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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1921)
34 A THE liEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1921. Probe of Graft Charges Makes Headway in Iowa Cedar Rapids Editor Presents Affidavits Showing Sale of . Tubercular Cows by Barney. Dcs Moines. Ia., Feb. 11. SpeciaJ, Telegram.) Impeachment or cen sure of P. E. McClelan, state super intendent of public instruction, is reffarrlerl a the almost certain otlt- rnni. rit the nrirnt Ipcisiative ill- ! quiry into alleged graft charges made by state officials. Photograph ic copies of county warrants pay ing AlcUelan tor addressing county teachers mstitiics over which in his official capacity, he had con trol, were presented to the prob ers The committee will soon report to the legislature and it will- be up to the solons to decide whether Mo . Clelan shall be impeached, censured or let off without any action. Mc Clelan will not resign, it is said, but Mill fight to the finish. His claim .. is that he is violating no law by taking the $50 fees. Lawyers declare that in the evidence shown there is arriple grounds for impeachment it the legislature wishes to do so. Verne Marshall, proprietor of the Cedar TCapids Gazette, arrived in Dcs Moines to prefer charges against W. B. Barney, dairy and food commissioner, whose office is to be immediately investigated by the probing committee. Marshall submitted affidavits and other evi dence that Barney sold tubercular cows. Nepotism at the state house has been given its deathblow, many of the solons declare, by the disclo sures regarding McCIelan's employ ment of Ins wife and two daugh ters at the state house. Represen tative Owen Nervig of Humboldt today introduced a bill prohibiting employment of relativs (jy consan guinity or affinity within fourth de gree to any person holding state office. Toscanini Led Concert Under Shell Fire 1 ' ii r -- White Preparing For Showdown in Democratic Party tion of Resigning Chair manship at Present Time. The above picture shows the cele brated conductor, Arturo Toscanini, at the Italian front in August, 1917, at the head of the military band he had becen conducting the night be fore on Monte Sauto, under a storm of shot and shell from the Austrian batteries. "The silver medal for valor was pinned on the breast of this daring individual, a civilian without a uni form, by General Capcllo, comman der of the Second army," eye witness. The feat by which he won this unusual honor was boht strange and noble. One of our most' famous musicians, the most celebrated or chestral conductor in the world, was at the; front, having been entrusted with the arrangement ot concerts for the soldiers. "When he heard that Monte Santo had been captured, he begged and secured permission to ascend the mountain. He climbed it towards evening, while the enemy was show-, ering it with a truly hellish bom bardment. Strange to say, the gieat master, among the rocks of the peak, happened to come across a divisional band there established, sheltering it self as well as was possible, in ex pectation of being ordered to a less dangerous post. "The appearance of the great mu sician had the same effect on the bandsmen that the appearance of a great general would have made on picked troops. They crowded en thusiastically around hirn and the master took professional command of them, as though by instinct. Then, under the bombardment of the plat eau of Monte Santo there began, in the moonlight, the most extraordi nary concert in. the world. The 'Marcia Realc.' 'Garibaldi's Hymn,' 'Mamcli's Hymn' folowed in quick succession, energetically conducted by the great musician, to an accom paniment of explosions, thunder and the screaming and whistling of shells. Musicians Shelled. "Cheers and hurrahs rose from the valley below. The eiemy concen trated their fire on the musicians, who seemed to be challenging them, and the concert continued. The mas ter who, so to speak, had carried his part into battle and won the medal for valor, was Arturo Toscanini." This is the hero who, at the head ot another little regiment, La Scala Orchestra of Milan, is making an ex tensive cconcert tour in America un der the Charlton. management of Loudon Clubman Is Sued For Alienating ; Love of Husband By Tnlvenm! Service. New York, Feb. 12. Madame Claudia Tartoue. who is suing her artist husband, Pierre Tartoue, for separation, today filed a sensational bill of complaint in her $100,000 damage suit against Rene Van Len