Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Emerald Hotbed'
0f Pro-Germans,
- Probe Report
Legion investigators Urge Re
moval of. Postmaster Say
Foreign Tongue Is Foisted
Ibn 'American Children.
, .
. Lincoln, Feb. 9, (Special) A
preliminary report of the "Emerald
r incident" by a special committee of
the local post of the American
Legion, made public Wednesday set
forth the following facts and con
clusions.: "-.
That a two-thirds majority of the
congregation of the Su ' Johns
Evangelical Lutheran church west of
Emerald, is foisting the German
tongut on the .American, element. ,
Want PostrhaBter, Removed.
That Henrv fc.' W. 'Jarms. post
master and leader of the .German
rlrmcnt. should be relieved of th
prestige and emoluments" of his
federal oosition.
That Vpertiaps the legislature can
help" in the remedy, which lies in
edeatidn and assimilation,,, ana.j'oi
"in hasty or violent speech or ac
tion.", , . . y,
Thai the Present loyal element in
the congregation remain and use
their influence toward . Araerican-
t izstion. - -. -
"It is extremely unfortunate,"
the committe found' "that foreign
communities actually exist within
lOmiiles of Lincoln, which oppose
the use , of the American language,
. . J : ' . . lint . ... l
ina your cuiiihihiccs icc.a uw
publicity should be given this situa
tion." -
' Will, Continue Probe.
'. George Fawelf, jr., commander of
.the local post and one of the two
. American Legion speakers who. were
, not oermitted to talk alter theyitiaa
' beenlhvited to the church last week
for American addresses, says that
. the present report is only prelim
inary and the committee will con
' tinue a rigid probe of the situation.
The1 committee consists of Marcus
L. Poteet, chairman; Guy Chambers,
,Leslte.Hyde, E. n. Lhappeii,, frame
B. O'Connell and Mason Wheeler.1
v . . "There is no place in America
for hose who wilfully set them
v selves up as opposed 'to our lan-
guage,- our institutions and'. 'our
' ideals " the report says, in citing the
fact that in January a majority of
the congregation of 40, by decreeing
German to be . the - lartguage of
1 church,' Sunday ; school and . con
A firmation "inposed its .will on , the
children of loyal American citizens."
vDenver Girls Accuse (;
'a Omaharis ;of Beating
Them Up at Cabaret
Denver, Colo., Feb. 9. (Special
Telegram.) On complaint of Jo
sephine, Phillips, 16, of 2137 Welton
streetand 1 Helen Reandon, 18, of
1830 ,;Welton street, who said they
'' - had 'been beaten druing a cabaret
: partyvSaturday night. Ralph Ford,
31. and Gene Livingston, 21, both
of Omaha,' were arrested yesterday
by Detectives Harry Lane and Clar
ence Jones. - r
Ford and Livingston, who said
they were the girls' escorts, denied
any knowledge of the beating which
the jprjs said had been administered
to thjni. None of the members . of
the party could tell r the police 'the
location of, the cabaret where the
: trouble occurred. - -.' .
Ne York Cartoonist and
t J-Newspaper Woman Wed
' " ' New York, Feb. 9. The marriage
of Robert i Minor, cartoonist and
. newspaper f, man, and Mrs. Joe
" O'Brien (Mary Heaton Vorse) the
' novelist, was announced here today
by thd latter. ,Mrs. Minor , is the
-widow-of Joe O'Brien, writer on
-labor subjects, who died in 1915.
- Minor, who went abroad as a
newspaper correspondent, was ar
rested .by United States military au-
ahorities in Germany June 6, 1 1919,
charged with having waged a cam
paign of propaganda to weaken the
. power of the United States army,
v He was never brought to trial, as the
judge advocate general of the A. E.
F. ruled there was not sufficient evi
dence for a conviction. " ;
"Odorous Bombs" Used to
Get Contracts in Chicago
Chicago; Feb: 9, Use of "odorous
bombs" as an argument to persuade
: owners of Chicago movie theaters to
sign 'an electrical maintenance -contract
is charged by instigators of an
investigation which Robert E.
Crow; state's attorney, announced
' today . he has undertaken. '
Four theater owners who refused
or neglected to sign the contract
weevictiras of the bombs on Mon--'day,
It is charged, . and the state's
attorney was told that proprietors
who isigned have been "shaken
, - down for thousands of dollars.
