Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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    " .'.''
, V,.' '
iWage .War Looms r
Between Unions
And Contractors
Sonic Members of Builders1
Exchange Believe Pay Should
Be Cut; Laborers Say Ex
penses Still High. ...
An interesting wale situation
looms between the ' Olnaha Build
' trs' exchanjje, composed of con
tractors, and the Building Trade
council. ' '
't lias been customary' to agree
(in wage scales for a period of one
year, on April 1 of each year. Some
contractors arc now contending that
wages should, be reduced for the
coining year, whereas the . union
men .contend there has been'no ma
terial reduction in the cost of liv
ing and there should be no cut in
wages, although they assert ' they
trc open to conviction.. :
Jt is understood that union build
ing workers will not ask for an ad
vance over the wages of last year
iirt it k the nninioii of the con
tractors that they arc not willing
to pay any fixed scale of wages for
i period of one year, as they have
done heretofore. , '":. '- -.
Secretary llouh of the carpen
ters stated-that his organization will
have to be shown that tliecbst of
living has dropped Jjcfore the mem
bers will consent to a reduction. He
averted that government , statistics
fdiow that the decrease- has - been
onl.vV 7.S per cent 'during tlie last
year. ' , ' , . ,
Carpenters and bricklayers arc
now negotiating with , he'i Ouitderi?'
exchange on wagi stales. The tijuk
layers have 'taken . a , :,firm stand
against reduction o,f . the : scale of
$1.25 an hour. - r . t
Kalph Kieuit of' Peter Kit wit A
Sons; asserted that icreducca, wages
10. per cent iir December, and 10 per
cent two weeks, ago in a 14 trades,
Id Wed
Poor English Artist
Kb! .
Lumber Dealers Urge ,
Labor Organizations to
Reduce Wage Scales
The Nebraska Lumber dealers' as
sociation, at its annual meeting in
, the iRome hotel, adopted a resolution
in which labor organizations were
urged to reduce wage scales as near
ly as possible 'to the standards of
1VI3. This action was! held neces-
sary t6 bring about an increase of
, building. ; -
F. . C Conners of Palisade, chair
man of flic government regulations
- committee, read a letter from Charles
S. Keith, 'chairman 'of the National
Manufacturers' association of Kansas
City, urging lumber dealers to con
fer .with their representatives, at
Washington to effect judicious leg
islation in regard to the. admission
f undesirable alien's'.
S. D. Ayers of Lincoln was elect-
- ed president of the state association
for the ensuing year. A- K. Lam
bers of Harrington is the new vice
Muriel Aslor has lost hor luart to
a poor I'.uglish artist, accoruini; to
cable dispatches from Loudon. Her
stepfather. Lord Kibblesdalc, has for
bidden the fndrriage. : lie declares
he-wiH not.-consent to her marriage
to any"inau who is not able to sup
port "a wife. As far as the' .general
public, is concerned, the idciHity, of
the suitt.r is a mystery. MftrieF ia a
sister ot . V niccnt . Astor and he is
general guardian, for her jatcrcsu in
the Astor. property in this coi'n try.
Omaha Indian Fighter
And Civil War Veteran
- - Dies -at Lincoln
Daniel K, Befit z HO, soldier, rcsi-,
dent oL Omaha for 35 years, Twenty-'
eighth '. avenjuc and Saylor street,
died Thursdav night in a Lincoln
hospital, Omaha -friends were noti
fied yesKfday afternoon. ; . '
. tie was a veteran ot tnc v-ivu war,
chlistingit in - the first outbreak in
Company "C, Seventh Pennsylvania
infantry, and serving through the en-.
