Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE : OMAHA, ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY.. 10, ,1921.' 9 Society A FORMER Omaha girl who is now a resident of Lincoln is rapidly whining recognition in musical circles of that city as she did here. She is. Mrs. II. Robert Jobst, formerly Dorothy Morton. The following is taken from the Nebraska State Journal of Lincoln, Tuesday, February 8: ( , . The Matinee Musicale. A program of much variety, and charm was presented by the Matinee Musicale Monday afternoon at the Temple. Two members, Eula Mar shall Brewster and Doris Cole Clapp, each contributed a group of songs, and Dorothy Morton Jobst, recently received into membership, made her first appearance before the club. The appearance of Mrs. Jobst in two groups of ' piano numbers aroused much interest, because of the memory o her earlier performance in . Lincoln at a war-time benefit at the governor's mansion, when she was accorded much. praise. She was then Dorothy Morton of Omaha, but her marriage within the year to Mr. Jobst brought her to Lincoln to live. Her. fine technic, added to individu ality of style and musicianly feeling, made it possible for her to catch the fleeting moods of the composers represented and picture them in the colorful tones of . the piano. The playful . selections, Moszkowski's "Sparks? and Debussy's "Sparks," A a J1irhtii11v H! irate rtiarm Mrs. Jobst's touch was light and sure. She was equally successful in numbers of another style. Her per formance was altogether so fine that she can be welcomed as an important addition to Lincoln's musical groups. Mrs. Jobst's mother, Mrs. C. , W. Morton of Omaha, and her aunt, Mary Turner Salter, a distinguished musician and composer who has been ADVERTISEMENT CORNS . Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in stantly that com stops :hurting, then ' shortly you lift " it right off with fingers. Truly! - Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a- few cents, suffi cient to remove every hard corn.soft turn, vr cum uciwccu iwc .ut9 aiiu the calluses, without soreness or ir ritation. ,.' ADVERTISEMENT Old Sores; Ulcers and Eczema Vanish Good, Old, Reliable Peterson's Oint . .- ment a Favorite Remedy. . , t "HtA It ulcers on my legs. Doctors 'wanted to cut off Ice. Peterson's Oint . ment cored me." Wm, J. Nichols. 40S Wilder Street, Rochester, N. Y - Get a terse box for only 60 cents at any druggist, says Peterson, of Buffalo, and money baeic if It Isn't the best you aver need. Always keep Peterson's Oint ment in the house. Fin for burns, scalds, bruises, sunburn, chafing- and the sares4 remedy for itching ecsema and piles the world .has ever known. "Peterson's Ointment Is the best for bleeding and itching piles I have -er found." Major Charles E. Whitney, Vine yard Hares, Mass. "Petersen's Ointment has given great satisfaction for Salt Rheum." Mrs. J. Weiss, Cuylerville. N. T. All druggists sell it, recommend it. Mail - 4ilmA Kv Pjtl.rnn Ointment Cou Ine Buffalo. M. Y. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. will apply you. ADVERTISE HEN'V . . .1 . , Ends Stubborn Cough in a Hurry " Tor teat eaTertreeaesa, tMa eU inado remedy beawoeqoei. XaaUy aad eheaplr prepared. T YouH never know how quickly a bad cough can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-made rem edy. . Anyone who has coughed a" day and all night, will say that the immediate relief given ia almost like magic. It is very easily - prepared, and there ia nothing better for coughs. Into pint bottle, put 2Vs ounce of Pinex; then add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or you can use clarified molasses honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, the full pint Saves about' two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, and gives you a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant children like it. You can feel this take hold instantly, soothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. It