Committeewoman Still Is -
' Favorable .t'o George White
. Cleveland, O., Feb. 9. Mrs. A
B. Pyke, democratic national com
mitteewoman from Ohio, issued a
statement today ra which she de
clared her signature to the letter sent
to George White of Marietta, chafr-'
' man of the national democratic com
mittee, '; virtually "demanding his
resignation, had been obtained by
National Committeeman Thomas E.
-Love of Texas-through a misunder
standing. ' She - telegraphed Mr
. White , last night that she was a
. "firm and staunch supporter."
Recover Bandit Car
. O'Neill, Neb., Feb.' 9. (Special)
The-.automo"bile stolen here Satur
day night and used by the Orchard
bank robbers was recovered r at
Yankton, S. D. - : ; .
Elks Give Minstrels"
" Grand Island, NebV Feb. 9. (Spe
cial.) Grand Island Elks for two
nights filled the auditorium at their
home-talent minstrels. 1
. . t 1 '."'
. V '. Recover Stolen Car
.'; Grand Island, Neb., Feb. 9. (Spe-cial)--An
automobile stolen from
E. CHunt of Hastings, here, was
found abandoned three miles south
of town. -
To Core a Cold L. One Day
- TakwOROVKS Lavatlvo BROMO CjufNTWH
; Ublrt.Th Kennin Jar th signature of
. 36. W. qw jU)t aur vou et JbKOMO.) 19c.
"Dead Man" Wires for
$400; Now He's m Jail
Vv 11
Mrs. Euphemia . . Grabenheimer,
widow of a New Orleans millionaire,
was in receipt of the following tele
gram several days ago from her
daujrhter-in-Iaw. j"Edwin killed in
auto accident. Wire regard to burial."
Later came another telegram, 'need
$400 for expenses. Wire without per
sonal maentuicauon requirca.
Ora." Mrs. Grabenheimer got Coro
ner Hoffman of Chicago on the phone.
The coroner was puzzled because
no report of the death showed on
his records. Detectives were at tlie
telegraph office when Edwin, with
his sister-in-law. and Arthur C. Davis
arrived, All three were arrested.
Edwin, who is 28, set out for Chicago-
hrfz years - ago, where he
wooed and won Miss Ora Smith.
" ':-' ' ''' ' , . ' V ' '''"'. .; ,' -.'. ''.'::' .' ' " -' .' ''. - . '" . "'
Appetizing and strength-giving, luscious
Seaiasweet grapefruit are rich in food and
health values. They tune the meal and tone
the system. "' - .
For breakfast most delicious, at lunch equal
A fine showing of Sealdsweet grapefrait right from the groves of Florida.
Sealdsweet grapefruit will be served in a number of ways, unique and original.
" Come and learn more about Sealdsweet grapefruit, once scarce and high
priced luxuries, now produced in such quantities as to give plenty for all.
To every person who attends there will be made a gift of copy of beautiful
and instructive book, "Florida's Food-Fruits", containing many tested recipes for
dishes made from grapefruit and oranges. .' '
You buy oranzes
sweet oranges you get more juice.
The weight of an orange indicates the quan
tity of juice. Sealdsweet oranges are heavier
Declare Harding
Choice of People
Electoral Votes Are Offi
cially Canvassed at Joint
Meeting of Senate
And House.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 9. The
election of W. G. Harding as presi
dent and . Calvin Cooiidge ' as vice
president was formally declared to
day at a joint session of the senate
and house. - i ,
With.. dull solemnity and without
demonstration such as "marked the
"elections": of president Wilson, the
tw9' bodies canvassed the votes cast
by the electors chosen at the elec
tionsjast November 2. The formal
vote tallied with the informal; re
sults known to the public on the
day after election, with 404 votes for
Mr.'-Hardtng and Coplidge to 127 (or
James M. Cox and Franklin D.
Roosevelt, democrats.
Vice President Marshall presided
and gave an effectual warning
against any demonstration for an oc
casion which, he said, "was solemn
and important," and should be car
ried through in silence.. Unlike many
previous occasions, the- vice presi
dent's warning was heededy except
for a titter over slip-tips of the tell
ers in pronouncing" name's of states
and announcement of the results.
By a coincidence, Senator Lodge,
republican floor leader, who acted as
a teller, announced the first votes,
from Alabama, for Messrs. Cox and
Roosevelt, while Senator Underwood
of Alabama, democratic teller, an
nounced the first returns for Messrs.
