and al! items of news may be sent. The new telephone number i South .itiSc! and there will be a clerk in attendance at all times to answer the phone. Anyone having items of news of interest to the people of the South Suit are requested to call tip our branch office at the store. Files of both morning and evening editions ..ill be kept for the con. yenience of patrons or anyone wish i."? to refer to them. "Lookout" Flashed Warning To Revelers, Police Say Standing at the front cf tin- silt thjnk parlor of (Just KoMa, Tlrr Weth and R streets, yesterday, Sid Carter, negro, M)6 R street, turned an electric switch which flashed a little light in the rear of the place to notify revelers there of tly approach of the law. Sergeant Thtstrup aut' oflicers of his rum squad charged, following a raid on the place and the confiscation of three pints of litpior tinder the bar. Carter was fined $25 for being an inmate of a disorderly bouse by Judge Dunn in South STde police court, and Kosta was fined $100 for illegal possession of liquor. Neighbors Throng Court For Chicken Case Hearing Neighbors of Ernest Storm, 432' South Twenty-eighth street, and Mrs. II. W. Carlson, 2738 1 street, thronged South Side police court yesterday. Storm was arrested Saturday after officers followed a trail of chicken blood from the rear yard of the Carl on home to the kitchen of the Storm home. He was accused of stealing two chickens whose heads wete found lying in the Carlson yard. Storm denied the charges and Judge Dunn continued his case until February 25, pending further investi gation. ' Suit of Clothes Prompts Judge to Hold Prisoner When the suit of clothes George Morrisey, State hotel, was wearing in South Side police court yesterday , was identified by Vasel Terchek, '4721 South Twenty-fifth street, as one of two suits stolen from his room last Saturday night. Judge Dunn or dered Morrisey bound over to the district court on charges o burglary. His bond was set at $1,000. South Side Brevities Scargo No. . 5-room apt to party buy ing furniture. So. 4784. Illinois eoa $rl. Howland Lumber Coal Co., phone South 1614. Children's and Indies' sewing, babies l.ivette. fancy lingerie a specialty. South 07(10. Adv. The funeral of Mrs Augusta Clements. Twenty-seventh and Harrinon streets, will be held In St. Agues church this morning at -9. Burial will be in Graceland Park cemetery. Joe Williams, Twenty-fifth and M streets, was fined $15 for assault and battery' on Fred Moore, 2511 Z street, during an argument Sunday by Judge Dunn yesterday in South Side pollcecourt. After Johanna Pedeckl, 5502 South Thirty-third street, caused the arrest of her William. ' on charges of drunkenness and nj,uiiiig bis '.unity. Ju1 Dunn released h'ni on $'-5 bond pending a settlement of their difficulties. William it to appear in South Side pnlfce court and report progress February 26. The or 111 team of South Omaha camp. No. 10:15, X. W. A., In ch-ir,';e of Cap tain A E. H. Thompson, will g to Piplllipn Toepilay evening, where a nutn-" l:er -ftf candidates for membership o Papillion this evening, where a number of candidates for membership of Papillion fonn of initiation, by the South Sid camp. , lowa-Nehraska Investment Co. Pays Usual Dividend Stockholders of the lowa-Xrbras-ka Investment company, at their an nual meeting yesterday re-elected the following directors: Guy Cox. Mark M. Shaw. Silas A. Harris, H. W. Shaw and R. A. Bleicher. Ih company's officers for the en suing year are: Mark M. Shaw, president; Walter A. George, vice president; T. E. Torrison, vice presi dent; Silas A. Harris, secretary; Joseph F. Micck, assistant secretary. The Capital Stock of the company is $250,000. The company enjoyed a profitable year and declared the usual dividend. Turpentine Makes Big Drop in Price at Savannah Savannah, Ga., Feb. 14. Spirits turpentine broke 42 1-2 cents a gal lon today, sales being made at 50 cents. The last quotation at which spirits were sold was 92 1-2 cents last November. .Since then the market has been inactive. Rosin failed to fo!low-t!ic lead of spiritst the quotations being the old price of $11 for all grades, and no sales. ,ommon Dense By J. J. MUNDY. When you move into a new neigh borhood it is more than likely that the most undesirable persons will be. the first to uiake advances along ihe line of friendship and familiarity. It is well to be careful about get ting too familiar with those who make an effort to stand on a friendly footing with you, a comparative stranger. The particular person, the one who is careful in his or her selection of friends, will not go further at first than it is 1o get out with those you until convinced that you are g per son whom they would not be ashamed to present to their tried and true friends. You will not be given a welcome by the best people if you allow your self to become intimate with those who do not stand well. It is so much eayer to not get in than it is to gtt oitt with those you accept as friends should they prove to be undesirable. Why handicap yourself just to avoid a few lonesome hours? If you have attached to you as friends those who are not acceptable to. others you will have a hard lime to make more careful people believe that you will not insist on your new ly acquired friends being taken up and mingled with by those who do not desire their society. Make friends slowly.