Mire struggle.-', - . ' . -
when peace, was declared, he re
cntisted and was in the service from
that time continuously without ft
break .until he was honorably dis
charged for disability in May... 895,
He " served during , the Indian -troubles
in New Mexicq in 1882 and
was in the famous Sioux campaigff in"
1890. t - "; :;t '"U'
His grade was jiJician, S
Relatives in Dayton, 0.,"'w'ei'c noti
fied, and funeral services have been
planned "for Suudayvafteni.6oii jti the'
Gentleman chapel. ; ' p ,
, Members of the G'. A, R. will be in
charge.'; ; '.-'' :' ' -
Burial will be in the soMicr plot
of Forest Lawn cemetery. 'v
" - General Lewi6 Retucns
. General E. M. Lewis and Otl;: L.
S, Upton returned to. Fort Crook
yesterday, following a trip of inspec
Von to Camp Pike. Ark.
v Divorce Court
' Fetlttonii. N
' Margarrt' Milton agalnt Clani-a Mil
ton, cruelty. .
Myrtle Schumaclier against Lewis Suhu
lachr, desertion. "
Rosa Glazar against Barry Glazer,
aruolty. . , ' -
Vlgno Walthers air.lnst Marls waltbers,
cruelty. ' : - .
Louis Kruis against William Krusa,
i ulty. .
Mlvlll Snyder against Hazel L. Snyder,
Cruelty. . ,
- r.:'- Daeree t-'i:-'
Anne Johanna Coverdale from T.dxfri
,foverd,le, nonsnoport.
Anno Coulaon from Ealpa Coulsou,
cruelty. . ,
l Llnslfy from Albert. T4nsley, non-
Burglar Raids Cigar Store
Burglars broke through a; base
ment window of the Y-B cicar store.
"iil6 South Eighteenth street, stole
J,WH) cigarets. laundry bundles, ci-g-arsjand
candy, and then made their,
exit bv breaking an opening through
a wall. .', . j '. . -
Legion Raising Money ''
, "Lodgepole, Neb.. Feb. 11. (Spcr
cial.)f-A public dance , started a
money-raising ' series of entertain
,ments given by the recently organ
ized American -Legion post.' '
Old, Rare and Unusual Books
v B. C, SEELEY CO.V vi -
40Peerboro St., Boston 17, Mass.
... I
1 - . . . . ..rr-sm
V. ' ( '
I I ' v
' The PeriEjehnne- ' W
M- ' A Victor Record.;;.'
:v,Iet Us to Suggest W-
. -. MBBftjr - 64622 "Sunshine of Tour . -mile." Mc- , ' '4itW'
14 c?mack- f '
H 74612 "Call Me Thine Own Garn5on. . ' ,) W 4
M Jk - 64864 "Sunrise and You." Johnson, j j) JsJm'
64833 "Ever of Thee I'm Fondly "'Dream-" -vi) '
,.(iWev ing." Braslau. ' '. 4 - ' y&M)
Yif. 64633 "I Love You Truly.'' Braslau. V , ' ' V. jJF'
A. 64183 "My Laddie." GlucL .'"'" W '
74571 "The Song That . Reached ' m ;
ffjffk ' - Heart." Williams ,''),
Lw -We have all the best and newest Victor Rec- ') if)
ML r ordfe, as well as Victrolas in all styles.
'tat ;- MLCKElS ; ' : M;
.'r ,: Th House of Pleasant' Dealings.
" J5v- ' - ' 15th and Harhey. ' . 3ix
-! '. 's- '.'S :"' " v L
- .-I-'' " . ' . . 1 . :
ivm. a ir mm
Better Values on Dependable Merchandise
-Which vJ arc' confident will retain ' the' old, and
make hundreds; of new fj-iends , for Hayden's and
their Cash. Buying and Sellinc;" Methods. M
Our Satisfaction Guarantee is Pari
, Of each transaction here. ' It is and always has been
our aim to offer only such Merchandise as we could
depend upon !o satisfy.
Clearance Sale of Women's
arid Children's s v( :: i
At Greatly Reduced Prices
... i "
Wonieii's fine jjaugc, pure thread
sillfiose in' all the newest shades of
Gray, Buck, Beaver 'and "Brown.