promptly, loosens a dry, tight cough, and soon you will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day's e will usually break nit an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is also splendid for bron chitis, croup, hoarseness, and bron chial asthma. Pinex is a, most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, the most reliable rem edy for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask your drnptist for 2 ounces of Pinex with directions and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed te give bc lute satisfaction or money refunded. Ths Pinex Co, Ft, Wayne, Ind. . , Plays a Leading ' Role Kfitt If rDmiatH. a senior at the University of Omaha, will play a leading role in the vaudeville skit, feature of the junior-senior mixer to be held in the university auditorium Friday evening, February 11. . visiting in Omahaf were both present for the recitaj. . . t Valentine ; Dinner-Dance. A number of large '' parties are planned for Saturday evening at the Valentine dinner-dance at the Uni versity club. Dr. Edwin Davis will have 22 guests. A party of 20 will be entertained by B. Kveuild. .Rob ert A. JvfcCague will have 14 guests. Parties of 12 will be given by Dr. W. P. Wherry and Dr. A. P. Overgard. Ten guests Vjir be entertained by Earl Harkins and I. J. Wachter. , C. E. Walrath has made reserva tions for eight guests. Smaller din ner parties are planned by Victor Dietz, J. D. Evans, Dr. Glenn Whit comb. Merrill Wallace. H. G. Sliedd, J. F. Purney, Robert D. Nealy and David H. Bowman. . Celebrates Birthday. Gertrude Irene Welch, daughter of Jvfr. and Mrs. John W. Welch of Benson, celebrated her birthday last Saturday with an Orpheum party, followed by tea at the Athletic club. A handsome birthday cake -was a feature of the tea. Mr. and , Mrs. Welch chaoeroned the party. Miss Welch's guests included Martha Hig gins, Marjorie Burns, Winona Run yon, Jeanie Lauer, Georgine Rasmus- sen, Alice Mitchell, Virginia Kaipn, Mary Alice Lichen and Lois Khoy. For Miss drim. Miss' Mildred Rhoades enter tained at the dinner-dance at the Athletic club, Wednesday evening, in honor of Miss Mildred Grim of Oak Park, I1L, who is visiting at the Anderson Long home. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Long, Mrs. A. T. Ross, jr., of Minatare, Neb.; Miss Grim, Miss. Rhoades, Kendall Hammond, Paul Griswold, Lawrence Hogue and Harold Weeth. vt,vJre-Lenten Bridge. "Miss-Rose Whafen entertained eight guests at bridge Tuesday aft ernoon tf.pne,yalentine dec orations fa'fiaf(??eM ... School The junior class of Sacred Heart High school entertained their school mates at a pre-Lenten party Tues day afternoon at the school, i Personals ADVEBTIrtKMENT 666 will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than any , thins we know, ' preventing pneumonia.' A. M. Knodle left Tuesday for Idaho for an indefinite stay. Mrs. George Prinz, who has been ill, is convalescing at her home, t Miss Anna Soellesey of Platte Center is visiting at the J. H. Lynch home. ; ' v- J. C. Youngs has recently been in New York City, stopping at the Hotel McAlpin. V . ' Dr. kai Mrs." CG'' Elmore are spending the winter at De Soto Park, Tampa, Fla. ( Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns, left Tuesday for New YofkV They will be ftonc two yeeks. - : ' tn S S. rarlise'i at the Stanley i hospital, Rochester, Minn., where she' wilMindergo an operation. Mrs. 'Tohn- Frederick Christiansen of Chicago, 'who is visiting Mrs. C. Louis Meyer, leaves Saturday tor ner home. Miss T Katherine -Reynolds, left Thursday. for Lincoln.. .'She will spend the week-end at the Achoth House. . ' , . : .. . Frank J. Hughes," who has beetji iil at the Swedish Mission hospital,' is now recovering and is atthe Sand-, ford hotel. . - ) . Mrs. Fritz Baumcister of Council Bluffs leaves the latter part of the week to spend tw6 weeks in Chicago and Duluth, . Vl-.:-..;.V(;-I.'ii Mrs. A. M. Ross, jr., of Minatare, Neb., arrived Sunday to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad. Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, who formerly resided here, returned Saturday from the east and has taken an apartment at the Blackstone. . . ' ""'Mrs. Miltofli'Shirek of "New jifork City, " who ' spent' several, days in Omaha visiting 4er brotberj.TJr. H. if. Fitzgibbon, has gone to St. Louis. Frank Crawford, a f6mer' Oma han, now residing in Paris is spend ing a few days at the Fontenelle. H? leaves the latter part of. the week for Wew York. ' ,.' v y, , ,,.ti .. Miss Izetta.- Smith is, the guest of Miss Vreda Birch in Topeka, Kan. Miss Smith will spend some time ' with school friends in Kansas City before returning home. i . . . Miss Margaret - Eastman left t Wednesday evening for i Hollidays 'burg,' Pa., where she,. attends High land Hall. Miss Eastman did not leave Sunday, as originally planned. t Mrs. Silas Barton ahd'small son. Silas,, jr., of Grand Island, are yet in Paris, according to word received by Airs; Bartons parents, Mr., and Mrs.'Richard L. Metcalf.. They are planning to spend three or four weeics in r.ngiana oeiore returning to this country, but will not leave Paris for a short time, as Master Silas is in school at the present time. Omaha Chapter : D. iV, R. Elects Delegates saase-aaaw-a At a meeting of the Oniaba chap ter of the Daughters, of the Ameri can Revolution .(Tuesday afternooh at the home of Mrs. Charles M, Wilhelm the .following i delegates were elected lhc national, conven tion of the- D. A.. R. to be, held in Washington, D.--W the middle of April: Mrs. Edgar Allen, delegate; Mesdames Homer CL Stuntir, Charles WiWefmr-S..D. Barkatoi A. C Troup, J. B. Revnolds, T. H. Tracy, A. L. Fernald. R. C. Hwyt, L. D. Shipman and L'" F. . Easjterly, alter nates. - . ' ' Delegates to the state convention to be held in Columbus, Neb., March IS, 16, 17, are as follows: Mesdames T. J. Stubbs,.W. W. McBride and F. P. Larmon, delegate; Mesdames Edgar Allen, H. C. Stuntz, C. E. Adams,- J. B. Reynolds, W. B. Howard," George Mifckel and F. F. Porter, alternates. Mrs. R. A. Finky, regent, w delegate to both conferences by virtue of her office. Mrs. Charles H. AulL vice presi dent general N. S,: D. A. R attends both conferences as, delegate. Mrs. Edgar H. Allen is also a delegate to the general court, Daugh ters of Founder and Patriots of America, from Nebraska -chapter, to be held in Wastsjngton, D. C,' April 15: v r - Mrs: Homer C Stuntx has received $280 from Omaha chapter for the Near East fund which will take care of five children for a year. The chapter has given its full quota to the Sarah , E. Guernsey scholarship fund, the national fund being $6,0UQ, to the AmericantzauQa college at Springfield. Mass. - Mrs. Freeman P. Kirkendall has invited Omaha chapter and their guesjts to a colonial rea on Tuesday afternoon, February 22, from 3 to 5, in celebration of, Washington's bujtbday. .. . Pottery f Exhibit at the . , Public Library The Omaha Society of Fine Arts has entirely transformed the third floor of the library. The room where the pottery is exhibited ' is com pletely redecorated. The color scheme is most artistic in its effect. A list of the pottery includes: Fulp's pottery froro FJemiagton, Fkmington, N. J. "Marbkhead pottery, Marfclehead, Mass. Moravian Pottery and Tile Works, also a group of tiles, Doyleslown, Pa. Newcomb college. School of Art, New Orleans, La. . New York State School of Clay Working and ' Ceramics, Alfred, N. Y. The .Pan 1 , Revere pottery, Brighton, Mass. v The. Robineau pottery; Syracuse, N Y.' , - The'v Rockwood pottery, Cmcrn- nati, O.. ...v;.-; . , - ':V Greenwich House, ' New ,;Yrrk, N. Y. i,: .' V . '.',; OmaroKhayyam pottery, Candler, N.- C. ' Bridge and Ifnvl' . Mrs. Ttrasnas M. Jons entemliwi at a mnsiosland bridge Tuesdaitltr; emoon at her home in honor of her guest,' Mrs. A. H. Smith, of Kansas Cjity, and Mrs, George French of this city. .Twenty were-present. . X j i..