Harding and Cooiidge from Ari
Grapefruit DeJrionstration-Display '
The Central Market
1608 Harney Street
Oranges -Better Because Juicier
for the juice. In Seald
zona, in the alphabetical canvass of
the electors' vote. ;
A large gallery audience, composed
mostly of women, watching the pro
ceedings, which were completed in
about half an hour.
Diggs Nolen Ordered
Held for Grand Jury
Memphis,. Tenn., Fe1x 9. W. L.
Huntley, jr.. banker; H. Diggs No
len. drusr store owner, and his wife
were arraigned today on charges of
receiving stolen-property in connec
tion with the marketing in Memphis
recently of Liberty bonds identified
as part . o . the loot obtained in the
robbery of a broker's messenger in
Brooklyn last November of Liberty
bonds valued at $4oo.uuu.
JNolen ana his wite waived pre
liminary hearing and were released
on bond to await action of the grand
jury. Huntley's case was continued
to Friday. :
. The arrest of Huntley and Nolan
and his wife followed identification
of approximately a quarter, million
dollars of Liberty bonds . cleared
through a Memphis bank as part of
the haul made in the Brooklyn rob
bery; .'., ..,.. ; .
Nicaragua Soon. Will Send
Diplomatic Mission Out
Managua, Nicaragua, Feb. 9.-
Nicaragua will send a diplomatic
mission to Costa Rica, Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras for ' the
purpose of clearing up points which
caused the withdrawal of this coun
try from the Central American union
conference held recently at San Jose,
Costa Rica.
. Forest Patrol Man Dies
. Quebec. Feb. 9. "Reports that
Lieut. G. Vezina of the air fire pa
trol guarding timber lands was killed
yesterday when his airplane crashed
near Ste. Anne de Chicoutimi were
received here today.
ly; delightful "and with, "dinner even more
palate-pleasing. Sealdsweet grapefruit also
have a wide variety of uses in cookery, con
fections and ices. They afford the ideal base
for salads. '
because juicier. Buy 'oranges
Ripened on the trees, sweet
Sealdsweet oranges quench .
hunger and build strength.
British Seek to
Cancel Wireless
Grant to America
Pressure Being Implied by
Legation to Get Chinese to
Prohibit Erection of Wire
less Plant at Shanghai.
- Peking, . Feb.' 9. premier Clmi
Yun-Peng, under pressure of the
British , legation here, is seriously
considering a proposal to cancel the
contract of the American Federal
company with the ministry of com
munications for the construction of
a wireless plant in Shanghai, The
British allege that it violates the
fifovernment's contract with th Mar
coni company, which 'gives' the lat
ter coneern a virtual monopoly on
wirelesa construction in fhin
Charles R., Crane, American min
ister to utina, through Dr. W. W,
i en. the toreicm minister. ns sue
Rested that cancellation nf th rnn
tract with the Federal company be
aeierrea, pending direct negotia
tions, which, it is understood, the
Washington administration i taVinv
up wun tne untisn government. Mr.
viaiic jccis wic (jucsuun is niosi important,-
bearing on future American
etiorts toward direct intrpnnrs
with China. . . '
Japan, which lodged la protest in
January against the Federal contract
on the eround that it infringed
rights acquired two years ago by
a Japanese company, has made an
additional protest, . while . Denmark
also has lodcred one. allptrinc in
The attitude of the Chinese for-
eignN office, as unofficially expressed,
for weight!
and delicious,
thirst, satisfy
is that ifie British and .American
contracts were executed by different
departments of the government with
different aims, and hence there is no
conflict. With regard to the Japa
nese coutract, it is alleged the ap-
anese have not fulfiHed the terms of
the contract and thereby nave re
lieved the ministry of communica
tions from obligation' incurred un
der it
Dempsey Abandons Plans
For Trip Through the East
Los Aneeles. CaL, Feb. 9. Jack
Dempsey, heavyweight champion,
changed his plans, and instead of go
ing to New York he returned here
and announced today that tomorrow
he will begin preliminary training
for his fight with Georges Carpen-
tier, European champion. .
Kansas Plans Bonus
Toneka. Kan.. Fph. 9. A hnmis nf
$1 a day for each day's service for
all Kansas men who participated in
the late war is provided in a bill in
troduced in both houses of the leeris-
lature today. The bill calls for a
bond issue of $25,000,000.