' full i fashioned with flare tops?
, v'ovih $2.98. Our Cash PrrceSS.OO
, '.- ' i
One big "lot of Thread Silkr Seamed
- Back Hosiery from ohe of the lead-,
Lng-mills jJiTCgulars -of . $1.25 and
' $1,.50 values. ' Sale Price". .:. . 59
Children's Fine Mercerised Lisle Hose, black and white;
regular 65c values,' Sale Price .39?
Infants Fine Cashmere and Mercerized Lisle Hose in
black and white quality that formerly sold for 65c. Cash
Price only :. . , .X'l 39
$2.00 to 13.00
Real Economies, Saturday in
Ladies' Lace Neckwear i women'an children's
', i.-, . ' ' .j i;' ' ;- i i' - 'i. " ', . ' ' 1 '" ' " '' ' "' ; " ' " - . ,
Nov, tip-to-date, and perfectly made, : In
i -White, Cream and Ecru shades.' Two-big
lots:$2.00 and $3.00 values U at One
Special , Price, Kach
straight band
collars in St.
Gall, Venice,
Fillet,, Point -'
Gauze" and t'rench Torchon
Laces. Worth $2.00 each.
Either Lot
Saturday, at,
Choice, .
v ? Batiste ox Soft Muslin Envelope Chem
ise; pink or wliitct daintily trimmed
with val laces or .embroidery , regular I k.
jn-iee $1.50 '.On Sale.y . . ... . .-89J A w
t Maincnnlr n "Ration flnwma "nr T!nvInnA illl'lii.
: The: new .liici
Vestces (, wi tli (i
..straight"" and f
' cimiiaf collars" t
'! of Piatt- ValX I
French Val and Knibuoidei-o'd1
Bretonnetti. 'Regular Price, f
Nainsook of Batiste (Jowns or Envelope
Chemise, daintily trim'mecj'vtvith fine
' ' val ' laces on . touches of lefitbroidery ;
regular price $1.98, On Sate' J. $1150
Second Floor. ' ' L ,
Women's fine cot toiu union suits' Avith leaded top, lace
bottom, also fine lisle -vests with hand crocheted yokes or
tailored tops; regular price 75c, On. Sale ........ ..50,,
Women's fine lisle union suits with tailored or bodice
All' r 1 ' ' tops, tight knee or shell bpttom; regular and extra sizes;
iUl vrO at '. regular price $1.25 and $1.50." On Sale ... . . . . . ,9S
Onerice, ' ; ' Main Floor.- V ;
Saturday : V -; T ,
of the
Plush or Cloth
Including elegant fur- trimmed, Plush Coats and ; j
Cloth Coats -ith fur collars of Opossum, Kubia, j
Raccoon and Wolf. The styles arc the .season's j
smartest--loner" wraDDv models, mediifiii j IfiniHh 1
Plushes-gnd regular- Coat Styles. Suitable ; for
Masses and Ladies. Sold formerly up to l4o.00.
uu bale Saturday ....... t , . . $45.00
New Dresses," $24.50
Hundreds of classy new Dresses 6ade up
in Taffetas, Messalines, Georgette Com
binations and Cloths. A large variety of
styles in all threading shades. : Sizes for
I: Misses, Ladies and Stouts. Dresses usu-'
ally priced from $35.00 to $40.00. Hav-
den's ' Cash Price .. . . . . . . .... . . $24.50
Saturday in the
Children's Section
. Second Floor. A
. Little tots'.' Winter Coats, sizes 2 to 6, spe
cial values at . . .$7,50
Girls' all-ivool Serge Middy Skirts. Satur
day special .v..V?. .:$3.95
Girls' Gingham Dresses, special values
Saturday at . ;$1.50
Little tots'. Gingliam Dresses, 2 to 6, worth
$4.00 to $5.00. Saturday $1.95
Girls' Gingnam Aprons, worth $1.00 to
$1.50. Saturday at ... . ,.. .79
. Suit Special )
85 'Woiiien's. laud Misses' serge and velour
'suits. Formerly' priced from ' $35.00to
$45.00. Saturday. V. . . . ... ..... $17.50
: Blouses at $5.00
Hundreds of Georgette Crepe and Tub Silk
Blouses Formerly $7.50 to $10.00 values.