- i i i i i, ,- f ' ; Theater Party.; , ' Jlrs. M.; G. CoW .and Mrs. M. G, Cblpetzer were lfl charge of a maii ness party Wednesday . t. the. Of-pheum-for the wives f lumber deal ers, .who are iow in convention. The matinee was followed by tea 'at the Athletic club. " v'. '- Bridge Party. ''. " Mrs. Roger Holman entertained 12 guests, at a bridge party at her home Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Donald -Baxter -of Grand Rapids, Mich., who is visiting at the W. W. Slabaugh home..; . Pre-Lenten Dance. - Alpha Kappa chapter of Zi Pst Phi Dental fraternity of Creighton en tertained at a pre-Lenten dancing party at the chapter house Tuesday evening. " - A famous London orchestra re- eently ousted all its women players, who had been members since uie war. ' : H0DDING5A HUSBAND. "' Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife ADVKRTI8EM ETN'T MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs' Child's Best Laxative Accept "CalifornU" Syrup of Figs only look lor the name California on the package, then you are sure your child ishaving the, best and most harmless physic for the little stomachic liver arid bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle.-- You must : say California." : ' v . i . " i The Helpful Plan Lillian Suggested. Little Mrs. Durkee-rushed to Lil lian's side aud sank on a hassock at her. feet. I'll tell the world I'm all ears," she said, with the slangy playful ness which does not Seem affected in her . as it ofteA- des in other women- of heir, years. I Lillian smiled, down at the eager little woman, , aiid I saw that her sremiine affection for Her Fluftlness was fast obliterating the anger f knew she had felt at my neighbor's selfish shortsightedness in the mat ter of Leila's room decorations.1 "The plan is a very simple one foH me, . she said deprccatingly. i ou see, in my profession, know more or less intimately, a .number , of clever women Who ; are interior decorators. There are many oc casions when wc help each other out of difficulties. 111 telephone ..the best, of them tonight, toll her what we want, and arrange to meet her at 9 o'clock in the morning. You must give me every measurement tonight, and descriptions' of everything in here yon want duplicated in the rose shades.' I'll be back with the things on the noon .rmin. Have- -your luncheon, befor';I-tome, just leave a cup of tea and i jtfi'ck hite-for me, and have your sewing machines and yourselves all ready for work. Jim will be home hy that time, you say, Madge, then' he can move your ma chine over here. We four ought to have everything in here fiuished long before the bride arrives. What do you say?" "Sayr little 'Mrs.. Durkee ejaculated. "Say! if I could talk all that I'm thinking, and if every word were a dollar, you'd never have to do another tap of -work in your life! But I never could express myself," she added, with a doleful air that set Lillian and me into peals of laughter, for Her Fluffincss is almost a record-holder in the Hne of sustained and lengthy , clnttcr.: - r. " 'Wiping' our streaming r'eyes","wc pity you," Lillian quoted at last A Keen Command. Our handkerchiefs were really in use, for piir .little neighbor's naivete had suddenly loosened the tension under which we. had been laboring, and . we had :' actually laughed -until we cried. - - "Don't vou quote that stuff at'me," Mrs. Durkee threatened, "or I won't give . you one bit of dinner. ; Alf thinks Lewis Carroll jnade the world and then died. I'm sure I don't see anything so funny in him." "Yoa'U see nothing funny in life," Lillian retorted dryly, "unless you get .busy on these rooms. 