I To have your dentistry com-
s : pleted by careful exact dentists,
1 stimulates a' confidence un-
5 . equalled. '. Our policy and
methods is to give the best.
WW woman y M u$y 44 pb ""d yrt smart" Dorotht Da E f) .
jTLyl UR new spring fasluoM,anriving E Jl
.. QXp 2 Vy daily, were painstakingly chosen . j CwD . '
. , Hj ! . , for their 'fine fabrics, splendid needle, ' lj '
j work and dignified simplicity. ; - M .
, Ay , We truly believe our collection repre TT .
1 VV j seats the best there is in fashionable : J R
' i 1) gM hh rayjt-j tsiJj wp h m n m n h w ifi Vi w vip n wti wh hw r tr' H i
iIlllllillilllllilullill!llilnllill!lliili!liiii!iuiHi:j!iliiliiiiiliiliil;iili:i;iliil!:urilINfi , jjf,
I; Is Oixr WW'a I
I w- ! r-HsJlA A-- i lowest prices and op eaSI . fi
I Policy 00 j . ;, v;. '1;;' : ' I
201 Neville Block, 16th and Harney Sts.
t. ' : Tyler 2082. j
' ' Office Hour 8:30 t 5:30 .
Sunday -10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Getting Back to
Ourf entire stock of Suitcases, also our standard
makes of Trunks and Traveling Bags have reached
a new price level. Our present prices are stabilized
' and we assure the prospective purchaser that these
prices will remain tor at least six montns.
This price readjustment of ours is coinciding with the
nalion-rvide movement of reducing prices.
Frelihg & Steirile
1803 Farnam St Here 15 Years
Let Our Factory Trained
Put Your Piano in Order
1807 Farnam
- Omaha
10 Are Arrested
In Pittsburgh in
Ticket Fraud
v. . f (
Scheme lo Defraud Railroad
by Redemption of Tickets Is
Said to Have Netted
Gang $25,000.
Pittsburgh, Feb. ?. Pennsylvania
railroad detectives announced here
last night that with the arrest of
seven Pullman conductors, another
Pullman employe and two residents
of Pittsburgh, a scheme to swindle
the road of thousand of dollars
through redemption of tickets had
been uncovered. The prisoners,
charged with conspiracy to defraud,
larceny, embezzlement", . receiving
stolen goods and other charges
under state laws pertaining to the
Crown., $4.00 and up; Plates, I
. . e-i c--. . ;
""a upi "T ?
75c and up; extraction, 50
cents; Gold Plate, $50 and up.
Comfort Your Skin
and Fragrant Talcum
fcasphMt,Tm.tJ&mr1ir. BmpIm
Arm x Cmlirara Ljitxr.urlM. JL Uatdu. am
theft' of railroad: tickets, were, held
for a hearing tiday.
The information made ; before
Alderman M. A. Riley by the de
tectives charged that the conductors
ustead .of canciUing tickets, espec
ially those for long trips, disposed
of them to a "fence" here who had
them redeemed. The detectives
said that thefts of tickets amounting
to .about ' $25,000 have been dis
covered and hat they expected fur
ther investigation would put the
railroad's loss far in excess of that
amount ' " ?
North Carolina Overrun
By Bootlegging Element
Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 9. Moon- '
shiners' activities are reported to
have created a reign of terror, at
Roxboro, Person county, prompting
citizens to organize and finance a
law and 'order league because of
threats and lnwlfa arts On hnnci
there was said to have been dyna
mited in an attempt to "get" the .
constable, and ilm
threatening letter warning"'' ' hiin
against efforts to check illicit dis- ,
tilling. ' i - .-
The standard piano' of itlie world.
j. W. York & Son band instru
ments, violins, guitars, ukeleles,
sheet music and teachers' sup
plies, in fact everything in music.
Pay lis a visit and be convinced.
Schmoller 6? Mueller
KV8 Piano Co. r
Closing Out
All Winter Lines of
Clothing and Shoes
$10. Extra Trousers. .86.48
$7;50 Extra Trousers. $4.48'
$5.00 Extra Trousers. 82.95
$15 Boys' Overcoats.. 87.50
$12.60 Mackinaws.... $6.00
$10 Harlow Shoes.. . 86.00
$5.00 Work Shoes... 82.95
$ 4.00 Misses' Shoes . . 82.39 '
$1.00 Ladies Rubbers. . 39 ,
25 c Gloves. ......... .".14
' .