nep, society man and clubman. Mme. Tartoue alleges in her com plaint that Van Lennep "exercised a strange influence" over her hus band and was, in short, very largely responsible for her marital difficul ties. The complaint further charges that from January, 1920. until about November 17 last, Van Lennep "wrongfully and maliciously made false accusations", to Pierre Tartoue regarding the character of his wife. '"" .Tartoue, upon his recent return from the west coast, announced that unless his wife dropped her suit against him and Van Lennep he- would file a, suit against her, the nature of which he refused to dis close. ' 1 Beveridge Tells Noonday Club Men of School Needs Need of more space in the Omaha public schools was explained by Supt J. H. Beveridge Friday right at a meeeting of the Noonday club in the Chamber of Commerce, at which Victor A. Johnson pre sided. Increase of 3,000 pupils last yearcalls for 60 new rooms, at a cost of $11,000 each, or a total of $660,000,- Mr. Beveridge said. Plans for the annual dinner of the club some time this spring, , at which S. T. de Goes,-consul general i of Sweden, stationed at Chicago, will be the principal speaker, were discussed by the -. members of the , club. ' . ' 1 7 Persons Injured By Bomb Explosion At Political Meeting Chicago Tribune-Omahn Bee leased Wire. Chicago, Feb. 12. Political war fare in the nineteenth ward, ' where there is a large Italian population and which has long been a storm center in city politics, culminated last night with the explosion of a bomb at a political meeting and .the in jury of 17 persons, several seriously. The meeting, at which" the bomb was. aimed, was held for Anthony D'Andre, business agent of the Sewer & Tunnel Miners' union, one of the two candidates lor alderman in the ward. On September 28. a powerful bomb had been exploded on the front porch of the residence of Alderman Powers," the other a' dermanic candidate. The police are working on thi theory that one bomb was the answer to the other and prepared for further trouble in the ward before the aldcrmanic elec tion of Februarv 22. , Former Cop Loses Gun Clifford". Cairt, former motorcycle policeman, reported to his former comrades at Central police station Friday night that- some mean burglar entered his home at 2414 Ames avenue and stole his blue-steel revolver, which was concealed in a bureau drawer. South Dakota Rate Hearing ' Is Opened at Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, S. D., Feb'. 11. Leo Flynn. special examiner of the In terstate Commerce commission, opened the class rate Jiearing here with the examination of three wit nesses. The complainant, the South Dakota board of railroad commis sioners, contends that existing rates on foodstuffs, groceries and dry goods from Chicago, St. Ijaul. Min neapolis, Duluth, Kansas City,, Oma ha and Sioux City, to points in western South Dakota,- are much higher than rates from the -same points to points in western South1 Dakota, western Nebraska and Col orado, i; Senate Adds $206,000,000 To Agricultural Bill Washington, .'Feb. 12. The agri cultural appropriation bill, as ap; proved today by the senate agricul v committee, carried nearly $206, Oi.j.000 more than . the $33,000,000 house totals. The principal increases voted by the committee are $200,000, 000 for purcliase by the treasury of federal farm loan bonds and $5,000, 000 for loans'to buy seed grain for farmers in drouth-stricken areas. : 1; Qpinion Asked on Beer Prescriptions by Doctors Washington. Feb. 12. A .ruling as to .whether physicians can prescribe beer for sick rsconle tinder the terms of the prohibition enforcement act was asked of Attorney General Palmer today by the Treasury' de partment. Assistant Secretary McLean ex plained' that many inquiries had been received from doctors Saying beer had a lower alcoholic content than wine and , for some ailments, par ticularly various forms of weakness, its medicinal properties were more valuable. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. . Washington, Feb. 12. George White, chairman of the democratic national committee, came to town today and scornfully declined the cup of political hemlock offered to him by the insurgents who are trying to drive him from power. "I have no intention of resigning the chairmanship now nor have I determined upon any date for the future," he said. He set to work a t once marshall ing his forces for a showdown in the prospective struggle for control of the democratic party machinery. According to all reports his ef forts brought encouraging results and there is every reason to believe that the Cox faction will continue in power for some time. Mr. White had hardly landed in town when he met Bernard M. Baruch. one of William G. McAdoo's closest friends, who assured him that he was not in sympathy with the insurgent move. On the contrary, Ifr. Baruch praised ins work during the past campaign and urged him to hold on to the charmanship until he was ready to resign. Senator Pat Harrison of Mississip pi, one of his chief lieutenants during the campaign, told him that senti ment at the capitol vas almost solid against his retirement. Senator Jones of New Mexico and Judge Hudspeth of New Jersey, two no tional committeemen, linked up with the insurgent move have already withdrawn their signatures from the round robin calling a meeting to oust Mr. White. The democratic national executive committee will meet in Washington, February 17., Mr. White said he is going-to ask Robert W. Woollcy and Tom Love, flic two McAJoo men who have been leading the in surgent movement, to appear before the committee at that time to an swer questions and produce a copy of the telegram they sent 1c national committeemen to obtain ihcir signa tures to the round robin. Woman Is Held for Beating Man to Death With Iron Bar Trenton, N. J., Feb. 12. Henry Kowhauet, 48, of Newmarket, was slain today when a woman beat him with an iron bar while three neighbors tired several bullets into his body. Mrs. Joseph Grimcngry, 48. a neighbor, is under arrest charged with the killing. Her hus band and son and a third man, are being sought by the police. The trouble is said to have started over the digging of a ditch on the Kowhauet property. French Forces Take City of Aintab From Turkish Nationalists Chicago Tribune-Omaha Ilea Leased Wire. Paris, Feb. 12. To strengthen their hand at the new Turkish peace conference, scheduled to begin in London, February 21, the French have captured the city- of Aintab away from the Turkish nationalists, thus spanking with their left hand, Mustapha Kemal. whom they sup port with their right. ' Rental's fortunes have been on the increase since Viviani succeeded at Geneva in getting President Wilson to undertake his negotiations with Kemal to save Armenia, in fact, Kcm al's prospects increased so fast he got the "swell head." which led him to be cantankerous- towards his Paris sponsors. But nowMhat Aintab has been captured, the French figure his am bassador will be more reasonable at London. , Oregon House Passes Soldier Bonus Measure Salem, Ore., Feb. 11. The Oregon house of representatives today passed a bill providing a bonus to Oregon ex-service men of $15 a mouth for each month served in the world war. The bill also provides an alternative, of farm or home loans, not exceed? ing $3,000. f passed by the senate and approved by the governor it would be submitted to the people. Grand Opera Star 111 I London, Feb. 12. Nellie Melba, the grand opera prima donna, is se riously il! at Monte Carlo, according to a special dispatch received here. Madame Melba, who was born in Melbourne, Australia, has a world-; wide reputation as a grand opera ' singer. She made her debut in 1S87 in Brussels at Gilda in "Rigoletto." '" ' ' ' i .. i ADVERTISEMENT INDIGESTION CANT STAY t Stomach Pain, Sourness.Gases, and Acidity ended with , I "Pape's Diapepsin" Out-of-order stomachs feet fine at once! When meats don't fit and you belch gas, acids and undigested food. hen you feel indigestion pain, umps of distress in stomachheart burn or headache. llcrc is instant relief. Just as soon as you cat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the dys pepsia, indigestion and stomach dis tress caused by acidity will end. These pleasant, harmless 'tablets of, Pape's Diapepsin always put sick, up set, acid stomachs in order at once and they cost so little at drug stores. AN 1JN 1 JbKbb 1 1IN Lr SfJlAi. bilU W 1 IN Cj MU JN DA Y "The House of Youth" New Spring Suits "Onward Omaha" Bee Want Ads. ADVERTISEMENT Headaches Banished No Drugs! No Risk! Do it yourself without drugs, elec tricity or appliances of any kind. By a simple method of nerve pres sure, easily learned and applied a child fan do it you can rid your self of CONSTIPATION, HEAD ACHES, ASTHMA and other ills, as thousands of others have done. For the price of a trip to the doc tor you can obtain this wonderful system and this knowledge is yours for a life-time no further 'expense and FREEDOM FROM THESE ILLS think of that! Write for further information MONEY BACK GUARANTEE you risk nothing but your time. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of this offer. ZONE THERAPY COMPANY Dept. 14, Los Angeles, Calif. New Styles New Materials New Prices TOT A Y ID) E N JLLJJL BETTER VALUES Hubby of Three Months Says t .Wife Beat Him With Her Fists Clement Siegel says, in a petition for divorce filed yesterday, that his wife, Bessie, refers to him as a "dirty dog" and that she has beaten liim with her fists and struck hint with various other articles that came to her hands. All this has happened since they promised to love, honor and obey, just three months' ago. Once she had him arrested, he says, charging him falsely with non-support, and he was confined in the city iail from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning. . , Wheat Growers Discuss , Plans for. Handling Crop 'Chicago, Feb. 11. Plans-for the disposal of 500,000,000 bushels of wheat annually were discussed by the executive board of the National Association of Wheat Growers, in session here. No definite action was taken by the board, but a plan calling for the erection of warehouses by the farm ers, the storing of the crops in these warehouses and the sale of the wheat to the mills by agents of the farm ers was outlined. Youthful Benny Leonard Is Hung to Tree by Losers . Longtnont, Colo., Feb. 11. Ten-vear-old James Rush is the "Benny Leonard" of the local public school, lie had whipped every youth in the school and yesterday the losers sought revenge. They pounced on him when school adjourned and had him hanging from a tree in the school yard with a rope around his neck when Officer - Miles MacPhil lips happened along and cut him down. His condition is said to be serious. - Stockholm Minister Quits Stockholm, . Feb. 11. Goeste Tamm. the finanre minister, re signed as a result of the recent re jection by both chambers of par liament of the proposed coffee im port duty. ' -Tha Mutual Savin a and Loan aaaoeta tlon. 170 Farnara atrsat openad for bual naaa Monday. February 1. and raport a vary , auccaufal mttM. ' Thla aawclatlon pays (ft on full paid aharea and aavlnn. Tateraat compounded aaml-annually. They " ao licit depoetta for any amount. They lid raport that they are ready to receive applications for IcaJU oa OdiU prop- "The House of Youth" Distinctive Modes BeUer Assortments Superior Values THERE'S a story" that goes with the "House of Youth Suits." It's the romance of youth anil beauty and the art of 'fash ion woven into the making of the most, picturesque little tailored models m A moT'i ro ' They were originated with the idea of conveying to a costume all those graces and airy wiles that make youth beautiful. Each model in the interesting 'jroup is like a living portrait of youth itself. OF LOSING ON Shown by Our New Geological Survey Map of Texas SIZE 18x24 INCHES Our experts have been busy for weeks preparing the most complete Geological and Statistical Map of Texas ever com piled. This Map is now ready for you. It cost $10,000 to pre pare and is worth it. On the face of the map, which measures 18x24 inches, are shown geological surface structures, with brief explanation of their character in everyday language. All known oil and gas fields, accurately located, with average production of each field. Location, size and ownership of oil refineries operating or under construction. Location of all prin cipal pipe lines and ownership. Railroads, county lines and principal towns. On the reverse Bide appear ,the following tables and charts: A description of petroleum in everyday language. Comparison of in creeises in production of crude oil from 1910 to 1919, for Texas, United States and the world. Table showing how many out of each one hundred wells drilled during first six months of 1920 have produced oil, for prin cipal fields of Texas. Estimated production of principal Texas fields during August, 1920. Comparison of increases from' 1910 to 1919 in Crude Oil and Gasoline corwumed and number- of,: automobiles in use. Production of. Texas fields during first six months of 1920 as shown by reports filed with State Comptroller. Capacity of refineries of United States during 1919. v .., ... ..'),: Texas Dividend-Paying Oil Stocks. FREE To the . Readers of , This Paper This map retails for one dollar, but we have a limited supply which will be Bnt absolutely free to readers of this paper, upon request, stating that you are interested in Texas. Send for your copy today. Use coupon below. 