'Isn't there something we can do to, help yotiv with -them? How about your room? It it ready to put these draperies up?" Little Hts. Durkee jumped to her feet with a movement hke a startled rabbit ; - ; "Gdodness no! she cried. "I'll just rnn down. to see that nothing's purning, and then we'll get busy tak ing down, curtains in my room. One good thingtf passably clean!" :,: I. took hold of her shoulders and s.wungsher around facing us. " Something's the matter with her ego, l said srravelv to Lillian "She's getting conceited in her old age. This is Ihe first time I ever heard her acknowledge that any room in ner nouse was tit tp fnter. Lilhan laughed merrily, for she also had heard Mrs. Durkee, most rastiaious ot Housekeepers, claim fussily that her rooms looked "a sight." Mylittle -neighbor wi enched herself free indignantly. "You think, you're just too cun APygBTISKMErST GDIRLS The newest complexion fad is derwillo. It instantly beautifies the complexion, whitens the akin and astonishes all who try it. Never be without it. Derwillo fives you a rosy, peach-like akin which everybody will rave about. If a absolutely harmless. Get it- today. Look out for substitutes. Druggists refund she money if it fails. See large announcement soon to appear in this paper. ADVERTISEMENT HMPLY?VEU,D0NT8E People Notice It i Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' , Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to dear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. : Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there's no sickness or oain after taking them. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets ts ever cursed with a "dark brown taste," A bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad cUspoarjon or pimply face. Ohve Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result Take one or t o nightly for a week. See how much better YOU feel and look. 15c and 30c. Kill That Cold With CAStARA rj(5lJININli .FOR "Wyfl AND Taica no chance, Ka this tajMlsnd nrnJy Itandy for tb Brat arMisza, Braaksup a cold In 4 boon - Rsbavrs Grippe in S days Ezcatlant tor Hklacha QuiniM in this foray does) hot ajfact tfaa bead Caacara la bast Tonic Laxative- No Opiata in Hill's. . ALL DRUGGISTS SELL if ning for anything, don't you?" she asked scathingly. But there was a gratified twinkle in her eyes as she hurried toward the stairs that told me she was not offended by my reference tcj her careful housekeeping. , As the door closed behind her I rushed over to Lillian and hugged her. " .. "You wizard!" I cried. "Perhaps " i ' "The work's ill to do yet," sle re minded me. "And don t you think tt would be advisable to give Edith a tip as to Mrs. Durkee's chauge of heart? She was decidedly resentful, don't you ihink, and we can't have her spilling the beans with Her Fluf finess by being of':; V. . . - ' "No of course," 1 assented, slow ly "but I wish .you'd speak to her, I'll be sure to make a tness of it.' Lillian looked at tne keenly. "Yes, you are so ttii.-tless," she re torted mockingly. "But 111 be the goat. Only you tnust come with me. t .' ,Her look told me 'plainly why she wished me to be present at her little colloauy with Edith Fairfax, al though she would never have put the thought into words. cut -1 knew that she did not wish the girl think I had any reason tb avoid her, any reluctance to see her.. ; We hurrkd to the back of - the house, where we found Edith strid ing hurriedly up , an down the stndio, her fingers clenched hi her palms. She was evidently trying to walk off the" anger that Was consum ing her. ; .. - ' -' : 1 .She started as she saw us, but Lil lian gave her no time for either re sentment or embarrassment. "I don't. for fighting the atmonphereV' she1 said . brusquely, "but IVf news' for you.' Mrs. Dur- S vnv. m .1 lie M- . fl, 11 jtbf tired aching feet For grateful relief from that swollen, dry and stiff sensation, bathe your feet whhResinol Soap and hot water. Then apply Resinol Ointment, rubbing it in thoroughly and allowing it to remain on for ten or fifteen minutes or over night, if possible. , This mUi treatment rarely failm to sootiie sad in-, vigwrate tiMd acfeiac. All .druggiata, sell fteaiaol Soap aad OuiaaeBt. kee saw the light a few minutes ago, and we're to have a