.Saturday ..5.00
' UniformSj Dix's Make,' Special
' Saturday, $5.00 l
Nurses' white uniforms, Nurses' striped ,
uniforms aiid Maid's (black uniforms. Spe-'
values, Saturday at i . $5.00
20 dozen Black Sateen Petticoats. $1.00 to
$2.00 values. Saturday . . . f . '. . . . . 1 .00
' Second Floor.
Men's and Young Men's
Winter Suits and Overcoats
That Sold at $35 to $50
Must havej the' rooifl for new, d JV'jg
Spring stocks ami nave priced 1
thenv'to insure quick and com
plete eleafance-, at . . . '. v. '
D 1 1
Our entire J stock of Winter Suits and
OvercoatsTop Coats and Leather Coats'
that sold to $p0 included at this remark
ably low. price. Just, our way of com
pletely cleaning house for the new sea
sonal gre,af opportunity for,our Custo
. 'inersJ Saturday. J v ' - Y
Sleeves or Trousers Lengthened or Shortened.
' No Other Alterations. !
k.llllll' l
(IP IP i--
$2 and $?.50 '
en's Shirts
200 dozen Men's Shirts at less than one-half
regular retail prices, or about-the cost 0f ma
terial alone. A 11 sizes. Big assortment of pat
terns. Fast colors. Limit 6 shirts to customer.
Men's Medium Weight Long Sleeve Rib Union Suit in Springtex make.
3G, our low "cash price. . '. . v - " -i
Sizes '34 to
. . . . 1.9t
2,500 Men's Muslin Night Shirts, Steiner make, finest materials; trimmed in white,
black; and red silk piping. Our cash price. ... . ......,;. y; ............... .$1.45
Cash Buying; Means a Big Cash Saving We
- Make the Prices for the People " C
k-ll. Sacks Best High Grade -DRIED FEUIT DEPARTME5X
Flour, per sack $2.45 SPECI.HS
24-lb. sacks Best High Grade 40-50 eize Sugar Sweet Pranes,
Flour, per sack ...... 1.35 per lb. ....... .176,
21-lh. sacks. Pure Rye Graham 50-60 size Sugar Sweet Prunes,
Flour, per sack $1.25 - -per lb. , 15
8 lbs. Best ' White and Yellow CO-70 size Sugar Sweet Prunes,
Cornmeal for ......... !..25 per lb. 12d .
4 lbs. Blue Rose Head Rice 25d Fancy Evaporated Apples, per
6 lbs. Best Rolled White Brcay ib. ......15
fast Oatmeal ........... 25c Fancy Muscatel or; Seedless
4 lbs. Best Hand. Picked Nary Raisins, per lb.' 30
Beans for ....i.. ....... 25d .Fancy Muir Ptaches, lb. 25d
16-ounce package Best Domes- Dromedary Dat)es, pkg. 17d
New Comb Honey, rack ..SUc
The Best Shelled Pop Corn, per'
lb 5
Fresh ' Roasted Peanuts, -j. per ;
-lb. . ........ .l2Md.