'J We're featuring for Monday a i A wide 'range of 'new -'distinctive designs in braided, embroidered and plain tailored, models of su perior worth. . wonderfully interesting group of charming models. Exceptional values, at ; Other Splendid Groups at $29.75, $39.75, $49.00, $69.00 up to $98.00 February Clearance Special MONDAY Winter Coats, Winter Suits, Winter - Made to &en to sy for every day wear taffeta, poplin and serge dresses in desir- " able styles sixty-fire sniart winter coats that will do nicely for early spring and fall or for motoring. I S'.linrlitlw -mnscofl frnm lionrllinir lint finlrl vrxrularlv at. SV2."). itillii and The woman who can use an tatra coat, suit or dress will be pleased with this special lot at '. ; MONDAY . Dresses m. aaW nXThTh S.E.J. COX COMPANY DETACH HERE S. E. J. COX COMPANY. Houston, Texai. Dept. 107. Nam Plcaia tend me one of your NEW GEOLOGICAL AND STATISTICAL i( MAPS OF TEXAS ' - Dept. 1047, Houston, Texas 1 Addr , , , PLEASE WRITE PLAINLY nj paperV New Spring Styles Items that will interest you. One thousand pat terns displayed. 24c Hall and Spare Room Papers, per roll 14 (Sold With Borders.) , 29c Bedroom Stripes, etc., per roll 172 (Sold With Border.) SOc Light Oatmeal Papers, per roll lSd (Sold With Border.) 39(i Hall and Living Room Papeis, per roll 27J GSc Varnished Tile Papers, per roll 4 74c Damask Two-Tone and Striped Papers, per roll . . -59c (For Parlors, Halls and Dining Rooms.) J1.00- Tapestries and Kew Fabric Erfccts, per roH ....79 -SPKCIAL HA'GI5G PRICES NOW We reserve the right to limit the number of rooms sold to one customer at those prices. Beautiful New Silks New Patterns and Colors At Attractive Low Prices Monday a 36-inch Navy Taffeta,' per yard, $1.35 36-inch Black Taffeta, . per yard $1.35 36-inch Printed Poplin, per yard, $1.35 The Newest and See These for Yourself in 36-inch Golf Corduroy, per yard, .$1.35 32-inch , New Florentine Silk, per yard, ..$1.35 32-inch Satin Princess, per yard $1.95 Latest Colorings. Our Daylight Silk Section. Here's Some Prices That Will Interest You For Monday's Sale 10 bai-s Eat 'Km All or Diamond C Soap. 35 10 bars Klectrlc Spark Soap 49 8 lbs. best AVIilte or Yellow Cornmeal 25 lbs. best Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal . for 25 4 lbs. best Hand Picked Navy Beam 25 4 lba. Fancy Blue Ron Head Rice 26 Gallon cans Karo Corn Syrup 33 Gallon cans White Table Syrup 73 The best Domestic .Macaroni or Spaghetti, Pr package 7'i Tall cans Fancy I'lnk Salmon...... 15 011 Sardines, per can 5 g lbs. Red Feather Chick Feed, coarse or fine, for ., 25 48-lb. sack best High-Grade Flour 02.45 24-lb. sack best High-Grade Flctir 1.25 24-1 b. sark Puro Rye or Rye Graham Flour, per sack 91.25 16-oz. cans Pet. Carnation or Wilson Milk. 14 12-oz. cans Molasses ....5 Uraoe Nuts, per pkar..... .....15 No. 2 cans Early June Peas or Fancy S'eet Sugar Corn, per can Snider'a Soup, per can 10 Snldcr's Pork and Beans, per can.........7H Jello, all flavors, per pkg .......11 Large jars Pure Fruit Preserves ....29 BIG COCKED SPKCIALS Our Famous Santos Blend, per lb 25 Fancy Golden Santos, per lb 22 'v Fancy Ankola Blend, per lb 40 II. R. C. Special Blend, per lb 35 Three pound far (1.00 The best Tea Siftings, per lb Y....15 Choice Pan Fired Japan Tea. per lb 35 Breakfast Cocoa, lb 12H IB lltm beat Red lllier Ohio Potatoes .30 Fresh Southern Shallots, Beets, Carrots, Tur nips or Radishes, per bunch..... 7'f Fancy Solid Cabbage, per lb 3 Fancy Head Lettuce, per head 10 Fancy Leaf Lettuce, per hunch .. 5 12 lbs. Fancy Greening Apples for 75 TRY.HAYDEN'S FIRST . 25 Highland Navel Oranges, per doz.... raney norma ornpelrulf, each 71?. 8'i and 10 K1YE SPECMI.S l ni TI KIl AMI ECU nui'AnTMK.vr The best No. 1 Creatuerr Butter, per lb... 49 Fancy No. 1 AViscenstn Full Cream Cheese, per lb 2S Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per lb.. 45 The best Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz....3S All best Brand Nut Butters, per lb 30 URIEIt KRHT DKPARTMK.W SPECIALS 40-50 size Sugar Sweet Prunes, per lb..,17H 50-60 size Sugar Sweet Prunes, per lb.... 15 BO-70 size Sugar Sweet Prunes, per lb.,121'-. Fancy Kvaporated Apple's, per lb lSe Fancy Muscatel or Seedless Raisins, per lb SO Faacy Muir Peaches, lb 25 Dromedary Pates, pkg 17' New Comb Honey, rack 3ft The Best Shelled Pop Corn, per lb 5 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, ptr lb ..12',i I, It Pay TRY, HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays -MWjwwvrU--TwC!l