busy time to morrow changing Leila's room over intoa Ibower 6t 1ier favorite -rose color. "And we're counting on your help, so don't be sore at Her Fluffi ness. - It was merely thoughtless ness, I'm sure." "Perhaps," Edith Fairfax returned dryly, then she looked "with -warm affection at Lillian. "But I knew whose thoughtf ulness it wasl" she said. Continued Tomorrow.) Special Features for February Clean Sweep Sale The congress .oi the International Council" of Women,' ( in session at Chtistiana," Norway, has passed'. resolution' Urging ' that ; women be represented m the -league of nationsi AUV.ltTlSkMENT "DANDERINE" : 1 1 utiisi oavc four . nairi;; . : jyuax ii Auunoanu . .... ; ..u I 1 It' ' i " l Th is is i X .. .Nl1rir7r -n 9 IX ;wrTv"TLJ 'pl! Special t ..;-; THOR ELECTRIC CLEANER Immediately.:. after, a "Dauderine" massage, your hair takes oft' new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, ap pearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems' to fluff and thicken. -Don't let your hair stay lifeless,, colorless, plain or. scraggly., You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. . A 35-cent bottle ' of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness and .abundant thickness All druggistsl Jft3oMayy;itiAiii4 known as. a Sweeper of extra-, ; :. - .dmsty quality. ,..r C-: " -'it SAVE--oursfillet the Thor do the sweeping. m ''; t0Ty6m''-'r; -. f ; v.... CURED t In 6 to 14 Days SAVEthe Bugs and Carpets by using the Thor y , . instead of the broom. . SaS&lars lsgetting' a Thor at Bowen'f t -'y 32.50; ; . $t00 DELIVERS This Guaranteed Cleaner TO YOUR HOME A Footstool Like This for 65c GENERAL STEAMSHIP OFFICE Tickets via all Steamahlp . Lines to any point in tbe world. Representing Thoa. Cook . A -Son, a'qa all. other Eu ropean Tour Companies. .ExMitt travel Information eheerfalhr torn is ned , a Ai. PALMER, Art, (Steamship' Travel Specialist.) - 1909 Harney St. Pfaoaa Doug. O710, -: . .'4)'maaai Neb. .. ADVEETISEMENT T SUFFER . Use Soothing -Mustei-de When those sharp pain go shooiin; through your head, when your skui. seems as if it would split, hist rub avlittlc Musterole on your temples and neck. It draws out the inflammation, Boothec awaythepain,usuallygivmgquickrelief. Musterole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. Better thati: a mustard ' plaster and does not blister. Many doctors and hurses frankly recornmendIi,sterote for sore Ciroat,; bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congesUon.pleurisy.rheuma tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, braises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneu monia). It is always dependable. 25c and 65c jars; hospital size $3.00 ,AH druggists are authorized to refund the money If PAZO OINT MENT fails to' Cure any case of ,rrcrHiNG, bund, bleeding or PROTRUDING PILES. Cures ordinary cases in 6 days, the worst cases in 14 days., PAZO OINTMENT iratantly fee-' lieves ITCHING PILES and you can get restful sleep after the first applicafioh. ' It is guaranteed by Paris Med- icine Co., St, Louis, Mo., Manu facturers of the world-famous Groves Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. This signature is on every box of PAZO OINTMENT. . 60c. - . ADVEBTISKMEXT New hair for You? . Ha has been grown again, after bald ness, in many cases. This is now scien tifically proved, Yc may bean amen ablecase; but you bav buot been using the proper relief. So do Hot delay in apply ing Kotalko. The producers are so con fident they offer you satisfactory, haiii growth or ynt tndrieyback. . Get small box or KOTALKO at any actire drug store. Apply Kotalko each dsy ; watch your mirror! Do a kindly, act, show bald Irionds thjs advtriis-nmU m I TWk down, urofagn hmsti or otasT TSCtfL w foa are sanaaa? dasaoaJsat. weak. l ua ouwu. taroflen sxesas i mnt to nail jam our book whica taUs aboat SCXTONIQVB, a rattcnein raBMdy that will east yea tnthiaa it yoa are not eared or bsoeBtea. Brarr aaaa Madiaa- a tonic ta saarmaiis feraaaal wasksais, ete aoBU vt thia iee baok at soea. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY Berry Black, . NashvUla. Tana. "" Reflular Price $20 r I ' . ... wonderful' value in a sptendid Foot Stool, either In a rlcs golden or popular fumed oak. . Exactly as .Illustrated. ) 1IH Inches long, U inches wide,,' 9 inches high; mads of solid oak, upholstered with genuine moleskin. , - A Fortunate Purchase Makes ' THti Special Possible r m. Tpmorrow morning we are placing on Spe- ,1 cial sale 3G CleaWell hand power Dolly Washing . ; Machines for ' ' $8.95, S1.00 Delivers One to Your Heme. ' Bowen's Aluminum ' Curtain Bowen's n ,..j Percolatofs - Stretchers Guranteed oft , 95t Guaranteed; Carpet step- ?wan.r - Aluminum. . Ladder, Brooms sweeper,-. Tea Kettles Stools $195 , $2.25 S1.85 . Library Tables for Thursday Selling Genuine Quartered Oa, beautiful golden oak finish, else 42 Inches long, 26 inches wide; has large 20-lnch drawer. fQ C A $27.50 Table Tomorrow tor v. ..,.....Pi7sOU. Save Dollars by Making Your Drapery : Purchases Now Th mrAfifle bitaidinflr of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persona who suffer from-- ; Sleepless aesa Loss ot Appetite : DlfleaUvc Troubles - NervounesMi Depression '. , Brain Fas v, ; ' Slow Recovery from Influenxa and Kindred Ailments Are you run deva? Are you Irritable? Are yoa overworked r Thea try this approTed remedy and aatlafy yoitrself ot its beneficial ia STadianta. la orisiaal lS-oa. aottlea only. '. . . -( BRLA-CEA DRUG CO. - -A' Bole Manufacturers . For Sale by - Kansas City; Me. MERRITT DRUG STORES " ' No. 1 09 So. 16th Street. Ho. Z Z002 i'arnam Street . and leadina Nebraska druggists. . ' ' Special Panel Net - Panel' Nets for lace shades " and curtain, ,f row . 6 to 12 inches wide and 90 inches long. ' $1.00 .Panelling, per strip. $ .50 . 1.25 Panelling, per strip. .65 ' 1.60 Panelling, per strip i .75 2-00 Panelling, per strip. 1.00 -2.25 Panelling, per strip. 1.15 2.50 Panelling, per strip. 1.30 2.75 Panelling, per strip. 1.40 , S.OO Panelling, per atrip. 1.50 Assorted lot of fine Imported Swiss and Brussels Net Panel- ling that were' selling fort 13.50; ' to J5.00 per sttlpt ': itUpl-'i L. A, '"L. Fancy Voile Panelling In white . and ivory colors, 6 and 8 inches wide, that were selling at $2.50 to $3.50 per strip. Your choice at SI. 45 per strip. , I Remarkable - Value in . Blanket and Comfort $ 4,M Blankets.. ....,.$1,95 , $6.50 Blankets. .......$2.05, $ 8.50 Blankets.. 153.05 $ 9.00 Blankets........ $4.05 . $10.00 Blankets........ $4.05 ' $110 Blankets $5.45 : $12.00 Blankets........ $5.05 Comfort 6.00 Comforts ...$2.45 $ 7.00 Comforts i$3.45, ; $ 7.50 Comforts. i4$3.75;'. $ 8.00 Comforts. ...... .$3.95 $iz.oo comforts. ....... $17.50 Comforts........ $19.00 Comforts .. ... . . . Crib Blanket: . $2.00 Value, each $1.39 $1.75 Value, each .89 $3.45 p.95 $9.95 Bed Spread Special - 4 ' Plain Crochet Spfeads, hemmed and square corners, one price. $?.00 Spreads fori. .$2.95 $7.00 Spreads for..'.... ..$3.65 $7.75 Spread for...:...;... $3.75 $8.50 Spreads for..;....:; .. $3.95 $9.50 Spreads for,,. ............$4,95 ' BOWENHowaidSttBetween 15th and 16th 5) fiHars Fistula-Pay When Cured ffZCnA1 jL JLvCroS A mM ritem of treatment that ouree Pilw. Fistnla and' ethes U sU-arQ2at L&U9' Reetal Siaeaaea in a abort time, without a aeTere soncleal en- ..... .,h,, dV. ration. No Chloroform. Ether or other nneral anesthetia aaed. A-ure Ruaraatved ta every case accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid entil eared. Write for book en Beats! Diseases, with names and teatimoniela of more thaa 1.000 .Brominent Dod1 hn h.v. hMn nman.nflw umH. vk. K. K. TARKY Sana(oiua. fatara Tnl Bldf, (Baa Bids.) .Omaha, Nee. r ktck wllhMt iimtlM II HINT'S illy fall ta ma trtal fnt at ITCH. ECZCMA, RIN8 WORM.'TETTIK r stliw KtMa' kla atiaaaH. Try a 71-omt so Sherman A McConnell Drug Ca wumulihji Shenwa 4V McConnell Prog Cevt