Our Famous Santos Blend, .per
lb. '. ...,.,... -25
Fancy Golden Santos, lb. 22)
Fancy Ankola Blend, lb. ..40
H. B. C. Special Blend, lb. 35tf 't
8 poundu .... . $1.00
The Best Tea Sittings, lb. 5
Choice Pan Fired Japan Tea,
per lb 35
Dreakfast Cocoa, m ...12?C
15 lbs. Best Bed River Ohio
Potatoes'1..., 30d ,
Fresh Southern Shalots, ; Beets, ,
Carrots, Turnips, or Kaaisnes,
ner bunch
Fancy Solid Cabbage, lb. ..3(
Fancy Head Lettuce, head IOC
Fanes Leaf Lettuce, head ..5d
12 lbs. Fancy Greening Anples
for ..i 75
Highland Narel, per doz. . -25
Fancy Florida Grape s Fruit,
nth, .....5c, 7Hc, 8?sc, 10c
tic. Macaroni or Spaghetti
f for 716
' 16-ounce cans Wilson, Pet or
Carnation Milk 14i
Gallon -Cans Karo Corn Syrup,
; per can . . i .... ........ .63d
' , Gallon Cans Karo White Syrup,
, ' .per can .".73d .
; ; 12-oUncd cans Molasses ,...5d
Y , No. 2 cans Early June Peas, or ;
; Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn lOd
10 bars Beit 'Em All or Diamond
C Soap 35df
10 bars Electric Spark Soap
for 49d
Large Jars Pure Fruit Pre
serves ...... ....29d
No. 2 cans Golden Pumpkin,
per can
Snider'a Pork and Beans, per
can ...74d
Snider's Tomato Soup, can lOtf
Fine Chick
Tli .A i
S lbs. Coarse or.
Feed . .
Grape Nuts, package . .
Jello for Dessert all
pet pkg. .,
Bushel Boxes Fancy
Beauty Apples
The Best No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. ....490
Fancy No. 1 Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, per lb. ...280
Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per lb. ..,......"..T;.......45e
The Best Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen 380
All Best Brands Nut ButtefX per lb. 30f
A n Exceptional Offering
New Silk or Straw
Millinery the Equal of Higher Priced Models Elsewhere
A collection of beautiful new Hats .faithfully poriraying the style
variations of the season. Here will be found copies and adaptations
of exclusive New York models and importations and original models
from ouP own work rooms. " ' - (
The collection includes narrow brimmed sailors, off-the-facc shapes',
close fitting effectB, rolling brims, poke bonnets 'and novelties
styles for. the miss and matron models trimmed with flowers,
fruit,, sashes; feathers and ribbon. Every new rotor for sprjng is
represented. , ' ' '
Special Today 200 smart trimmed flats in a
bisr variety of st vies at - . I'":
. Unequaled at the Price.
Special Shoe Items
for Saturday
f . . i'
Saturday we place on sale about 390
pairs, of Women's Oxfords and Pumps
iu broken lots, with no attention paid
to former prices. Come in and pick your
size and save ONE-HALF. Sale $3.50
'Men's black calf and black glaze colt
bluclicrs. All Goodyear welts and
every pair guaranteed tc( give entire
satisfaction. These shoes have been,
selling all season for $7.50. Wc have
a full run of sizes in each lot. Sale
Price'-';, ,. . . . . . . . ....... .'..'.'.$5.00 V; . V
Misses' Dull Kid I.ace Shoes in sizes 12 to 2. Sold all
scSson 'for $4.00. Sajlc price- .v. .:. .$2.50
Gliilds' Kid and Patent Button First Step Shoes, sot
and very comfortable, annot hurt the baby's feet.
Sale price . . . , . . $1.50 v
Men's and-Women 's all felt slippers, the $1.25 kind.
.Sale Price . . . 75(?
! : ;
. ' , . t ... t
Six Saturday Specials
In Sanitary Market ;
Fitncy "Rolled Rib poast,v Lamb Hindquarters,
lb.. ...:.W..25 ' lb .....18
Steer Pot Koast, lb.l2V-; . Veal' Breast, lb...'. ,.12',i?
Limb Forcquarters, . t .Sugar .Cured Bacon, '
, lb. r ..,'..-.15' .lb. 20
Choice Quality Meats of All Kinds at Saviig Prices.
4 ' '