Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE rEF,t aMAHA, SUNDAY. FKHRUARY 13, 1921.
Mystery Still Clouds
Wall StreetBomb Plot
'. New York, l'VUl Ji.The origin o
Hie tragic Wall street 'bomb ex
plosion which snuffed out 39 lives
and sevrrrlv in inrcrl hundreds of
otlicrs last September appears td be
wrapped in eternal mysje ry. ' " '
When 17 boxes filled with holts,
jagged iron nuggets and other death
dealing miscellany remnauts of
the notorious "death wagon" sup
posed to have Ji.iuled the infernal
machine to the scene of the tragedy
-r-werc locked up today in a police
warehouse. 'reminiscent policemen re-
marked that all the multifarious
flimsy clues apparently had been
followed to the faditifr-out point.
.Harness of the derelict horse which
drew the wagon, as well as a num
ber of larger slugs it was supposed,
to have carried, are stilt at police
headquarters, but they, too, prob
ably will be taken to the warehouse
Inaugural Address May lie
Transmitted by Wireless
Washington. Feb. 12. President
elect Hafding's inaugural address j
may he heard from Washington I
through the wonders of wireless. I
Mr,' Harding is considering a plan j
to have the address recorded on!
tajkjtj g jriachi " j re c o u ls a i id th en -
transmitted by radio photic from
the naval wireless station here on
the night of March 4.. -
Thousands of wireless amateurs
in the "east ai:d middle west, it is
said, are equipped to receive it, and
it is being proposed that such ama
teurs organize , parties for hearing
the address. Amateurs all over the
east are already bombarding the
president-elect with wireless calls to
agree to the plan. .
Oil Legislation Facing
t Delay in Mexico Congress
Mexico City, Feb. 12. Discussion
of . proposed petroleum legislation
may be delayed in the Mcxicau jcon
press owing to opposition to bills
governing hanking activities, which
will tc submitted to congress on
Monday. ,
Congress has before it an old oil
project which dates from the Car
laiiz regime. If this bill is definite
ly -discarded the administration will
submit its new project, which is
said to be largely the work of
Rafael Zuharnn Capmanv, secretary
of industry with the president. Th
nature of this bill has not be4
divulged. ;
German experimenters have found
that fibres obtained . from pine
needles and corn stalks can be used
in papcr'mills for the production of
a strong and tough paper.
t .';
cf introdm
Mr" O, r ,
ojjyew ox
wes irt
.'' . - - L'
Will be Held During the Week of February 14th to 20th
We invite you to view the display of the new Spring and Summer models in the Mina
Taylor frocks, which are by far the smartest and daintest of any we have ever offered
A Mina Taylor
For Comfort and Service
To the Average Woman Purchasing a
Wash Dress The All-hnportarit
Question Is, W ill it Launder Well? .
TH E ginghams in the Mina Taylors
wash beautifully, none better. It
is a pleasure to show you how well they
launder and we have dozens of dresses
which have been laundered, so you
can see how well' the Mina Taylor retains
its colors and perfect fit.
There's no dismay in "'sum-rrier weather .
with ltsconstant demamd for spotless togs
when you know that your Mina Taylor
. .; . Ml '' r " ' . 1
dresses will come out trom tneir tubbing
just as bright and dainty as .
when you donned them first.
Perfect 'in Fit .
You don't have to buy
them two sizes too large to
insure a fit, for an allowance
is , made for shrinkage after
laundering, so that it is just
as comfortable after washing
as before.
With all their style and fin
ish the they are made for
service. The kind of sturdy
wear that makes you lay
them away at the season's
end with the happy feeling
of "the most satisfactory
dresses .I've ever had I've
enjoyed wearing every one."
: ; .(F'jraaaMM . : j 1 1 n 'A
See the
A Mina Taylor
For Every Type of Woman,
from the little miss of 16 to
the matron or the woman !
of ample proportions, who
will delight in the indi
vidual modes and the per
fect fit of the Mina Taylor.
Mina Taylor Dresses
in the making
UN D R EDS of interested women
watched the process of the busy
workers at their machines in the Mina
Taylor booth at the "Onward Omaha Ex
position" but for the benefit of the many
who did not, we are going to have a minia
ture Mina Taylor plant installed on our
second' floor Monday. V
The factory superintendent, Mr. Kem
merer, will be here, also two designers who
will be only too glad to give out any in
formation pertaining to the work- or to
explain 7 the merits of the Mina Taylor
Equisite in Finish
They are made with
such painstaking care
and with such refinement
of finish you really can
not equal them. :
if- X
The master patterns are
fitted to livi ng models
so that you can buy and
wear your proper size
with satisfaction. .
Their well-cut shoulders,
the "hang" of their skirts,
their ample widths and
their flat, double-stitched
seams - all are reasons
why you will like them.
There are simple frocks suitable for home,
tasks and others just right for porch wear,
shopping excursions, an afternoon call, pic
nics, in fact there's a dainty dress here ap
propriate for any activity of a spring and
summer day.
The Mina Taylors meet your every need
and these frocks of colorful, crisp ginghams,
combined with the finest ruffles and tuck
ing, dainty laces and organdy will make
you happily conscious of the fact that you
are becomingly clad.
See our window display of
will display the Mina Tay
lors so it will be very easy
to select your stylesand
it's such a satif action to get
the general effect of the
various models worn by
someone just your size and
See our window display of